joanofarcbutsilly · 1 year
john “soap” mactavish x reader
ft. ghost
cute little thoughts about soap and reader finding a place to enjoy
reader is gender neutral! can be read as platonic or romantic!
my favorite order at MY local diner is included as a little easter egg hehe
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one of the ways soap shows you he cares is by remembering as much information about you as he possibly can
pov: you and soap are at a diner you two love to visit on your off time after being relocated
a little establishment that’s pretty close to the base, just near enough to be able to sneak off without being caught be ghost
simon always knows when you and johnny leave camp, nothing really escapes him, especially the goings on at work. even though he will ALWAYS be able to find another task that needs completing for one or both of you, he also knows that soap loves the thrill of your “secret” rendezvous. he won’t admit it, but he finds it very cute, and how could he put a stop to such a simple pleasure?
anyways! back to soap!
so you two are at the your little hide out hole-in-the-wall, just chatting it up about anything and everything
soap LOVES to gossip
he will tell you some probably (read: definitely) fake stories. like the time he had to share a bed with the rest of the 141 at a safe house, and he SWEARS TO GOD that when he woke up in the middle of the night he saw simon and price cuddling in their sleep.
you can make fun of him all you want, call him a no good liar, say you KNOW it’s not true, you can even bring proof! tell him about the time you and ghost had to share a little patch of floor for bedtime, and when you knocked into him in his sleep he punched you in the stomach so hard you almost threw up.
soap says simon must just not like you that much, because he SWEARS ghost has kissed him on the forehead in his sleep.
he is such a faker.
there is no real point in arguing with him, he will defend each and everyone of his tall tales to his death. he has swore on everything he holds dear, including his mother, and locked pinkies with you so many times that it’s a little inside greeting for the two of you now.
you and soap have also challenged yourselves to try EVERYTHING on the menu. johnny insists that you give every menu item a shot, even the ones you know for a fact you won’t/don’t like. HOWEVER, he always has a clever excuse to why he can’t eat anything with mushrooms.
the seriousness of his “allergy” to mushrooms has been recorded ranging from hives, to immediate anaphylactic shock, he’s even claimed that he will combust into flames.
YOU have to try everything though. no excuses.
once you have managed to taste the entire menu, you go back to ordering whatever is your favorite
which brings us to soap’s next little quirk
soap LOVES ordering for you
not in a controlling way of course! he just loves to show off how well he knows you, to the smallest detail!
he knows EXACTLY how you like your favorite drink. how many creamers and sugar packets you like in your coffee, the juice you prefer (and has no shame in asking for mixes of several types, since he knows that you like an apple and cranberry juice concoction), and if you like iced tea, he knows how many lemon slices you like and if you like it sweetened or unsweetened. he knows all of this by HEART. your preferences are tattooed onto his soul.
so when the waitress comes over and turns to you to ask for your order, soap holds up both of his hands frantically and exclaims for you to wait. he then leans forward with his eyes closed and his elbows on the table, fingers massaging his temples.
“hmmm-“ he starts, much too seriously for the problem at hand, “they wan’ a denver skillet. eggs sunny side up. extra cheese and peppers. replace the toast with pancakes. with chocolate chips. and sprinkes. and whipped cream.”
he breaks character when he can’t hold back anymore and his face cracks into a smile, “could ya’ make the pancakes into a mouse?”
the waitress is charmed and amused by the two of you, and especially appreciates the generous tip she gets from you both, so she is more than willing to put up with your shenanigans.
soap still has a sly grin when he asks you if you’d like to change anything
soap is a human garbage can, so if you order for him (just make sure it doesn’t have mushrooms), whatever it is, he will loudly declare that it was the best meal he’s ever had.
when you and the rest of the 141 eventually have to move from this base to the next, this little tradition continues. you and soap immediately hunt out the closest local eatery, and start all over.
soap cannot keep his mouth shut, and will tell ghost all of the details of your excursions when he gets bored on coms.
ghost will just ignore him most of the time, just humming in false acknowledgment of whatever the hell soap is saying.
BUT. soap doesn’t know it, but his Lt. has taken the liberty to visit the same establishments as the two of you, and has escaped running into you guys by the skin of his teeth.
thank god he never stays, because soap would be in SO MUCH SHIT
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joanofarcbutsilly · 1 year
shake the frost
simon “ghost” riley x reader
TW: angst to comfort!!!!!! simon and reader’s relationship is undoubtedly toxic (don’t worry it gets better), simon is not emotionally available in the slightest, mentions of sex in a friends with benefits type relationship but nothing is ever described, small disagreement, there’s kind of a breakup???? but it ends happy
not requested but this is for @corvusmorte who had commented on my last post about this song tehehe
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simon has this undeniable coldness to him
he just seems to reek of apathy for his fellow man
upon first glance, you might think simon is just another product of military training. in general, for the type of work simon does, anyone would have to be able to distance themselves from people and the emotions they come with. i mean soap is normally a genuinely kind and thoughtful individual, but turns into a whole different being while on the field
simon is just different though. it doesn’t seem like he has any ability to turn it off, it’s just a part of him
without really knowing him, it’s easy to imagine peeling back this layer of his personality and finding a deep dark void where his soul should be
he is absolutely aware of this general aura and has never had the urge to make a change
he doesn’t get a lot of good first impressions because of this, and very rarely does anyone ever attempt to chip away at his shell
i cant stress enough it is HARD WORK to get to know this man
the fastest way to foster a connection with him is through a friends with benefits type situation (although he will not refer to you as a friend either, you are just a coworker with whom he has sex)
when you DO come to understand him a bit better from piecing little morsels of information together, you come to understand that his coldness is just a means to defend himself
years of pain and mistreatment quite literally from the day of his birth has turned him into a cornered dog, gnashing and thrashing at any attempts to get closer, wether you be friend or foe
knowing his reasons for this is one thing, but putting up with it is another. having empathy for his predicament does NOT mean that you should have to put up with any of his unkindness
i just imagine being in a relationship (if you can even call it that) with simon, built purely on physical interactions. you are someone to warm his bed, plain and simple, and he is not afraid to tell you this.
