#au contraire
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namu-the-orca · 3 months ago
I don't know how "ask box trick or treat" works, but hi, I bring you a photo of my most beloved plushie since I was about 4, in return for a trick or a treat perhaps? Their name is Finke
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(Pls excuse the fact that I managed to accidentally unfollow for a moment while trying to send an ask, whoops)
Ohh thank you for the trick or treat, you did perfectly! I love your little plushie, they are so cute and the name Finke is really sweet. I also have a very old killer whale plushie however they don't have a name. For you I made this painting as a treat:
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"You were my friend"
It's about the killer whales from long ago who lived under human care, when marine parks were just starting out. And the things they went through because people back then didn't really know what they were doing yet. Pools too small, healthcare very subpar, training not up to modern standards. Whales were regularly manhandled for procedures, or the pools simply drained for cleaning or vet checks. And yet these animals placed their trust in the people they met. Even if those only stayed a while, came and went, put them through painful procedures, took care of them only as a summer job.
It is strange, looking at those old grainy black and white photos. Like a different world back then. All these whales. All these people. The blurred face of the trainer is supposed to represent the anonymity of the people they met. Contrasted with the delicate trust they received from the whales regardless.
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theflyestwhiteboyofthemall · 6 months ago
i bet all those trans furry tech ppl in the bedroom are like *sexy voice* fork me on github daddy
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bananasareupsidedown · 1 year ago
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beast-ofeden · 4 months ago
~when I make art that is marginally queer, its because I am as straight and narrow as God made me, and I absolutely AM queerbaiting so that when all the moths crowd my flame, I can call all those abominations to repent of their sin.
real people being partially closeted or ambiguous about their own sexuality while making Gay Art is not queerbaiting
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gayfucknugget · 2 years ago
the ellie williams tag majorly being smut like can i BREATHE for a sec
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beauteetmagie · 2 years ago
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gayestpiano · 2 years ago
what if french phrases we use were from other languages instead
he has a certain wǒ bù zhīdào that i just love
they are filled with a carefree az élet öröme
Эсрэгээрээ! i actually do like olives!
what an embarrassing λάθος, instead of applauding at the opera i used noisemakers
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t00thpasteface · 9 months ago
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c'mon, do the circulation! it starts with your heart— what a great sensation!
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rapha-reads · 1 year ago
No but I gotta talk about Medusa for a minute actually.
It's been. A very long time since I read the PJO books so I don't exactly remember how Uncle Rick presents Medusa in the book. But the way the show introduces her myth? Fascinating. For me as a Greek mythology enthusiast, that is.
The show makes Medusa a victim of Athena. Of course, the show is mainly for kids, so they can't exactly say that, hey, kids, Medusa was Athena's priestess and she was raped by Poseidon, YEP, or protagonist's father, IN Athena's temple, nah, that's neither kid-friendly nor does it endears us to Poseidon. Not that Poseidon is very dear to us viewers/readers at this point, our narrator/protagonist can't stand his own dad.
But still what fascinates me is that even though they twisted the myth to ft the narrative they still managed to evoke Athena's curse as being actually a gift, and Medusa not feeling wretched over her condition but blessed.
Which is not a modern reading of the myth, actually. Saying that Athena couldn't punish Poseidon for his transgression and could only punish Medusa, but did so in a way that would give Medusa weapons to defend herself against whoever and whatever would try to harm her again, is a narrative that exists since Antiquity.
My point is that the re-framing of Medusa's myth, departing from the traditional, non-kid-friendly version while still incorporating both classic and modern elements, is a good frame of reference for the series (book and show)' entire approach to mythology. And I guess I'm saying that mostly for the non-book readers who are discovering this world, many of whom might be Greek mythology fans and might have gone "wait, why is Hades AGAIN presented as the bad guy when he's the chillest, most normal, most stable god in this entire pantheon", because that's a conversation the book fandom has been having (over and over again) for more than a decade.
