dell-amor-te · 1 month
Man, after that trailer, I’m really regretting all those years I’ve sat here wholly confident about having my Dalish Inquistor drink Mythal’s bath water.
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arubeth · 23 days
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Aulea - Final Fantasy XV
Criada por una familia de sacerdotes vivió sus primeros años en Tenebrae, sin embargo, sus padres fueron acusados de robar una antigua reliquia perteneciente a la familia de Lucis.
Toda la familia fué desterrada de Tenebrae por orden del imperio de Niflheim y decidieron vivir con unos parientes en Lestallum.
Allí la vida cambió sobretodo para Aulea.
Sus padres consiguieron llevar a su hija a la escuela real de Insomnia.
Aulea soñaba con ser una de las elegidas para cantar la oda a EOS, solo unas pocas personas son las elegidas para ello.
Tras varios años de duro estudio, destacando en todas las asignaturas y su preciosa voz, Aulea consiguió entrar en el orfeón real.
Allí encontró un admirador, nada más y nada menos que Regis Lucis Caelum próximo heredero al trono.
Solo fué el principio de una hermosa amistad. Aunque no terminó ahí su complicidad, y con la llegada de la guerra con Niflheim, Regis y Aulea contrajeron matrimonio sin una ceremonia formal.
Aulea decidió ser una de las comandantes del ejercito real de insomnia. Ya que poseía en su interior un trozo del cristal de Santálita.
Su poder era inmenso incluso más grande que el de Regis. Pero notaba que en cada batalla sus fuerzas se iban reduciendo.
Regis acudió a los padres de Aulea para conocer los secretos del cristal Santálita y donde encontrarlo.
Mientras Aulea seguía protegiendo Insomnia, Regis viajó por todo el mundo buscando incansablemente el cristal.
Tras varios meses encontró el cristal y junto con la reliquia de Aulea consiguieron crear un escudo impenetrable para Insomnia.
La creación de este escudo hizo que Aulea perdiera todos sus poderes sin embargo fué bendecida por el nacimiento de su primer hijo, Noctis.
La paz había llegado a Insomnia, Aulea dedicó su vida a su hijo. Le enseñó a valorar la vida en todas sus facetas y le enseñó a cantar.
Varios días acompañaba a Noctis al orfeón real para que practicará la oda a EOS.
Le hacía ilusión que Noctis fuera elegido al menos una vez.
Sin embargo en una de sus salidas con Noctis fueron atacados por un Marilith.
Aulea protegió a Noctis como buenamente pudo pero terminó perdiendo la vida.
Regis pudo acabar con la Marilith rescatando a Noctis pero no a su esposa.
Tras varios días Noctis despertó y recibió la triste noticia.
Regis al ver que el dolor causado a Noctis por el incidente y la perdida de su madre fue llevado junto a la oráculo Lunafreya para su recuperación.
Aulea recibió todos los honores incluso hicieron estatuas gigantes y fué apodada como "La diosa de EOS".
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caparrucia · 1 year
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Fantastic art commissioned from the amazing @wisyhana a small eternity ago.
Now there's finally a fic to go with it!
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primamchorus · 2 days
Prologue :: When the Rain Falls
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Regis may be King of Insomnia, his lineage blessed by the Crystal, but he is still just a man. In the wake of having lost one thing dear to him, he is granted a vision of the future -- his son's future. His son's destiny. But what is a destiny when his son is in a dire state?
Word Count: 2,130
FFXV: Reimagined Table of Contents
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Insomnia was cast in the shadow of dark clouds, a somber mood that morning. It was fitting.
Several black cars belonging to the royal family had been driving down the streets back to the Citadel, early morning workers and shop owners pausing in their routine to watch the cars return with interest. The cars pressed onward and past the car gates. Past the looming portcullis. Past the gardens and fountains that lined the road before it got to the roundabout driveway.
One black car in particular stopped at the steps leading to the entrance of the Citadel. The door opened, and out stepped a man, his garb regal, though his features disheveled and bereft of a good night's sleep. Even more concerning was the blood that stained his clothing.
In the cloudy overcast of the morn, even the vast image of the Citadel seemed a looming adversary as the regal man looked up at it. To him, it felt like a hollow monument at that moment. It was supposed to feel safe -- like home. But what was a home now?
