#autistic theseus scamander
freedomforthewin · 3 months
I feel like Theseus is the one who would have lined up his toys as a kid and played with them the way they were “supposed to be played”. Like, if Theseus played with blocks, I think he would have built buildings of some sort.
If Newt played with blocks, he probably would have built starfish or somethings lol. Or big enclosures for different toy creatures, and he’d pretend he’s visiting each of them.
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uefb · 6 months
Turns out I love mod AUs fml
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This will be forever/never actually going up because this is a very personal project. And I’d very much like to finish Older, or Two Brothers and a Train Station first. But we will see! Maybe once I get it written up to the first plot ‘fall’ I’ll be ready to post it
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afrenchaugurey · 8 months
I realize I forgot to post here but I posted chapter 4 of my New Year's fic.
Summary : After a complicated moment, Newt finally mixes with the New Year party.
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And the introduction scene
In the centre of the room, a large table sagged under the profusion of drinks, food and cutlery. Soft music came from nowhere, and would have bathed the area with a tender lullaby if it hadn’t been covered by all the other voices and noises. The chanting soapy bubbles had disappeared when Adeline had sat at the table, Evie replacing them by hovering oranges, pinecones and cinnamon sticks –mirrors of the tree’s decorations– that filled their noses with forest smells.
Evie had probably circled the dining space with Fencing Charms , as the dog and the puffskeins herd remained far from the food. The pre-dinner mini-sandwiches trays and drinks replenished automatically as soon as they emptied, offering enough provisions for a whole army.
“Snidget, you’re back! Come, and have a firewhisky!”
Theseus’s face had turned crimson, and Newt didn’t want to know how many glasses he had drunk already. Apparition or flight wouldn’t be an option to come back home for his brother that night; Newt would have to make sure of it.
“Snidget?” asked a woman Newt didn’t recognize, but whose cheeks gleamed as red as Theseus’s.
Her hair was like the plants frozen over the lake, a dark brown surrounded by white, and something in her gaze –traces of a complicated and heavy past, courage, and empowerment– reminded him of Tina.
“That was Newton’s nickname as a child, Sunshine,” Titania whispered in the other witch’s ear, before she wove their fingers and kissed her knuckles.
The woman’s eyes opened wide, and she stared at Newt who intensely looked at the ground.
“Of course! Snidget ! Newt Scamander! How could I have forgotten this!” she exclaimed, “I’m Poppy Sweeting.
Thank you for reading !
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asexualenjolras · 2 years
I want to talk about one of my favourite headcanons and I don't have anywhere else to do it, so you can have my ramblings. We all know that Newt Scamander is autistic, but has anyone considered that Theseus might be too? I have.
So, let's talk about autistic Theseus Scamander:
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Autism is genetic so it isn't a stretch of the imagination to think that Theseus might also be on the spectrum.
The beautiful thing about the Scamander brothers is that they are both so similar but so different at the same time.
So, his traits:
- Theseus is very, very rigid when it comes to rule-following:
We see this multiple times in the movie franchise. While Newt has a very strong sense of what is right and what is wrong and isn't afraid to go against the 'norm' to do the right thing, Theseus is the complete opposite. He, too, has a strong sense of right and wrong but he finds it very difficult to go against the rules and laws of the Wizarding World.
This was observed in SOD, where he makes a comment about being the 'Head Auror of the Ministry of Magic' when Newt asks him to do something to help the cause (without spoilers).
Theseus knows that what he must do is right and for the good of the Wizarding World but he doesn't overly agree with the way that Newt and Dumbledore go about things (and I bet he's envious of Newt's ability to break the rules so easily).
- Theseus has particular routines and dislikes change:
Another massive trait of autism (for some people) is that they don't like change. Theseus really struggles to adjust to the fact that Leta has gone in SOD, and he really struggles to accept that the Wizarding World is changing. He has a strict routine of going to work as an Auror and then coming home. He clearly struggles with the changes made in SOD where he's got to do other things.
- Theseus doesn't understand social situations and finds it difficult to read emotions and feelings:
We see this in COG when he hugs Newt. Newt is very clearly uncomfortable with the hug and interaction but Theseus doesn't recognise or pick up on this. People have put this down to Theseus being ignorant of Newt's autism, but I feel it's because he struggles to pick up on social cues too.
We also see this in SOD, where he struggles to read what Albus is wanting him to do.
- Impulsivity:
As noted above, Theseus struggles with his emotions. When he is upset, he acts impulsively and doesn't really think about the implications of his actions. A perfect example of this is when Leta is killed. He goes into a whirlwind of anger and upset and lashes out in his own way.
- Theseus struggles with eye contact:
Again, Theseus doesn't struggle in the same way that Newt does - who avoids it as much as he can - but rather the opposite. Theseus uses a little too much at times. We observe this when he is speaking to Newt and Leta. He stares intently at them, which some autistic people do.
It's usually one or the other with people on the Spectrum; too much eye contact or too little. Theseus falls into the former.
- Theseus has a really strong bond with Newt:
Despite their differences, Theseus loves Newt and does everything he can to protect him. He and Newt get on well and communicate with one another in a very unique way. I think this is because they're both on the spectrum. They're siblings, sure, so they're going to argue but the main cause of their disagreements is a lack of understanding about the other's perceptions and opinions.
