#baal sabnock
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xatsperesso · 2 years ago
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My god someone slap some sense into him this is not the time for someone from the 13 crowns to make such commotion without at least trying to talk to the others, privately, about it like come on. Throwing a tantrum like that will just make them dislike you, you need to talk to them first and then you can shout to your heart's content
But there was something there. There was something in the way he talked, the words he chose. There was an emotion that i can't really pinpoint in his speech. Something that he's trying to say to sullivan between the lines, and i want to know what. This isn’t just about a new king, they’re having another conversation that can't be heard, and i am excited to finally get anything from Baal's past. Maybe he isn’t just a slimy terrorist who wants to be a king, maybe he was just a demon who got wronged and by Sullivan’s waiting.
Also this cracked me up
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This came out of nowhere but it was perfect. They saw an opportunity and they took it. Nice one, misfit scans
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kilfeur · 1 year ago
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Je pensais qu'on aurait un autre chapitre sur Mephisto mais en fait c'est sur Baal qui essaie d'établir un lien avec Shura et peut être soutirer des infos qui sait. Mais ça semble pas passer comme prévu ! Il est fatigué et a l'impression que ça tourne en rond. Il est aussi moins bavard par rapport au deviliculum. Après peut être que justement Shura parle tellement que du coup Baal peut même pas placer une ! Poro l'avertit qu'il doit la plaire et ne pas empirer les choses. Et donc comme il sait qu'elle aime la culture des démons, elle lui offre un pot de fleurs montrant qu'il écoute ses conversations. De ce que je vois Shura semble se sentir assez seule d'où les fréquents tea time avec Baal. Et elle a pas l'intention de pas lui lâcher, elle a un crush sur lui sauf qu'au final, il fera que la manipuler. La pauvre va avoir le coeur brisé en sachant ça !
I thought we were going to have another chapter on Mephisto but it's actually about Baal trying to establish a link with Shura and maybe get some info out of her, who knows. But it doesn't seem to be going as planned! He's tired and it feels like it's going round in circles. He's also less talkative than the deviliculum. Then again, maybe Shura is talking so much that Baal can't even get a word in! Poro warns him that he has to please her and not make things worse. And so, since he knows she loves demon culture, she gives him a pot of flowers to show that he's listening to her conversations. From what I can see, Shura seems to be feeling rather lonely, hence the frequent tea times with Baal. And she has no intention of giving up on him, she's got a crush on him except that, in the end, he'll just manipulate her. The poor girl's going to be heartbroken knowing that!
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 1 year ago
Alright Darlings, I'm sure you're curious about the new stories.
Let's review shall we?
Pierced my heart new chapter - robin x reader
Passion and flames - alice and mother songfic
Catnap - Iruma and hellcats hangout
Lucky card - orias songfic
Tea time - tea with flower princess
Eager to meet you - Derkila and Iruma meet
My happiness - songfic wedding with Balam x reader
In an instant - Derkila realizes he's in love with reader
Fun 101 - Alice x Lied (so use to doing reader stuff... meh)
My everything - Sabro x Iruma
Fire and Rain - Eito x (water demon fem! reader)
Enjoy the moment - big threes grandkids hangout
In-laws - Reader finally meets Balams parents
Bullseye - arranged marriage between robin and reader
I cherish you - jealous balam
Cat thief - klepto opera snatching things
My pupils - kalego and each student
What they call me - misfits calling kalego dad
No need for fear - Sullivan soothing Iruma panic attack... possible room for a songfic
Summoning - Iruma's parents summon Sullivan
Our roots - Suzy and Balam being plant buddies
Impulsive - Reader teaching a young kalego a thing or two about young opera songfic
Arrogance - If (demon reader) was a part of Baal's crew songfic
My muse - Silvia x Beem
The wonders of earth - Balam in the human world songfic
Toy box - Clara and reader having fun
Misfortune - Those affected by the top dog trio
Work... - Demon King Iruma and paperwork
Mother tongue - Balam learns human language
More than worthy - Iruma thinks he isn't worthy to be your child. That isn't true. If anything, you're not worthy of being his parent.
Please keep in mind I don't follow this list in order. It entirely depends on my mood about what I write. So please don't worry if you haven't seen your request written.
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madmarchhare · 2 years ago
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Let's forget that it's Baal and just be happy for Sabro being pleased for his uncle. He's such a good boy just gdjsnen OMFG I love him.
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jezatalks · 11 months ago
Thinking about mairuma again and how Sabro is the buffiest and has the slutiest wardrobe... like in the beginning his top was only nipples cover...
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swan-diaries · 2 years ago
Ok I'm in love with Baal's speech. I'm happily fed by his intervention. These panels are superb. He built his castle on Derkila's rainbow river. ("Sun..in every colour") that's amazing. Who's side am I on!? He's the villain but he's so cool. I was like Bachiko sensei who felt the need for something like this to happen and yes! Look how the atmosphere changed! Go Go Bachiko sensei 🩷 Baal is my Jareth the goblin king who's in charge of his masquerade.
