#aunt tiff
agurtzanelarose · 1 year
Saw this on another post specifically asking about whether Kelvin or Keefe could cook, but needed to dive into the whole Gemstone family.
Even though I think we only see Eli’s staff in the pilot, we do have to assume everyone has at least a few members of staff at their house and never needs to cook.
Eli would help out Aimee-Leigh when she cooked, but never learned to do it without her. His staff makes him a rotating list of hearty, homestyle meals. Many of which his doctors have told him to stop eating but he does it anyways. There is at least one dish he won’t eat anymore because it reminds him too much of his deceased wife.
Jesse only grills. He likes how it puts him at the center of attention and how manly it is.
Amber can cook. Only because of her upbringing and the expectations of being a Good Christian Housewife™ She does not regularly cook for her family because she also enjoys the status and luxury of having a personal chef. She does always make something herself that is impressive for any church potluck or bake sale.
When Judy cooks it I’d always something manic and unhinged (everybody’s so creative) BJ is the only one who will eat her cooking and will be supportive when he does.
BJ isn’t particularly skilled but he isn’t horrible. He is really into kitchen gadgets. He reads Bon Appetite and Food & Wine, pays attention to who is getting the James Beard Awards. Judy never eats anything he makes so he only cooks as an act of self care when she isn’t around.
Kelvin has never once used his kitchen. If his life depended on it he couldn’t tell you how to turn on the stove. He has microwaved metal multiple times in his life.
Keefe regularly cooks and particularly loves baking. It is an act of love taking care and cooking for Kelvin. When Keefe cooks he wears just an apron and nothing else.
Baby Billy doesn’t cook because he sees it as woman’s work. Aunt Tiff has never once made anything that wasn’t under/over cooked. Whenever she brings something over Baby Billy makes the Gemstone kids eat their Aunt’s semi-raw chicken so she doesn’t feel bad.
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chaoticcosmos666 · 1 year
Tiff has grown on me as a character ❤️ she means well. Especially this latest episode.
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gloomsday · 1 year
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aunt tiffany's dolls | the righteous gemstones - season three, episode seven "burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe"
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wulfhalls · 5 months
there’s actually ZERO baby billy x aimee leigh freeman fics on ao3??? how dare they letting us down like t h a t
walton goggins isn't doing toxically dependent brotherhusband obsessed with his sisterwife hallucinating her years after her death realness for people to do us in like that and yet.
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the-pale-goddess · 2 years
With the holidays coming up, do your MC and Li have any traditions?
Are they making their own? Do they keep some they grew up with? What is it?
Thank you for this ask, lovely! ❤️
Ethan could never relate to the holiday cheer, despising any form of forced and commercialized festivity throughout his adulthood, so his only tradition used to be avoiding Christmas at all costs. Before meeting Tiffany, he refused to partake in any way—with the exception of a mandatory gift for his dad (and Harper whenever they were on). Dr. Grinch’s attitude is in total contrast to his extended family’s most important tradition—The Ramsey Christmas Eve hosted by Alan’s sisters every single year. As one of the very few doctors eager to take the Christmas shift, Ethan would find a valid excuse to skip the dreadful event year after year.
Tiffany feels pretty neutral about it, but compared to Ethan she’s a Christmas freak kdbkdbdkbd My girl enjoys its vibe and aesthetics in moderation, but more importantly the opportunity to spend some quality time and relax while eating delicious food. The traditions she maintains, no matter where she’s spending the holidays, are: 1) Christmas lights in her bedroom 2) gift-giving 3) rewatching her favorites: Home Alone & Die Hard.
Tiff was aware that Ethan didn’t acknowledge Christmas, so she didn’t want to impose any traditions and would never force him to celebrate in any way he found uncomfortable. Ethan relied on her empathetic nature and decided to see things from her perspective, willing to give Christmas another shot.
During their first holiday season as a couple, Ethan agreed on a Christmas tree in his apartment and even helped Tiffany decorate it. She was shocked by how easy it was to convince him to join in and how helpful he was. Surprisingly, he didn’t mind the humble decorations T picked, and enjoyed every second of the time they spent on the ridiculous activity.
Ever since, they always decorate the tree together, laughing and competing with each other, then turn on the lights and admire their work. Their second Christmas together expanded the tradition by adding baking gingerbread cookies afterwards. The more annoying part for Ethan includes rewatching Tiffany’s favorite Christmas movies, but he suffers through that tradition with no complaints. When he’s drunk enough, he might do a Hans Gruber impression. The mockery, however genuine, completely misses the point—he nails the impression and is very hot while doing it.
With little Ramdams growing up, whether E&T like it or not, Christmas becomes a huge deal and decorating the tree turns into an even bigger event—something similar to what is happening in the Hemsworth-Pataky household, but of course in a Grumpsey way kdbkdbdkb
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When you're do asexual that you're allergic to eggplants😭
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cxrdycxps · 2 months
Black Box Warning • Ellie Williams
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☢️ toxic reader • toxic Ellie • bad for each other • sad reader • mentions of suicide • alcohol abuse • reader and Ellie are kind of rough with each other • grief ☢️
Main Masterlist • Ellie Williams Masterlist
The more of me you see, the less of me you’ll like.
You fucking hated Jackson. You hated starvation more so obviously you didn’t leave. But Jackson was the worst fucking thing that ever happened to you. It was everything your sister would’ve loved but she was dead in a forest in Virginia and here you were. The lone fucking survivor.
Jackson was full of happy people who laughed and smiled and enjoyed the normal life. Jackson was full of fucking actors. There was still a ravaged earth outside their walls and no dance nights in a run down bar would change that.
You went to them though because it was easier to get over served at the bar when it was crowded. Sometimes you’d actually get drunk before Seth cut you off.
There wasn’t much coming or going from Jackson, not in the six months you had lived there. There was a bit of fanfare when some girl showed up with a baby. She had used to live there and her kid belonged to the dead son of the school teacher.
You hadn’t stuck around to hear much more. You didn’t care. People died every fucking day, no one cared, not really or the world would stop. The world should pause for grief but it doesn’t. Sometimes you take a deep breath and you keep running.
Besides working and drinking, Jackson didn’t offer much in a way that let your exorcise your demons. Not until Ellie Williams returned and a couple of smart comments turned into a busted lip. Then you could taste the blood on her lips. Taste the sweat on her skin, taste her orgasm.
It wasn’t love. It wasn’t even like, not really. You ended up living together for convenience, she needed a room and you liked having access to fuck her when you needed to feel something.
There wasn’t a surface in that house that hadn’t been christened with nail gouging, biting, cursing sex. It was rough and ready and it never really helped. Not really.
A lot of people thought you were a couple. Ellie’s not-uncle Tommy thought it, Ellie’s not-right-now-not aunt Maria thought it, and Ellie’s ex girlfriend thought it. Neither of you corrected anyone. There was no point explaining how you both hurt each other to make yourself feel better.
“You were probably really good at this before you lost those fingers.” You told Ellie offhand and then gasped when her teeth punctured the skin of you bicep. “You’re like a fucking rabid dog, Jesus Christ.”
“Oh fuck off.” Ellie abandoned you across the arm of the sofa and you looked over your shoulder at her.
“You’re seriously going to stop?” You asked her, aghast. She only did that when she was really moody.
“Fuck off.”
You muttered under your breath as you pulled your jeans up. Ellie slammed out the door and you stared at the brown hunters’ jacket she had left behind her. The snow had fallen heavily and she had patrol today.
