#at the end of winter series
sherlockggrian · 11 months
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secret life doodles. i'm beyond excited for this series.
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hii could u do xavier x reader where they’re roommates but enemies yk and they have a heated fight and when theyre sleeping reader wakes up in the middle of the night and wakes up xavier to ask for hugs/cuddles cuz readers cold
pairings: Xavier thorpe x reader summary: ^^^ warnings: Swearing
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the only reason you were stuck with a boy for a roommate was because there was no space for more girls, and seen as though Xavier didn't have one, they put you with him.
you weren't thrilled at sharing with him. mostly because the first thing he said to you was that he could've had been put with a better looking girl.
as soon as Thornhill left the room that day, you started having a go at him, calling him an asshole and that he should grow up.
from then on you both would start fights at each other and could never get along.
and today wasn't any different
when you first got to the school, you two made rules.
Don't go on each other's side of the room.
Don't look through each other's things.
Don't have people around when the other is there
no bringing sexual partners and/or have sex in the room at all
they were simple, yet important rules.
yet he broke 2 of them.
you came into the room, finding him looking through your desk
"what the fuck are you doing?" you asked him
"looking for my notebook!" he replied annoyed
"why would I have your notebook?" you questioned, standing in front of him
"I don't know, so I can stop drawing spiders to crawl on you?" he rolled his eyes. he turned around and kept looking
"stop! you're messing up my desk. I don't have your fucking notebook" you pulled him away from your stuff with all your strength
"I know you have it!" he yelled at you
"oh wow. have you looked in your bag? on your desk? how about under your bed?"
"No, I haven't" he said sarcastically
"well maybe you left it in a classroom. because I don't have it"
"I know you do!" he shouted, going and ripping your blanket off your bed, he looked behind your pillows and in the draws of your nightstand
"Xavier! you have no right to look through my things like that! I don't have your fucking book!" you yelled
"where is it, where did you hide it?" he questioned accusingly
"I don't know, because I don't have it" you replied through gritted teeth
"I'll find it sooner or later, so tell me" he huffed
"have you tried looking up your ass? maybe it's up there" you tilted your head with a smug smile on your face
"you think you're so funny" he glared at you
"I think I'm hilarious" you grinned
"where is it?" he asked again
"where's what? you're humour? maybe it's up your ass too" you stated amusingly
you walked to his side of the room, looking through his desk like he did yours
"what are you doing?" he questioned you
"looking for my necklace" you stated simply
"why the fuck would I have your necklace?" he scoffed with a slight chuckle
"I don't know, why would I have your notebook?" you smirked
"cause you have a reason to take it. why would I ever take your necklace?" he reasoned
"what's my reason for taking your drawings?" you laughed
"so I'll stop scaring you with spiders and insects" he shrugged
"I'll admit it, It's annoying, but not enough to take them from you" you remarked
"I don't believe you" he spoke proudly, going back to search through your things
"Stop!" you boomed
"I won't stop until I find it!"
you started looking through his things again, copying him. you started throwing things on the floor as he did it to your things
"stop!" he shouted
"I won't stop until I find it!" you mocked him
"don't do that" he fought, stopping what he was doing and stood with you, towering over your body
"do what?" you said inncoently
"mock me!" he answered
"oh, I would never" you shook your head
"I don't need this. my notebook better be on my bed when I get back" he huffed, grabbing his phone and headphones
"unless you think it's going to appear out of thin air, I don't that's going to happen" you crossed your arms
"I don't care how it gets there, but it better get there when I'm back" he rolled his eyes, leaving the room.
you sighed and decided to clean your side of the room from the mess he made. you made your bed and looked out the window, seeing it start to snow.
"it's not here. why is it not here?" Xavier snapped
"I told you it won't appear out of nowhere" you sighed, lying on your bed, reading
"you really enjoy seeing me stressed, don't you" he questioned
"I don't really care, but yes, It is amusing to witness" you smiled, turning the page, not looking up at him.
there was a knock at the door
"someone's knocking on the door" you stated like it was the most obvious thing ever
"really" he spoke sarcastically
"I believe so, yes"
Xavier went to the door, seeing Ajax with a familiar looking book
"you left this in the quad" he handed the book and smiled at him
"huh" you scoffed "would you look at that"
"thanks, Ajax" Xavier said grumpily.
the two spoke for a few moments before Ajax left to go to sleep
"have anything to say to a specific somebody?" you quizzed, putting your book down and looking at the tall boy with a big smile on your face
"I'm sorry" he muttered
"sorry? what was that, I didn't hear you?" you teased
"I said I'm sorry, Now drop it" he announced anxiously.
