#average hua cheng day
good-vs-evo · 5 months
i strongly believe that hua cheng once spent 12 hours blasting “you stupid bitch” by girl in red and danced around and screamed and then spent 12 hours in xie lian’s temple, repenting for calling his god a stupid bitch
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nangongpuye · 8 months
i did a thing
MDZS (novel) :
72 named characters
50 dead (including wen ning, song lan, and wei wuxian)
conclusion: 69% chance of death, with a 4.2% chance of conscious return to life.
MDZS (any and all media) :
77 named characters
55 dead
conclusion: 72% chance of death anywhere in the mdzs-verse.
44 named characters (clones and alter egoes not counted)
16 permanently dead
14 ghosts
16 gods
conclusion: 36% chance of permanent death, 32% chance of dying and becoming a ghost, 36% chance in ascending.
here's the percentage, but skewed with the ghost deaths: 73%
SVSSS (svsss only, no pidw):
41 named characters
12 dead, + 1 linguang-jun missing +1 shen yuan +1 shang qinghua
conclusion: 37% chance of death/missing, 4.9% chance of returning via transmigration
conclusion of conclusions: great mxtx, why did you have to do that to mdzs????? they're all dead......
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phoenixfire7894 · 2 months
I know a lot of Tgcf fans greatly dislike the Banyue Arc (and I understand in the sense that it’s early on that all adaptions really mainly include up to that arc in this point in time and it gets repetitive) but I am actually a decent fan of this arc, mainly because of Hua Cheng, Mu Qing, and Feng Xin all just wearing obnoxiously obvious disguises.
Xie Lian really humored these three.
Hua Cheng is the least offensive of these three. He’s not really actively trying to hide his identity per se. I imagine that he didn’t want to straight up lie to Xie Lian, which is why he only disguised his appearance and then proceeded to be the weirdest person ever. Like mans lowkey waltzed up to Xie Lian and said “Hey bestie, I’m just a good old normal, 100% average teenager who is most definitely not a ghost king or anything like that! Look, I can breathe!“ and then proceeded to info dump a shit ton of information about gods and shit like he’s Wikipedia which a normal, 100% average teenager who is most definitely not a ghost king would most positively not know.
However, our other two offenders actually thought they were fooling Xie Lian, whom may I remind you, is legit their childhood friend. They swapped color pallets and called it a day. And not only did they not try to not act like their selfs in the personality sense in their disguises, they also were just so bad at pretending not to be themselves. Like, someone says “General” in the cave where all the travelers were hiding and they both respond like it’s them being addressed. Idiots.
Also, the three of them just bicker half the time. Mu Qing and Feng Xin just kept yelling that this random nepo-baby Xie Lian picked up was so sus and trying to prove it to him while Xie Lian sits there and tells them to go for it while he snickers internally, knowing the identity of every single disguised person in the room.
These three legit had an argument about whether or not this “San Lang” could drink water. That’s just so fucking funny to me.
Honorable mentions in this arc is Feng Xin getting the shit beat out of him by Windmaster because he somehow was unaware that they swapped gendered forms (which btw, how the fuck did he not know this)?! Also, He Xuan and Hua Cheng just seeing each other in disguises because I wish I got their internal monologues for that.
Tldr: Banyue arc isn’t the best arc in the series, but it still stands as a fairly comedic regardless.
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xieliansbignaturals · 2 months
"average person goes through 3 gender affirming procedures a year just for fun" factoid actualy just statistical error. average person goes through 0 gender affirming procedures per year. Trans Icon Hua Cheng and Trans Icon Shi Qingxuan, who live in a world with shapeshifting magic & shapeshift just for fun 10,000 times each day, are outliers adn should not have been counted
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ataraxixx · 11 months
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ok whatever im a day late. citrus halloween costumes bc i needed to draw this.
tagging @average-hua-cheng-fan bc this is ur fault and @morrogatari bc u asked
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gege · 10 months
Hiii, how are you? I hope you are doing ok! <3 sending love and hugs. I wanted to ask you... i think i remember something about tgcf having live action adaptation. Was that real or was just a dream i had or something? If it's real do you know if we will have it or what happened to the project? Idk if my mind made that up! sorry and thanks :)
Hiii Anon!
No, it's not some mad collective fever dream we all had, they really did film it (6 months of shooting between July 2021 and January 2022). Native title is 吉星高照 (Ji Xing Gao Zhao) English title is Eternal Faith.
If we ever get to see it is another matter, i probably don't need to say the main reason is because it's a danmei adaptation - it'll have a harder time passing the censors than the average cdrama. Since the popularity of other dangais it seems the censors have become stricter in any case. Job one is always going to be passing the censors.
While checking chinese websites and articles I did find several sources of a rumour that the site security punched a girl who was visiting the set. I can't vouch for the reliability of this but anything that can potentially attract criticism can delay a cdrama release further. Other criticisms include the casting of the male leads, how cheap the set design and costuming look, and a cancelled actress who may have to remain uncredited.
So it will need to satisfy the censors in order to be relased, as well as satisfy the general public and tgcf fans to be worth releasing and I'm not sure if it can do it all. If all goes well and it does ever pass censorship, we won't get a release date in advance. I don't know if you've ever experienced waiting for a cdrama release but you will not get much warning when it airs. It will likey drop with a couple days warning in form of internet rumours, or just completely out of the blue.
HAVING SAID THAT - another rumour is that a full costume bl drama like the untamed will be released internationally in Sept 2024, bypassing a Chinese release. It's just a rumour but it does make this webpage very interesting! But please remember everything above and not get too excited just yet 😂.
