howdeeplyareusleeping · 5 months
smth evil inside of me wants to see Erik do a british character
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following david around the house in the morning and saying ‘biiiig stretch’ and ‘biiiig yawn’ whenever he does it
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thimking about when david kissed angel’s face to wake them up … GRAHGRRGGAF they r so cute i hate them (lying)
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Stress Relief
Gavin/Damien, 4k, Explicit
Tags: Light bondage, blindfolds, wax play, temperature play, massages, unusual antidotes for stress from your local incubus, oral sex, aftercare, PWP
Call that lighting a fire under his ass
Or: some school stress relief with our resident incubus and his fiery friend
Ao3 link
"Gavin, come on. Be serious- sex isn't going to help with my stress over finals."
The incubus hums in quiet disagreement, shrugging in that faux disinterested way he often does, "You'd be surprised." He leans in to stroke fingertips across Damien's jawline, "but if you don't want to try it…"
"I didn't say that," Damien snaps in reply, frowning.
"Oho, I felt that temperature spike. Do you find the idea… exhilarating, Damien?"
The fire elemental shivers, temperature spiking and dampening after several moments. "You should already know, you can feel my emotions."
Gavin smirks slightly at the characteristic reply. "Oh believe me, wildfire," he purrs out, "I am definitely feeling those. All that excitement, the desire… it's a very good combination for you."
Damien's gaze flicks to the side and he finally nods in agreement. "We can try it," he offers finally, "but I make no promises about if I'll like it or not. If it doesn't work to take my mind off of school at least I can say we tried something new instead of just watching me burn myself into the ground like last year."
The incubus huff a breathless laugh at the memory of everyone running around like headless chickens around finals last year. Thankfully this year isn't as busy with Lasko teaching and Huxley taking less courses than usual. "Can't say I'll ever turn down a chance to… experiment with you, Damien."
The elemental just grumbles and Gavin feels incredibly excited to work out the near ever present knots in his tense shoulders for once.
Gavin is lucky to already have the supplies they need for waxplay on hand, though maybe luck isn't the right word considering he is an incubus. It's sort of a tool of the trade, as it were, albeit a more unusual one.
It's easy to bring what he needs in his overnight bag along with several other items he suspects they might end up using that night.
Say what people will about incubi, but they're quite single-minded when it comes to making people feel pleasure, and Gavin is very committed to getting Damien to relax a little.
The fire elemental is so tense when he hugs him that Gavin's shoulders ache in sympathy and he lets the hug last a few moments longer than strictly necessary. "How's my favorite spitfire?"
Damien just winces. "That obvious?"
"Oh, Damien. Even someone unempowered can see how stressed you are," Gavin replies, kissing his cheek in greeting, "but never fear, we have the entire night to fix that."
The fire elemental doesn't react besides a clench in his jaw, but the little taste of desire in his core reaffirms his decision. "You have a place you want to set up for this?" he asks. "I'd suggest a bed but the sheets might get… messy."
The incubus laughs breathily, unable to help himself as he watches Damien's face turn almost shy, "oh, you've got something in mind, haven't you?"
"I put down a sheet protector on the bed," he grits out, "did you bring everything?"
"Ah, ah," Gavin chides, slim fingers nudging Damien's face in his direction, "there's no need to hurry so much, wildfire. Unless you're too… excited to wait?"
Damien's skin is incredibly warm to the touch, and pulling him in for a kiss feels almost all consuming. Hot like a furnace against his front and warm hands grasping at the back of his shirt to press him even closer while the fire elemental's tongue presses at the seam of his lips.
Gavin finds he's unsurprised that Damien is a bit overeager given his habit of putting studying first, and gently coaxes his partner to soften and slow the kiss down until they're tangled together in the entryway with Gavin shoved against the wall and Damien all but moaning into his mouth with the sweetest burst of pleasure in his core.
It's a good start to the evening, especially so when Damien mouths almost too hot kisses down the tan skin of his neck, teeth leaving little marks there that make the incubus sigh sweetly.
"Damien," he breathes, tapping his shoulder with one hand until he pulls back with concern etched across his face.