"thank you, asshole. was that so hard?" you smirked
"unbearable" he whispered, going to have a shower.
you twisted and turned in your sleep, tugging onto the 2 blankets that covered your shivering body.
your eyes fluttered open and you whined as you shivered
the heater in your room had been broken for weeks and no one had come in to fix it.
you looked over to Xavier's side, seeing him sleeping peacefully.
the only light was the moon shining in the night sky as is snowed heavily.
you groaned as you got up from your bed, you contemplated before walking over to his side
you took a deep breath as you looked down at Xaviers sleeping state, his blanket was up to his shoulders, he seemed to be shirtless.
you gulped as you bent down and slowly shook him, saying his name softly, trying to wake him up.
"Xavier" you whispered in his ear
he moved around and groaned in his sleep.
"what" he said groggily, his eyes were still closed, and he still seemed half asleep
"can I sleep with you?" you asked nervously
"why?" he yawned confusingly
"it's cold" you told him
"then get another blanket" his voice was deep and raspy. he turned over, making his back face you.
"I only have two" you sighed quietly
"then turn the heater on" he suggested
"the heater's been broken for weeks. can I just please sleep in your bed with you" you pleaded
he was silent for a moment, you thought he was ignoring you until you heard a snore
"Xavier" you poked his back, making him slightly jump
"huh?" he mumbled
"Can I please just sleep with you, I'm freezing" you begged
"Fine" he shuffled over as he turned around, opening the blanket for you to climb in, revealing his shirtless body.
you climbed in, laying down next to him.
he wrapped the blanket around you, pulling you closer to him and it was only then that you noticed the thing dangling from his neck.
the sun shape with an opal in the middle shone in the moonlight.
"you're wearing my necklace" you whispered
"I know. I took it" he yawned. he looked too tired to think straight
"why?" you asked him
"are you warm yet?" he murmured, ignoring your question
"mh-hm" you hummed, leaning into him. his body warmth heated up your shaking body.
it was silent for a while before he spoke again
"you misunderstood me that day" he announced
"what?" you inquired
"the day we met. I said 'couldn't get a more beautiful roommate' you misunderstood what I meant" he repeated
"what do you mean?" you looked up at him confused
"I meant that I couldn't get someone more beautiful than you. you thought I meant I was wondering why I couldn't get a more beautiful one" he explained sleepily
"you're not making any sense" you shook your head with a small smile on your face
"you're the most beautiful roommate I could ever have. you thought I was hoping for a prettier one, but you're as good as it gets" he admitted
"oh" you whole body was hot, and you knew you started blushing
"yeah" he sighed. bringing you closer to his body
"I'm confused" you swallowed a lump in your throat
"I like you, Y/n. I have since you walked in here on your first day" he confessed
"alright, I get it now" you got nervous and dug your face in his neck
he put his other arm under you and brought his other up to your neck, running his hands through your hair as he held you carefully
he felt a bit rejected as you didn't respond. he cursed to himself, feeling like an idiot. but it was too late for him now.
you lifted your head after a while, looking at him, his eyes shut as he called himself an idiot in his head
you slowly leaned in, placing a soft kiss on his lips.
he felt you kiss him and he smiled.
"goodnight" you beamed
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quotidianish · 11 months
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The problem of evil
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jj3628 · 8 months
Art and comic by @somerandomdudelmao who deserves to relax after all of this!
Song is Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
Let's do one last memory spell, huh?
I'm not gonna be shy about this: I cried! Hard! This comic was beautiful, it was funny, it was hopeful. It was everything all at once. And it means a lot to me! I won't be super dramatic but I experienced a loss around the Little Things episode and reading Cass Series was one of the things that kept me going! So I just wanna say thank you to Cass for, well, everything! I can't imagine how much time and effort and love went into all those updates! Thank you for taking us on this journey.
