#augmented reality gaming
techdriveplay · 6 months
The Ultimate Guide to Solo Board Games
In recent years, solo board gaming has quietly emerged from the shadows of its multiplayer counterparts, carving out a distinct and vibrant niche within the board game community. Once considered a pastime for the introverted or those struggling to find a gaming group, solo board gaming has transcended these stereotypes to become a celebrated and integral aspect of the hobby. Whether due to the…
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aurosoulart · 6 months
made a lil shadow forest on my bed 🛏️
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ilovewormhusband · 1 month
I searched up "Blind Eye" and this is what came up
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figminxr · 11 months
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November 6 2023
Today's screenshots are: Man Experiencing Shape Mania
I've spent the last week or so working on a tutorial video explaining How To Make Shapes, which was a noble endeavor at first, but has quickly devolved into a feverish prism of my own design.
Cylinders litter my floor. Spheres will not stop rolling. Stacks of disks with incorrect collision modifiers explode at the slightest touch. Imperfect cones vibrate menacingly as soon as they are given physics. The pyramids and cuboids surely plot my demise.
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"Easy there, girl..."
If you do not hear from me after this next week, then I have surely fallen into their trapezoid. Do not seek me out, for I will be polygone!
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scipunk · 6 months
The Lawnmower Man (1992)
Accelerated cognitive growth breaks free.
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chezzkidsarchive · 5 months
ARG Idea: Content farm youtube channels with subliminal messaging
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triflesandparsnips · 1 year
(eta 10/10/23: Having just realized that this is now a very easy to google explainer, please also see the full end-of-game roundup here: "when something is definitely not a game, but most definitely a gift" or my related #definitely not a game tag. We now return you to your regularly scheduled nonsense, currently in progress.)
So... so.
So this just dropped.
And listen. LISTEN. For people who haven't been following this Our Flag Means Death-related alternate-reality-shenanigan fest, the following will make no sense to you-- or, wait, fuck it--
A Brief History of the Javid Denkins Alternate-Reality Game
(I didn't intend "overly long essays about in-depth fandom-related shenanigans" to be my brand, but by god I'm here now and I will make us all suffer through it.)
Reality (As We Know It)
Established and verified gay pirate showrunner David Jenkins is a regular shenanigineer on twitter: retweets fanart, retweets cosplays, calls fans sluts (endearment), has ongoing fight with medieval cats.
Back in 2022, David Jenkins implied heavily that he had joined tumblr, but did not cough up his account name.
This is the sum total of real and actual events and identities.
Through the Looking Glass
Fans started looking for David Jenkins's tumblr. What fans found is the tumblr of one Javid Denkins, who appeared to be new, had a variant of Jenkins's twitter icon, and seemed to be cheekily maintaining an incognito by steadfastly asserting that he is definitely not David Jenkins.
Fans got weird about it, because that is the nature of fandom. I said something about it here, because I have Feelings about the Rules of Incognito and also about Not Being Weird About People Who Make the Content We Like. I put it as a reblog to the post, as per regular tumblring, no response requested/required because babes, if I'm going to be perceived, I want it to be organic. (ahem... FOOTNOTE 1)
I kept a cursory eye on things, because it can be Really Lonely to be a famous person who just wants to have a regular online experience, and if that's what whoever was on the other end wanted, then that's what they should get to have imo. Unlike a regular tumblr that I might reply to directly or engage with on a same-level kinda way, I let them set the rules of engagement because unless/until they came clean, they would always be Schrodinger's Showrunner to me, and therefore subject to my internal Don't Be Creepy ruleset.
My second Javid reblog was pretty much what I would do to any other newbie tumblr person (as they professed to be): adding on to a gag by referencing the "color of the sky" meme and also a seagull, for OFMD-related reasons (which fit within the ruleset, because Javid was actively connecting himself with OFMD type things). And Javid reblogged it, so hey, I was winning at tumblr interactions, a thing that is normal to want and possible to achieve.
