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yehudathesnufkin · 6 months ago
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I’m sorry it had to be like this.
On the other hand my classroom looks very cute.
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joeyisourranger · 2 months ago
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helloarchivist · 5 months ago
@lady-lauren the sweetiest pea thank you so much for the tag!!
What are your favorite books and why?
These are in no particular order
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King - there's always been something really compelling to me about kind of understated, internal horror like this. This girl steps off the path on the Appalachian trail to take care of something, and when she goes to try to find the path again, she can't. There are eventually some potentially supernatural elements, though given that the narration is through the lens of a child, its hard to determine, but like. MOST of what drives the fear and discomfort and alarm of this story is a child, having to go down inside themselves physically and psychologically to survive being lost in a place that absolutely could kill them. I've read it so many times, I always end up going back to it, and it's actually really short comparatively.
The Elfstones of Shannara by Terry Brooks - this is one of a pretty long series of fantasy stories, and I love like a TON of the installments, but aside from LOTR this particular book, the way it handles magic and the cost of using it, the way that loss and grief and purpose are handled, and the characters that have to figure things out in this particular book are like. Some of my favorite high fantasy iterations of all time.
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi - this one is, admittedly, like a children's book, except it really also isn't. It's historical fiction set in the 1800s about a like. high society girl, who is set to take a voyage from England to Rhode Island to meet/visit family. She becomes aware only after leaving that she's not only the only girl on board, she is the only passenger booked, period. it ends up being a pretty harrowing story, and there is a lot of depth to her fear and the allies and enemies she makes on board. I read it in like middle school and it's held a special place in my heart ever since.
Demon in my View by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes - this for me is like. THE vampire novel that got me into the genre and that I kind of subconsciously measure everything against. There are a couple other books in this series that are also really good and fun but this is The One for me. It's my ultimate version of the classic cliched "I've always been different and no one's ever seen me until He Did" and then "he" is a centuries old vampire that's looked 25 the whole time who is different in the same, nebulous way lmfao.
Honorable mention: House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski - it's an honorable mention bc I haven't managed to finish it yet but it's literally this incredible nightmare monster of a story that is somehow so incredibly compelling and also like someone attempting to write down an incoherent fever dream while it is still actively in progress. I don't know how to recommend reading this book to anyone, but I also think it's 100% worth cost of entry to try.
your turn! (no pressure, as always!): @gumgumvibecheck @wyvernslovecake @mandiemegatron @quinloki @petrichorium
and literally anyone else who wants to play, I also love hearing about what people like to read and what everyone's tastes are!
What are your favorite books and why?
I’ve been seeing weird discourse going around about anti-intellectualism, and people are always always talking shit on booktok. I’m tired of it.
No judgments whatsoever—doesn’t matter what age group it was written for or how awful the author might be—I want to know your favorites, I want to know why you love them, and I want this to reach as many people as possible, so please don’t hesitate to tag others!
I’ll start! In no particular order:
A Series of Unfortunate Events - the series that got me into reading in the first place. Also the series that holds the first book that ever gave me a visceral reaction while reading it.
To Kill a Mockingbird - has one of my favorite literary figures of all time (Atticus Finch), some of my favorite quotes, and really just kind of changed how I viewed the world and the privileges I have in it.
Dune - changed the way I look at world building entirely. I’ve only read the first book and only because it was assigned summer reading, but I’m so glad I did. I’ve never looked at fiction the same way.
The Priory of the Orange Tree - I actually can’t pick just one or two reasons. It’s really a fantastic book all around. The world building, the history, the characters, the settings, plus how it all comes together in the end. I’ll never not recommend it to people.
Your turn!
@lady-lauren @kweenkatsuki-fics @entirelysein-e @aceofbooks @monst @theoxenfree
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koch-snowflake-blog · 3 months ago
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佐々木 さきは、日本のAV女優である。luminous promotion所属。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 2003年3月3日
身長: 150 cm
出身地: 日本
スリーサイズ: 84 - 58 - 85 cm
出演期間: 2023年 -
専属契約: アイデアポケット
現年齢: 21歳
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rainydaypaperback · 1 month ago
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My mother recently passed away after a long period of fighting several chronic issues. She was 84. I lived with her as caregiver while also running my bookstore.