Turning back toward the car, the man gazed at a woman’s body that had been laid out. Her body had paled, and her blood coated her clothing, skin, and the leather seating. Seeing her again made the man’s breath stutter as he closed his eyes and leaned in. He moved past her to cradle and withdraw another occupant of the car: a boy of only eight years, slumbering away, his own breath pained with the injury that he sustained.
Holding the boy close, the man closed his eyes as he righted himself back up. He stroked the back of the boy's head, sadness hooked in his heart, but a wellspring of relief that this boy -- his boy -- still drew breath. That his boy's heart still beat.
“This is not the life I wanted for you, my dear Noctis…” the man whispered.
‘When darkness veils the world, the King of Light shall come.’
A voice, authoritative and clear, rang out in the man’s mind.
But why now of all times?
The world shifted, and it was like the clouds above sank down and darkened, rolling over the man and the boy. They twisted and coiled, changing the very scene that the man bore witness to. When the clouds finally parted, the man stood before the visage of a young man -- a young man he knew. That young man was a vision of an older Noctis.
This vision of Noctis turned toward the man. For a moment, the man thought they were looking at each other. However, the vision of Noctis was looking through him, his arm going out before a sword appeared in his grasp, materializing in a crystalline shimmer. Then, just as quickly as the weapon appeared, the visage of Noctis rushed forward, through the man, causing him to turn in order to follow the motions that played out.
Noctis rushed in and started trading blows with a being of darkness. While the man had no idea who or what that was on the surface, he knew that whatever it was, was an embodiment of the Scourge that plagued the nights and the people of the star.
A ring appeared within his vision, familiar and glowing with power. It was the same ring he wore on his finger, now resting upon the hand of his son, no longer a prince, but a king.
“Once the sacred Ring is replete with power, the True King will complete his ascension. Only then can he banish the blight upon our star. By the power of the Light alone is the Chosen king made manifest. With the Glaive of Kings, the Stone of Legend, and the Ring of Light in hand, the Chosen's power will surpass that of even the gods themselves. By that selfsame power, with the True King as its vessel, the darkness shall be purged from our star, and dawn shall return to our world once more.”
The vision ended and the voice disappeared. The man was left there holding the boy in his arms as the rain picked up, its downpour a rising chorus upon the city.
“Your Grace…” a voice timidly spoke up, interrupting the man’s thoughts. A mousey looking woman was standing next to the car, her discomfort palpable. Within the car, after all, was the dead woman’s body that he had brought back with him. Blood stained the leather seats, and the woman’s body had paled considerably.
“Shall I see to Aulea’s body?” the woman asked. It seemed she already knew the answer before she asked the question.
“No,” the king said quietly. He motioned with his head to the boy who still slept, unconscious and cradled in the man’s arm. “Take Noctis to House Viridis in the castle as quickly as you can. Aurae will know what to do.”
“Y-yes, your Grace.” The woman approached the king and gingerly took the slumbering Noctis into her arms. She gave a small, courteous bow and went to do as she had been told.
Watching them go, the king pinched the bridge of his nose. Much of this was so much to take in all at once. At least the rain hid any tears that stung his eyes. Sniffling and regaining some of his composure, the king turned back to the car and took up Aulea’s body into his arms, cradling her close. He felt her weight against him, and turned to ascend the stairs and enter the castle.
The king kept walking until he reached the Hall of Kings, where each king of the lands of Lucis was immortalized in one way or another. There was an altar at the back of the room where an old portrait of the very first king was hung. The placard underneath read ‘Somnus Lucis Caelum.’ It was here that the current king laid the body of Aulea and allowed his tears to flow more freely.
“Oh, Aulea…my friend, my love…” the king softly spoke, his voice warbling while he held back any sobs that threatened to leave him. He reached out and affectionately tucked a lock of brown hair behind her ear, her face frozen with a sense of peace on it since getting the blood cleaned off of her.
There were words the king wanted to speak.
Some he wanted to scream.
Despite that, the king merely cried, dropping to his knees at the altar while fruitlessly stroking his deceased wife’s hair. After a few moments, he leaned in and pressed his lips against her forehead for a long moment. He needed this time with her to take it all in, to process his emotions, to get ready to say goodbye.
After what felt like hours of silence, the king took up one of Aulea’s cold, limp hands and clutched it.
