#❛ inbox: roxas.
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hey roxas have you heard of this great thing called therapy
❝ I don't need therapy. Axel just got us ice cream. ❞
#i'm not tagging this as crack#(roxas vc) why get therapy when sea salt ice cream is cheaper and easier#❛ ic: roxas.#❛ inbox: roxas.#❛ general: anon.
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❛ ic: roxas. ❛ musings: roxas. ❛ headcanon: roxas. ❛ aesthetic: roxas. ❛ meta: roxas. ❛ images: roxas. ❛ relations: roxas. ❛ open: roxas. ❛ closed: roxas. ❛ inbox: roxas. ❛ dash games: roxas. ❛ starter call: roxas. ❛ drabbles: roxas. ❛ music: roxas. ❛ verse: roxas ; days. ❛ verse: roxas ; kh2. ❛ verse: roxas ; kh3. ❛ verse: roxas ; kh4. ❛ verse: roxas ; smash. ❛ verse: roxas ; sunset city.
#❛ ic: roxas.#❛ musings: roxas.#❛ headcanon: roxas.#❛ aesthetic: roxas.#❛ meta: roxas.#❛ images: roxas.#❛ relations: roxas.#❛ open: roxas.#❛ closed: roxas.#❛ inbox: roxas.#❛ dash games: roxas.#❛ starter call: roxas.#❛ drabbles: roxas.#❛ music: roxas.#❛ verse: roxas ; days.#❛ verse: roxas ; kh2.#❛ verse: roxas ; kh3.#❛ verse: roxas ; kh4.#❛ verse: roxas ; smash.#❛ verse: roxas ; sunset city.
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Trick or treat!!
hello! you get…
meme I made while watching the 358/2 Days cutscenes!
#kingdom hearts#358/2 days#roxas#ask#inbox trick or treating#sorry for tagging roxas kingdom hearts but i have a system so i have to
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if youre using spotify for es stuff (i recently got kicked off bc of protonvpn) you can use tunnelbear. it has super limited data but you can just flick it on, login, and then flick it back off and itll be fine. just do that whenever you need to login :3
is it like free trial or free with limited countries bc i do not. have money
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my lovely dear darling beloved mutual <3 um. i love u 💗💗💗
#sorrey i never check my inbox 💀#hi lem beloved mutual one of the only ive managed to gather the courage to talk to ❤️Which I am very very glad for u r epic 👍#how are u ? i have been stuck in yugioh hell and I dont think ill get out for awhile#(may or may not be sending u psychic beams to watch it. ive gotta bring as many ppl down with me as possible)#man. i need kh4 news kh is so far at the back of my mind rn unforchunately….. still think abt roxas tho#asks :O#kat post
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Olette: Pence noticed only today that he can label his email inboxes, but he took apart his entire bloody laptop two weeks ago. Roxas: This reminds me of the Pence who couldn’t turn on the coffee maker, but remembers about 500 digits of pi. Olette: I’ll be delighted to inform you that this is the very same Pence.
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I hear you’re a kingdom hearts fan so I’m here to invade your inbox Richie Lipschitz has a literal kingdom hearts obsession his notebooks are filled to the brim with doodles of kh characters he definitely cried at the kh2 roxas battle when he first played it and didn’t go to school the next day after he got to the keyblade graveyard in kh3 because he was so emotionally moved by the sea salt trio reunion. I have a slight feeling his first game was days. (Also he spent ungodly amount of money on union cross. This man had amazing medals but it was NOT WORTH IT)
he sunk SO MUCH ALLOWANCE INTO THAT GAME, Pete and Ruth refer to it like he had a gambling addiction
he's also got the biggest crushes on Naminé and Xion, but also Aqua, because he's a basic bitch we all know it
the fucking moment Roxas returned in the Keyblade Graveyard was the moment he fucking ascended
he gets so annoyed when anyone confuses Ventus as Roxas, despite that being THE MOST REASONABLE MISTAKE PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE
he's also minorly annoyed when Ruth spams that one screenshot from 358/2 about the stick
his Oblivion and Oathkeeper hang crossed on the wall like legitimate swords used in battle
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❛ do whatever you want with me, i’m yours. ❜ - tadeu & maeve.