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I want Baal or someone to create ripples like this in the coming chapters too. Even though he's a villain that I did not like at all at first because of what he's done, now my impression changed. He pointed the three of them towards a goal, motivated them with his story and what power he possesses. Such a person should be in charge of these events. And him being sabro's uncle, reminds me of the latter and I do hope I'll see him and all the misfits together pretty soon.
But I ask again.. Kiriwo senpai...where the hell are you
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madmarchhare · 2 years ago
Baal better leave the golden boy alone! He deserves no unkindness!
So... Now that Baal has "authority that rivals the great three" after the goddess support, have we considered that he probably could suggest Sabro as a oficial candidate for Demon King and people might run with it? I'm pretty sure he had commented on this idea waaay back, so... Yk. Just thinking.
Not that I believe will actually happen, but I think is an executable plan. He now got the people on his side, the backup power, gave a big public speach about letting the memory of Derkila go and find a new king already. It's really just a matter of how much more he need to manupulate the narrative. Although, coming all this way to not suggest yourself as a candidate is way too dicy. Sabro is not that gullible anymore to help with some of his ideals... Is he? (Baal looks like a expert manipulator tbh, so yeah prob)
I'm really curious to where we're heading with this. I didn't love some of the parts of the Deviculum arc, but it did got me intrigued. Although I hope the next arc is another big school arc, it feels like forever since Heartbreak somehow.
These are just some late night thoughts. I'm not rly the theorist type, I have awful intuition for these things, and am quite tired (beyond not remembering the plot 100% correctly even tho I just reread the arc). But I wanted to bet my cents on here.
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kurukufute · 3 months ago
Sabnock Sabro
Sabro Sabnock second son of Sabzan Sabnock and member of the misfits class. A man that desires to be the coolest man in the world the demon king and has worked constantly his whole life to achieve this goal.
When we first(properly) meet this brazen and boisterous character he is impaled with various types of weapons all over his body which he quickly expells from his form. Our(my) first impression of him is of some mindless meat head who believes everything can be solved with his fists and presence alone. He ignores the warnings given to him by his teacher because he believed that was cooler thing to do, that's what the demon king would have done. But was we know that's not how it played out. His injuries vast, wings unusable, failure and death inevitable. Until Iruma intervenes.
Instead of continuing in his attack we see him take influence from Iruma. He lays his weapon instead of continuing to attract on the guardian of the valley pur Iruma's request and for probably the first time he surrenders. After this incident while sitting in the time out square being pelted with pebbles(softly) Sabro reflects on what had happened and what he witnessed. He decides to apologize to Iruma for his misjudged assumptions of him and from then on declares him his rival. From that point forward we see Sabro's point of view shifted, we see how he takes those lesson to heart and how he then also use the advice he received to give to others later on.
In the rookie hunt he goes to the Demon King Battler room under the impression that the club was to build one's physical aptitude which was not the case. The club instead is a group of historians who collect books, scrolls and all sorts of other media from all around the netherworld especially if they contain information on the demon kings past. As we see he desires to stay and be a very committed member of this battler.
His choice to apologize for his past action of attacking Professor Buer Blushenko. Showing how he's taken what he has learned from his interactions with his rival Iruma. Gaining the professor's respect and stamp.
In the Walter incident we continue to see how what he has learned affects what he does. When he and Asmodeus are fitting against the magical beast. Asmodeus gets distracted and he almost dies because of it. Almost, Sabro steps in shielding Asmodeus both with a shield and his own body(injuring his wings again in the process). He asked Asmodeus why he's fitting, what is his ambition? If he truly believes that they should just keep fighting a battlethey cannot win themselves. Because he does, he does know why he's doing what he's doing and he believes that to continue he and they have to retreat. Someone currently stronger than them would take care of it. Of course they do retreat and someone stronger does take care of it.
He is reliable, loyal observant and even kind. Throughout the streets he continues to be stead fast in his desire. We see that he threw his own judgment does not believe his own uncle(Baal) a man he holds in high regard on his opinion on Iruma's character. By his experience he knows what his rival his friend is like. His rival is not one who with push ahead without anyone by his side. Instead he'll pull those who are close to him and anyone who chooses to follow him up with him.
All I want to say with this that despite him not being my favorite character I love and value him a great deal. His writing of person is something I appreciate a whole lot. Especially since most rival characters usually do fall for the twisted words of a very respected person in their life. He also gives me a sense of comfort and question (insert like father like son rant here).
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yayakoishii · 9 months ago
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Birthdays
I'm just making this post for myself since I came across the character profiles while reading the manga.
*The ages in the bracket are only what they "appear" to be and are not their actual ages (according to the profile). These profiles were set in the start of their second year (post Heartbreaker).
