Gods Forgive Me
146 posts
Indie! Regis Lucis Caelum of FFXV || Canon-divergent || 18+ || Penned by Queen || Est. March '23
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
Ah, Regis supposed he should've expected as much, but he truly wished that he had known. He could've at least done something – even if they hadn't wanted to join him in Insomnia, well, he could've sent them money. He would've been there when Arctus had no one else – then this wouldn't have happened.
"Yes, you will be leaving soon. The doctor simply needs to check you over once more, then we will leave for Insomnia," he replied after a moment. Then Insomnia would take over his son's care.
"You are correct that it isn't safe for me here – and not for you either, after all of this. Weskham will be staying here, but I'll see if I can't arrange for him to visit from time to time," he didn't know if they were close, but he was grateful that his old friend had found Arctus in time. The situation could've been a lot more dire otherwise.
"Rest now. I will tell the doctor you are aware."
@monarchborn  from here  Out of all things that could happen, Regis had never expected this. Weskham had contacted him, but since he had been worried about potential spies overhearing their conversation, he hadn’t actually said much - only that it was important.
Now he was sitting on a chair by a bed that currently held a son he hadn’t known existed until some hours ago. The poor boy had been in pain, so he was a bit drugged up at the moment, but apparently not enough to not ask questions.
“I believe so, dear boy,” he offered, voice gentle. “I’m sure it’s quite the surprise – it is for me as well, but do not worry. There is no time like the present to get to know each other,” he would not turn his son away, no matter how he was conceived. He may have made an unwise choice, considering his position, but Arctus should not suffer for it.
“We will figure it out. For now, rest as much as you need. We will take care of you here.
Arctus moved stiffly in the bed, trying to sit up straight and look less pitiful. This whole situation had been embarrassing enough without looking like a little kid.
“I knew, mom said she never told you so we could stay in Altissia,” He said. “It’s good to know it was true though. I always assumed you were just a jerk and mom wanted me to think better of you.”
He sighed, and stopped himself just in time from leaning back onto the hospital bed. Having a back wound sucked. 
“Will I be leaving the hospital soon? Like, at least going somewhere else to visit. It can’t be super safe for you visiting a government location in Altissia,” He said. “I know Niflhiem hasn’t tried anything with political visits yet, but they still kind of suck. And we’ll be planning to go to Insomnia too, right? Or am I gonna stay with Weskham.”
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
"Excellent." So far so good. Regis was glad that the matter was solved for now and that Johanne was understanding. He appreciated Jackson's work for the company, so he would've hated to complicate that somehow, but he was sure that Johanne would fit right in with the rest of the family.
"I will have someone send you your new schedule, though the first weeks will be focused on training you for your new position. This time will be cut short or increased depending on how quickly you pick up on things, but you'll learn more soon enough," he offered, a kind smile on his face. One wouldn't think him to be the head of such a large mafia family, but that was all part of the act. Regis was only harsh with those who needed a firm hand – or when dealing with the Aldercapt family.
"We also offer housing. The family owns several apartment complexes, so if you would like to move somewhere with more security then it is highly recommended for you to have a look at your options." It was all part of the deal. If you worked for the family then the family would take care of you. It would also make it easier to keep an eye on things and make sure that everything was as it should be. It would also bring Johanne closer to her new work, but it wasn't a requirement. She could stay where she currently lived if she preferred that.
"For everything else I'm sure your brother will bring you up to speed." They wouldn't have her work as a bodyguard just yet, but they'd still ask her to model whenever she was available.
Johanne felt a little bad that everything so far had been going smoothly. Had her father still been alive, he might've been wary of Regis due to past experiences but she thought they might've gotten along should they have met with one another. It's a shame that the Aldercapts never had been as courteous and respectful as the man before her. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she wished that father had been treated as well as she has.
"I am. I greatly appreciate your understanding and considerations, sir." Plain as her words were, she truly meant them. Not many on the business side of entertainment were as straightforward as he was, and the fact that he balances that with the work he does behind closed doors was quite the arduous task.
Should anything in her own career prove to be trouble for them, she had Jackson to help her with that; just as he had her to help him improving on himself. Johanne doesn't see any issues coming up in the near future, however, as she typically avoided anything that could land her on the gossip column in a blog. Still, it would help to cover all her bases so perhaps she'll ask Jackson to sniff around and see if there was any dirt on her online that needed to be wiped off.
