#auto dacia
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visualvocabulary33 · 28 days ago
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diagnozabam · 12 days ago
Dacia Duster 2024: Tracțiune integrală electrificată confirmată oficial
Denis le Vot, CEO-ul Dacia, a anunțat oficial că noua generație Dacia Duster va fi echipată cu un sistem de tracțiune integrală electrificată. Acesta va integra un motor electric pe puntea spate, fiind destinat exclusiv versiunilor hibride ale SUV-ului. Noutăți pentru Dacia Duster: Tracțiune integrală electrificată: Primul model Dacia cu un sistem AWD care utilizează un motor electric pentru…
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suportbicicleta · 26 days ago
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DaciaDuster echipat pentru calatorii cu #cutieportbagaj Menabo Alege-ti cutie potrivita pentru orice drum
👉 Detalii la ☎️ 0786 036 818
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beurich · 5 months ago
Neuer Dacia Duster ist „Familienauto des Jahres“
In der diesjährigen Leserwahl des „Familienautos des Jahres“ von AUTO Straßenverkehr wurde der neue Dacia Duster zum Sieger der Kategorie „Preis/Leistung“ gewählt. Erster Platz in Gesamtwertung für neuen Duster in Kategorie „Preis/Leistung bis 25.000 Euro“ 29,9 Prozent der Stimmen: Höchster Einzelwert unter allen 107 teilnehmenden Fahrzeugen Neue Designsprache des Duster gewürdigt: Platz zwei in…
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motogadi · 1 year ago
Breaking: Dacia Unveils Game-Changing 2024 Duster! The Affordable SUV That's Redefining Toughness and Efficiency!
Dacia has thrived under Renault’s corporate umbrella, since the low-cost Romanian brand owns two of Europe’s most popular automobiles. The Sandero supermini was the best-selling vehicle on the Old Continent through October, while the Duster was in the top 15. The back-to-basics SUV is entering its third generation, which adds some complexity while focusing on the essentials to keep costs down and…
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dietestfahrer · 1 year ago
Praxistest Dacia Spring: Elektriker zum Schnäppchenpreis
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leathercarrental · 1 year ago
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gratuitescu · 1 year ago
Introducerea Codului Radio pentru Dacia Dokker - Soluția Rapidă pe CodRadio.ro
Când vine vorba de restaurarea funcționalității casetofonului radio al mașinii tale Dacia Dokker, introducerea corectă a codului este esențială. Fie că ai înlocuit bateria, ai avut o intervenție la sistemul electronic sau pur și simplu trebuie să deblochezi funcționalitatea radio, CodRadio.ro este sursa ta de încredere pentru a găsi soluția rapidă și eficientă. Echipa noastră de specialiști în…
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effemotori · 2 years ago
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NUOVA Dacia Duster, 0 KM, Consegnata con Successo! Grazie Fabrizio 😉 www.effemotori.it Via Moscatelli 245, Mentana Fabrizio 391.71.44.303 #autosalone #venditaauto #auto #autousata #autosalone #concessionariaauto #autoinvendita #occasioni #autoinvendita #effemotorimentana #dacia #daciaduster #duster (presso Effe Motori) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co_rv5is9V1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Only last autumn, the media reported that the new car market had returned to robust growth. For example, sales data from car dealer Moller auto in the Baltics showed that new car sales last year were almost a third higher than the year before. The new car market returned to pre-crisis levels, with Toyota, Škoda, Volkswagen and Dacia topping the sales charts.(..)
P.S. New cars, especially EVs, are badly overpriced and people are walking away from expensive vehicle purchases...In addition, many so-called "premium" brands have very serious quality and reliability problems with astronomically expensive repair costs...! The car market seems to have a lot of cars, but when you start researching the market, there are very few opportunities to buy really good ones...
In the last two years, I have put off buying a new car for the third time... and not because I don't have the money, but because new cars, with rare exceptions, are way too expensive pieces of junk stuffed with unreliable and irritating technology, which absolutely does not justify the money invested in a new car...In fact, the new cars are way worse than my old one...