- *SPOILER FOR SOD* Theseus struggles with his motor skills and co-ordination:
When Newt and Theseus are imitating the movements of the creatures in the German magic prison, Newt comments that Theseus is not doing the correct movements. To which, Theseus states that he is. He doesn't recognise that his movements are wrong because he's focusing solely on the co-ordination.
Autistic people often have issues with their motor abilities, and Dyspraxia is a co-mordible disorder alongside ASD.
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I love Theseus Scamander and I love all of his autistic traits. And, as an autistic person that is so, so similar to Newt, it's so nice to have another character to relate to in other ways because I see myself in both of their characteristics.
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queenierosier · 2 years
okay so rn i have two major analysis posts in the works about fb characters so i just wanna know, do you wanna see the "half the characters in fantastic beasts are autistic and here's why" post or the "queenie goldstein has borderline personality disorder" post first
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sunnysmileslife · 6 years
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chicleeblair · 6 years
Just got back from seeing The Crimes of Grindlewald. I am totally opinion-dumping, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to know other thoughts. I want to know what other people thing! I could be wrong about things!
I liked Newt’s creatures. I loved the Niffler. He needs a name, though.
Eddie Redmayne is precious. He is flawed. He has made poor role choices. I love him. 
say gay JK
I wanted this movie to surprise me. I really did. I wanted Nagini to prefer the snake body, for owning that to be part of her from the start, to know it wasn’t a curse. Anything that didn’t make her a prop for a boy’s story, and set her up to eventually be companionless but for a megalomaniac whose life is so tied to hers that she must be beheaded by a child for the evil to die. It will feel wrong to me, no matter where we go from here, because hse was exoticised and nothing but a means for Credence to escape someone who didn’t seem to be trying all that hard to hold him. 
Queenie’s storyline also royally pissed me off. There wasn’t any nuance, simply an, oh hey I met this man yesterday, he didn’t call me crazy, and he told me he beleives in inter-magical relationships, so he must be legit! I thught maybe she’d be enchanted, like Jacob at the beginning—which, fine, she’s willing to enchant him but it felt OOC—or that she’d realize that Grindlewald said what she wanted to hear, or—something. Anything but the Jewish-coded character with magical mental illness becoming a pawn of wizard-Hitler. And the analogue between Hitler and Grindlewald is too strong for anyone to try to sell me on her being the “oppressed ifghting back” or whatever. She’s not coded as the German citizien who didn’t know what was going on, she’s coded as one of those hurt, and I didn’t’t buy her storyline. Rowling needed someone to cross the line, and Tina wouldn’t, Jacob couldn’t, so Queenie was left. It’s unnecessary. 
And that doesn’t get into the fact that Jacob calling her “crazy” at the beginning was actually dealt with really well, but then at the end we’re set up to think he’s right for saying that, because she IS being irrational, and that’s simply not helpful. I don’t know, all I can say is if she isn’t a double-agent lickity-split I will be….Angrier than I am. 
A lot of it felt unnecessary.
I don’t like the Credence reveal. I don’t think the whole Harry Potter franchise needs to be the Dumbledore McDumbledore, but hey we can’t say gay “like brothers" my ass Chronicles. Like I see what you were doing there, you want us to think about DD having a brother, and his sister died, but a brother because apparently ABERFORTH DOESN’T EVEN MATTER, and does he ever even KNOW about Credence? Because either:
A. He sent Credence away?! 
B. Credence was his father’s illegitimate baby, and DD didn’t know. (Related to the Azkaban stint? Are Obscurus genetic now????)
C. Kendra somehow had another kid? Is she the one on the boat? She has Native American blood, right? Why be taking him to America, with her other children still in England? And isn’t she dead before this? And Papa DD before that?
Someone get me a timeline. 
And it all begs the question: If Credence really is a long-lost sibling (which, I’m sorry, Mark Evans made far more fucking sense than this shit) WHY DOES GRINDLEWALD KNOW, BUT APPARENTLY NO ONE ELSE? I know Rita Skeeter isn’t the best reporter evah, but she did seem to dig up all the possible dirt!
Young Dumbledore was great. For all that this doesn’t need to be The Dumbledore McDumbledore Chronicles, the way he was written and played absolutely felt to me like a Dumbledore who hasn’t battled his bestie brother lover yet, and but will become that man. He is a Chess Master learning to become a Chess God. 
There are ways the story of Newt’s involvement in the inter-continental politics of the Grindlewald era could be told without constantly harping on storylines out of The Life and Times. The Lestrange stuff was so powerful, why not delve deeper into that?
Why not delve more into the world of Magical Paris, like we (sort of) did with New York in the first film? Fine, Grindlewald hates Paris and the end is at Père Lachaise. It could’ve been ANYWHERE. We were mostly indoors. Where was the architecture, the horticulture, the FASHION. 
I loved the flashback scene (Autistic Newt is Autistic). I loved Leta, and while I didn’t like the mixed-race woman dying—and oh wow the non-evil girl from the stereotypically-evil family is mixed-race. JK you are NOT subtle—I did respect her sacrifice and liked that she wasn’t evil simply because of her name. I also REALLY enjoyed that we got some nuance to Newt’s relationship to Theseus. It wasn’t a good/evil dichotomy, no one stole anyone else’s girl. I want more about Leta and her brothers, and their different upbringings, and the cultural differences, and….
Wow, POC in the background, this should not be notable!
