#❛ inbox: noctis.
madeimpact · 1 year
(for Prompto and Noctis) 4. does your muse find any specific features particularly attractive? 5. what is your muse's ideal first date?
I have never written a ship in this blog's lifespan || @ardynzunia
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does your muse find any specific features particularly attractive?
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Insert joke here about how the entire Lucis Caelum line finds blondes attractive
No but like, genuinely, unironically, I buy into that as an actual headcanon, at least as far as superficial stuff goes for Noct. Is it important in the grand scheme of things? No, he'd date anyone with any color hair if they passed the vibe check. It's more important to Noct that you love him for being him, and not because he's royal. Cliche? Yes. True? Absolutely, yes. He's demiromantic — he doesn't fall easily, but when he does, he falls hard.
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For Prompto...I'm gonna tie this in with one of the other questions on the list, but he tends to be physically attracted to femininity or androgyny. Again, not to say he wouldn't date someone who was maybe more typically masculine, but it's bonus points, yanno? To answer this the same way I did for Noct, personality-wise, he needs someone that compliments his own energy, whether that's by matching it or balancing it out. He also finds confidence super attractive. Maybe because it's aspirational.
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what is your muse's ideal first date?
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For Noct, he'll want to get away from the crowds. Maybe drive you to a nice high vantage point in the Regalia, lay on the hood on a summer night, and gaze at the stars. Or maybe have a picnic on the beach on a weekday when it's not too crowded. The latter might just be an excuse to take his date fishing, but only if they're willing to indulge him and maybe learn a thing or two from him. He'd be just as willing to go and try out something that they enjoy. He just prefers quieter, more intimate settings — crowds tend to put him on edge.
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Prompto will go anywhere as long as he can be out and about. He's not a "go to dinner and sit down and talk" kinda guy. Sightseeing! Amusement parks! Anywhere he can sneak cheeky little pictures of his date and compliment how nice they look! Shit, rent out some chocobos and go off to the races! He's gotta go out and do things and try his darndest to make his date smile and laugh! Though, of course, he'd be more than willing to crash in the evening once the adrenaline starts to wear off, and curl up for a cheesy bad movie and laugh about it before taking the lucky person home.
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heartbinders · 2 months
He has learned it is better not to ask questions sometimes. Not to overthink, not to focus on the rights and wrongs of a situation that, in the moment, make him feel weightless. He's likely to scold himself to near oblivion when his senses have returned sometime later, but now, as he ghosts wanting lips 'long the curvature of Noctis' jaw, to his neck, and then to his shoulders, fingers already pulling at fabric to touch at skin beneath, tis evident that scolding shan't be coming anytime soon.
" My liege... " A whisper, as heavy, heated breath passes from 'twixt adventurous lips, " Let me worship you. Whilst courage does not evade me, as it has since our childhood... let me distract you from all that ails us both in the moments of rare quietude afforded to us. " Ministrations rise, till he has returned nearest Noctis' ear, tone low, " Let me worship you, your Majesty, and prove other ways in which I may serve you. "
Fluster my guys. || @tenebriism
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A lapse in judgement, perhaps. A moment of impulse while alone in the Leville. However they ended up like this is a blur in the moment. No doubt later Noctis will have to talk Ignis down from it, when he inevitably starts tearing himself up for allowing himself this indulgence. Noct doesn't see it as a moral failing.
In fact, right now, it feels like quite the opposite.
He grips greedily at the fabric of Ignis's shirt, the low and husky promises of what's to come absolute music to his ears. Any other time, he wouldn't care by what name others address him. Right now, paired with the warm breath against his collarbones, and the way Ignis's lips explore what flesh is currently unencumbered by clothing? The way in which those lofty titles are uttered drives him fucking insane.
His ego craves for more of those praises. His heart craves for more of Ignis.
Noctis draws in a trembling breath, hungrily pulling his closest confidante closer, as if hoping to merge together. He tugs Ignis close enough for his whispers to tickle at his ear. The words are dry and labored, curt by comparison to Ignis's but clear as day in their meaning.
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❝ Show me. ❞
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glaivenoct · 7 months
NyxNoct prompt! “Do you ever think about us?”
Across This Life & The Next Rating: T Words: 2,234 Tags: Mindless Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Late Night Convos, Existentialism
Summary: “Ignore what I said. About other universes and all that. I’m just restless.”
“You are the most honest when you’re restless usually.” Nyx says, running a thumb over the knuckle of Noct’s pointer finger. “I don’t think it’s all that crazy, though.”
“You don’t?” Noct tilts his head on Nyx’s shoulder to look up at him.
Between the ocean and the stars, Noctis and Nyx ponder the concept of lifetimes beyond their current one.