That took rather a toll on finances because I often needed to close unexpectedly on short notice to care for her. Plus her final expenses. Everything will be fine in six months once estate is settled but right now, OOF, that is a cash crunch on me. It's basically drained all my savings so if one more thing goes wrong, keeping store running becomes difficult.
I've run this store for 23 years, come February 1st. While I carry all types of books, my specialty is queer books. That Pride flag flies year round!
So I could use some support right now and as all The Everything is happening.
Come visit me in person! I'm at 81 Greenwood Ave. (route 302) in Bethel, CT. 11-6PM Tuesday through Friday. 10-5PM Saturdays (exvept Sat. feb. 8th 2025) I'm also within walking distance of the NYC Metro-North train station, Danbury line. There's two other bookstores within walking distance, so you can spend a whole day looking at books!
If you're not local, but have friends in the Southwestern Connecticut or New York/Connecticut border area, please let them know I exist!
If you want to recommend me to a friend or family member in area that doesn't use Tumblr I also have a Facebook account and an Instagram. I also send out a weekly email with some featured books, events going on in the Bethel & Danbury area, and a featured adoptable pet. See a sample email and signup.
If you're not local, I have my inventory online and you can get lots of weird, out of print queer books from small presses. Order some books!
If you need audiobooks, I also have a Libro.fm account. I get a small commission when you get your audiobook downloads or subscriptions through the link. If you're doing a new subscription, you get two additional books through the affiliate link.
I also am on Bookshop.org if you want to buy new books that I don't have. If you go through the link, OR set me as your "local" store, when you buy new books I get a little commission.
I run the book club for Pride here and you can see the upcoming picks on either the front page of the store or on the Bookshop.org page with the club picks. We alternate fiction and nonfiction each month and do a hybrid model where you can either come to in person on 3rd Saturday of month OR do a text only chat on that 3rd Friday & Saturday via Bethel Pride's discord. For text chat, just hop in and post in bookclub whenever your schedule allows! and respond to other folks.
I also host a monthly plant swap with Pride here on the second Saturday. EXCEPT THIS FEBRUARY 8th. I am away at a conference for running Pride events! I am off working on the gay agenda! So plant swap resumes in MARCH.
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For plant swap, you can bring plants or take plants. You can drop off without taking more home and pickup without having brought any. It's indoor plants only til May, and then its time to get wild with outdoor pals.
And I really appreciate reblogs! you never know where your followers live and this may make them shriek like a pterodactyl because they never realized how close by a queer bookstore was to them! ROADTRIP TIME.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 1 month ago
Offers to start at $1 for 2 multi-family midrise multifamily apt. buildings in Detroit, MI. Both are renovated and upgraded. So, what's the catch?
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#1: Sheridan Court built in 1919 has 16 studios, 70 -1BR/1BA and 4 -2BR/1BA, with three (3) commercial units. 66,600+ sq ft, midrise.
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#2: The Wellesley built in 1930 has 14 studios and 14 – 1BR/1BA. 3 story, 17,905+ sq. ft.
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See? The apts. have been reno'd. However, the taxes are $180k yr. and there are probably back taxes owed.
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If you can get the rent: Studios are $990mo. 30 units = $29700; one bd. is $1100mo. 84 units = $92400; and 2 bds are $1600mo. 4 units = $6400.
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If you cleared $750k, your heating bill would be maybe around $300k plus the $180k taxes. That leaves $270k year, if you're lucky, then there's income tax. Figure another $70k for tax, so $200k yr. That's not a lot to maintain so much property, and that's only if you rent 91% of it out, which they say isn't the norm in Detroit.
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This must be the older building.
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They've already got ads online to rent Sheridan Court.
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The $1 is usually just a gimmick, the seller probably has a price in mind, if there are no other caveats.
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There's laundry on-site, but not in the units, and they're pet friendly. I don't know, it also says "professionally maintained," so you would be paying a maintenance company, too. Seems like a low profit margin.
