#aulea lucis caelum rp
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ruinedbycatastrophe ¡ 1 year ago
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with a melody that climbs & then falls, then falls, then falls. Without You.
multimuse blogs that feature muses regis lucis caelum & aulea lucis caelum. loved by katie & ann.
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royalarms ¡ 10 months ago
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i've been meaning to write up this headcanon for some time now ! i really wanted to dig into noctis's relationships , how i view each one individually , and how he views the people closest to him in his life . for the sake of general interaction outside of ship partners or biases , there will be no mention of romantic attraction here ( perhaps with the exception of lunafreya because they have an arranged marriage in canon , but i'll keep it limited ) .
starting off , i want to say that noctis is a very dynamic character and how he interacts with people strongly depends on how they interact with him ( which i think is true for most people , haha ) . however , i think noctis is very feeling and often acts in accordance with his emotions , or lack thereof , depending on the circumstance . all this to say , some things listed may seem contradictory , but let's remember that noctis is Just A Guy , feelings are fluid , and everything is dependent on everything else . i'm going to organize this in a list - like manner to keep things more simple . i'm also not going to include EVERY single character ( even tho i strongly wish to .. i might do a part 2 with some of the more side characters down the line ) .
note : some interactions may shift depending on a rp partners portrayal / canon divergencies / general opinions . this material is crafting from my own headcanons and opinions , but i am willing to plot in different directions .
tw : parental death !!! long post incoming !
REGIS LUCIS CAELUM : noctis has always admired his father , looking up to him for as long as he can remember . he remembers yearning for his attention , but ultimately feeling as though he came second to his father's kingly duties . despite it , he always loved him . regis would read or tell noctis bed time stories ( along with aulea , until her passing when he was eight years old ) until he was thirteen years old , when noctis waved him off in an effort to "grow up" , but secretly missed the time they'd spent together before bed each night . this is also when his insomnia first started to become apparent . i think regis desperately tried to make time for noctis , and is the one who taught noctis to fish in the pond behind the citadel . taught him to drive in the car manufactured specifically for him , taught him that truly living is the most important prospect in life , to take care of business , but also to take care of himself ( some lessons of which he certainly casted aside ) . still , regis let him get away with things and do things he normally would not due to his knowledge of his son's inevitable demise . he desperately wanted noctis to be able to live his life in a way that was meaningful and full of joy . noctis's dealings with expectation , societal pressure , and depression had other plans . noctis loved him , before and after his passing , and always will . despite this , there is always a shallow bit of resentment he holds for his father : that they did not spend enough time together , that he did not learn the lessons he needed to survive as king , that he felt scared and alone so often in the citadel with a father nowhere to be found . his childhood beneath regis was not perfect , and he often felt discarded despite regis's best efforts . perhaps it comes with the territory , noctis understands after accepting his duty as king , but it does not negate his feelings on the matter . he is also angry in general , that his father was taken from him before he could learn all that it is he wished to learn ( though , truthfully , he thinks to himself that there's nothing that could have prepared him for the way of the world and bahamut's plans ) . i also believe that during noctis's teenage years , he began to reject his father for his priorities and viewed regis letting noctis get away with certain things as a lack of care , as he is not aware that regis is aware of the prophecy . he interprets it as an unwillingness to be his parent and puts a wall between the two of them , and becomes cruelly independent from him , relying more so on his friends than his father . it's part of the reason he also rejects his duty as prince/king , because he does not 'want to end up as his father . ' of course , this whole viewpoint shifts as he grows and matures more into himself , but there was a time when they hardly spoke . regis , letting noctis grow into adulthood and allowing him the space he craved , and noctis , craving his affection and attention , but distancing himself further from him despite it . they had their ups and downs for sure . (maybe i should have made the regis section its own post ummm)
AULEA LUCIS CAELUM : my headcanon for aulea is canon divergent , as in canon , she dies when noctis is an infant , and they were never able to spend much time together . in my portrayal , aulea lives until noctis is eight years old , and dies in the same daemon attack that injured his back and sent him into a comatose state . i think she was a very dedicated woman , to her role as queen , to her work , and to her family . noctis relied on her often for emotional support , and she did her damn best to be there for him when regis could not , though , noctis still spent a decent amount of time being cared for by the maids and hired caretakers he did not know very well , and did not like . despite that , they cherished each other greatly , and aulea taught him many things herself . many of the things he learned from her were things like empathy , understanding , nurturing ( even as bad as he is at it currently . i think he was really good at putting those things into practice before the daemon incident and her demise ) . she is the reason he has such a soft heart beneath his wishy washy exterior . she is the reason he loves so strongly and wholeheartedly . he also always admired the relationship between herself and regis , even if he , at times , felt excluded from them . he decided he wanted to experience a relationship like theirs , were the time to ever come .