I'm gonna share some set photos just because 😍
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Zhai Xiaowen as Xie Lian
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Zhang Linghe as Hua Cheng/San Lang/Crimson Rain Sought Flower
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Chang Huasen as Shi Qingxuan/Wind Master & Tian Xuning as He Xuan/Ming Yi/Earth Master
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Vin Zheng as Nan Feng & Li Fancheng as Fu Yao (+ bonus Wind Master)
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Liu Lingzi as Xuan Ji
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Liu Jinyan as Ling Wen & Wang Yueyi as Female Wind Master
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Xiao Kaizhong as Feng Xin/Nan Yang & Cai Yao as Mu Qing/Xuan Zhen
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Bian Tianyang as Qi Rong/Prince Xiao Jing/Green Ghost
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Lu Yuxiao as Yushi Hung/Rain Master. She played Shangguan Qian in My Journey to You, but as she was fairly unknown at the time of filming jxgz so there are no photos to be found of her as Rain Master 😩.
Anyway, let's all quietly try to will this into existence with physic powers etc.
Thanks for sending me an ask, have a lovely day anon!
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rainydayrina · 3 months
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Im terrible at math so i could be wrong but if im right.....:
This is your reminder that in order to make 10,000 Xie Lian statues, Hua Cheng would have to carve out an average of 29 A DAY!!!
If im wrong please let me know... *updated below*
Im trying to fingure how many he would have made a day if he ONLY worked on it during his mount tonglu 10 years but the math isnt working.
Yes i am the cant drive, sits weird, bad at math kinda gay.....
EDIT: shout out to @muigiel for helping me out. Thanks bestie ♡
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I figured most of them were done in that 10 year period but the calculator didnt like me trying to uncover HC's secrets
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wuxianxkexing · 1 year
Another one of my unhinged insights, this time about MuLianCheng.
So I find it interesting that Hua Cheng decided to wear red eyeliner in his San Lang disguise. He first met Xie Lian again after his 3rd ascension during the Bridegroom arc in his /true/ form. People speculate that Hua Cheng is insecure about his looks so that is why he decided to try to befriend Xie Lian in disguise, but if that is the case why show up during your first meeting in your true form? Xie Lian could've looked Hua Cheng straight in the eyes at any point. It is only sheer luck that he didn't.
Ok maybe there is the argument that he showed up in his true form because he just didn't have time to put on his disguise after being tipped off to where Xie Lian was and he didn't necessarily plan to reveal himself but chose to after Xie Lian was left alone in the bridal sedan (even though Xie Lian 100% didn't need his help lol). Alright. But why decide to ever show your true form to him if you are that insecure about your looks? Or at least why decide after only 3 days that the next time you meet him that you will show him your true form? Does that make any logical sense for a person deeply insecure about their looks to do? No. People who are insecure about their looks, especially to the point of wearing a disguise, are not going to get over it /that/ fast. So my argument is that Hua Cheng is not that insecure about his looks. Maybe he has a normal level of self consciousness about his looks but he ain't despairing over how ugly he thinks he is.
So why show up in a disguise? He was worried that Xie Lian might be intimidated or biased by the rumors surrounding him, so he chose to befriend him in disguise so Xie Lian could actually get to know him before letting the rumors cloud his judgment. That makes sense and explains why he was willing to show his true form so quickly. He didn't really want to deceive Xie Lian, he just wanted to get acquainted and show that he means him no harm before revealing his intimidating true identity. However why did he choose that particular disguise?
We know that Hua Cheng has been in love with Xie Lian for like 800 years. It makes perfect sense that he would choose a disguise that he thinks Xie Lian would find attractive (he sure as shit wouldn't choose a disguise that he thought Xie Lian would find ugly or even just average). Why does he have the impression that Xie Lian would be into mean twinks who wear red eyeliner and dress to kill a bitch?
Enter Mu Qing/Fu Yao. He is also a mean twink who wears red (though more like pink) eyeliner who dresses to kill a bitch. Now I'm not saying that Hua Cheng is copying all of this from Mu Qing on purpose. I think that Hua Cheng is naturally kind of a mean bitch who likes to dress really good. But the eyeliner. Why the eyeliner? He doesn't wear eyeliner in his true form and as far as we know he never wore it until after the Bridegroom arc. He saw Mu Qing wearing it and thought for some reason "I need to wear red eyeliner in my disguise too." Why? My thoughts are as follows.
Hua Cheng wanted to prove that he could wear it better. Why? Because he feels insecure about Xie Lian's and Mu Qing's relationship (either past or present). Either he felt, knew or heard rumors that MuLian was a thing in the past and so he naturally feels the need to compete with Mu Qing (especially since Xie Lian could see through Mu Qing's disguise and knew it was him the entire time. What if they started their relationship back up?) OR Xie Lian was giving Fu Yao certain looks or perhaps comments that made Hua Cheng feel like he needed to prove that he could do it better.
I think Hua Cheng realizes that he and Mu Qing are similar, or at least similar enough, to be Xie Lian's type. I think this is part of the reason he so bitchy to Mu Qing in specific. He needs to prove that he can be bitchier, funnier, prettier, more skilled, etc... than Mu Qing in any way that he thinks that Xie Lian might like. Mu Qing is probably too emotionally constipated to pick up on it and just thinks Hua Cheng is an asshole, not realizing that he is jealous of/feels threatened by him.