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phprentacar · 11 months ago
Noul Dacia Spring 2025 este aici
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Cu trecerea anilor, Dacia Spring a devenit un nume binecunoscut în lumea automobilelor electrice accesibile iar biroul PHP de închirieri auto aeroport Cluj Napoca vă amintește că acest model lansat pentru prima dată în 2021 a reușit să atragă atenția consumatorilor prin conceptul său inovator: mobilitate electrică simplă și eficientă la un preț accesibil. Cu peste 140.000 de unități vândute la nivel global până în prezent, Dacia Spring s-a impus ca o alegere populară pentru cei ce caută soluții de mobilitate cu zero-emisii:
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diagnozabam · 17 days ago
Yazeed Al Rajhi câștigă Raliul Dakar 2025, iar Dacia încheie pe locul 4
Raliul Dakar 2025 s-a încheiat cu o victorie istorică pentru Yazeed Al Rajhi, pilotul saudit al echipei Toyota Overdrive Racing, care a devenit primul saudit din istorie să câștige prestigiosul raliu. Acesta a trecut linia de sosire cu Toyota Hilux pregătită de echipa Overdrive Racing, câștigând competiția cu un avans de 3 minute și 57 de secunde față de Henk Lategan, cel care a încheiat pe locul…
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suportbicicleta · 5 months ago
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DaciaLogan dotat cu o #cutieportbagaj Menabo Alege modelul #Marathon 👉 Detalii la ☎️ 0786 036 818
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beurich · 5 months ago
Dacia Jogger im Leasing jetzt ab 99 Euro im Monat
Interessierte am Dacia Jogger können derzeit von einem besonderen Leasing-Angebot profitieren: Noch bis zum 30. September 2024 ist der Dacia Jogger für lediglich 99 Euro im Monat zu leasen. Sensationelles Angebot für den Dacia Jogger Essential ECO-G 100 (Gesamtverbrauch kombiniert (l/100 km): 7,8 (6,1); CO2-Emission kombiniert (g/km): 120 (137); CO2-Klasse: D (E)) Laufzeit von 36 Monaten und…
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solarpunkpresentspodcast · 1 year ago
A Self-Driving Auto Dystopia
Bad solarpunk me, but true child of the western US, I like to drive.  And I don’t mean to the grocery store, but to beautiful places, especially ones I’ve never been to before.  What could be better than the freedom of the open road and all the wonders my car can take me to see? 
Yet, having lived nearly half my life now in Europe, I've spent a lot of time on buses, streetcars, and subways, and know the joy of travel by train.  You can’t get everywhere on public transportation, but—admittedly more ideally than in actual practice, since they tend to be running late and (especially with the trains) are so often so crammed with people, there’s barely even anyplace left to stand—you can kick back in your seat, go sweetly to sleep, and wake up in a whole new place (hopefully one that comes before your stop, not after). 
Add those two things together—all of the freedom without the hassle of having to do the driving yourself—and you get utopian dreams of self-driving cars.  We wouldn’t even need to own one.  In fact, owning one wouldn’t even make any sense, when we could just hail one through our phone or our watch or the chip in our brain, or wherever it is that the technology has gotten us to by then.  Up it would roll and in we would go, buckle up, and we’d be off in peace, quiet, comfort, and security.  The most strenuous thing we’d have to do is figure out how best to pass the time between us and our destination, especially if we’re not feeling sleepy.
I’m no futurist, but I think I have that all pretty much right. It’s not hard, really.  It would be just like being a passenger in a car, except with a more sociable seating layout and without the stress of our best friend’s impatient husband’s road ragey driving.  Except that last week reality came crashing like a drunken dystopian moose into my sweet dreams of self-driving cars.  
I don’t know why it wasn’t front page news.  It barely even got mentioned by the news sites I peruse, and only on some of them at that.  Never mind the autos of the future, the cars of today are already a privacy nightmare.  As in, if your biggest fear of a self–driving car future is of the hacker who takes over and crashes the car you’re riding in, guess again.  Our biggest fear should be of the car companies themselves and the future they're aiming to create for us. And the present they've already got us corralled in.
Here's the news you probably didn’t catch: On September 6, 2023, the Mozilla Foundation released a study of privacy and security issues in cars. All 25 major brands of automobile that they surveyed failed to pass muster, making cars, as they point out, by far the worst case they have ever examined.  In short, your car knows everything about you that your smartphone does (because you’ve let them talk to each other) about who you are, where you live, where you go, where you shop, what you buy, who you associate with, who you’re having an affair with, what music you’re listening to, what your sexuality is, and what genetic tests you’ve taken.  Plus, your car collects data about how you drive—how fast, how often, how far, how aggressively, etc.  The car companies feed all these data into an algorithm, crank the wheel, and out pops answers (accurate or not) about how smart you are, what abilities you have, and what interests you.  The vast majority of the car companies sell their data on you to other companies and some would be happy to pass it on to the government after nothing more formal than an informal request (i.e., they see no need to require a warrant before handing over the information they’ve got on you).  Meanwhile, only two of the brands surveyed (Renault and Dacia) give car owners the right to have their personal data deleted.  To make matters worse, it doesn’t even appear that the personal data the car companies hold about you from your car is stored securely.
That's a pretty bad present. But even before I got to the end of the Mozilla Foundation’s report, I got hit by a horribly dystopian vision of the future of self-driving cars as created by the car companies.  We won’t just hail a car, get in, buckle up, and off we go in peace, harmony, comfort, ease, and privacy.  Instead, the experience will be as ruined as the internet (itself also once a non–capitalistic utopian dream of a level playing field and the free flow of information between people).  We’ll have to lock ourselves into a subscription service that, thinking it knows everything about each of us, will bombard us with personalized advertisements repeatedly throughout our journeys.  It’s like what Amazon, Google, and the company formerly known as Twitter are also trying to do... be the behemoth that makes all the money because they’re the one stop shop we’re locked into for everything from banking to shopping to healthcare to entertainment.  That subscription service to the self–driving cars that behave like they know everything about each of us won’t just be about what make and model of self-driving car we have access to and which driving style mode/level of passenger safety we can deploy, but which music streaming and entertainment services we’ll be able to access and, in the worst case, which brick–and–mortar stores the self–driving car will be willing to drive us to.  Prices per mile will clearly vary, not just for where we are and where we want to go and when we want to get there, but also for which route we take (shorter and fast will definitely cost a premium), and for who we are as a person (if they can get away with that kind of discrimination) and how desperately we need to get there (the greater the need it has calculated for us, the higher the price the service can charge; supply and demand, after all).  And, oh, I don’t even want to think about how hard they could make it for some of us to get driven to—or leave!—a march or demonstration.