How did Rabastian and Rudolphus Lestrange happen????? All the male heirs are dead, unless somehow the baby didn’t die, or Credence is actually the baby, or I don’t know, Thesus fucking takes Leta’s name and his kids are Death Eaters?? Am I missing a Lestrange line here? 
If the miscommunication between Tina and Newt had gone on HALF A DAMN SECOND longer I would’ve cut someone. 
Did muggle Paris just NOT NOTICE that shit? We didn’t have magical bird rain this time…. 
How TF do you get a half-elf in this world.
How did the circus get a house-elf?
Why wasn’t the servant a damn goblin?
Why did we barely learn anyone’s name? JK is usually obsessed with names. Like the whole damn thing is about names....
Grindlewald did not have to be Johnny Depp. He wasn’t a classic Depp character, which makes the decision to keep him on even more bizarre. 
Why spend all that time with the damn baby only to have a follower kill him and that be it? Why not set Grindlewald up as the less brutal megalomaniac who DOESN’T kill babies, and help us see while people fell for his ruse initially?
I liked young Minerva, though I always head canon her as being Tom Riddle’s age, I know she’s not. 
Why was Nicholas Flammel the Walking Corpse a thing??? Like, what did he bring that ANYONE else couldn’t do?  
I liked Jacob in this one. Jacob is good and can stay. 
Honestly, I want AU fic now please. So much AU fic. I, in fact, plan to write one, like, tomorrow. 
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anautisticnewt · 6 years
Was anyone else put off by the editing of the scene where Leta greets Newt at the ministry?
It holds on their faces, the actor making eye contact with the camera, while they are talking, suggesting that that is where the other character is looking.
I get that it’s suggesting that they are caught up in seeing each other, because they love each other and haven’t seen each other in a while maybe?
But A) Didn’t they see each other not long ago for Newts book signing?
B) The characters clearly look away from each other when the camera is focused on them.
C) Newt would never make prolonged eye contact like that. It doesn’t matter how much he likes her, that’s not how that particular autistic characteristic works.
D) They do it once more when the characters are children, which I get that it’s supposed to suggest that’s when they started loving each other, maybe? But they don’t ever do it again, which makes it feel out of place and almost incomplete or unfinished.
E) Because we never get that editing between Newt and Tina, or Leta and Theseus, it feels like they love each other more than they love the others, when that’s not true. Like there should have been a scene where Newt’s focus changed from Leta to Tina, or Leta’s changed to Theseus. Or at least shown the differences in Newt’s focus on Tina vs his focus on Leta and Leta’s focus on Theseus vs her focus on Newt.
F) It’s weird editing that’s off putting in general
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beauspot · 2 years
you know as an autistic person myself i find it extremely gross that an author who wrote books that became one of special interests is making autism seem like a bad thing and using that to then attack trans people. harry potter was escapism for me in an abusive household and it made me feel special and newt scamander is a great representation of autism(as well as Luna and Theseus to me). it just fucking sucks that we finally have all this representation that’s actually good and jkr is being ableist and transphobic and causing harm to my communities all while profiting off of something i love. i honestly wish i could just fucking turn it off and move on, but i can’t. idk what i’m doing but i just want to say as a non-binary, autistic, queer person that you can still enjoy harry potter and acknowledge the stereotypes it employs and criticizing the person who wrote the books. also let’s like…take away jkr’s copyright maybe? i know a lot of you have marauders stories(giving wolfstar their rights) that are much better than whatever the fuck she has going on.
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hellcheer-munson · 2 years
Thoughts on Secrets of Dumbledore - SPOILERS
So basically I have a cold/sore throat from screaming at kids for four days straight so I’m not actually well and I was so close to not going on opening day in the UK today (well, technically it’s Saturday now so it’s yesterday but still) because I feel rotten. But I had to - as someone known for their Fantastic Beasts obsession, and having waited for nearly four years, I wasn’t about to miss out on this film on opening day.
There was a lot going on and I’m not well so I may have missed some things out or even missed bits in the film, so please bear with me, I’ve tried my best to remember as much as possible and I’m also happy to answer any DMs or asks if people have questions! Also, I’ve tried to keep it as in order as it happened as possible, but again, I’m ill and have probably gotten mixed up in places!
So, here’s my post about the film. There are SPOILERS below the cut so please don’t open the post and then send hate to me because I spoiled the film because not only is it marked and tagged, it’s also under a read more! You’ve been warned!
Firstly, let me take a moment to say FUCK JK ROWLING 🖕🏻 ANYWAY, moving on:
First of all, I liked SoD a LOT more than CoG. Like a LOT more. It felt more like the first film mixed with a bit of Harry Potter, and even used a LOT of the same soundtrack from the first film
This film was funny in place but also REALLY dark in others??? Like holy shit???
I’m not sure how long after CoG the film is set quite frankly but I’m pretty sure at one point they said that it was a month ago??? Or Lally said that a year ago was when Jacob met Newt??? But then Bunty says she’s been working for Newt for 8 years and however many days… I don’t know, I thought it was the 30s???
Also it’s Autism Acceptance Month and the fact we’re getting Newt Scamander being his beautiful autistic self this month just makes sense ♾
So the film starts with Dumbledore and Grindelwald having tea which is kind of nice
Sorry to the Depp fans out there but Mads Mikkelsen should have been cast as Grindelwald from the start… I agree what WB did was appalling, but I loved Mads as Grindelwald, which I honestly wasn’t expecting
“Because I was in love with you” - HE FUCKING SAID IT. The gasp that went out in the audience was so fucking funny, like how do y’all NOT know by now???