(Notes: This prompt has been collecting dust for actual YEARS, but better late than never right?)
“Do you ever think about us?”
Nyx pauses in his steps, tilting his head to one side and blinking curiously at Noctis’ back. The Prince sits near the edge of the lighthouse’s balcony, comfortably bundled by a large blanket around his shoulders, legs slipped through the metal bars so his slippered feet dangle casually through the brisk night breeze. He stares out at the gentle flutter of the Cygillian’s ocean waves as though he’s mesmerized by the constant push and pull, or perhaps the way the moonlight speckles across the surface like a treasure trove of diamonds. 
Nyx stands a mere few steps from Noctis’ side, eyes stuck on his back and the sway of the ends of his dark hair in the wind. It’s far beyond a suitable bedtime for either of them, but Nyx can’t seem to find the will to bother trying to urge Noctis back to bed with him. Not on a night like this where he can take in the captivating view with an equally captivating Prince. 
“About us?” Nyx repeats, pulling his hands from his hoodie pockets as he takes those last few steps. He sits down next to Noctis, crossing his legs under himself. “Not sure if I’m following you, Noct.”
Noctis purses his lips and makes a contemplative hum. His head tilts slightly back, eyes following the horizon, to the stars, and then the moon. 
“Like...” There’s a subtle pinch between his brows. “Do you think there’s other universes out there… and that we’re in them together?”
Nyx’s lips part as he processes Noctis’ questions in his head. There are few things or people that are occasionally capable of leaving Nyx speechless and lacking some form of sharp wit in a relatively quick manner. Of course, Noctis is one of those people and he’s just done it again. Nyx finds himself stuck between two different gut reactions: a soft but fond laugh or simply asking Noctis if he’s okay. 
He smiles fondly instead, bumping Noct’s shoulder with his. 
“What kind of comics have you been reading lately?”
(The rest on ao3) (Reblogs would be really, really appreciated <3)
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a-world-in-grey · 7 months
In Sola & Nox verse, how old was she when she had her whoops babies the first time? Was she already married to Libs or did they have to organise a super rushed wedding too?
@secret-engima more Whoops Baby fun times!
Sola was 21 when she and Lib had their whoops twins. By this point they’ve only been dating a year, though Sola’d been openly flirting with Lib for a year before that.
Sola and Libertus end up proposing to each other shortly after Sola discovers that she’s pregnant. Honestly, neither of them are in a hurry to get married, Galahdian culture doesn’t put emphasis on parents being married like Lucian culture does, and Sola’s never given a damn about Lucian nobility’s delicate sensibilities before, she’s sure as shit not gonna start now. Besides, it’s not like she’s the only one at court to have a kid out of wedlock - Plenus Egestas near had a stroke when his daughter wound up pregnant with no father in sight.
Besides, anyone talking shit about Sola’s children being bastards within earshot of any of the royal family will find themselves regretting that in short order, because Sola’s reaction will be the least of their worries compared to her male relatives.
But both Libertus and Sola are soldiers. They know the risks of their profession all too well. They marry (Galahdian-style at first, the Royal Wedding can come after Sola gives birth because she’s not going to rush the planning just to squeeze into a dress) mostly to give their children the extra legal protections afforded under Lucian law. And so no one in court can get it into their heads to try to deny Libertus parental rights simply because he wasn’t her husband. Is it paranoid? Perhaps, but Sola would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to Libertus and her kids, in the event she’s no longer around to protect them.
I haven’t decided when Sola winds up pregnant the first time exactly, but in the theme of surprise pregnancies at the worst possible time… she probably finds out while out on rotation on the front lines. At first she thinks it might be a stomach bug or hangover, she and the off duty glaives at the time did have a few drinks and she wasn’t the only one feeling it the next morning because Sola’s regeneration doesn’t actually fix dehydration, rip.
Only the stomach bug doesn’t go away. On the second day Sola goes to the medics because if it is a bug then they need to get her on antibiotics or antivirals asap.
Surprise, it’s not a bug!
Sola’s immediately yanked from the front and placed on desk duties, because if Sola miscarries Titus wants to be able to tell her family that it was not because of anything related to the glaives. He does not want that headache.
Titus also yanks Sola’s Retinue, because he’s not an idiot, there’s no way they’d be able to focus in the field. Libertus is yanked too, as the presumptive father and as Nyx’s only Braincell.
Titus also, politely, requests Sola tell her relatives sooner rather than later about her pregnancy. The King is aware that Sola was yanked from the front for medical reasons, and isn’t actually entitled to know anything beyond that unless Sola volunteers it, but Titus asks that Sola spare him the stress of dealing with her panicky father and uncles.
Nox, of course, is already aware, having been on the front lines with her when it was discovered, with that particular piece of gossip ripping through the gleeful glaives faster than a wildfire in Cavaugh in a drought.