With new family matters, there was no need to reveal the extent of what she knew. It was already limited with how much her late father had kept from her aside from the more important points to keep note of. Her enthusiasm to learn knife throwing as a child and the fist fights she had in bars gave her some background in knowing how to defend herself, but even she knew that she was going to need more to live up to the standard they had.
All in all, everything was in order and both were gaining something out of it.
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
Noctis had actually awoken early that morning. He knew that his father wouldn’t be around until later in the day, but he was just so excited to spend the day with him that he couldn’t sleep. Once he’d dressed himself for the day ahead, he joined Ignis for breakfast where he prattled on and on about how excited he was. He was sure his friend was probably tired of hearing it by the time they were finished with breakfast, but he’d been polite enough not to say anything.
After breakfast they had gone for a walk in the gardens, or rather Ignis had gone for a walk. Noctis had been scrambling to climb up his favourite tree to the dismay of his nanny. To his disappointment, his father was still busy by the time lunch came around, so Ignis suggested they stop by the kitchens on the way back to his room before playing some boardgames.
He’d been starting to get a little disheartened when there was a knock at the door. His head shot up and he beamed when his father stepped into the room. In an instant, Noctis was on his feet and racing over to stand before him. Ignis also pushed himself to his feet, watching the display with a small smile before taking his leave with a bow of his head.
“Bye Iggy!” Noctis chimed before letting out a giggle as his father’s stubble tickled his forehead. “Scratchy,” he complained, but he made no move to pull away, choosing instead to hug the man tighter.
“S'okay. You’re here now, so it’s okay. ‘sides, me and Iggy had fun.” Noctis assured him as he finally slipped out of the hug in favour of moving towards his tv. “Uh-huh! There’s the new Kings Knight movie that I wanna watch. Oh, and Finding Nemo!
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
"Ah, seems we have our likely suspects," Regis chuckled, unable to help it. It seemed his son would never change. He couldn't actually blame him – council meetings could be awfully dull and Regis had thought the same at that age. He had been more involved because of his father and because he wanted to be able to cleverly undermine some of his decisions, but Noctis didn't have the same kind of motivation (or at least he assumed as much).
"No need to apologise, Ignis. I know how my son can be," he assured, not wanting the young advisor to be too worried about disappointing him. Really, he had known the boy since he was a child as well, but he never could make him let go of the formalities.
"Let's see... is anything else happening today? Perhaps a new game or movie Noctis would rather spend his time on?"
Ignis nodded. "Of course. Gladio has not seen him, but Prompto was unreachable. I suspect where ever Noctis has gone, he has dragged Prompto off with him," Ignis answered with a slight sigh. He bowed slightly. "I apologize for the trouble, your majesty."
He'd been really hoping to solve this before Regis found out. He had enough to deal with without Noctis being a bit of a brat.
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
|| i should find a fc for young regis because he was one handsome boi and i have nothing ;n;
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
Regis turned his attention away to glance at the broken glass on the floor, letting out a small sigh at the mess. He'd have to notify one of cleaning staff later, it hardly seemed important now. Though it seemed symbolic in a way, the way that one statement had just shattered part of his worldview.
"Different how?" he questioned, voice a near whisper. Was it truly that simple? He doubted it. He must've done something to make Titus change his mind. To think someone he cared for like this had intended to use that care against him – of course, it was hardly something new in his position. Most people wanted to get close to the King, for power and influence, but this wasn't that.
If Titus was General Glauca, why there could only have been one purpose, couldn't there? To kill him.
"You know I should have you arrested for this." Titus likely also knew that he wouldn't. Intending to hurt him and actually doing it were two different things, after all, and Regis had always been a bit too soft-hearted with those he cared for.
Titus glanced at the broken glass on the floor. It was a rather dramatic reaction, but he supposed he has dropped a rather big thing on him just then so maybe it was justified.
Titus was the one who looked away first, after meeting Regis' searching gaze once more. He looked down toward the floor.
"Because my opinions have changed. I'll admit, I started to get close to you to have more on you for the other side. But it's different now."
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
Regis noticed the flush on Cor's cheeks and oh, how fond it made him feel. So he only chuckled when Cor glared at him, not saying anything to make the younger male believe that he hadn't noticed.