― ❛ inbox ❜ ↬ tadeu & maeve !
❝ do whatever you want with me, i’m yours. ❞
quando cruzam a soleira , já estão aos beijos - seus sapatos sendo deixados perto da porta com a gravata dele, e o resto das roupas foram desaparecendo com facilidade, e de forma apressada como se não pudessem esperar nem mais um minuto. ela tinha se comportado naquela noite, afinal, era uma ação beneficente do museu e como iria parecer para os dois se o curador desaparecesse na metade do evento ? sim, já tinham feito todo tipo de coisas no escritório dele ; ela lembra de uma história particularmente engraçada ajoelhada embaixo da mesa com ele na boca, enquanto o outro tentava conversar com um funcionário e a faz sorrir no trocar de cariciais - todo desejo, dentes, e línguas , cada vez menos tecido entre os dois.
acredita que pode apontar o momento que sentiu o rubor subir por sua pele, o sentimento no estômago tornar-se quente e distinto - foi quando ele elogiou o vestido preto e curto que ela usava. algo bobo, que em outra situação teria passado despercebido por mae, dispensado com um simples ' obrigada ' , tornou-se muito diferente quando ela sussurrou em seu ouvido, com uma expressão ingênua : "eu fico muito melhor sem ele." , e viu os olhos do noivo escurecerem. não ficaram muito depois disso , se despedindo somente dos que deviam se despedir , e dirigindo quase que perigosamente rápido até o apartamento. antes dela poder tirar o vestido, ele para suas mãos, quebrando o frenesi , e a olha com apetite desmedido . no próximo momento , a peça está sendo rasgada de seu corpo ao invés de simplesmente removida sem cuidado. os restos caem aos seus pés e ela reclama, diz que vai ficar sem roupa alguma se ele continuar fazendo isso , mas não tem nenhum veneno na sua voz, nenhuma critica que poderia achar forte o suficiente para o impedir de a despir com tanta fome, aumentando sua própria cobiça pelo homem. como sempre, ele diz que vai lhe dar um novo e deixam por isso mesmo - até porque a atenção do mais velho já mudou para o set de lingerie rendado e basicamente transparente que ela tinha por debaixo do vestido.
volta a beijá-lo antes que ele possa pensar em rasgar aquilo também, e em tempo recorde estourou todos os botões da camisa social na pressa de a tirar do corpo alheio , e abriu o cinto que ele usava. se moviam como se tivessem ensaiado, um tropeço aqui e ali que os fazia rir até que estivessem completamente despidos, e finalmente frente a cama na suíte. ela deixa uma marca na pele dele, onde poderia esconder e ele lhe poupa a mesma gentileza, era um acordo que as vezes ela tinha vontade de quebrar - deixar uma impressão roxa onde todos poderiam ver, morder até quebrar a pele para imprimir os dentes em um lugar que fariam todos terem certeza do que exatamente acontecia entre quatro paredes. pensava que , com certeza, até o sangue dele seria doce. mas guardou esses devaneios para si mesma em favor de entreter outros pensamentos. antes que ele pudesse a jogar na cama, e tomar controle - algo que ela jamais acharia ruim - , maeve se afastou levemente , fitando seus olhos, que por tanto tempo não viu e agora eram sua parte favorita dele - ou bem, segunda parte - , perguntando : "você confia em mim ?" em uma voz ofegante , com um sorriso travesso estampado no rosto.