You had to walk by the stables to get to the watch tower and you pulled on your own jacket before grabbing hers and muttering under your breath. At the last minute you tossed the jacket back on the hook. She had left you hanging. Let her get fucking hypothermia.
You were half way to the stables when you met her doubling back and you weren’t too mature to laugh at her when she rolled her eyes at you. “Could’ve brought it.”
“Could’ve let me cum. Go fuck yourself, Williams.” You pulled your own coat tighter against the frozen drifts. When you arrived at the East gate you found your watch partner and tilted your head back to stare at the sky with a groan. “Not my fucking day.”
“Suck it up. Don’t care about your lovers tiff.” Eli snapped at you and you pictured him with a busted lip and several missing teeth. It helped the annoyance. “First Ellie forgets her fucking jacket and then you’re late and complaining.”
“Cut Ellie some slack.” Dina chided Eli and you chuckled to yourself. Always in her corner even when Ellie had abandoned her and her child. “You know what today is.”
“Oh fuck. It’s Joel’s dead day.” You swore before wincing. You knew it had to be something bad for her to leave you hanging like that. “Shit.”
“You forgot her father’s anniversary.” Dina stared at you, a disgusted look on her face. You looked at her with a shrug and her jaw dropped. “The most traumatic experience of her life and you forgot? You’re her fucking girlfriend.”
“I mean, the most traumatic experience was probably her girlfriend being pregnant. That would fuck with me for sure.” You scoffed and made to climb the scaffolding that climbed the wall.
“God you’re so fucking useless to her.” Dina didn’t let it go, following you closely. You blocked her out, wondering what was the point of patrolling the wall when you could barely see the tree line with the snow. “She needs you to support her.”
“Dina, you’re confusing me with someone who gives a fuck.” You told her, watching as the gates opened and the trail patrol groups set out on horse back. “So some old dude got his head bashed in. I didn’t know him. I don’t care.”
“You’re her girlfriend.” Dina repeated and you shrugged. You wondered if you were her girlfriend. That seemed to be too big of a title for housemates that fucked each other to avoid their grief. Ellie hadn’t remembered your sister’s anniversary. Why should you remember Joel’s?
“Look, you fumbled your chance with her. You came back to Jackson to start again without her. If you want her that bad then have her.” You checked the rifle left in the patrol hut and checked the bullets left for you.
“You’d give her up that easy?” Dina asked, astounded in that very judgmental way she had. You looked up at her, bored with the conversation. “You’d just pass her off?”
“I would and yet you still don’t want her.” You laughed. “That’s kind of telling.”
Dina didn’t say anything and you settled in for a long eight hours, the rickety chair creaked when you took a seat on it, rifle in your lap. You wondered if you could argue the cold had earned you an extra drink or two to warm back up. Sometimes Seth felt bad for you. Most times he just told you to fuck off.
“I didn’t just give her up.” Dina spoke what felt like hours later. You didn’t look away from the snow because you didn’t care enough to let her know you were listening. “She left me and JJ. I didn’t expect her to come back.”
“Is it cause she’s down those two fingers? Because let me tell you, that hand? A complete write off. It does nothing of note.” Dina made a disgusted sound and you laughed, incredulous. “I mean you’ve got a kid, you’re not exactly in place to play the blushing virgin.”
“Do you understand what it’s like to love someone who sees themself as a sacrifice?” You would never tell Dina but you understood. Every time you closed your eyes you saw her face as she made the decision to sacrifice her life so that you’d survive.
She was stupid. Your sister. She had so much more to offer the world than you could’ve ever. You’d spent every day for the last five years torturing yourself for her decision. You, better than anyone, related to Dina. You knew what it was to be left behind.
“I do.” You shrugged turning to face Dina. You didn’t tell her you weren’t talking about Ellie. “But I didn’t abandon her, so I guess that makes me better than you.”
“Or it just makes you more stupid.” Dina argued and you knew she probably had a point. You would never tell her. “Ellie ruined everything we had because of a man who she didn’t even like when he died.”
“Stop talking. Or I’ll throw you off the fucking wall.” You pinched the bridge of you nose to fend off the coming headache. It seemed that you had only encouraged her.
“She hadn’t talked to him in months when he died. She felt bad because she hadn’t liked him.” Dina insisted.
“You’re so fucking stupid. He saved her life. I know you’ve seen her fucking arm. They were gonna cut it out of her brain to maybe try and make a vaccine. He killed the fucking doctor and his daughter killed Joel. That’s how it works. It’s a cycle!” You snapped at Dina who looked shocked, leaning away from you. “She loved Joel, she just couldn’t understand his reasoning for choosing her over the rest of the world. He loved her more than the world. You don’t turn into what we are over someone you don’t fucking love.”
“I don’t know-”
“It’s a twenty foot drop. I will make JJ an orphan.”
“You sort it out with Dina or you tell her to fuck off.” You didn’t give Ellie a second to even get in the door, finger digging into her chest. “I had to her spend eight hours with her stupid commentary on how I should treat you better.”
“Tell her yourself. I don’t fucking care.” Ellie kicked her converse off and dropped her bag, shrugging by you. “Anything to eat?”
“Do I look like a fucking house wife?” You asked her with a scoff and she rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath. “Head on over to Dina’s, I’m sure she’ll make you something.”
“Stop with the fucking Dina rhetoric, I’m here, ain’t I?” Ellie slammed her hand down on the table in the kitchen and you laughed coldly.
“Should I be glad? Am I winning by eating off a plate that Dina licked clean?” Ellie narrowed her eyes at you and then your head hit the wall. Her hand was around your neck and you let your eyes shut slowly. “Finish what you started.”
“Jesus, you’re such a needy fucking bitch. Picking a fight because I didn’t let you cum this morning. You got fingers, don’t ya?” She asked, her free hand unbuttoning your jeans. She didn’t pull them down, just slipped her hand inside and laughed cruelly. “You been this wet all day or does my hand around your neck really do it for you?”
“Like three fifths of a hand.” You gasped and she squeezed tighter around your neck and pinched your clit cruelly. You would’ve been embarrassed with how much this was working for you if you cared at all what Ellie thought of you. Instead you ground against her hand as she pumped two fingers into you. You shuddered against her when you came and let her push you to your knees.
There was no smart comments when she shucked her jeans and boxers, pushing you forward by a grip on your hair. You didn’t bother to tease, paying extra attention to her clit, just how she liked it. She held you in place while she came and you stayed without complaint while she spasmed around your tongue. “At least you’re good for something.”
“Oh fuck off, Ellie.” You sighed and pushed yourself to stand up. You didn’t give her any further attention and moved for the shower, knowing she would bang on the door as soon as she realized. She preferred showering when she got home.
She got her revenge on you later that night. Hoarse screams came from the next room. Shouts of Joel’s name along with pitiful cries had you shoving your blankets down and making your way into her room.
She sat on the edge of the bed, her head in her hands. She was shivering in the cold and you watched her for a second. “Get out.”
“You’ve woken me twice already.” You told her, leaning on the door frame. She still didn’t look up and you realized she wasn’t shivering. She was crying. “Can’t save them all.”
She had said that to you once, when your told her about your sister. You had punched her and then fucked her for it. She didn’t even react to the words and you stepped into the room. “Get back into bed.”
“Fuck off.” She did as she was told and you slipped in beside her. “I’m not in the mood.”
“Shut up and turn around.” She faced the wall, her back to you and you pressed up against her, an arm around her middle. “It’s too cold to sleep alone tonight.”
Ellie was always awkward the day after you shared a bed. It didn’t happen often, it was never planned, and you preferred to pretend it didn’t happen.