Time passed. Javid dropped (what will be revealed to be the first of many) photo manipulations. (FOOTNOTE 2)
On the same day, Javid posted what looked like an accidental smashkey. I reblogged with a seagull, because again, established rules of engagement and me winning at tumblr interactions. He reblogged himself, though, with what looked like another smashkey, but was actually a goddamn Caesar cipher-- and started using the tag #definitely not a game.
From there, Javid started up a stream of fairly fun puzzles. I didn't keep up with it fully, but since it looked like Javid wanted people to interact, I interacted (while trying to ensure that other people could keep having fun too). He also started subtly changing his icon, his tumblr header, etc., expanding the bounds of the puzzle space, as it were. (And if you want a complete rundown of the puzzle history and the associated answers, this twitter thread is enormous and thorough, thank you @eefaevie.)
The seagull made an appearance every once in a while; I threw together various season 2 bingo cards in response to these potential spoilers; I spent my time largely keeping back so I could eat popcorn and Not Be Creepy. But... but.
The thing was, Javid's method of posting (in a "heeeere fishy fishy fishy" manner) seemed, to me, to be the actions of someone trying to play with the audience and/or provide enrichment for the enclosure. So after some thought and, again, remembering the loneliness of being a Creative Person but trying to be mindful that this person was still incognito and could be the actual dude, I started using the seagull to reblog extra content, links, whathaveyou, with the tag #enrichment can go in BOTH enclosures-- with the idea that, if Javid wanted to look, he had the option to do so-- and if he did, he'd be rewarded with, again, no demands on him or his attention, but just: some content. Some enrichment. Some fun. A "picking up what you're putting down" kind of vibe from one person to another, both of whom are, at the very least, interested in communicating with an audience.
To be clear: For me, at the end of the day, it had to be a choice. I needed to provide room for Javid to choose to enter the magic circle of my additional game play-- but I also wasn't going to hold my breath about it. This was Javid's space, with intentions and purposes I had no way of knowing (nor should I)-- I was just, metaphorically, bringing another set of dice and maybe some graph paper with an extra room drawn on it that he could easily enter if he wanted, to play in a space intended to complement his. He was putting in a shitton of labor for what was essentially just a gift; I wanted to show appreciation for that labor, while putting in some of my own to gift back.
So when the first round of puzzles ended, and a new one began, I linked the answers to one of his anagram puzzles inside some seagull gifs-- but I figured, why not add something extra? I used his pigpen cipher to dare him to use a book code next. To even see the dare he'd have to want to decode the gifs-- and if he ultimately didn't want to engage, no skin off my nose. (That's why there's a border around the magic circle with clear entrances and exits.) Either way, I was having a nice time.
The next puzzle type was a stereogram. (Neat.) The puzzle after that, though? I get tagged and informed that Javid has, in fact, posted a motherfucking book code. (FOOTNOTE 3)
Enter the Thunder Parasocial Dome
This is the point where I first have to be pulled down from the curtains by rational people who have only my best interests at heart.
(Having a whole Thesis Statement about why I was engaging with Schrodinger's Showrunner is one thing. Having possible evidence that my engagement was, like, actually engaged with is quite another.)
By sweet and loving friends and family I was reminded that:
Other people are, in fact, allowed to be clever about things too.
That all sorts of pre-planning may have gone into all this, and that therefore the timing was a coincidence.
That there are a limited number of easily accessible ciphers out there, so the code type could also be a coincidence.
And that either way I still have my important Don't Be Creepy code of ethics.
So. I took a deep breath. Cool. I was totally and absolutely cool about this.
...And in a totally normal manner I proceeded to lay an elaborate trap.
AHAHAHA JUST JOKING what I mean is: I replied to the tagged post, acknowledging that the sphere of potential puzzling had now expanded beyond tumblr. I used Javid's own fake-link trick to link to a seagull laugh. And in the tags I threw in a lot of potential internet-related alternate reality stuff.