I also like this theory because of the potential symbolism behind it. They both wear red eyeliner to symbolize their love for Xie Lian. Mu Qing wears pink because his is a soft love. Hua Cheng wears red because his is a passionate love. It seems like they both have acts of service as their love language but Mu Qing is way more shy and lowkey about it than Hua Cheng, hence the more subtle pink instead of the bold red that Hua Cheng wears. It's a little hint at their rivalry before you even know much about them.
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I was playing around in a height comparison site and decided to share some comparisons...
MXTX's mc and ml
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Xie Lian - 178 (he's the shortest, I thought he was taller)
Hua Cheng - 190 (the tallest boy)
Wei Wuxian - 186 (in his first life, pretty tall I hink)
Lan Zhan - 188 (not much different between them in the first life)
Luo Binghe - 188 (I was certain he would be taller, he's the same height than Lan Zhan)
Shen Qingqiu - 184 (I think that in his first life as Shen Yuan he was shorter but who knows, couldn't find anything on it)
Me next to them cause why not
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2ha version
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Mon Ran - 189 (that kind dork gigant puppy)
ChuWanning - 180 ( Mo Ran is way taller)
Shi Mei - 183 (I forget how tall he actually is)
Xue Meng - 178 (I tried find Mei Hanxues height to put near him but couldn't find)
Me with them
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It's always nice to suffer a little bit with Immortality/hyx:
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Luo Yunxi - 177 (he's shorter than Chu Wanning)
Chen Feiyu - 188 (he's just 1cm shorter than Mo Ran.)
Me with my Yizhan so I know how much will I have to look up when I meet them
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Wang Yibo - 182
Xiao Zhan - 184 (their different of height is so little)
Me with my crush boys
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Luo Yunxi - 177 (the shortest meow)
Li Dai Kun - 181 (the tallest from my boys)
Pedro Pascal - 179 (I do think is an average male signed height as he said)
Johnny Depp - 178 (no as tall as I thought he was)
Me with my crush girls
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Zhou Ye - 165 (5 inch taller than me)
Ni Ni - 170 (my girl is tall)
Avril Lavigne - 165 (I thought she was shorter actually, she looks so short, how do I look than?!?!)
Helena Bonham Carter - 157 (she must be the same height that my mom, I thought she was my height, she's shorter than me!!!!)
Bonus! The characters of my W.I.P
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Neven - 180 (in his first life, the mc, inspired by shi mei, shi qing xuan and binghe)
Laoh - 187 (kind dorky giant too, inspired by shen qingqiu and dean winchester, the ml)
Milek - 181 (he's inspired in Chu Wanning I think, is the second ml)
Mo Guan - 168 (inspired by a-xiang I can only see her as Zhou Ye)
Nia - 165 (mystic girl with white hair revealed to me in a dream)
Vys - 160 (short boy, twin of the above, also came to me in a dream)
If anyone wants to play around, this is the site:
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levis-wii-controller · 7 months
Obsessed (Huā Chéng x Xiè Lián /One Shot Smut/)
Tags: Hua Cheng | San Lang/Xie Lian | Prince Xienle, Power Bottom!Xie Lian, Submissive Top!Hua Cheng, Smut, M/M, Stalking, Masturbation, Desperate Hua Cheng, Sex Deprivation, Hand Jobs, Bathing, Perversion, Voyeurism, Mysophilia, Panty Sniffing, Dirty Talk, Narratophilia, Mentioned Agalmatophilia (Statues), Mentioned Pillow Humping, Miscommunication, Orgasm Denial, ~2.4K words.
Hua Cheng, could be described in many ways. He’s strong, coy and meticulous, to the average person that is. No one knew his other side, not even Xie Lian. That was his obsessive nature. He was obsessed with Xie Lian. That was something nobody could deny. Along with that, Hua Cheng was a pervert. It was just his luck that Xie Lian had a chastity vow, though after breaking it the first time he’s no longer worried about such a thing. Even so, Xie Lian was hesitant to initiate, breaking his vows was more like a treat he’d allow on a special occasion. Hua Cheng would never pressure his lover into having sex but that didn’t mean he was satisfied. That led to Hua Cheng developing voyeuristic tendencies. If Xie Lian was taking a bath, Hua Cheng would watch from afar. The way his hands ran over his pale skin, the way the soap ran over his legs as he lifted them from the water as his gentle hand scrubbed them down. Without thinking about it Hua Cheng wrapped his hand around his cock, using his hand to get off as he watched his beautiful lover. 
This was common for him, it was somewhat embarrassing as well since he could get it up just from seeing Xie Lian’s nude body. One day, specifically due to something, Xie Lian’s robes were torn. The length cut at his mid thighs and the entire walk back Hua Cheng’s eyes were glued to the soft flesh. He had to hold himself back from reaching out and worshiping Xie Lian’s body then and there. When they got back, Hua Cheng’s eyes wandered beneath the cloth, occasionally trying to eye his lover's lower body. Since Xie Lian didn’t have much choice on changing right now he didn’t bother, but Hua Cheng would get him something…later. He felt his erection growing once again and politely offered Xie Lian a bath. The boy agreed and Hua Cheng sighed with relief. At his manor the bathroom was large, a built in, almost pool, where one could bathe. There was also a section before it where you’d remove your clothes so that they wouldn’t get damp from the room's moisture. Hua Cheng took advantage of that. After Xie Lian stripped he went to give the man a new set of robes, collecting his old clothing and replacing it. That’s when he looked down at the ground, he picked up the small cloth and tried to detangle it to fold again. That’s when he’d realized…he was holding Xie Lian’s underwear. He felt the twitching of his excited erection once again and quickly threw the rest of the clothes into the trash.
