#avengers endgame alternate
rainbowsuitcase · 6 months
What If... in Endgame's Alternative 2012 Timeline, Steve doesn’t believe his double. Though he agonizes over it for a long time, he ultimately writes it off as Loki messing with him. He was there, he saw Bucky die, it’s not possible.
But then he fights the Winter Soldier on the bridge and the mask comes off and Steve realizes he’s failed his best friend. Again.
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korraofthereef · 11 days
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synopsis : what if on the final recording Tony left for his family, he largely mentions that the entire reason he did everything he did was for his kids. Plural. As in Morgan and Peter Parker.
Except. . . No one knows who Peter Parker is…
it’s been a while, but Pepper misses hearing her late husband’s voice so she pulls out that one specific recording. The one that mentions a boy no one knows exists.
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Should I work on this fic? Yes… no…?
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arisfruity · 4 months
whatever souls are made of by @atypical-snowman actually altered my brain chemistry yall
the author put so much thought and planning and just sheer intent into it and that's crazy balls to me
the way tony is crazy self sacrificing, the way he's so observant and caring, the way stephens disability added to his character and was written in such a seamless way-
and on top of that the plot itself is so intricate you'd think you'd get lost, but i forgot i was reading a fanfic for a while and a whole movie was just playing in my head
author, you have my heart
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hjbirthdaywishes · 2 months
August 11, 2024
Happy 41 Birthday to Chris Hemsworth.
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The Big One
I’ve managed to get myself back into an MCU mindset, and have decided The Time Has Come to start working on my master fix-it fic. Or rather, what’s going to become my master fix-it fic series.
The to-do list so far includes:
-Natasha comes back after Steve returns the Soul Stone, but thanks to time travel screwiness she pops back into the Compound with everyone else and participates in the final battle against Thanos
-Tony still sacrifices himself, BUT! Another version of him, from a timeline where they lost the final fight and Thanos decided to be petty by erasing the entire human race from existence except Tony, gets brought to this universe a couple years later. Supposedly the two are nearly identical up to that fight, so he’s more than a little alarmed when no one recognizes the name Peter Parker
-Steve puts all the Stones back and comes home, passes on the shield to Sam, and moves on with his life instead of that bullshit ending that made no damn sense for his characterization
(-I have yet to watch Falcon and the Winter Soldier, so I dunno what will or won’t remain the same with those two, but I can promise There Will Be Shenanigans)
-WandaVision mostly plays out as per canon, but dagnabit, I want my Scarlet Witch to remain a superhero and a decent person. So! She stumbles across America Chavez, they find a universe where Agatha won and kept Billy and Tommy around as pets/servants, kick her ass, and bring the boys back with them to start a new life
-Eventually Vision will return as well, with newly constructed Viv as a peace offering. The twins are quite taken with their android sister and immediately start figuring out the best ways to get into trouble together
-May Parker receives medical attention soon enough to survive her wounds, albeit in a coma; Peter can’t legally visit her in the hospital but sneaks in a few times as Spider-man, and I promise I’ll eventually have her wake up for their tearful reunion, just gotta get through a few other things first
-Back to Tony: it’s a little awkward, feeling like he’s taking over another man’s life, but Morgan’s delighted by this turn of events and that’s really hard for anyone else to argue with. Even so, as grateful as he is to get his family back, Tony can’t help but feel frantic over what the heck happened to his other kid. The photo of him and Peter is still in the kitchen, and Pepper recognizes it when he shows her, knows that it’s been there ever since they moved into the house, but she has no clue who the kid is
-Eventually we get a big family reunion style event with all the Avengers and spouses and kids, new and old, and from there find a way to bring Peter back into the fold with a handy dandy loophole to restore memories of him at the same time. There will be fluff. There will be tears. There will be old characters and extra ones, a few gratuitous mentions and some background cameos, and I’ll find a way to wrap it all up with a big bow
-With an Epilogue, of course, featuring my Champions kids, because they’ve given us a fantastic Kamala Khan and I need to build on that
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widow-writer · 5 months
Just Don't
When Natashas on her period and training alone don't try.
Canon divergent
It's a bright morning in stark tower, a morning that should be quiet and not interrupted by noise. But this was not a normal morning, it was the morning of the 13th.