But also, crucially... some more ideas for Javid to use. (FOOTNOTE 4) If he wanted them. If he was actually looking.
Since I was now playing In Earnest, I spent some time putting together a youtube channel, an alternate tumblr, a neocities account -- a whole new field of play, if Javid wanted to engage there. I pulled out the dusty memories of a Yuletide fic I wrote several years ago that used similar shenanigans to tell an interactive fiction story about Monty Python. (Hilariously enough, my first RPF.) I continued to play with all these new and fascinating toys.
A Strange Ship on the Horizon
What with one thing and another three years pass, a Javid puzzle eventually lead to an AO3 account-- which to me definitively opened Schrodinger's box: maybe this was a member of the production playing with fire, more likely it was a clever fan whose brain is fucking fascinating, but it most definitely was not David Jenkins.
But. Javid was still in incognito. And I still don't know if I had been perceived.
I read the fic the Javid account is writing (which is still a work in progress and pretty great ngl)-- it's a fandom AU, where Ed and Stede are fans of a gay pirate romcom called Blow the Man Down, featuring Sam Bellamy and Olivier Levasseur. The showrunner is named Javid, who doesn't have social media but gets cornered into agreeing to join twitter (rather than our universe's tumblr). And Ed decides, on a lark, to start a fake twitter account, tag it #definitelynotjaviddenkins... and then freak out because a large contingent of fandom shows up on his metaphorical doorstep saying HELLO, JAVID.
As if this weren't enough: beyond the fic itself, suddenly a whole multimedia alternate universe suddenly appeared, with multiple twitter and AO3 accounts beyond just Stede and Ed, forming an entire fucking fandom, Goncharov-style, around Blow the Man Down. It was and continues to be fucking wild. It's also amazing. And the porn is surprisingly approachable. (BUT SEE AGAIN FOOTNOTE 1)
Grappling Hooks Breaching the Parasocial Divide
The thing is, though. The thing. That is.
I have officially reached Level 2 Curtain Clawing.
As I read the fic and the accompanying universe, I started to. Notice things.
References to soap (but... but surely that's normal. Many people talk about soap, not just amateur history enthusiasts like myself).
References to obscure scents (LABDANUM. Someone referenced labda-motherfucking-num. But surely. Surely it is not an entirely unheard of thing; I am not the first person to discover it or the fact that it gets combed from goats jesus christ the goat thing I forgot about that--)
References to the drilled coin from the wreck of Sam Bellamy's ship, which appeared as a random bit of possible future lore for Javid in this bit of enrichment (but I put in lots of possible lore! I had a whole thing going about figureheads! Bad luck to kill a seabird! I had a whole thing for a while where I thought maybe the digraph code Javid was hinting at was actually a Playfair cipher! I have been wrong many times before and added lots of random possible narratives. SO SURELY THE COIN IS A COINCIDENCE).
References to... okay not really references, and I've never articulated it quite like this (though this is definitely my vibe), but references to the idea of these puzzles and enrichment being a conversation in and of themselves, held at a remove and existing entirely in call (Javid) and response (the audience).
Finally... I started to notice that Stede decodes/interprets Ed-as-Javid's puzzles in a long twitter thread (like... like the one linked above) but also... sends back puzzles. Like, well, me.
"But STILL," I screech from the top of the curtain rail. "This could ALL BE COINCIDENCE," I yowl as friends and family try to bat me down with a broom. Even, by god, today's drop... which uses a password-protected url shortener. The exact same one I used in an earlier enrichment. But! It's not like there are a lot of those! Maybe this was just the first one that cropped up for Javid, just as it was the first that cropped up for me! (BUT THEN AGAIN, MAY I REFER YOU BACK TO FOOTNOTE 4)
The fic is at chapter 14. There are, if AO3 is to be believed, 7 more chapters to go, plus who knows how much additional extra-universe material. There is so. much. here.
...And so many more opportunities to climb all the curtains.
