vacacionesenegipto · 2 years
Templos, pirámides, playas.... Una semana de relax que al mismo tiempo nos permitirá descubrir la cultura faraónica sobrevolando en globo la ciudad de Luxor y todos sus tesoros, contemplar una de las 7 Maravillas de la Antigüedad, las pirámides de Guiza, y relajarnos en las estupendas playas y fondos marinos del Mar Rojo. ¡Un plan perfecto para nuestras vacaciones de verano!
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revenant-coining · 1 year
Domestic Oscillating and Repulsed
[pt: Domestic Oscillating and Repulsed /end pt]
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 4 equally-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: blue, dullish blue, light yellow, dullish blue, blue. in the center of the flag is a light yellow circle outlined in orange. inside the circle is an orange symbol of 2 revolving arrows. End ID]
[ID: a rectangular flag with 4 equally-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: blue, dullish blue, light yellow, dullish blue, blue. in the center of the flag is a light yellow circle outlined in orange. inside the circle is an orange symbol of an X. End ID]
Domestic-Oscillating: one’s feelings towards domestic interaction change or fluctuate over time.
Domestic-Repulsed: one feels repulsed by domestic interaction.
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[ID: a red line divider outlined in yellow. in the center is a red feather outlined in yellow. End ID]
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the-acid-pear · 3 months
Okay. Today was so long I barely remember what happened. I think I'm going to bed
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nathandulce · 2 years
Greece was amazing
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Visited Greece (mainly Athens and Santorini) for a couple of days and all I can say is that a few days is not enough to truly discover the magnificence that is Greece.
It's not only a destination; it's an art, a culture, a beauty.
Food was absolutely amazing; the people were incredibly friendly.
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Hope to write about this holiday trip in great detail in another post.
αντιο σας!
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spitinsideme · 7 months
As one of the leading minds on women and lesbianism, I would like your perspective on a query that has been lurking in the back of my mind. The question in question is, "Why do we as a society like boobs?" There shouldn't be any instinctive reasons for males to find that specific part instinctively attractive, they are not a reproductive organ, and on that note we lesbians, who defy the general understanding of nature, have no real reason to either. I mean, we got boobs, but it is not the same. Like, is there a scientific reason for society's adoration, of boobs, or is it as simple as neuron activation? I have a couple of theories. One could be something along the lines of being a good candidate as a potential mother, but that only makes sense for men, and I refuse to believe that lesbians are just mimicking the behavior of straight men for no real reason. There is something that connects us all to boobs... Maybe we are drawn to them instinctively as one of the first comforts of life, I'm not sure. That is why I beseech you, the ultimate woman-rizzler and diagnoser of kinks. Your standing in this community speaks volumes. So tell me, oh, wise one... Why do you think society is so fixated on boobs?
going to tell you all now this might he a bit long hecause i get sidrtracked really easily since i get excited taljing ahout kinks, also i willl ve talking ahoit kinks thats obvious enough. another importajt detail ! whikst i havr dobe so much resrarch on this using like full on books by professionals and reading professional scientific shit, there is not much at all of "why we are sexuallly attracted to this" so im basing this off what i have learned and using the information i have to write my own theories alsi i dont know neuron activation shit so maybe thats a reason idonrknow i jsut knoe ahout horny people !!! i hope you enjly my rambling ling ass answrt anyways 👍❤️
going to give you all alittle fun fact that the sexual attraction to boobs is called mazophilia, and it is a type of partialism ! a partialism is type of kink that falld under the category ot sexaul attractooj to body parts tjat arr not the geniitald, likr hands and feet anf legs anr all sorts of stuff ! i love explainining that to people ..