“You kept Noctis safe, my love. He’s still alive thanks to you. I’m sure you did what any mother would have, and I am both thankful and proud of you for it,” the king gently spoke, a warble still to his voice. He tried to smile at the dead body, but it quickly vanished. It was hard to smile with how much the pain felt like it dug into his heart and gut.
Again, the king needed a moment to process his feelings. Finding difficulty in keeping any kind of composure, the king moved Aulea’s hands so that they were resting atop one another just below her ribcage. Seeing her look so serene in a way made losing her only the tiniest fraction less painful.
Turning his back to the altar, the king slumped to the floor and sat there before taking his phone from his coat pocket. He scrolled through his contacts before settling on ‘Clarus Amicitia’ and choosing to call him. He was the only one that Regis would allow to hear him in such a state.
The phone only rang once before a concerned voice was heard on the other end: “Regis, what can I do for you?”
“Clarus, please just get me one of House Viridis’ morticians to the Hall of Kings to take Aulea…” King Regis replied hoarsely.
Silence lingered between them for a few seconds.
“Of course, whatever you need...” Clarus finally replied. “Speaking of House Viridis, I ran into one of Aurae’s nurses. Their healing magic is having some difficulty getting Noctis taken care of. They believe a trip to Tenebrae to see Queen and Oracle Sylva is the best course of action to take.”
Regis closed his eyes and brought a hand to the bridge of his nose once more. Of course issues would keep coming one after the other.
“I’ll meet with Aurae shortly. And…thank you, Clarus.”
“Queen Sylva might be his only hope, your Grace.” A female was speaking to someone else in the room. That much was clear at first.
“Is there really nothing you can do, Aurae?” a familiar male voice sounded muffled in Noctis’ ears as he slipped in and out of consciousness. He could barely make out the lights in the ceiling as his vision remained blurred from the events prior. His head felt like it was filled with a combination of sand and cotton. Heavy and fuzzy.
“I’m afraid not…” the same female voice responded, equally muffled in Noctis’ ears.
‘Mom... ‘ was the only thing that Noctis could think of as it felt like his body was suspended in water even though he lay upon his own bed. Everything felt so recognizable and yet so foreign all at the same time.
It was terrifying.
“Noctis!” Regis’ voice held equal amounts of excitement and worry. It was now so obvious; that familiar voice belonged to the boy’s dad.
Noctis looked around weakly. Just like his body felt like it was floating on water, so too did his vision grasp at anything like looking under the watery depths. Everything in his body felt disjointed and stiff, as if there were weights tied to every part of him and preventing him from being able to move. The fact that nothing seemed to be responding to his will made fear grip at Noctis -- enough for him to grip back at the bedsheets.
Regis laid his hand upon his son’s head, stroking his hair.
Again, all Noctis could think was ‘Mom.’
The gentle touch reminded him of her -- his mother. It was enough to calm his episode of hyperventilation. Tears stung his eyes, making his face grimace and pucker as he gripped the sheets.
“Regis…” the woman's -- Aurae's -- voice addressed the father, her voice filled with concern. “We can order a wheelchair for Noctis, but the attack that you said happened with the marilith…. I highly suggest traveling to Tenebrae in order to seek Queen Sylva’s aid as the Oracle. We cannot cleanse the touch of the Starscourge from Noctis, even with the healing magicks we have at our disposal, I’m afraid.”
A long pause made the air uncomfortably still as Regis continued to stroke his son’s head. The king was contemplating this. It was evident in his expression, but more so the way he looked at Noctis. It was as if he were on the verge of losing everything.
“If I can save my son, I’ll do whatever it may take. Can you at least assure me that Noctis will be taken care of during the trip, Aurae?” Regis asked, looking up to Aurae.
“Of course, your Grace. Whatever Noctis needs that we can tend to, we will do as best we can. I’ll ask House Vox to take in Ros for the duration that we’re there,” Aurae said.
“Then we’ll get everything prepared for the trip to Fenestala Manor in Tenebrae. I wish this didn’t inconvenience you, Aurae. Especially since…” Regis replied, his hand still on Noctis’ head as his words trailed off.
Regis had lost his wife, and Aurae lost her sister just last night.