“Hey,” Ellie spoke quietly from the kitchen doorway. You didn’t look up, letting your tea steep. “I’m sorry about last night. Yesterday was-”
“Joel’s death day. I know.” She paused in place and you finally looked over to watch her consider your words. “Dina reminded me.”
“Oh. Okay. Well I’m sorry for waking you anyway.” She mumbled and you shrugged. “And thank you.”
“I had to get to sleep at some point.” You told her blandly, turning back to your tea and removing the leaves. “Was the only solution.”
“Jesus, do you have a fucking off button for that attitude. Every time we do anything that might show this is more than fucking you shut down.” You laughed and turned to face Ellie.
“More than fucking? I’m just a hole and a mouth that you use to get yourself off. You are no different for me. If you want emotions go somewhere else.” You told her and she rolled her eyes.
“Imagine your sister sacrificing her whole life for you to end up this bitter fucking shell of a person.” Ellie laughed bitterly. “What a fucking way to honor her.”
“Oh, so that’s how you’re feeling this morning?” You asked with raised eyebrows. “Atleast I didn’t walk out on my girlfriend and kid to trek across the country and avenge my father just to let his killer go at the last second.”
“Your obsession with Dina is bordering on a mental illness.” Ellie accused and you shrugged, sipping at your tea. “She’s into women, you might have a chance.”
“Yeah? So she can turn me into whatever the fuck sort of lap dog she made you? I’ll pass.” You kissed your teeth when Ellie stepped closer. “You act all high and mighty but I know you got down on your knees and begged her to take you back and she said no.”
Ellie clenched her fists and you braced yourself for impact but she only shook her head, turning on her heel and slamming out the door. You stared at the brown hunting jacket for the second day in a row.
You would’ve brought it this time but that wasn’t very ‘bitter shell of a person’ of you.
Seth was distracted this evening. He had served you nearly double what he usually did. You let the music drown out your thoughts and sipped at your whiskey. You were bordering on what could be considered tipsy. Your toe was tapping along to the music and it could actually be described as a pleasant evening.
Of course, you never got that kind of peace for long. You weren’t overly polite when a grating voice started somewhere to your left. You ran a hand down your face and tried to ignore it. Everyone else was able to go on with their day and you needed just one good one.
You could have a few more drinks, if Seth was amenable, wait for Ellie to finish her night with Tommy and then get throughly fucked when you got home with Ellie’s hand around your neck and her filthy words in your ears.
“I’m beginning to think you two don’t even like each other.” Nope. There it went. Your pleasant buzz, your nice evening. With just two seconds and a handful of words, Dina had ruined it all.
You ignored her, sipping from your drink again. She didn’t like that and pushed in on your side and took the stool next to yours. You let your head tip back and huffed out a breath. “You never sit near each other in public. Any interaction the pair of you have is openly hostile.”
“Dina, I have worked by your side for four days this week, that’s thirty two whole hours I had to listen to your opinions. I don’t care. Now fuck off.” You told her, tracing your index finger around the rim of your glass. Your pleasant buzz was long gone and now the drink was fueling your anger, riling you up quickly.
“Why bother pretending?” Dina asked and you looked up. Your eyes caught Ellie’s first. She was watching you, half out of her seat. You turned away from her to look at Dina.
“Pretending what?” You asked her with a laugh. “We live together. We fuck. That’s all there is to it.”
“Except every time you looked at her tonight you got this serene little smile on your lips. Why are you pretending you don’t feel anything for her?” Dina asked and you blinked at her.
“Why are you pretending you aren’t mad at her for getting Jesse killed and then passing up the opportunity to kill the one who killed him?” You asked and stood from your stool, downing the last of your whiskey.
You were almost two steps away when a hand gripped your arm. Ellie almost barreled into you in her rush to get Dina’s grip off you. “Don’t fucking touch her.”
Ellie stood in your way to get to Dina and you shook your hands out, keeping your mouth shut now that people were watching. “She doesn’t like that.”
“Time you get on out of here.” Seth spoke from behind the bar.
“Time you stopped over serving her.” Ellie snapped at him, still staring at Dina. Seth only sighed and shook his head.
“It’s her sisters anniversary.” Seth spoke quietly and Ellie laughed bitterly.
“That’s in June. Stop fucking enabling her.” Ellie turned away from Dina and Seth and grabbed your hand in hers and dragged you from the bar. “Is it too much to ask for one nice night?”
You pulled your hand free and crossed your arms. You shouldn’t have to explain yourself to her. You always felt like a child when you did. “It wasn’t-”
“I’m not blaming you. That was all her.” Ellie assured you and you nodded. You stumbled a little, more than tipsy now the air hit you. Ellie’s hand shot out to catch you and you fell against her. “Let’s get you home.”
“Birthday. It’s her birthday.” Ellie paused in place and let you lean against her. She wrapped an arm around you and pulled you against her. “I was trying to have a nice day. Was just enjoying my evening.”
“I know. I was watching you.” Ellie didn’t say anything else but she did urge you to start moving again. You leaned against her and she kept an arm wrapped around you. When you got home she let you go and you wrapped your arms around yourself and made your way to the sofa. “You want a glass of water?”
You didn’t answer Ellie, tipping yourself to the side and pressing your face into the sofa cushions.
You woke on the sofa, your head tilted to the side and a blanket tossed over you. Ellie had put a bucket on the ground too. You weren’t the kind of person to puke while drinking but she was so you could understand it.
It was still dark and you were fucking freezing. Your teeth chattered and you shuffled up to your room, changing your clothes quickly and staring at your empty bed. Ellie’s would be warm. Ellie would be warm.
She blinked at you from under her blanket when you cracked her door open. She had left her lamp on and you wondered if it was just in case you came in. She didn’t say anything but she shuffled over and lifted her blanket. You took the offered place, pressing your face into her neck when she wrapped her arms and the blanket around you.
“Thank you.” She only hummed, her hand sliding under your top to softly stroke the skin of your back. It didn’t take her long to drift back off to sleep and you watched her in the low light from the lamp.
You wondered if you could ever be what Ellie needed. You knew she needed to heal, she needed to be forgiven for her imagined sins. You weren’t sure you had that in you. You still hadn’t forgiven your sixteen year old self for letting your sister die.
You had spent every single day since punishing yourself for her death. She was your age now when she died and you wondered if you would ever make that decision?
If you would’ve sacrificed yourself to save her?
You weren’t sure you’d ever done anything that didn’t serve yourself first.
“I should’ve fucking known that pairing you up would’ve resulted in this.” Eli sighed when you arrived to the stables without Ellie. “Where is she?”
“Fucked if I know.” You told him honestly. Ellie had been off with you since that night in the bar over a month ago. She disappeared for hours at a time and you hadn’t bothered to ask where she was going to escape you.
“I’m here.” She left the stables with Shimmer and Henry in tow, both of your preferred horses. Ellie shared a look with you but you had nothing to add so you just took Henry’s reins and boosted yourself up onto the horse.
You and Ellie had patrolled together a number of times. It was how you had both first met, back when she had just arrived back in Jackson. It had resulted in some of the best sex of your life.
There wasn’t much discussion between you both, mutters about directions and when to stop and take a break. You usually let Ellie make the decisions because she was outside the wall more often than you were.
She was distracted today though. She had missed two turns and an outpost that needed to be signed. You called her attention quietly the first two times and by the outpost your very limited patience was gone.
“Jesus fucking Christ. Will you pay attention before you get me killed!” You snapped at her, hopping down off Henry to sign the log book stashed inside the dilapidated farmhouse.