NEWT IS MY AUTISTIC HERO 😭 I adore him, I almost wish the films were solely about him searching for magical beasts frankly
Newt helping the mummy Qilin give birth was so Newt, I love him, he was putting his head on its side and comforting her, I adore him
Grindelwald’s followers got the first baby Qilin but then the mother had twins 😭❤️
Newt cradling a baby Qilin is not the content I was expecting but I’m grateful for it
The Newt scenes remain my favourite in this film, and maybe I’m biased because he’s autistic and I’m autistic, but yeah
Pickett with his mini glasses 😭❤️
Teddy being in charge in the case was adorable like omg
Wooo Wyvern!!! I love seeing more beasts!
So apparently Qilins bow to those who are pure of heart and can also see the future or something?
Grindelwald kept touching Credence/his face in a way that made me VERY uncomfortable
Queenie is now a platinum blonde????
Theseus remains my hot husband 🤧😮‍💨💛 fucking adore that man and would jump him without second thought
Theseus was hardcore judging Dumbledore for making that blood pact and I find that really funny??? He’s like “… why would you do that???”
I love love LOVE the Scamander brothers so much, I love their dynamic and them as individuals! The banter, the moments… love them!
I can relate to Theseus being the exasperated older sibling but also relate to Newt being the autistic one whose sibling is like “…????? The fuck???”
Queenie checking on Credence was nice, they have a couple of nice moments together, and I love that she told him that she doesn’t always tell Grindelwald what she hears Credence thinking
I don’t think I was supposed to be thinking “LESBIAN QUEENS” when Vinda and Queenie were in a shot together and yet that’s exactly where my brain went 😭
Jacob was still getting the biggest laughs out of the audience, I love him. He remains such a wonderful character even in the depth of a depression/funk
To be fair, there were quite a few laughs in the film and it wasn’t just me laughing, there were a lot of people of there and most of them were laughing
Noooo not Jacob’s bakery struggling because of the Great Depression (presumably)
I love love LOVE the Jacob and Lally dynamic so much, it was one of my favourite things in the film
Bunty is the fucking thirstiest most desperate bitch. I don’t like the actress and I don’t like the character and every time she appeared and made a joke I had to roll my eyes. Her character is STILL very much “I’m in love with my boss who doesn’t love me back” and not a lot else
Shout out to the reviewer who said she was “one note” and another who said she was a “JK R*wling lookalike” lmfao 🤣
I love that Newt and Lally are already friends who have corresponded, it’s so sweet
Newt introducing Lally to everyone and forgetting his own brother 😂
I’m not sure but… are the films gonna make Theseus and Lally a thing??? There was a little moment where they met each other/were introducing themselves directly to each other, then they got paired up in Bhutan… idk, maybe just me?
Also I think two of their names in the film are said to be “Alfie” and “Timothy”???
By the way, someone on Twitter that I was once friends with said a few weeks ago in the audio chat/space thing that Newt’s autism “disappeared” when he hugged Jacob (because that had been seen in trailers) and I would like to say NOPE. Not how it works, don’t care if it was a joke or if that person was autistic too, it made me super uncomfortable! And when I said that, she blocked me so… yep.
^Sorry but I don’t like jokes like that. Maybe I’m just sensitive but it made me, an autistic person who loves Newt and is so grateful for him being autistic, very upset and uncomfortable. Maybe some autistic people are fine with those jokes, and that’s fine! I’m just personally not, it makes me upset and makes me feel like they’re mocking Newt being autistic or saying he’s not really autistic so… sorry.
Knowing he’s autistic made me so happy and helped me accept the fact I was going for an autism diagnosis (and have since received the diagnosis that yes I’m autistic). Knowing this non-stereotypical character I loved and who’s played by one of my favourite actors is autistic helped me feel better during the process and made me feel like it would be okay, so yeah!
I love that Lally was praising the shit out of Tina and saying she was an incredible woman, we love to see it
Okay, on the topic of Tina… I wish there was more of her. I do. Writing that she’s too busy just seemed kind of lazy. She has like 2 minutes of screentime near the end of the film, first at MACUSA and then at the Jacob and Queenie wedding???
You can’t honestly and seriously tell me that Tina fuckin’ Goldstein would rather be head of the Aurors than try to help her sister or Credence???? Like yeah yeah yeah, she’s a career girl and all that, but also she was willing to lose her job and break the rules to save Credence before??? What the fuck???
Newt seemed super sad about Tina being busy and Lally jumping in to say how amazing she is… ??? I don’t know why but it felt like there was more to it than just her being busy??? Because I’m pretty sure there was a weird silence, and it sounded like they were trying to cover it up???
JACOB GOT A WAND 👏🏻🤧 it didn’t have a core but still?!? He deserves it
I love Teddy refusing to let go of Theseus’ red and golden tie 😂
NO BUT DID JACOB MAKE A WAND INNUENDO JOKE OR???? I couldn’t hear properly because my ears are blocked by my sister’s friend was sitting next to me and she started laughing??? Something about Theseus’ wand actually working???