Hua Cheng ran back to his bedroom, quickly he threw his robes aside and pulled down his pants, wasting no time as he spit in his hand and rubbed at the aching member in front of him. Without thinking  he brings the used undergarments to his face, breathing in deeply. Hua Cheng can feel his orgasm gaining on him as he inhales Xie Lian’s scent. When he thinks about it, Xie Lian probably doesn’t wash any of his garments often due to living in the tiny shrine most of the time. That only makes each second of this session more erotic.His orgasm builds steadily as he rubs his nose against Xie Lian’s day-old underwear. The smell of his sweat and general scent teaters Hua Cheng on edge. His cock pulsing desperately with need. He’d probably feel horrible for his actions after but currently he was too caught up in the pleasure of it all. His tongue swiped across the fabric, he released expectantly across his hand with a loud groan. The taste of Xie Lian’s musk on his tongue pushed Hua Cheng over the edge, and that was something he’d probably hate himself for. He pulled his hand off his spent cock, wiping his palm clean on the underwear in his hold. Hua Cheng tucked himself back into his pants and stood up, ready to throw the small treasure away before he could get caught. However as he turned to the doorway his gaze met Xie Lian’s. His lover looked at him with a flushed face and clear shock on his face. 
Hua Cheng quickly dropped the cloth, walking over to Xie Lian briskly and placing his hands on the boy's shoulders.
“I’m sorry, please don’t…please forget that.” Hua Cheng mumbled, the desperation visible in his eye. Xia Lian stood there without answer, however. Stunned at the perverse actions of his lover.. Hua Cheng begged Xie Lian to say something. Anything. He didn’t care if the reaction was bad; he needed an answer.
“Wh- why?” Xie Lian replied, his face red and hot.though Hua Cheng couldn’t tell if it was from anger or embarrassment. 
“I…” Hua Cheng trailed off, how could he justify his actions? He was a perverted freak and he was sure Xie Lian would think that of him. 
“Tell me, San Lang” Xie Lian murmured, his hand drifting up slowly to Hua Cheng’s cheek to make sure his eye was focused on him. Xie Lian wanted a straight answer.
“I was desperate, Gege. My drive is so much higher than yours and I needed relief. I’m sorry, I know this was wrong of me…” his eye glimmered desperately as he looked back at Xie Lian. He genuinely looked like he was about to cry at the thought that Xie Lian would be mad at him. Instead, Xie Lian’s eye widened at the revelation, he looked away, letting go of Hua Cheng’s face, his lips forming into a downwards curve.
“Am I…not pleasing you enough?” he asked genuinely and Hua Cheng quickly pulled his lover into his embrace. 
“Of course not, Gege! You’re more than anything I could ask for! I just can’t control myself around you” he whispered into Xie Lian’s ear, kissing his temple softly. He felt horrible for making Xie Lian feel as if he’s not enough.
“Why didn’t you ask me for more?” He followed up, looking back at Hua Cheng with puppy eyes.
“Because I know you don’t want more. I don’t want to pressure you, Gege.” Hua Cheng’s heart melts as he sees the mix of emotions on his lover's face. He looks beautiful and his eyes glimmer so beautifully in the light.
“I do want it. I know I feel bad from breaking my vows but that doesn’t mean that I’m actively holding back!” Xie Lian replied desperately, his tone making it obvious he was blaming himself for Hua Cheng’s depraved actions.
“Gege…I- I’m sorry for assuming…I should have talked to you more rather than doing…those things” he stated with shame, burying his face deep into Xie Lian’s shoulder. He couldn’t meet his eyes anymore.
“It’s alright, San Lang. But do tell, what other things have you done?” Xie Lian’s tone this time is filled with a spark of excitement, his low whisper into Hua Cheng’s ear making the man visibly shiver. Hua Cheng looks up at his lover and shakes his head, no. He refuses to discuss all the perverted things he’s done or thought of involving Xie Lian.
“Lay down on the bed” Xie Lian commanded in a gentle tone and Hua Cheng followed like a marionette being pulled on strings. He layed over the bedding and Xie Lian quickly crawled between his legs, his hand cupping Hua Cheng’s cock through his pants. The man let out an audible groan and Xie Lian smirked.
“Tell me everything you’ve done, including today. If you confess…” he gave a gentle squeeze to Hua Cheng’s clothed genitals for emphasis, earning him another sound from his lover's lips.
“So what were you doing with my undergarments?” Xie Lian asks outright, mostly knowing the answer but wanting Hua Cheng to admit to it.
“I-” His voice falters but he doesn’t dare stop talking, his dick growing for the nth  time that night.
“I was touching myself to the scent of them” he admits, but instead of judgment Xie Lian lets out a breathy giggle, he palms Hua Cheng’s growing mound slowly and the man whines. Xie Lian was rewarding him for admitting to his scandals.
“You like getting off to my dirty undergarments, San Lang?” Hua Cheng nods, hoping that Xie Lian will give him more for being open about his fantasies. He does, his hand rubbing faster against his pants.
“Would you like to know a secret? - Hua Cheng nods excitedly, all of Xie Lian’s teasing words feeling so erotic. - I wore those for three days without washing.” He whispers between them. Hua Cheng lets out an embarrassingly loud moan at that knowledge. The knowledge that he’d tasted and smelled Xie Lian’s gross underwear. In reality if Xie Lian asked Hua Cheng to lick his genitals clean after a long battle Hua Cheng would drop to his knees immediately.