"Is this too weird? I know you said it was fine, but you're with the Freelancer, if this is uncomfortable then-"
Gavin shakes his head, stroking a hand over Damien's jawline. "No, wildfire, I'm alright. More than alright," he laughs, "just thinking we should move out of the entryway before we start humping each other. Not that I'd mind of course but exhibitionism seems more Freelancer’s speed than yours."
The fire elemental flushes as if the fact they were in his entryway had escaped his mind until now, and quickly shuts his front door with a myriad of excited and embarrassed emotions curling in his aura. They warm on Gavin's tongue like the chili pepper flakes he likes.
When he licks his lips he tastes Damien's chapstick.
"So, my fiery friend," Gavin grins, "you remember the safewords we discussed for this?"
"I remember."
"Say them for me," the incubus says, raising an eyebrow expectantly.
Damien sighs, put upon. "Shade for stop and orange for pause. Green to keep going."
"Oh, being so good already," the incubus teases, leaning in for a brief kiss. "Use them if you want or need to, it won't ruin things. I can feel your emotions but I'm still not a telepath."
The fire elemental nods and the two of them make their way into his bedroom after knocking Gavin's shoulder against the doorframe on account of the incubus being too focused on mouthing hickeys into Damien's skin.
Damien's legs hit the edge of the bed and Gavin presses him down into the sheets, lips trailing kisses down the side of his neck.
"Lay down on your front for me," he purrs, stroking down his side. "Clothes off, wildfire."
Damien sighs happily and wiggles up to slide his shirt off. The cold hair makes his nipples pebble and he shivers as he shucks his pants off before laying down with a little shift of his hips.
"Hips up," Gavin prompts, sliding a pillow under his hips and squeezing his ass, "still okay?"
"Fine," Damien replies tersely, "I trust you, Gavin. I'll tell you if I hate it."
The incubus laughs breathlessly, sliding his hands over Damien's warm sides to feel him shiver, "I know you will. Hands up for me, Damien."
His hands lift and Gavin hums, "that's it," he says, magic curling out of his core to form silky little cuffs around his wrists. He checks the tightness and clips them to each side of his four poster. "Comfortable?" He asks, rubbing at his wrists.
Damien tugs at them carefully then nods slightly, lips curled up slightly.
Gavin’s mouth seals against the side of his neck, sucking a hickey into the skin there and making the fire elemental shift his hips slightly, hands flexing. "So good, Damien," he murmurs out, "close those beautiful eyes for me.
His eyes slide shut after a brief pause and Gavin slips a soft blindfold over his eyes. He looks gorgeous like this, naked with his ass up and big arms contained by flimsy little silk ties.
His back has several small freckles and Gavin mouths a trail over each of them down to his ass, squeezing it in his hands. Damien groans, hips pressing down into his pillows.
"Gavin-" he breathes out, shoulders bunching up when he tenses up.
"Oh I know," Gavin coos out, "You're already aching for it, I can feel that desire. Just relax, I'll get you there."
He lights the lotion candle and breathes it in, the smell of vanilla already permeating the room. The light is low and warm while Gavin strokes over his sides and mouths kisses at his neck.
"Vanilla?" He asks questioningly, sighing at the gentle stroke of Gavin's nails over his sides.
"Figured it was the least obtrusive option," Gavin replies, gliding his fingertips over the length of Damien's spine languidly. His slow touches earn a frown of annoyance from the elemental, though he doesn't say anything- not yet, anyway.
Gavin spends a good ten minutes stroking his fingers over Damien's back, carefully massaging at the shoulders then flitting away to dip down his sides or over the softness of his ass. By the time the candle has melted enough, Damien's initial irritation has softened to flickers of begrudging enjoyment with the soft caresses over his body.
Damien isn't exactly the massage type, but when he's got Gavin's weight pinning him down by the hips and a blindfold keeping him from really being able to focus on the object of his annoyance, he gradually seems to melt into the soft sheets until his arms are slack against the sheets instead of tugging at the silk around his wrists.
"Damien," the incubus murmurs against the shell of his ear. He's unable to help the breathless sounding laughter that bubbles out of him at the soft hum Damien replies with, unused to seeing him so pliable.
It's probably good, considering what they're about to do.
"You still want to keep going? If you don't I can keep stroking your back… or stroking something else."