And thank you to @tapakah0 too. For every beautiful breathtaking thing you've created from animatics to animations to art to comics to just pure fandom joy as the biggest hypebunny for the community. I probably wouldn't have made any edits of this series at all if it weren't for you! Thank you for making the journey what it was. The ride would've been empty without you.
I've tried to post this TWICE now but Tumblr mobile gave me problems each time so now I'm trying desktop so I HOPE this works
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blunaggregator · 6 months
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BLA Top 10 Korean BL Series of 2022
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heck yeah the trio (we're six episodes in and we still have no group name for them yet HFSDJFS)
close-up of doodles below:
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honeylemonbutte · 2 days
Rules: Make a poll of your favourite female characters (no limits - as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most!
tagged by @grapecaseschoices Thank you! I started thinking of my favorite female characters and then I couldn't stop. I tried not to put too many obscure women, but some of these ladies I just can't leave out (I did actually weed out most of the more niche ladies and put them in the tags)
tagging: @littlemissbumblebee, @alexeizzo, @agentark, @thisghosts-obsessions-again, @beatrizamante, @renru
please tell me your favorite girls in poll format
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whispersexe · 9 months
guys guys i guess- i guess you can say its a red winter
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apollobar · 6 months
Everything That Is Left
Summary: Lucy Chen and her friends join what was meant to be a dream vacation across the Pacific Ocean, aboard a small cruise ship. But when a devastating storm strikes, turning their journey into a fight for survival, Lucy finds herself stranded on a deserted island with her companions. As they struggle to endure and await rescue, tensions rise and bonds are tested. Amidst the challenges, a budding romance has begun to unravel between Lucy and Tim, her old mentor turned fellow survivor, casting a fragile ray of hope amidst the uncertainty. Yet, as they all navigate the challenges of island life, dark secrets emerge, threatening to unravel the fragile bonds holding them together. With each passing day, the survivors must confront not only the mysteries of the island but also the depths of their own resilience and the intricacies of their relationships. Will they find a way to overcome the odds and make it out alive, or will the island's mysteries consume them all?
Chapter 1 of ?
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CHAPTER 1: Travellers from Beyond the Shore
Unable to face the screams, Lucy Chen looks out at the ocean. It’s hypnotic, the way the water laps upon the shore. Swallowing up the beach and then spitting it back out, leaving behind sand dollars and bits of rock to litter the ground. Every cry or shout of her name is muffled as she stands there. The sand pulls mindlessly against her feet like thousands of tiny magnets, whispering for her to be engulfed along with them. But the temptation is briefly silenced when a sudden spark of green catches her attention. An object splashing amongst the recent waves, tumbling across the beach until finally resting against her bare foot. The search for her left shoe lost and momentarily forgotten.
All jagged edges and rough cuts have been erased from the fragment along with any sign of what it once was. Now replaced with rounded curves and polished sides that Lucy imagines must be smooth to the touch. She remembers learning of sea glass long ago, reading about it in an elementary science class. Her textbook had explained about the effects of weathering and erosion; how shards of broken bottles, plates, or jars are worn down overtime. The tides push and pull while carrying it miles away. A journey, Lucy vaguely recalls, takes years for glass to become as opaque as the pebble that now lays at her feet. She lifts her head and looks beyond the bank, beyond the smoothed glass and the chorus of waves crashing against each other.
Her eyes fall on the horizon, where the sky touches the expanding sea and she scans the line searching for a clue to the sea glass’ origins. How long has it been away from home? She wonders. She waits for a response but a silent ocean taunts her, holding tightly to its secrets. The deceptive peace and the absence of everything that she and the glass have been through pulls at her insides, twisting and tearing until she can no longer hold herself up. Lucy drops to her hands and knees, and she can feel the contents of her stomach threatening to spill out. Sand digs into her skin as she grips it. Needing something to hold onto and give her balance while she fights to keep what little she has left inside. But as she claws the beach, her lifeline escapes through her fingers. Flowing back to the shore and with nothing left to keep her steady, the remaining contents of her stomach eventually follow.