whilst i dont exactly know why liking tits is such like a huge common thing for peoplex because not much information and like reseatch goes into "why people like common body parts" i will use all the things i know to try and find a reason ! its crazy to me how people think that we must like something because of like evolution or because they are part of life or whatever, a foot fetish is literally the most common partialism like its so popular, and ehat donfeet do ???? nothing .. but people go horny over that shit !!! like the look of them, what they can do to them, and like even accessories !!! like painted toenails or toe rings or things of the sorts (tht is called clothes fetishism bytheway, srxual attracion to specific type of clothes and all that stuff basically)
thats ejough ahoit foot fetishes, back to tits ! i think that people simply like tits becaude of many different reasons honestly, most people like the way they look and see them in a sexual way, its really that simple !!! most fetishes start during puberty (and no kinks are NOT hereditary, yes your parents CAN influence your kinks during your childhood like if your parents smoked you are more likely to have capnolagnia, a smoking fetish, but kinkd are absolutely not hereditary and there are severeal reasons they can develop, like your childhood (also another small little fun fact most people who are into abasiophilia, which is sexual attraction to peoplr with impaired mobility, are adults whp were childten or young when there was that thing where polio was extrmely common and led people to wear orthopedic things ans that developed into these people being srxually attracted to it due to frequent exposue to it in their childhood) and also just as you grow up ypu will most likley find more things sexually attractive)
i feel like i keep on gping complly off topic becaude i grt excited to sprinkle in facts avout kinks so now im going to give the reasons why i think a lot of people are into tits
first reason, exposure to it our whole lives. as a society, tits are like shown as sexual and attractive, mosr shows or movies or even games you play have women with tits that are the focus and are mesnt to be sexually attractive. whilst as a child you would not think that because the shows you shpuld he watching would not have that focus point on breasts qs being attractive, as you get older, you would. if you look at any anime that is pg 13, it will have women who have big breasts that jiggle or are in provocatuve outfits that dhow them off on purpose, and even the other people in yhe show see it as attractive and start blushing seeing it. because of this being so common in most things from even such an early age, most peoppe will find tits attractive. to sum it down, a lot of media shows tits as being attractive and makes them the focus of attraction. its the samr way like a leg fetish show would make the legs the focus of sexual attraction, do you understabd ? (another little fun fact, thisbis also how many fetishes and kinks come to be, to bring up again capnolagnia its why many women in the past wete attracted to men that smokd because most peoppe did and it was so fommon and everywhere that it became attractve. compared to now, many less people smoke and its not seen as hot to most people anymore, society and media has a huge influence on fetishes abd kinks)
second reason, ut kind of links on with the first reason. most peopoe like tits, the people who like tits will talk about liking tits, resulting in more shows and stuff that have tits be hot, that soreads even more, more peoppe see that stuff and go yeah thats hot, and becaude its so common and so normal in society by so kany people, that mindwrt thing will go and be like okay ! i gyess that is hot ! its like youre influenced in a way ?
third reason, they literally just look nice, im attracted to womens backs for no other reason then yeah ! theyre nice ! theyre hot to me, and im so sure that goes for so many other people who just look at body parts and go yeah alright that fucks im into that, sometimes it really is as simple as that (also, sone peoppe are attracted to tits in specific clothing or with piercings and stuff, thats back to clothes fetishosm !!!). a lot of women are attracted to hands, why ? because of the defined details, like veins or that theyre rough or maybe even that they have long fingers, which brings me to my next point, imagingig what you can do to them or what tjey can do to you
fourth reason, the image if seeing tits and not liking them on thwir own, but imagoning ehat you fould do to them or what they could do to you. im going to hring up cheirophilia, whoch is the sexual attraction to hands. i think this is a good example because men AND women like hands (althoufh womej usually more, but why ? usually because of the masculinity shown theoifh the arms and hande like arm hair, rough hands, big hands, veins, or some cuts that show they do manuap labour whoch is usually a masculine thing, this is anther reason ill brinf uo for liking tits in my next reason) hands can be used for fingering for women whoch is what msot womej enjoy yhe most as it provides clit stumulation and also feels nicer (for a lotx but nt all peoppe with vaginas as they are all different) whilst for men thwy can see it as oh ! handjobs (whilstt men enjly handjlbs, most peoppe with dicks enjoy penetration which is why i think that men do not have as much srxuak attraction to hands as womej do, differenr erogenous zones that can he touched and stuff) so what do tita have to do with this ? peoplr will see tits and might think "oh, tits have nipples, and i wsnt to suck on nipples", or "i want to cum on those tits" or simply want to feel tuem up. that could also be why peoppe are attracyed to tits because they aant to do things to them and the umage of doing those things to the tits is erotic !