Some may ask why the 13th is such a special date, but Clint knows very well what the 13th is. Every month like some kind of clockwork, Natasha starts her period on the 13th. And every time she train all da by herself because she's pissed off at everything and everyone for no reason other than her own uterus trying to murder her. Clint being Natashas best friend for almost a decade knows just what to do to handle his spider when she's got venom in her veins.
Clint usually slept in till 10 am when Natasha was like this, not only was he catching up on lost sleep from raising his kids with Laura when he got to go home, but he was giving his fiery redhead some time to burn off some of the anger before he got up and came to her rescue.
But sometimes being lazy was to someone's detriment because none of the other men knew that Natasha was on her period or that she even had one at all, they were all under the persuasion that she had graduated the red room and had a hysterectomy as the result. This was what they were told and Natasha never corrected them because it kept them from asking about her period just for being a little extra moody. They just assumed she was moody and went on with their lives. But this morning a certain tin man made his grave mistake.
With the sounds of gunshots Tony rose frustrated, it was barely 9 am and yet Natasha was at her training. He pulled on some pants and rolled out of bed going to ask the widow what her reason was for training before the whole tower had arisen.
Natasha set the smoking gums down when she hears Tony enter the range.
"Leave now Tony, I'm in no mood," Natasha said keeping her head firmly tilted down.
"why should I? Hmm I own this tower and can do as I please" tony said in his usual snark with a little extra due to how long he's been awake and the extreme lack of his morning coffee.
"I'm not in the mood for company, now go" Natasha growled reloading the magazine in one of her guns.
"why not?" Tony asked
"because I want to beat the shit out of everyone and I don't know why," Natasha said with an anger in her tone.
Tony looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
"who lit the fire under your ass this morning?" Tony asked
"currently you if you don't leave," Natasha growled again. Aiming her gun and firing two shots with startling accuracy.
Tony peered at the target and saw her accuracy and paled.
"I suggest leaving if you don't want to turn into target practice tin man," the spy said in an unsettlingly calm tone.
Tony backed out keeping an insanely close eye on her gun.
Clint was pouring a cup of coffee when Tony emerged from the elevator.
"Your bestie is scary," Tony said sitting with his coffee and flinching lightly when he heard gunshots again.
"she training?" Clint asked noting what day it was today.
"go see for yourself legolas" Tony said
Clint did as Tony suggested and went to the range.
"Widow. Love. It's Hawkeye," Clint announced entering the range. He always called her love when she was like this, it usually softened her kill drive.
"hey Clint," Natasha sighed letting herself be dragged into a hug by the slightly shorter man.
"is it that time again?" He asked.
"yeah, Tony came in and pissed me off. I'm almost out of tampons, and I feel like murdering people" Natasha told with a sigh
"it'll be ok spider, go lock yourself in your room with some cheesy Russian movies I'll be back in an hour with everything you need." Clint said hoping a murder mission and a box of tampons and bar of chocolate would lighten her mood.
Clint left for the store and went to his favorite department store with a hunting section. He grabbed tampons, chocolate, and enough ammunition for Natashas gun for the next month (or next two weeks depending on how murdery she's feeling). He also grabbed some powder for Natashas latex suits after they get cleaned later today. The cashier looked at him questioningly in the checkout lane because he had such an obscure collection of items.
"I have an assassin girlfriend, she's on her period and she was out of ammo and wanted to head to the gun range later," the cashier looked away quickly and rung up Clint's items.
After he returned to the tower he went to nick fury to get Natasha a mission that would satisfy her murdery tendencies.
"here you go Barton, she'll have to find and kill this man without anyone noticing her, or getting a good look at her face. Tony developed a mask that'll cover her mouth and nose, her eyes will be uncovered and her hair will be out but trying to identify her on those alone. Almost impossible unless you’re a Russian level spy." Nick told
Clint said his thanks and returned to his spider.
“Natka, I have a mission for you to complete. And I brought you everything you need.” Clint said as he entered the room to find Natasha throwing her daggers at the dartboard on her wall.
“Thanks Clint." Natasha said exiting as she read the mission file.
When she left the tower she was in her all black leather suit with not only her close range gun but her sniper as well. Tony had given her the mask he had developed no questions asked. It was a face covering that gave the user room to breathe comfortably and filtered CO2 out of the mask efficiently. It's exterior was a matte black with a red hourglass on the sides. The hourglass was hardly larger than a dime so it didn't make her a sitting duck for being too obviously out of place.
