novuscaelum · 1 year
Slipping past him and heading straight for the kitchen table, Novus sat down looking worried. "It's Dad. I mean, he's okay it's just I dunno what to get him. There's gonna be billions of people there and lots of really good stuff and..."
He slumped a bit in his seat. "I don't have anything and I don't think he'd wanted anything from the festival cause it's cheap. I dunno what I'm gonna do. I don't have a whole lot of gil left and...what would you do if you were stuck giving someone something besides making it?"
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Continued from here
She didn't mind as she had a thermos filled with her favorite tea. Hadianna, much like her father, always had a plan B. " Would you like some tea, Calem?"
A small smile was on her lips as she offered it to him. Hadianna watched for a reaction. He knew which tea it likely was, so would he take it?
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chosenbythecrystal · 11 months
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@ardynzunia continued from here.
"I know he does."
Noctis worried about his father too, but he was powerless to act on that worry. He saw that damn ring take a little bit more of his father's life each day, and he couldn't do a thing to stop it. He just had to watch with the knowledge that one day it would be his responsibility to bear.
"So you're on babysitting duty. Did you draw the short straw or something?" Not that he was complaining. Ardyn was family which meant he'd actually interact with him without a string of honorifics. His father's reasoning was probably that he'd be more receptive with Ardyn there and it would distract him from the knowledge that there were guards watching patrolling the area.
"Television games?" He snorted and shook his head, but pushed himself up from the couch. His own controller was already on the coffee table from earlier that day, but he retrieved his second one for Ardyn and booted up the tv and console before sitting back down. He considered loading up a fighting game, but kicking his uncle's ass on a game he had no idea how to play would get boring pretty quickly.
A cooperative game then.
"You want to create a character or go with one of the pre-set characters?"
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ruinedbycatastrophe · 5 months
@ardynzunia liked for a starter!!
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The would be King let out a long drawn out sigh as he placed a hand on his face. He was more tired then he made it out. After all this trip was supposed to be fun and a way to travel before he had to deal the horrors of ruling a kingdom. But between Clarus and Cid arguing and Cor's silent treatment this was looking like a disaster in the making. "Am I doing this wrong?" He asked, tapping his finger against his leg. Why was he putting so much pressure on this trip anyway? Did it matter? Did it change how it would end up? Regis would be King. And his life would be over. He would no longer be Regis, he'd be King Lucis Caelum. And that was such a fucking bummer.
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optimisticrobin · 1 year
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@ardynzunia liked for a starter.
Few things surprised Nightwing these days. Some of his best friends either had super powers or were aliens. He'd seen people come back from the dead. Coming across a kid on alone on top of a roof though...it was enough to make him pause.
How did the kid even get up there?
Did he have powers or something? Dick had found a very scared Jon Kent hiding away in a strange place before. It didn't really matter how he got up there, he supposed. He wasn't going to just leave him there.
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"Hey kiddo, what're you doing all the way up here? It's not safe."
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intxlligibility · 1 year
@ardynzunia said "i'm not blushing" | Accepting
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"Of course not, your highness, my apologies"
A dumb comment. Unnecessary, and quite out of character for him to even make a remark of.
His head is bowed deep in regret.
When he finally looks up, there is uncertainty in his eyes, for he knows he has spoken out of turn. Didn't his uncle tell him not to be careless? Yes, perhaps he is a little too comfortable around the two brothers, but he is still very much below them both in rank.
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angelic-din-mortem · 2 years
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Sighing he stares at the scenery of the citadel and sighs before crossing his arms in thought. Why did he agree to this? Oh wait...that’s why... Sensing something, he unfolds his arms and looks around, frowning under the hood of darkness as he squints.
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astralbcrn · 1 year
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"I see you haven't learned anything," Bahamut's voiced without warning, having appeared behind the immortal human.
"I've let you get away with a lot, but I will not have you influencing the Chosen King. I will give you a chance to leave on your own," but he was growing impatient. They had waited this long and he did not know what Ardyn planned, but he wouldn't risk it interfering with the prophecy.
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betrayingcrown · 1 year
starter for @ardynzunia
--- A squint. Somnus intently observed a particular person with a rather familiar face. Was this really Ardyn? Was the really his brother? For now the man chose to observe and see how things will go.
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chosenbythecrystal · 10 months
(Ardynzunia) that's right; in the year 1791, all of our bottoms were killed in a Big Bottom Massacre.
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chaotic unhinged lines from 2022-2023 (prompt edition).
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"Are you drunk?"