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postsofbabel · 22 days ago
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usafphantom2 · 7 months ago
Marines hit operational status with second carrier-capable F35-C unit
Todd SouthJul 31, 2024 at 04:56 PM
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A West Coast Marine F-35C Lightning II squadron has achieved initial operational capability.
The Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 311, Marine Aircraft Group 11, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, hit that key milestone Wednesday, 1st Lt. Madison Walls, wing spokeswoman told Marine Corps Times. The status means a unit can employ, maintain and train on the jet.
The Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California, unit conducted its first independent live ordnance operations July 25.
“Initial operational capability is a milestone and achievement in readiness,” said Lt. Col. Michael Fisher, commanding officer of VMFA-311 in a statement. “It’s all on the backs of the Marines out there. What they do in their day-to-day actions is what made this possible.”
The squadron, also known as the Tomcats, flew more than 900 sorties, which equals nearly 1,700 flight hours and another 800 simulator hours and 2,400 maintenance actions to reach initial operational capability, according to a service release.
“The Tomcats have a storied history that includes legends such as Ted Williams and John Glenn, and participation in every major conflict since World War II,” Maj. Gen. James Wellons, commanding general of 3rd MAW, said in the release. “Today’s Marines add another chapter to that legacy with the introduction of the F-35C and fifth-generation capabilities to VMFA-311.”
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Marine Corps Cpl. Larry Casas, a fixed-wing aircraft mechanic with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 311, directs Capt. Joshua G. Falgoust, an F-35C Lightning II pilot. (Lance Cpl. Jennifer Sanchez/Marine Corps)
In 2020, the squadron deactivated its AV-8 Harrier jets and then reactivated in April 2023 with 84 Marines and one F-35, reflecting the Marine Corps’ move to fifth-generation fighter aircraft. The transition has resulted in a gradual reduction in Harriers and F/A-18 Hornets.
The Corps’ two F-35C squadrons, VMFA-311 and VMFA-314, are both stationed at Miramar.
The VMFA-314, or Black Knights, reached initial operational capability in 2020, Marine Corps Times previously reported.
The F-35C is specifically engineered for carrier-based operations, featuring heavier landing gear and enlarged, foldable wings designed to facilitate catapult launches and arrestments on aircraft carriers. The foldable wingtips also facilitate easier storage on the carrier deck.
The “C” variant holds more fuel than other versions of the single-seat jet, with nearly 20,000 pounds of internal fuel capacity for long-range flights.
“The next step for VMFA-311 is full operational capability, attained when VMFA-311 receives its complete inventory of ten F-35C aircraft, projected for fiscal year 2025,” according to the release.
The Marine Corps has used the F-35B for years. The “B” variant, built to use short runways and flat-decked amphibious assault ships, is capable of short take-offs and vertical landings.
Currently, the Corps has eight operational F-35B squadrons and two training squadrons, totaling over 100 F-35B aircraft globally.
Todd South has written about crime, courts, government and the military for multiple publications since 2004 and was named a 2014 Pulitzer finalist for a co-written project on witness intimidation. Todd is a Marine veteran of the Iraq War.
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yehudathesnufkin · 7 months ago
Princess and the pea except it is Yehuda and the hair tie under the sheets.
I start work tomorrow and I want to be asleep so that I am well rested when I see the kids tomorrow. However, I am still awake and my den is too everything. Mostly too hot but also too cold without a blanket and too loud with the fan. I washed my sheets today and my foot kept brushing against something weird and it was a hair tie that had gotten under my sheet when I changed it. It was driving me insane.
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ryttu3k · 9 months ago
Classic 100 weekend! My shortlist (and 41-strong longlist) are here, will be keeping track of everything beneath the cut! Bolded entries are from my shortlist, regular text will be longlist, others I really dig will be asterisked. Let's see how we go!
98. Rimsky-Korsakov - Scheherazade (getting started on the longlist early on!)
95. Beethoven - Symphony No. 5* (listen I longlisted three other symphonies, 5th didn't fit)
94. Hisaishi - My Neighbour Totoro* (I do have Hisaishi longlisted, but for Spirited Away)
92. Rodgers & Hammerstein - The Sound of Music* (I think this was on either Mum's longlist or shortlist. Either way, I grew up on this!)
