#author regulus black
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sspadfoot · 11 days ago
Regulus being a true crime author who moves to each neighbourhood the crime happened in with his husband James.
Everything’s going well, until one of the killers comes after him and his family because he ‘fucked up’ his story.
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florsial · 1 year ago
Regulus as an author would refer to his published books as his children. James just goes along with it. All fun and games until people think they actually have kids.
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catcheroflies · 6 months ago
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jegulus my loves. they find each other every life time.
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stayuntilthefoglifts · 2 months ago
"But must it always be a tragedy? Maybe suns are meant to love boys who fall into seas." I KNOW it's supposed to be a quote about Icarus, but it's so Jegulus coded I can not stop thinking about it.
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until-the-house-shakes · 4 months ago
Autistic Regulus freaking out because he can’t find his headphones, everything is too much, and none of his clothes feels right
And then there’s James. Offering his noise canceling headphones, bringing them both into a private room, and offering Reg his own sweater (which he knows is Reg’ favorite)
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oh-phoenixx · 1 month ago
"Smoke"/"Change" - Jegulus microfic @into-the-jeggyverse - 523 words
Regulus’s first Christmas at the Potters’ was not all that Sirius had made it out to be. Yes, they were kind and generous, yes, it was everything that he and his brother had dreamed of when they were little. But it was too much. It was too perfect. It was too good for him. 
At the moment, Regulus, Sirius, James, and James’s parents were sitting in the living room, drinking hot chocolate and watching muggle Christmas movies. 
“I’m going out for a smoke,” Regulus mumbled to his brother. He went into the hall and grabbed the cigarettes and the lighter from his jacket, and then stepped outside. 
He was leaning back against the wall, cigarette in hand, when the front door opened beside him. He had expected it to be Sirius, or maybe Fleamont, who had talked to him a few times and was actually quite easy to confide in. He hid the cigarette for a moment in case it was Fleamont, but instead, James came out and shut the door behind him. 
“Those things will kill you, you know?” He observed, like the genius he was.
“Really? I hadn’t heard,” Regulus muttered, taking another drag.
“Sirius smokes, too. I’ve tried to get him to stop, and Remus. You’re all hopeless,” James scoffed, though his tone was playful. 
Regulus didn’t say anything in response. He didn’t know why James was out here. Frankly, he didn’t care. He wished he was made for this type of thing, for Christmas and joy and a decent home. But he wasn’t, this wasn’t his life.
“I know it’s a lot,” James mumbled, his tone almost nervous now. “We’re a lot. It’s okay if it’s overwhelming for you. My parents won’t be angry if you need a break from it all.”
“What do you care what I need?” Regulus replied, glaring through tear-filled eyes, though at his feet so that James couldn’t tell.
“I care. I care a lot, actually. More than you let yourself believe, I imagine.” James was facing him fully, his shoulder against the wall and his gaze so fixed on him that Regulus could practically feel the weight of it. “Sirius might’ve acted like being here was heaven just to get you to stay with us, but it wasn’t easy for him, either. He didn’t feel like he deserved it. He was worried every second that our love for him was conditional, and at some point we would just…snap. Hurt him. It’s okay if that’s how you feel.”
“I’m fine,” Regulus bit. “It’s just too fucking bright and loud and- I don’t know what’s wrong with me, okay?”
“That’s okay, too. You’ll figure it out as you go. You don’t have to change yourself for your home anymore, Reg. We’ll change for you. We just want you to be comfortable.”
Something about the way he said this softened Regulus. By then, he had finished his cigarette. He dropped it and ground it under his shoe. When he looked back to James, soft hazel eyes met his, and he could have melted.
Maybe Regulus didn’t need to go back to Grimmauld Place for the summer.
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mikalilys · 2 months ago
Please stop publicly hating on fanfics. PLEASE!! Especially in a comment section of a video that’s about the fic or the fandom, because whether you’re aware of it or not, the author could have a social media account on that platform and see the hate. The hate on something they did for fun, for free. If you want more content then you have to stop hating. these authors aren’t celebrities they don’t have pr teams or people dealing with hate for them, they’re participants in fandom, and they’re real people.
Fanfics are not books, yes some are amazing enough to be, but you do not buy them, they’re provided to you for free. A fanfiction being popular is not like a book you bought sitting on your shelf, you should not feel obligated to read it because you spent money on it. Because you didn’t. it’s free. Fanfics no matter how popular should not be treated and reviewed like books, you do not get to publicly criticise or say “how are people buying this?!” Because they’re not. It’s free. It doesn’t matter if you think it’s overrated, it’s something someone did for fun, and you don’t get to criticise that, especially because it’s public for you to read!! Don’t be mad that something’s overrated, be glad that it was even up in the first place, someone could have easily just left it as a draft and never posted it, but they did. They decided to share this piece of themselves, to the fandom for anyone to read and that is a gift.