While Natasha went full on ninja, Clint stayed at their home and made her bed. He also made her a silly care basket with a heating pad, candy, tampons and a handwritten coupon for a free back massage any day of her period for the next year. Goofy but meaningful.
Clint left her some cozy pajamas out for when she returns and got started on her favorite period meal: grilled chicken Alfredo with potato puffs and seared vegetables.
Hopefully that'd lighten her mood
Hope you enjoy ❤️
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cinnamoncascadian · 9 months
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Posted with @lokewolf82’s permission from:
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
'The Stark Legacy' Masterlist
Bucky Barnes x (OFC) Tony Stark's Daughter
Summary: Samantha Morgan Stark wasn't given a chance to be a real Stark after a tragic accident upended her family, but she becomes something so much more in her fight to be accepted by Tony again.
Steven Strange chose a different future, one that affects generations to come more than he could ever predict...
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Series Warnings: canon-level violence, injury, self-experimentation, death, discussions of death, temporary child abandonment, age gap for implied romance (approx 30 chapters in), slow burn, glacial slow burn, time travel, Alternate Endgame, angst, angsty fluff, angsty romance, angsty action, more angst with plot, seriously epic tale, so more warnings per chapter. Rated Teen/Mature. 15+, please.
Book One: Reality
Book Two: Mind
Book Three: Power
Book Four: Time
Book Five: Space
Book Six: Soul
[Main Masterlist]
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wolvesandfoxes25 · 2 years
You know... I've been back on my Stony kick, rewatching the movies... and can't help but really hate Endgame. Don't get me wrong, I loved my Stony scenes, but damn, most everything else is like... but why? ⬇️
I'm gonna get backlash for this, but I don't care. Morgan Stark seemed really unnecessary, now that I really look at it. Adorable, but kinda unnecessary. If they don't bring her back in the later MCU, she was used for an emotional response following Tony's death. And honestly, I feel they glossed over Tony's sadness for Peter being gone by wedging her in there. And... how is it fair for his daughter that he gets killed off when she's 5? Idk.
Natasha dying. Natasha dying that way, honestly, Natasha dying at all. And how they couldn't bury her. And don't even get me going about the new Guardians of the Galaxy, SPOILER: and how they managed to bring Gamora back? Who died EXACTLY the way Natasha did. The team needed her.
The hulk. Enough said.
Making Thors depression into a big joke. Making his alcohol abuse into a big joke. Glossing over how he legit lost EVERYTHING. Really bothers me. Bothered me then and bothers me more now.
Howard. Stark. Look...idgaf what the movie tries to push, Howard was a bad dad. He neglected Tony, gave him negative attention, always made him feel inferior and never showed him any affection whatsoever. And they want me to believe that what? He held him in this high regard and loved him more than anything? Yeah, no. I don't.
Would have enjoyed seeing more of how the blip affected everyday life.
More scenes with the Avengers rebonding.
Pepper should've gone in the snap. Yep, I said it. And it corresponds mostly with the bullet above here..⬆️ We deserved to see Tony bond more with his team, wish we could've seen him discover time travel with them. Instead it was randomly at home? Ok then.
Tony's death. But I know why it happened :(
Steve's ending. I could write a dissertation about how ooc that was for him, but I won't. Hated it for Steve, hated it for Peggy and found it rather creepy. You kissed that woman once, never dated her, and you go back in time to be with her? Not knowing if it'll even work out? No. That's ridiculous. And you leave Bucky and Sam behind? After all that crap in CW, you leave them behind? Nah. Boo on you, Steve. And man, the Russos reasoning regarding this end is the BIGGEST mindfuck ever.
What exactly HAPPENED to Steve? Did he die in the falcon show? I thought he was a super soldier? How the hell long was he in the past? He looked 75 years old, but Bucky looks 30? I don't get it. It's like the biology of the serum was reworked for this. 🤐 And done badly.
I guess Daniel Sousa is obsolete, huh? The man who actually had time to get to know and love Peggy? 🤷‍♀️ guess so...
That's all I can think about right now... but yeah, Endgame leaves me really depressed because I feel everything after has been subpar regarding the MCU franchise.
It could've been so much better...