Sola refuses to say anything until Cid arrives in the Citadel, claiming she only wants to explain once - a bald-faced lie, she just wants to get everyone at the same time.
Noctis lights up in excitement at the announcement he’s going to be an uncle. Ignis’ jaw drops in surprise before he recovers, and Gladio actually falls into a wall. (If Prompto has joined the Chocobros at this point, he’ll flail.)
Ardyn goes statue-still, which is probably the best reaction of shock Sola will ever get out of him, before he’s on his feet embracing Sola in a hug and spinning her around. Titus just looks relieved that he doesn’t have to keep dodging questions about Sola’s health anymore. Penny, meanwhile, is eyeing Sola like she’s already measuring her for new outfits.
Nothing can shock Clarus as much as meeting his own grandchildren and then his son in the span of fifteen minutes. Instead, he looks wryly amused, knowing he has no leg to stand on when it comes to having kids out of wedlock. Cor is oh-so-slightly wide-eyed as he processes the announcement, but Cor.exe has very much stopped working, please check back in about ten minutes.
Cid, of course, is laughing his ass off, wheezing something along the lines of ‘I hope you have kids just like you’-
Regis runs a hand down his face, exasperated and resigned and reluctantly wry. Of all the things for his daughter to surprise him with. He opens his mouth, starts to lecture her, only for Sola to raise an unimpressed brow at him, retorting that Regis has no room to lecture her when she was born only a couple months after he and Mama married.
And Six, she looks so much like her mother in that instant - Aulea never had much patience for his dramatics either - that Regis feels a swell of love and fondness. And Sola is clearly so happy about it, so Regis places his own reservations aside and congratulates her and Libertus instead.
Of course, then Sola finds out she’s having twins. And the temptation is too much for her to resist, so she and Libertus are the only ones that actually know she’s having twins.
(Nox and Axis suspect. Nox because he actually has memories of being pregnant from previous Queens, and Axis because he’s a father of triplets and has passing familiarity with the signs of a multiple pregnancy.)
(Ardyn also suspects something, but only because he can feel his niece’s gleeful anticipation. Being a fellow chaos gremlin, Ardyn refuses to spoil Sola’s fun.)
Meanwhile, the glaives in Insomnia get to experience the sheer terror of having a very pregnant Sola as their drill instructor, Abyssus and her Retinue all too willing to be her assistants in delivering her Training from Ifrit’s Pyre. >:)
Haven’t decided on names yet, alas.
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royalbratprince · 22 days
All his friends die trying to protect him
Nightmares prompts | accepting but slow
This can't be happening. It was a reasonable thought to have.
It was too calm. It was much, much too calm. Disconnected from the rest of him. Ignis had said something about that to him, hadn't he? About disconnecting fully from your own mind, or... or about not being able to feel anything in the moment of action, or..? What was it? He wished he could ask, but Ignis wasn't moving. He looked like he probably wouldn't move again.
Noctis turned his head to ask Prompto what was wrong with ignis, but he... Oh.
(Something inside him is screaming and pounding against an invisible surface.)
Prompto was really... not okay. Everything was at an odd angle and he wasn't moving, either.
Noctis checked his pockets first, then the Armiger. They had to have healing items, right? Ignis never let them go without restocking, but his magic was low. Really low. Maybe Gladio--
(Screaming! Screaming!)
Gladio's shield broke. Shattered. Everywhere. Some around him. Some in him, and--
Noctis sat. Right where he was. Noctis sat and felt nothing. Even as the daemons closed in.
Noctis woke up still and silent. He insisted on a fishing day, which technically Ignis insisted them didn't have time for, but...
The haunted look in Noct's eyes changed his mind.
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ha-ule-nalu · 2 months
katseiji marriage is all fun and games until you think about the fact they'd wear their normal every day clothing because they don't have anybody to tell them to dress nice :sob:
in my heart their marriage is like part 2 of one of their story quests…… and traveler helps them plan it and tells them how it works 😭😭😭 like vows and venue and clothes and stuff PLS
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fairebye · 8 months
📜 can I get one of these bitches
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator @insomniastar
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regaeliabyeeeee · 1 year
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solishearted · 2 years
Thank you so much to everyone whose followed so far. Down below is the official tag drop and then I'm gonna be re-blogging some meme content for the night.
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ardynzunia · 2 years
"I mean... I don't know if you really get it, right? Imagine you go your whole life thinking you're your own person just to one day find out you're a copy of some freak in a lab. That can't be a nice feeling..."
Ruby stared at him like he was watching a particularly stupid anima. You didn’t hate it but it could certainly use brain cells. Did Noctis think he didn’t understand slowly coming to understand he’d never fit in? Like somehow knowing terrible things could have been done to you was worse than having them done to you?