I do appreciate Theseus just being the bemused and dry older brother, I know some of it is probably down to still being sad about his fiancée dying but still
There were quite a few mentions of Leta, by the way, which was interesting
I had some trouble hearing the dialogue at times, and I thought this might be just because I’ve got blocked ears from my cold - but then my sister and her friend (both of whom are not sick) also said that they struggled to hear it so… ???
Not Theseus getting himself fucking arrested 😭😭😭 my dumbass husband I love him
It’s the fact he got arrested going after the people he recognised from the rally where Leta was killed 😭
Newt was trying to go after Theseus as they dragged him away but was stopped because “not here, there’s nothing we can do”
Also Jacob starting to protest about Grindelwald’s name being cleared like “I WAS THERE, HE LITERALLY MURDERED PEOPLE” and the others having to shush him
I don’t think Newtina are together by this point but there’s no inclination they are or aren’t??? It’s like “where’s Tina” “she’s busy, she’s head of the Aurors” and then her conversation with newt is basically “did you do something with you hair?” “Just for the wedding” etc. There’s no kiss, no “she’s my girlfriend/fiancée/we’re together”, it’s very confusing for me
An instruction for Bunty’s eyes only… the fact she was given important jobs AND was the one to have the Qilin at the end… so cheesey. Sorry but I can’t stand her 😭 she’s the only character I dislike to this extent. JKR wanted her to be the main girl instead of Tina so bad and it failed
(I’m still at least somewhat convinced that Bunty got such a big role because Katherine called JKR out explicitly - more so than anyone else - for her bullshit, and it’s of course just a very interesting coincidence that Bunty - whose actress sucked up to JKR during one of the transphobic tirades - is suddenly given such a big part… 👀 … anyway)
Interesting to know that Wizarding world politics is just as corrupt and fucked as muggle politics
Dumbledore talking about what Ariana used to like and Aberforth like “I WAS there, you know”, such sibling behaviour
Aberforth calling the person at the door a sod and then apologizing because “sorry for calling you a sod, Minerva” 😂
The Albus and Credence fight was actually pretty cool, not gonna lie
I noticed in the scene with Grindelwald and Yusuf Kama, Leta’s theme could be heard in the soundtrack 🤧
Yusuf Kama being a triple agent was… interesting
Bunty continuing to be cringe by making jokes that it’s her husband’s case and he’s “so forgetful that sometimes he forgets he’s married to me”, followed by the most awkward 10-15 seconds of laughter I’ve ever had to sit and witness 🤦
I’m not saying she’s a pick me girl but she kind of is???
Nahhh but why were they suddenly swarming Grindelwald like he was a rockstar 😭😂
I do love Grindelwald just rocking up to this fancy ass dinner with his top buttons undone, bow tie undone, his followers flanking him
Vinda looked fine as fUCK in her suit, by the way 👌🏻 👀
Why the house elf conducting music??? 😭😭😭 stop putting house elf slavery in, I’m-
Jacob saying the Norwegian Minister of Magic looks like his uncle 😂
Not everyone thinking Jacob was attempting to assassinate Grindelwald 😭 he’s literally a muggle, how the fuck you think he gonna use a wand??? Use your brains???
Lally looked like a QUEEN in her dress by the way
I love Queenie low-key doing a little bit of magic to stop Jacob getting hurt even as she walked away with the rest of the acolytes
Newt snatching the photo of Tina away before the jail keeper at the Erkstag could take it 😭❤️
Not me crying at the jail keeper taking Pickett and Teddy away 😭 I was laughing at them both being in Newt’s coat and him being like “he’s a pet… he’s a pet too” but then crying two seconds later at them being taken and locked away
No but the laugh I let out at Newt doing the dance was literally inhuman, I canNOT-
Newt and Theseus doing the manticore dance was one of my favourite moments. In fact all of that sequence was amazing and I wish there were more sequences like that
“I am swivelling” “I don’t think you are” - GOLDEN
The big manticore was TERRIFYING by the way, it ate people and then spit them back out
Teddy and Pickett are not the duo I expected but they’re the duo we deserve and they stole the movie 😭❤️
I’m still crying with laughter thinking about Pickett falling with Newt’s wand and the Niffler jumping up, looking like he’s about to help Pickett… and then he soars past him to grab a shit ton of gold 😂👏🏻 beautiful scene right there, 11/10
The Erkstag place is actually terrifying as a whole because the prisoners are tied upside down and they have lanterns with these little firefly things next to them, and when the lanterns go out then the big manticore at the bottom eats them before spitting the remains back up for the baby ones to eat???
Newt and Theseus realising they’re still holding hands when they had Portkey-ed to safety and immediately letting each other’s hands go LMFAO JUST SIBLING THINGS
Jacob saying he got his wand for Christmas 😂
Not the Slytherins giving Jacob a bag of Cockroach Clusters 😭😂
Jacob calling Hogwarts students “pint sized wizards” LMFAO
Dumbledore giving points to a house that’s NOT Gryffindor?!? Unheard of! 🤣
I nearly died laughing at Aberforth giving them the worst looking food to eat and Theseus immediately tucking in like “after being in that dungeon, even this tastes good to me”
So Credence is in fact Aberforth’s son?!?! Jesus Christ??? I’m not sure how I feel about that like what the fuck (his mother was just “some girl from Godric’s Hollow”)
Also confirmation that Ariana was an Obscurial! I went “oh???” When that was revealed
This is probably just because I’m sick because I felt like this film was so long… not necessarily a bad thing but I’m not well so 😭
Grindelwald straight up nearly choking Credence for failing to realize there were TWO baby Qilins though
Theseus holding the baby Qilin 😭👌🏻❤️🤧 GOODBYE MY OVARIES I CANT-
There were 5 cases and they all chose a random one so no one knew which one was the real case and therefore none of Grindelwald’s side could know it either
So Grindelwald killed the first Qilin baby then resurrected it so that it would bow to him at the ceremony and put him in charge??? And Newt + the gang’s main plan is to get the alive Qilin to Bhutan so the election isn’t rigged???