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Avengers: Endgame
hypothesis: Steve and Natasha are both alive and young at the end of endgame.
the way they explained time travel and the multiverse, Steve would not have been able to return to his own timeline if significant changes had been made.
when retrieving the soul stone, Clint and Natasha were told it's a trade of "a soul for a soul"
the present-day soul stone was destroyed by Thanos, and Gamora did not return.
the only things we were shown on screen for sure were 1) Steve leaving to return the infinity stones to preserve the timeline 2) him dancing with Peggy and 3) him appearing to come back as an old man, and refusing to answer questions.
when Steve returned the stones, the "soul for a soul" deal was enacted in reverse - therefore Natasha should have come back.
based on the explanation, the only way Steve could have come back to this timeline was if little to no changes were made in the past. (therefore not creating another branch in time)
Steve had a dance with Peggy to say goodbye, then returned to the present with Natasha, both the same age as when they left.
Steve used the same technology that Natasha did in CATWS to disguise himself as an old man.
conclusion: it's very much possible that Steve and Natasha came back alive and well, but faked their endings to 1) maintain their cover to go on a secret mission 2) escape responsibilities and retire or 3) for shits and giggles.
secondary hypothesis: if Steve ever gets spotted in public he whispers "no one will ever believe you" and promptly disappears.
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kayvsworld · 1 year
everything i learn abt infinity war and engame makes me feel like i am actively hallucinating
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fvzzyelf · 1 month
“I would never lie; I willfully participated in a campaign of misinformation.”
so said the liar! kurt is far from impressed. should he be? so many in this world are self-professed fans of this man and yet something about him in person is making kurt's skin itch.
or that could be the suit he was current wearing, something he had never worn before because he never had the money for such things. his nicest outfit had been khakis he had to cut up for his tail to fit through and a thrifted polo shirt that was now too small on his broader shoulders.
"ach, whatever you say," he grumbled sourly. "when can i remove .... this..?"
he gestured to the whole of himself, the fitted jacket, the tie, the crisp oxford shirt, all too much just then. his anxiety was making him feel too hot and having a layer of fur under all of this didn't help.
not that tony could see the fur, not that he could see a tail carefully wrapped in such a way that it ached a little against his thigh and made getting fitted for the suit a terror. he had refused to be measured the old fashioned way and told the tailor he would use the digital method.
the inducer, seemingly a men's gold watch on his wrist, felt hot too, as if it was being used too much.
he was okay being known as a new addition to this growing team, known merely as a man with teleportation and heightened agility, but no one knew the truth that lurked under forge's invention. kurt had never been on any public facing team like others, and so the world did not know and did not fear what they surely would think of as hellish and demonic and certainly not fit for one of the many new avenger teams being created post war.
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mellpenscorner · 1 year
A solution to the last scene in Endgame...
(taken from this longer post of mine)
Instead of an offhand comment and an awkward pat >> Steve and Bucky share a longer hug. Instead of Steve sounding like he’s brushing off Bucky’s feelings >> Bucky is the one who tells Steve “it’s gonna be ok,” reassuring him that he’s fine with Steve’s decision. Instead of Old Man Steve coming back and wrecking the previously stated Time Travel Rules >> Steve goes to return the stones and doesn’t come back at all. Instead of Bucky looking #disappointedbutnotsurprised >> while Bruce and Sam are freaking out, Bucky assures them that this was Steve’s plan. Instead of Bucky not talking to Steve and Steve handing Sam some miraculously un-broken shield >> Bucky pulls Sam aside and presents him with the pieces of the shield that Steve had all those years. Sam offers them back to Bucky, who insists that Steve wanted Sam to have the shield. Instead of us having no idea if Steve even told Bucky what he was going to do >> Sam asks where Steve went, and Bucky smiles and says he got a life. 
We still cut to Steve and Peggy dancing.
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thorkyrieforever77 · 1 year
Val and Loki having a moment
"I dont know how... but we will get out of here and beat Hela" Loki told Val as they waited for Thor to return. Loki used his magic to create a blanket for both of them. He'd extend it once Thor returned.
"And the kids?"
Loki fell silent for a moment as he remembered the children then nodded.
"The kids will be the first to be found, Val... promise"
As Loki said this Val leaned on his shoulder a little. the two fell asleep on each other within a few seconds.
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hjbirthdaywishes · 3 months
June 19, 2024
Happy 46 Birthday to Zoe Saldaña.
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bucktopherbarnsley · 2 years
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I…am…Iron Man
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Goddammit Tony!! Put him back!
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