#avon opportunity
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avonmom · 2 years ago
Learn all about the earning opportunities you can enjoy as an #AvonRep in 2023. #JenAntunesBeauty #AvonOpportunity #SellAvon #EarnMoneyatHome #AvonLeadership
How to Earn Money with Avon in 2023 Since 1886, Avon has provided a way to help woman, and a few good men, earn money & empower themselves through financial freedom, before women were even allowed to vote or to begin working outside the home. As an Avon Independent Sales Representative, you are provided the tools & support to help you create & build a successful business that you can work into…
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 5 months ago
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Avon mark. Help Wanted Exfoliating Cleanser with Apple and Cinnamon and Mist Opportunity Multi Tasking Refresher with Kiwi and Grapefruit
Found on Ebay, user 1quebear
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lounesdarbois · 1 month ago
La cantine
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Dieu que j'ai aimé la cantine.
Les nourritures roboratives des cantines nous enseignent que nous faisons peu les difficiles quand nous avons faim, et que nous faisons les ingrats une fois rassasiés. Et au souvenir de la fête que c'était, enfant, les jours de cordon bleu, de steak haché, de bourguignon et de petit salé, nous regrettons cette douce prise en charge. La cantine était l'un des trésors d'une routine qui semblait devoir durer toujours pour des enfants heureux à la seule odeur de la sauce brune, dans le vacarme du couloir de la file d'attente. Un esprit rassurant habitait les lieux hospitaliers de notre enfance. Le carrelage du sol, la glissière des plateaux-repas, la fumée des chauffe-plats, la foule nombreuse, l'institution d'un jour des frites, formaient un monde compréhensif et chaleureux.
J'allais deux fois, trois fois, chercher du supplément de cordon bleu, de yaourt à l'ananas, et des tranches de baguette "bien cuite", au point de finir seul à table, longtemps après le départ des camarades partis jouer au football. La paix revenue dans la grande salle posait la respiration. L'avenir serait meilleur. Nous portions des Nike Air et disions des gros mots, mais c'était temporaire. Tintement des couverts en arrière-plan plan. Grondement tranquille de quelque soufflerie, bruit apaisant. Je restais longtemps après la fin de ces services, parfois jusqu'à la sonnerie de fin de récréation tandis que les "dames de la cantine" s'étonnaient de trouver encore un élève à table. Je n'irai pas jouer, le monde est décevant, il fait meilleur dans la proximité des grandes personnes qui sont là pour nous. J'allais encore chercher du supplément. Tout revenait dans l'ordre. C'était la vie stable et la paix, peut-être un aperçu d'éternité bienheureuse. Tintement de couverts encore. Travailleurs en cuisine qui s'apostrophent en rangeant des chariots. La paix loin des engrenages du monde. Mes grands-parents, à Paris, là-bas, l'ordre de leur maison. Un refuge possible. La France tenue par des gens de France, souriants et âgés. Une organisation du monde qui venait de loin et se donnait à moi pourtant, à demi-étranger, un ordre qui me donnait hospitalité, amour, avenir. J'ai immensément aimé ces fins des services de cantine. Moments d'alternative inventés, gagnés sur l'engrenage obligatoire, moments de récollection, de récapitulation, moments de retrouvailles avec le temps lent de mon pays. La cour de récré c'était les jeux stupides, les prochaines boums, les tiraillements sans répit de la réputation et de la sentimentalité qui vous hameçonnent et vous enlèvent à vous même. Rester longtemps à la cantine c'était être rendu à soi-même dans la joie contenue, sans commentaire, sans éclat, dans un cadre, un tout petit cadre, qui délimite une paix totale.
Beaucoup plus tard je n'ai plus aimé que la vie variée, les "excitantes opportunités" pour "profiter de la vie" et "s'éclater comme des malades" dans des nouveautés étonnantes et toujours renouvellées, qui vous mettent la tête à l'envers. Il fallait pour que la vie ait du sel, pour repousser le démon qui vous accuse d'être un raté, accumuler en une seule journée un maximum de musts, que ces musts deviennent un flux continu, abondant, et sûr, qui vous remplisse et vous fasse passer par-dessus la vie.
Il fallait en une seule journée avoir gagné de l'argent, avoir été beau, avoir été bien habillé, avoir affermi son avenir professionnel, avoir serré une petite et s'en être réservé une autre pour plus tard, avoir été drôle, avoir été profond, avoir été guerrier de la survie immédiate dans un tête à tête avec l'existence tout en ayant accepté avec dégagement un salaire, l'amour d'une famille, d'un pays, d'un Dieu charitable, et goûté cette stabilité.
Il fallait en une seule heure avoir capté au réveil une musique nouvelle et opportune qui avait éteint vos doutes et façonné votre optimum d'état d'esprit, puis s'être douché en étrennant un fabuleux gel douche dérobé la veille dans un magasin de luxe, puis avoir passé vos vêtements favoris tout en honorant simultanément un rendez-vous téléphonique pris de longue date qui allait permettre un déblocage administratif auquel on ne croyait plus, être sorti et avoir marché face au soleil tout juste revenu et croisé au moins un regard de jolie passante, être monté dans le métro à la seconde exacte où les portes fermaient, et s'en être allé ainsi vers la foule des opportunités de l'heure suivante, de la journée suivante, des années suivantes sous l'égide d'une présence protectrice et bienveillante.