Silence lingered between the two as Aurae gathered some of the medical supplies that she had brought into Prince Noctis’ room. A silent sigh escaped her nostrils before she looked over her shoulder and responded with: “ever is it House Viridis’ duty to act as Heart of the King. To see that health and prosperity ring ever true for the Crown. If that means assisting the Prince keep the health he has while on the trip to Tenebrae, then that is my duty.”
Aurae took up her medical bag and approached the king, placing a hand on his shoulder. Quietly, she added: “I would also be a terrible friend and sister-in-law to you if I were to watch you and your son suffer when I know I could make even the slightest difference, Regis. Ros will be fine with House Vox.”
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a-world-in-grey · 7 months
In Sola & Nox verse, how old was she when she had her whoops babies the first time? Was she already married to Libs or did they have to organise a super rushed wedding too?
@secret-engima more Whoops Baby fun times!
Sola was 21 when she and Lib had their whoops twins. By this point they’ve only been dating a year, though Sola’d been openly flirting with Lib for a year before that.
Sola and Libertus end up proposing to each other shortly after Sola discovers that she’s pregnant. Honestly, neither of them are in a hurry to get married, Galahdian culture doesn’t put emphasis on parents being married like Lucian culture does, and Sola’s never given a damn about Lucian nobility’s delicate sensibilities before, she’s sure as shit not gonna start now. Besides, it’s not like she’s the only one at court to have a kid out of wedlock - Plenus Egestas near had a stroke when his daughter wound up pregnant with no father in sight.
Besides, anyone talking shit about Sola’s children being bastards within earshot of any of the royal family will find themselves regretting that in short order, because Sola’s reaction will be the least of their worries compared to her male relatives.
But both Libertus and Sola are soldiers. They know the risks of their profession all too well. They marry (Galahdian-style at first, the Royal Wedding can come after Sola gives birth because she’s not going to rush the planning just to squeeze into a dress) mostly to give their children the extra legal protections afforded under Lucian law. And so no one in court can get it into their heads to try to deny Libertus parental rights simply because he wasn’t her husband. Is it paranoid? Perhaps, but Sola would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to Libertus and her kids, in the event she’s no longer around to protect them.
I haven’t decided when Sola winds up pregnant the first time exactly, but in the theme of surprise pregnancies at the worst possible time… she probably finds out while out on rotation on the front lines. At first she thinks it might be a stomach bug or hangover, she and the off duty glaives at the time did have a few drinks and she wasn’t the only one feeling it the next morning because Sola’s regeneration doesn’t actually fix dehydration, rip.
Only the stomach bug doesn’t go away. On the second day Sola goes to the medics because if it is a bug then they need to get her on antibiotics or antivirals asap.
Surprise, it’s not a bug!
Sola’s immediately yanked from the front and placed on desk duties, because if Sola miscarries Titus wants to be able to tell her family that it was not because of anything related to the glaives. He does not want that headache.
Titus also yanks Sola’s Retinue, because he’s not an idiot, there’s no way they’d be able to focus in the field. Libertus is yanked too, as the presumptive father and as Nyx’s only Braincell.
Titus also, politely, requests Sola tell her relatives sooner rather than later about her pregnancy. The King is aware that Sola was yanked from the front for medical reasons, and isn’t actually entitled to know anything beyond that unless Sola volunteers it, but Titus asks that Sola spare him the stress of dealing with her panicky father and uncles.
Nox, of course, is already aware, having been on the front lines with her when it was discovered, with that particular piece of gossip ripping through the gleeful glaives faster than a wildfire in Cavaugh in a drought.
Sola refuses to say anything until Cid arrives in the Citadel, claiming she only wants to explain once - a bald-faced lie, she just wants to get everyone at the same time.
Noctis lights up in excitement at the announcement he’s going to be an uncle. Ignis’ jaw drops in surprise before he recovers, and Gladio actually falls into a wall. (If Prompto has joined the Chocobros at this point, he’ll flail.)
Ardyn goes statue-still, which is probably the best reaction of shock Sola will ever get out of him, before he’s on his feet embracing Sola in a hug and spinning her around. Titus just looks relieved that he doesn’t have to keep dodging questions about Sola’s health anymore. Penny, meanwhile, is eyeing Sola like she’s already measuring her for new outfits.