"Very well," he put on his own jacket and led them out to where his car was waiting, guiding the driver to his apartment so they could eat there. He said apartment, but he truly owned the whole complex – many of the other apartments offered to their workers.
"What do you feel like eating?" he questioned, already looking up places. He could always ask his personal chef to make the food, but it wasn't the same.
A rare flush warmed his cheeks at Regis' teasing. He tried to cover it with a glare before reaching over for his jacket.
He paused for just a second as he pulled it on, glancing back toward Regis. The head of a wealthy mafia family. He would most certainly give Cor anything he asked for. Which was precisely why he didn't ask for much.
His expression softened into a smile. "Thanks. Let's order in."
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
Regis offered a somewhat bittersweet smile: "I'm afraid I already know, dear boy." The Emperor thought him foolish, but no, he had expected this. They were surrounded and pushed back, in his position there was little he could do. They'd protect the Crystal, of course, but the fate of the world was in the hands of his son now.
He did not know what the morrow would bring, but he did not expect his death to be glorious. He'd die for Lucis, but he'd also die as the foolish King who let the enemy get close. He had no delusions of grandeur. He simply hoped that the people of Lucis would be safe; that most would escape unharmed.
The information that there was traitors in their midst was news, but he supposed it shouldn't come as a surprise. "I see. That must be part of the reason why they were able to corner us like this," perhaps he ought to change out the positioning of his guards once more. He wasn't sure how much it would be help, but it would be better than nothing.
Looking down, he caught sight of the ring on his hand. He gazed upon it, wondering. Slowly, he took it off. He didn't need to actually wear it to hold up the wall. Without it, he'd be missing the extra protection of his ancestors, but he was still tied to the Crystal. Most of his magic came from it and not the ring. Holding it out on his palm, he spoke once more: "Ravus, I know I am asking too much of you now, but... would you take this and keep it safe? My son will eventually need it to do his duty, but until then – well, it'd be best if the Empire didn't get their hands on this."
How heavy the bitterness lay in his chest, weighing him down like armor, dragging him deep into the pits of anger against not only King Regis and Lucis, but also the Empire and, at large, the world and the Astrals. So many suffered and for what? For a war that no one remembered the beginning to, a war far older than they were.
But...Though the Empire had done well to mold Ravus into the image of a loyal lapdog, there still existed within him a shred of who he had once been, and a desire to do good. His hands clenched into fists against his thighs, the thick fabric of his coat barely wrinkling, as he fought with himself.
Fought between the bitter man who wanted to damn His Majesty to death and the boy who, like his mother and sister, had found a friend in Lucis.
"It is a trap," he muttered, yet of course Regis already knew that. "The Emperor intends to go after the Crystal. The peace treaty is only a ruse to allow Imperial soldiers into the Citadel. ...I..." He paused, knowing well and good that he was digging his grave.
"...I heard that there were traitors close to the Crystal."
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
Regis was glad to hear it. "With Nyx?" he questioned, noticing the use of Ulric's first name. He hadn't realised that the two of them had gotten so close, but he supposed that it made sense if the two of them were sparring together. "Is there something I need to know?" he still questioned, eyebrow raising. He didn't care much for who Arctus fancies as long as he was happy, but he was still curious. It practically came with the title of being a father.
"Ah, I know it all too well, I hardly blame you. You are welcome anytime, of course. Though I suppose you will be quite busy now with this new project," but it also meant that they'd actually see each other more, due to the nature of the project.
Arctus watched Regis closely, looking for any trace of a lie. He was relieved when he not only saw that his father told the truth, but that he had support in place as well. He relaxed in the chair. He already had an idea in mind, using some of his mother's unreleased fabric designs before she died. Combining that with his own style and modern cuts, it could be impression.
"I'm alright," He smiled. "Keeping busy with my work, and sparring with Nyx. I've been meaning to visit, but even in the same city things can get away from you."
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
"Exactly," Regis cared about his 'extended family' and thus, unlike the Aldercapts, actually wanted them to be safe and sound even when on missions. Some hurts couldn't be avoided, but there was no reason to go without backup. It might be a trap, after all, because surely the Aldercapts didn't think that he'd actually just let them tarnish their reputation like that.