★ Misfit Class:
Suzuki Iruma - 4th October (15)
Asmodeus Alice - 6th June (16)
Valac Clara - 5th May (15)
Sabnock Sabro - 22nd December (17)
Andro M. Jazz - 8th August (16)
Shax Lied - 13th September (15)
Ix Elizabetta - 3rd March (17)
Crocell Kerori - 4th November (16)
Caim Kamui - 5th July (17)
Agares Picaro - 3rd January (15)
Gaap Goemon - 4th April (17)
Allocer Schneider - 6th February (16)
Purson Soi - 10th Deviler (15)
★ Babyls Students:
Azazel Ameri - 13th March (17)
Amy Kiriwo - 13th Deviler (17)
Ronove Romiere - 1st January (18)
Amphsy Nafra - 3rd September (15)
Eligos Schenell - 2nd April (18)
Orobas Coco - 2nd May (16)
Ichiro - 11th January (17)
Niro - 2nd February (15)
Dosanko - 31st December (18)
Konatsu - 20th July (15)
Azuki - 1st September (16)
Haruno - 10th April (15)
Eiko - 30th November (15)
Ocho - 22nd February (20)
Sabnock Sylvia - 12th December (13)
Crocell Chima - 15th November (9)
★ Babyls Teachers:
Sullivan - 1st April (66)
Naberius Kalego - 14th February (35)
Balam Shichirou - 7th June (34)
Bars Robin - 31st August (22)
Stolas Suzy - 7th August (28)
Morax Momonoki - 21st March (25)
Buer Blushenko - 10th October (38)
Orias Ozwell - 9th May (26)
Raim - 2nd June (26)
Dantalion Dali - 12th July (35)
Murmur Tsumuru - 16th May (26)
Marbas March - 9th March (28)
Furcas - 5th November (68)
Ipos Ichou - 22nd September (27)
Morax - 1st February (70)
Ifrit Djinn Eito - 28th July (25)
★ Masters/Special Instructors:
Barbatos Bachiko - 5th August (??)
Furfur - 4th Deviler (33)
Vepar - 24th May (34)
Mr. Hat - 10th August (70)
★ 13 Crowns:
Asmodeus Amaryllis - 13th June (??)
Azazel Henri - 1st June (42)
Baal - 1st April
★ Others:
Gyari - 30th December (16)
Alikred - 27th April
Opera - ?? (?? - possible range: 32-38)
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incorrect-mairuma · 1 year ago
Store Worker: Would a Mr. Baal Sabnock please come to the front desk?
Baal, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: *points to Atori, Kirio and Ocho*
Store Worker: I believe they belong to you?
The three, simultaneously: We got lost :(
Baal: I didn’t even bring any of you idiots here with me-
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xatsperesso · 2 years ago
Iruma is taken
I am currently working on a bonus/alternate ending that is wayyyy happier than this!! This is your only warning!! I came into this seeking violence and boy did i get what i was asking for
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Part 4/4
Part 1 part 2 part 3
He just
He left him here, all alone with demons that wanted to hurt me. Walked behind Kirio without giving even sparing me a second glance.
No, no. Kalego-sensei isn't like that. He can't be like that.
My head hurts so much. Everything feels too hot, too dry.
I close my eyes, wishing for this feeling to just go away
Sleep carries me away from all the pain, numbing my headache to a dull pounding. 
Kalego-sensei isn't like that. He's a Good one. He isn’t like that
Something is touching my hand. It’s moving my hand, waving it in the air.
I snapped my eye open and forced down the growl that wanted to escape.
Kirio was all-too-happily waving my hand in the air.
There’s a seal on my hand. (He feels warm. So uncomfortably warm, but he ignores the feeling)
Kalego-sensei appeared, and immediately checked me over, fussing and prodding, keeping note of my reaction to anything, everything. Every wince, every uncomfortable move, he was keeping note of it all, trying to know whether I got hurt anywhere (and the familiarity of the movements from whenever opera checks me over is, oddly comforting)
His chest suddenly feels lighter, relief flooding him as he sees that Kalego still cares. He wont just leave me behind. It was just a dream-
Kirio cleared his throat, and Kalego froze. He looked contemplating, then regretful. I stomp down on the unease building up inside my chest because he’s kalego-sensei. He won’t just-
Kalego’s body started flying higher, getting away from him, before turning and moving towards Kirio. And just like his memory, Kalego left the room without looking back once.
And he’s once again alone with the doctor.
But he did look regretful! He didn’t leave until Kirio told him to-
"Well, now that they're finally that they're gone, let’s do some fun experiments!" Blood runs cold in my veins. I can feel my heart stop beating, remembering the last experiment. How it went,how it left me.
"Say, iruma, I've been wondering,” his hand moves to hold a device, his face full of glee as he points it at iruma 
“at what electric voltage do humans pass out?"
Please don’t leave me behind.
It wasn’t a one-time thing. He really hoped it was a one-time thing.