“It's a great huge game of chess that's being played—all over the world—if this is the world at all, you know.”
So at this point... what, in fact, is happening?
I'm inside a Schrodinger's box whose sides are entirely composed of parasocial uncertainty.
Maybe Javid is here. (HELLO, JAVID.)
Maybe I'm not actually being referenced at all, but the writer of that twitter thead, @eefaevie, is (HI EEFAEVIE WHAT'S UP HOW'S THE PARASOCIAL AIR IN YOUR ENCLOSURE DOIN')
I don't know. I can't know. Unless someone opens the box.
and my god, what if they never do?
tl;dr. This is the most enriching fun I've had in months, and if the magic circle is going to widen to include me, then friend, I intend to BRING MY A-GAME.
1. During the course of that mini-essay, I say the following:
"If it's someone who is not the dude but just a tumblrite who managed to catch on really quick? Well goddamn, good for them, and also A+ Wink-Nudge acrobatics. Real dude can have a peaceful time reading critical analyses of Goncharov, Javid here can quietly start introducing strange lore and running gags and other fun-with-plausible-deniability shenanigans".
One day later Javid starts answering questions about characters with enigmatic season 2 spoilery things; a little less than ten days later, we get the first fake link (which, imo, is the real start of the game).
2. This is now only 24 days after my "strange lore and fun with plausible deniability" post.
3. My dare: January 26. Javid's book code: February 4.
4. My tags on the post wherein I acknowledge that the dare has, possibly, been taken up, read: #you know what's cool? besides how #enrichment can go in BOTH enclosures #is how much you can do with html #like sure sure we've all seen the embedded links #but I remember the days of hidden source code messages #websites with delayed redirects #passwords hidden on one site to open the locked contents of another #you know #~normal things~ #I'm certain none of this will become relevant #because this is #definitely not a game
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#unreality — what was up with all that?
➥ it’s been a little over a day, so i figured i should probably explain myself…
TLDR: i impulse-made an arg, decided against going through with it, and left the parts i had already finished up rather that undoing the work. it was going to be themed to a story, but not horror.
✱ there will be no more arg content on blog!
➥ below the cut will be the above message in more detail and the “solutions” to the parts of the arg that went up. ⤦
so! i (very much on a whim) was inspired by all the daily vitamin blogs to try making my own arg. after my counterpart-of-sorts, vitamin-akito went on a hiatus, i suppose i wanted to continue getting that arg fix—but by trying my hand at creating one. my hope was that it would be subtle enough that it wouldn’t effect things on this blog for those who wouldn’t be interested in such a thing. it wasn’t horror-themed and i wanted to utilize hiding things in plain sight, so i only had to be suspicious long enough for people to pick up on it, and those that were in the know would then be given more clues/codes/directives on the side while the blog otherwise ran normally.
unfortunately for me, i must be quite a bit more nosy than the average person, and no one really seemed to pick up on my “subtle” approach. i eventually tried tagging things with unreality and posting hints when i saw no one was making any progress, but the only one i know of who got to the end was my irl fish, who had some hints from me, and of course the added assistance of me accidentally reblogging one of her posts to the secret side blog, making it pretty clear i was hiding something. to her credit, she went through the process of finding that blog properly, so she’s still the “winner” of the scrapped arg to me!
the clues are all still there if you have a desire to look for them now. otherwise i’ll be writing up an explanation/walkthrough of what i had left up below. i’ll try to leave clear blocks between steps in case you want to use it as a hint when you need but otherwise solve it on your own. i’ll also be including my thought process where applicable.
and just to be very clear this is /gen /srs. no lying. this is ooc, me irl, mod speaking, telling you that there is no more arg. this is not just a misdirection or anything like that. there is no more arg. 👍
also i’m not mad at all that nobody really found anything. it was experimental for me, and it was specifically designed for someone to be like “that’s weird…i’m going to comment on that and see where it goes.” part of my decision to leave it up was to answer the question “how close to other people look?” so i don’t blame anyone for not engaging much with it. in hindsight, i didn’t really give any reason for intrigue like the vitamin blogs use. i was purely relying on people being nosy. so it this was a learning experience for me.