90. Strauss Jr - On The Beautiful Blue Danube* ([muffled space shuttle docking in the distance] Anyway I'm a quarter Viennese this shit's genetic)
86. Westlake - Babe* (got Westlake in my shortlist for Antarctica, but Babe is lovely too!)
84. Westlake and Lior - Compassion* (just a beautiful piece)
83. Einaudi - I Giorni* (huh, I thought I actually did longlist this)
78. Jenkins - Adiemus* (oh hey I know this! I have Benedictus from The Armed Man in my longlist, didn't realise this was his too)
76. Williams - Jurassic Park (longlist! For a very silly reason - my brother and SIL used the main theme as their wedding march, so got some lovely associations with it)
73. Jeffes - Music for a Found Harmonium* (didn't longlist it but totally should have!)
71. Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (technically I longlisted it for the third movement and they only played the first, but oh well)
67. Williams - Indiana Jones* (how much Williams will be on here? Yes)
61. Elgar - Pomp & Circumstances (the first appearance of something from my shortlist! This one got on the list because my grandmother loves it so much and gets so much comfort and joy from it)
57. Ravel - Bolero (here is a super fun drum corps version! Lowkey want to be the cymbalist who looks like she's having too much fun, and also those two drummers at the end who are leaping into the air. Such great energy!)
56. Hisaishi - Howl's Moving Castle* (another Hisaishi! Still waiting for Spirited Away (Nausicaa wasn't on the nominee list, alas), but honestly, any is good)
54. Copland - Anthem for the Common Man (I also really like the Emerson, Lake, and Palmer version :D Oh, they just played a snippet of it!)
52. Powell - How To Train Your Dragon* (I do love me some Romantic Flight)
48. Saint-Saëns - Carnival of the Animals* (I have the Organ Symphony on my shortlist and Samson et Delilah (for Bacchanale) on my longlist, but I enjoy this too! Also Danse Macabre, but not sure that'd make it onto a list of music to make you feel good...)
47. Copland - Appalachian Spring (my favourite of the two Copland ones I had on my longlist!)
46. Theodorakis - Zorba the Greek (literally how can you not enjoy this piece?)
45. Sibelius - Finlandia* (pieces that make you want to visit the Arctic)
43. Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture (my first memory of this: the very first Symphony Under the Stars in the Domain, January 1992. I had just turned five. Featured live cannons, fireworks, and the bells of St Mary's Cathedral, and it definitely made an impression!)
39. Grieg - Peer Gynt* (I basically grew up on this, thanks to a Grieg-loving Mum)
36. Westlake - Antarctica feat. Penguin Ballet (it's a penguin ballet <3)
35. Beethoven - 7th Symphony (this was my top choice and it should have been much higher up ;_; And they only played the second movement, my fourth-favourite of four!)
34. Vangelis - Chariots of Fire (I mean I longlisted it, but better than the 7th?)
28. Orff - Carmina Burana (this was one of the first live concerts I ever saw. When Ave Formosissima transitioned into the O Fortuna reprise I got chills. I also goddamn adore Ave Formosissima into the techno version of O Fortuna, but...)
27. Richter - Four Seasons Recomposed (the reorchestration that made me fall in love with Four Seasons. I liked bits before but this is just... next level. You know how sometimes you have a super elaborate and detailed painting and there's so much you lose a lot of it, like, say, Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights? And then you see details and you're just, "I didn't know that was there!" and you can focus on that and just marvel at the genius of it? This is like the musical version, by taking excerpts and celebrating them!)
26. Saint-Saëns - Organ Symphony (hilariously one of my Sunday morning Traditions(tm) is listening to this, so. I still kept my Tradition(tm)!)
22. Williams - Star Wars (damn, I thought this'd be top 10!)
20. Dvorak - New World Symphony (thought this'd be higher too, honestly! Lots of surprises up this end.)
19. Beethoven - Pastoral Symphony (made it to the top 20! Unsure if Eroica will get in, so we're basically just waiting to see where Choral comes in. Top 5 or bust!!)
18. Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker* (one of my first ballets! Granted, one of a lot of people's first ballets...)
12. Shore - Lord of the Rings (and The Hobbit) (surprised this did so much better than Star Wars, but very pleased!)
8. Elgar - Enigma Variations* (particularly Nimrod, Mum's favourite)
7. Jenkins - The Armed Man (specifically Benedictus. I'm still uncertain if this makes me Feel Good or just makes me Feel A Lot, but either way: emotions)
5. Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue (my beloved <3 Lovely orchestral version)
2. Holst - The Planets (surprised it got in so high, but pleased!)
1. Oh, you know :)
Current count
Shortlist: 6/10 (Pomp and Circumstances, Penguin Ballet, 7th Symphony, Four Seasons Recomposed, Organ Symphony, Star Wars)
Longlist: 17/31 (Scheherezade, Jurassic Park, Moonlight Sonata, Bolero, Anthem for the Common Man, Appalachian Spring, Zorba the Greek, 1812 Overture, Chariots of Fire, Carmina Burana, New World Symphony, Pastoral Symphony, Lord of the Rings, The Armed Man, Rhapsody in Blue, The Planets, aaand Choral!)
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happilyshadowyfest-blog · 1 month ago
Mysterious 'HELP' signs in Los Angeles spark concerns over human trafficking
Large "HELP" and "TRAFICO" signs near Cesar Chavez Ave in LA stir fears of trafficking or protests over displacement.
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While some speculate that the signs may be part of a street art project or a protest, others believe they could be related to human trafficking, especially as the city battles an ongoing crisis. Human trafficking has been a growing issue in Los Angeles, particularly along South Figueroa Street, where federal and local authorities have intensified efforts to combat it.
In 2024, a report highlighted that traffickers often target vulnerable individuals, including children as young as 11, coercing them into exploitation. Authorities have rescued 84 victims in the region this year, underscoring the urgency of the situation. Local officials, including U.S. Attorney Martin Estrada, have condemned the practices, stating that the
Mysterious 'HELP' signs in Los Angeles spark concerns over human trafficking
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tmnae · 1 year ago
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Wilson Avenue Townhomes
Welcome Home! Partially Furnished - Kitchen + Bathroom Located in Windenburg's Windslar Neighborhood 40x30 Lot Residential Rental
Four Units - Setup for the For Rent Pack
21 Wilson Ave - 3 Bedroom / 2 Bathroom 42 Wilson Ave - 1 Bedroom / 2 Bathroom - Office Space 63 Wilson Ave - 3 Bedroom / 2 Bathroom 84 Wilson Ave - 3 Bedroom / 3 Bathroom - Walk-in Closet
More Photos | Download
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koch-snowflake-blog · 6 months ago
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星乃 莉子は、日本のAV女優。 北海道出身、2022年時点も北海道在住。HANAYA PROJECT所属。 ウィキペディア
生まれ: 1999年4月20日 (年齢 25歳), 北海道
身長: 152 cm
スリーサイズ: 84 - 57 - 86 cm
ブラサイズ: E
出演期間: 2022年 -
専属契約: SOD star
現年齢: 25歳
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 27 days ago
Nu när det är mellosäsong osv vill jag ge 10 låtar som jag tycker är underskattade och som jag tycker är lite skojiga.
1. Oh my god - Le Kid
Ville hellre att denna ”Oh my god” skulle gått till final än The Monikers. Älskar muffinsarna och de talande godisarna.
2. Sluta - Ann-Louise och Molle
Kören gör ju hela showen. Också, vad hände med Molle???