não leva nem mesmo uma batida de coração até que ele diga : ' do whatever you want with me, i’m yours ' , e ela sorria ainda mais largo, antes de o beijar profundo , as luzes da cidade entrando pelas janelas pintando o momento com seus tons azuis e vermelhos. vermelho uma vez significou dor , hoje é apenas deleite e antecipação. "senta na cama." ela instruiu, e o viu hesitar para obedecer. não falta de confiança, apenas suspeita justificada sobre o que ela era capaz. se ele era tão bom em provocá-la e a deixar sem satisfação alguma por horas , ela podia apenas aceitar o peso do mesmo trabalho. mas não eram - exatamente - estes os planos. procurou nas gavetas da mesa de cabeceira pelo que queria , o corpo arrepiando com a brisa gelada do outono e o olhar caprichoso do noivo sobre ela. então finalmente achou - as algemas rosas.
ele levou um momento para levantar as mãos, e ela arqueou a sobrancelha como se estivesse o desafiando , o que com certeza o fez querer ganhar pois logo estava preso a cabeceira da cama , palmas acima da cabeça - apenas seu para apreciar, e ela talvez nunca tenha sentido tanto tesão quanto naquele momento. como um felino, se colocou de quatro, a corrente com a inicial dele no pescoço , única coisa que não havia tira, agora balançando enquanto ela subia sobre seu corpo lentamente, os olhos treinados nos dele. quando sentou nas suas coxas, ela encaixou nas mãos a face dele, e seu sorrir era ambos incrédulo e excitado. como podia ser que ela tinha seu homem perigoso , uma ameaça a qualquer um que entrasse no seu caminho, completamente rendido ? as vezes nem mesmo a semideusa compreendia as profundezas daquele amor. mas era grata mesmo assim.
"olha 'pra você." ela dizia deixando beijos pela extensão do rosto do mais velho, mordendo o lábio inferior dele e puxando . "você é a coisa mais perfeita que eu tenho." suspirou, e invés de tocá-lo, apesar de sentir que ele respondia a cada palavra dela, ela tocou a si mesma. começou com um dedo, palmeando o próprio peito com a destra livre, fazendo barulho para que ele ouvisse, e em resposta, ele tentou se soltar como se não fosse aquilo que tinham combinado - mas não fez promessa alguma, e adicionou outro dedo, movendo os dígitos devagar e pingando na pele dele, os olhos fechando apertado , enquanto a respiração tornava-se mais laboriosa e ouviu sobre os próprios barulhos, e o zumbido da cidade, o futuro esposo chamar seu nome ; o aviso em sua voz fez com que suspirasse, dizendo : "eu não consigo mais," engoliu em seco, tirando as mãos de si. "não consigo sem você." os olhos abriram, e ela o fitou por um momento prolongado , aquela expressão fatal que ela guardava para ocasiões especiais pintando seu semblante. os olhos seriam frios e calculados, se não houvesse tanto desejo neles. "abre." ela comandou antes de o ver limpar seus dedos, trazendo mais calor ao seu âmago e então puxou a mão. "o que você quer, meu amor ?" ela inquiriu quase chorosa, suas palmas indo para os bíceps e massageando a carne ali. "quer que eu te chupe ? hum ?" e então, enquanto roçava no nariz da clavícula até o pescoço dele ouviu seu nome mais uma vez, junto com o barulho do puxão nas algemas - outro aviso. "você não quer que eu seja uma boa garota 'pra você ?" sussurrou contra o ouvido do semideus, e riu atrevida do som que ele deixou escapar. "entendi, você quer uma garota maldava." sua voz era baixa, apenas um arfar contra ele, e era uma surpresa que ela ainda pudesse sequer falar quando ela o sentia, de forma que devia ser até dolorosa para o outro.