LUNAFREYA NOX FLEURET : lunafreya starts off as a good friend to noctis during his healing stay in tenebrae . after he awakens from his coma , she meets him and they become close . sharing stories , books , secrets , and adventures through his healing journey . i think having luna there beside him was the only thing that made his rehabilitation manageable . he was often miserable and hurting , but he looked forward to her visits every day , and thought of her every night . she gave him a familiar comfort , an understanding , and an ear that listened to him after his mom's passing . that event reshaped the entire way that noctis approached life and himself , and she was the first person to get to know him after the fact , with no pre-conceived notions or expectations of who he is or how he should act . he felt at home with her , until niflheim had ripped them asunder . as he has been aware , tenebrae does not have technology in the way that lucis or , more specifically , insomnia , does . they could not communicate but through letters , but his way with words eludes him most often . this lead to their maintaining contact through their shared notebook , noctis's sticker collecting habit ( as he learned luna enjoys stickers ) , and his short sentences scribbled beneath a cute sticker he thought she might enjoy . big life events were written about vaguely ( with the knowledge that the book could be found and read by the empire ) , but for the most part , he kept things between them simple . he has always valued her presence in his life . into adulthood , i think they both continuously grew in different directions , despite always cherishing the other and maintaining what little contact they were able . when the treaty is announced and noctis hears of his arranged marriage to lunafreya , i know it throws him for a loop . he has always cared for her , but to not speak to someone for a decade and then be thrown into a world in which you must marry is daunting . he's thankful it's to her and not a stranger or someone else , but i think he really gets confused about his romantic feelings for her , and as they develop , has a hard time deciphering if they exist because he is forcing them to , or if he has genuine feelings for her . i think it all hits the moment he sees her giving her speech in altissia , and i think he can truly imagine a life with her , but the expectations and pressures of it all are so overwhelmingly unmanageable . he has had to re-evaluate the love he has for her time and time again , and while eventually he does realize the extent of his romantic feelings for her , it did not come without chaos and confusion .
GLADIOLUS AMICITIA : so , gladio and noctis have not always has the best relationship , as depicted in the animated mini series : ffxv brotherhood . gladio taught noctis to fight , and had training sessions with him several days a week , though it was not anything he'd considered more than his duty as future shield . this was a job and nothing more . gladio did not like noctis , his childlike attitude , or his willingness to give up . noctis knew gladio did not like him and often dreaded their training sessions , knowing he'd be bested no matter how hard he tried , in turn , viewing the training as a waste of his time . after the iris incident ( when noctis lied to protect her , taking the brunt of the blame for something she did ) and gladio found out , their dynamic shifted . gladio started to develop a respect for him he did not have prior and noctis felt it too . because of this , noctis started taking gladio and their training more seriously and the two were able to bond through physical battle and practice . they started sharing more conversations , but i think gladio has always had a way with giving noctis advice and "lectures" that noctis often considered a bit condescending ( albeit , at times , welcome ) . their relationship at this point goes so deep and i think they understand each other in that way that needs no words . they know each others movements , the fluctuations in their voices , and their body language . they're both similarly stubborn and manage to butt heads a lot , but carry immense respect for the other , and they both have a special place in their heart for each other . they have a closeness and a trust where they aren't afraid to lash out at each other . they know the other can and will take it , and that they'll remain at each other's sides despite it .