“You’re such a pervert, San Lang,” Xie Lian teased, his palm pressing down roughly against the mound beneath it. Hua Cheng’s back arched at the words and the touch of his lover.
“What else do you do?” Xie Lian mused, looking down at Hua Cheng with lust.
“I watch you bathe” he breathed out, and Xie Lian’s hand stopped. Hua Cheng’s eye meets Xie Lian looking to see if he did something wrong. Though his lover's hand went straight to the waistband of his pants, pulling them down along with his own underwear to reveal his leaking, aching cock.
“Do you now, San Lang? And do you also play with yourself while you do it?” Xie Lian sounded amused, as if Hua Cheng’s pathetic need for sex was the most embarrassing thing he’d heard about, ever.
“Yes, Gege.” He regretfully admitted. Xie Lian’s hand moved to his thick member, teasing the tip with his thumb. Pressing into the slit with his thin finger. Hua Cheng felt himself on edge again, and he wanted to cum just from Xie Lian for once.
“No. You’re not allowed to cum until I say so tonight. I think you’ve relieved yourself quite enough from your activities.” Xie Lian says demandingly and Hua Cheng lets out a deep growl, he feels so turned on by Xie Lian dominating him. He wanted to cum but if Xie Lian forbade it then he’d try his best to hold back. He’d had so many fantasies like this, specifically of Xie Lian dominating him like this, making him feel small and useless. He wanted Xie Lian to use his body as if it were worthless, his only use being his desperate cock. Xie Lian demanded to know more and Hua Cheng complied.
“I’ve made statues of you…and pleased myself on them” he mumbles, his cock twitching desperately as Xie Lian rubbed his cockhead with his thumb.
“Where? Tell me every part you ruined with your thick cum” he whispered between them once again and every time it felt like a spell being cast on him by his lover.
“Your face, your chest, your thighs, your mouth, your ass, your feet, your hands.” Xie Lian seemed especially intrigued as he mentioned two of the things.
“You made holes?” His hand snaked around to finally stroke his throbbing length. Hua Cheng’s eye rolled back in pleasure as he finally had Xie Lian’s full hand on his cock, stroking it painfully slowly. His fingers didn’t wrap all the way around his girth which made the sight even more erotic.
“Y- yes, Gege. I made statutes specifically for breeding” he gasped aloud, bucking his hips into Xie Lian’s hand mindlessly to which Xie Lian reacted negatively.
He took his hand off Hua Cheng’s leaking shaft looking down at him with faint disappointment. 
“If you can’t hold back then you can do it yourself. I expect appreciation for my work. And even when I please your desperate length you greedily take more?” Hua Cheng’s mind started to lose it with the pleasure overtime leading to him jumping up and at Xie Lian, holding onto him desperately. 
“I’m sorry, Gege. Please don’t stop. I beg you, I need your touch” Xie Lian quickly stopped the act and kissed Hua Cheng, their tongues intertwined with love. Xie Lian looked him deep in his eye after pulling off his lips.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you..” He said with a clear regret written all over his face. Hua Cheng’s demeanor  turned from flirty and teasing to submissive and begging, it made Xie Lian worry.
“No, I’m not hurt! This is so erotic, Gege. I’ve always wanted you to make me beg for release. It feels so good to be under your control because I trust you” he pleaded. Wanting Xie Lian to continue blackmailing him with the reward of an orgasm. Xie Lian nodded softly, kissing Hua Cheng’s lips gently.
“If you’re sure,” he replies. Wrapping an arm around Hua Cheng’s waist.
“So...Is there anything else you want to confess?” He asks, looking at Hua Cheng with a smirk. His hand wrapped around his lover's dick once again, pumping it at a decent speed.
“Well…I have maybe humped your pillow before…” he mutters and Xie Lian rewards him with quicker movements and more precise twists of his wrist. He nodded for Hua Cheng to continue, the man a moaning mess in his arms.
“And I…I…rutted against you while you slept” he replied through groans of pleasure with each movement and Xie Lian looked at him with a quirked brow.
“Go on.” he says intrigued, teasing Hua Cheng’s cock playfully as he slows his strokes so Hua Cheng can speak clearer.
“I thrusted between your ass to get off while you slept back at your shrine” Xie Lian rewards him once more with a steady rhythm and soft kisses to his neck.
“That’s enough - Xie Lian whispers into his ear, licking the shell of it - you can cum” he replies and on command Hua Cheng releases into the palm of his hand. 
Xie Lian whistles in the way you’d hear from someone catcalling on the street. He takes his palm and brings it to Hua Cheng’s lips as the man pants.
“You like licking dirty things, don’t you?” He said teasingly, encouraging Hua Cheng to lick his own seed off of his hand. Hua Cheng agreed pretty mindlessly as he licked up every drop, not really enjoying it but not wanting to protest either. If it’s for Xie Lian, it's worth every second.
All of his perverse actions was worth every second for this...
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t0yearnf0r · 2 years
Rating tgcf characters based on how big their boobs would be/are.
(All boobs are good boobs, okay? Big, small, whatever - all boobs are good!!!!)
Edit: ya’ll, I made this post on national boob day what are the chances
10. Jun Wu - doesn’t deserve nice boobs. (EDIT: it’s come to my attention that the general consensus is that Jun Wu has huge boobs, but like burdensomely-big, and you know what? Sure, they’re just not nice. Boobs that break your back aren’t nice, so I concur. He’s staying at no.10 because I hate him.)