o guiando para dentro de si, ambos gemeram quando aos poucos, ele se enterrava até o fim , as mãos dela caíram espalmadas no peito dele, a boca aberta apesar da tensão no maxilar. "você é perfeito." maeve suspirou, se ajustando ao tamanho dele, antes de começar a se mover. ela simplesmente sabia que ele queria estar com as mãos nos quadris dela, manuseando seu corpo de forma certeira, se certificando que ela fosse terminar apenas com aquela fricção como só ele conseguia fazer. mas as mãos dele seguiam presas, e ela se movia, sentando de novo e de novo , perseguindo os prazer dos dois com uma urgência quase nova para eles. o anel no dedo da esquerda brilha em contraste com as matizes da luz entrando pelas vidraças, enquanto ela o abraçava de forma sutil , apenas passando os braços sobre os ombros do mais velho. ele tenta alcançar o vale dos seios para lamber o suor, acaba por tomar um em sua boca e a faz xingar ainda mais com o estimulo novo, ao mesmo tempo que lutava com as amarras. até que enfim - elas cedem.
culpe sua força aguçada de meio mortal e meio deus , ou a qualidade duvidosa do brinquedo , mas no mesmo instante que elas quebram, ele os vira na cama , jogando as costas da mais nova contra o colchão e mais rápido que da primeira vez, entrando nela com vingança, fazendo seus barulhos se tornarem mais altos . agora , ele a cobre com seu corpo maior, e a mulher o traz para um beijo sujo, enquanto os sons de pele batendo em pele ecoam pelo quarto, junto com suas respirações entrecortadas e a voz quebrada dela quando fala : "eu também sou sua." alguns empurrões, as pernas dela enroscadas como videiras ao redor da cintura dele, o trazendo de volta para si de novo & de novo - e eles estão terminando juntos. é por um momento tão prazeroso que ela esquece completamente do acordo, e segue os instintos ; ao invés de gritar seu nome, ela morte seu pescoço até sentir o gosto metálico envolver sua língua, tadeu imediatamente deixando sair um som que nem mesmo ela sabia ser dor ou êxtase. talvez os dois.
"quinze minutos e dai round dois ?" ela pergunta sem fôlego , com sangue nos dentes, ele ainda dentro dela. e antes que possa negar ou concordar, ela mais uma vez encaixa o rosto dele nas palmas, e o fita com carinho e sinceridade, o vermelho nos lábios apenas um atestamento a o que disse em seguida: "eu te amo, " e então sussurra enquanto move uma mecha do cabelo dele. "amo ainda mais quando você goza dentro de mim, e me marca , só eu posso ver esse lado." e então ela beija a mordida, se inclinando levemente. "desculpa, doeu ?" e parece genuinamente preocupada, somente um pouco orgulhosa do próprio trabalho.
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HELLO it is the idia anon from like almost two months ago i think. idk if u remember bt i only just saw your response post bc i lowk forget i have tumblr sometimes (adhd so its out of sight out of mind). tbh i completely forgot about my own ask and i was scrolling thru the idiavil tag yet again when i saw your post and i was like "wow, me too anon." and then i realized it was me. IM TYPING THIS IN AN IDIA SHROUD JACKET BTW THE FIXATION HAS CONSUMEDME. i think abt twst so much. I HOPE U DO NOT MIND ME RAMBLING I WAS GOING TO GET TO AN ACTUALLY IMPORTANT THING.
I LOVED READING YORU HEADCANONS THEY GIVE ME LIFE. i have a tonn of idiavil hcs and au ideas but ive not rlly written any of them (band au that im mega obsessed with is collecting dust in my notes app. i just can't form coherent thoughts). i could soend hours talkign abt idiavil I LUOVE THEM.
ur mention of xenoblade chronicles and kingdom hearts rlly makes me want to play both of them... i know a bit about kh and i want to play it but i know nothing abt xenoblade chronicles... ANYWAYS THANK U FOR THE LOST. I THINK I MIGHTHAVE UNDIAGNOSED AUTISM o(≧▽≦)o
oh i do remember you!! i wish i could forget i had tumblr sometimes LOL, instead i'm way too active on here and keep making myself so busy with different creative projects on my blogs that i'll never have time to post everything i'd like to post. i love when people ramble in my inbox though so no worries!!