3. Drop dead - Missmatch
Jag hörde denna låt innan jag förstod engelska, så jag gick runt och nynnade på hittepåspråk i typ 10 års tid innan jag hittade den igen
4. Hello Goodbye - Erik Segerstedt och Tone Damli
Iförsig minns jag bara ”hello goodbye you were perfect but now” och sen är det gibberish i huvet på mig men ändå
5. Alla gamla x - Face 84
Har i flera år sjungit ”JAG VILL HA EN NANANANANANA” för mindes aldrig var de sjöng efter. Det är så med många mellolåtar, bara en del fastnar ibland. När jag hittade denna igen lyssnade jag sönder på den dock. Den hamnade i min topp 100 p�� Spotify wrapped flera år i rad.
6. Upp och hoppa - Frida feat. Headline
Lilla jag tyckte det var så roligt med linen ”Min tandborste ligger på toan” men jag fattade aldrig varför. Tror bara att jag föreställde mig en bild av en tandborste som ligger på en toasits och jag förstod inte varför denna random del var med i låten. Det är en rolig upbeat låt iaf.
7. Youngblood - Youngblood
Vet inte var det var med denna som fick mig att dansa med som att det inte fanns nån morgondag, men varje gång jag lyssnade på den låtsades jag vara världens coolaste popartist.
8. Salt and Pepper - Marie Serneholt
9. Elektrisk - Anniela
Den här hade mig i chokehold 2011 skojar inte
10. Det går för långsamt - Mimi Oh
VAD HÄNDE MED DENNA TÖS? Hon kom och gick men lämnade ett STORT avtryck. Mimi Oh I miss you!!!
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hometoursandotherstuff · 8 months ago
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The historic 1926 RDW Clapp House in Wichita, KS is going up for auction on Aug. 16, but if someone buys it before then, the auction is off. It has 5bds, 7ba, and looks like a castle inside. Oh, and it has an $8mo. HOA.
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Check it out, you enter thru a big arched door and iron gate. The entrance hall is stone. Very cool.
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There's a fountain with a mural and interesting stairs.
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The great room is incredible. Look at the wood, the built-ins, the high ceiling, chandeliers, and the balcony. This is crazy.
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Beautiful fireplace. By the looks of the TV, it appears that the family really sits in here and watches TV. I would use it, too.
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Look at the size of that window.
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The formal dining room has a sculpted ceiling and floor-to-ceiling wood paneling.
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The kitchen totally looks like a castle kitchen. Look at the wood.
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Look at the exhaust hood over the stove.
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This looks like a comfy little room.
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An iron gate opens to a glass-walled brick hallway with a pitched wood ceiling.
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The hall leads to this beautiful little room with a bar.
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The elevator.
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If this is the primary bedroom, I would've expected it to be more grand.
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This vintage bath is nice. Cute tub and pretty marble walls.
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This looks like a waiting room. There are 2 offices, so maybe it's one of them.
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They made a home gym in here.
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Outside, there's a pool.
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Outdoor sitting areas and a fountain.
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Beautiful grounds.
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The lot is .84 acre. I'm surprised that it's not even an acre.
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prapasara · 8 months ago