Anyway, yeah. As a long time book fan and a show appreciative, here's my advice to anyone who knows WAY too much about Greek myths and still want to enjoy the ride without going every five minutes "wait, that's not correct": reframe. Contemporary rewritings, modern audiences and Fantasy genre.
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1ohwon · 4 months ago
EAT the Fed.
More Taxes, More Government, Less Freedom Answer to every problem according to politicians
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months ago
kremy being so patient with twig even though she very nearly had them pulling one of those moves that get you doomed to eternal torment in greek mythology (i.e. secretly feeding people their own young)...... his is the voice of the most soul-tired man in the world when he says 'twig... I've done a lot of fucked up shit in my time, but I'm not gonna feed them people'. he's not angry he's not even disappointed he's just resigned. he's a person who has to draw the line somewhere and he's drawing it
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elilmwenseni27 · 7 months ago
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This is the only moment (2x03 No Pain) where we see Armand feeding on a human!! It took me a while to pause the video and to be sure it was him but I finally did it and we see his face.
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girafeduvexin · 6 months ago
C'est trop marrant parce qu'autant je peux dire que je m'y connais un peu en littérature (master de lettres + master d'écriture créative + prof depuis 4 ans), autant j'y connais RIEN en cinéma, je suis vraiment très inculte et j'ai vu très peu de classiques, mais j'aime bien écouter des podcasts sur le cinéma et parfois ça taille des films comme moi je peux tailler des bouquins et je suis en mode "ah j'ai bien aimé ce film pourtant" et c'est pas grave hein !! Je m'en fous que les gens aiment pas un film que j'aime et quand ils ont des bons arguments, c'est intéressant ! Mais autant en littérature, je suis niveau fac, autant en ciné quand j'entends des critiques, je suis vraiment niveau collège, honnêtement, c'est assez rafraîchissant.
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second-wife-playbook · 8 months ago
There was always a curious natural reaction to realizing it was a preening day. Cori's smallfeathers, covering her skin, puffed up, and ended up leaving a mess everywhere as her body attempted to molt more rapidly. She'd scarcely had time to get to their shared room before she was able to take her shirt off, trying to preen properly on her cot, and she STILL left feathers everywhere.
"Such a pain-" She grumbled, her hands straining to reach pinfeathers to rub the casings free. "-right in the middle of the-"
She squawked at the knock on the door.
"D-don't come in!" She said in a high voice. "Sorry, sorry! I'm uh-" She gulped. "-I'm afraid I need to hole up for a few hours. It's a preening day." The sounds of shuffling came from within the room. "It's a bit of a pain, but my pinfeathers are coming in and if I don't take care of it, it's going to itch something fierce for a week."
Not to mention it mostly involved being half-naked during the process, something Striker did NOT need to see.
"I'm terribly sorry, but I'll be busy with it. If you want to go ahead and have lunch, I'll eat after I'm done!"
Gimme Shelter
(((continued from: )))
Striker nodded, his gaze softening as he listened to Cori.
"You're right, Cori. I didn't know ya then, and I didn't know how much I'd change."
He took a step closer, his voice filled with gratitude.
"Thank ya for understandin'. I know it ain't easy to hear, and I appreciate ya takin' it in stride. I reckon I do owe Stolas an apology, though like ya said, it ain't practical. Maybe someday, if the chance comes."
Striker sighed, the weight on his shoulders seeming a bit lighter.
"Although, in my defense, he kept makin' sexual comments when I was tryin' to do my job, so I got understandably angry."
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threemoonwatchers · 1 month ago
Mbs band AU where Constance is just Daniel Thrasher with perfect pitch
Even your brain has frequencies, George
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viktoriakomova · 7 months ago
I do think it’s genuinely unhealthy/disturbing when gymnasts make references to some dumbass fan discourse du jour in a snippy epic clapback social media caption or tweet I’m sorry like. you’re literally at the Olympics throw your phone into the fucking seine..?! if you won’t then someone else should be hired to do it for you??!!!! tf?
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