fifth reason, im bringing back the point i made before about women beong peoppe who are more into hands than men because it shows masculinity. tits udually are soemthong that dhows femininity or whatever the fucking word is, tbeyre feminine most commonly and are usully seen that way. people who are attracted to womeh will usually see tits and like rhem because they are feminine ! some people like bigger tits becwuse it means tbwy are more feminine (most commonly men i think who prefer bigger tits, becaude smaller tits are seen as "not feminine enough", but not all men and not al people who orefer bkgger tits think like this) butny yes, i think that peoole who are into women are also into tits because they usually show femininity !!
sixth reason, and this might be specific but its a reason i think more so .. girla would have ? none of this is scientofically prov4n, these arenall just my own theories based on my own resesrch on diffetent topics so youknkw take this as you will ! but, for this, i think women are more likely to he into thos (and also some men) but tits may show dominance. for me, i like bigger titw because they seen to mske peope look bigger, and i likr bigger people becaude they look more dominant to me and in power. its the same aswith height, but insteasnits size. some people may like tits because it shows domincance or something like that. i mean really, think ahout it, most peope who see a woman with big tits go "god i want her to literally smother me until i run out of breath and fie with tyose tits" and i think thts sayibg sometihing and it shows to me that some poppe are attracted to big tits because it shows domincance !!!
that was really long, but i think these are the reasons why a lot of people like tits. no kink or srxual attracyion will ever he as simple as only having ome reason why everyone likes it. also, i think the evplution theory is stupid like i undersand its scientific bit wyo the fuxk sees a womah with big tits and goes "oh she will make a perfecr moter she has chikd bearing breasts !!!" thats fuxjing atupud peppe are just horny and thats okay indomt care if that theory is scientific or whatever the fuck i like pussy and i dont have that inpregnate gene evolved in me i just lke it because its fucking hot !!!!
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part-time-zombie · 9 months
Seeing alot of posts about being aromantic lately and it reminded me of one particular interaction I had a while back.
I was talking to a coworker one night and the conversation somehow migrated to dating and relationships. Coworker is a much older man, straight with a classic "ball and chain" perspective of his married life. Eventually he asks me about my (nonexistent) boyfriend/dating life.
Cue uncomortable internal squirming.
(while I usually just call myself queer as a catch-all umbrella label for myself, I feel the closest with being aroace and feel very little attracion/desire, sexual or romantic)
I just tell him "I don't really have a boyfriend right now, and I'm not really looking for one either. I'm pretty happy with being single."
He is predictably confused/shocked. "You mean you're just by yourself, not even looking for a relationship at all?"
"Yeah, pretty much." is all I say, silently hoping the topic changes.
"I bet that's really tough, choosing to stay single like that."
I try not to roll my eyes and just respond with "its really not. I don't want or need to be in a relationship to be happy. I'm perfectly comfortable by myself, and I never really felt the desire to be in a relationship anyway. I've never wanted to date before and I don't really plan to start dating anytime soon, and im happy like this."
Yall. This man. He starts going on about how much more mature I am compared to my peers for the choice to remain single, about how much of a good decision it is for me to not want to date because of how complicated dating can get and just generally spends life the next five minutes praising my "choice"
(It's really not a choice for me at all. I'm very socially awkward, don't know many people I'd want to date, and don't even experience the attraction/desire to even be in a relationship)
Idk, this all just got me thinking again
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kerestheghost · 1 year
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AsenAce -Asexual Asensual flag
Asensual is the lack of sensual attracion. (kissing hugging etc) Asexual is the lack of sexual attraction.
Coined by me
[ID: A pride flag with five pastel horizontal stripes of: dark pink, pale pink, white, orange-pink, and grey. End ID.]
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years
Same sex attracion ONLY is natural and normal and attempts to frame it as "transphobia" are inn-fact just homophobic bigotry as usual
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yourfantasyfigures · 2 years
Epilogue: The Wormhole
Border: Carnival <completed>
Start here: Prologue: The Invitation
Previous chapter: Mixed Up (Chapter 4)
Masterlist Info AO3
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"No, no, it was never mine."