“Why do you hate Dina?” Ellie asked when you looked up from your signature. She was standing in the doorway, blocking your exit. “Like you really hate her.”
“I don’t hate her.” You sighed, wondering why Ellie chose now of all moments to bring it up. Maybe that’s where she had been the last month. With Dina. Maybe she was leaving you. Did you have her enough for her to leave?
“You really hate her. Like I thought you were going to punch her that night in the bar.” Ellie sighed and you shrugged. “I need to know why.”
“Why?” You asked her quietly. She wasn’t going to let you leave so you took a seat on a rickety arm chair, dust puffing up when you took a seat. “Why do you need to know all of a sudden?”
“It’s important to me.” She told you earnestly and you shrugged again. You didn’t hate Dina. You disliked her, sure, but you disliked everyone. “I need to know.”
“I guess it would make it easier, huh?” You asked Ellie with a cold laugh. “I tell you why I hate the woman you love and you can go back to her without guilt, right?”
“No. The part of my life spent with Dina is over. I’m not the person I was and it wouldn’t work any longer.” Ellie sighed. “I’m with you now. That’s not going to change because you hate Dina.”
“I don’t fucking hate Dina!” You snapped and Ellie raised her eyebrows at you. You ran a hand over your face and sighed. “I don’t.”
“You feel something very strongly for her.” Ellie moved closer, taking a seat on the sofa. The same plume of dust came up when she sat and she coughed. “I need you to explain it for me.”
“She thinks we’re the same. She thinks because she loved you that she knows what we are.” You told Ellie and she nodded. “She asked me once if I know what it’s like to love someone who sees themselves as a sacrifice.”
“And you do.” Ellie sighed softly. You nodded, your hands clasped tightly. “I don’t think I’ve ever told you that I’m sorry, about your sisters death and how it affected you.”
“I’m sorry about Joel.” You sighed, your head tipping forward so your expression was hidden. “Dina was wrong though.”
“About what?” Ellie asked. You didn’t look up at her this time, the conversation more real that anything either of you had shared before.
“She’s never loved a sacrifice.” You explained, clearing your throat didn’t help, the lump stuck. “You’re not a sacrifice. You’ve never been a sacrifice. Joel knew that, that’s why he stepped in that time. I can see it. You don’t throw yourself into fights you can’t win. You throw yourself into fights you will win.”
“I don’t thin- I don’t know if that’s-”
“You fight for the ones you love. You fight for those who fought for you. Joel risked everything to keep you alive. He was a fighter too. Both of you lost a fight the day he died. But with even ten minutes more of a chance he would’ve lived. The people fighting you both knew that. It took years to be able to beat you.” You explained to her. “That’s not a sacrifice, Ellie. That’s the unfortunate reality of the life we live.”
“I couldn’t save him.” She whispered and you nodded. “I won’t ever forgive myself.”
“I know. I couldn’t save her. She wanted to go. She had always wanted to go. She didn’t sacrifice herself for me. She wanted out and she took it in a way that looked meaningful.” You explained and Ellie blinked at you. “She was always sad. She always had been. She welcomed death. I’ll never forgive her.”
“I didn’t know that.” Ellie whispered and you looked up at last to face her. You didn’t say anything, wiping under your eyes. “You never told me.”
“I don’t discuss my feelings Ellie.” You sighed, exhausted. “So no, I don’t hate Dina. I’m jealous that she got this version of you, one that was full of life and she let you go over some misguided theory.”
“You wish I wasn’t like this.” Ellie wasn’t asking. “You want who I was.”
“I want who we were.” You explained. “If we had both met at eighteen we’d have been unstoppable. I would’ve had the love you needed.”
“You don’t love me now?” This time Ellie was asking and you blinked at her.
“Of course I love you. I think you might be the only person in this world that I love. But I don’t love you how you need.” You told her with a sigh. “We ruin each other every night and then kiss the cracks we’ve left on each other’s hearts like that will fix it. This ain’t healthy.”
“So you want to break up?” Ellie asked and you shook your head. You wanted her to understand so bad.
“I should want to. I should leave so that we can both heal but Ellie, I can’t live without you. So we’ll never get better.”
You thought Ellie would come home more after your conversation. You had never felt as exposed as you had returning from the patrol. She had walked back to the house with you, arms just barely brushing when you walked.
You hadn’t even made it in the door when she was pinning you against the wall, her face pressed into your neck. She had kissed her way down your body, undressing you tenderly. You hadn’t ever experienced this gentleness from her and you had to choke back the tears that welled in your eyes.
It had been so long since someone had been gentle with you that you had almost forgotten what it felt like.
She made you cum with her mouth and when you tried to return the favor she had only pulled you close and in a move she had never made before, she hugged you close and kissed your forehead.
She left you soon after, claiming she had something she needed to do. You let her leave, your own mind on what you had to do.
You pushed into the kitchen, pulling the bottle of whiskey out from the drinks cabinet and emptied the whole thing down the drain. You winced, watching the last of it leave the bottle.
You left then and headed straight for the Tipsy Bison. Seth met you at the counter looking stern. “Three is your cut off point tonight.”
“No, I’m not- would you, could you cut me off? Altogether?” You asked him, hesitating. “Even if I ask?”
“If you’re sure?” He asked you and you nodded. He shook his head with a smile and you gave him a weak offer of a smile back. “I’ll let the others know. This is a good thing, kid.”
“Yeah, I’m not sure if I believe it.” You told him and he laughed. “It’s an important thing though.”
“She’s worth every bit of it.” Seth promised and this time you laughed, amazed at how transparent you were being. “It’s time the two of you realized that.”
When you got home Ellie hadn’t returned. You wondered again where it was that she had been disappearing off to. You didn’t want to push her, waiting to see if she’d come to you. If things really had changed.
It wasn’t until you went to bed that you found the note on your pillow.
I need you to know that I know how this looks. I know it looks like I set everything up today just to let you down again. I didn’t know that you felt the way you did. I didn’t know that you could ever love me. I’ve been planning this for a while and I hate that we got so close to being normal and I’m going to ruin it. Maybe you’re right, maybe in another life or another timeline we would’ve been happy. I’m sorry that it isn’t this one.
I need to do this.
Love always,
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AITA for not wanting my autistic cousin to watch movies with me?
I (19F) have a younger cousin, Nancy (17F, not real name) who is autistic. She and her parents live with my family since they had to leave their house cause it got destroyed in a fire. Nancy's mom always asks me to bring Nancy along when I go out to hang out with friends eventhough my brothers, Dan (16) and Ben (16) offer to spend time with her at home. My aunt insists that Nancy spend time with me so that she doesn't copy Dan and Ben's bad behavior (it is just playing video games).
So I always get stuck with Nancy. When she sees me going out, she says "Are you hanging out with my friends without me?" Which is... no? They are my friends (Tiff, Jenn, Ann, Lisa), not hers. They had said they don't really like spending time with her, but my aunt gets upset at them for saying that and pays them to spend time with Nancy.
Whenever we go to the movies, it has to be what Nancy would want to see. It can't be anything scary because "Nancy will have nightmares." My aunt got upset at me for complaining about this.
Nancy always insists on sitting between me and my friends. looks something like this:
Me - Nancy - Tiff - Jenn - Ann - Lisa
I had tried on the other side of Lisa before, but Nancy would get all fidgety and make a bit of a scene during the movie by vocally complaining. We almost got kicked out cause some people complained we were making "too much noise." I get I was breaking the routine Nancy was used to by sitting by Lisa, but I wanted to sit by one of my friends. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal to just change up the seating arrangement once. And before anyone asks, no, I did not ask Nancy if it would be okay to change up seating arrangement beforehand. We just decided to do it suddenly.