perhaps in the future i will run an arg on a separate blog with the same/similar idea. tbf, my idea was almost more kohane-focused than akito-focused anyways, which is partly why i scrapped the idea. the other part being i chickened out of the rp aspect (i have ✨anxiety✨) so unless you’re reading this like “i think a combo arg/rp blog where i try to save my favourite pjsk characters from doom would cure what ails me, and i need it now,” and are willing to profess that supportive desire to me, it probably won’t happen any time soon. and i may not put my name on it if i ever do make it.
but without further rambling ado, here’s the solution to the first part of arg that’s all still up online:
if you think you want to play along, start with the #akito_posting tag in chronological order.
① the buildup
the original “subtle” plan to clue people in to the arg was the series of screenshots taken from the neo 2DMV. all posted without any comment and tagged with only “#from neo 2DMV” and “#akito_posting”
the underscore is not in my actual “#akito posting” tag, and was meant to be a clue in that something about these posts was off, and that they were connected. if the images are brightened/adjusted and zoomed in on (as shown below in order of their posting) they all contained the text “day 203.” personally i can still see the text without adjustment, but they is probably helped by me knowing where and what to look for. in my plans, the arg would always tell you the next day to look for clues. it wouldn’t be fair to make you comb through every image that goes up on the blog, so i figured that was a fair compromise for my “hiding in plain sight” gimmick.
as time went on and i didn’t notice anyone picking up on anything being strange, i added the unreality tag to the final neo screenshot, which had “day 203” hidden in it 3 times and just “203” another 3 times. i’ll admit 2-3 of them got very hard to see with the compression, but i was still thinking some would be findable.
come the time of their posting however, i got comments on the unreality tag, but no one seeming to successfully find the answers—leading to me writing this post the evening it went up with the colored text as clues to where in the image to look, as when i told irls where in the image to look they did not have trouble finding things. the final lines in pink were a way a just implying that all the clues in that post led to the same post, so it was OK if it was too hard to read some of them. additionally the use of the akito_posting and unreality tags were meant to tie it back. the tags also said it was a hint and not me trying to write a heartfelt akitoya poem…but another experiment of mine proved that people might not read my tags as much as i assumed. this post did go up in the middle of the chibi akito saga however, and fish did tell me it got lost for her, so it’s possible my data there was a little unfairly skewed.
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② day 203
as day 203 was going into the main tags, it already had unreality as a warning. i also added the tag “aRe You PAyInG AtTeNtiOn? diD you catCh the siGns? diD yOU evEN kNoW to LoOk FoR It?” as a last ditch effort of “hey, this is the one. look at this one.” as for the strange capitalization, we’ll discuss that later…
each image contains one hidden letter, shown below, in order, with adjustments for visibility.
however, since no one seemed to find anything again. (fish was working on it since i had already asked her to check on the “day 203” hint, and i asked her to post some of her progress to see if that could help anyone else out.) i added another hint post.
the three symbols are meant to represent contrast, brightness, and sharpness in a photo editor, all of which are applied to the zoomed in akito from day 203. those are my suggestions for the best ways to make the hidden text a bit easier to see, tho once again they are visible if you just zoom in on the right spot. each symbol also contained a link, to the #akito_posting tag, the day 203 post, and an online tool for cyphers respectively. the tags also include a new tag 🥓🔍 which was a hint for the actual cyphers meant to save anyone from wasting too much time trying to work the code in the wrong direction.
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so if you put all the letters in order, you’ll find this blog on tumblr. lvtezd is a caesar cypher with a shift of 11 for “akitos” but that’s just a fun fact so i could have a random name for the hidden blog and i enjoyed that 11 is akito’s character number.
now lvtezd is primarily blank. the pfp is a darkened screenshot from the journey 2DMV to match with akito-daily and be a little reassurance that you’re in the right place. there is one post.