Au retour de certaines nuits passées dehors à courir les filles je prenais conscience dans des moments d'illumination profonde, que jouir vraiment de la vie supposait de se contenir totalement et tout le temps. J'allais ces nuits là au bout de moi-même, au bout de mes finances, au bout de mon temps libre, au bout de ma peur de l'autre pour oser l'aborder et réussir à la convaincre, j'osais aller chercher cette vie qui ne venait pas à moi et j'assumais de la prendre avec méthode et passion exactement comme on prend une fille. Je touchais au centre de l'existence, à ce pourquoi j'avais jusqu'ici vécu sans avoir osé y aller. Aussitôt, tout devenait paradoxe. Les hommes etaient malheureux disaient Pascal, de ne pouvoir rester en leur chambre ? Eh bien tout le malheur des hommes je le voyais était de vouloir jouir de la vie, de vouloir s'abîmer, s'évader, s'oublier. La musculation, l'éducation, le gain d'argent, les belles possessions matérielles, les appuis mondains étaient des potentiels laborieusement amassés, mais ils étaient comme de l'huile dans des outres fatiguées de les contenir et qui ne demandaient qu'à crever, qu'à se répandre, qu'à purger leur trop-plein. Il faudrait ne jamais vouloir se soulager et ne jamais se fatiguer d'amasser, toute la vraie joie est là. À quels tourments nous condamnent, je le voyais, la recherche hédoniste ! À cet homme moderne et maudit qui se gaspille lui-même parce qu'il est seul, habité d'un monde de désir et assiégé d'un monde d'impossibilités. Telle est la cruelle condition des hommes, voilà ce que je comprenais. En-dedans, un besoin total, et en-dehors, une indifférence totale. J'ai beaucoup aimé les auteurs qui ont su exprimer ce moment précis, ce lieu précis de l'existence, ce vrai tête à tête avec les choses, un face à face musculaire, intellectuel, instinctif, spirituel, financier, judiciaire, total, qui engage avec frayeur et ivresse la totalité de votre être qui veut de toutes ses forces faire naître un nouveau monde. Herman Hesse, Dostoievski, London, Morand, Céline. Et plus près de nous, Soral et Cysia Zykie. Alors vous sentez que vous n'êtes pas de taille, que vous êtes faible et fanfaron ou tout du moins, que vous pourrez tenir mais temporairement, qu'il faudra très vite un support, "un lieu où reposer sa tête", une grâce, une aide externe, une réponse à vos tentatives comme une bouée de sauvetage à un naufragé haletant qui s'épuise et s'affole.
J'ai longtemps fait le fou pour sortir de la condition de perdant immobile que nous promettait cette affreuse ville de Grenoble, entre les gauchistes, les fonctionnaires, les étudiants ESC et les racailles. Il a fallu, du moins le croyais-je, il a fallu trouver une bande de fous et de déclassés comme moi, et lancer la machine. Resquiller, voler, cambrioler, siphonner, camper, cogner, attraper, crier, saccager, courir pour sa vie. Plus tard ce fut le Vietnam, Hongkong, Paris, tenter sa chance, forcer la chance. L'argent, la bourgeoisie retrouvée, re-perdue, regagnée, les vestes en cuir et les baskets Dior Homme ancien modèle, les filles qui ont la mèche sur le front et le collant qui s'arrête à la cheville. Planer au-dessus du marécage où s'enfonce le monde impie des indifférents, et parfois se débattre dedans, avec horreur, larmes et rage.
Eh bien je préférais la cantine.
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1vidapoeticando · 4 months ago
Eu sei... que muitos estão triste nesse momento, mas tudo na nossa vida tem um motivo e um propósito, se tem uma coisa que eu aprendi é não reclamar de mais nada e agradecer a Deus por minha vida e a oportunidade de estar aqui nesse mundo, não estamos aqui do nada, estamos aqui pra sermos instrumentos de Deus, e viver a vida da melhor forma possível, ajudando sempre a quem pudermos, críticas, sempre vai ter, sempre vão falar de nós, falatório não paga nossas contas, não devemos viver com o intuito de agradar ninguém, só a Deus e a nós mesmos, olhar com bons olhos foi oque Jesus nos ensinou, essa lição sempre carregarei na minha vida, eu sei de onde Deus me tirou e já sei o quanto devo ser grata a Deus por tudo e por pessoas especiais na minha vida, e agradeço sempre, muitos não sabem oque passamos, só sabem julgar e criticar, deixa pra lá, e vamos é viver a cada dia mais e melhor e agradar a Deus e ser feliz 😊 isso incomoda muita gente...
Lo sé... que muchos están tristes en estos momentos, pero todo en nuestras vidas tiene un por qué y un propósito, si hay algo que he aprendido es a no quejarme más de nada y agradecer a Dios por mi vida y la oportunidad. estar aquí En este mundo, no estamos aquí de la nada, estamos aquí para ser instrumentos de Dios, y vivir la vida de la mejor manera posible, ayudando siempre a quien podamos, críticas, siempre las habrá, siempre las habrá. hablar de nosotros, hablar no paga nuestras cuentas, no debemos vivir con la intención de agradar a nadie, solo a Dios y a nosotros mismos, mirar con buenos ojos es lo que Jesús nos enseñó, esta lección la llevaré siempre en mi vida, Se de donde me sacó Dios y ya sé lo mucho que debo ser. Estoy agradecida con Dios por todo y por las personas especiales en mi vida, y siempre estoy agradecida, muchos no saben por lo que hemos pasado. solo saben juzgar y criticar, dejenlo pasar, y vivamos cada dia mas y mejor y agrademos a Dios y seamos felices 😊 esto molesta a mucha gente....