Nothing can shock Clarus as much as meeting his own grandchildren and then his son in the span of fifteen minutes. Instead, he looks wryly amused, knowing he has no leg to stand on when it comes to having kids out of wedlock. Cor is oh-so-slightly wide-eyed as he processes the announcement, but Cor.exe has very much stopped working, please check back in about ten minutes.
Cid, of course, is laughing his ass off, wheezing something along the lines of ‘I hope you have kids just like you’-
Regis runs a hand down his face, exasperated and resigned and reluctantly wry. Of all the things for his daughter to surprise him with. He opens his mouth, starts to lecture her, only for Sola to raise an unimpressed brow at him, retorting that Regis has no room to lecture her when she was born only a couple months after he and Mama married.
And Six, she looks so much like her mother in that instant - Aulea never had much patience for his dramatics either - that Regis feels a swell of love and fondness. And Sola is clearly so happy about it, so Regis places his own reservations aside and congratulates her and Libertus instead.
Of course, then Sola finds out she’s having twins. And the temptation is too much for her to resist, so she and Libertus are the only ones that actually know she’s having twins.
(Nox and Axis suspect. Nox because he actually has memories of being pregnant from previous Queens, and Axis because he’s a father of triplets and has passing familiarity with the signs of a multiple pregnancy.)
(Ardyn also suspects something, but only because he can feel his niece’s gleeful anticipation. Being a fellow chaos gremlin, Ardyn refuses to spoil Sola’s fun.)
Meanwhile, the glaives in Insomnia get to experience the sheer terror of having a very pregnant Sola as their drill instructor, Abyssus and her Retinue all too willing to be her assistants in delivering her Training from Ifrit’s Pyre. >:)
Haven’t decided on names yet, alas.
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writtenxbeginnings · 7 months
Muse Ratings meme --- Answering for @painedprince
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●●●●● | ATTRACTION ●●●●○ | AFFECTION ●●●●● | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●○○ | TRUST
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○○○○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●○○ | AFFECTION ●●○○○ | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
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○○○○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●●○ | AFFECTION ●●●○○ | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
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●○○○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●○○ | AFFECTION ●●●●● | INTEREST ●●○○○ | LOYALTY ●●●●○ | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
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ruinedbycatastrophe · 9 months
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with a melody that climbs & then falls, then falls, then falls. Without You.
multimuse blogs that feature muses regis lucis caelum & aulea lucis caelum. loved by katie & ann.
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departedcrown · 9 months
after a wee break, i'll jump back into the game and grab photos from other angles because her hair is perhaps my fave part tbh. it's so long and fluffy ( in a braid ) and you can't really tell from the edits. ; w ;
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dell-amor-te · 3 months
Dragon Age: Inquisition may do a lot wrong (it definitely does), but warts and all, it gave me the best depiction of platonic soulmates I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing. Forget the romances (as much as I love them.) Forget the plot (as much as it impacted me.) There have been times where I have booted up that game solely because of the relationship between Dorian Pavus and my female Lavellan Inquisitor. As someone who has put more value in friendship always versus romance, Dorian Pavus and the Inquisitor make me insane.
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sparklecryptid · 2 years
aulea lucis caelum's guide to making sure your magical idiot prince doesn't get himself killed by running his mouth when he shouldn't
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bigbadmonstertruck · 2 years
very indulgent but picture me this:
somnus is a real hymn in eos. it was written by aera following her ascension and the revelation to her of the founder. on this day, the astrals also bestowed her a prophecy. the prophecy of the chosen king.
now traditionally it was a staple feature in any royal event but soon fell out of use during the industrial period in favour of more modern hymns that sung of past greats and not future tragedy.
that was until the birth of prince noctis.
noctis’ mother was a talented opera singer, having traditional training and even as queen, performing for many in the citadel’s own theatre. she knew the song well and would sing it to her son every night to lull him into sleep.
after she dies, regis tries to hum the same melody to sooth noctis when he cries. but he’s no singer and for the most part, his efforts go unrewarded. he continues anyway, so noctis remembers. a song regis knows now, was written for his son.
noctis is a teenager when regis’ silver jubilee arrives. crowds stand outside the citadel gates watching the service made in the king’s honour on large screens. in the outlands of lucis, even as far as the hunter’s hq in cleigne, people were listening on the radio, not out of respect but out of obligation.
