#he does not want a repeat of the stress from when Aulea had Noctis
a-world-in-grey · 7 months
In Sola & Nox verse, how old was she when she had her whoops babies the first time? Was she already married to Libs or did they have to organise a super rushed wedding too?
@secret-engima more Whoops Baby fun times!
Sola was 21 when she and Lib had their whoops twins. By this point they’ve only been dating a year, though Sola’d been openly flirting with Lib for a year before that.
Sola and Libertus end up proposing to each other shortly after Sola discovers that she’s pregnant. Honestly, neither of them are in a hurry to get married, Galahdian culture doesn’t put emphasis on parents being married like Lucian culture does, and Sola’s never given a damn about Lucian nobility’s delicate sensibilities before, she’s sure as shit not gonna start now. Besides, it’s not like she’s the only one at court to have a kid out of wedlock - Plenus Egestas near had a stroke when his daughter wound up pregnant with no father in sight.
Besides, anyone talking shit about Sola’s children being bastards within earshot of any of the royal family will find themselves regretting that in short order, because Sola’s reaction will be the least of their worries compared to her male relatives.
But both Libertus and Sola are soldiers. They know the risks of their profession all too well. They marry (Galahdian-style at first, the Royal Wedding can come after Sola gives birth because she’s not going to rush the planning just to squeeze into a dress) mostly to give their children the extra legal protections afforded under Lucian law. And so no one in court can get it into their heads to try to deny Libertus parental rights simply because he wasn’t her husband. Is it paranoid? Perhaps, but Sola would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to Libertus and her kids, in the event she’s no longer around to protect them.
I haven’t decided when Sola winds up pregnant the first time exactly, but in the theme of surprise pregnancies at the worst possible time… she probably finds out while out on rotation on the front lines. At first she thinks it might be a stomach bug or hangover, she and the off duty glaives at the time did have a few drinks and she wasn’t the only one feeling it the next morning because Sola’s regeneration doesn’t actually fix dehydration, rip.
Only the stomach bug doesn’t go away. On the second day Sola goes to the medics because if it is a bug then they need to get her on antibiotics or antivirals asap.
Surprise, it’s not a bug!
Sola’s immediately yanked from the front and placed on desk duties, because if Sola miscarries Titus wants to be able to tell her family that it was not because of anything related to the glaives. He does not want that headache.
Titus also yanks Sola’s Retinue, because he’s not an idiot, there’s no way they’d be able to focus in the field. Libertus is yanked too, as the presumptive father and as Nyx’s only Braincell.
Titus also, politely, requests Sola tell her relatives sooner rather than later about her pregnancy. The King is aware that Sola was yanked from the front for medical reasons, and isn’t actually entitled to know anything beyond that unless Sola volunteers it, but Titus asks that Sola spare him the stress of dealing with her panicky father and uncles.
Nox, of course, is already aware, having been on the front lines with her when it was discovered, with that particular piece of gossip ripping through the gleeful glaives faster than a wildfire in Cavaugh in a drought.
Sola refuses to say anything until Cid arrives in the Citadel, claiming she only wants to explain once - a bald-faced lie, she just wants to get everyone at the same time.
Noctis lights up in excitement at the announcement he’s going to be an uncle. Ignis’ jaw drops in surprise before he recovers, and Gladio actually falls into a wall. (If Prompto has joined the Chocobros at this point, he’ll flail.)
Ardyn goes statue-still, which is probably the best reaction of shock Sola will ever get out of him, before he’s on his feet embracing Sola in a hug and spinning her around. Titus just looks relieved that he doesn’t have to keep dodging questions about Sola’s health anymore. Penny, meanwhile, is eyeing Sola like she’s already measuring her for new outfits.
Nothing can shock Clarus as much as meeting his own grandchildren and then his son in the span of fifteen minutes. Instead, he looks wryly amused, knowing he has no leg to stand on when it comes to having kids out of wedlock. Cor is oh-so-slightly wide-eyed as he processes the announcement, but Cor.exe has very much stopped working, please check back in about ten minutes.
Cid, of course, is laughing his ass off, wheezing something along the lines of ‘I hope you have kids just like you’-
Regis runs a hand down his face, exasperated and resigned and reluctantly wry. Of all the things for his daughter to surprise him with. He opens his mouth, starts to lecture her, only for Sola to raise an unimpressed brow at him, retorting that Regis has no room to lecture her when she was born only a couple months after he and Mama married.
And Six, she looks so much like her mother in that instant - Aulea never had much patience for his dramatics either - that Regis feels a swell of love and fondness. And Sola is clearly so happy about it, so Regis places his own reservations aside and congratulates her and Libertus instead.
Of course, then Sola finds out she’s having twins. And the temptation is too much for her to resist, so she and Libertus are the only ones that actually know she’s having twins.
(Nox and Axis suspect. Nox because he actually has memories of being pregnant from previous Queens, and Axis because he’s a father of triplets and has passing familiarity with the signs of a multiple pregnancy.)
(Ardyn also suspects something, but only because he can feel his niece’s gleeful anticipation. Being a fellow chaos gremlin, Ardyn refuses to spoil Sola’s fun.)
Meanwhile, the glaives in Insomnia get to experience the sheer terror of having a very pregnant Sola as their drill instructor, Abyssus and her Retinue all too willing to be her assistants in delivering her Training from Ifrit’s Pyre. >:)
Haven’t decided on names yet, alas.
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