I know... that many are sad right now, but everything in our lives has a reason and a purpose, if there's one thing I've learned, it's not to complain about anything anymore and to thank God for my life and the opportunity to be here In this world, we are not here out of nowhere, we are here to be instruments of God, and live life in the best possible way, always helping whoever we can, criticism, there will always be, there will always be talk about us, talk doesn't pay our bills, We shouldn't live with the intention of pleasing anyone, just God and ourselves, looking with good eyes is what Jesus taught us, this lesson I will always carry in my life, I know where God took me from and I already know how much I should be I'm grateful to God for everything and for special people in my life, and I'm always grateful, many don't know what we've been through, they only know how to judge and criticize, let it go, and let's live more and better every day and please God and be happy 😊 this bothers a lot of people.....
Je sais... que beaucoup sont tristes en ce moment, mais tout dans nos vies a une raison et un but, s'il y a une chose que j'ai apprise, c'est de ne plus me plaindre de rien et de remercier Dieu pour ma vie et l'opportunité. être ici Dans ce monde, nous ne sommes pas là de nulle part, nous sommes là pour être des instruments de Dieu et vivre la vie de la meilleure façon possible, en aidant toujours qui nous pouvons, la critique, il y en aura toujours, il y aura toujours parler de nous, parler ne paie pas nos factures, nous ne devrions pas vivre avec l'intention de plaire à qui que ce soit, juste à Dieu et à nous-mêmes, regarder avec de bons yeux est ce que Jésus nous a enseigné, cette leçon que je porterai toujours dans ma vie, je Je sais d'où Dieu m'a pris et je sais déjà à quel point je devrais l'être. Je suis reconnaissant envers Dieu pour tout et pour les personnes spéciales dans ma vie, et je suis toujours reconnaissant, beaucoup ne savent pas ce que nous avons vécu, ils ne savent que juger et critiquer, laisser tomber, vivre plus et mieux chaque jour et plaire à Dieu et être heureux 😊 cela dérange beaucoup de gens....
Lo so... che molti sono tristi in questo momento, ma tutto nella nostra vita ha una ragione e uno scopo, se c'è una cosa che ho imparato è a non lamentarci più di nulla e a ringraziare Dio per la mia vita e l'opportunità essere qui In questo mondo, non siamo qui dal nulla, siamo qui per essere strumenti di Dio, e vivere la vita nel miglior modo possibile, aiutando sempre chi possiamo, le critiche, ci saranno sempre, ci saranno sempre parlare di noi, parlare non ci paga le bollette, non dobbiamo vivere con l'intenzione di piacere a nessuno, solo a Dio e a noi stessi, guardare con occhi buoni è ciò che Gesù ci ha insegnato, questa lezione che porterò sempre nella mia vita, io so da dove Dio mi ha portato e so già quanto dovrei essere sono grato a Dio per tutto e per le persone speciali nella mia vita, e sono sempre grato, molti non sanno cosa abbiamo passato, sanno solo giudicare e criticare, lasciamo perdere, e viviamo ogni giorno di più e meglio e piacendo a Dio ed essere felici 😊 questo dà fastidio a molte persone....
أعلم... أن الكثيرين يشعرون بالحزن الآن، لكن كل شيء في حياتنا له سبب وهدف، إذا كان هناك شيء واحد تعلمته، فهو ألا أشتكي من أي شيء بعد الآن وأن أشكر الله على حياتي والفرصة التي أتيحت لي. أن نكون هنا في هذا العالم، لسنا هنا من العدم، نحن هنا لنكون أدوات لله، ونعيش الحياة بأفضل طريقة ممكنة، ونساعد دائمًا من نستطيع، النقد، سيكون هناك دائمًا، سيكون هناك دائمًا تحدث عنا، الكلام لا يسدد فواتيرنا، لا يجب أن نعيش بهدف إرضاء أحد، فقط الله وأنفسنا، النظر بعيون جيدة هو ما علمنا إياه يسوع، هذا الدرس الذي سأحمله دائمًا في حياتي، أنا أعرف من أين أخذني الله وأعلم بالفعل كم يجب أن أكون، أنا ممتن لله على كل شيء وللأشخاص المميزين في حياتي، وأنا ممتن دائمًا، فالكثيرون لا يعرفون ما مررنا به، يعرفون فقط كيف يحكمون وينتقدون، اترك الأمر�� ولنعيش كل يوم أكثر وأفضل ونرضي الله ونسعد 😊 هذا يزعج الكثير من الناس
私は知っています...今、多くの人が悲しんでいることは知っていますが、私たちの人生にはすべて理由と目的があります。私が学んだことが一つあるとすれば、それはもう何も文句を言わないこと、そして私の人生と機会を神に感謝することですこの世界では、私たちはどこからともなくここにいるわけではありません、私たちは神の道具となるためにここにいます、そして可能な限り最善の方法で人生を送り、常にできる限りの人を助けます、批判、常に存在します、常に存在します私たちのことを話してください、話してもお金はかかりません、私たちは誰かを喜ばせるつもりで生きるべきではありません、ただ神と自分自身だけです、良い目で見ることはイエスが私たちに教えてくれたことです、この教訓は私が常に人生で持ち続けるでしょう、私は神が私をどこから連れて行ってくれたのか知っています、そして私がどれだけあるべきかすでに知っています 私はすべてのことと私の人生の特別な人たちに神に感謝しています、そして私はいつも感謝しています、多くの人は私たちが何を経験してきたのか知りません、彼らは判断し批判する方法しか知りません、それを手放して、毎日もっともっと良く生きて神を喜ばせて幸せになりましょう😊これは多くの人を悩ませています
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AITA For ruining a coworker's "business opportunity?"
