#au ideas maybe
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months ago
A) You are mean to Vaggie
B) Obligatory Complication: Emily is crushing impossibly hard on Vaggie and hangs out with Charlie as much as possible for vicarious enjoyment.
thing is tho i could totally see a version of Emily that latches onto Vaggie in some kind of emotional way
Emily's faith in heaven was shaken by Sera and the revelation of the exterminations...... Emily finds out her older sister and the head of the seraphim of heaven has known about Adam killing souls this whole time- was hiding it AND condoning it- which Emily HAS to take a stand against because it's wrong-
and then Emily finds out about Vaggie.
She sees how a lowly exorcist is living in hell now, has been for years, and is running a hotel to redeem sinners. She sees. Hope.
How frustrated was Emily at the end of season 1? The next extermination goes ahead in spite of Emily fighting against it, Sera won't listen, she's not allowed to even watch it happen, she's sitting across from Sera doing PAPERWORK while people die and then Pentious is there and presumably tells them how the fight went up until his death, probably mentions how Charlie and Vaggie worked together to prepare the hotel and were fighting in the thick of the battle- and then Lute comes back missing an arm and Adam is dead and the hotel is being rebuilt-
An angel fought alongside the sinners who she used to kill, she risked her life for them...
That could be such a point of hope for Emily to cling to.
Someone in heaven did think it was wrong. One of Adam's very own soldiers, even.
I could see her getting a bit desperate to know more about Vaggie. Wanting to find out what made her switch from killing souls to saving them, how long did it take, did anything help, why did she ever think it was okay in the first place
(Emily trying to understand Sera by proxy because it hurts less this way)
And of course Emily's easiest source of Vaggie Lore would be Charlie, Vaggie's girlfriend, the only part of the hotel running duo who is actually interested in talking about anything other than purely heaven-hell related business and who will stop glaring silently long enough to chat
Naturally, given Vaggie's bad history with heaven, Charlie would be RELIEVED to see how one high ranking angel seems to actually care about her girlfriend
So Charlie would answer the Vaggie questions eagerly, bc she loves talking Vaggie and wants her to have a powerful ally up in heaven and also maybe the whole Rosie thing showed her how helpful it is to talk with someone other than her gf about her gf and Emily is so nice and kind and they can trust her and she listens so intently and Charlie's so happy this one thing is working out and she can't stop smiling about it-
and meanwhile. Vaggie is just out of earshot. Grinding her TEETH
Romantic or not, in the same way that Charlie and Emily could bond over caring about the people under their protection so much, Emily might look at Vaggie and feel a need to get closer to her. To connect with the only other angel who really seems to GET it
heck, Vaggie being in hell running the hotel might even be a point of admiration and slight envy for Emily.
A seraphim can talk to the other high ranking angels, but what use does that feel like its serving, if they don't listen? Emily can shepherd Pentious around his new life in heaven but it's HEAVEN, what is THAT compared to helping a sinner carve out some kind of better life for themselves down in hell, where the help is really NEEDED? And while it makes sense Charlie would be down there doing that, she's princess of hell- Vaggie shows how angels could be doing it too. They could be making a real, tangible difference every day, instead of....
I could see the idea of Vaggie becoming something Emily thinks about a lot
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renewashere · 1 month ago
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this reminded me of them
(text under cut)
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sweeneydino · 2 months ago
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Whoops, wrong parent.
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He sure did
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plainclothesdisaster · 5 months ago
Danny’s on the Suicide Squad. He’s the defacto team moral compass and ray of sunshine. He plays the role of the camp counselor that keeps everyone in line. He’s not afraid of working with even the gnarliest of baddies.
Everybody on the team wonders how he ended up locked up with the villains- he never talks about what he did to end up behind bars no matter how much they pester him. Then one day they’re out on a mission and Harley or somebody is caught and tortured. Danny snaps. It’s the opposite of brutal- he takes down everyone in the room with clinical, dispassionate efficiency.
After it’s over and the team is safe he comes back to himself and is almost sheepish. He radios Belle Reve.
“Whoops. Add another couple notches on my power dampener collar, would you Waller?”
“Can’t, it’s already at max.”
“Ah. Well. I’ll have a look at strengthening it when we’re back then.”
The team just stared at him slack jawed. Good thing he’s on their side.
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crystallized-cheese · 2 months ago
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so like imagine Undertale characters but they're all crafts supplies Part Two Electric Boogaloo (Sans and Papyrus) (Toriel and Asgore) (Frisk and Flowey) (Napstablook and Mettaton)
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joshuamj · 8 months ago
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Okay, but what if EoW!Zelda had to impersonate Link
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parasolladyansy · 2 months ago
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Hero of Bombs AU (original concept by @mipmoth)
The crossover I didn’t know I desperately needed but do indeed desperately need, & thanks to Tears of the Kingdom, we do have Bomb Flowers & all manner of projectiles for Ingo to throw at baddies, or to Link in a pinch! 💣
I’d go back to their original comic now & again (partially because Legends Arceus really reminds me of BotW), where Moth imagines Ingo in BotW Hyrule with the popularly feral Link. In this AU of their AU it’s more or less the same, except Link is cured of his amnesia, & wants to help Ingo with his, as well as help him go home.