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minarcana · 2 years
@ardynzunia // haha yay woluri
Tsukuyomi's defeat leaves a bitter aftertaste in Urianger's mouth. That much should be expected, but it wasn't to this extent. Calem had been off since they were all dragged into her mental landscape and seems more shaken now, as Urianger kneels next to him and heals the remnants of injuries that quick battlefield casting doesn't cover. "What do thou mean, saying thou art less redeemable than she?" A part of a conversation Urianger doubts he was meant to hear.
Nonetheless, he should ask now, while Calem can't slip away as he's held fixed in Urianger's hand and gaze alike. "I cannot presume to know thy past, but choices in the present matter great. Thou hath not chosen to orchestrate wanton torture of civilians, last I did hear." He won't pretend he knows Calem was innocent of various war crimes before he joined the Scions, he isn't privy to whatever the occasional Garlean soldier has muttered that made the other bristle. But still, even Yotsuyu was... well, not forgivable, but able to be accommodated. Explainable, understandable.
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madeimpact · 1 year
(for Prompto and Noctis) 4. does your muse find any specific features particularly attractive? 5. what is your muse's ideal first date?
I have never written a ship in this blog's lifespan || @ardynzunia
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does your muse find any specific features particularly attractive?
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Insert joke here about how the entire Lucis Caelum line finds blondes attractive
No but like, genuinely, unironically, I buy into that as an actual headcanon, at least as far as superficial stuff goes for Noct. Is it important in the grand scheme of things? No, he'd date anyone with any color hair if they passed the vibe check. It's more important to Noct that you love him for being him, and not because he's royal. Cliche? Yes. True? Absolutely, yes. He's demiromantic — he doesn't fall easily, but when he does, he falls hard.
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For Prompto...I'm gonna tie this in with one of the other questions on the list, but he tends to be physically attracted to femininity or androgyny. Again, not to say he wouldn't date someone who was maybe more typically masculine, but it's bonus points, yanno? To answer this the same way I did for Noct, personality-wise, he needs someone that compliments his own energy, whether that's by matching it or balancing it out. He also finds confidence super attractive. Maybe because it's aspirational.
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what is your muse's ideal first date?
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For Noct, he'll want to get away from the crowds. Maybe drive you to a nice high vantage point in the Regalia, lay on the hood on a summer night, and gaze at the stars. Or maybe have a picnic on the beach on a weekday when it's not too crowded. The latter might just be an excuse to take his date fishing, but only if they're willing to indulge him and maybe learn a thing or two from him. He'd be just as willing to go and try out something that they enjoy. He just prefers quieter, more intimate settings — crowds tend to put him on edge.
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Prompto will go anywhere as long as he can be out and about. He's not a "go to dinner and sit down and talk" kinda guy. Sightseeing! Amusement parks! Anywhere he can sneak cheeky little pictures of his date and compliment how nice they look! Shit, rent out some chocobos and go off to the races! He's gotta go out and do things and try his darndest to make his date smile and laugh! Though, of course, he'd be more than willing to crash in the evening once the adrenaline starts to wear off, and curl up for a cheesy bad movie and laugh about it before taking the lucky person home.
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optimisticrobin · 1 year
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@ardynzunia liked for a starter.
It had been a long day, and whilst his suit was relatively bullet and knife proof, it wasn't Deathstroke-the-Terminator-proof. Though if somebody did manage to make something like that, it'd be a huge success. His relationship with Slade was a difficult one. They were enemies, sure, but there was a level of mutual respect.
It was why Slade had never used his identity against him.
Fights against Deathstroke were always rough though, and even though he'd successfully foiled the man's contract, he hadn't come out unscathed. The gash on his thigh was the worst, but nothing a few stitches couldn't fix.
With a limp, he climbed out of the batmobile and pulled off the cowl and made his way over to the computer. He'd patch himself up in a minute.
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fleurladari-a · 1 year
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" i'm curious about you, you are not from here, that is clear. you've been rather stiff too...this is a safe place, we would not hurt a child. "
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@ardynzunia liked this for a starter.
" Calem, you didn't have to do this." Hadianna smiled as she took in the scene before her. A sweet little picnic out in the woods. There were lots of pillows and blankets and stuffies too. It was so sweet of him, and she couldn't help but grin and be happy. They didn't have to hide anymore!
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angelic-din-mortem · 2 years
@ardynzunia​ like for a starter.
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Working in a small cabin, deep within the woods, Angelic grumbles as he works on an old car battery while shifting about in his spot on the floor amongst pieces of metals and plastics and more. Listening to the door of his cabin shifting and opening, he doesn’t move from his spot as the smell of death and decay floods the area from the endless darkness that was the world outside.
How long has Eos been in darkness? A year? Three? Five? Ten? Fifteen? Hard to keep track. Still, hearing heavy boots, the young looking man continues to work as if nothing was happening.
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