But, but he knows Kalego isn’t leaving him behind. They’re forcing him to leave. They’re forcing him to do something beyond that door.
He just doesn’t know what. He knows that Kalego is doing it against his will. He knows that Kalego doesn’t come back once he’s out of the room, so probably he keeps doing whatever they tell him to do until he turns back, and for some reason, they only summon him when Iruma’s asleep. Never when he’s awake (And he always wakes up feeling so hot, and when Kalego returns, when the ritual is broken, Iruma’s left feeling so so cold)
Today the doctor isn’t here when Kalego leaves, so Iruma left here alone with his thoughts. Wonders of what Kalego might be doing, and what he might be feeling (and if there’s a way to make him stop obeying them)
Eventually, the doctor comes, and apologizes for being a little late for their usual “science time” (he says a little late, like he was late ten minutes. It felt like he was waiting for hours)
He suddenly moves to iruma, curiosity and excitement painting his features. They always are, doesn’t matter whether scream of pain fill the room or his crisp white coat is painted in blood. He’s always smiling. Always curious.
He suddenly grabs Iruma’s arm, binds moving for the first time since his capture. A whimper of pain escapes his lips, and he tenses, unsure of what thing the doctor wants to test now (Balam-sensei’s tests were never like this. He misses Balam-sensei so much)
“How long does it take for a human bone to heal?" 
Nothing could have prepared him for this. Hot searing pain suddenly coursing through his body as his throat feels raw from the scream that was ripped from him.
"And different bones take different times for demons to heal back. Does yours too?" He tilts his head, feigning innocent curiosity. Iruma wants to throw up.
Something is wrong. Something is Very wrong.
Everything is falling apart.
It’s been two months, two devidamn months, and they still dont have the tiniest hint of Iruma’s location! Nothing works, not when he looks around that damned mansion to look for unique markings, not when they use tracking magic on Kalego before he gets summoned, not when they try to get the help of the other crowns (Baal always has a convincing reason for why they cant help them save their kid) He cant even stay with the kid for two damned minutes before they get impateint! Nothing is going according to plan.
And everytime he sees the kid, everytime he sees Iruma he has more bandages on him. At this point there’s more bandages than skin. The last time he waws summoned, his bones were fucking broken! They’re not even torturing him, they’re just tormenting him for the heck of it!
And when he confronted the assholes keeping his kid in this shithole, that this was not part of their deal, he’s only met with threats. To just shut up and continue working. Continue attacking enter place here. (deep in Kalego’s mind, he’s grateful they’ve yet to make him attack the school, or devil forbid, his students)
Nothing is healing properly
Everything hurt hurt h u r t s so much
Kalego doesn’t look at him, he's always out the door behind kirio
He knows they're using him. He never leaves until they signal him to (like he's some kind of pet for them to use). Every time he sees him, Kalego looks more and more distraught. He looks so tired. 
He doesn’t want his sensei to be like that. To look like that. He wants the haunted look in his eyes to go away.
Maybe, maybe sensei will leave him if he told him. Maybe it's time. Maybe he should stop hanging on to selfish, childish hope. 
He doesn’t want to hurt him more
"I've noticed you've been feeling distressed without your master~" he watches his reaction intently, excitement on his face as he waits for whatever reaction he expects Kalego to have. Kalego maintains his glare, refusing to react to his words (and ignoring the fear that floods his veins because dammit, why is he mentioning his kid?)
A moment went by, and Kirio's exaggerated pout at Kalego's lack of expression finally came, and with a sigh, he finally continued his sentence 
"And since we don't really have a use for you today, we're allowing you to stay by your master's side today" 
At first, it felt like a blessing, but now looking at the kid in front of him, he almost wishes he wasn't summoned that day.
In front of him, iruma is sitting with no bandages in sight, giving kalego full view of the horrors that hid from him
Deformed bonds, burn scars, and a chunk of flesh missing near his neck
Why him? Why his kid?
"What happened?" He whispered, the look in Iruma's eyes hurt to see.
He looks so defeated. He looks so tired.
He looks like he accepts it.
"Kirio wanted to know what I'd taste like" what? This-this makes no sense, why-?
"Sensei," something in his voice tore Kalego’s eyes from the violent wound and forced him to look into his kid's eyes. And for the first time since they were dragged into this hell, Iruma’s eyes shined with determination. It almost comforted kalego, almost gave him hope that he isn’t too late-
"I'm a human"
Oh. Oh no.
No nono this can't be, he cant have left him there, failed him for months at the hands of-fuck
He needs to fix this, he needs to help him, he needs to get him out of there right now
He's getting his kid out of there now, no. matter. what.
This shouldn't have happened. Kalego was supposed to not care or feel betrayed or anything
He shouldn’t have said anything. He should’ve stayed quiet. He shouldn’t have told, have burdened him with this knowledge 
He should’ve found another way to die, to free his dad
The bond is broken. He will never be able to form it again.