IGNIS SCIENTIA : ignis and noctis share a bond that goes beyond ordinary friendship , and they trust each other with their lives . ignis was deemed noctis's advisor at age six , making noctis three years old at the time . their fate and friendship was decided for them , and ignis has been dedicated to him for as long as they've known each other . noctis has known ignis for as long as he can remember , and he values him with great intensity . i think ignis's devotion to noctis goes beyond noctis's understanding , despite him being aware that it exists . at times , it troubles him , knowing how much ignis would do for him , knowing that the way ignis loves is through his actions , through his sacrifices , and noctis has never doubted his devotion to his job . i'm sure he's been through some phases where he convinces himself that the reason ignis takes his wellbeing so seriously is because it's part of his job , and not solely because he cares about noctis as a friend . though , when he's of a more rational mind , he does not doubt their friendship through such lenses . he knows and trusts ignis wholeheartedly . as a teenager , he often argued against ignis , as the advisor just wanted what was best for noctis , but noctis wanted to do things his way regardless of their benefit or consequence . as they grow older , noctis appreciates him more earnestly and through his twenties , while he can still have a gripe or two here and there , he cherishes his dear friend . it's into his thirties , though , (or after the time skip , depending on the verse) that he really really values all of ignis's hardship , care , and self - sacrifice . he begins to understand ignis's love and devotion , he accepts it , and wishes to stand beside him . to take care of himself , so that ignis does not have to , but he will never forget all of the things he has done for him . in a verse where they both live through the ending , i think noctis's display of appreciation for ignis and his general interactions with him change drastically ( mostly for the better , depending on your view ) .
PROMPTO ARGENTUM : prompto means so much to noctis because he is his friend because he wants to be . he has no obligation tying him to noctis or his princehood , he simply ... decided he wanted to be his friend . and noctis appreciated that more than anything in the world . prompto and noctis are the same age and went through schooling together and have a lot of cherished memories , and noctis values his fun - loving and dramatic attitude , but also values their more serious moments of vulnerability and care . prompto is someone he can just simply be himself around . he does not have to worry about prying eyes , different opinions , complicated expectations . prompto just feels like home to him , and he brings noctis genuine joy when they spend time together . he feels value at his side , not as royalty , not as noctis lucis caelum , but as noct . he trusts him with his vulnerable side , though he may not show it much . he can escape the pressure of the world with him , laugh , and goof off . his mere friendship is a relief for him , and he loves to spend time at his side . i think they had a lot of small moments together when they'd hang out in their secondary school days , and his presence brought so much joy and addition to noctis's life that he wanted him to join on the roadtrip , and through that , they bonded so much more . he knows prompto from primary school , but assumed he was uninterested in befriending him . after all , it wasn't as if he didn't attract unwanted attention . and prompto didn't seem the type to want a lot of that sort of attention , so he left it alone . he hadn't a clue that prompto took it upon himself to 'prove himself' and would have loved to his friend despite his looks or personality . a person who wanted to be friends with noctis for noctis , he'd appreciate no matter what . being around prompto truly brings him back to himself when all of life seems to be pulling him in separate directions .
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praeteritus-memories-muses ¡ 1 year ago
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Name: Noctis Lucis Caelum
Series: Final Fantasy XV
Continuity: Dawn Of The Future
Age: 20-30 (RP dependent)
Height: 5'9"
Birthday: August 30th
Birthplace: Insomnia
Orientation: Bisexual
Species: Human
Occupation: Prince to the kingdom of Insomnia
Father: King Regis Lucis Caelum
Mother: Queen Aulea (deceased)
Noctis is a prince and the son of the current king of the kingdom of Lucis, the only child to king Regis. His mother died shortly after he was born due to sudden complications that arose from his birth, the kingdom grieved but King Regis pulled through the loss of his wife to make sure Noctis still felt love and happiness.
At age two he was introduced to Ignis Scientia, who was four at the time, the two quickly bonded as children and Ignis would later become his royal adviser and personal servant which was a tradition both their families had for centuries.
At age five, King Regis had found through the kings of the past that Noctis was the chosen king to save the world and vanquish all the darkness still plaguing the Lucis line for thousands of years - by sacrificing his life. Though the king was devastated that his child would die by sacrificing himself, he made sure Noctis had nothing but the best for his life and lived a life that would make sure that he lived the life of any normal loved child - or at least he tried as much as he could given he was the king.
Noctis’ childhood was spoiled a little but he mostly was rather lonely. Other than Ignis, he didn’t really have a lot of people to play with or talk to that was his age. He went to a normal public school instead of the private schools all the other noble children of Insomnia learned in so he was often strayed a bit for many children felt too nervous talking to a prince.
Yet at the age of eight, Noctis and the other servants were brutally attacked by a daemon unleashed upon them by an enemy country called Niflheim that was at war with Insomnia. The attack was so bad that Noctis had gone into a coma for months.