omg if you ever post any headcanons or fic about that band AU i would love to see 👀 i have so many ideas that i never do anything with because i'm not much of a writer but i too could talk about idiavil and my other twst ships for hours so i totally get that lol. here's another bonus idiavil HC for you: idia feels really embarrassed about saying affectionate things face to face so he sends vil cute texts disguised as game notifications. things like "congratulations! you've reached max affection with idia! ❤". he also sends vil love letters with roses attached... in animal crossing. and then he secretly hopes vil never finds the time to open up his game and read them because he thinks he might die of embarrassment, but unfortunately for him, vil does read them and he sends a letter back every single time.
and okay so. iirc i made a kingdom hearts reference in that post but just mentioned xenoblade in the tags because it's so much less popular/recognizable. but i was originally going to make a reference to xenoblade chronicles 1. i love the whole series and if you like lengthy JRPGs with unique combat and wild stories then you'd probably love it too! but i feel like idia would love XC1 in particular because a major theme of that game's story is that it's about fighting for the freedom to choose your own future. it's about spending your life feeling like you're powerless to change anything, and then allowing yourself to see that that isn't true--that if you keep looking forward and choose not to give up, you can create a world where you can shape your own destiny. you can go the distance. i think it's a story that would really resonate with idia. now, do i think he would see these themes as being applicable to his own life in a realistic way? absolutely not lol, at least not before the events of book 6, but he'd love the fantasy of it. he'd also relate to shulk--the main protagonist of the game--partly for spoilery reasons and partly because shulk is a fucking nerd who resents having to go outside and would rather spend all day in his research lab working with machines. and now i've rambled on about a game you haven't played lol, but if it isn't obvious by now i highly recommend it! and kingdom hearts is my favorite game series of all time so i highly recommend it as well. fun fact: idia's voice actor, kouki uchiyama, also voices roxas in the japanese version of KH!
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I don’t know how this is going to turn out but while I’m finishing up old stuff, fill free to ask in my inbox fandom questions that could invoke a hot take or “controversial” opinion.
And by “Controversial” I mean opinions like Al Haitham fucking sucks, Roxas is kinda overrated, or Yang isn’t that good of character. (these are just examples.)
I will ignore questions that are actually unhinged and not okay.
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wearing a big badge that says ask us about our comparing characters to each other and the parallels we've been thinking really hard about like specifically. Loop compared to Narrachara, Loop compared to roxas kingdom hearts, and kris compared to roxas kingdom hearts
but honestly if you want our thoughts on how two characters from different medias we know would compare to each other/how they'd feel about each other/would they make each other better with advice or drag each other down, just drop a pair of names in our inbox
rn we're really into undertale/undertale yellow/deltarune, kingdom hearts, in stars and time, and risk of rain but if you know we like a thing it's fair game
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"You know... I know a really good therapist, I'm sure he'd be willing to help you out with your stuff as well!" Eliza is already smiling, though it looks almost menacing. She's going to drag him to therapy even if it kills her. (feralocsnkids)
Re: this || @feralocsnkids
❝ Could — could you not smile like that when you say stuff like that? It's freaking me out — ❞
#feralocsnkids#KJSDHFLJKG#eliza: here let me help you! (THREAT)#❛ ic: roxas.#❛ inbox: roxas.#❛ verse: roxas ; sunset city.
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Organization XIII from Kingdom Hearts 2/Chain of Memories/"358/2 Days":
Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion (Hug/Befriend), Saïx, Axel, Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, Roxas (Hug/Befriend), Xion (Hug/Befriend)
Sending this all as one instead of individually as to not spam your inbox (feel free to screenshot this to reuse it)
Also as a bonus the Organization XIII Moogle from 358/2 Days
It’s okay to spam the inbox with different characters. Within reason.
I’d rather you send separate asks then one big ask, it is easier with separate ones. Please.
(and include the media with every ask)
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A Perfect Outing (Xion x Reader)
Request: So i took super long with the request and my inbox ate it... But it was basically asking for Xion with a GN reader and they live with the rest of the sea salt trio (Plus Isa).
