#aule valar
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lledron · 2 years ago
Sauron Mairon Halbrand y Alicent
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I always make the joke that Sauron is Aule's daddy's boy and keep it canon. So I have an idea:
AU Where Sauron in human form ends up in Westeros and sees Yvanna. She is Yvanna, she is the wife of dad / Aule. She is mom. And mom is crying. And yes, I'm adding to the theory that Melkor's giant spider is from Lovecrath's universe, so crossovers are possible!
Sauron can't help. Here he is nobody and he has not recovered his powers. He is sickened by the mess, by the Targaryen traditions of marrying each other. Sauron notices that Mama is biting her nails. Mom should be happy and have trees. And mom should pay attention to it and be happy with those creepy trees with faces.
Alicent does not understand who gives her personalized jewelry with the theme of Mother and Maiden. She knows Sauron. "Hello my lady"
Sauron disguises himself as a cat to attend Alicent and Viserys' meetings. He is against Otto's plan, mom is fifteen years old. Fifteen fucking human years.
This can go two ways:
Sauron kills all the dragons because Alicent made a comment that while Syrax is beautiful she would never ride a dragon. Mom is afraid, now I have to protect her, be the man of the house because mom can't be married to another man who isn't dad.
Daemon boasts that he took Alicent's virginity and is killed by Sauron. Mom is from dad.
Sauron manages to find the equivalent of Aule in this world and cheats on the parents.
Alicent is very sure she is ready to have children after stopping Sauron from conquering Middle-earth.
Sauron takes the form of a child. More shenanigans to come, now he has everything he wants, for now.
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Alicent and any poor man who is Aule in this universe, congratulations. Their son is a narcissistic sociopath who loves them with all his heart.
In another line, Alicent marries Viserys, but Mairon has not regained his power, so he cannot prevent his mother from being raped.
Sauron discovers that his siblings are nuisances, but they will give Mom more power. Mom is a goddess, a Valar, but also a 15-year-old girl.
So Sauron takes over Aegon, comforts Mum, tells Aegon he's a little shit worse than Curumo and Aegon's first word is shit.
Helena is born. And here she is different. Sauron hated Curumo for stealing Daddy's attention, but he respected Melian. He now has another sister, who is also a woman in a world of shit. But Heleana has magical potential, so he will teach her well. He will teach her to lie, to deceive, to put on makeup.
All of this happens while Sauron takes the form of a little boy so he can stay with the queen alone. Alicent hugs him and hugs from mom feel good. On one hand, Alicent recognizes that Mairon/Sauron has a connection. She loves him, she is his mother in all the universes. But her son is evil and she knows it. But he hasn't proven to be more evil than the other men.
Aemond is born and Sauron throws a tantrum. He doesn't want another brother and hates him as much as he hates Aegon for hogging Mom's attention. Then Daeron is born and Sauron screams because there is so much evil in the world! Criston Cole is horrible, but he makes mom happy. As long as he isn't platonic, Sauron will keep it. Suddenly, Sauron can shapeshift into a dragon. Since he hates Rhaenyra's bastards he plans to play a little prank at Laena's funeral. Nothing to go wrong. He just needs Aemond's help. Aemond claims a dragon and that dragon leads everyone to see Rhaenyra doing it with his uncle.
And shit breaks loose. Aemond is happy to have a dragon, the Velarions are angry, and Laenor calls for a duel against Daemon for his sister's honor.
Laenor wins and kills Daemon. Rhaenyra will go on trial for being an adulteress and Harwin will be her champion. Then Criston Cole kicks Harwin's ass. Heleana uses her magic to make Rhaenyra admit the truth about her bastards. Alicent rebukes Sauron because now there is a political mess and because his brother thought he had a dragon. "It was just a joke, mom, I didn't know it would go this far," she says with puppy dog eyes.