In other words, if we just sit idly by and let the self–driving car future happen to us exactly as the car companies are creating it now, we’ll end up living in a self-driving auto dystopia... instead of merely the privacy nightmare most of us don’t realize we’re already mired in.  Worse, once self–driving cars become enormously safer than people–driven cars and it becomes illegal for a person to drive a car, we will have little choice but to participate in this system stacked so strongly against our own interests. 
Unless, of course, there is plentiful useful public transportation and/or regulations preventing such monopoly power and abuse of our privacy by car (or any other) companies.
Maybe it’s not very solarpunk to be shouting about this self–driving auto dystopia.  Solarpunk is all about envisioning futures we’d like to live in and I would most certainly not like to live in a future like that one.  But solarpunk also shouldn’t stick its head in the sand.  We are traveling fast down the road toward the self–driving auto dystopia of my nightmares and its worth facing that fact... so that we can start working to prevent that outcome. 
Super easy step one would be to sign the petition at the bottom of the page on the Mozilla Foundation article. 
Step two could be to clamor for an expansion of your local public transportation network by showing up at local planning meetings and otherwise making your views clear to the local elected representatives who control how much of the budget flows toward buses, trains, streetcars, subways, light rail, and expanding those services. 
Step three would be to demand that our governments step up their protection of the privacy of citizens, like Europe is starting to do with things like GDPR.
Step four, I suppose, is running for actual office to work on all of these issues. 
Because it would be so much nicer to live in a world where the transportation we take isn’t spying on us so it can blast us with ads, lock us into subscription services, and, if we stray too far into the grey, turn us over to the police or give the government or hackers the information they need to blackmail us or entrap us.
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crosscountryrally · 2 years ago
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Dacia confirma proyecto para el Dakar 2025 con Prodrive y Sebastien Loeb y Cristina Gutiérrez como pilotos
Se hizo oficial. El Grupo Renault entrará con un equipo oficial al Dakar en 2025 a través de la marca Dacia. El proyecto será comandado por Prodrive, que se encargará del desarrollo y preparación del prototipo de carreras. Y tendrá pilotos de lujo en Sebastien Loeb, que buscará con Renault su esperado triunfo en el Dakar y Cristina Gutiérrez, que contará con un auto oficial en la clase T1 por primera vez en su carrera.
"Después de tantos años en busca de esto; la primera cosa que voy a hacer es disfrutar la experiencia porque creo que es una oportunidad increíble la que me están dando. Por otro lado, el hecho de estar dentro ya de un equipo oficial hace que muchísima gente esté involucrada en el proyecto, trabajando a pleno rendimiento; contando así con mejores mecánicos e ingenieros, entre otros. Todo ello, se merece que estemos a la altura de poder transmitir o desarrollar el coche para estar en una posición muy buena." indicó Cristina Gutiérrez en el lanzamiento de la estructura. "Contamos con la experiencia y el apoyo, como equipo técnico, de Prodrive. Los conozco muy bien y ellos ya tienen una base bastante sólida en el Rally Raid, fruto de los años de experiencia que les avalan haciendo coches. Especialmente los dos últimos, con el proyecto Hunter”
El equipo Dacia contará con el apoyo de Saudi Aramco, que desarrollará un combustible sintético verde desarrollado con hirógeno verde y captura de carbono.
Para Dacia, el paso al Dakar representa un importante paso de marketing de la marca buscando posicionarse también en un segmento 4x4 deportivo y divertido, dejando la clásica imagen que se ha tenido de la marca de autos económicos.
"El rally-raid es una aventura humana y deportiva, claramente en correspondencia con los territorios de la marca Dacia: es una aventura robusta y al aire libre al volante de un prototipo 4x4 desarrollado para hacer frente a las condiciones más extremas; es una aventura eco-inteligente, con el coche de carreras de Dacia funcionando con combustible sintético, y una aventura esencial pero genial con un objetivo ambicioso que no deja espacio para lo superfluo" declara el comunicado de prensa de Grupo Renault.
El Rally Raid volverá a recibir la llegada de grandes marcas para disputar la victoria general. Hoy contamos con Toyota y Audi, enfrentando a Prodrive, y en 2025 contaremos con los dos nuevos programas de Ford y Dacia en plena escala.
Imagen: Prensa Dacia
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