Word count:1.8k
Pairing: Xion x GN reader(Romantic), Isa Lea and Roxas x reader (Platonic)
CW:a little talk about trauma
Notes:Wow, i am terrible at schedules. also unless asked otherwise the reader will always be GN AFAB because I myself am GN AFAB.
The alarm clock clattered unceremoniously to the floor. You groaned, pulling the blankets over your head to take a moment to mentally prepare yourself to get out of bed. It was a daily tradition. Well minus knocking the poor alarm clock to the floor. You really hoped it wasn’t broken. That would suck. Okay, okay enough stalling. If you take too much longer someone will come in to check on you and you have a 50/50 chance they’d be gentle when waking you up. You didn’t feel like having ice cubes shoved down your shirt again. Or yanked out of bed. You dramatically flung your blanket towards the foot of your bed and used the momentum to sit yourself up. You swung your feet over the side of the bed. You stood up and quickly got dressed and headed to go get breakfast.
At the table sat your girlfriend Xion, Lea, and Isa. You and Xion had confessed your feelings for each other last year. At least you weren't the last one awake. Breakfast today seemed to be omelets, hash browns, and gravy. It looked delicious. There was already a plate waiting for you on the table. So you settled into your spot and began to tear into the meal.
“Thank you, Isa, this is delicious!” You smiled at the grumpy adult.
“Hey!” Lea huffed. “How do you know Isa made them? What if I made them?”
“Then the house would be burnt down, wouldn’t it?” Roxas responded, walking over to his spot at the table next to you. His hair was still messed up from his sleep the night before, He still looked tired. And it didn’t surprise you. You had the middle room. Often nights you could hear Roxas up until the odd hours of the night. Or, on the odd occasion he fell asleep before you, you could sometimes hear him sleep talking through the wall. You couldn’t make out what he was saying, but you could guess what his nightmares were about.
Xion would play music when she couldn’t sleep. That’s how you knew she had a bad night. You guess that she thought if she hid the sounds of her breakdowns, then you wouldn’t know. But it was clear when she would emerge from her room, eyes puffy and face streaked with tears that she’d aggressively wiped away.
Isa would isolate on his bad days. There would be days you wouldn’t see him at all. The only one whom Isa would allow to see him was Lea. Lea told us it was because Isa felt guilty for how he treated us back then. Especially Xion. Finally, there was Lea, Lea tried to hide his bad days from us. He would act overly cheerful. Like he was scared to show us he was affected by the organization too. you mean you got it. We all tried to keep our scars hidden from each other. We all had issues from the organization.
You had bad days too. You’d stay in bed on those days. Bundled in blankets, away from the world.
You didn’t call attention to Roxas’s state. No one else did either. “So, I was thinking for our day out, we could go out in town later? Hit the bistro for lunch and maybe hit the movies? Me and Xion could go shopping while you guys do something else?” You recommended, It was a nice day, and that sounded like a fun way to decompress. And it seemed that everyone felt the same way. A chorus of agreements sounded out from around the table.
Roxas grinned. “Don’t think I don't realize you’re stalling our struggle tournament training.” He teased, tossing a light punch on your shoulder.
“Prove it.” You said, sticking your tongue out at him before turning your attention back towards eating your breakfast. Soon you were finished eating and you paused to look at the chore chart. Made by Isa, to make it ‘fair’. It was made all the way back when you had all moved in together. This week was your turn to do the dishes. So you gathered them all and washed them. Finally, you could go out to town and start your day.
Xion walked beside you, matching your steps while you chatted about anything and everything that came to mind. Your hand found its way into hers.
“So, wanna go shopping first? I think Roxas Is gonna hang out with Hayner and his friends. He’s pretty stocked up.” You asked, resting your head against her shoulder. “I could personally use some more tents. Never enough potions.”
Xion took a small moment to think the suggestion over. “Alright. We could also buy some snacks to take to the movies.”