"You should take your sister, though she's still new – so take someone else as well. Ulric might be free," and even if he wasn't then he usually found the time. Smiling at the confirmation that Jackson would be present for the next show, he raised an eyebrow at the suggestion that he should go on the runway himself. He wasn't as young as he used to be, but he still had many good years in him left – so he supposed it wasn't an impossible idea.
"Hm, do you believe the public would like that?" he hadn't thought about it. He made sure things were organised and was the one who had the final say, but everything ran smoothly without his active participation. Actually running the catwalk... why, he hadn't done that since before his father died and even back then he had only done it two or three times, since Mors hadn't wanted him to dedicate too much of his time to it.
"As one of our PR experts, I'll let you make the decision," his voice was completely serious, though there was a glint of amusement in his eyes as he spoke.
"Of course, sir. Best ta have all our bases covered." While Jackson knew his work was more than sufficient, it never hurt to have a have a fall back when things go awry. He thought of himself as someone who was flexible enough to deal with whatever decided to land into his hands. That's what got him to where he was after all, and it's a trait he's willing to use for the betterment of the family.
At the mention of an upcoming runway show, Jackson brightened a touch and nodded. "Already got it covered, sir." He remembered when he first started, nervous and unsure that he'd be able to fulfill that portion of his work. The brunet was certainly glad that he'd turn to his sister for advice on it at the time. It got easier the next few months after that first show, and he found himself having fun at each one.
"There ever goin' ta be a show that ya yourself will participate in the near future?" The younger couldn't help but grin at the question, his cheek propped up on the heel of his palm as he awaited the other's answer. He's spotted a few comments on articles here and there about seeing the head of the company strutting it down the runway. It sounded like good publicity in his opinion, but it was up the big man to decide what he wanted to make of it.
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
Regis could understand that Noctis was understandably freaking out. He had been turned into the one thing he had been taught to hate from the moment he was old enough to understand what the word 'vampire' meant. Regis didn't care though, this was his son and he wasn't like Mors – he didn't necessarily believe that all vampires deserved to die. Noctis was a good kid, he wouldn't have hurt anyone if he could've avoided it.
"Noctis, I am not going to hurt you. I will never hurt you," not intentionally and certainly never physically. He was a hunter, yes, but that didn't mean that he saw things as black and white. They would figure it out — Noctis needed guidance and he would provide it. "Take a moment to focus yourself, alright? We need a clear head for this," he urged, knowing he couldn't exactly ask Noctis to take some deep breaths, since he was pretty sure he didn't breath anymore. It might've just made things worse if he had.
"I'm glad you did. Otherwise I would've been left thinking that my son had died," which he supposed that Noctis technically had, but that was besides the point. "I would like you to stay here Noctis, but it is true that it won't be safe for you. However, we can still take the time to find a safe solution for you. First we have to make sure that you are well fed. You aren't hungry now, but if you do feel hungry then tell me so I can get you some food. Then we have to work on your control. I've heard it can be tough, but I'm sure we'll manage, alright?"
He was doing his best to show his son that there was solutions to everything. Hopefully it would make him feel reassured. "I know it's scary, but I'll never abandoned you, alright? I'll always have your back, son."
His father was the last person Noctis wanted to see him like this. Noctis had become the very thing that their family had been hunting for generations. He'd become a monster, and now his father was in a very difficult situation. As the leader of the clan, he couldn't be seen to be protecting a vampire, after all and he certainly couldn't be seen covering up murders.
"How the hell are we supposed to figure this out?" Noctis was unable to keep the desperation out of his voice. Noctis was a vampire now – a murderer – and his father was a hunter. There was only one solution that came to mind. His father would have to kill him. It was the only way. What was the alternative? He could run away, but he couldn't fight against his nature. He might kill someone again.
"I'm not hungry." He'd had his fill from the poor servant on the floor. He'd drained them dry before he'd regained his senses. Maybe if he'd said something sooner they would still be alive, but what could he have said? He'd been in denial, he supposed. He'd hoped that if he buried his head in the sand nothing would happen and everything would go back to normal.
"I shouldn't have come back here. After it happened. I...I shouldn't have come back."