I do love that they kept on reiterating how pure of heart and brave Jacob is 😭
Interesting that the decoy cases, from what I could tell, were filled with stuff seemingly related to the person who randomly picked it: Jacob’s had pastries, Lally’s had books, and Theseus’ had Quidditch stuff (perhaps hinting at him being a Quidditch player at school?)
Jacob and Queenie truly couldn’t have chosen a worse time or place to have their little romantic reunion 😭 like I’m happy for them but Jesus Christ it was so poorly timed???
They’re very sweet though, and him saying that his heart isn’t full because it’s always got room for her (or something to that effect) was so beautiful
Not that bitch (whose name I can’t remember, something Fisher?) taking the case Newt had and destroying it, and he thought it was his actual case I think??? 😭
I’m sorry, I can’t believe this is a whole ass film about a Wizarding Election?!? I don’t even like thinking about real politics, let alone fantasy politics
Also they went from talking about a democratic vote to deciding “hey, let’s let the magical creature bow and choose our leader” like, excuse me??? 😭
Not Grindelwald using Crucio on Jacob 😭
No but it’s the very first thing Grindelwald does upon getting elected, torturing Jacob, and people were STILL rooting for him, what the fuck-
Credence turning to the side of good seemed kind of out of left field, I won’t lie. Like I know Dumbledore said stuff to him after their fight and Grindelwald straight up choked him but also it just seemed a little… out of nowhere?
… of course Bunty was the one with the real case. Because of course she was 🙄
I wanted to cry at the alive-Qilin seeing her zombiefied-twin and trying to talk to her, and Newt telling her “she can’t hear you” and “maybe somewhere she can hear you” 😭
I do like that they showed the British MoM, the French one from the second film, MACUSA… it was a nice little callback if nothing else
Not the Qilin bowing to Dumbledore, meaning he’s pure of heart 🤨 but I did laugh when he was like “… oh no no no no no-” LMFAO
Grindelwald really fell backwards off the mountain and disappeared
Look I’ll admit it’s been a while since I watched the first two films but… sometimes during the film I was like “… what is happening”, and that’s how I felt about the blood pact breaking. Like sure “he shot to harm and I shot to protect” but…? What??? Maybe I’m just stupid 😭
I’m 90% sure Credence died off screen after Aberforth took him home. It’s made very clear he’s dying but they don’t show an actual death so who knows anymore???
No but I had to try very hard not to do some hand flapping at the sight of Newt stimming, it just makes me so happy 😭❤️
Bunty: *sees a photo of Tina in Newt’s case* // Me: LMFAO sucks to be you bitch
I hope she cries at the future newtina wedding 🙃
At least she seems to accept that Newt loves Tina I guess??? If I had to say one positive about her???
Jacob and Queenie have spent however long apart and suddenly they’re getting married??? Even though in the last one he made a big deal about it being against the law??? And it’s not like they’re in England by the way, they’re still in America and the law is still very much in place against No-Maj and magical mixing????
I love Queenie teasing Newt like “you’re nervous for another reason, aren’t you?” (Because he’s going to see Tina at the wedding)
Queenie’s dress and head piece was… a thing. She looked beautiful but it’s not something I’d personally wear myself
Newt being Jacob’s best man at the wedding and worrying over his best man speech was content I didn’t know I needed 😭 I kind of wish we could have heard the speech!
Tina is maid of honour 😭❤️
THE USE OF “Newt says goodbye to Tina” (aka THE Newtina theme), I was SOBBING
I’m still so bloody mad that Tina’s only scenes were 1) her just looking at the election broadcast at MACUSA (no lines) and 2) the wedding at the bakery. I mean yeah there’s the photo but still???
She looked fab as fuck, and I love her and Lally hugging but… yeah.
Small thing, my sister said Katherine looked extremely skinny in the film and I don’t know if that’s due to COVID or not, but… anyway.
Newt, Theseus and Jacob in their suits 👌🏻
I’m pretty sure Theseus made a comment to Newt before entering the bakery that just screamed: “… you’ve complimented how everyone looks BUT me” 😂 I can’t remember the exact comment but I’m pretty sure it happened
Cannot believe the approximately 15 people getting up and walking out before the credits even rolled 😤 like there were 30 seconds left and NOW you get up and leave?!?
Okay but who the fuck invited Bunty to the wedding when she barely fucking knows Jacob and Queenie??? And she turned up late???
The soundtrack had mostly pieces from the first film, a couple from the second, and then some Harry Potter soundtrack in there
My sister isn’t really a fan of the films but she has seen them and she didn’t like it 😭 she said it felt like it dragged and was super slow (and sometimes I admit that I felt that way a little bit too but whatever)
If nothing else, the film has made me want to jump back into writing newtina fics in a way that the first film did and the second film didn’t, so yay!!!