“Shit. You’re a genius” You whispered, grinning widely. “Come on!” you tugged her along
Xion let out a squeak and laughed as you dragged her along to the first few shops. You two stopped in a few different shops. Some sold clothes with you and Xion showing off outfits, (Honestly, you felt Xion could pull off anything she wore. Damn you were down hard). Some sold candy and sweets, which you and Xion excitedly loaded up on for the movies, and for late-night snacking sessions. Others just sold the odd accessories that you and Xion showed off to each other, giggling about the price or absurdity of some of them.
You swung your and Xion's arms happily, humming and skipping. “Alright, ready to head on over to the movies? They should be starting the next one soon.” You asked Xion, resting your head on her shoulder.
“Yeah, sure. I’m sure that’d be a welcome break for our wallets.” She joked, pulling you slightly closer.
“You weren’t complaining when we were buying.” You shot back, moving up to kiss her cheek. You began to lead the way towards the movies. “You think the boys will be there yet?”
“Absolutely no clue. Though I'm guessing by now Isa will be craving an excuse to go somewhere he has an excuse to be quiet. So it’s incredibly possible”
The two of you continued on as a comfortable silence settled over you. Xion had begun to sway your hands back and forth. The sun warmed your backs. It was very peaceful. This was the best kind of day. Everyone was in a good mood and even the weather seemed to cooperate. The little corner the movie screen was hidden in was starting to come into view and you could easily make out the blue and red of your friends' hair. There was no getting lost in a crowd when their hair stood out like beacons amongst the mostly natural tones of twilight town. You and Xion let go of the other's hands and quickly jogged to catch up to the boys, waving to them.
Lea whipped around and grinned. “There they are. Hey Isa, found the two lovebirds!” He announced with a smirk, gesturing towards us.
The title definitely made you blush, and when you glanced at Xion you saw her cheeks sporting a similar red. “What movie are they playing?” You questioned.
“Looks like they’re gearing up for another Adventures of Mickey movie. I overheard them saying it should start in about 3 minutes. Didn’t think you were going to make it.” Roxas answered, head poking out from around the corner. “Come on guys. I already chose our spots.”
So with Roxas’s urging the four of you headed into the movie area. You crammed on a bench together, it was a tight fit but no one complained. The movie wasn’t one you had seen before, so it held the whole group's attention. And if you saw Xion tapping her toes in excitement or Roxas leaning forward in his seat, you’d never tell. Even Isa seemed interested in the movie, in his own ‘I show no emotions’ way. The movie wasn’t the best one you had seen, and it felt rather predictable, but man it was hard not to match the energy in the room.
When the movie finished the theater was filled with the sound of the projector shutting down and groups of people eagerly chatting about what they just watched and plans for after the movie. Your friend group was no different.
“So what was next?”
“Dinner at the bistro” Isa answered, standing up and stretching. A loud pop sounded from his back.
“Old man-” You quickly had to duck to dodge his swipe at you. You stuck your tongue out at him as the group started forward, spilling out of the tiny entrance. You headed towards the Bistro, listening in on the others' conversations. They were all basically talking about the upcoming struggle season. Who they thought would win, new strategies they’d like to try, and trash-talking each other in general. Though you had to try not to laugh at some of the trash talk Roxas was throwing at Isa. As if Roxas didn’t just barely reach Isa’s shoulders.
Nothing really noteworthy happened during dinner. You showed up, waited around for a minute then you were seated. You each ate in relative silence before heading home.
As you plopped on the couch and prepared to get settled in playing a game Roxas came up to you holding a struggle bat. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what he was about to ask you. You stood up and stretched. Sure why not.
Roxas led you to the backyard, trying to be a show-off and toss his bat between his hands. You grinned and shook your head at him. You picked up your struggle bat.
It didn’t take long for you to get into it. You two knew each other incredibly well from your time in the organization. You'd swing at his legs and he’d already be in the air by the time you got near him. He’d aim for your chest and you’d have leapt back by then. You just knew each other's fighting style a little too well. It was a game of endurance at that point.