But back to what I was saying. I was starting to get annoyed cause Nancy would always get in the way of the plans we wanted to do. So I secretly planned with Tiff, Jenn, Ann, and Lisa that we would go to the movies without Nancy. Ben and Dan had agreed that they would keep her busy at home and suggested that we say we were going to go to the beach since Nancy doesn't like the beach. Sand makes her feel icky. So that is what we did.
Unfortunately, my aunt found out we all lied and so had Nancy. She was distraught over this and locked herself in her room. She refused to come out to eat for 3 days straight. My aunt said I should apology and take Nancy to the movies with "her friends." I said that Tiff, Jenn, Ann, and Lisa were my friends. But my aunt got more annoyed and called me a selfish jerk for taking away Nancy's friends. My uncle, who normally tries to be fair about things, sided with my aunt and said I was being selfish and needed to apologize. Even my mom and dad are agreeing with them and threatened to kick me out if I don't apologize to Nancy. Dan and Ben are the only ones aside from my friends that are supporting me. I am thinking I should give in and apologize. I'm not sure where I could stay if they do kick me out.
AITA for not wanting her to join me for movies?
What are these acronyms?
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crowbury · 8 months
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Shenanigans at Aunt Tiff's house.
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elliehallers · 12 hours
@xotherwcrldsx Thinking about Tara having her sweet, nice, cute, normal boyfriend she met at college, and then Amy is with... The Leprechaun. Then you Chucky and Tiff being... Chucky and Tiffany, (my other OC) Valerie being the Cool Wine Aunt, and the twins being Edgy Gen Z Monster High kids...
Thanksgiving has to be so weird at in their family. 😭
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I've had some ANF thoughts today. Y'all know how much I hate the "love triangle" aspect of the story with Javi, Kate, and David, right? If you can even call it a love triangle; it's more of a "David and Kate never felt like a married couple to begin with and now Javi has the chance to bone his sister-in-law as if that's not a weird thing to do at all👍" thing, so... not great.
I'm also just not fond of Kate as a character in general. She's pretty good in ep1, but after that it's a slippery slope as she's relegated to the injured love interest for Javi. There are interesting aspects to her, like how she's resourceful and on top of things, she keeps track of herds and overall is shown to be incredibly smart. But, she also has moments where she has to let herself be emotional and a little panicked because she knows she needs to get it out of her system in order to focus. She gets frustrated with Gabe and says things she shouldn't, and she just.... I dunno, does dumb shit sometimes? And that would be fine if it made sense... but it doesn't.
I was always more interested in the Garcia brothers aspect of ANF, and felt the story would've been improved if it focused more on Javi and David, their relationship as brothers in the past and how different it is after they've found each other again in the apocalypse. One of the best scenes in the entire game is the rooftop scene where David ask Javi to stand with him.
And so I was thinking about ANF this morning and what could be done to make Kate fit better in the story and like...it hit me: Kate should've been their sister.
No, seriously, hear me out: Kate should've been written to be the middle child of the Garcia siblings instead.
Do you know how much that would fix? Throw that stupid love triangle in the trash. It was never good, it did nothing for Kate's character, and now David and Javi don't have to bicker about who she's married to and who gets to bone her, okay? No bullshit fight at the end!
David was already married once, just let him be divorced or a widower, and a single father. Javi can have a new love interest; hell, give him two if you want, let him be a bi king over Eleanor and Tripp- wait, no that just creates another love triangle, damn it-
Anyway... if Kate was their sister, then her entire character overflows with potential that wasn't there before.
I say make her the middle child who was stuck with two rivaling brothers, one a military man who became a single father and the other a professional baseball player who lost it all in a gambling scandal.
What about Kate? Perhaps she's a single woman who doesn't know what she wants in life. She doesn't want to settle down and have kids like David did, but she also doesn't want to sink so low like Javi did. She wants to travel, but needs money to do that so she does what she can save up, but there's always something that makes her dip into her savings.
Y'know... like her father getting sick and needing to pay for treatments, which Kate is happy to give up those savings so for a chance for him to beat cancer, but there's always that little bit of bitterness lingering inside her that keeps saying, "it's never about what I want, it's always about David or Javi, I'm going no where, I'm no one, even I don't know who I am or what I want, what am I doing? Papa got sick, so Javi ran away again, and so did David when he reenlisted, and who got left behind to take care of everything? Me, it's always me left to take care of Mama and Papa, and the kids, and everything else!"
Maybe she acted as a mediator between the brothers, too. They always relied on her when they were pissed with each other, they vented all their problems to her, and she always tried to get them to connect on something, but never found that right thing.
Hell, this way she could get along with the kids better, too. She's just Aunt Kate. She always volunteered to babysit them for David. She and Gabe still have their tiffs due to clashing attitudes, but there's no "you're not my mother!" vibe.
Suddenly Kate's her own person and not just an object the game throws at you for the brothers to grunt "she's muh wife!" "but I love her, too!" at.
ANF becomes the story of these three siblings who experienced the worst night of their lives together: their father died after a long battle with cancer, their mother is distraught, Javi didn't show up in time, David's drinking on the porch and Kate's trying to look out for everyone. Then the outbreak happens, their father comes back as a walker and bites their mother, David rushes off with her to the hospital while Kate and Javi take the kids...
Years later, Kate and Javi have accepted that they've lost their parents and big brother, and they're doing what they can to keep their niece and nephew alive... until Kate gets shot and they reunite with David, because then everything gets extra complicated with the three siblings trying to repair broken bridges and survive together until they hit a breaking point where Kate gets sick of David's shit. She's done trying to be nice and play mediator, she's ready to do what she thinks is right and an argument breaks out... and Javi's forced to choose between his brother or sister, and the tragedy becomes about being unable to save one of them... not matter what, in the end, Javi will lose a sibling because no matter how hard he tried, they still fell apart.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
I just really hate every plot they give Kate, y'all. She was done dirty.
And I loathe love triangles that involve two siblings [usually it's brothers] falling in love with the same person, okay? I don't have the patience for it, I just want all of those love triangles to go far, far away from me forever and never bother me again.
Anyway, do you love this thing I do where I show up after months of inactivity to slap something like this down before scurrying away? Because I'm scurrying now.
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sun-lit-roses · 2 months
Emily of New Moon Book Club Chapter 12
Introducing Teddy!
Kind of? We hear about him more than see him, but close enough.
Emily and Ilse's first fight!
I was definitely more of the Emily style as a child - an argument meant that everything was ruined forever. And I didn't even have someone calling me an 'insignificant serpent.'
But I do love the fiery nature of their friendship, so different than most of LMM's books! Katharine Brooke and Anne have one tiff, which is what brings everything out into the open, but it wasn't a consistent thing. Honestly, I wish we'd gotten to see more of Katharine! She was a refreshing fount of sarcasm.
(Back to the book we're actually reading.)
The Tansy Patch - east of the Disappointed House, west of the moon - sounds like a delightful place. I wonder if it reminds Emily of her home? Blair Water thinks of it as a 'bare, lonely, neglected place,' which is very similar to how the house with her father was introduced.
And creepy, sad Mrs. Kent. LMM plants so many seeds in this first book that bloom slowly through the trilogy!
I'm pretty confident - given the reaction to Ellen and Aunt Elizabeth - that Mrs. Kent is not going to go over well with the book club 😂
Poor Teddy, afraid to love too much because of how his mother might react, what a difficult childhood. I do love that he helps at home, though - and I'm glad that Emily likes it as well!