There’s a song (like a song with lyrics) that plays when Jacob is in the bakery thinking of Queenie and again at the wedding and then again over the end credits, and it’s called “Heaven” by Gregory Porter - it’s the official Jacob/Queenie song, let’s be honest!
So… to be honest, this felt very much like a final film. The blood pact thing is resolved, Credence knows who he is and is most likely dead (at the very least, he’s dying), Jacob and Queenie are married… I don’t know. It feels like it’s a final film but also enough there that there could be more films, if that makes sense. I feel like WB are planning to see what the box office/reception is before continuing forwards, to be honest, and I don’t know how to feel about it.
I really hope it’s not a final film because I would admittedly like to see more Tina, more Newt, more Newtina, and also that final duel between Grindelwald and Dumbledore. Despite how much I whine and complain, I’ll be very upset if this is where it comes to an end because this series does still mean a lot to me. It was definitely a HUGE improvement on the second film - in fact, this would probably be my favourite of the three if not for the severe lack of Tina.
I do want to watch it again, when I’m NOT sick and when I’m mentally ready again because mentally I’m all over the place at the moment, especially if this ends up being the last one. I wholeheartedly recommend the film though, I truly do, and I look forward to hearing what other fans say!
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muffinwalloper · 2 years
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Spoilers, everyone!
First of all, I loved the new Gellert Grindelwald. Mads did a wonderful job and I bought it 100 percent. Visually the movie was AMAZING! Great colours, nice jump cuts, finally some good camera angles (after the CoG close up disaster).
But. I have some issues with this movie, being:
The plot. It's a mess. In the beginning we are introduced to this half baked "task force" of Dumbledore, being led by our favorite autistic person, Newt Scamander. His brother is also there and they're fine, no questions asked after Theseus' financee and Newt's childhood friend got KILLED in the last movie.
Speaking of Leta, anyone remember her brother? Nah, me neither but he's part of the team for some reason which is never explained. He's supposed to go undercover in Grindelwald's midth, he even sacrifices his memory of Leta but NOTHING ever comes of it. The movie tries hard to make it seem like he turns against Dumbledore but of course he does not and even if he did, the impact would be nill because nobody cares about him. Who is he as a person? What drives him? No idea!
The chaos group wants to confuse Grindelwald for he can see the future and they do it by going to magical Berlin, enter two parties there and of course, dear Jakob ruins everything. But at least, we care about Jakob because we know him and he's frickin adorable and genuinely funny. One thing about the German ministry of magic: its minister Anton Vogler looks like Grindelwald's twin! Not helping.
The theme. There is a constant underlying theme of mirrors and/or mirror images. - Credence uses mirrors to communicate with the Dumbledores. - Grindelwald sees the future in mirrors, a window, a pool of blood/water. - The first scene between Albus and Gellert mirrors the last scene between them. - Queenie and Jakob's relationship mirrors Gellert and Albus' relationship. I get what they were going for and it could have worked if Queenie hadn't been toxic as hell just one movie ago.
The duel scenes between Credence and Albus and later Albus and Gellert. Don't get me wrong, they were nicely choreographed and beautifully filmed BUT they always took place in some sort of in between, away from the rest of the world. Visually stunning, sure but WHY? What was the purpose of this? And since when is it possible to beep yourself and your opponent into some kind of dream world where you can fight each other without harming anyone else? And if it was possible, why didn't Albus make use of this while fighting Voldemort years later, namely in Order of the Phoenix??
Also, the assassin plot line with Jakob?? What kind of idiots did the witches and wizards have to be to believe that a frickin MUGGLE had the power to even try assassinate Grindelwald? A muggle has no magic, therefore cannot cast any spells! Had he had a muggle weapon with him, alright, but he didn't! Completely stupid!
Ugh. There's more. Heeps more. But I'm not going to get into the flawed character arcs, plot convenient spells or non magical costumes. The fan base is huge, join me in rant.
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freedomforthewin · 3 months
Happy Autistic Pride Day!
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uefb · 9 months
Chapter 7 of Older, or Two Brothers and a Train Station up now :)
Summary: In which the Scamander parents get a bit too busy for caretaking; the extended family proves themselves rather useless at babysitting without inflicting borderline-trauma; and Theseus finds himself handling the unwieldy consequences (e.g., Newt). (yes, this is the lull before the storm...)
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In retrospect, Theseus maybe should have noticed earlier than he did that he had been very seriously tasked with watching his little brother on and off for the majority of the summer, far more than his usual elder brother duties. And it wasn't like he was tasked with it because he did not have anything else better to do himself , but because, by July, their parents—almost overnight—became truly and impressively and inordinately busy. 
…Really busy.
With Muggle London’s recent fascination and consequent reliance on the electric tram [4], Helios was dealing with an influx of opportunistic magical troublemakers that pulled him out on investigations and into raids at every hour of the day and night; while Rowan had become rather single-mindedly preoccupied with several of her hippogriff mares (who were having a difficult laying season), all on top of her other preexisting business and family commitments [5]. 