9. Hua Cheng - he gives me small boob vibes, I’m sorry.
8. Qi Rong - the only thing he can Lord over Hua Cheng are his tits. He does this often. (Edit: Cannibals don’t get big titty privilege)
7. Lang Qinqiu - pure muscle.
6. Feng Xin - has average boobs. They’re nice, they’re fine. They’re boobs, so they’re good.
5. Pei Ming - similar to Feng Xin. He has relatively nice boobs, likes to show them off.
4. Mu Qing - okay, hear me out: Mu Qing’s boobs are bigger than average. Not massive, certainly not He Xuan massive, but bigger than average.
3. Shi Qingxuan - canonically has big boobs. They’re nice, they’re lovely (as all boobs are), sometimes they catch crumbs.
2. Xie Lian - also canonically has big boobs (in that one scene in the manhua). He is unaware of how big his boobs are, he doesn’t really think about it to be honest. They’re sizeable to say the least.
1. He Xuan - big boobs. Massive boobs. Back-pain-type boobs, struggles-to-find-clothes-that-fit-boobs (this is cannon). He didn’t choose them, he was blessed, given, gifted. His tits are the only good thing the heavens have ever done for him. MASSIVE. KNOCKERS. Shi Qingxuan likes to rest their head on them. A shelf, a cushion.
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
Just cataloguing the main couples zodiac signs for my own reference (to make jokes about later)
Shen Qingqiu - Virgo
Luo Binghe - Capricorn¹
Wei Wuxian - Scorpio
Lan Wangji - Aquarius
Xie Lian - Cancer
Hua Cheng - Gemini
¹birthday is never given but because he was born during the coldest days of the year we can guesstimate sometime early January based on average low temps in China
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Hi.....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 favorite characters from TGCF? And your top 5 (or top 3) favorite moments from the novel? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
Hi, you’re totally fine, thanks for asking!! Sorry it took me this long, it’s been a while since I’ve checked tumblr! 
My top 5 favourite characters from TGCF would have to be:
1. Xie Lian
To me, Xie Lian is such an interesting character, especially in his growth into who he is as a character during the events of books 1, 3 and 5. His story arc is extremely compelling, as we can witness how his life experiences have shaped him from his initial naivety, then to his flinty cynicism (which is honestly hard-won at that point) until finally we get his gentle compassion, like wood that has been sanded down.  He may not necessarily be the kindest, most compassionate person, and he’s made his fair share of mistakes and then some, but all those experiences in all those 800 years he’s been around have made him able to still view humanity as something worth saving. 
I also love the dichotomy of his nature; he is non-confrontational, but when he draws his sword his martial prowess is unmatched, he was born a prince but had a single-minded focus on cultivation, and so on. 
(Also STARember draws him devastatingly pretty in the manhua - how could you not love him?!)
2. Hua Cheng
I will confess that I am an incorrigible romantic, and I love Hua Cheng’s utmost devotion to Xie Lian. In all those years, his devotion is true, unwavering, and unconditional, and yet even with such dedication to his Dianxia that it literally tethers him to reality, he has managed to grow into himself and his own as a fully realised individual. He has found purpose other than the sole pursuit of Xie Lian, which I really admire about him. 
What Hua Cheng teaches us as well is how love can change you in such a positive way. His love for Dianxia pulled him from the brink time and again, and helped him keep moving forward even despite the immense pressure he received throughout his whole existence, especially in the early days what with being ‘cursed’.
3. Yin Yu (and 4. Quan Yizhen)
I really love these characters. The part where Xie Lian brutally murdered Yin Yu over his exceedingly average appearance just took me out, but I also think he’s a very realistic and relatable character: the Oikawa Tooru to Quan Yizhen’s Kageyama Tobio, if you will - because sometimes hard work alone can’t beat natural talent and drive. I also appreciate that he never had bad designs on Quan Yizhen - sure, he was jealous, but he didn’t want to actually hurt him, rather preferring to focus on himself and what he was doing, and the events that transpired to his banishment were more a result of bad luck and circumstance on his part. I like Quan Yizhen too, he means well and he’s sweet and he's utterly persistent about something when he wants to be, and I wanted to ruffle his curly hair every time he was in a scene.
5. Yushi Huang (Rain Master)
Every time Yushi Huang came into the scene I was overjoyed. I really like her ascension story, and I love the elegance and gentle grace with which she carries herself in every scene. I think it’s amazing that her role is so important in the Heavens that even Jun Wu wouldn’t dare to make a move against her, and I equally thought it was hilarious whenever Pei Ming would get embarrassed over having to be saved by her. What an icon.
...As for my favourite moments in the novels, I don’t think I could rank them but here are my top 5:
the scene in book 5 where Xie Lian and Hua Cheng kiss on the massive Dianxia statue ‘to exchange spiritual power’ and Feng Xin and Mu Qing are appalled, Quan Yizhen confused and Pei Ming goes ‘Ho ho’
the scene in book 5 where Jun Wu makes Xie Lian contact Hua Cheng to assure him that everything is alright in Heaven and the ensuing conversation has Xie Lian experiencing 800 years of embarrassment at once
the scene in book 3 where Xie Lian is dressed as a woman with a child-sized Hua Cheng running from the group of cultivators and he boards in a cannibalism hotel run by Qi Rong, with Jian Lan and Cuocuo chased by Mu Qing in disguise staying across the hall
all the scenes of the book 3 Brocade Immortal arc where Hua Cheng is bopping around disguised as Lang Ying, but especially when he gets revealed because Xie Lian tries to make him write something
the post canon scene where Xie Lian accidentally curses himself to be in extreme pain whenever he thinks of Hua Cheng but even still he refuses to be apart from him.