When there is nothing left to give up, she rolls onto her side, unable to bring herself to stand.
At least not right now. 
 The warm sand, baked from the afternoon sun, is inviting enough to convince her to lay down for a few moments longer. The emerald shard of glass now sits a few inches from her face and without thinking she reaches out and takes it. Lucy squeezes her hand shut, all the danger of broken glass long since worn away and with the pad of her thumb she outlines the bumps and divots of the stone over and over again as if running her fingers along a piece of die. 
The voice beyond is beginning to get louder now, he will find her any minute now but she’s not ready to face it. Just give me a few moments more, she pleads to herself. Her eyes fix back onto the task in front of her. Fingers, sticky with sand, occasionally grind against the stone as she moves it around in her palm. An action that emits a crunching sound similar to that of stepping onto gravel. The noise is quiet but distraction enough to pull her focus back in.
Lucy can’t help but feel a connection to the poor glass. Both of them in an indescribable distance away from home, forever changed by a journey they never asked for, but swept into nonetheless. She clenches her fist, pulling it protectively against her chest. Memories of home call upon an ache that has settled itself within her heart, and Lucy is unsure of how long it has been there. The pain conjuring up thoughts of how long it will be until she can go back home-if she can at all? Or will she become more like the traveler in her palm, destined never to return? The hot sand, the advancing desperate shouts, and smell of saline begin to overwhelm her. In an attempt to push out the world, she squeezes her eyes shut. However, the pulse of the beach is no longer loud enough to drown out her environment and a familiar voice has finally reached her.
“Chen! Where have you been? My god, what happened?” 
There is a sternness and sincerity to his tone that only he can bring and she doesn’t need to open her eyes to recognize who it is. So when his hands tentatively touch her shoulders, warm and solid, she doesn’t flinch. She knows it’s Tim. Her teacher, her friend, and now fellow survivor.
 She opens her eyes as she lets him pull her up into a sitting position, his own scanning her for signs of new injuries. It’s only when he finds none does his concern fall to annoyance. 
“We have been calling your name for ten minutes, boot. You know better than to just go off on your own and start ignoring everyone. After everything that has happened..” His voice falters and he fights to get it back under control of it, taking in a short breath and twisting chapped lips. Tim’s habit and pathological need to remain in control is so soaked in normalcy that Lucy can’t help but laugh at it. At the sheer ridiculousness of it all. 
“This isn’t funny.” He tells her, taken aback at the absurdity of her reaction.
“I’m sorry,” she chokes out while lifting her head towards the sky in disbelief, “You’re right, I know. It’s not funny. None of this is funny.” The insincere fit of laughter trickles away with her last few words and flows seamlessly into tears. After the intensity of the last few days, the nights adrift at sea and the morning’s fleeting relief of finding land, Lucy had not let herself grieve. Not allowed the reality of their situation sink in. 
Tim is quick to pull her into his arms, sheltering her from the wind and bringing a comfort only an old friend could provide, his initial annoyance now dissipated. The intimacy of the touch is uncommon and foreign between them, but Lucy allows herself to welcome the reassurance it unexpectedly brings. She tucks her head under his chin while hot streams glide down her cheeks. Lucy knows this situation has taken so much from them both, from them all, and will continue to ask more of them as the days go on, but she is grateful for his patience at this moment. A moment that is needed. A moment that has been earned.
 When her breathing falls back to even strides, she attempts to peel herself away, afraid of overstaying her welcome. But Tim’s arms tighten without a word and Lucy suspects that he needs a moment as well. So she gives it to him, instead taking the time to really look at his appearance for the first time.
Much like Lucy, Tim’s clothes are dirty and torn with fresh purple bruises staining his exposed arms. Red blotches have soaked into his shirt, and those thick pieces of cloth that stick to his torso like glue have now transferred onto her own shirt. She lingers for a moment on the rubber, yellow band around his wrist at her side. The same one they all eagerly put on a few days ago, now smudged with dirt and blood. Evidence of a vacation gone wrong. 
