#atomic scientist
tenth-sentence · 1 year
This realization has shown him the way to a new modesty.
"Brighter than a Thousand Suns: A Personal History of the Atomic Scientists" - Robert Jungk, translated by James Cleugh
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On 7 August at 9 a.m. an officer of the Japanese Army Air Force called at the laboratory of Yoshio Nishina, the best known of the Japanese atomic scientists, which had suffered severe damage in a previous air raid.
"Brighter than a Thousand Suns: A Personal History of the Atomic Scientists" - Robert Jungk, translated by James Cleugh
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katich-pigeon · 9 months
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My friend - My enemy
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acetheabnormal · 2 months
It's really late but I'm posting this NOWWW !! Slime rancher misclick duo because it's silly
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Slime is basically just a nuisance that won't leave Mariana alone, and the little bastard just rolls around his ranch eating all his veggies. Mariana does everything he can to deter Slime but no matter how many times he tosses him into the slime sea, he always comes back somehow...
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goatvaxing · 5 months
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pillars of robotics
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morganasmissus · 11 months
can we just talk about the stede/izzy dynamic after episode 5?
specifically how Izzy is still acting as a first mate. he can't be that for Blackbeard anymore, and (after first regaining a prosthetic) he's refinding a sense of purpose as acting as first mate for Stede. showing him, teaching him how to fight a be a pirate bc that's what he knows best.
and how that shows not only Stede's character growth as a captain, but also Izzy's as taking agency over the relationship he had with Ed. he still needs the stability of a authoritative figure- the structure of taking orders and feeling useful (which he is also working through)-
but at the same time getting that from Stede instead of looking for it in Blackbeard. bc it was toxic and harmful through Blackbeard, and Stede has the same strength while being less volatile. so Izzy can find the comfort and familiarity of captain/first mate dynamic without the toxicity
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thingsasbarcodes · 10 days
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Young Justice 2x12 - True Colors
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coolthingsguyslike · 2 months
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memento-mori-twilight · 4 months
New Superman/DC Lore Namedrops this episode:
Silas Stone (Father of Victor Stone/future Cyborg)
John Henry Irons (Steel)
Bakerline (One of Metropolis' known suburbs and frequently the home of the Olsen's)
The Flying Newsroom (Daily Planet Press Helicopter now regulated to a Toy Daily Planet Press Helicopter)
Amertek/Thomas Weston (Previous Employer of Irons and frequent pain in Steel's ass)
Palmer Tech (Tech company founded by Ray Palmer aka The Atom)
Nat/Natasha Irons (Steel's niece and also future Steel)
LexCorp (Company founded and headed by Alexander Luthor)
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redrumrose · 11 months
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Request for @theshadowsofevil and anon in one ^^
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vapewraith · 1 year
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Scientists conducted first atomic bomb test in 1951, last in ’92
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Now I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds v1 By Jeff Stanford, 2023
Buy prints at: https://jeff-stanford.pixels.com/
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I... a universe of atoms, an atom in the universe.
- Richard Feyneman
Richard Feynman (1918-1988) was an American theoretical physicist who received the Nobel Prize in 1965. Robert Wilson recruited the brilliant young Feynman, only 24 at the time, for the Manhattan Project as a junior physicist soon after completing his Ph.D.  At Los Alamos, Feynman was assigned to the theoretical division of Hans Bethe, and soon became a group leader. Feynman was briefly transferred to the Oak Ridge facility, where he aided engineers in calculating safety procedures for material storage so that inadvertent criticality accidents could be avoided. He was well known for playfully challenging the security at Los Alamos, and was present for the Trinity test in 1945, viewing the explosion through his truck windshield.
After the Manhattan Project, Feynman regretted not reconsidering his work after Germany was defeated in World War II, although he continued to feel that the threat of a nuclear-armed Nazi Germany was enough to justify his initial participation. He turned down an offer from the Institute for Advanced Study and joined Hans Bethe at Cornell from 1945 to 1950, where he taught theoretical physics. Feynman left to join the faculty at Caltech in 1950. There he conducted his groundbreaking research in areas of quantum electrodynamics and superfluidity.
Feynman won his 1965 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work in quantum electrodynamics, a formula well known for its accurate predictions, which combines his path integral formulation and his Feynman diagrams. Additionally, he worked in the fields of the physics of superfluidity and quantum gravity, and developed a model of weak decay. However he caused great controversy when shortly after winning the prize in 1965, he seemingly rejected it. Feynman increasingly felt unease at the award turning the scientists into an institution.
It was no strange thing for Feynman to offer an opinion contrary to authority. Often called a buffoon and a magician, Feynman was scolded by the scientific world for his pursuit of things outside science, like art and music. A series of televised lecturers for the public secured his place in the households of millions in the US and the rest of the world. It was here that his excitement and passion for science trickled into the popular psyche and admitted countless young people into the world of science. He loved science and its limitless possibilities of discovery; it is no surprise, then, that he viewed his Nobel Prize with indifference.
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lindahall · 3 months
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Ralph Cudworth – Scientist of the Day
Ralph Cudworth, an English philosopher and divine, died June 26, 1688, at the age of about 81. 
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Tell us an interesting chemistry fact!
Elements 99 (Einsteinium) and 100 (Fermium), of course named after Albert Einstein and Enrico Fermi, were discovered by dropping an atomic bomb filled with liquid deuterium (fuel for the fusion), liquid hydrogen (to cool it), Uranium and Plutonium into the ocean, and collecting parts of the mushroom cloud after the impact with fighter jets, bringing them quickly to a laboratory in New Mexico to analyse the rapidly decaying new created elements, thus discovering the by fusion of neutrons with Uranium created elements Es and Fm. One of the jets crashed into the sea due to the instruments failing because of the radiation.
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