For a bit of context this happened in the Summer of 2020. Also I'll be using the term MLM frequently and in this case it means "multi-level marketing" so comapanies like Avon, Tupperware, Monat, Vector-Cutco, LuLaRoe, etc. A
So I have this coworker let's call her T and in July of 2020 I got a FB message from her that said "Hey girl, so I recently started my own business and I thought you would be the perfect candidate to join my team! We'll be selling cooking and bakeware which should be right up your alley given how much you love to bake! So what do you say are you ready to join my team and leave [place of employment] behind?" I was immediately suspicious about the uncharacteristic tone of her message and asked her "What is the company name?" And she responded with "Pampered Chef." (an MLM). For the record, I am extremely anti-MLM, and know from following several anti-MLM YouTubers that hardly anyone makes any kind of money in those comapanies. So I politely declined her offer. And she immediately said "But you would be perfect! It would be just like when you sold Girl Scout cookies when you were a kid! I need you to join my team!" And I told her "I'm not interested in selling bakeware for an MLM. So my answer is still no." (Also bold of her to assume I did any of the cookie selling when I was in Girl Scouts, I gave thr forms to my parents and they did the bulk of the work).
I thought that was the end of it until I got an invite to an IN-PERSON (remember this was July 2020) Pampered Chef party at her house that at that point 40 people had RSVP'd to. I declined again snd blocked the group and a few days later I got another invite which I again declined. And the process repeated several more times. One day I got one at work within earshot of the manager's office and loudly said "Oh my GOD T I'm not going to your Pampered Chef house party in the middle of a pandemic!" Which got the manager's attention (we had already had one incident where an associate's wedding turned into a super-spreader event where 20 other associates ended up missing work due to Covid) and he asked me what was going on. And me being fed up with the near constant harassment, she messaged me several times a week and even went to my dad about it (he worked at the same store we did), I told him everything. And the following day T announced on Facebook "Unfortunately due to the current state of things, I regretfully have to cancel the in-house Pampered Chef party." She had also messaged me "thanks to you I can't hold my party or recruit people from work. Why did you tell management about it?" And I told her I was fed up with the constant harassment and didn’t see any other way of making it stop. I ended up blocking T after that. And thought it was the end of it.
Until her husband messaged me on FB several weeks later "Hi, I'm [so-so] T's husband, she asked me to reach out to you on her behalf to ask you if you would be interested in joining her team at Scentsy (another MLM that sells scented wax melts) she can't seem to message you for some reason." And I responded "Sir, with all due respect I've already had to threaten to file a harassment grievance against T if she continues to try and recruit me for her "businesses." My answer is still no and I will ask you to never contact me about this again otherwise I will go through with my threat." He apologized and I never heard from him again. T on the other hand makes snide remarks about how I ruined her businesses every time we happen to be on the same shift. And how I didn't have to be a narc and go to management about it and I should have just let it be. So AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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lacesconfidences · 4 months ago
Tu es Gay ?
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J'étais étudiant et mon éducation avec ma soeur et Christine m'avait permis de goûter tous les plaisirs des deux sexes. J'avais eu le plaisir de faire l'amour avec Christine à quelques reprises lors de nos jeux de l'après-midi, sur leur demande à toutes les deux. Mais… Je n'avais pas encore eu de relation sexuelle avec une fille en dehors de notre cercle intime. L'occasion s'est présentée avec ma première chérie, rencontrée à l'Université. Le souci, vous vous en doutez, était que sous mes dehors de garçon "normal", j'étais plutôt féminin. Dans l'armoire de ma chambre d'étudiant, il y avait peut être deux ou trois slips de garçon mais ils étaient perdus au millieu des petites culottes, des petites jupes et robes, des collants et de mes nuisettes ! J'avais presque autant de vêtements de fille que de garçon et beaucoup plus de lingerie. C'est dans ce cadre, en fin de soirée, que j'ai reçu ma première chérie dans ma chambre. Je ne lui avais rien dit par peur de la moquerie (j'y avais déjà eu droit à la piscine) et j'avais un peu honte aussi. C'est lorsqu'elle a déboutonné mon jean qu'elle a eu la surprise. Elle a découvert une culotte de coton blanc décorée de dentelle et de petites fleurs qui couvrait mon sexe presqu'entièrement épilé. Elle a eu un petit mouvement de recul et elle m'a dit : " Tu es gay !" Non, bien sûr que non ! J'aime trop les filles et j'aime me sentir bien dans mes dessous ! lui ai-je répondu. Craignant qu'elle parte, je lui ai demandé de m'écouter et je lui ai raconté mon histoire, mes apprentissages… ma vie cachée. Cela a pris un peu de temps et peu à peu elle s'est rapprochée de moi et elle a repris son exploration de mon jean. Nous avons ensuite fait l'amour et je pense que je lui ai donné du plaisir. Mes enseignements reçus de ma soeur et Christine m'ont permis de savoir comment m'y prendre. Nous sommes restés ensemble ensuite pendant quelques semaines nous avons partagé beaucoup de choses, à commencer par mes culottes qu'elle adorait m'emprunter !
You're gay!
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I was a student and my education with my sister and Christine had allowed me to taste all the pleasures of both sexes. I had had the pleasure of making love with Christine a few times during our afternoon games, at their request. But… I had not yet had sexual relations with a girl outside our intimate circle. The opportunity arose with my first sweetheart, whom I met at the University. The problem, as you can imagine, was that under my "normal" boy exterior, I was rather feminine. In the wardrobe of my student room, there were perhaps two or three pairs of boy's briefs but they were lost in the middle of the panties, the little skirts and dresses, the tights and my nighties! I had almost as many girls' clothes as boys' clothes and much more lingerie. It was in this context, at the end of the evening, that I received my first sweetheart in my room. I hadn't told her anything for fear of being mocked (I had already been mocked at the swimming pool) and I was a little ashamed too. It was when she unbuttoned my jeans that she was surprised. She discovered a pair of white cotton panties decorated with lace and little flowers that covered my almost entirely shaved sex. She took a step back and said to me: "You're gay!"