Thanks again for the lovely ask! I hope you have a good day :) <3
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rendnotmyheart · 3 years
So, I had more thoughts about a fengqing teachers au:
They teach the same subject (history) and are super competitive about who’s class does better. Per canon, the difference between their classes’ averages is like 1%. Xie Lian is the lit teacher. Hua Cheng is the science teacher that does definitely-not-completely-safe experiments. Feng Xin and Mu Qing try to get him called out on it but nothing ever happens. Hua Cheng is just like “at least I know how to keep my class engaged :))” Feng Xin and Mu Qing are convinced he’s bribing administration.
Anyway, back to fengqing. Their students always ship them. Like always. Feng Xin constantly has students not-so-subtly asking if he’s single and showing him pictures of men asking if he thinks they’re hot. It’s pretty obvious what they’re getting at. Especially after a student asks him if he’s seen Mu Qing today and “he looks awfully good today don’t you think?”
Mu Qing doesn’t have this problem because the one time a student asked if he was into girls or guys or what he just glared at them until they went back to their work
Xie Lian has most of Feng Xin and Mu Qing’s students in his class too and it becomes a converging point for the student to share notes on fengqing. Xie Lian tries to dissuade the discussions but his insistence that “no really they’ve been this way for years. it’s nothing special” does NOT help. In fact it only fuels the students on because “omg they’ve been in love for years????” xl: no no! I did not say they’ve been in love for years. I just said they’ve been like this for years!  the students: yeah been like this as in love. So yeah Xie Lian was not successful in curbing the speculation. And it’s not like he doesn’t think they’re not in love. He just thinks it’s inappropriate for students to speculate about such things. Plus, he knows if fengqing get a whiff of the students’ speculation it’ll just set them back like ten years on their rivals to lovers arc
Hua Cheng, on the other hand, has no such moral dilemma about his students gossiping in his class. In fact he encourages it. A student asks if he’s friends with Feng Xin and Mu Qing and Hua Cheng is like “hell no. but sadly gege is” (the students obviously know hualian are together because they’re love besotten fools), and the students take this as an opportunity to get more information on fengqing outside of school because they can never get anything of real value out of Xie Lian. Hua Cheng is like “they’re the exact same outside of school. annoying, incompetent, at each other’s throats - pause for dramatic effect - and completely in love with each other without realizing it, though I don’t see how anyone could love those two. they really are the worst.” (none of the students are completely sure it’s okay to bash on your fellow teachers like that but they’re getting their information and Hua Cheng’s experiments are always the most fun so it’s probably fine)
On valentines or 520 the students hatch a big plot to send Feng Xin and Mu Qing gifts ‘from each other’ in order to prompt a confession. Needless to say it doesn’t work.
Classes come and go, each one thinking they can spark some confession from fengqing, but nothing ever changes. At least, nothing changes in the eyes of the students. Xie Lian can see that their fights no longer hold as much meaning or heat as they used to, AND they can now get through staff parties without breaking anything, so as far as he’s concerned, they’re best friends.
One day these years later, Feng Xin brings up the students shipping them to Mu Qing because surely he goes through the same thing, and perhaps they can have some sort of solidarity. But Mu Qing is just like “no. some of us know how to set boundaries with our students.” Feng Xin is like “fuck you. but seriously no one ever brought it up to you?” Mu Qing is like “only one the first year we started teaching together. no one after that” (this is because word had gotten around that the two things that would ensure you failed Mu Qing’s class were alluding to his love life or mentioning Feng Xin’s name in his class). (this is not true. Mu Qing is a fair and good teacher and his students love him, but no one was ever willing to test the rumor)
Now that Feng Xin and Mu Qing have talked about the rumors directly, it’s harder to ignore them and their feelings. Feng Xin goes from angrily denying the rumors to tiredly denying them to just not saying anything because really it’s not worth it. Then, Mu Qing mentions Feng Xin’s name during class and suddenly fengqing gossip goes up tenfold because “omg he actually said Feng Xin’s name. out loud. just casually.” Now that the Feng Xin taboo is broken, students start bugging Mu Qing. Mu Qing is not as versed in dealing with nagging students as Feng Xin, and it’s driving him crazy, how tf did Feng Xin deal with this for years?? Soon, he can’t take it anymore, so he just kisses Feng Xin in front of everyone. The students cheer, Xie Lian is crying, Hua Cheng is pretending to gag, and Feng Xin and Mu Qing get a warning about pda in the workplace. (this is frankly ridiculous given how hualian act at school) (really, there’s no way Hua Cheng isn’t bribing administration)
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veliseraptor · 3 years
Ship that is canon but you don’t ship: 💤
I feel like...ehhh, I feel like most canon ships I'd say I don't ship in terms of "feel lukewarm about/don't really care about" with a very short list of exceptions, but also there aren't a lot of canon ships that I actively don't ship in terms of "I don't like this pairing." it's a whole lot of *shrug*, mostly.
it really is an exception when I actually end up having a significant amount of Feelings about a canonical (romantic) ship and I'm always sort of surprised by it.
I guess if I'm considering some ~notable~ canon ships that I am more Don't Care about than generally...I don't know that there are any that stick out to me in my current fandom(s). Faile/Perrin is kind of this for me in that of the three ta'veren boy relationships it's the one I care about least.
with the exception of Jane/Thor, partly out of spite, I don't think there's been any MCU ~romance~ that I've cared about let alone actively shipped. I guess I had sort of average-level positive feelings about Pepper/Tony (what I still think is probably the best executed romantic relationship in the MCU, but that's a low bar) and non-unfriendly feelings about Nakia/T'Challa (but that's not really something that formed into a relationship per se in canon). Overall though the MCU shows me a romance and I'm like. eh. give me more dysfunctional siblings.
oh! to go way back in my fandom life - I simply do not care for Daemon/Surreal as a thing that happened, but then again ultimately it seems neither did Anne Bishop.