He refuses to let go of kalego. Baal is coming, throwing words that almost sound taunting. He can't hear a thing. Baal is almost before him. if he looks up,he'll see the spear he's holding. The same spear that pierced through Kalego’s heart.
He refuses to let go of him. He refuses to let go of kalego (he ignores the warm blood that paints him, the non-existent bond that no longer connects them, the blank, hollow eyes that no matter what he does will never look at him again)
Tears fall onto kalego, iruma pulls him closer. Something fast, strong, dangerous soars to Iruma.
Iruma never let go.
Welp, this took longer than i expected. I hope this is what me from 4 months ago envisioned, cause at this point i dont remember what brought me here.
Uhh stay tuned for the bonus that is hopefully better than this and will hopefully post soon
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 2 years ago
13 Days
You rubbed your temples, taking deep breaths. Devi, help you from the sheer stupidity of demons. Slowly, you raised your head to look at the current idiots seated before you.
Trying your best not to strangle anyone. Honestly... it was like dealing with toddlers! "So, let me see if I understand this correctly." Your tone was stern and indicating you didn't want to be interrupted.
"You want me." Pointing at yourself to make sure that you got your point across. "To be the new Demon King." You gestured to the empty chair that had been vacated for what seemed like eternity.
You watched as several members of the 13 crowns nodded. Some though glared poisonously at you. How the hell had it come to this? You glared at Baal, who glared back just as angrily with a clenched jaw.
This was all his fault. You just knew it deep down in your core. It all happened because he just had to mention replacing the demon kind at the party. Although you could tell it wasn't his expected outcome.
Henri stood up from his seat. "You are probably the most capable for the position outside of the 3 greats who have made their disinterest clear." You offered a blank stare in return. You certainly didn't want it. You were a parent to 13 children, and you didn't have time to goof off.
"Your strength has made you very appealing as a candidate as well." Amaymon agreed. You looked at the wolf in horror. No! They can't agree on this! This is betrayal of the highest order!
Amarylilis purred in excitement. "Your charisma is off the charts. You are very popular amount of all the clans." Oh devi, this wasn't happening. "All that mischief you cause in your wake to is most amusing." Belial commented, adding to your internal panick. How dare he!
"You've also shown that you are through in all your work as well. There is a lot of backlog due to the absence of a demon king." You shuddered at Astaroh's remark. Just how much abandoned paperwork was there with that title.
Oh... wait a minute. No, no, no. "Some would claim that you being rankless automatically disqualifies you." Levi said calmly you nodded hopefully, yes! Can't do it.
"But..." Why the hell was there a 'but'????!!! "Your disregard for such a system is precisely how previous kings have acted. I'd say it practically makes you king already!" Why! Just why devi did she have to look so happy about it???
You counted in your head '3, 4, 5, 6....6????' You couldn't have another yes that meant majority vote. You glanced at Sullivan trying to convey the 'this is insane' & 'don't you dare do this to me!' At the same time.
Sullivan stood up and made his way to you. "In the end, the choice is yours. But I'd like to offer a solution that could satisfy everyone. How about a trial period? That way, you can say with certainty whether or not this is something you want."
You looked at him warily. "13 days, and if I don't like it, I'm stopping effective immediately." Sullivan smiled and patted your shoulder. "Of course, my dear. That being said," he knelt down before you and took your hand gently resting his temple to it.
"I will support you in any matter no matter what." He had sealed your fate. You let out an annoyed huff. He looked far too satisfied for your liking. "13 Days," you reminded. "Papa will make sure of it." He confirms.
**Day one**
Opera had far too much fun dressing you up for your first day as Demon King. You couldn't find it in yourself to scold them, though. You looked devine. You had seen paintings and pictures before of what was assumed to be images of deities. And you looked like you could walk among them.
Tight leather that clung to your figure in such flattering ways, dark eyeliner that made you look bold and fierce. Nails and hair made to perfection. Boots that reached mid calf and had thick steel toes, good for delivering heavy kicks.
Of course, Sullivan made a big deal about it and took a billion pictures of you throughout the day. First and foremost, you plowed through all that freaking paperwork that had been forgotten.
It took you hours! Of course, you weren't gonna just sign or stamp something without reading it. You were no puppet. By the time all 13 crowns had arrived, they found you in your chair finishing up a mountain sized pile.
You glanced up. "My time is precious to me, and you think you can just come and go as you please?" You gestured to the piles of paperwork that laid at each chair. "Nobody is leaving this damn room until we're all caught up." Several crowns paled at the workload. It was rather large.
"How efficient!" Henri praised as he stared his own pile. "No efficient is that I have gone through, stacked, sorted, edited, and presented all of this and the other papers currently waiting in my office before you got here." Annoyance clear in your tone.