No, of course not! I like girls too much and I like feeling good in my underwear! I answered her. Fearing that she would leave, I asked her to listen to me and I told her my story, what I had learned… my hidden life. It took a little time and little by little she got closer to me and she resumed her exploration of my jeans. We then made love and I think I gave her pleasure. My lessons from my sister and Christine allowed me to know how to do it. We stayed together for a few weeks and shared a lot of things, starting with my panties that she loved to borrow!
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thethirdromana · 1 year ago
Blake's costumes, rated
Every time I do one of these, someone asks me for another one. So... I guess I'm doing the set?
Here are my thoughts on Blake's costumes in Blake's 7. Get ready for a whole lot of brown. Screengrabs from here (they prefer their images copied, not linked) and record of what Blake wears when from here. Here's the same for Avon, Servalan and Jenna.
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As seen in The Way Back, Space Fall, Cygnus Alpha, and Time Squad.
This is Blake in his normal, pre-Liberator clothes, and wow are they boring. This is clearly a man who was waiting for any opportunity to cut loose. Look how small his sleeves are! This isn't the clothing of a freedom fighter; it looks like the uniform of a handyman at an eco-friendly adventure park. It's not really Blake at all. 3/10.
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As seen in The Web, Seek-Locate-Destroy, Mission to Destiny, Duel, Project Avalon, Breakdown, Deliverance, and Orac.
I was going to say that this is a long time to be wearing the same outfit, but at a closer look, Blake does change his shirt. Thank goodness, because the question of who does the laundry on the Liberator has bothered me before, and I didn't like to think of Blake being stinky for most of series A.
Also, this is a great outfit. I feel like the way it has four different elements and textures should be too much, but it's working for me, particularly the chainmail-esque sleeve detail. 8/10.
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As seen in The Web, Seek-Locate-Destroy, Duel, Project Avalon, Bounty, and Orac.
Jenna made the pink version of this look cool; Blake looks like a dad in a National Trust car park. There might be poo bags for the family Labrador in one of his many pockets. Honestly, kudos to the Blake's 7 costume designers for this one: obviously functional and yet perfectly of a piece with the more ridiculous outfits in the series. I don't love to look at it but I have to admire it. 6/10.
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As seen in Redemption, Shadow, Horizon, and Killer.
In which Blake appears to be wearing an entire cow. Honestly, I love this outfit, from the sleeves to the boots. It's Romantic hero meets Robin Hood, it's ridiculous, it's wonderful. Gareth Thomas must have been so warm. 15/10.
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As seen in Shadow, and Voice From the Past.
I got a telling-off in the notes on my Jenna post for not including her in the karate ghi. So let the record stand that I approve of the karate ghi universally for Blake's 7 characters. I particularly appreciate that Avon and Jenna have theirs fastened up, while Blake's is open halfway to his midriff. Quarry chic, you can't beat it. 8/10.
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As seen in Weapon, Pressure Point, Trial, Countdown, and Voice From the Past.
This feels to me like the classic Blake outfit. It's like Avon's bajillion studded black leather jackets: green leather and bishop's sleeves are simply what Blakes in their natural environment should wear. But it's not quite as batshit as some of his other outfits and so I can't love it quite as much. 7/10.
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As seen in Horizon.
I accept that I'm straining the definition of "outfit" here but come on, I couldn't not include this moment. I love the artfully placed grime; I love the way, it being the 70s, that Blake's trousers come up to his navel; I love the fact that this is, to the best of my recollection, the one and only scene of someone taking their top off in the whole of Blake's 7. 10/10.
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As seen in Horizon.
The Romantic hero look is BACK. Here Blake is starring as a rebel version of Colin Firth's Mr Darcy. Get this man a lake to jump in. It is my firm belief that no man has yet existed who doesn't look good in this kind of shirt, and Gareth Thomas is no exception. 9/10.
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As seen in Hostage.
This is one of those "who wore it best?" moments and I have to be honest and say: Avon did. The rule that Avon should wear tight things, preferably leather, and Blake should wear loose things, preferably with massive sleeves, is not being disproven here. 4/10.
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As seen in Hostage, Gambit, The Keeper, and Star One.
There's just too much stuff going on here. The chainmail effect outfit was also quite busy but in a way that made Blake look bigger and bolder. This is the opposite; he looks almost smothered by it. There's a lot of fabric around his neck. It's brown and there's leather, but Blake doesn't look at home. 4/10.
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As seen in Blake.
Normally I rate these costumes based partly on how good they look, and partly on how well I feel they suit the character, and normally those two things are in alignment and it's all good. But here, I'm so torn.
Blake looks like shit. He's wearing some kind of horrific quilted knee-length gilet like a cross between a knight and someone who spends too much money in Jack Wills. It's too big for him and the little grab-handles on the front are... well, they're not very functional without Avon around to be grabbing him, are they? But on the other hand, it would be really weird if he looked good at this point in his story. The costume designers have judged this perfectly, and I hate it. 5/10.
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selidren · 3 months ago
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Eté 1929 - Champs-les-Sims
Quelque part, cela m'a fait beaucoup de bien d'avoir à nouveau la maison pleine de mon, même si nous nous sommes très rapidement marché dessus. En vieillissant, ma tante Juliette a un caractère de plus en plus acariâtre : un rien l'agace et elle ne se gêne pas pour le faire savoir. Nous avons attendu que Maman et Papa arrivent d'Alexandrie avec les jumelles.