At first, Rowan had roped her younger sister Willow—a mediwitch at the St. Mungo Children’s Ward—into helping Theseus with Newt a few afternoons and evenings a week, but after several attempts at having him stay over at hers entirely on his own (particularly on the nights before his appointments), that method quickly proved disastrous. Newt apparently did not like that he was unfamiliar with Aunt Willow’s flat and customs; and Aunt Willow was disturbed by waking up every morning to a childless cot, which forced her to search Newt out in a state of panic until she stumbled upon wherever he had tucked himself away the night before [6, 6a]
(Theseus never really thought he’d have to listen to anyone receive a lecture on why sleeping in the broom closet or the bathtub or on the floor behind the wood-stove instead of a perfectly suitable mattress was inappropriate, but Newt did a lot of things that made him question his previous understanding of the world.)
Before Helios and Rowan consented to explicitly using Theseus as a full-time third parent, however, they had tried Helios’ siblings. Both sets of grandparents were out of the question because Grandfather Ptolemy was about as warm with Newt as their father’s brother Hesiod was; and Rowan’s mother was frailer even than their Longbottom great great grandparents—even Newt seemed to tiptoe about her house (even if he did so exceedingly unsuccessfully) whenever they visited…
And that left only Helios’ older sister Hippolyta, down at the border of Devon and Cornwall at Rame Head [7].
Theseus knew the very moment his parents decided to ask her that sending Newt there would absolutely not work (which was unfortunate, for Newt could have been very entertained on the Sound under different circumstances)... But, because Aunty Hippa had always adored her youngest brother, she immediately said yes anyway, despite the fact her formerly aristocratic husband Arundel Helston Mount-Edgecombe was—according to Helios—a “piece of work” [8]; and even though Theseus and Newt’s only real cousin Eloise (a very pretty, very poised, and very disturbingly intelligent nineteen-year-old witch) was almost always in as much trouble as Newt was, if for remarkably different reasons… 
Not the ideal location for an inquisitive six-year-old with very little regard for hierarchical respect or social niceties, Theseus personally thought.
But, because Theseus was just fourteen-almost-fifteen, he could only watch as Helios and Rowan approached Newt where he sat on a small boulder near the treeline, gently tugging the illustrated copy of Black Beauty out of his hands—(a book which Aunt Willow had bartered for him at a Muggle Curiosities shop while he stayed with her, in an attempt to bribe him into compliance)—and nudging him until the he’d made room for them to flank him on either side [9, 9a]. They explained in clear and calm language that Aunty Hippa had asked for his company for a few weeks, after which Newt asked if they still lived near the sea, and, upon hearing the answer—while still looking minorly concerned—nevertheless leapt off the rock to tear past Theseus and disappear into the house, where he proceeded to scour every shelf and trunk for "the book about oceans!" and Theseus' now-too-small bathing costume, from when they'd still lived in Dorset [10].
It was very clear his little brother was under the impression he might get to meet a sea serpent, and Theseus wasn’t cruel enough to disavow him of that belief if it made him happy enough to venture off the farm without complaint. Neither of their parents did anything to dampen his spirits either. In Newt’s wake, in fact, Rowan simply caught Theseus’ eye with a wink and a shrug, and then turned back to Helios briefly—letting him tuck an errant curl behind her ear—before rushing off after Newt to supervise his attempts at packing.
Newt was gone the next morning. Beaten-up binoculars hanging off his neck—a crab net woven through the front straps of his pink linen dungarees [11, 11a]—he had tolerated Theseus’ affectionate attention for a full half minute, even promising to write (with Eloise’s help, of course).
Not that the child even had time to fulfil that promise, though, for the owl Theseus received from Eloise six days after his little brother’s departure only proved his initial instincts unfortunately correct… 
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afrenchaugurey · 8 months
Hi all
Just a head up to say that I posted chapter 5 a couple of days ago.
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My requests are open and I'd love to write things for you guys so to give it a little bit more clearance i thought I'd do an extra post about what you can request! 🤍
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Characters I write for
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker / Spiderman(both MCU! and TASM!)
Steve Rogers / Captain America
Steven Grant / Marc Spector/ Moon Knight
Doctor Stephen Strange
Din Djarin / The Mandalorian
Xu Shang-Chi
Geralt of Rivia / The Witcher
Newt Scamander
Theseus Scamander
The Characters stated in bold are the ones that I've written before/ are more confident in writing for so those would definitely be my favorite to write but I also write for the others! If you want to request a different character that I didn't put in this list you can still message me, and if I'm comfortable with it then maybe I will write a piece for them, but there's no guarantee for that, i hope you don't mind...
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Other things:
For now, I will not be writing any requests for NSFW/smut or anything related! Implied NSFW or anything suggesting it is okay, but I won't go into the detailed stuff...Other than that I write every other genre, be it Fluff or Angst or whatever, so feel free to ask!🥰
I got some asks about writing for "specific"! readers (for example autistic!reader,etc.) and just wanted to say that I'd really love to write stuff like that just because everyone deserves to be included💕 but that may take a little longer for me to write because I might need to do some research, etc. But I'll try my best!
I won't tolerate any sorts of sexism, racism, homophobia, or any form of hate towards any other ethnical, religious or social group and I will immediately delete any asks containing those. If you take it too far I will even block you.
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not-magnus-bane · 4 years
Newt Scamander has autism
I love this so much! Even the actor that portrays him says that he does. His habit of avoiding others eyes. He stiffens when Theseus hugs him. He says he's more comfortable around animals than people. I think this is the kind of brave, autistic icon people need.
Spread the word
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