Can Emily not sing? I noticed that Teddy and Ilse sing, but Emily only tells stories.
'I am not a Murray - you said so yourself.' Words coming back to haunt you, Aunt Elizabeth?
And the debunking of one possible past for Aunt Laura - no unrequited love for Dr. Burnley, it seems.
I enjoy the bits of Emily's letters, despite the spelling, as a glimpse into the day to day. I love an epistolary novel and this hits the same spot!
And enter Lofty John again! I think this is his first mention since Cousin Jimmy talked about the ownership of Lofty John's Bush.
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sporco-filth · 19 days
wife on strike
This idea came to me this morning and I just had to start writing it down. I'm sorry if you've been expecting updates for my other series, especially because this is just the intro of this one and not much slob stuff happens yet.
Synopsis: Tiffany is tired of picking up of her husband Felix and decides to stop cleaning to show him how much work she does and force him to help with chores
Tiffany looked over the kitchen and sighed. Toast crumbs were scattered over the benchtop, a jar of jam was left open, the knife dripping the sticky, red goop onto the tablecloth, while a half-drunk cup of coffee sat cold and forgotten next to a dirty plate. As always, Felix left it to her to clean up. "It's not like he has to rush off anywhere," she grumbled to herself. "He works for home for crying out loud!" And so went her day, like every other day: dishes, laundry, vacuuming, ironing, dusting, shopping, cooking… Since she had married Felix, life had become one long list of chores. I feel like his mother, she thought as she sat on the bed, folding clothes, the last job of the day. Sometimes I even have to nag him to shower. Just then, Felix came into the bedroom. He flopped onto the bed, disrupting Tiffany's neatly stacked piles, and took her hand. "Tiff, love," he said, stroking her fingers. "What do you say to a bit of… you know?" Tiffany pulled her hand away and quickly reorganised the laundry. "Not tonight, Felix, I'm not in the mood." Felix looked disappointed, but he didn't argue. He got up and went to get changed into his pyjamas, leaving his clothes on the floor. Tiffany sighed and went to pick them up. It wasn't that she wasn't attracted to Felix: he was just as handsome as they day she met him. It was just hard to want sex when she was tired from cleaning all day, and even less desirable when she had to treat him like her child.
That night, while Felix slept, Tiffany opened up her laptop. Husband is a slob, she typed into the search engine and pressed go. After skimming over a few posts on forums and letters to agony aunts, Tiffany was feeling dispirited. So far, all the suggestions were things she had tried in the past to no avail. There had to be a better way. A news headline caught her eye: Wife on Strike. She clicked the link and found a story about a woman who refused to tidy up for her husband until he finally decided if he wanted a clean house he would have to do it himself. He came to appreciate the work his wife did and so they now shared the chores fairly. Tiffany was intrigued. It was an unconventional idea, sure, but perhaps that was just what she needed. After a week or two without clean underwear or home cooked meals, Felix would surely buckle and start pitching in. She shut the laptop and slipped into bed, smiling to herself. Starting tomorrow, I'm going on strike!
The next morning, Tiffany allowed herself to sleep in. Since she didn't need to unstack the dishwasher or do the laundry, she had no reason to rush out of bed. Felix got up at his usual time and made himself breakfast and got ready for work. When Tiffany finally got up, she was greeted with the typical morning mess, but she ignored it and made her own breakfast. When she was done, she just left her dirty dishes on the table. No wonder Felix never does anything, she thought, chuckling. It's so freeing to just make leave messes for others to clean up. She spent the morning lying about on the sofa in her dressing gown. Eventually, Felix came out for lunch. "You look pretty comfy," he commented, smiling. "You know I always thought you need a bit of relaxation." Tiffany chuckled. Felix didn't realise what was in store for him and she wasn't going to spoil the surprise. He rifled through the fridge and assembled a sandwich on the kitchen bench. To his credit, he at least remembered to put away most of the ingredients, though he forgot the mayonnaise, but the chopping board was left covered in crumbs and dirty knives. Tiffany turned back to the magazine she was reading. It was going to be tough, but she knew she had to steel her nerves and plough onwards.
When the sun began to set, Felix entered the living room, stretching his arms. "Ah, another day done," he said with a yawn. "What's for dinner?" "I don't know," Tiffany said. Felix scratched his ear. "What d'you mean?" "I don't feel like cooking tonight." Felix smiled. "Ah, that's OK. We can order take away." Tiffany shook her head as Felix got out his phone and went to call the local Chinese restaurant. She'd hoped he'd offer to cook, but at least he was taking initiative.
Dinner that night was eaten in front of the TV. Felix joked about the show they were watching and without the list of things to do nagging at the back of her mind, Tiffany actually paid attention. She snuggled up next to him, just enjoying being with him. Felix belched mid-sentence. Tiffany bit back the urge to tell him to excuse himself. In fact, it gave her an idea. If I behave like a slob too, she thought. Maybe it'll make him realise how gross he is… She tucked this thought in the back of her mind for safekeeping and continued watching the show. They went to bed with the empty take-away containers on the coffee table. Before she closed the bedroom door, Tiffany took a look around their open-plan dining/living/kitchen space, taking in the mess that had already accumulated from a single day. This'll be easy, she thought. In a week it'll already be a pigsty.
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taanoir · 1 month
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In 2034 Melody was approaching the end of High School and River was in the thick of it. River had taken on a side job in addition to his his computer club commitments,
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River was always talking to someone. He was getting very popular as a streamer, his phone notifications were almost constant. Melody had no idea how he found the hours in the day.
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When they talk it was usually exchanging jokes and barbs.
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Melody was a bit of a homebody. She had a couple small works published and like the quiet for her writing. River liked to poke fun at her about her lack of social life and she'd poke back about him needing everyone's approval.
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Eventually one of them would take off in a huff.
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Grandpa Milo pulled River aside about poking at his sister. "You only have one sister, you shouldn't spend all of your time biting at one another.
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They ended up talking about his mom and Aunt Nicole. Their mom always wanted attention from her sister but Nicole was busy doing other things. Eventually Nicole moved out and their bond never became as strong as the one between Jen and Tiff. Milo also brought up Gene and Jimmy, they were a few years apart but different as day and night. They were never really close for the same reason, Jimmy didn't communicate with Gene, he just poked at him.
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Milo told River he thought they were both smart, wonderful kids that were going to be amazing adults someday, but that they both needed to knock it off.
River agreed to make an effort to be kinder to his sister. River knew Grandpa was speaking from the heart and he didn't say "no" poking at Melody just not to make that their entire relationship.
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Grandpa Milo didn't just talk to River, he also went up and talked to Melody. Like River, she agreed to make an effort to be kinder.
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phxntomsdusk · 8 months
Past life - Klepto!Wilbur x GN!Reader
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note: it’s pre-death klepto!wilbur !! this is gonna def make someone sad so i apologize in advance- i can’t let my bursonas live in peace, they always gotta be traumatized. Also relationship between Wilbur and the reader could be platonic or romantic, whichever you want :)
summary: you finally figure out what had turned the poor boy into a soul snatcher.
warnings: hella angst, mentions of death, swearing, self hurting thoughts/actions, comfort at some parts, parents fighting, divorce, alcoholic father, details of death, you probably will cry if you love this character
tags: @ax-y10 , @joviepog , @pheliiaa , @idontreallyexistyet , @rqvii , @haunted-headset , @ivvees-blog , @average-vibe , @lillylvjy , @toastyliltoasts41 (ask to be added!)
word count: 3K
You never expected to get close to the very man who was meant to take your soul, but here you were, comforting him as he cried to you about everything that led up to his very passing. He never told you any of this before, let alone trusted you knowing any of it.