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
Regis looks towards the illustration and he has to agree with Luna's assessment. The chocobo did indeed look very happy. It was a cute little story, very fitting for children. A tale about never giving up and to work diligently, but to not get disheartened if someone was better than yourself – all wrapped up in the story of a chocobo who wanted to run fast. He was sure Noctis would have liked it too if he was awake, so he'd have to make note of getting the book for themselves as well.
"Hm? Oh, yes I have," he was shaken out of his thoughts by Luna's questioning voice, offering her a smile. "Indeed they do. Usually we take the car if we have to travel, but if one wishes to go off-road, a chocobo is the best form of transportation. It is very fun," he continued after a moment. He remembered his road-trip fondly, where him and the boys had ridden chocobos whenever it was necessary. Some of the royal arms had been much easier to get that way.
"They do. Most chocobos are yellow, but there are white ones and a few black ones left as well. If you feed them special pears their feathers will change colours as well," he explained, fondly remembering the sky-blue chocobo he had called his own for a while. He doubted it was still around, but it had been a good steed – stubborn and steadfast. "Like most birds they also hatch from eggs, yes. I have never seen them carry moogles, but that does not mean that it doesn't happen. Perhaps they like to do it in secret." Moogles were very real creatures – or they had been at least. They hadn't been seen in a while, so most people thought them to be extinct.
Luna finds herself enthralled in the tale; her polite, straight-backed posture giving way as she leans closer to see the illustrations. It is not every day that she finds herself so invested in a story with no historical or political significance - but she is reverent just the same. A small whine of sympathy leaves her as the hopeless little chocobo struggles to reach his goals; and a soft aww at Sage's advice.
❝He looks so happy!❞ Luna points to the final illustration of a very content-looking chocobo, a grin lighting up her face. Of course, she has precious little frame of reference for what contentment might look like on a chocobo, as they aren't native to this area; but she likes to imagine that Sunny is happy just the same.
❝Have you ever ridden one?❞ she asks of the King. ❝I heard that sometimes they let you ride them, if you ask nicely.❞ In fact, Luna has heard a great many things about chocobos, and a great deal more about Lucis as a whole. As soon as she learned of Noctis' arrival, she'd asked as many people as she could for all they knew of Lucian culture, flora, fauna, and people. Though some of her responses seem a little too strange to be true, most were eager to help, even if they had not visited the nation themselves. ❝Is it true that chocobos come in different colours? And that they hatch from eggs? And that they carry moogles from place to place?❞
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
Regis listened, slightly surprised and yet not at the knowledge that this man was as old as Lucis and older, even. He had known, heard tales, that the Adagium was immortal; destined to finally die at the hands of the True King to bring back the light. The history books didn't say much more than that though, very little was actually known about the Adagium and he was beginning to believe that the mystery was meant to scare them.
"You were a healer?" if it was true, how had it ended up like this? A healer, becoming the accursed? The supposed source of the scourge? The root of all evil? It made little sense.
"It is... hard to believe," Regis admitted and yet, he still found himself giving Ardyn the benefit of his doubt. If he had had black hair and the characteristic blue eyes, would he not look like them? Somnus was the first, but that didn't mean that his brother couldn't look different. No brother was ever mentioned, but why would it, if this was how he had turned out? They'd want to hide it behind lies and deceit.
"Why you? What reason could you possibly have to be the Accursed?"
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"...The beginning." What was the beginning when one doubted their memories? When all one could recall was darkness and despair and the leering visage of his brother, taunting and goading and laughing? Was he truly the victim? Or was he merely the unreliable narrator masquerading as a victim, a true villain?
"I was born before Lucis became Lucis. My mother was of Solheim; my father was a merchant of some amount of wealth, enough that we wanted for very little in comparison to those with less. In my time, I was...much loved by those around me, and when I grew into adulthood, I became a healer of the people." Though there was one detail he hesitated to say, and he allowed the hesitation to make itself clear in his expression.
"The Founder King you so revere, who built this kingdom upon my bones and my blood, is my brother, Somnus Lucis Caelum."
And truly, though Ardyn believed it, it sounded ridiculous when he spoke it aloud.
By design of the Draconian in league with his brother, no doubt, and it was their success at driving him so deeply into madness.
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
Regis hadn't expected to fall in love again after Aulea. He had already known that he liked people of both genders, but as King he had little choice in the matter. He had to marry a woman and continue the line of Lucis, as was his duty. He had done his duty now, he supposed and Noctis was the greatest gift anyone could ever have asked for.