Je n'ai pas pu beaucoup voir Maman, car Jeanne et Julienne lui prennent énormément de temps. Papa est allé immédiatement s'enfermer dans la chambre du grenier, et n'en est pas ressorti avant le jour des obsèques. Avant d'aller s'enfermer dans la chambre de Grand-Mère. Je ne l'ai jamais vu ainsi, il avait l'oeil torve et la mâchoire contractée comme si il contenait une affreuse douleur. Il m'a fait peine à voir, mais une fois de plus, je n'ai pas su quoi lui dire. Il n'avait alors adressé la parole qu'à Rose ou Adelphe et ses phrases étaient aussi froides que laconiques.
Transcription :
Rose « Tu marques un point. Mais je pense que Grand-Mère aurait aimé que tous ses descendants soient là. Félix n’a que dix-sept ans, alors il ne se rend pas compte qu’il manquera quelque chose d’important. »
Juliette « Dois-je te rappeler que tout le monde n’est pas là ? »
Rose « Oh non, Juliette ! S’il te plaît... »
Juliette « Et pourquoi non ? Nous avons toujours une mère et une tante qui battent la campagne on ne sait où depuis plus de trente ans ! Elles ne se sont pas montrées que je sache ? »
Rose « Il faut vraiment que tu fasse ton deuil Juliette. »
Juliette « J’ai fait mon deuil quand j’avais quatre ans. Je ne m’en souviens même pas et j’ai grandi sans mère. C’est aussi simple que cela. »
Rose « Oui, tu as parfaitement surmonté cette épreuve, c’est évident. C’est pour cela que tu étouffes de colère à la moindre occasion de mentionner notre mère, soit quand on la mentionne, soit quand tu juges le moment opportun de l’agonir. Tu es drôlement bien placée pour juger Constantin dis donc… »
Rose « Tu ne réponds rien. »
Juliette « Je ne vois pas vraiment ce que je pourrais répondre. Comme souvent, tu as raison, et je me sens comme une gamine idiote. C’est juste que… c’était si injuste ce qui nous est arrivé. »
Rose « Oui, injuste. Mais je suis certaine que ce n’était pas de sa faute. Et quoi qu’il arrive, il est trop tard pour regretter. Elle est certainement morte depuis longtemps. De même que notre tante. »
Juliette « Je suis jalouse de Constantin parfois. Que lui ai eu tant de temps de plus que nous pour les connaître. J’admets que quand il parle d’elles avec son petit sourire mélancolique et ses yeux brillants de nostalgie, j’ai envie de les lui arracher. »
Rose « Je… oui je comprends. »
Juliette « Je me demande aussi si ça n’a pas eu une incidence sur mon Félix. De perdre son père si jeune. Comme la perte de ma mère en a eu sur moi. »
Rose « C’est certain. C’est pour cela que tu ne voulais pas de lui à l’enterrement n’est-ce pas ? »
Juliette « Rose, te souviens-tu de l’enterrement de Clément ? Félix avait quatre ans. Il a pleuré et crié tout du long, ça a été atroce de bout en bout. Il était en train de comprendre qu’il ne reverrait jamais son père. Les autres l’on regardé avec ce regard de pitié si condescendante, et moi j’ai senti leur jugement, parce que j’étais trop malade de tristesse pour réussir à le réconforter. Il a peur des cimetières tu sais ? Même aujourd’hui encore. »
Rose « Je ne savais pas Juliette. Tu aurais pu m’en parler. »
Juliette « Je n’ai jamais été très douée avec mes sentiments, mais après la mort de Clément, j’ai l’impression que quelqu’un a anesthésié mon coeur. J’ai l’impression de tout ressentir de façon étouffée. »
Rose « J’ai cru remarquer quelque chose oui. Tu es plus dure depuis. Avec tout le monde d’un premier abord, mais aussi avec toi. Tu es comme Constantin, tu ne parles de rien avant que tout explose. »
Juliette « Sauf que je n’ai pas explosé. C’est en dedans, et ça ne sort pas. Et de toute façon, qu’est-ce que tu aurais pu y faire ? »
Rose « Je suis peut-être médecin, mais tu as été infirmière. Tu sais très bien que parler aide, ne serait-ce qu’un peu. »
Juliette « Moi ça ne m’aide pas. Et de toute façon, je ne veux pas qu’on me voit comme une aliénée. »
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mayyourshipsbewithyou · 1 year ago
I saw Cursed Child in London this summer without knowing what to expect (never read the script). I fucking loved it. I traveled to Munich, Paris, Euro Disney, Stratford-upon-Avon and London over the course of a month. I saw old friends and spent time with family. Cursed Child was hands-down the highlight of the whole trip. Certainly the thing that stuck with me the longest. Did the plot make sense? No. Did that subtract from my experience even a little bit? Absolutely not.
Harry Potter was never the reason I breathed like it was for some people. It wasn’t even my main fandom. But I grew up with it. I loved it. Deathly Hallows Part II came out the year I graduated high school. Afterwards, I moved on without much difficulty. Thought about it from time to time because nothing epitomized my childhood and growing up like Harry Potter. And then the opportunity arose to see Cursed Child and I took it. Insisted upon it to my family. One of the best things I ever did.
Because sometime in my 20s I realized I was gay. And as I now know, that’s something I have in common with Albus Potter. Harry Potter’s son, my childhood hero’s son, was gay. As far as me and my 65 year old father are concerned, Albus and Scorpius are as canon as Ron and Hermione. And that matters. It’s more than LGBT representation in Harry Potter. The fact that Harry’s own son is in love with Draco’s son matters so fucking much. It feels good thematically and it feels good for me personally. When it comes to that show, Delfini being Voldemort’s daughter doesn’t matter. A cliche time travel plot doesn’t matter. Voldemort/Bellatrix doesn’t matter. Albus and Scorpius matter. Their love story is the only thing that matters.