It took a solid hour and a half of no progress being made in either direction before you slipped up. All it took was an uneven patch of land and you were on your ass with Roxas’s bat smacking you in the shoulder. You yelped in surprise. “Alright, alright I’ll get you back next time.”
“Yeah, well next time better be later, cus it’s getting late” Roxas walked past, ruffling your hair as you rolled your eyes.
“You’re just saying that because you know you only won cus I fell!” You huffed, getting up to follow him inside. Xion was seated on the couch, playing Mario Kart. You plopped next to her.
“Can I play with?” You asked. Xion nodded and got you ready for the next round. You both played, winning some and losing some up until about midnight. Eventually, after a yawn that shook your whole being, you and Xion decided to go to bed. And you fell asleep easily, knowing they’d be waiting for you tomorrow.
#i suck at endings#and schedules#kh xion#kh lea#kh axel#kh isa#kh x reader#kh roxas#kh xion x reader#xion x reader#xion kh#family living fic
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February 6th, 2023
roxas don't drink that ok
[ ID: Two panels. The top has Xigbar pouring milk into a cereal bowl, and the milk carton is tilted sideways but reads "Milk that never was from cows that never were". Xigbar is frowning and saying "It's really frustrating you have to wait like 2 weeks after you buy milk to drink it. I know you have to wait for the date on the bottle...But why can't they sell milk that's ready?"
The second panel is the same thing but with radiation blur from the center out, with a screenshot of a tumblr inbox icon with 11 new messages, and a tumblr direct message icon with 5 new messages. Xigbar is now sticking out his tongue. ]
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So! Who would be interested in having a Kingdom Hearts fix-it fic delivered to their inbox?
It was originally a long-running fic that I started writing prior to KH3D's release. Given how KH3 released years after I finished writing the fanfic, it's now a KH au that's honestly more of just a fix-it fic because, well, I know a lot of us were disappointed.
But also, even if you weren't disappointed, but AUs are still your thing... well, ATPverse is the thing for you.
ATPverse stems from "All the Pieces Lie Where They Fell" which, interestingly, fell in line with the naming of "Falling to Pieces," (FTPverse) written by @rarmaster, who is definitely sending out their KH au to people's inboxes starting next month.
Anyway, I'm currently in the process of porting everything from fanfiction . net to Ao3 largely for archival purposes, but I do miss the community that was there back in the day and it'd be nice to share my work with people who were interested in reading it!
More info about the individual fics under the cut!
All the Pieces Lie Where They Fell is about Sora and Riku going to take their Mark of Mastery exam, but Kairi tags along. Once the exam is over, it's clear everyone (Kairi included!) must join in the fight to stop Xehanort. Also, there are people to remember - and they can help in the fight.
Betwixt and Between follows Sora, Kairi, Riku, Namine, Roxas, Xion, and Axel finding their ways in the wake of Xehanort's apparent death. There are some old friends who want to see them, but also some old enemies. Also, the worlds shouldn't leak darkness and someone should do something about that.
In Remnants, our heroes must find the scraps of Xehanort's soul and destroy them, so he can never return again. With each soul remnat they encounter, they must resist being dragged into darkness and becoming a puppet. If they do not destroy the soul remnants in time, he will come back in full. Unfortunately, some of those soul remnants have attached themselves to familiar faces.
Those are the main three fics, but there's also some bonus content, including a full-length prequel featuring many Final Fantasy characters from the KH universe (and some not). I adore that one fondly as well and content from it would be included in serialized delivery. (Current plan would be to deliver What's All Gone on Before between Betwixt and Between and Remnants, as that was original posting order.
So, if you're interested, reach out to me! I can't do a poll like I did on twitter. A reply, a reblog, a DM, whatever!
**Also, full disclaimer, I wrote this starting in like 2011 and finished in 2015. There will be some editing, but generally it will be in it's original form.
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