You had found out so much. About his sister, his parents, his death, his first love. It was so heartbreaking.
Him and Wilma barely got along. The two were polar opposites, with her having many friends and constantly at other people’s houses, and him only talking to one person and spending most time in his room. He had tried his best to get on her side, but they just never saw eye to eye.
His best friend was Ryan, also his first love. He always thought something was wrong with him for loving a boy, but couldn’t help it. He was beautiful, perfect, everything you would want in a partner.
His parents got divorced when he was young, his mother taking custody of Wilma while he got stuck with his dad. Him and his father had a rocky relationship, while his mom completely stopped visiting after so many weeks.
During the summer Wilbur always found himself sitting atop the hill behind his house, sitting under the old oak tree and reading books his mother had gifted him. He always loved dark themed stories, ones that left readers confused and disturbed. His sister never understood his liking for these books, always finding herself reading romance and cliche teen girl stories. She would sometimes join him under the tree, but their calm and peaceful moments never lasted long.
He could hear the crunching of branches behind him, glancing around the trunk to see Wilma approaching in her sundress. She awkwardly sat down next to him, leaning her head back against the tree and sighed. “They’re fighting again.” She mumbled quietly, moving her head against his shoulder. He quickly nodded and began to read his book aloud to her, making sure she could also follow along, he tilted the pages in her direction.
It was moments like these that made him grateful for his sister, a smile always stuck on his face as she embraced him, even if it was just for a source of comfort.
“I loved her for her silence. Or maybe I just understood it.” He read the words out loud, before being interrupted by Wilma. “Do you ever feel that way?” She raised a brow, sitting up straight and brought her knees up to her chest. “Feel like what?” He placed his bookmark on the page, putting the book down in his lap. “Silent.. just wanting to be quiet. Maybe it’ll fix whatever the hell is wrong with them.” She gestured towards the house, where you could see two arguing and yelling figures in the kitchen window, to which she frowned.
“I get what you mean. Don’t worry, they’ll stop.” He placed a hand on her shoulder, watching as she hesitantly nodded and sighed. “Hopefully. I honestly can’t wait for the day they divorce and send us off to Aunt Tiff’s.” She chuckled lightly, earning a laugh from Wilbur. “Doesn’t sound too bad, actually. Then we can visit the sea each morning and stare out at the horizon.” He smiled at the idea, to which she scoffed and rolled her eyes. “You and your bloody daydreams.” She laughed and nudged his arm, before their mother shouted for her to come back inside. “I’m, uh, gonna go. Bye, Wil.” She quickly stood up, dusting off her skirt and rushed down the small hill.
If only they had more time, Wilbur thought. More time to actually treat one another like a person. More time for him to finally feel loved by someone in that dreadful house.
He sighed and opened his book again, picking up where he had stopped with a sorrowful expression, trying to ignore the tears that welled up in his eyes the second she had walked away.
That following spring, just as Wilma predicted their parents filed for a divorce. But instead of being sent away to their aunt’s home, Wilbur was dragged away by their father and taken to a small shitty apartment downtown. He hadn’t even gotten the chance to say goodbye to Wilma before he was on his way to a new home.
Of course he had her number, but he doubted she would even answer while with their mother. He simply stared out the window with a hurt expression, sniffling quietly but was told to shut up by his father.
Arriving at the apartment wasn’t any better. It had one bedroom, leaving him to sleep on the small futon placed in the living room that merged into the kitchen. His father didn’t seem to care and walked past him, heading into the bedroom with his bag and slammed the door shut.
“God damnit.” He groaned and grabbed the bag his dad packed for him off the ground, making his way to the futon and tossed it atop, before sitting down and frowned. He could feel each and every spring poking against his legs, causing him to quickly stand up and look for a blanket or pillow to lay down over it.
He knew his dad was a loser, but this was a new all time low. Leaving his only son with nothing but a small duffle bag with a few shirts and pants, no self care or anything. How would he manage to survive this?
“Wil! Get me a drink!” The shout from his dad made him internally cringe, clenching his jaw as he obeyed his words and walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, of course only filled with beer and water. He figured which one his dad wanted, grabbing the coldest one he could find before walking towards the bedroom.
He didn’t bother to question how his dad already had this place, stocked the fridge with only two types of drinks, and didn’t even bother to get proper furniture. He simply entered the room with a blank expression, putting the can on the bedside table before walking out, sighing quietly to himself.
“When will this shit get better?” He ran a hand over his face, before checking the time on his watch and saw he should at least try to sleep. Of course the futon was extremely uncomfortable, leaving him to use his bag as a pillow and he just slept in the clothes he wore all day.
As before he had mentioned Ryan, the very boy he had fallen in love with, the boy he hoped to confess to on this dreadful day. It was the first time in months that Wilbur had been back at his original home, mostly visiting his mom and Wilma, but when talk of Ryan coming over came up he couldn’t resist.
He was waiting at the hill, reading his book, but had himself facing the residence so he could see when his love would arrive. When the sudden sight of blonde hair and a red shirt appeared, he knew it had to be him.
“Ryan!” Wilbur shouted happily, rushing to stand up, leaving his book to sit wide open in the dirt. He rushed down the hill, stumbling slightly off the sidewalk and into the road, looking up to meet Ryan’s gaze. “Wow, Wilbur, be careful.” He chuckled lightly, glancing back and forth before he was about to cross.
But that’s when everything had changed.
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Within only a few seconds a car horn could be heard, causing Wilbur’s gaze to divert to his right, seeing a white light nearing him. It was as if in the blink of an eye he was there, and then he was gone.
“Holy fuck! Wilbur!” Ryan quickly rushed over to him, holding up his head and placed a hand on the back of his neck, inspecting the wide gash he had just gained. The rushing footsteps of Wilma and his mother could be heard, a terrified shriek escaping his sister’s mouth as she knelt down next to him.
He could barely comprehend anything happening, he just felt so lightheaded and groggy, barely able to keep his eyes open as the taste of metal filled his mouth. He stared up at Ryan, tears filling his eyes as he weakly lifted a hand, only to be turned down and handed off to his mom, while he heard the tapping of a phone and soon the dialing of a call.
He didn’t understand what was happening. Was he dying? Was this really how his life was going to end? On the side of the road at 15 years old, just days before he was meant to turn 16. Just days before he could spend the day with his family again. Why did this have to happen to him?
Of course, that’s the last moment Wilbur remembered being alive. The next thing he knew he woke up in the hospital, his family crying around him as he stared in confusion, only to glance back and see his own lifeless body in the bed. A large gash across his neck, nearing his face.
The emotions he felt were difficult to explain, he was glad he didn’t have to deal with his father anymore, but seeing the pain he caused everyone hurt. Seeing his sister slowly spiral into a moment of depression and pain, his mother sobbing her eyes out to the point she couldn’t stand, and his father.. nowhere to be seen.
It was all so overwhelming, with him quickly leaving the hospital and rushed down the street. Though he didn’t notice the locket that somehow appeared around his neck, not until a sudden shadow seemed to be following him, reaching out for it and trying to drag him back to where his body lay.
All he could do was try his best to ignore this feeling, instead tearing the locket off himself and throwing it behind him. His biggest mistake ever.
He furrowed his brows as he slowly stopped in his tracks, watching as his surroundings only became darker and more grim, colder and more dull. “What the hell..” he mumbled under his breath, turning around and trying to walk, only to bump into something.