Rating: All Audiences
Words: 1108
Status: Completed
Tags & Warnings of the entire fic: Vampire!au, mystery, found family, hurt & comfort, non-graphic violence, hints towards past trauma, family drama
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the tags/warnings, feel free to contact me. Please let me know if I'm missing any tags.
We interrupt your program to bring you an update on the events that transpired at Wormhole Carnival, which was suddenly evacuated earlier today.
According to reports, police were informed of a potentially life-threatening incident at one of the attracions. A young man, estimated to be between the ages of 17 and 23 reportedly jumped off a swing ride. When medical professionals arrived to treat possible injuries from the fall, the man was nowhere to be found.
As the police was on site to investigate the peculiar incident, they were alerted to unusual movement of the circus tent that seemed to be threatening to collapse. Securing the tent and searching inside, they found five individuals, all of which belonging to the circus The Invitation.
Seemingly the aftermath of a violent confrontation, the ringmaster was transferred to a hospital where he is receiving treatment.
Police declined to disclose any further details.
Until clarity on what transpired at Wormhole Carnival is achieved, the Carnival will be temporarily closed to ensure the safety of the public.
Thank you and have a good night.
"No thank you, I don't want any."
"You should eat something, Ni-ki, it will make you feel better. Look." Jay filled a bowl halfway.
"This one is yours, so just take it whenever you're ready."
He set it down in front of the younger boy who weakly smiled at him, the thank you remaining unspoken but understood nonetheless.
They six others dug in, and upon hearing the overwhelming compliments directed towards Jay who had prepared the meal, Ni-ki couldn't hold back his own curiosity, giving into his rumbling stomach.
When they were all full and too lazy to get up to clear the table, Ni-ki reached into his pocket, then paused.
"Why havent you asked yet?" he wondered out loud.
"What do you mean? Ask what?" Jake asked in return.
Ni-ki vaguely gestured to the hand that was still resting in his pocket.
"What he gave me. I know you're all curious but none of you even alluded to it."
Jake looked around at the others.
"I guess we didn't want to upset you, give you space." Everyone nodded in agreement but Ni-ki let out a huff of annoyance.
"I don't want you guys to treat me like a scared little child that you need to tiptoe around. You don't have to wait for me to bring something up, you can just go ahead and say or ask what you want. And if I'm uncomfortable, I'll say so. I just... I don't want you to constantly protect my feelings or something."
"Okay but me personally, I was just protecting myself from you flinging me across the room but maybe that's just me."
Sunghoon was very amused by his own joke, not even caring that he was the only one laughing. Besides Sunoo, who used his hand to cover his giggle, the others barely reacted, not wanting to further encourage his comedic inclinations.
"Anyways" Jungwon said and turned back to Ni-ki.
"What did he give you in the tent?"
Ni-ki pulled his hand out of his pocket in order to show the others. A thin chain dangled in front of his face, as he showed the others the beautiful amulet.
"Is it yours from when you were a kid?" Jay asked, watching the amulet swing slightly from side to side.
Ni-ki shook his head. "No, no, it was never mine." He mumbled, seeming a bit lost in thought. Heeseung snapped him out of his daydream.
"Does it open?"
Ni-ki smiled as he laid the amulet in the middle of the table.
"Go ahead." He said, looking at Heeseung expectantly.
Heeseung picked it up, careful not to cause any damage.
He opened it, his eyes widening at the pictures he found inside.
"Ni-ki..." he whispered, choking up at what he saw.
They all took turns to look at it before it finally landed in Ni-ki's hands again.
"So is that, is she, I mean" Sunoo struggled to find the right words.
"Yeah." Ni-ki still answered. "That's her. I gave it to her back when I was..." he looked up into the air, trying to remember "Six? Eight? Something like that."
He looked at the amulet again.
"I always thought she took it with her. I know it's ridiculous to hold on to something like that but I just... I understand that she wouldn't want the wedding picture on it, I get leaving him in the past but..."
He closed his eyes as he took a shaky breath, a tear threatening to escape his eyes.