"There's more!" Yelped Amaymon, earning him a quick smack from one of the other crowns. You shifted so that you were lounging sideways in your chair. "Papa, what time did I arrive here?" You asked sweetly.
"Why you walked through the doors precisely at midnight, my dear not a second more or less!" His response quick and egar to please. "And the current time?" You asked while eyeing the 13 crowns. "It's a half past six, my dear!"
You nodded while setting another paper neatly in your ongoing pile. "And who was here to greet me the new Demon King when I arrived?" This question makes several of the crowns flinch.
"Why that was me, Belial, Levi and Belzebuth!" He cheered. You nodded again before sitting straight back against the large throne and drumming your fingers on one of the arm rests.
"So would anyone care to state why, most that supported me accepting this title were not there for my first moments as Demon King?" Again, another flinch. "No? Fine then, Bezlzebuth, tell me why you arrived?"
The older demon looked up from his paperwork. "Regardless of whether I supported your coming to power or not, you are my king now, are you not? I should be available to you at all times as your assistant." You hummed in response.
"Yes, and you have been worthy of your position. Your assistance is most appropriate." You eyed the others who remained standing. "What are you all standing around for? Get to work. I'm gonna make every one of you work till the moment this trial ends. By day 13, you'll be begging me to quit."
**Day two**
Well, you had accomplished catching up with all the paperwork. Most of the crowns looked like zombies at this point, but that didn't matter. Not when you were meeting with all the heads of clans in an hour.
You quickly brushed through your hair. Sent reminder texts to all the kids and put on more perfume because there was no time for a shower at this point. Guests were already arriving, and you had to change.
Away went the leathers now you draped yourself in warm pelts and furs. Adorning yourself with jewelry made up of bone. This wasn't about looking good. It was about sending a warning not to touch you or yours. This image was about intimidation.
Sullivan helped you paint runes on your arms and neck and even drew a few on your bare back in case. A more barbaric look. Yet, it suited you in a strange and disturbing way.
Making your way down the hall your feet quick and confident as the doors swung open for you. Many leaders eyed you. Instead of seating yourself on the thrown, placing yourself above them, you grabbed a cushion and placed it on the floor. Their eyes watching your every move.
"I am not stupid, I will not be looking down on you from on high while I hold a temporary position." You sat and waited. A buzzed filled the room. You seemed to have pleased many of them just by doing this.
Negotiations lasted 3 days. But many disputes had been settled. A large amount of trade had been discussed, and you seemed to gain favor with many demons in regard to how you handled everything. You were their king.
Clever with words, patient when hearing. You simplified many problems and narrowed down options. You also weren't a fool. Tired, though you may have been, you did not allow anyone to try and strong arm you or to make strange dealings.
**Day five**
Not gonna lie. You spent most of the day sleeping with the 13 crowns. Not your usual source of sleep cuddles, but after 4 days straight of no sleep, you couldn't complain.
**Day six**
You examined the borders. Dressed casually and wearing a veil to prevent anyone from recognizing you. It almost felt relaxing that you were outside again, but you really missed the kids.
This took 4 days to complete, and after almost getting eaten by various plants or stabbed by stray weapons coming from nearby battlefields, you were done. You waved off any concerns with a-. "I have no time to worry about death." Assaination attempts were possible, but you just knew that Sullivan wouldn't let anything harm you.
If you had so much as a scratch, you'd worry he would destroy an entire clan. You really didn't want that to happen. Too much paperwork afterwards.
Arriving back to the tower on day 10, you were met with a surprise. Poro-chan. Standing in the middle of the room, looking ready to kill you.
**Day ten**
You eyed the demon with ire. You really couldn't understand their reasoning at all. They had such a warped personality. Especially when it came to the former Demon King.
"HOW DARE YOU TRY AND TAKE HIS PLACE!" They roared. Fury blazed in their eyes as you looked at them. Truly, Poro looked ready to eat you and spit you back out.
"How dare you be such a hypocrite." You snapped back. Startling the musical genius. "Oh, you love him, but then you leave him alone for who knows how long while he is bound here by responsibilities! Then, you come back practically waving your freedom in his face as you go on and on about all you've seen. Only to leave him again!"
You advanced slowly, watching as Poro backed up, looking at you, heartbroken. "But you already knew that, didn't you? You knew how much he wanted to explore and break free, and that terrified you." They gasped and stumbled falling backwards.
"You were scared of never seeing him, so you wished for him to be bound to a single place so that you would always know where he was!" Pointing your finger in his face as you hissed out words of conspiracy and resentment.
"N-no i -" He tried to gasp out shock, covering his features now. "But he loved you!" You said lowly, lowering your hand. "What?" The question is small and hesitant as if unsure what had been said.
"I SAID HE LOVED YOU! YOU FREAKING IDIOT!" You shrieked tears now forming in your own eyes. "He loved you so much, and he knew that tying you down wouldn't make you happy. He knew you were the loveliest when you were free. Coming and going like the wind. And time after time, he let you go."