Ao3 is an uncensored website for fanfics, you can write about literally anything. And yet I see “no don’t read that fic it’s problematic!!” In a comment section. Fanfiction is not censored, if you want morals and every character being perfect and making the ‘right’ choices, then get off ao3. Also reminder that an author can write characters making decisions that they don’t agree with, for depth of the story. Just because your favourite character, that you see as the pinnacle of righteousness, makes a bad decision or says something mean does not make the story bad or problematic. It also doesn’t make the author agree with that decision. All the time authors of published books write about morally grey characters or villains. But when an ao3 author does it all of a sudden they must have committed the war crimes that they wrote their villain to commit. Do you realise how stupid that sounds?? 😭
Also don’t post vague negative videos about something/someone even if you don’t say who or what it’s about, it leads the comment section to gossip about who they hate and that’s just not cool. And tagging the fandom that they’re in??? 90% of the time they’re going to see that.
Public hate is not cool, if you don’t like someone, talk to you friends about it if you’re craving other peoples validation so badly. You don’t need to post something publicly. And I know hate gets more popular then love in fandom, no matter if it’s headcanons or fics or creators, but that doesn’t make it good. I don’t know why people are so negative all the time, like I don’t care what headcanons you hate, why do you even spend that much time thinking about something you hate?? I want to hear what headcanons you like, I want to know you fav characters, your kins, literally anything.
Sorry this is so long, it just pisses me off to see a fun video about fandom and then I open the comments and it’s filled with hate. This is a fandom, have fun with it!!! Please. 😭
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adisplanet · 6 months ago
James and regulus kiss
The end!!!!!!
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hanna-hhhhhh · 10 months ago
I just saw something which really irked me. There was a video and it was like “what’s the worst marauder fic” and then everyone was saying what they think the worst fic is in the comments….
PEOPLE WRITE THESE FOR FREE. IN THEIR OWN TIME. Like I’m not being funny but: they write it for free, edit them and make sure they are good enough for people to read (even if they don’t edit them they are still writing pieces of work for your enjoyment with 0 profit for what they produce or for their time they spend on it).
If you don’t have anything nice to say about a fic or anything someone has produced (especially if it’s made for other people without the creator charging for the works) then just don’t say anything 🤷‍♀️
If you really don’t like it then stop reading? Maybe don’t interact with it? Maybe block the creator/mute the account if you really want to.
There’s never an excuse to critic a piece of work, whether that be publicly or to the creator in private, keep it to yourself! And even if the creator asks you for constructive criticism keep it nice and civil because it’s supposed to be CONSTRUCTIVE!!!!
And really, how do you think the authors of these works feel seeing you slam the work they produce online for everyone to see, blatantly calling it the ‘worst fic’ or that you ‘hate the fic’ purely because ‘the ship is a red flag’. THAT’S YOUR OPINION. IT’S NOT EVERYONES. So keep it to yourselves!
Your little comment being horrible about the fic and shaming the writing can:
A) influence people not to read the fic simply because they don’t feel they should because of your comment.
B) they may end up stopping writing altogether.
They create these for fandoms, for our enjoyment. Please be grateful. Authors have feelings too.
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anunfortunatekinlist · 1 year ago
marauders fans: we separated the art from the artist, this fandom is completely separate from the source material;
also them, will degrade any writer who doesn't write a coffee shop au, or university au, or jegulus in the only acceptable grumpyboyxsunshineboy trope, bullying artists for drawing sirius with body hair, bullying writers for not writing your exact headcanons, not allowing for people to grow their own opinions (aka. making ATYD the "intro-fic"), and not supporting artists and writers who are not the fandoms "it-person" for the week.
Bro at this point give it back to that ugly terf.
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vxserii · 8 months ago
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oh okay. way to rub it into my face.
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sspadfoot · 6 months ago
Being a Marauders fan and an aspiring authors means that some of the characters are going to be based of the Marauders characters.
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my-castles-crumbling · 11 months ago
"Sure, but only if you watch."
Based on this headcanon and a prompt by @beautyoftheships. NSFW and explicit, minors DNI
The party was loud. The house was so full of university students that James didn't even recognize most of them, though he lived in the house they were all occupying.
Music blared through huge speakers, courtesy of Sirius, and countless solo cups and beer bottles littered every available surface. A group of people threw ping pong balls into cups on the table and partygoers slurred words and stumbled around the kitchen as James walked by, clutching his own bottle.
Quiet. He needed quiet, of only for a second. He loved parties as much as the next bloke, but he had a bit of a headache, and he just needed a second.
Fighting his way through the crowd and down the hall, he found the door to his room, opening the door and slipping in, taking a deep breath.
"Needed a time-out, Potter? Sick of all the girls throwing themselves at you?" a low voice asked, and James's eyes shot over to his bed, where a pale, grey-eyed, dark-haired boy sat.
"Fuck yourself, Reg," James rolled his eyes, grinning.
Regulus was, of course, the only person he wanted to see at the party anyway. Regulus, who he could watch for ages. Regulus, who knew exactly how to make James worked up in the best way. Regulus, whose pout made James's cock twitch and heart ache. Regulus, who betrayed no emotions whenever he looked at James. Regulus, who was perfect.