"I don't know, I just really wanted to believe that she would hold on to this and cherish it. She could have taken out their wedding photo and just kept the one with me in it but I guess she didn't want to."
He cleared his voice in hopes of regaining his composure.
"Turns out she gave it to him instead, he probably had it all this time. It makes sense, you know. She was the one who left, it's foolish to assume she would want to take any memory with her."
"It's not foolish" Jake interrupted him. "You're not foolish for thinking or wishing she would take your gift with her. You were a child, for crying out loud. And it's natural to assume she would want to remember her son, so please, stop. Don't make yourself more miserable. You don't deserve this."
Ni-ki reached out to take Jake's hand who took it silently. Ni-ki opened his mouth but no words came out, so he pressed his lips together instead. While Jake was rubbing the back of Ni-ki's hand with soothing motions, the youngest let his head drop, hiding his face from the others.
Because they were all quiet, the sound of Ni-ki's sniffling was unmistakable. It started out quiet, the boy holding it back with all his might, before he broke down.
Tears dropped into his lap and his body began shaking, all of his emotions pouring out.
Jungwon had gotten out of his seat to stand next to the youngest, hoping he could comfort him by running his fingers through his hair. Ni-ki leaned into the touch as his sobs grew louder and louder. He turned in his seat, pulling Jungwon close and burying his face in his stomach.
The others couldn't hold back either, each of them losing their battle against the tears.
They cried together, comforting each other as best as they could.
When they were all out of tears, still sniffling in each other's arms, Ni-ki raised his head.
"I don't.... I don't need them now. You're my only family."
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revenant-coining · 1 year
Domestic Ambivalent, Averse, and Desired
[pt: Domestic Ambivalent, Averse, and Desired /end pt]
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 4 equally-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: blue, dullish blue, light yellow, dullish blue, blue. in the center of the flag is a light yellow circle outlined in orange. inside the circle is an orange symbol of a question mark. End ID]
[ID: a rectangular flag with 4 equally-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: blue, dullish blue, light yellow, dullish blue, blue. in the center of the flag is a light yellow circle outlined in orange. inside the circle is an orange symbol of a tilda. End ID]
[ID: a rectangular flag with 4 equally-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: blue, dullish blue, light yellow, dullish blue, blue. in the center of the flag is a light yellow circle outlined in orange. inside the circle is an orange symbol of an upright tilda. End ID]
Domestic-Ambivalent: one has mixed or complicated feelings regarding domestic interaction.
Domestic-Averse: one feels repulsed by the idea of personally engaging in domestic interaction.
Domestic-Desired: one actively seeks out domestic interactions and feels incredibly happy when they receive it.
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[ID: a red line divider outlined in yellow. in the center is a red feather outlined in yellow. End ID]
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enjomo-arch · 11 months
@chatcambrioleur , nami asked : ❛  you’ve been teasing me for far too long. it’s my turn now.  ❜
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in  a  playful  and  flirtatious  manner  ,  ace's  fingers  deftly  captured  a  strand  of  the  navigator's  firey  hair  ,  a  wry  smile  playing  on  his  lips.  his  touch  was  feather-light  as  he  gently  tucked  that  errant  lock  behind  her  ear.  his  gaze  met  hers  ,  filled  with  a  mischievous  glint  that  hinted  a  lustful  sight  within  the  choclate  -  brown  irises.  ❝  i  do  it  only  'cause  y'like  it  so  much.  ❞  his  voice  ,  lowered  to  a  seductive  murmur  ,  carried  a  playful  teasing  tone  as  he  leaned  in  closer.  raspy  and  deep  purr  caressing  over  the  shell  of  her  exposed  ear  like  a  heated  whisper  carrying  the  fire  fist's  inner  warmth  within  it.  a  voice  that  never  failed  to  make  nami  weak  in  her  knees.