I’m sad that even post-covid audiences wanted more from them. Could they have kissed? Sure. Would i have wanted it? Of course, but they also didn’t need to. What I was already given was enough. More than enough. More than I ever thought to ask for or dare to hope for. I’m happy for Albus. So happy. Happy in a way that I wish I could be happy for myself. Not just for having a boyfriend but a best friend. I have been lonely in a way that Albus and Scorpius never had to be. And that makes me happy…and maybe a little bit sad.
Anyway, all this to say, I’ve spent the 5 weeks since I’ve been home losing myself in Scorbus fan fiction. I even wake up early so I can read before work. So if any of my fellow shippers have any recommendations, I would be very grateful.
(Yes, this long emotional post is just an elaborate way to ask for fic recs. Life’s too short for reading mediocre fan fiction. 😉)
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darkbluekies · 1 year ago
I do collect Barbies! This genuinely isn’t me trying to brag or sound arrogant, but all of my 59 Barbies I currently have are collector/special/limited edition. I like them not because of their status, but because their clothing/quality was so well done. They’re from the late 90s to 2000s.
I’m not gonna list them all of course, but I think you’ll like these as a lot listed are historical/time period inspired outfits. Let me know though if you have different/more style preferences and I’ll try to find some to share with you again.
Barbie Cafe Society
Barbie Faberge Porcelain (3 in series)
Barbie Great Fashions of the 20th Century (7 in series)
Barbie Hollywood Movie Star (6 in series)
Barbie Mrs. P.F.E. Albee: Avon (2 in series)
Barbie Royal Jewels (4 in series)
Barbie Victorian Tea Porcelain (2 in series)
Barbie Victorian with Cedric Bear
Barbie Wedgwood (2 in series)
The website I used when collecting is https://barbieguide.sosugary.com/index.php
It’s a great catalog of Barbie releases. You’ll find a lot more historical inspired dolls on there, and Barbie makes excellent porcelain dolls too that I think you’ll like.
And tips if you’re interested in fashion doll collecting…
Don’t buy newer collector/special/limited edition dolls from Mattel. They’re worse quality for outrageously more money. Trust me on this. (A lot of my collector Barbies I was able to get for $30-$40 USD new in box, compared to the $100+ USD price tag Mattel charges now for collector dolls).
Mattel has been declining in quality ever since 2016 (probably earlier) and is still going lower present day. So if you’re interested in good quality play-line or collector dolls, try to get pre 2016.
Mattel dolls most of the time have polypropylene hair, which is considered the worst hair quality fiber as it literally disintegrates over a few years and isn’t easily brushsble/stylable.
Mattel also gives most of their dolls cheap paper-like printed clothing or molded on clothes.
If you want quality, buy MGA. They have nylon hair (easily brushsble, stylable, and won’t disintegrate). Much higher quality clothes/fabrics with intricate details and complex designs.
Thank you for your time!
That's cool to hear :))) it's nice to find someone that shares the interest of dolls, even if it's a different kind! Although I learned a lot, thank you♡ I'll check out the older styled ones!!
I'm not very interested in fashion dolls (apart from those from the 1800s) so unfortunately I'm sticking to my child looking dolls, which is why I kind of like the American girl dolls that are supposed to look like 1900s/1800s
I'm going to take this opportunity to brag about my girls as if they were my children. Here are my some of my older dolls<3
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Just like you say about Barbies, these dolls also have limited editions (such as the discontinued one with a very, very uncanny voice box from the 1880s) unfortunately, I don't have any of them. BUT, I do have two from the most famous doll makers, Kestner and Armand Marseille<3 Always have to look for the markings that tell exactly which model they are
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And I have one special girl who I call Darling who has human hair!!
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And I just have to squeeze this in, when I was in Belfast I got to see a doll I have been such a big fan of for so many years. It's a doll that was floating around in the wreckage and actually seeing her up close in real life made me tear up in pure happiness. She was absolutely stunning, and I think she might (just might) be a similar model to my doll with the red boots, but i could get a good luck of her neck to see the "tag". Here she is!!
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I just had to, dolls are one of my biggest interest and i have to take every chance i get♡
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ash-and-books · 11 days ago
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Rating: 3/5
Book Blurb:
“His Imperial Majesty King Zarek requests your presence as his esteemed guest.”
When the gold-dusted court invitation arrives at Suraya Saab’s forge, she believes it’s a joke. Nobles might seek her skills as a bladesmith—one of few who can imbue her work with precious jadu, the last source of magic in the realm—but she has no qualifications as a potential bride for the crown prince. Still, the invitation is the chance at adventure, and the means to finally visit the capital city her late mother loved.
But what awaits her in Kaldari is nothing she could have imagined—and fraught with danger. It’s not the crown prince, but his impossibly handsome, illegitimate half-brother, Roshan, who captures her interest…and her ire. The invitation isn’t a quest to find a suitable bride, but a veiled hunt for the Starkeeper—a girl rumored to hold the magic of the stars in her blood. And across the city, unrest is brewing between the noble houses and the rebel militia.
When the rebels attack, Suraya and Roshan find themselves on the run, trying to deny their simmering attraction and the knowledge that Suraya herself might be the Starkeeper. But Roshan is guarding secrets of his own. And with no control over the power stirring within her, Suraya has drawn the attention of a dark god, an immortal whose interest might be the biggest threat of all.