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wroniec · 1 month ago
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The Timeless Halls
Aulë & Melkor
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quinthejester · 6 months ago
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Aulë, Mairon and Curumo
because i wanted to draw a 'family' portrait of them :)
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lucigianart · 24 days ago
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Enamel pin designs featuring heraldic devices for (some, but not all) the valar, important characters from Tolkien's legendarium. I will be creating heraldic devices for all the valar (eventually). Which ones speak out to you? Do you have a favorite vala? If I'm honest, I really can't decide, but I do really love Mando's, Ulmo's, and Manwë's devices!
I’m making these via. Kickstarter and will be released as a three-part series. The first campaign is live! 🙌 Here’s a link. 🔗
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chechula · 10 months ago
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Aulë/Mahal, Seven Fathers of the Dwarves and Eru Ilúvatar blessing ♥ ♥ re-draw of my old piece, one of few that I really like (I wanted to make it into print but I couldn't find the original x_x) (it is part of my experimental valar series :D )
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tolkien-povs · 3 months ago
Okay, the only proof of Námo being an awkward introvert is him saying, "Not the first" when Fëanáro was having a breakdown as to how he would be the first elf killed in Aman.
Like, just read that passage. He doesn't talk at all, except those three words, and revels in the side-eyes everyone gives him. But of course, no one thinks of it until Finwë is declared dead.
But still. Námo, the Doomsayer of The Valar, The Lord of The Dead, Lord of The Halls of Mandos, One of The Kings of Arda, is definitely an awkward introvert.
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shurikthereject · 8 months ago
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"What's so funny?"
"Nothing dear, I just love being able to see your face up so close."
Genuinely don't know what possessed me to draw this but i really did miss digital art lmao. I wanted to test out my design for Aule with fire hair, sort of a symbolism of a forge since he's the valar of craftsmanship. I just started reading the Silmarilion so all of the mistakes to the canon are mine!
I will also post the timelapse to this piece!
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silvaltano · 7 months ago
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Valar pt 1
Finally finished the 1st part!
Ulmo is usually big. Like really big. And flowers on Yavanna's dress and hair are something similar to cherry and apricot blossom.
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minubell · 2 months ago
There isn’t any reason in the texts for the Valar to be huge compared to the Maiar. Or for either of them to be one particular size at all. As far as I’m aware they both should be capable of being the exact same size, as large or as little as they like.
But also Sauron should be able to stand on Morgoth’s hand and whisper secrets into an ear that’s the size of his body, and Eonwe should be able to perch on Manwe’s shoulder like a funny little bird while the Elder King is holding court, and that it wouldn’t be strange to see some of Aule’s Maiar hiding in his beard after getting into mischief of some kind or another.
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cilil · 9 months ago
As someone who has been hurt and traumatized a lot by toxic masculinity in real life, I cannot express how much the men in Tolkien's legendarium mean to me (there are many examples I could cite, but I'm going to stick to a few that mean the most to me personally and also don't get talked about as much).
I love how Manwë's first reaction is never anger. He is the Elder King, King of the Valar, King of Arda and he's not afraid to cry in public, to be worried and saddened and therefore show "weakness" instead of fluffing up big time and being angry just so he can pretend to be The Man. He's compassionate and believes in the good in people even when he shouldn't.
I love how Ulmo decided to help those he cared about, even if the people in question were not perfect to say the least and officially he was not supposed to be helping at all. He is neither afraid nor ashamed to care.
I love how excited Aulë was for the arrival of the Children (so much so that he made his own), how much joy he finds in teaching and being creative with others instead of wanting to be The Best At Everything and how he speaks up for other creatives too, trying to help others understand their mindset.
I love how polite and warm Eönwë is, giving a rather cordial greeting to someone who was technically trespassing in his home. He's a hero to me not because a line was included that he's the best warrior Maia, but because he's kind and wise, sparing Maedhros and Maglor because he knew the senseless violence had to end. And yes, I also love how old lore Fionwë was crushing on Arien/Urwendi.