❝  it  wouldn't  be  teasin'  if  i  let  you  have  yer'  turn  so  easily  ,  mi  preciosa  gatita.  ❞  words  dripping  with  sensuality  ,  almost  magnetic  and  ones  to  wrap  her  around  his  finger.  ace  knew  his  charm  ,  knew  the  attracion  but  never  acted  on  it  until  now.  he  liked  seeing  her  tremble  under  him  ,  submit  to  him.  it  sent  a  spark  of  fire  through  his  own  body  ,  heat  that  he  could  actually  feel  despite  being  indifferent  to  temperature.  ❝  i'd  love  to  see  you  try  though.  ❞  ace  added  with  a  simple  whisper  before  capturing  the  outline  of  her  ear  into  a  small  ,  playful  bite.  kneading  it  softly  between  the  sharp  ,  canine  -  like  teeth  and  tongue  licking  a  wet  stripe  along  the  outside  of  her  shell.    
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🎧🎧 Wide Release Blitz 🎧🎧
Insta-Attracion, Age Gap Romance Fans, This one's for you!
Only Ever Yours by @authornikkiash
Narrated by @Kelsey NavarroFoster & Javi WIlder
Produced and Published by @pinkflamingo_productions
PFP Store 🎧 https://bit.ly/3K90Erj
StoryFair 🎧 https://bit.ly/46aiG6S
Audible US 🎧 https://adbl.co/3dPF2mV
Audiobooks.com 🎧 https://bit.ly/3WecOF4
Storytel 🎧 https://bit.ly/4d7Xm42
Kobo 🎧 https://bit.ly/3QL97F9
Libro.fm 🎧 https://bit.ly/46dRTq8
Downpour 🎧 https://bit.ly/46dDJFI
Nook 🎧 https://bit.ly/3Wcqqk5
Google Play 🎧 https://bit.ly/3W8Mc8p
Scribd 🎧 https://bit.ly/3y45SlR
Hoopla 🎧 https://bit.ly/3Lvlmm3
Chirp Books 🎧 https://bit.ly/3Q6Pw1X
Spotify 🎧 https://spoti.fi/4bIclRT
Desperate times call for desperate measures—like pretending to be my best friend and posing as a millionaire’s escort for the night.
I thought I had nothing left to lose, only I didn’t take my heart into consideration. What started as a one-time date turned into so much more in the blink of an eye. Because Isaac is used to getting what he wants, and even after learning the truth, he wants me. Unconditionally.
Even though my heart is on the line, I find myself falling in love with him. But all too soon, I learn that loving a powerful man like Isaac can be dangerous. And despite how careful he is with my heart, it’s still capable of breaking.
From the moment we met, she’s taken up residence in my head and in my heart. I’ll do everything in my power to make her mine. But first, I need to secure a second date.
It’s more than chemistry. My parents had this too. She’s the one. Marriage, babies, forever... I want it all with her, and in return, I’ll give her the world.
When the unimaginable happens, love and loyalty are put to the test. But I’ll move heaven and earth to protect Camilla... even if it means breaking her heart.
#NowLive #NewRelease #ReleaseBlitz #OnlyEverYoursAudioTour #NikkiAsh #KelseyNavarro #JaviWilder #PinkFlamingoProductions #InstaAttractionRomance #AgeGapRomance #ContemporaryRomance
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flagsinthemaking · 2 months
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Jay Walker Aromantic
- Any Aromantics can use!
- Requests Open!
- Jay Walker Aromantic : for Aromantics that like / relate to Jay Walker , Aromantics that are Fictives or DAs or Fictionkins (etc) of Jay Walker , or just Aromantics that like this flag!
- Aromantic : Aromantic describes someone who experiences little to no romantic attracion / a lack of romantic attraction.
- FLAG ID : 5 striped flag.
- COLORS : Dusty Blue, Dusty Sky Blue, Dusty Baby Blue.
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[Place to go in Korea] EP.08 Tourist attracions in Gyeonggi-do - Part.3
#korea #southkorea #koreantravel #koreatraveling #koreatrip #southkoreatourism #tourism #attraction #famousplaces #gyeonggi #gyeonggido
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algumaideia · 3 years
Is there a name to when you feel attracted to someone but it neither a crush nor a squish? Like I felt attracted to that boy some days ago and like idk what kind of attraction it was but it didn't feel neither platonic nor romantic. Just like I want to interact with this human being and there was also aesthetic attraction. If someone can help me, I'd be really thankful!!
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