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The Best Funeral Songs and Memorial Songs
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Traditional Funeral Songs and Funeral Music
1) Amazing Grace – Traditional
2) Wind Beneath My Wings – Bette Midler
3) His Eye is on the Sparrow – Mahalia Jackson
4) My Heart Will Go On – Celine Dion
5) Precious Lord, Take My Hand – Mahalia Jackson
6) You Raise Me Up – Josh Groban
7) I’ll Fly Away – Albert E. Brumley
8) The Rose – Bette Midler
9) As – Stevie Wonder
10) Angels – Robbie Williams
11) Going Up Yonder – Walter Hawkins
12) Unchained Melody – The Righteous Brothers
13) Oh Happy Day – Edwin Hawkins Singers
14) Candle in the Wind – Elton John
15) Total Praise – Richard Smallwood
16) Time to Say Goodbye – Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman
17) Swing Low, Sweet Chariot – Traditional
18) Bridge Over Troubled Water – Simon & Garfunkel
19) Lean on Me – Bill Withers
20) Tears in Heaven – Eric Clapton
21) Ain’t No Mountain High Enough – Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
22) Ave Maria – Franz Schubert
23) You Are Not Alone – Michael Jackson
24) Hallelujah – Jeff Buckley
25) I’ll Be There – The Jackson 5
26) I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston
27) Victory is Mine – Dorothy Norwood
28) Always Look on the Bright Side of Life – Monty Python
29) Soon and Very Soon – Andraé Crouch
30) Danny Boy – Traditional
31) Order My Steps – GMWA Women of Worship
32) The Prayer – Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli
33) Take Me to the King – Tamela Mann
34) When I Survey the Wondrous Cross – Traditional
35) I Need You to Survive – Hezekiah Walker and The Love Fellowship Choir
36) In the Arms of an Angel – Sarah McLachlan
37) We Fall Down – Donnie McClurkin
38) What a Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong
39) Stand – Donnie McClurkin
40) Here Comes the Sun – The Beatles
41) We Shall Overcome – Traditional
42) I’ll Be Missing You – Puff Daddy and Faith Evans
43) Lift Every Voice and Sing – James Weldon Johnson
44) Nearer My God to Thee – Traditional
45) I Am Not Forgotten – Israel Houghton
46) How Great Thou Art – Traditional
47) You’ll Never Walk Alone – Mahalia Jackson
48) The Sound of Silence – Simon & Garfunkel
49) He Has His Hands On You – Marvin Sapp
50) Auld Lang Syne – Traditional
51) Bridge Over Troubled Water – Aretha Franklin
52) Over the Rainbow – Israel Kamakawiwo’ole
53) Morning Has Broken – Cat Stevens
54) A Time for Us – Nino Rota
55) Let It Be – The Beatles
56) Broken Halos – Chris Stapleton
57) Never Would Have Made It – Marvin Sapp
58) Don’t Cry for Me Argentina – Julie Covington
59) Stairway to Heaven – Led Zeppelin
60) Old Rugged Cross – Traditional
61) Hold On – Yolanda Adams
62) The Way We Were – Barbra Streisand
63) You’ll Never Walk Alone – Gerry & The Pacemakers
64) His Strength is Perfect – Cece Winans
65) He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother – The Hollies
66) We’ll Meet Again – Vera Lynn
67) Keep On Movin’ – Soul II Soul
68) Love Me Tender – Elvis Presley
69) Oh How He Loves You and Me – Edwin Hawkins Singers
70) God Bless America – Irving Berlin
71) Memory – Barbra Streisand
72) Be Grateful – Walter Hawkins
73) Angels Among Us – Alabama
74) Amazing Grace – Aretha Franklin
75) My Way – Frank Sinatra
76) Stand By Me – Ben E. King
77) Hold On – Mighty Clouds of Joy
78) I Smile – Kirk Franklin
79) Can’t Help Falling in Love – Elvis Presley
80) The Dance – Garth Brooks
81) You Are My Friend – Patti LaBelle
82) When the Saints Go Marching In – Traditional
83) On Eagle’s Wings – Michael Joncas
84) Angel – Sarah McLachlan
85) Bittersweet Symphony – The Verve
86) Ave Maria – Andrea Bocelli
87) The Lord is My Shepherd – Traditional
88) The Long and Winding Road – The Beatles
89) There You’ll Be – Faith Hill
90) Into the West – Annie Lennox
91) Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door – Bob Dylan
92) I Will Remember You – Sarah McLachlan
93) You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings – Bette Midler
94) I’m Already There – Lonestar
95) When You Believe – Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey
96) Fields of Gold – Sting
97) He Stopped Loving Her Today – George Jones
98) If I Die Young – The Band Perry
99) Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel) – Billy Joel
100) Always On My Mind – Ane Brun
101) Dancing in the Sky – Beverly Ann
102) Home – Aron Wright
103) Living Legend – Club Danger
104) Be Still – The Fray
105) I Shall Believe – Sheryl Crow
106) To Build a Home – The Cinematic Orchestra, Patrick Watson
107) Supermarket Flowers – Ed Sheeran
108) Future Days (Acoustic) – Eddie Vedder
109) Heart – Rainbow Kitten Surprise
110) See You Again – Wiz Khalifa, Charlie Puth
111) See You Again – Beth
112) These Are Days – 10,000 Maniacs
113) Wonderwall – Zella Day
114) Lay Me Down – Sam Smith
115) I Will Always Return – Bryan Adams
116) The Story – Brandi Carlile
117) Send Me On My Way – Rusted Root
118) When We Were Young – Adele
119) Amazing Grace (Chains Are Gone) – Pentatonix
120) Do You Remember – Jack Johnson
121) In Christ Alone – Christina Grimmie
122) When I Get Where I’m Going – Brad Paisley, Dolly Parton
123) I Will Follow You Into the Dark – Death Cab for Cutie
125) Proof of Your Love – King & Country
126) Home – Edith Whiskers
127) My Best Friend – Tim McGraw
128) Work Song – Hozier
129) Biscuits – Kacey Musgraves
130) Home – Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
131) Waves – Imagine Dragons
132) I Lived – OneRepublic
133) 7 Years Old – Lukas Graham
134) Excavate – Macklemore, Saint Claire
135) Gonna Fly Now – Bill Conti 
136) Solsbury Hill – Peter Gabriel
137) Unforgettable – Nat King Cole
138) Yet – Nathan Morris
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Christine Rose Photography / Moment via Getty Images
50 Songs to Play at a Funeral
1.    Tears In Heaven – Eric Clapton
2.    Wish You Were Here – Pink Floyd
3.    Babe I’m Gonna Leave You – Led Zeppelin
4.    Scream – Chris Cornell
5.    My City of Ruins – Bruce Springsteen
6.    November Rain – Guns N’ Roses
7.    Hallelujah – Bon Jovi
8.    Stairway To Heaven – Led Zeppelin
9.    I’ll Back You Up – Dave Matthews Band
10.  Man of the Hour – Pearl Jam
Alternative Rock
1.    Surround You – Echosmith
2.    The Trapeze Swinger – Iron & Wine
3.    Heartbeats – Jose Gonzalez
4.    Blood – The Middle East
5.    The Funeral – Band of Horses
6.    Awake My Soul – Mumford & Sons
7.    While We Were Dreaming – Pink Mountaintops
8.    Higher Love – James Vincent McMorrow
9.    The Night We Met – Lord Huron
10.  Twenty Years – Augustana
1.    Supermarket Flowers – Ed Sheeran
2.    Breathe Me – Sia
3.    Fix You – Coldplay
4.    See You Again –Charlie Puth
5.    Somewhere Over The Rainbow -  Israel Kamakawiwo’ole (and other artists)
6.    I’ll Be Missing You – P. Diddy & Faith Evans
7.    Angel – Sarah McLachlan
8.    Angles – Robbie Williams
9.    Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol
10.  Gone, Gone, Gone – Phillip Phillips
1.    Take Me Home – John Denver
2.    Yesterday – The Beatles
3.    My Way – Frank Sinatra
4.    You’ll Never Walk Alone – Gerry & The Pacemakers
5.    Turn Turn Turn – The Byrds
6.    Always On My Mind – Elvis
7.    Amazing Grace – Celtic Women
8.    In My Life – The Beatles
9.    Imagine – John Lennon
10.  Heaven Can Wait – Meatloaf
1.    If I Die Young – The Band Perry
2.    Go Rest High On That Mountain – Vince Gill
3.    Angels Among Us – Alabama
4.    If Heaven Wasn’t So Far Away – Justin Moore
5.    I Drive Your Truck – Lee Brice
6.    Drink a Beer – Luke Bryan
7.    Who You’d Be Today – Kenny Chesney
8.    One Hell of an Amen – Brantley Gilbert
9.    If You’re Reading This – Tim McGraw
10.  See You Again – Carrie Underwood
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nikkytok / iStock via Getty Images
Funeral music  ,  Funeral   ,   Popular music for funerals   ,  Traditional Funeral Songs and Funeral Music  ,   Funeral Music   ,    Popular Songs for Funerals  ,   Funeral Services
CR   ::   https://gather.app/blog/funeral-songs-list/  ,  https://www.funeralmatters.com/blog/Article/25/50-Songs-to-Play-at-a-Funeral
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