She's a bladesmith who has been invited into the palace to be chosen as the crown prince's bride but finds herself falling for the prince's illegitimate half brother, all the while the hunt for a magical girl with powers that could potential raise a god begins... and her own powers might be exactly those. Suraya is a bladesmith who has dreamed about seeing the capital city that her mother loved, so when an invitation comes for her to visit to participate in the chance to be the crown prince's bride she can't resist the opportunity to see the palace forge. Yet when she arrives there nothing is what she expects and worst of all, she's falling for the crown prince's handsome illegitimate brother. Then the crown prince announces a hunt for a girl known as the Starkeeper, someone who has magic of stars in her blood and can be used to raise a god. Suraya's own magic begins to slip up... and she just might be the very person the crown prince is hunting. The only person she can turn two is Roshan, the illegitimate son of the dead king. Roshan is hiding his own secrets, and as they grow closer... his secrets might threaten to destroy the delicate relationship between them. There is also the strange dreams Suraya has been having of a strange god who she seems to have a very physical and loving relationship with... but she can't recall but he haunts her every dream. This is the first book in a series and its a mixture of fantasy, romance, and a bit of politics. It is Amalie's first fantasy novel and I adore her historical romances a lot, but this one just kind of missed the mark for me. It was just felt so young adult and the story just never really hooked me. The romance just didn't feel all that fleshed out or well developed. This book sets up the rest of the series but honestly just doesn't really pace well and I just wish I could like the characters more and feel more invested because it had potential but as the first book it just wasn't as great of a start as I had hoped. I am a bit curious where the second book will go and how they will flesh out the relationship between the three characters. If you like fantasy romances with spice and characters who feel a bit more YA I would say give it a go.
Release Date: January 7, 2025
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
*Thanks Netgalley and Avon and Harper Voyager | Avon for seding me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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avonmom · 2 years ago
Learn all about #Avon 2023 incentives & rewards you can take advantage of as an #AvonRep. #JenAntunesBeauty #SellAvon #AvonLeadership #AvonIncentives
Avon Incentives 2023 For over 135 years Avon has provided a way to help woman earn money & empower themselves through financial freedom, long before it was a norm in our society. Now, many women, and a few good men, have not only been able to achieve their financial goals with a business that they can work into their daily life, but also receive recognition & opportunities. Since joining the LG…
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bookishbethanyerin · 1 year ago
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• arc review: fangirl down •
As a fervent fangirl, I will admit that I was nervous about this book, where a golf fangirl gets the opportunity to be her favorite player’s caddie.
I was worried that it would lean into the cartoonishly delusional extremes that fangirls are so often (and usually wrongly) associated with. That even though Tessa Bailey was at this book’s helm, it would be at best cringey and at worst deeply insulting.
But y’all – any concern I had evaporated by Chapter Two.
Though Josephine is a true fangirl – devoted to Wells Whitaker, the bad boy of the pro golf world who is in a downward spiral – she’s never solely defined by just that. And Tessa does an incredible job of not just capturing, but balancing, the reality of being a fangirl of an athlete. Sure, Josephine will admit she thinks Wells is hot, but that isn’t the reason she loyally supports him – she’s a golf expert who loves how he plays and what he brings to the game.
And Wells is a self-sabotaging mess who will take every thought you might have of a preppy, fratty, pro golfer MMC and light it on fire. He is grumpy and brooding and mouthy and really funny and such a fangirl defender and he falls so hard and so fast, and omg, you’ll love him.
With “Fangirl Down,” Tessa delivers a classic sports comeback story in a (very, very steamy!!) romance book package that is cute and clever and sexy and so, so satisfying.
Tropes to expect:
⛅️grumpy x sunshine
🥰he falls first
🌶️spicy bets
🖤touch her and 😵
😈morality chain
If you follow golf or have learned about it through osmosis (like me!), there is a moment in the third act that will have you going, “absolutely no one in the golf world would do this,” but, I mean, it’s fiction, so I didn’t stay too hung up on it.
All in all, I really loved this – in fact, it may be my favorite thing I’ve read from Tessa Bailey. (Yes, really!) And to think, I went in worried!
⛳️An enormous thank you to Avon Books for the opportunity to read and review an advanced copy! Fangirl Down will be out February 13th!💕
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softnasty · 1 year ago
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@ orelsan you have the opportunity to do the funniest fucking shit right now.
je dis pas que @pigeonneaux et moi avons manifesté l'album de flûte d'orel cet été mais... on a toute la direction graphique et les titres touts prêts... (on à flûté, ah la flûte, etc..... flûtes pour plus tard.....)
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goldieclaws · 1 year ago
My game: PRISM - A Visual Novel, is now one year old!
Technically, its actual anniversary was on 26th July and since I missed it by one week because of ArtFight and the O2A2 jam, I've decided to put it at a 50% discount for two weeks instead of one!
This discount also applies to the Artbook as well as the PRISM & Artbook bundle, so if a game with:
25k word count
About 2 hours of gameplay
3 different endings
Hand-drawn backgrounds and character sprites
A free demo!
And artbook with 40+ pages worth of character designs; backgrounds; and extra content intrigues you, please consider checking it out!
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Reblogs appreciated, thank you! 💖✨
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furrbbyx · 2 years ago
Thoughts on the use of 'member' being used in smut ???
Thank you for this question and the opportunity to speak directly to the public about this issue.
I was weaned on "member" bc my aunt was an Avon romance subscriber back in the dark ages of romance.
I think if the smut is tame or set in a certain time period, it's acceptable to use "member". But if it's fetish stuff, what r we doing? Id rather read "his meaty log" or "his fat dong" than "privates" or "member".
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