So yeah, just some examples, but these are among the ones that stuck with me.
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gracefallingart · 1 month ago
The Valar at Creation
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This work in progress has been beating me up. I know that this is a pretty (non-supernatural) version of them but I wanted to make the whole group looking out upon the vision of Arda.
Staging all of them has been a struggle so far and I will think very hard before attempting a large detailed group piece like this again. There is still so much to add and do… but basic line work is finished.
Left to Right: (Melkor, Oromë, Yavanna, Vána, Aulë, Nessa, Tulkas, Ulmo, Manwë, Varda, Nienna, Vairë, Námo, Estë, Irmo).
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velvet4510 · 10 days ago
FYI Bilbo and Thorin love each other for the same reasons that Yavanna and Aulë love each other … that special “opposites attract” dynamic of one who is passionate about things that naturally grow and one who is passionate about things that are forged and crafted.
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gauntletgirlie · 24 days ago
I’m bored so it’s time for another Silmarillion Poll! Since I can’t fit them all on one poll, I’m splitting it into males and females. Female poll is here.
I’ve not included Melkor as I want to see who other than him is liked best. Plus, he was no more counted amongst the Valar so his inclusion is ambiguous anyway!
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distinguisheddwarffriend · 10 months ago
Yo I've got another for my by now mixed Tolkien survey series:
(yes, I over-simplified stuff, and had to exclude Tulkas, Melkor & Mandos for lack of answer-options, just comment if you'd have picked them)
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saintstars · 6 months ago
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Creation and Growth For @ainurweek
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silmarillaure · 6 months ago
Ranking the Valar by how much I hate them.
12: Lorien/Irmo - Idk why, but I kind of vibe with him. His only fault is being Mandos’s brother but he didn’t really do anything to piss me off himself. He seems dreamy & has a nice garden.
11: Orome - He’s cool but he’s still a Vala (who are objectively horrible) at the end of the day. Gets points for not going out of his way to make the Feanorians lives worse though & giving Celegorm a cool but disloyal dog.
12: Aule - Thank you for the Dwarves king! Unfortunately he’s married to Yavanna who I can not stand.
11: Nienna - Her heart seems to be in the right place. I like her.
10: Este - I don’t speak ill of healers on this blog! Even though she failed to heal Miriel I guess, she still made a bigger effort than everyone else.
9 & 8: Vana & Nessa - I just don’t think about them to be honest.
7: Tulkas - His purpose for existing is to beat up Melkor but he’s not even perfect at that. What’s wrong with you dude? Were you asleep when Melkor was making Feanor & Turin’s lives hell?
6: Yavanna - Her entitlement makes me seethe. I guess she did create the two trees but she basically gave away the light for free, she can’t ask for it back. Not the worst though, but I still don’t like her.
5: Vaire - Girl it’s nice of you to let Miriel live with you and all but why the heck were you like “but what about Indis's feelings” when Finwe was talking about how he wanted to give up getting reembodied for Miriel. This ain’t about Indis, why do her feelings matter?
4: Varda - Hallowing the Silmarills was such an a-hole move. The hallowing isn’t even fair, it’s just about who Varda wants to have the Silmarills. Does she think THINGOL is pure hearted? The Silmarill should have burnt him to a crisp.
3: Ulmo - Nothing short of a salty b!tch, thank goodness he’s single because I’d feel bad for anyone who had to put up with him. And why does he like bland ass TUOR so much while hating talented icons like the Feanorians?!
2: Manwe - He’s the 2nd fakest creature in existence after his big brother. Feanor doesn’t want your tears, where were you when your brother was murdering his dad, stealing his work, & previously harassing him for years non stop?
1: Mandos/Namo - F*ck this a-hole. At least Manwe has the excuse of being canonically stupid. He’s just an ass for the sake of it. And what’s his beef with Feanor? Free my king, all his faults are because you decided to shove Indis into his life & allowed Melkor to go free.
The actual #1: Melkor (obviously)
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