Perhaps he was foolish for even entertaining the thought of pursuing love again, but he had done it nonetheless. Titus had seemed reluctant at first, but had eventually returned his flirting and they had even gone on a few dates and gotten closer as a result.
They hadn't put a label on their relationship yet though, since something seemed to be holding them back – or rather, holding Titus back.
Regis hadn't expected to get his answer so suddenly. They had been going over some paperwork when Titus spoke and Regis promptly dropped the glass of water he had just taken a sip of, the glass shattering upon contact with the floor. He ignored it in favour of looking at Titus, taking in his expression and body language.
"You're serious." He concluded after a moment, a frown on his lips. The implications if it was true... but why tell him? No one had suspected anything. "I'm assuming you have a reason for telling me?" he was willing to hear him out, at least. Titus hadn't attacked him, hadn't said it in a gloating manner – it was just put out there, as truthful as it could be. He tried not to feel hurt, since he had trusted Titus more than most.
Regis was infuriating.
He had spent years hating the man who had given his home to its oppressors. Mors. And then Regis did nothing to fix it. To take back their homes. He threw his men out there to die while he stayed safe and comfortable within his walls with his son. He didn't care for them. Or so Titus had assumed.
And yet...
Regis had made efforts to be closer to him, even shown some romantic interest. Titus had been irritated by it at first, but saw an opportunity to solidify his position there. And with more time spent with the man came more information. He'd expected it to solidify his feelings of hate and bitterness if anything. But, to his surprise, he found himself understanding instead.
His son was destined to die to save the world.
His favoritism made more sense, and even Titus had to begrudgingly admit that saving the world as a whole from darkness and daemons was more of a priority than taking back their homes. He still had a lot of issues with how Regis handled it all, but he found his hate cooling.
Eventually, it has all come to this.
They were both in Regis' office, alone, when Titus spoke.
"I'm General Glauca."
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
Regis blinked, simply staring at Ignis for a few moments. Ah, Noctis had pulled yet another 'disappearing act' it seemed. He idly wondered what number they were on now. The boy was pretty known for being the 'escape Prince' in the Citadel. It was hardly surprising that he'd do it again to get out of a council meeting.
"I see. Did you contact Gladio and Prompto already?" he questioned, since they might have a clue as to Noctis' whereabouts. Regis wouldn't panic yet, not when he knew his son's tendencies.
Prompto was likely the best bet; the two of them liked to get into trouble or rather, Noctis liked to drag Prompto into trouble with him.
King Regis had quite a lot of faith in him. Ignis could only hope to live up to that. He offered the older man a faint smile as he straightened, before covering his mouth with his hand and clearing his throat softly.
"He is, um... missing at the moment."
A humbling thing to admit, and yet there they were. Ignis had lost his prince.
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
Regis' eyes widened at those words. A lie? Why would Noctis think that? The Empire must have said something to him, something that made him believe that he had been abandoned when it was quite the opposite.
"If I had known, Noctis, then believe me, I would've not cared about anything else but getting you back. I would give my life for yours," he replied, voice firm, but not harsh. He would not let Noctis doubt him on this. "They never told me. Whatever they told you was a lie to make you do their bidding. I thought you were dead," and to think that they would send his own son to kill him.
Moving to wipe at his eyes, he let out a humourless chuckle. "I'm crying because the son I thought I had lost was returned to me. It is both tears of happiness and sadness," he explained, indulging Noctis' curiosity. He was not the same son he had lost, but that did not matter – Noctis was his and with time he would hopefully remember his origins.
"Clarus, have a room prepared for him. Have them bring some food too," he ordered to his Shield, who took over from there. "You must be hungry. Do you still dislike vegetables?" he questioned, a soft smile on his lips. He wouldn't pretend that he knew Noctis anymore, but he would get to know him again. It would take time, but his son was alive and that was the most important part.
Breath hitching in his throat, Noctis froze.
It was a simple word, son, but it knocked the breath from his lungs more effectively than a punch to the gut would have. He'd prepared himself for just about every possibility, but he'd underestimated the effect on him the man's voice would have. It shouldn't affect him. It wasn't supposed to.