Ship that is unpopular but you still like: 💘
Are we talking "unpopular" as in "rarepair" or "unpopular" as in "has a lot of people who don't like it"? I guess I should go with the latter because there's the "ship that needs more love" question on here also, which otherwise would be pretty much the same.
And I mean...most of the things I really ship sort of come prepackaged with at least some contingent of people who have very strong negative feelings about it? with I guess the exception of Steve/Loki which didn't seem to have that. Until recently I would've said Mat/Tuon too! but it seems I was wrong in that impression. (Or maybe that's a more recent development.)
I feel like XueXiao could be one that fits here because of the vehemence of objections to it that I've seen, but it's also a pretty popular ship in the scheme of "things that people in its fandom ship" as far as I can tell (not super popular, but, like. It's in the top 10 relationships tags for CQL on AO3).
other fandoms...well, as far as "pairings with a solid contingent that a number of people still really don't like" I could also throw Sandor/Sansa out there, though I don't see that one as a pairing since the show came out as often as I used to back in book fandom.
back in the old Avatar fandom days, Mai/Zuko I feel like was kind of this, and that's probably the reason why I never got into Zutara, tbh. (I would've read Zuko/Mai/Katara but as far as I could tell no one was writing it at the time.)
Ship that needs more love: 💖
First that comes to mind ofc is Hua Cheng/Mu Qing (pool noodle!!!) which is an excellent/awful pairing that I wish there was more of. There could also always, always be more Xueyao, which yes, I could be working on myself and haven't lately, which has been derelict of me. Should do something about that, probably.
I haven't checked on the state of Steve/Loki in a while but while it definitely got more popular over my time in MCU fandom that ship could always use more love, because it's obviously the best and most important MCU ship, clearly.
several Xue Yang ships that mostly only live in one or two fics and/or that I want to read but only to my exact specifications. also Lan Wangji/Jiang Cheng hate/grief/proxyfucking, I want more of that. to be fair haven't looked in a hot minute but I'm going to go ahead and assume there's not enough of it
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siodium · 3 years
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the day it got delivered i went to check the mailbox in the morning before work and i noticed it was full so i asked my family to go open it up hoping that whatever’s filling up the mailbox was my manhua
came back from work and nope no parcel for me :/ well that’s fine... i had asked the GO host to let me know when she’d mailed it out but she didn’t say anything so i guess it’s still with her,,, right??
wrong!! later in the evening it was in the mailbox!! my dad said if i didn’t ask him to check the mailbox in the morning and dig out whatever’s inside then the mailman might not have been able to fit my manhua parcel inside the mailbox and if they dump it at my doorstep and it gets lost or soaked in this rainy weather i’m gonna be mad >:(
tldr my ocd mailbox-checking tendencies may have saved my parcel
so for context after watching mdzs i started getting tgcf recommendations on youtube but i put it off bc idk?? it looked interesting but i wasn’t looking to start anything that time
then i became a netflix parasite and!! tgcf was just added to netflix so i thought eyyy why not start now while the host has yet to boot me
bruH i liked the donghua sO MUCH i went to find the eng translation of the novel so i could continue the rest of the story
the novel had over 300 chapters but i was so invested in the Plot and the Ship i would read it whenever i could so i finished it in two weeks
book gave me so much feels 10/10 i haven’t read something so engrossing that made me not want to put it down ever since AI the somnium files
i actually have a tiny bit of regret picking one of the best danmei novels to start with bc now it’s hard to find anything that can compare???
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and that’s the story of how i became addicted to danmei
i was not expecting this book to be such a chonker O: it’s noticeably bigger and a lot heavier than your average japanese manga
xie lian looking gorgeous on the cover sasuga STAREMBER
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i joined the bilibili GO so my set came with a shikishi, pin badge, sticker sheet and bookmark~ i heard the pin badge would only be included for the first 40k orders or something like that and they sold out really fast so i wasn’t expecting to get it but it’s a pleasant surprise!!
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the sticker sheet was the only extra thing i wanted (luckily it came with all orders) askdjaldj look at all the chibis
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wind master!!!! the goodest boi!! must protect
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some peeks of the inside!!
yes it’s all in chinese
can i read???? no... but i’m trying my best
the translated chapters are up on the bilibili site/app for free but i just wanted a physical copy bc i’m a simp for starember’s art
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bride xie lian... nice
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the first volume ends right after the ghost bridegroom arc which means hua cheng barely got any screen time lmao rip
was kinda hoping that the first volume would cover a little bit of the banyue arc but it seems like they a publishing volumes based on the online publication... which means we’ll get four?? volumes of banyue arc gg
idk how to feel about that but at least there’s more hualian moments
the gambling den/ghost city arc tho!!! that’s the one i’m really looking forward to
due to space constraints i told myself to pick between the chinese physical manhua and the english physical novel
i pick the nice arts as you already know but recently when i went to kinokuniya i saw the taiwan novels?? the cover art was so beautiful?? and since the english novels will be using the same cover art... by extension they’d also turn out beautiful... so now i’m tempted
but i already have the digital copy of the entire novel tho and that helps to conserve space (and money) hmm,,
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