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if you recall from the tags of the day 203 post, there’s some wacky capitalization going on. typo intentional. btw.
as of writing this post now, i’m thinking the au mentioned here might not actually be posted to akito-daily so i can save it for the potential arg/rp blog i make in the future. there’s plenty of similar aus out there i can draw for and i have plenty of my own aus (mostly crossovers 👉👈) to put on akito-daily so i’m keeping this one close to the chest for now.
④ the final message
recall that 🥓🔍 from earlier? a quick google should point you in the right direction.
but if you’re just here to read the write-up, then that’s meant to be a little hint at “bacon cypher.” named for a guy whose surname was bacon. simply put, bacon’s cypher encodes a each individual letter to a five-piece string of two figures. typically a and b. this can be applied to plain text by letting a = lowercase characters, and B = uppercase characters. also i = j and u = v for the version i used, so getting “haue” at the end is not a true error.
i unfortunately had to encrypt my final message manually, as i couldn’t find a tool online to do it for me and don’t know how to write a code/algorithm that could do it for me. fortunately for you solvers, i have found a tool on the cypher website linked to earlier that will take text and convert all lowercase characters to 0 and uppercase characters to 1. the output may look like binary, but this is still bacon’s code. depending on the bacon decrypter you’re using, you might be able to tell it 0 = a and 1 = B, otherwise you can use a text replacement tool to convert your 0’s and 1’s to a’s and b’s.
you probably will get a result out with no spaces or punctuation, but it should be easy enough to get to this final message:
“a mind after my own i see / really though i decided not to do the arg / thank you for the effort / this is the end of the rabbit hole / you have my word”
the text in the tags on day 203 follows the exact same decryption process, giving “look carefully”
and that’s it! if you were actually willing to read through this all and you still have any questions / comments / encouragements for me, lmk! ask box is always open with anon on for your comfort (except when i accidentally turn things off and don’t realise it…) or leave a comment or reblog on this post. thanks for reading and taking an interest!
if you happen to see this and want to know how i did the encryption manually, i used the set up below. red box for the plain text, blue box for the bacon code for each letter, and green for the plain text with the capitalisation i then just to typed it up as shown. unfortunately this was a lengthy process (what’s shown below is only about a fifth or sixth of my total work) and obviously there is quite a bit of room for error. i think i had 4 or 5 letters off (out of maybe a 80 or so?) that i had to correct when i checked the decryption.
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10 apps that Apple Vision Pro needs right now
Let’s explore 10 future ideas for Apple Vision Pro that will inevitably be created and monetised despite all critisism and fears of the decline of the Apple Vision Pro market
AR-Couturier. The concept is based on a flexible measuring tape that extends from the fingertips of both hands (flexible finger roulette), or alternatively, you can set a starting point with a finger and measure non-linearly, thus measuring hips, chest, shoulders. Developers should consider making the polyline smoother and more accurate for measurements. Glasses would make this tool work better and more precisely than apps that often misjudge planes. This idea of a virtual measuring tape for body measurements is highly innovative and could revolutionize the fashion and custom clothing industry.
AR Fitness. Exercise in a unified AR space styled after different immersive worlds. Individuals or groups from different corners of the world can exercise together, choosing rooms based on interests, goals, and countries. There’s an option to choose trainers (for an additional fee) or exercise with prerecorded workouts (for introverts). Combining physical exercises with AR in various styled worlds is an excellent way to make fitness more exciting and accessible globally.
Virtual Confession App. This app is modeled after Russian Chatroulette, where random people communicate, but with a crucial difference: it offers an immersive space design using AR glasses. Imagine choosing a therapist’s chair, a monastery cell, or something else for your dialogue with another person. Participants not only talk but can also set tasks for each other and complete them. For an additional fee, professional psychologists/therapists can be involved, and various consultation rooms and meditation sessions can be created. This concept of random communication with elements of confession and task completion is unique and can create a highly intriguing and emotional user experience.
