#avian otherkin
mxmorbidmidnight · 2 months
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cozy-kitty-corner · 2 months
Otherkin HRT #1
Hello! I’ve been pondering this for a while, and finally decided to jump on the bandwagon of alterhuman stories. Please reblog if you like it!
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safaridays · 9 months
“why do you stretch your shoulderblades so much?” my wings boy. boy my wings
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randompolykin · 4 months
i bet having wings would majorly improve my depression.
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candieduranium · 4 months
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aphelion-alifer · 11 days
relieving wing related dysphoria
something that I see many winged folks experience, including myself, is wing related dysphoria. more specifically, dysphoria relating to not being able to fly or not having wings physically. all my life this is a struggle I've dealt with, and I understand how painful it is. there are ways to relieve it though! here's some things that I've come up with and suggest to those who are struggling:
create mood boards, wallpapers, stim boards, and pinterest boards relating to the sky, your wings, theriotype, shifted form, etc
dive into media that has winged people/creatures (maximum ride, the maleficent movies, the croaking, just to name a few)
play games that let you fly, either with or without wings. bonus points if you're able to do it in VR (roblox, minecraft, feralheart, aer memories of old, superflight, fugl, etc)
practice lucid dreaming or astral projection
blankets!! especially weighted blankets, this can mimic the feeling of having wings
create or buy cosplay wings that look like your own (either typical cosplay wings worn with a harness/straps, or a backpack with wings, or a shawl in the shape of wings)
wear the colors of your wings, theriotype or shifted form
surround yourself with wing related themes or themes related to your theriotype or shifted form (buttons, pins, stickers, doodles, plushies, etc)
wear wing related accessories (rings, necklaces, hair pins, wings you can put on the laces of your shoes, etc)
if you're able to, get wings tattooed on your back or get a tattoo related to your theriotype or shifted form
if you're able to, participate in sky/air related sports or activities (skydiving, wingsuit flying, paragliding, hang gliding, etc)
draw/doodle your wings, theriotype or shifted form!!
meditate and visualize your wings. feel their weight, see their colors and textures, etc.
connect and talk to others who have wings if you need support and are looking for folks who have had similar experiences
carry around a backpack and make sure to give it some weight! having a backpack of a similar weight to my phantom wings tends to make my phantom wings go away, if you're looking to stop your phantom wings from existing for a bit for any reason
collect feathers that look like yours if you have feathered wings
connect with nature! this helps ground me and feel more connected to my natural self. I suggest going outside on a windy day or climbing trees.
stick your head/arms out of the car when you're going somewhere! this is one of my favorite things to do and it mimics what I imagine flying to feel like (pro tip, don't do this if you're driving)
make your room feel like the environment you belong in (using nature or wind ambient sounds, fans to get air flowing, that sort of thing)
watch flying POV videos
I'm sure there are more things that I could add, but I think that this is all my brain can think of at the moment. feel free to add onto the list if there's anything else that any of you want to add if I missed anything!
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mystery-aberration · 2 months
I need wings. Now.
Give me bright and coloured feathers. Give me their warmth, and the comfort they can offer another in a hug. Give me flight whenever I desire. Give me wings.
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big-coyote · 6 months
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foxless · 1 year
therians deserve joy
therians deserve euphoria
therians deserve acceptance
therians deserve self expression
you deserve to be yourself unapologetically.
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kalvanreaped · 11 months
Also regular stretching doesn't cut it, I need to stretch my wings.
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mxmorbidmidnight · 2 months
I am here to offer thee an offer!!! One that thou shalt not decline!!! For the small price of three chicken legs I, the great and all powerful gooses will offer thee the following services.
• I will bake thee bread, I will knead it with my feathery wings and bake it for 20-25 minutes until it is golden brown
• I will stop eating the souls of thine shoes
• I will hold thy hand while thou makest phonecalls.
• I will call thee “dear” and pat thee on the head.
• I will fight people on the internet for thee and honk at them and call them a silly goose but in a bad way!!!
• I will disturb the peace and slightly reduce the livability of thine transphobic parents local area.
• I can type at a computer and use the Microsoft word.
• I do happen to be an exceptional wedding planner. I only do Florida and greenday themed weddings.
• I can carry axe body spray for thee at all times.
• I will remind thee that thou art loved. There there. Goose is here (honk honk)
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cozy-kitty-corner · 2 months
Aves HRT P. 2
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Bonus: Firenze’s file after the appt (aka her ref sheet)
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This has been a real challenge to draw but it turned out well! I hope you enjoy, the 3rd part will be out in a few days since it’s already finished :)
Please reblog if you enjoy!
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apple-eating-goat · 3 months
I wish I had a tail to wag and gently wrap around my loved ones
I wish I had a voicebox that could purr continously or growl and snarl and chirp without getting sore
I wish I had fangs to bear
I wish I had claws to climb trees with
I wish I had wings to flare and fluff and preen
I wish I had ears that could swivel and point and flatten to my skull
I wish I had eyes that could see in the dark
I wish I was more than just this human body
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puddin-dear · 8 months
Is there like a species name for humans with wings? Cuz im gonna scream if I have to explain one more time “oh hey so one of my kintypes is an avian-human hybrid. So like a guy with wings, yeah. And maybe clawed feet.” Cuz thats a lotta words ! !
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therianfinderforum · 6 months
Welcome to TherianFinder on Tumblr!
What is TherianFinder? TherianFinder is a forum made for therian/otherkin, by therian/otherkin. Its purpouse is quite easially found in its name: to find others like us in our areas! Using the structure of a forum website, our hope is to connect therians, otherkin, and the like more in person.
Countries Currently with Forums: USA UK (scotland included until offical seperation) China India Indonesia (WIP) Australia TBA!!
Hey! My Country/State/Region is missing! :( we're so sorry about that! ATM, the forum is currently being run by one person, and as such needs user reach-out to correct bugs and add new info! we're trying our best! tell us in our inbox, or on the forum
Status: WIP, but open! currently being developed, and is very likley to have missing info and sections.
Staff: AP0110- main admin and founder, US Manager Blogs: @ap01105 & @theritalk
Link: https://therianfinder.freeforums.net
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objectivelypink · 7 months
Does anyone else enjoy sleeping on their stomach? I just lay in my nest with my blanket on my back and I can just feel my wings splayed out comfortably and I find the idea of laying on my back horrible cause I don't wanna mess up my pretty wings. It also makes my dog brain happy to be laying down with my arms tucked and nuzzling into the pillow.
Idk, sudden realization why I adore sleeping on my stomach. Especially when my cat enters with in the blankets, makes me feel like my wings curl around him too.
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