Desire fizzles on his tongue like his favorite soft drink, and Damien nods slightly against the pillows. It dislodges the blindfold a bit and both of them laugh as Gavin carefully fixes it again and brushes hair out of his face.
"I want what you promised me, Gavin. You know that."
Gavin strokes softly down his spine, digging his thumbs in on each side until Damien groans, low with enjoyment and annoyance in equal measure.
"Sometime in the next year might be nice," he gripes, and the incubus laughs, kissing the nape of his neck, "you're not getting me to beg, if that's what you're looking for."
He sweeps one hand low on Damien's stomach and presses him into the mattress. "No, princess. I know what you're like, and besides, that's not what tonight is about." A pause, then, "I'll start higher up, it gives the wax more time to cool before it hits your body. If you don't like it let me know."
Damien makes an agreeable noise, and Gavin picks up the warm candle. It smells of vanilla and even Gavin can admit it's appealing. He's done this before with a few people, though he admits he has a preference to not be on the receiving end as often. It still holds an appeal though, especially the prospect of Damien pulling at the ties anytime he drips a bit of the wax onto his back.
The incubus presses his hand down on Damien's back a bit harder and tilts the candle, watching the wax drip down the side then onto the elemental's shoulder blade. Predictably, it earns an instinctive jerk and tug on the ties on his wrists along with a sharp inhale.
"Okay?" He checks, sliding his hand up to rub the wax into Damien's stiff shoulder blade.
"It's-" the elemental chews his bottom lip, "weird," he settles on finally, frowning. "It doesn't feel as hot as I expected it would be."
The incubus hums, going back to resting his hand on his lower back. "You're a fire elemental, you probably handle heat better than most people do. We could test that theory if you want?" He teases.
Damien sighs, faux put-upon, "Just drip the wax on me, Gavin."
"Oh, you know I live to serve," he purrs teasingly.
He tips the candle enough for several drops to hit Damien's skin again in quick succession, watching the proud fire elemental's breathing go sharp in surprise at the unanticipated sensation of heat over his skin. He can already tell Damien likes this, in spite of his attitude, because his emotions swirl in a heady mix of lust, calm, and anticipation that Gavin could feast on for weeks.
Damien shifts his hips impatiently when Gavin doesn't immediately drip more wax over his shoulders, and he can't help but smile. He's glad he was right that this would make him feel more relaxed, considering how tightly wound Damien gets around finals.
"Relax, Damien. I'm picking the pace- just let go and let me take care of things for a while." That earns him a huff of annoyance, but Damien relaxes into the sheets enough that Gavin feels comfortable to drip more wax over his skin.
It makes his hands ball up into fists and his muscles twitch under his skin, breath going choppy any time wax hits his skin.
It turns into a bit of a rhythm for a while. Drip the wax, watch Damien's body squirm beneath him, wait until he's just relaxed into the sheets and not expecting it anymore until he repeats the cycle. Damien is all but humping the pillow under his hips by the end of it, slick massage oil like wax already dripping down his sides and onto the sheet protector.
And fuck, is Damien beautiful like this.
He's finally relaxed almost completely, muscles loose and his face slack against the pillows. He's still squirming with every drip of wax, but is out of his own head enough that he isn't self-conscious about the loud way he moans when Gavin's nails scrape gently up his side.
Gavin pauses to breathe praise against the shell of his ear, feeling Damien's body shiver beneath his. He pulls back and rubs over one shoulder sympathetically.
"You're gone, aren't you, wildfire?" He coos sweetly. He only gets a bleary moan of agreement, low and breathy and unbelievably sweet.
"I told you I'd get you there, Damien."
He drips wax in a slow path down his spine, feeling Damien's hips twitch beneath him and watching his muscles go taut then relax into the sensation.
Finally he sets the candle aside, bright eyes drinking in the fire elemental grinding himself against the sheets with his mouth half open and the blindfold over his eyes just barely still in place.
He looks good like this, uninhibited and so focused on the sensations that he isn't thinking 10 miles a minute like always.
Damien doesn't seem to register the change at all, still lazily grinding his hips down against the pillow under his hips and shivering every so often.