Noctis knew who the man was to him, but he felt nothing when he thought about him. He'd been conditioned to feel nothing, not even hatred. Emotion was a weakness that could be exploited, and weapons didn't have weaknesses. They didn't have wants or needs or feelings.
The attempt on the King's life hadn't been personal. He was simply following orders.
"That's a lie." His voice was cold. Empty. He stated it as a fact rather than an accusation. He wasn't angry or upset. He was simply speaking the facts that had been drilled into his head. It didn't even bother him anymore. "You knew. The Empire gave you countless opportunities to have your son returned to you. You refused to negotiate."
He watched with a blank expression as the King crouched down before him. He tilted his head the slightest bit. He was confused. He had just attempted to kill the man yet there he was getting close to him. Why was he crying? His attack hadn't been successful, so he couldn't be in pain.
"Why are you crying?"
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monarchborn · 2 years ago
Regis fell silent, not sure if he should feel relieved or not. Noctis wasn't actually angry with him, of course, but his boy was hurting and frustrated and that was much worse to him. He had never meant to be negligent, never meant to avoid his son, who needed guidance too. Not from a King, but from a father.
"It's far from selfish, son. Had we been a normal family it would've been the bare minimum," he offered, not wanting Noctis to think that he had no right to want his own father's attention and time. Regis was busy, but he couldn't deny that he had been somewhat of a coward too. He loved Noctis more than anyone and to know his fate haunted him day and night. Sometimes it seemed that he forgot that his son wasn't actually dead yet.
Had he truly given up? Perhaps he really was an old fool, as Clarus affectionately told him from time to time.
"You are right. I will arrange something for us. It's been a while since we went on a fishing trip, hasn't it?" Rather, the last time it had happened was when Noctis was eight and it was just another thing that haunted him. Perhaps they could stay inside the walls – there were some ponds here and there that could be useable. It was mostly to get away from the Citadel and spend some time together. Hopefully it would replace the somewhat sour memory of their last fishing trip together as well.
"Those old coots should be able to manage a day without me," he was referring to the council, though his words weren't said with malice. He couldn't stop himself from feeling exasperated because of them though. They liked to drive him up the wall more often than not.
"How does that sound?" and he'd try to be around more too in general. He shouldn't waste these precious years without being around his son. He had duties as a King, but he also had duties as a father and it was something he shouldn't have forgotten in the first place.
Despite his frustration, Noctis remained close behind his father as they walked – close enough to catch him should the man stumble or fall. He knew his father wasn't as steady on his feet as he used to be, but he wasn't going to offer his support unless it was needed. He didn't care if the Crownsguard thought him cold – his father was too proud and too stubborn to appreciate the gesture.
Still, he kept his gaze on him just in case.
He felt a little more calm when they entered the man's office. He'd always preferred it to the throne room. It was more personal. In this room, more often than not, he was dealing with his father instead of the King. He'd spent a lot of time in there when he was younger, taking his homework or something to work on while his father attended to his paperwork. It hadn't mattered to him if they talked much, he'd just wanted to spend time with him.
Noctis watched his father for a moment before joining him on the couch. How many times had he fallen asleep on it back when he was young? A lot, he supposed. He'd often wake up back in his own bed so he assumed his father must have carried him. He looked over at the photos his father was showing him. The woman in them was so familiar, yet at the same time she was practically a stranger.
He didn't remember her very well. He'd been so young when she'd died that all he knew of her was from stories and photographs. He didn't remember anything about her from his own memory. He wished he remembered. A lot of people told him that he looked like her. There was no denying that she'd loved him though. That much was evident from the way she was looking at him in the pictures.
The same was true of his father, it seemed, as he flicked through the pictures. None of them were staged for the media. They were all private moments captured behind closed doors. Not of a king and prince, but a father and son.
"I know that. I know we're at war. The people need you." Noctis had tried to put aside his own needs. He'd tried to be a good, selfless prince, but he was a teenager. He was at that stage in life where he was uncertain about just about everything. A lot of his life had already been set out for him, but he still needed guidance. Not from an advisor, but from a father. "But sometimes I need you too."
He let out a soft sigh as he relaxed against the couch, the album open on his lap to a picture of himself and his father. He looked to be about five or six and he was on his father's back, arms wrapped around his shoulders as he beamed at the camera.
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"I...I love you too...I just...wish you were around more. I know that's selfish of me, but I do."
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