Poro was now a sobbing mess before you. You offered no comfort. "You say I am taking his place? Fine then. I'm taking it. I'm taking it, so stop it, Poro-Chan. Enough already. Set him free. The one you seek is no longer here.... move on from this place." You walked past the mourning demon.
His sobs filling your soul with dispare. If he saw you as the villain, then so be it, but he needed to move on. A love like his was toxic, ruining him from the inside out.
Your back was facing the once proud demon. You would allow them to have the smallest amount of privacy you could offer. You weren't sure if what you said had been true. But he needed some kind of closure at this point. He had been holding on for too long. Even by demonic standards.
"We'll speak again after we've both composed ourselves." You stated bluntly before exiting the room. You spent several hours on the phone with your kids after that.
**Day 11**
Sullivan and Opera covered you in silks and satans of various colors. The breezy feeling you got reminded you so much of walking on air. Your hair had pearls woven in, and you walked barefoot about the tower.
It was a look that screamed innocence, and it was the armor you would wear when facing Poro a second time. You opted to not met in the tower itself but in a meadow just outside of tower. It was peaceful and less intimidating than the inner walls.
You sat calmly by the pond and waited. It did not take long. The tall demon lowered himself besides you. Both of you are sitting in silence.
"Are you gonna tell me what they want with Iruma?" You eventually asked. The former 13 crown member flinched. You looked at him.
"I'm not stupid, and neither are you. But you are desperate and desperate ones believe anything." You kept your voice calm and measured.
"They want his mana. It's Del-chans mana." The musician sounded so broken as he admits his betrayal. "And what you believe that just by having it, he'll be brought back?" You questioned.
"I j- I just want to see him again." The miserable sound coming from his throat was raw and guttural. "Do you believe he would be happy? Do you think he'd like being forced back?" You were cautious knowing that the demon you were questioning was close to an evil cycle.
"Stop that! Stop acting like you know him! I know him!" Even as he started throwing his fit, you remained. Unmoved. "That's why I'm asking you." Your words floating on the breeze.
Somehow, for the rest of the day, you had a large crying demon in your lap as you continued your work and messaged your kids. Making you miss them even more than you had already. 'Just two more days.' You thought trying to vanish your stress with that.
**Day twelve**
Party planning. You were setting up a party for tomorrow to celebrate your last day as Demon King. It seemed like the whole netherworld was invited.
You happily tasted sweets and allowed Poro to be as picky as he'd like with the music. Your father happily helped you pick and plan everything as you went. While the others excluding a few.
*cough* Baal *Cough*
We're actually trying to convince you to stay. Absolutely not. You had done more than enough. You had done more in a few days than most of them had in the years they had this position.
You had 13 kids you couldn't wait to go home and cuddle with. You might not leave the house for several days after this. Sounded sooo lovely.
**Day thirteen**
You practically flew through the day. Paperwork? Done, Decorations? All set up and on display. Your outfit? You looked like part of the Milky Way, considering how many gems are attached to you.
You shone throughout the entire night. Spinning around on the floor, excited to actually see all your children. You hugged, you cried, you laughed, and you cheered.
You happily escorted Clara around her first fancy party. You kept up with all of Lied and Goemon's exciting news that you missed. All while ensuring that Kamui didn't harass any of the ladies tonight.
Alice and Sabro danced with you a few times while you watched Iruma. Trying everything on the tables like the hungry little demon he was turning out to be. Kerori and Elizabetta chatted about all the designs they had seen tonight, and Jazz would teasingly swipe your accessories throughout the event.
You rested from time to time with Picero on his comfy cloud. While Allocer and Soi seemed more content with being wallflower and watching as the chaos went on through the night. Overall a great night.
But as soon as the clock struck midnight, you kicked off your shoes. Picked up both Soi and Iruma, who happened to be the two children closest to you and ran out the door screaming.
"Frrrrreeeeeeeeedddddoooommmmm" With your other children laughing and racing to catch up. Yes, you definitely hated every moment you missed.