She braves a look at his face and his eyes catch hers, exhaustion and worry hidden within the lines tucked around his mouth and the creases between his brows. With their experience of being police officers, and Tim’s added time in the military, they’ve both been through traumatic events before, trained to handle the most stressful of situations. However, the LAPD doesn’t hold many courses on shipwrecks, and Lucy can’t recall ever receiving a Tim Test on what to do in the case of being stranded on a deserted island. They are in unfamiliar territory, and no amount of training fully prepared them for a situation like this. Rookies again.
Finally, as a silence begins to nestle between them, Tim pulls away and Lucy watches him debate on what he should say next. He shifts around a bit, growing uncomfortable in the quiet and from the kneeling position he had taken earlier. She imagines what he could be thinking, knowing “Are you okay?” must feel like too lame of a question and“Get up, let’s get moving” while more in line with Tim's usual rough demeanor, perhaps too harsh even for him in this present moment. He is the first one to break eye contact as he finally stands, stretching his legs. The silent debate in his mind seemingly over and won.
“What are you doing out here?” He asks finally, his question soft and low. For a second, she’s taken aback by the unusual gentleness he continues to show her. But when she feels some of the heaviness in her shoulders release, slightly, but as if lifted up by a balloon, she is thankful for his tenderness. Lucy looks down at her feet. A single brown boot on one foot, and she wriggles the uncovered toes of the other drawing his attention.
“My shoe.” She responds, and Tim raises an eyebrow. “I just wanted to find my shoe.” 
“After the rescue boat shows up, I’ll take you to buy a new pair, hell about twenty?” He proposes and it’s his turn to smile. It's small but there, and Lucy can’t help but feel the infectious pull of it.
“You are going to take me?” She teases and Tim scoffs.
“Why is that so shocking? I’m probably not as good as Angela, but I know my way around a shoe store.” He jokes and it is enough to bring a genuine grin out of her. 
Seizing the moment, Tim stretches out an arm and Lucy takes it, accepting his offer to help her to her feet. As she rises, the island beneath her sways and the clouds spin causing her to stumble. Tim is quick, as he often is, and steadies her by grabbing her elbow. Keeping her upright as he waits for her world to stop spinning. 
“Thank you.” She tells him, after a breath, and they both know that her words are meant for more than just this moment. 
There’s a pause before Tim says, “Rescue is going to come.” His voice is sure and absent of any doubt and Lucy notices the hand still cradling her elbow. 
“I know,” she whispers. And she does. Lucy has always been clever, and the logical part of her knows that Tim Bradford is right. With the advancement of modern technology, the likelihood of rescue boats arriving any minute now is high and there is no need for panic. So when Tim suggests they go back to the group and wait for help, she doesn’t argue. However, as he guides her back to their friends and fellow survivors, to their humble beginnings of a campsite not meant to last, the ache in her chest tightens. And the weight of the seaglass, still secure in the palm of her hand, grows heavier than ever.
Thank you for reading! You can also find this story via my AO3 account @apollobar.
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morgandekarios · 2 years
ethan winters my beloved. rose winters my beloved.
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i am way to fond of the opening for RE9 being Mia at a laptop typing something up we can't see because of the brightness of the screen.
Mia keeps looking around checking her surroundings after she is done she sighs with relief and then hears a hiss or a thud or a very not normal sound and grabs a gun we only just notice off the table near the laptop and screen fades to black with a claw in shot
then boom we swap to Jill looking at something on her phone (again not seeing it yet) and gameplay starts
we don't know it yet but Mia is inside the connections hq after getting intel they were up to something big and she spends time earning back their trust whilst funneling information to Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield. it means she doesn't see Rose as much anymore but the alternative would be the connections still being a huge danger to her and yeah Rose is powerful but she is still a child
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carwoodron · 1 year
finished watching band of brothers for like the 6th time what now
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scattered-winter · 9 months
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There is so much stuff to wrap up and there is only one episode left! Here's hoping the last episode is 30min to an hour long. If not, maybe an announcement of a sequel series?
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saintshigaraki · 6 months
asoiafheads do u think we're ever gonna get a dream of spring....
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yoitscro · 10 months
Not today but at some point I need to ramble about my Fionna and Cake thoughts in full ;v;
I liked things! I enjoyed my time and I'm still vibing in my Petrigrof corner. But maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan pacing and character choices did not do the finale any favors.
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