First / Sage of Spirit Arc / Koroks? / Screenshot Edit 1 / Screenshot Edit 2 / Link’s Abilities / Round Ears & Lore / Reunion /
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anxiousapplepie · 3 months ago
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After 4 painful Acts and at least a dozen traumatizing experiences that will haunt them forever, Traveler!Bonnie gives the friendship quests a try! And discovers new and terrifying interesting information about the Researcher.
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killl-ka · 3 months ago
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Don't look at me🫣 and get yo food (it's completely self indulgent at this point)
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I was REALLY drunk when I was drawing this
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paintedcrows · 3 months ago
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Totally Normal Trigonometry Things
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mistyjessart · 2 months ago
The Odyssey Modern AU: Christmas edition
For your consideration: the Odyssey but as a Hallmark Christmas movie where Odysseus travels to New York for work and is trying to get home to Hawaii?? (I needed a long domestic flight shhhhh it was either this or Vancouver to Newfoundland) in time for Christmas dinner with Penelope and Telemachus after missing it for the last 20 years straight
The Trojan War is some really big business venture or something that took literally forever for them to sign but they finally did it!!
Polyphemus keeps them after work threatening to get HR involved because they accidentally ate his lunch that he left in the fridge, Polites and some of his other coworkers get stuck there but Ody and the rest manage to escape the office
Athena is Odysseus' boss (and childhood friend) who told him to get everything done more efficiently so he could leave earlier but noooooo he didn't listen and guess who's cutting it close again
The wind bag: Aeolus (from another department, maybe distribution??) sends them home with snacks that they forget to declare and Poseidon the airport security guard sees them after Eurylochus opens the bag in the waiting area and pulls them into the security room until they miss their flight
Circe owns a local motel and wanted to kick them out because she doesn't trust so many dudes around her employees after past incidents, but her and Athena's mutual friend Hermes gives Odysseus some of her favourite tea as a peace offering and he tells her about his wife and kid and she's just like "fineeeeee okay you're a wife guy, I guess I can find you a room"
She calls them a taxi to the airport the next day and the driver Tiresias just keeps giving them ominous life advice and seems to know like... way too much about them and also they're not entirely sure he actually has his license
Odysseus gets a call from his mom like "where are you we're waiting for you" and he's like "I'm on my way home I promiseeeeeeeeee I'll be there this time"
The sirens are various sales reps at the airport
Scylla (baggage check employee) keeps some of them cuz their bags are too heavy so Ody and the rest head to the gate without them
Eurylochus brings snacks again (thinking Chicharron-style snacks, ones you're not supposed to bring on a plane) and Zeus detains them
The suitors are just the neighbourhours who bully Telemachus like "oooOOOOhhhhh ssuuuUUURrreee your dad is tOOOOtally gonna show up to Christmas this year" and making jokes about his mom
Athena (who did leave early and catch the original flight) scares them away and reassures Telemachus that his dad is on his way (while texting Odysseus "see I told you so")
She finds out Zeus is the one detaining them so she calls her dad like "please can you at least send Odysseus on his way, you literally know him, he's just a dumbass sometimes" so Zeus let's Odysseus go catch his flight but keeps the rest of them in security
Calypso is some lady he's seated next to on the plane who hits on him for the entire ten-hour flight
Poseidon, who got transferred to the other airport, recognizes Odysseus from before and pulls him into security again and Odysseus just rips into him until he lets him go
The neighbours are bullying Telemachus while he's out getting last-minute ingredients for dinner when some dude turns up and tells them off and threatens to get their parents so they all run off
Penelope's just like... "who are you and what have you done with my husband, how are you actually on time"
Insert sweet and sappy Christmas dinner with the entire family until Odysseus' sister goes "wait... where's Eurylochus?"
Eurylochus turns up at the door the next morning like "ODYSSEUS YOU MF I HAD TO CATCH ANOTHER FLIGHT-"
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spookyspeks · 6 months ago
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Melanie Kinggg
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 29 days ago
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What a lovely family portrait👨🏻‍👨🏻‍👦🏻🖼️
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Enhanced image of A-Yuan's first sword flight.
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knockknockitsnickels · 7 months ago
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"Sacrifice the Yourself" (title pending), the hip new slay the princess swap AU, in which you and the girlies must decide if you're gonna let a giant bird stab you (and maybe.... find love?!)
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stemmmm · 5 months ago
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ok a third one. i've got a third one
context: 1 2 3
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avayarising · 5 months ago
Batfam time travel fic idea: Dick is sent back in time to his younger body, around his early Nightwing era. But the younger body he’s sent back into at that particular moment happens to be concussed or sick or poisoned or something, so Dick (who wasn’t expecting the time travel in any case) is completely disoriented. Ten-year-old Stalker Tim sees him shivering/throwing up and goes to help out – and Dick just sees his little brother.
Tim has to deal with a confused, rambling Nightwing who is calling him by name and trusting him to help him and saying all sorts of concerning things.
(Maybe this is in New York, and Tim manages to call the rest of the New Teen Titans, who turn up and have to deal with this kid Nightwing has latched on to and won’t let go of, who apparently knows their identities. At least he seems as confused as they are about why this is happening.)
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