The incubus tastes the hazy warmth of pleasure on his tongue and picks up the candle again to smattering wax over his hips.
It makes his thighs go tense and his breath pick up, almost whining when the heat of melted wax drips down closer to his tailbone.
"Still with me, Damien?" He asks, murmuring softly so he doesn't startle him.
Damien sighs happily, wiggling beneath him but not answering. He's probably high on the endorphins and Gavin is loath to ruin that just for an answer. Some people lose speech for a bit, and he can work around it just fine.
"You've done so well for me," he promises, trailing teasing fingertips up his back to watch Damien shiver and jerk beneath him. Oversensitive already and so gorgeous when he's let go like this.
"Just a little bit more then we're done, wildfire," he promises, fingers slicked with the lotion candle wax dragging a path down to squeeze his ass.
Gavin carefully drips the last bits of wax over the soft skin of his ass, holding his hips down with one hand while his legs kick out in surprise and he jerks beneath him.
"Shhh, sh. It's alright," Gavin promises, "we're done. You did so well for me, took everything so well. We're all done now, just relax."
He blows out the candle and presses a kiss to a patch of Damien's skin that he hasn't covered in candle wax. "So good, wildfire. Just relax now, I'll hold you here," Gavin murmurs, slick hands slowly spreading the warmed wax until all of Damien's back is shiny with oil.
Damien hums, aura all hazy and warm with contentment. If he was an inchoate, he could be sated on this for weeks.
Gavin gently works his thumbs into the knots at Damien's shoulders until he's soft as putty against the sheets, face slack and soft with contentment. The arousal is still there, but it's dulled by how good the endorphins feel, and it makes the incubus smile.
A job well done, making their resident tight ass finally relax enough that his shoulders don't feel like steel.
He kisses a trail down Damien's spine, slick hands spreading his ass once he reaches the tailbone and thumbs sweeping between his cheeks. It makes him jerk in surprise, hips arching up the slightest bit, and Gavin grins.
He slows his kisses, trailing down from the tailbone until he's gotten so slow that Damien groans in annoyance. Gavin laughs breathlessly and finally presses his tongue to Damien's hole, already slick with the candle wax oil.
Damien makes a little noise, adjusting his knees to push his hips up encouragingly. Gavin slides his arms beneath his hips and hikes his hips up enough to press his mouth more firmly between his legs.
He pushes his tongue in just barely, teasing, and the fire elemental trembles beneath him. Damien is relaxed enough to make it easy to press his tongue in deep, fucking him on his tongue until Damien's toes curl and he makes a guttural noise of pleasure deep in his chest.
"Fuck-" Damien chokes out.
Gavin pulls away, earning a soft noise of disagreement until his hands slide over Damien's back massaging the oil into his muscles. "There you are," he laughs, "how're you feeling?"
Damien's shoulders melt when Gavin's skilled hands stroke up his spine and he sighs, putty in his hands.
"Did so well for me," Gavin praises, rubbing up the sides of his neck then back down his shoulders. "Want to come tonight, wildfire?"
Damien turns his head enough to frown in Gavin's direction, though the effect is lessened noticeably by the fact his glaring eyes are coveted by a blindfold.
"Obviously," he replies.
Gavin just hums, stroking his palms across Damien's oily sides and down his lower back, "No need to get snippy, princess. I'm an incubus of my word. I'll get you there."
Damien huffs but settles down again, letting Gavin rub at his back until he feels nearly boneless beneath the incubus.
"Shhh," he hushes, soft. "You know I'll take care of your needs. And mine," Gavin smiles in amusement.
"Besides," Gavin continues, "it would be such a shame to neglect a cock like that."
Gavin's slick hand wraps around his cock and Damien's hips shift back into it with a low sigh. All of his movements have gone lazy with relaxation, slower and less perfectly coordinated than usual.
"Rutting into my hand like this… I'd think you want me to make even more of a mess of your sheets," the incubus purrs.
Damien's legs spread the tiniest bit further in an effort to get more friction while Gavin slowly jerks him off, twisting his hand on his cock and occasionally pulling back enough to fondle his balls.
The lotion oil from the candle wax he'd dripped makes the slide nearly perfect, slick and wet and silky tight when Damien rocks into his hand with a broken off groan.