“I already said i did!” Ruby said, “teenagers don’t have ears.”
He huffed and started looking for a glaive. They tended to take him away whenever Noctis got ridiculous. Aside from simply being very cold to the boy.
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chiakiselfships · 2 years
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madeimpact · 1 year
✏️ for both noct & prom♡
What do you mean that isn't canon || @tridentfaith
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Noctis: Can we go to a haunted house? Lunafreya: What’s wrong with the one we live in? Noctis: Wh-what? Lunafreya: Goodnight, Noctis.
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Lunafreya: Prompto has discovered "deez nuts" jokes and it's all he says now. Everything is deez nuts. He simply can't stop. Lunafreya: I asked Prompto where he learned that joke. He made me promise he wouldn't get in trouble if he told me. I agreed. Lunafreya: So he leans in and whispers, "deez nuts."
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Prompto: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room. Noctis: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you. *Lunafreya walks in* Noctis: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
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heartbinders · 2 months
Finger guns at Noct. "Hey, heard you like to fish. Too bad I already caught the best lookin' one today."
Fluster my guys. || @qksilvcr
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For a moment, you could see the gears turning in Noct's mind: the initial impulse to interpret that literally, followed by the immediate realization that Prompto means something else entirely. Noct offers up a pity laugh, but a red hue to his complexion betrays his otherwise casual demeanor.
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❝ And here I thought I had the catch of the day, ❞ he quips back. His fishing rod goes back into the Armiger in a flash of blue, freeing up the prince's hand to clap Prompto on the shoulder. Is that...a comeback?
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sparklecryptid · 8 months
I’ve been rotating this idea over and over in my head but since I’m prone to genderbending fandoms I like or looking through the lens of their struggles in being transgender but -
How would the Royal Bastard or All the Bastards AU work if Regis was a woman?
One headcanon i personally have is that, in regards to Lucis Caelum women who love another women, the magic of the bloodline sort of adapted? So that a child could still potentially be conceived???
If they were to sleep with someone, and then that person slept with a man, part of the LC’s magic is sort of imprinted on them/their body - and if their fertile/ovulating/whatever, their magic is also imprinted on said egg.
Via wishy-washy Magic, regardless of the father, that baby is a Lucis Caelum and has two moms now, oops. The magic goes “Mine Now”. (My thought process is that, if Noctis can break down items to make poison elemental flasks, the magic literally mimicking the effect, then the magic can also mimic dna or something like that. Is six in the morning now and I didn’t sleep, so coherency is beyond me).
Alternatively, a more romantic (?) idea is of the couple’s body pressed tightly together - and through a sort of phenomenon like sharing one’s magic with another person, the Lucis Caelum imparts one of their eggs (I don’t know, warping? Ritual magic?? Unitentional Magic??? Maybe they have a breeding kink) into their partners body.
Just, bodies wrapped around each other and heads pressed together, and maybe - if they’re able to get married (or maybe barred from getting married) and wistfully talking of childbearing (if that’s something they want, looking into surrogates, what that might mean for the line of succession if they’re Crown whatever, etc, etc) - just pining for something that might be out of reach.
I don’t know maybe this is all science and weird, but the idea wouldn’t stop plaguing me so I dragged it here to drop at your inbox.
Sorry for writing so much, so I’ll end it here. If read this all the way through, have a cookie for reading this mess of sleep-deprived rambles.
(I am now the cookie anon. You get all of the cookies).
VERY INTERESTING if there is one thing I’m interested in its Gender Fuckery and Fuckery with Gender so I’m all here for Lady Regis
Also now I REALLY WANNA write a reveal thing with lady Regis who knew that there were some stories of queer couples in her bloodline being able to have children but didn’t think much of it until Ace shows up
Ace: uh
Regis: *error 113 queen not found*
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royalbratprince · 1 year
@macfukyorass asked: What if we could do anything different ,and why??
What If..? Scenarios prompt | accepting but slowwww
He considered the idea quietly for a while, looking out across the landscape as the sun rose. Light.
"There's a lot that could have gone better." Light voice, light tone, but the look in the king's eyes a million miles away. "A lot of mistake that could have been fixed or... not made at all, but..."
Noctis sighs quietly, thinking. "I should have asked Dad more questions. Insisted, maybe, I should have--" He swallowed, then trailed off for a moment. "The things that seemed too good to be true... I should have known to question them, maybe. Before finding out the hard way. Maybe that's just... a personal failing." His smile was a little tighter than they normally were.
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ha-ule-nalu · 4 months
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i was looking for katsumi aesthetic photos and- :sobbing: eiji carrying foxsumi around like this...
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