AR Anti Couch Potato. A humorous motivator for particularly lazy people. Put on the glasses, and a motivator (with a selectable avatar) compels you to do something (through threats or gentle manipulations). The essence of such a motivator is to synchronize with your notes/reminders and any documents, analyze your records and tasks, and make you complete them. Developers need to consider how to protect themselves from user criticism, perhaps by ensuring that each user provides documented consent in advance not to be offended by the motivator to avoid AR abuse. This idea is particularly original and addresses the current issue of motivation. Integrating AR with personalized reminders and documents to stimulate activity could genuinely help people overcome laziness and become more active.
AR Empathy Simulator. The app of the century, capable of training and teaching people empathy. What does it mean to be not like you, but to be someone else? The primary mission of this app is to deeply understand another individuality. Possibly, glasses are the only way to truly dive into another person’s mind. The principle of the app — wearing glasses, you transfer with granted permission into another person’s glasses or an accessible record of that person, to understand how they think and feel through an immersive experience. Potential downsides: criminals and various fraudsters might gain access, so it’s essential to carefully think through the policy and consider security measures twice.
AR Relationship App for Long-distance Couples. The goal is to maintain connections over distance. In the app, participants complete joint tasks, progress through levels, and earn rewards. A key feature of this game must be the ability for participants to see live 3D figures of each other. For instance, they can assemble puzzles, playfully interact, take quizzes, or explore AR stores and dressing rooms (a feature that bored spouses would appreciate). The main thing is that there can be many such applications, all depending on the interactivity embedded within.
AR Cards. Perhaps a less original idea, but it could gain a new twist through an immersive experience. Creating stylized spaces for playing cards in a combined AR session sounds cool, especially when players want to interact with players from different countries.
AR Mythology. Do you want to become a god while learning about myths? 3D mythology is a great way! Studying the 3D mythology of various cultures interactively and having the opportunity to play as one of the gods at the end of the course is designed for better learning material absorption. It’s particularly suitable for teenagers.
AR Chef. Imagine being given a list of dishes and shown how to prepare them in 3D models — boring? But add to this app the ability of glasses to point out mistakes in the cooking process, such as showing how to properly butcher meat or correctly measure the volume of a substance in a container (for which the correct container needs to be scanned and the right recipe selected so the glasses can determine the correct weight). This is hard to implement, but possible in the future.
AR Assistant for Combating Panic Attacks. Using AR to create an immersive experience aimed at aiding during panic attacks, combined with using smartwatches to monitor physiological parameters, represents an innovative approach to treating psychological conditions. This application should work alongside devices like the Apple Watch to track vital parameters and include a set of rules/techniques from licensed psychotherapists for specific panic attacks, as well as a calendar to monitor such states and further prognosis.
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cottonjewels · 1 year
New Welcome Home secret?
So I was looking through the welcome home website, and I was using one of the code links (Woxyve), And I ended up finding something, I clicked on the bug gif and it took me to a video where it shows a recording of paint and the audio is of the character Barnaby speaking to Home. Is this a new welcome home secret?
(EDIT: So the "Recording of paint" video that I described was actually the video in Wally's perspective. My apologies for wording it horribly!)
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aurosoulart · 7 months
working on a New Year's dragon! 🐉
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clownfire · 8 months
just saw a youtuber call Generation Loss an "interactive ARG".
like yeah. It's interactive because it's an Augment Reality GAME.
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soldmoondoggie · 1 year
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Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder (Nintendo 3DS 2014)
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r0achezz · 8 months
Find it here! It will also have a YouTube where all the important videos are!! (I’ll be making it soon :3)
other than that, on tumblr, you’ll be able to ask the characters things/interact with them!
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ausxrfestival · 9 months
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It was wonderful walking to the festival every morning. Melbourne is such a vibrant creative city.
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nightandflesh · 9 days
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Me irl and me irl
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