but everyone seemed to pay a little more attention when the presenter announced that prince noctis would be performing a piece for his father, a suprise act. noctis walked into the stage, sat at a grand piano and played. he played somnus, his mother’s favourite song. the cameras closing in on his father, clarus’ hand on the king’s shoulder as he sobs, tear-stained face hidden behind shaking hands.
noctis had practiced every day with ignis for that.
he does not hear the song again until the days after his supposed death. it plays on the radio in remembrance. he makes him and his retinue’s time in outposts short for a while after that.
the final time noctis hears somnus, it is a recording. on his phone, albeit now old and worse for wear, he has the song saved. so on the night of the final campsite noctis listens. he watches the stars illuminate insomnia below them and hopes that there is some way, that he will see the dawn.
king noctis’ funeral is small, far from the grandeur of king mors, he shares the memoriam with his wife, father and all those who lost their life to the darkness. there are sylleblossoms lining the stairway to the throne, flickering candles lighting the path in the twilight hour. three weapons lie upon the throne, the engine blade, the sword of the father and the trident of the oracle.
what is left of eos’ people sit at the foot of the throne, yet there is one who stands. no one had use for instruments in the dark night, so unaccompanied ignis sings the hymn of his king. the legacy of noctis, a dear friend.
and life comes full circle.
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mamahoggs · 2 years
the best decision square made with episode ardyn was letting me put him in silly hats. which is also the first and last best decision they made for the whole dlc
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caparrucia · 2 years
This man is nearly fifty years old and coping with his feelings with tremendous aplomb.
It would have been easier, certainly, if it didn’t make sense.
It would have been… not nicer, but more palatable, maybe, if he couldn’t see. But he’d spent twenty years in service of the King, twenty years of honest, sincere service standing at his left, allowed to see into the carefully controlled chaos that ruled his mind. If he’d been kept further away, if Regis had taken his threats of treason with the rightful amount of weight, Titus would not have found himself pacing the length of his living room like a caged sabertusk. Then it would have been easy, he knew, to get swallowed up by rage and betrayal and grief, to let the knowledge strike his soul like steel on flint and set aflame every scrap of loyalty unwillingly conquered by Regis’ deeds, which had always been so much more effective than his words could ever be.
But Regis rewarded loyalty with more, not less, and Titus had knowledge sitting heavy in his gut, bloated like a drowned man’s bounty, pushing up his lungs into his ribs, threatening to make him sick.
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monarchborn · 2 years
|| regis rn: owo me: no
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a-world-in-grey · 1 year
In Nox verse, do you think Regis and the rest would be quicker to realise that Ardyn is a Lucis Caelum if it was female Ardyn verse? After all if Sola already resembles Ardyn strongly when he's a male, it might be more pronounced for female version.
Well, the resemblance between Ardyn and Sola that Sola picks up on is mostly the coloring. That same red-violet hair - which is downright rare - those same sky-blue eyes. From there, Sola notes the other familial features, features that she doesn't have or are softer or slimmer or more feminine, features that she's seen in the Hall of Kings in so many portraits.
Noctis is too young yet to really know about bastards and politics. Too enamoured with his new older brother and uncle. Still coming to terms with the attack, even if the injuries don't linger.
Regis, Cor, and Clarus are blinded by their perception of Ardyn. To them, Ardyn is Niflheim's Chancellor first, Nox's uncle second. They see the similar coloring to Sola, of course, they'd have to be literally blind to miss that. But that shade of red hair isn't unique for all that it's uncommon. Aulea had brown hair, but her grandfather had that shade of red and it's popped up in other families of Lucis' nobility.
(It's been two thousand years since Ardyn and Somnus' time. One of Somnus' children inherited Ardyn's red hair, and it's had over a hundred generations to spread throughout Lucis' population.)
It's not been said since Aulea's death, but underneath her coloring, Sola looks very much like her mother. That Sola still has Lucis Caelum features is due to Aulea (and many other Lucian nobles) having Lucis Caelum blood from a distant branch LC ancestor.
So a female Ardyn? With softer, feminine features?
Before Ardyn uses her magic, everyone, including Sola, assumes Ardyn is Aulea's relative.
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st4t · 6 months
do you ever make an au so indulgent that canon isnt even recognizable?
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