In his dream, he was protected by a messenger of the Gods named Carbuncle that protected him from unknown dark forces trying to prevent him from waking up. Though Noctis mostly forgot Carbuncle’s role to him, he remembers the little fox creature fondly and is the one happy moment he remembers follow the attack.
When he woke up, he recovered in the area of Tenebrae where he met Lunafreya Vox Fleuret. The two bonded immediately and although the trip was short, he and Luna decided to send secret messages to each other for years using their dogs.
It’s after leaving that Noctis was explained about the crystal of Lucis and that he was it’s chosen king, though he was never told that he would have to die protecting the world, he had learned that his father was dying from the powers of the crystal taking it’s toll. He didn’t realize it meant the same for himself too, but Noctis’ heart ached knowing his father was slowly dying a very painful life-draining death.
Immediately after, Niflheim came in for another attack on the area of Tenebrae for a full invasion where Luna was left behind. His father tried to take her with him for protection, but she chose to stay behind in favor of protecting her brother - Ravus.
When he had just started high school, still going to a regular public school, Noctis had met Prompto Argentium. He had met Prompto four years prior very briefly but every time he tried to talk to him after that, he kept avoiding him. Prompto looked completely different since when he last saw him, it looked like he had gone through rather life-altering changes. Even if he was a little concerned if Prompto did all that for him, he accepted the blonde boy into his life and the two became very close friends.
In-between meeting Prompto, he would bond with Gladiolus as well. Gladiolus is his bodyguard, who was only three years older than him but was much stronger and tougher looking than him. At first, Gladious and Noctis couldn’t stand each other as Gladiolus thought Noctis was far too spoiled and reckless while Noctis thought he was too angry. The gap between them closed when Noctis rescued Gladiolus’ sister, Iris, when they were kids. The experienced open Gladiolus’ eyes that Noctis had a good heart and the two were practically like brothers ever since.
At age fifteen, he moved out of the castle and into his own place with Ignis so he could have some independence. Even with the deep personal trouble of the expectations of him as the future king and his father was dying, he did exceptionally well in school and graduated at the top of his class. He continued to live an extremely normal life which included playing in arcades and eating at ramen shops.
Now at age twenty, he is told he may have to marry Lunafreya as a way of uniting Niflheim and Insomnia so the two nations can finally end this war that had been going on for over twenty years. He’s not sure yet how to feel about the idea of marrying someone he barely knows, but he hopes he can rise to the challenge.
Noctis is rather sweet, he’s got a kind heart and will often take the blame if someone gets into trouble with him. Yet despite his kindness, he’s rather reckless when his anger get the best of him when something deeply upsets him and has a bit of a big ego sometimes. He also never tells people when he’s in mental pain, he keeps it all hidden inside so he could be a strong and noble king like his father. Even with the pain of never even knowing his mother, his father dying, the deep pressures of a king and all other pains - he keeps it hidden and will brush it off like it isn’t a big deal.
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writtenxbeginnings ¡ 2 years ago
General Info
Name:  Solanna Lucis Caelum Nickname: Sol, Anna, Princess, Brat Gender: Female (She/Her) Race: Luciean Age: 18
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Time Period
Main story is set anytime during the anime Final Fantasy XV: Brotherhood, the main game itself, and all DLC.  If you want a more indepth story for how I created her, feel free to look under the cut. She’s much more fleshed out than any of the other characters, but I also took her info from a solo blog I had made for her a while ago.  Up for AU’s, bringing her to other shows, or making a new world in general.
Main - This will follow along with the FFXV game, though under the change that Noctis had a younger sister. 
Below is a MUCH more detailed bio for her. This is my baby, and as Noctis’ sister, I wanted her to be as fleshed out as herself.