He thumbs over the tip, precum making the already easy slide of his hand sound slick, lewd noises making Damien's ears feel hot. "Listen to how much of a mess you're making for me, Damien," the incubus breathes, clearly pleased.
The elemental's hands ball up and he moans into the pillows, hips rutting down into Gavin's hand around him until his pretty thighs are trembling.
"I can tell how close you are for me, princess," Gavin says, dragging his free hand down Damien's tailbone to rub his thumb against the tightness of his entrance. "Just let go of that control, let me hold it for a while. I'll take good care of you," he promises.
Damien chokes out a noise like a sob, thighs pressing against his hips in protest to all the sensations at once. His breathing has gone sharp and erratic but his hips remain uncoordinated in his relaxed state which means he really can't get there until he lets go.
Gavin presses the very tip of his thumb into Damien's entrance and watches his body lock up while he finally tips over the edge, mouth open and thighs shaking hard.
He makes a mess that Gavin positively delights in licking off his fingertips while Damien shivers through the aftershocks. He strokes slowly over the elemental's side, quietly grounding him while he murmurs soft praises that he's positive aren't registering yet.
"So good, letting go like that when I asked… you've done an amazing job tonight. You were an amazing submissive, I'm very proud of you," Gavin admits, kissing Damien's oily shoulder.
He gets a low, fucked out noise that sounds incredibly pleased, and it makes him smile just a little.
Gavin quietly cleans off the oil the best he can with a warm, wet cloth he's used magic to create. Thank every god for magic, honestly, because the clean up is so much easier.
Damien shivers beneath him and the incubus presses a smattering of kisses down his side, feather-light. "We're alright, Damien. You were beautiful for me, letting go of control for a while like that."
The incubus gently thumbs the edge of the blindfold, hesitating for a moment.
"Want this off yet?"
Damien shakes his head no and Gavin hums in acknowledgement, kissing the leather covering his eyes, "Later, then. Just rest."
"Mmh," Damien replies, melting into the sheets while Gavin rubs at his back. He leans up enough to untie the silk around the elemental's wrists, fingertips massaging at Damien's wrists.
"You did beautifully, Damien," he reassures.
The elemental shudders beneath him at the feeling of a warm washcloth wiping away the oil of the lotion candle on his back. Gavin doesn't doubt that he's incredibly sensitive right now, and keeps it very gentle while he wipes away the mess from today over his back.
"I know, you're so very sensitive now. I'll be careful," Gavin promises, gently wiping down his sides and over his lower back. It earns a shaky whine, clearly sensitive, and he pauses for a moment to stroke over his back until he's relaxed again.
It takes a bit more care to wipe down his ass and thighs, pausing often and being incredibly gentle. Gavin is finally satisfied and peppers Damien's back in light kisses, pressing his chest to his back until Damien sighs out happily at the pressure.
"Can you tell me how you're feeling yet, princess?"
Damien makes a soft, happy noise, body lax and soft beneath him. "Mmm… good. Relaxed. Sensitive."
Gavin chuckles against the elemental's shoulder, satisfied. Damien is still floating a little bit and he doesn't mind carefully bringing him back to earth again.
"Anything hurt?"
"No," Damien replies, soft.
Gavin kisses gently over his neck and rubs his hands over Damien's sides until Damien shivers. "Going to move us now," he warns, "turning you over so we can rest a bit."
He shifts the two of them, carefully holding Damien and moving the two of them until they're spooned together with Damien's back to his chest. Gavin is still achingly hard but tonight isn't about him, and he doesn't mind going without it. He's already gotten what he needed just from watching Damien relax for him like this anyways.
Damien hums in quiet agreement, giving a happy sigh when Gavin's arms slide tight around him. He shifts just enough so his head is under Gavin's chin, curled up in a ball against his chest.
The two of them cuddle like that for maybe an hour, maybe more, before Gavin feels Damien's breathing go soft and deep. He's asleep, blindfold still over his eyes and back still slightly oily from the waxplay.
Gavin smiles with a job well done and holds him in close after sliding the blindfold off. They'll have plenty to talk about in the morning but for now he lets himself follow Damien into the realm of sleep with the smell of vanilla all around them.
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