But stunning gray eyes stared deep into James's and perfectly pouty lips muttered the best words James had ever heard in his entire life.
"Only if you watch."
Really, he was sure he'd misheard. Or that Regulus was joking. Or maybe Regulus had had too much to drink, and wasn't in his right mind. But a second glance at the other man told him that Regulus was sober, his eyes clear and no drink in sight.
"I-what?" James asked, flabbergasted, trying to pretend like the idea didn't make his knees weak.
"I know that you think about me, James. Maybe...maybe I think about you, too. D'you want to watch? While I...think about you?" Regulus murmured, small spots of pink appearing on the apples of his cheeks as he slowly (so slowly) dragged one hand to the button of his jeans.
"You're joking," James muttered hoarsely, convinced he was dreaming.
"Find out," Regulus shrugged, and suddenly his jeans were open with a small click of a button and the zip of a zipper.
James stared unabashedly as Regulus trailed his hand further, palming himself slowly, moaning just a little. "Reg," James whispered eyes widening as Regulus tightened his hand. "What-"
But he wasn't just saying James's name. He was moaning it, whispering it like a prayer as his slender fingers slipped underneath the elastic of his boxers. Without even realizing what he was going to say, James whispered, "Let me- let me see."
Grey eyes met hazel as Regulus stood, pulling his jeans and boxers down, revealing the most amazing cock James had ever seen. It was hard and ruddy, with a perfect, pink, already-dripping tip that made James's mouth water. God, he wanted to touch.
But he also wanted to watch. And his feet were rooted to the spot, so he stayed where he was.
As if reading his mind, Regulus wrapped his fingers around himself, still making eye contact with James, and began to slowly move, pulling at himself, eyes widening and glazing over just a little.
"That's it, baby," James found himself whispering. "Just like that."
And Regulus keened softly. Let out a high-pitched noise and bit his lip, let his eyelids flutter and sank back onto the bed, spreading his legs unabashedly.
My bed. He's going to come on my bed, James thought, watching the other man work himself over, twist his wrist slowly and cant his hips.
James was rock hard, himself, mouth wide open and palming at his extremely tight pants as Regulus adjusted his position, lying back on the pillows, knees wide and hand moving faster now. All the while, every time his eyes opened, they met James's.
"Fuck," James murmured to himself as Regulus's hips lifted off the bed and he cried out. "Those noises, love," he said louder, addressing Regulus, now. "So beautiful. Show me....show me what you want me to do to you, yeah?"
As if those were the magic words, Regulus's hand moved even faster, and he started whispering under his breath, just loud enough for James to hear. "Yes, James. Fuck, there. Please... James!"
It was the most erotic thing that had ever happened to him. Watching Regulus on his bed touching himself while he thought of James, James's hand pressing firmly on his own cock, hearing his name whispered is such a needy, desperate way.
"Can you come for me, baby?" James asked hoarsely, slipping his hand into his pants to wrap around his aching cock. "Come for me, darling. Show me how lovely you lo-"
It was a good thing a party was happening outside James's room, because Regulus nearly screamed. He let out James's name as his release flew over his stomach, painting his muscles in a way that made James come with him, standing right there by the door, pants still on. He fought to keep his eyes open, to watch as Regulus rode out his orgasm, face twisted in a way that made him look ethereal.
Me, he thought as he came down from his own high. He was thinking of me.
And as they both panted, chests heaving, and Regulus finally looked at him, the shorter man smirked a bit. "Maybe next time you can come a bit closer?"
James could only nod eagerly.
This got so long that I decided to post it on ao3, so leave love on there if you want!
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catcheroflies · 10 months ago
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i did NOT need to see this thanks.
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itsriotmotherfuckers · 2 months ago
Sit down when I tell you this because some of you are dying on this hill and it’s just wrong.
Harry Potter is, under no circumstances, the Regulus Black of the Lightning Bolt Era.
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until-the-house-shakes · 1 month ago
Pastry Meltdowns
Jegulus. Autistic Regulus.
Nothing was going right. The pastry dough was too sticky, the lights were too bright, the oven kept beeping at Regulus way too loudly, and to top it all off, he burned the strawberry filling and the fucking fire alarm won’t Shut Up!
Regulus wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
These strawberry danishes needed to be done by Dorcas’ party tonight, but at the success rate he was going, they either were going to be perfect by her next birthday party or ready for this one and be so fucking terrible that everyone makes fun of Regulus for the rest of his life because of it!
Maybe the ground can’t swallow him up, but Regulus can throw pastry dough everywhere to get his frustrations out.
Which is what James walked in on after a nice jog around the neighborhood.
“Reggie… are you alright love?” James asked, a bit fearful of the sight of his normally composed husband, throwing pastry dough and jelly all over their kitchen- while crying.
“Pastries didn’t go as plan. Got overwhelmed. It was this or a meltdown.” Regulus answered, as if this was completely normal.
And maybe it was for the Potter-Black household, because instead of saying another word, James simply nodded and joined his lover with making a total mess of their kitchen with a failed baking attempt.
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