SEXUALITY: Bisexual and Biromantic ORIGIN: Lucian born and raised CURRENT LOCATION: Unknown, but it is rumored Lestallum NATIONALITY: Insomnian ETHNICITY: Mixed (Caucasian and Mexican) SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Galahdi (brokenly), Lucian (Latin in lore? English in RPs), and bits of Accordon, and Tenebrae. RELIGION: The main god that Solanna prays to is Bahamut because of the tie to her family, and Shiva because of her own beliefs. HEIGHT: 5′4 BODY TYPE: Slender, but muscled. When Insomnia fell, she had already been going through the same training her brother had been, but since she has worked twice as hard to make sure she could take care of herself. EYES: Blue TATTOOS: None, though she has always been interested in getting one. PIERCINGS: Earlobes and belly-button. SOCIAL MEDIA: Of course, she’s a young adult that wants to be kept up on news of the world that has slowly been falling apart. SMOKING: Occasionally DRINKING: Occasionally. DRUGS: Nope ATHLETICS: Solanna has always been a fan of training, unlike Noctis. While she didn’t exceed as well at first, she worked hard to get her stamina up, and to become a better fighter like the rest in her family. She is also particularly fond of swimming. HOBBIES: She loves listening to music and playing games, just like her brother did - something she picked up from the man, of course. When she has enough down time, she is also quite fond of drawing. VIRGIN: It depends on the verse, but more than likely. Though she is a flirt and a tease. FAVORITE DRINK: Cherry Soda FAVORITE FOOD: Donuts FAVORITE MUSIC: Pop music. She likes something with a beat so she can sway to it in the car, or dance to it in her room. CLOTHING STYLE: When she lived in Insomnia, she tended to dress the typical way for royalty her age- flowing dresses for meetings and simple dress otherwise. Now, she tries to blend in more, though she does like clothing and hugs her body and shows her off somewhat. It goes along with her ‘flirty’ personality. UNDERWEAR TYPE: She is one of those girls that has matching bra and panties.
Background ( I added this as a place for her history)
Princess Solanna was born a year and a half after her brother, Noctis, was born. The doctors had been sure that Aulea wouldn’t have been able to carry her to term, not when they found out that the Queen was ill and couldn’t be cured. The Princess was born early, a month premature, when it became clear that her mother wouldn’t last much longer. As such, by the time her original due date came around, she was the daughter of a widowed father and the sister of the future king. Her life, other than Queen Aulae passing away soon after her birth, was actually pretty calm. She wasn’t there when her brother was attacked, and only got to spend a little bit of time in Tenebrea when he was there to recover, her father wanting her to stay at the Capital just in case. When the attack happened, while she didn’t understand, she did know that Regis would hold her closer - tighter - for a while after that. Once Noctis came back though, as good as before if not a little quiet, things went back to normal. She grew up training just as her brother, though she had to work twice as hard with certain things, like hand to hand combat. She did it, though, wanting to prove that she wasn’t weak, that she could take care of herself in the long run. Yet, she knew just like Noctis had Gladio to look after him, she would have Iris once they were both old enough to be titled as such. It was comforting, and it was something that Solanna relished in knowing, in getting to know her future Shield. They became good friends, bonding over their interested and teasing eachother about their crushes. It was when Insomnia fell that everything changed for her, her entire life twisting and turning. When Iris got out, Solanna get saved at the same time, though the news was kept from everyone but the ones that were there when she was taken out of the ruined city. Once they got to Lestallum, they tried to make the Princess blend in, not wanting word to get out that she had survived. At that moment, all the focuses needed to be on keeping her brother safe, and ending this war. Since then, she has been living as a civilian in public, listening to the news and doing what she can while staying hidden in her hotel room, to help where she can. She may not be able to broadcast who she was - not yet - but she was certainly going to use it to her advantage.
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praesidionxcte ¡ 6 years ago
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LIKE or REBLOG if you’re interested in writing with AULEA LUCIS CAELUM from FFXV
This is a revamp of REGALUX. Same muse, same mun, just a new account
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musesbyarya-a ¡ 6 years ago
"Shield" (Regis to Aulea)
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To celebrate their first wedding anniversary, King Regis had decided to surprise his wife by taking her for a romantic weekend at Galdin Quay. For the occasion, the place had been privatized especially for the royal couple. Aulea thought it was a bit of a shame to see such a beautiful and empty place. But now that she had married the heir to the Lucis throne, she understood that certain precautions had to be taken for their safety and that the presence of guards posted everywhere could have intimidated tourists.
After enjoying the afternoon at the spa and eating an excellent dinner, the Queen wanted to take a walk on the beach to enjoy the clear weather and lie in the sand and stargaze. She had never had the opportunity to see so much because of Insomnia’s light pollution and she had to admit that it was a real splendor.