He didn’t even know what he was getting himself into, not until he felt the sudden paint returning to his neck, his surroundings becoming visible again, except there were so many more people. So many people he knew had passed in that town. He recognized an old shopkeeper who had lost his life during a fire, the burn marks still on his face and hands. He quickly walked over to the man, hoping he would have an answer.
“Mr. Williams?” He spoke in a quiet tone, watching the man turn to face him with a warm smile. “Wilbur? Is that you? My, you’ve gotten big.” His tone was welcoming, until he had taken notice of how young Wilbur was. “Aren't you quite young still? You shouldn’t be here.” He frowned and walked closer, taking note of the large gash on the side of Wilbur’s neck. “My, my. Such a shame.” Without another word he was gone, leaving Wil more confused than before.
Of course it didn’t stop here, how could it? He had become the Grim Reaper’s assistant after all.
It all started when he was simply walking past the hospital again, taking notice of a young boy outside the building, a locket around his neck as he stood there, always like he was waiting for someone.
“Hey, kid.” Wilbur approached him, raising a brow as he slightly bent down to meet his height. “Who are you waiting for?” His voice got quiet, watching the boy shrug and fiddle with the necklace around his neck. “I don’t know. I’m just here.” He pursed his lips, looking away from Wil.
He felt bad for the kid, he was dead and didn’t even know it. He quickly looked around the area, before crouching down and gestured towards the locket. “Let me see the locket.” He reached a hand out, watching as the boy hesitantly took it off and placed it in Wilbur’s hands. Engraved in the small emerald gem was an ‘H’. “What’s your name?” Wilbur looked back up at the kid, before standing up straight. “Henry.”
Before Wilbur could even speak again he was gone, causing him to state in confusion and disbelief. Where had the kid gone? He couldn’t easily disappear like that, could he? It was like Mr. Williams all over again.
He didn’t know what to do with the locket, and simply pocketed it, saying to himself mentally that he’d find a proper grave for it at some point.
But of course he didn’t. And he kept helping those lost souls finally rest in peace. It started with random people he found who looked lost, simply suggesting they give him their locket, to which they did. But once they got stubborn he took it upon himself to find their bodies and lead them to it, showing that they needed to hand over the locket so they could properly cross over.
He didn’t know he was truly helping someone this entire time, he simply thought he was doing the right thing. But with each locket he collected, he felt more power hungry for more. He wanted to fill his coat pockets, his drawers in the small house he claimed, the walls that had so many puncture holes from pins being pushed in and out.
Throughout this whole period of time, these months upon months, turned years of waiting for a change. He got one.
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You watched as he got choked up on his words, causing you to hold his face in your hands and hold him close. “Wilbur, take your time. What changed?” You spoke softly, furrowing your brows at him.
“It.. it was Wilma. I found her.”
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Just like he said. He found her. Wandering around the streets with a confused look on her face, her body hidden away in a baggy hoodie and sweatpants, her tear soaked cheeks shining in the dim moonlight.
“Wilma?” His voice called out, rushing over to her with a confused look. His eyes locked in on the locket she wore, trying to ignore the intense urge to snatch it from her. “How are you here?” He placed his hands on her shoulders, watching her look up and get choked up on speaking.
“I wanted to see my brother again, Wil. It’s been years.” She quickly pulled him into a hug, crying heavily into his shoulder, her arms wrapping tightly around his torso. He instantly hugged her back, a hand on the back of her head as he held her close. “How old are you, Wilm?” He spoke quietly, listening as she struggled to answer. “20. It’s been 5 years since you passed.”
He knew she couldn’t have passed from natural causes, suspecting one thing that he didn’t want to assume. “Did it hurt?” He spoke quietly, feeling her shake her head against him, a sigh of relief escaping her lips. “Thankfully no. I just.. it’s hard without you, y’know.” She pulled away from their hug, frowning slightly as she placed her hands on his face, smiling at the sight of him.
“Still young as ever. I’m jealous.” She chuckled softly, watching as he smiled at her words, nodding and nervously looked down. “Listen.. Wilma.” He sighed and gestured towards the locket she wore, biting the corner of his lip. “If you wanna fully pass over, you’re gonna need to hand over the locket.”
Her face somewhat dropped, clutching the green gem in her hands as she shook her head frantically. “What? No! I just got to see you again after 5 years, how could I leave so quickly?”
“Wilma, you have to. It’s not smart to stick around for so long without crossing over.” His tone became much more demanding, staring her down as he tried to get her to just agree with his words. “Do you do this to everyone you see? What the fuck has gotten into you?” She took a step back, glancing down at his coat pockets, seeing a shine through them. She was quick with her actions, reaching forward and snatching a few, before running off in the other direction. “Wilma! What the fuck?!” He quickly rushed after her, trying his best to catch her before she did the worst thing she could think of.
She had found her way to a graveyard, letting out a shaky breath as she thought quickly. She picked one of the lockets and dug a small hole in a grave, shoving the locket inside before packing the dirt down, watching as the green gem glowed through the brown muck. “Holy shit..” She muttered under her breath, before crawling towards another grave, doing the same thing as before, hearing as Wilbur’s footsteps got closer.
“Wilma, what are you doing?” He panicked as he saw the glows through the dirt, staring at her with a look of betrayal and hurt. “How.. how could you!” He rushed over to try and unbury one of them, but before he could, it was gone. “Wilma, what did you do?” He stared at her with confusion, watching as the glow of the other’s died down.
This was the moment he knew the two of them would probably never see eye to eye again. He had spent years collecting lost souls, and now all of sudden Wilma is back and somehow managed to return souls to earth. He didn’t understand, simply staring down at the empty dirt mound, feeling his stomach drop.
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“So, that’s why you and her don’t talk anymore?” You quirked a brow up, watching him note and fiddle with the small locket he had in his pocket. “Yeah. Ever since then I haven't seen her again.” He sighed and looked over at you, leaning his head on your shoulder.
“It’s harder for lost souls to cross over now. She’s constantly searching for them.. burying the lockets in the graveyard. Before I can ever get them they’re back to earth.” He spoke quietly, an annoyed look forming on his face. “It doesn’t always work out sometimes..”
You looked down at him with a confused look, lightly wrapping an arm around him. “What do you mean?” You spoke quietly, leaning your head on his.
“Staying silent.”
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unhelpfulfemme · 10 months
Another thing I adore about the Lymond Chronicles is the sheer quantity of mid to bad advice that gets bandied around constantly. That is so so true to real life for me.
Literally almost every character in this series has massive blindspots that they're completely irrational about at best and is floridly insane at worst, and yet literally all of them consider themselves perfectly rational and wise and knowledgeable in the ways of personal relationships and and feel the need to share said wisdom with whoever is having issues in that particular moment. The effect is... imagine being friends with Cathy and Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights and them deciding to dish out some wise advice about love and effective communication whenever you get into a tiff with your partner.
I hate the "wise agony aunt" character archetype and I LOVE that everyone is trying to be one in this series, but with completely realistic results of sometimes happening to be right and sometimes making the advisee feel like shit and the situation much worse. All culminating in the end of Checkmate where the protagonist succumbs to his many mental illnesses and his entire social circle is basically shouting advice at him and at each other while he's going on autopilot trying not to kill himself and being swerved from one direction to the other in a way reminiscent of that Sleeping Beauty scene where the fairies argue over the colour of the dress.
The protagonist and his love interest find a way to be happy together in the same way Thorndike's cats find a way to open the cage - they throw shit at the wall until something sticks and then I guess pray to God and to the dead sorceress running their lives from the afterlife that it keeps sticking because they have no idea how they solved it lol
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