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gustavlord · 2 months ago
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The demon kings of the once great Goetia clan in order:
Gremorya the business imp
Paimon the travelling bard
Baal monarch of the vermin
Balam and Purson, mountain shakers
Beleth the charming musician
Vine and Sabnock, doomsday bringers
Belial the golden shadow
Zagan the Titanic bovine lady
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zeravmeta · 1 month ago
true! i think the amy example is not exactly the best one to showcase this because i think it's meant to be not that iruma is stronger but that amy azami is weaker, because the chapter makes a point that for all of azami's authority and experience, he's not actually a force for good nor even a true leader and mephisto makes him kneel not just to iruma but to nova, those actively fighting for the future of the netherworld, his actual betters
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BUT! a good example i think that does show this is sabnocks fight with atori during the heartbreaker, especially because of what atori's goals are during that fight
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he forces sabnock into using his evil cycle to survive, but rather than try to win, he wants sabnock to sink deeper into his evil, because that's how you return to origins, when a demon is consumed by their desire for evil and only want to cause chaos. Sabnock breaks out of it when he sees that he accidentally hurt his daughter kouhai because he doesn't want to hurt someone he cares about, but atori tries to push him further into it, leading to the encounter between atori and balam
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atori wants demons to be demonic, because demons are creatures who institutionally want to commit evil! it's their pleasure, their insatiable desire for evil that motivates atori. he focuses on balam because while balam is compassionate, his eyes are empty and his gaze is ruthless, perfect for a demon! but balam is a teacher first and foremost, it's his ambition to raise and nuture others because he loves nature and loves being a teacher. the clash between desire vs ambition is omnipresent throughout iruma kun because it's the conflict between your short lived high vs your future goal to strive towards. meaninglessness vs meaning
and it's this conflict that explains why the misfits garner so much attention not just from the 13 crowns and wider netherworld, but the villains as well
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it's said by irumean first, but baal's focus on the misfits primarily stems from the fact that because they're so different from the average demon, they are also the closest to returning to origins. The misfits always were different, but it's iruma's influence and slowly budding endless greed that continued to influence them to BE greedy themselves and strive for more. kalego and opera both point out that they share a non-demonic mindset because they cooperate, they care about each other and want to succeed not as individuals but as a group, and this struggle between the powers that be for "the misfits to shoulder the future of the netherworld vs the misfits return to origin" is important because! the main theme of iruma kun is about the power of education. kalego, opera, all the teachers of babyls and their mentors see the misfits being different and push them to be better, while atori and baal want to see them fall into evil.
the education from adults who care vs adults who don't care. will the netherworld return to the chaos it once was, or will the efforts and education given by the teachers who care about them let the new generation make a better world?
it's also why the misfits' mentality is so important in this struggle between the forces of the netherworld
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succumbing to your desire vs pursuing your ambition. the misfits push demons to be more than what they settle on constantly, all stemming from iruma being greedy and wanting to pick everything up.
iruma is being set on the path of being the demon king not because it's his primary goal, but his secondary goal. He has all the qualities of a teacher, and these are the exact qualities also needed to be a king.
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iruma kun is such a fascinating story to me because for a series that's 90% a comedy slice of life school days growing up story with a fun flair of it being a Demon School!!! it's also a story you cant see the same way again once you realize it's an unstable postwar narrative where all the adults are adjusting to a less bloody norm and doing their best to provide stable conditions for all the child characters and dealing with the fallouts of said unstable conditions. every adult in iruma kun references the ranking system and the netherworlds current peaceful state as recent developments meanwhile the demon worlds brutal struggle for survival and various famous wars are constantly referenced as present almost exclusively by adult characters while the kids only have passing knowledge of these customs. kalego gaiden showing babyls as an unstable school where violence and disorder reign supreme when he was a 14 years old kid and now as an orderly and respectable school when he's in his mid 30s is such a genius microcosm of this because another major theme of iruma kun is the importance of education. as selfish and brutal and cruel as demons in the netherworld supposedly are there is still a reverence in teaching the youth and properly raising them so that the world they inherit isn't something terrible
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it's also telling that one of the 'main' antagonists baal wants an unstable chaotic netherworld where all demons have returned to their evil origins but still values education and greed as a source of growth and specifically targeted babyls because he KNOWS it's a pillar of stability while narnia and demon border patrol specifically enforce the rank system to keep demons in line and maintain a slowly crumbling status quo of demons being subservient to higher ranks and limits the opportunities of races like the many ears to educate and develop themselves so that they remain subservient
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the focus on education as a stabilizing force in society is so fucking important to this mangas themes and this entire layer of it explored through a postwar narrative is barely mentioned anywhere within the story and only referenced in passing because the main characters are the misfits class, the kids! and while they will one day inherit and shoulder the world they were left, they are still kids who need time to grow
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naehja · 2 years ago
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I’m the only one to have a bad feeling and to see red flags about this gift from Baal?
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botgal · 4 years ago
Theory: Sabro's father, or at least someone from the past in his family, made the Ring of Gluttony and knows about Ali being inside it
Sabro's father is a Blacksmith, constantly making weapons (and possibly other metal things).
Kirio mentioned that the pendant he wore when he first met Iruma was the same material as the Ring of Gluttony. And since he clearly got it from Baal, it would make sense if they're from the same material if two people from the same family made similar objects
Sabro's father is clearly the one who told him about the ring of prophecy, about how whoever wears it is the one destined to be demon king.
What it leads me to believe is that Sabro's father Knows that his son isn't destined to be Demon King, but has to be discreet about it so that Why he knows this won't get back to Baal. Letting him know about the ring. He's constantly forging weapons not because he has no ambition, but because he's quietly preparing armaments for the future aid of the ring bearer (and likely to give them to his own children in the future).
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