But this romantic moment was interrupted by a thumping noise coming from a little further away on the reefs. Aulea turned her gaze away from the sky and her eyes rested on an immense nocturnal creature, an iron giant. She panicked, getting up in a jump when her husband interposed himself between her and the daemon. “D-don’t tell me you’re not going to face him alone, Regis?!”
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saviorofeosconsort ¡ 6 years ago
@gegegenotairin​ | Baby w/Regis | From here
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Aulea beamed at him, “Perfect! So...” She gave him a sly smile, “When are you going to give me one?”
They’d been friends since they were children themselves, but she’d always had a fondness and attraction to Regis. She married him because she loves him, and a child was the perfect seal to that union. At least in her opinion. Plus, she was sure the ‘getting pregnant’ part of it would be fun.
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mxtherxflucis-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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Hello there~!
Could you pretty please like and or reblog this if you’d like to interact with a brand new rp blog for Aulea Lucis Caelum~?
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regineste-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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Could you please LIKE / REBLOG if you are interested to write with an Aulea Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV? The Mom looks for her family to give them all the love!
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willowcreekuni-rp ¡ 4 years ago
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Willow Creek University is an 18+ Multifandom Discord RP Server. We’re brand new and looking for new members constantly. For more information check out our links below!
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lovelessblade ¡ 8 years ago
My Aulea Lucis Caelum blog is open for RPs now! I will add more information as time goes on.
Here is the URL to her blog: @lucismother
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musesbyarya-a ¡ 6 years ago
"Did you throw up again? I can come home early and cuddle with you." (Regis to Aulea)
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Regis and Aulea had been trying to have a child for almost three years. Despite many attempts and two miscarriages, the royal couple did not lose hope. But this time, the young queen’s body seemed to have accepted this new gift from heaven without too much difficulty. However, doctors had advised her to rest as much as possible to minimize the risk of losing their child again.
Aulea followed the advice, keeping the bed for most of the day while she was only in her first trimester. But morning sickness tended to be frequent throughout the day, which weakened her greatly.
As he was taking a short break at his Royal Lucian Council meeting, Regis called Aulea to check in. He was always protective and considerate with her, especially at this time. The young woman found his attitude so adorable and very touching. She explained her morning and he suggested that he shorten his meeting to get home earlier than planned. “It’s not that I don’t want to, far from it,” she replied gently, although he might hear that she seemed quite tired. “But I don’t want you to be blamed for not lending to the affairs of the kingdom because of me…”
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saviorofeosconsort ¡ 6 years ago
@lucianprincess | Hug Attack Meme | From here
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Aulea affected a shocked expression when her daughter began trying to tickle her, laughing as she pretended to fight her off. “No, no tickles!”
“Can’t even be upset that your mother fell on the floor, I think this little girl needs some manners.” Aulea grinned up at her before tickling Aurora back.
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saviorofeosconsort ¡ 6 years ago
@lucianprincess | Nonverbal RP Starters | From here
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“Well, that sounds exciting. How are you liking the Glaive training?” She had a vested interest in it after all, as fashioning the Glaive had been partially her idea. One of many to help give those from outside the Wall a way to live. Though, she knew more died than survived. Daemons and the Empire were no joke. She mourned every one of them.
“Are you liking your classes?” She took a sip of her tea as she watched her daughter, shaking her head lightly at the amount of coffee she drank. She was certain it was a habit she’d picked up from a certain adviser who drank far too much, especially for how young he was. The man shouldn’t need ‘extra’ energy, he should be getting the sleep he needed instead. She’d learned however, not to meddle as he was a workaholic and didn’t take kindly to having his mental schedule messed with, even by the Queen.
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saviorofeosconsort ¡ 7 years ago
“HUG ATTACK!” (for Aulea) ~@lucianprincess
@lucianprincess | Hug Attack Meme |
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When her daughter came barreling at her with her arms wide open, she couldn’t resist. Aulea wrapped her arms around Aurora and pretended to fall to the ground. Honestly, her youngest was just so cute!
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saviorofeosconsort ¡ 7 years ago
(For Aulea) 😚 ~@lucianprincess
@lucianprincess | Nonverbal RP Starters |
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“Well hello Aurora!” Aulea smiled at her daughter as she pulled back from kissing her cheek. She leaned forward and kissed her daughter’s nose quick as a bird. “What are you up to today?”
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