he has his moments, where he tries, in his own way, to maintain the connection you two have fostered
he’ll pick up little trinkets for you on his travels, little reminders that he DOES in fact think about you when you’re out of his room.
he’s also a pillar of stability for you. no matter the burden you carry. simon is one of those people who you just feel more relaxed by extension because he DOES NOT FREAK OUT
you can also take comfort in the fact that simon will ALWAYS be there to protect you. he will ALWAYS have your back, and even if he doesn’t vocalize it, you know that he would kill or die for you without an ounce of hesitation
he cares, not outwardly.
and you know, you KNOW he cares even if he doesn’t say it, you KNOW. but it can be so incredibly draining to be carrying the entire emotional burden of your relationship (which he vehemently denies the existence of)
so things can be good! you and simon have great moments! but some not so great ones as well
as mentioned, he refuses to acknowledge your importance in his life. and even though you can pick up on the clues of his actual thoughts and feelings on you and your whole arrangement, it can be so exhausting to be told and shown the opposite
some nights after your escapades he will let you stay, and sometime in the middle of the night you’ll wake up to a heavy arm across your abdomen and a heavy sigh. you breathe just a little bit quieter and resist the urge to rearrange yourself so as to not wake him up
the next day, he makes no mention of his midnight affection, so neither do you. you think you have turned a corner in the relationship.
but the next time you two- ahem- get together
 following the activity he scoops up your things from the floor and drops them next to you on the bed with his eyes straight ahead. while you just kinda sit there in a disappointed stupor he silently walks to his bathroom, and you can feel the unsaid demand to leave his room before he gets back.
this is a pretty typical pattern, there’s the initial hope following an abnormally affectionate behavior or moment, which is immediately crushed when simon all but launches himself away to maintain a comfortable emotional distance from you.
you cannot vocalize your discomfort with this dynamic either. bringing this up would immediately start up an argument, where simon says that you are overreacting, and you knew what this was and what you are to him. this can end up happening a lot, he avoids healthy emotional communication like the PLAGUE.
after some time together you come to learn what sets him off in a fighting mood.
a BIG one to avoid is “prying” into his past. you cannot and should not be the one to ask any personal questions. all you’re going to get is a pissed off simon and a response along the lines of how “if he wanted to he’d tell you”
anything and everything you know about simon’s history is the result of a slip of the tongue, or the occasional comment by him or someone else on the 141
past this, it’s up to you to use your detective skills to piece together a timeline of simon’s life
following every fight or disagreement with simon there is a gap wherein you might as well be strangers.
the silence almost seems like a punishment, which makes fights absolutely unbearable. you’ve always got the thought in the back of your head that you two might never come back from this, and to keep any kind of connection with simon you’ve got to walk around eggshells for the foreseeable future.
the silence is hard, but he also just has his outbursts on occasion where he just absolutely snaps on you
these breaks happen in his own moments of emotional instability, like after a nightmare
when you do end up staying the night with him, and you hear the even cadence of his breathing suddenly interrupted before he tenses behind you, it’s critical to just lay there and pretend it’s not happening. should you wake him up, you have to pretend he was just snoring or moving around too much, and under no circumstances should you let him know you’re aware of his bad dream.
one such occasion ended up being the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. you finally believed the dynamic between you and simon was comfortable enough that you did wake him up and alerted him to the fact that you were aware of his bad dream, and of course he could tell you anything, and talking about nightmares with someone else often helps you get a better nights sleep, he just stared at you with a blank look for a few seconds. he then threw himself up to sit facing away from you, taking some deep breaths that slowly devolved into a growl. you hesitantly said his name again, which apparently set him off, standing abruptly and shoving his nightstand.
“ghost,” he corrects flatly between clenched teeth, “get out.”
it was clear to see there was no arguing with him, so you just peel his shirt over your head and set it on the bed before dressing and all but running away.
simon makes no attempts to talk to you for a while following this incident, and it is was honestly for the best. you love him, but you cannot put yourself in the position to be hurt by him again. this is the forced distance you need to make a break from you very clearly unhealthy situation.
this goes on for months following the initial confrontation, no late night rendezvous, no talks, no nothing. absolutely cold turkey.
the rest of the 141 is so sick and tired of you both during this for various reasons. they can all feel the tension rolling off of you both when you are either in each other’s presence, or one of you is brought up. price, although he does care for the well-being of his teammates, needs to make sure that all of the cogs of the machine are in working order. soap hates that ghost is in emotional turmoil, but can do nothing about it because any hand extended in simon’s direction might be ripped off. gaz is not as close with ghost as soap is, and doesn’t have a real concern in the leadership side of things, but absolutely hates the anxiety it causes. he misses just having fun with his teammates, but now he knows any teasing could go unbelievably wrong.
all of this comes to a head after a particularly grueling mission which lands you and soap in medical. soap ended up fine, he just had a dislocated shoulder and a nasty slash on his leg that the doctors wanted to keep a little bit of an eye on to avoid anything worse. soap was a good bedside companion, and easy company compared to the new norm of being constantly on edge. but all good things had to end, and johnny was freed from bed-rest and had to get back to work after just a few days. you weren’t gifted the same luck, and ended having to stay an entire week due to a broken ankle and a not so great concussion. sitting in the dark and sleeping constantly was a nice break, but it’s inevitable to get a bit stir crazy.
there was honestly nothing that could have been done, it was just a shit show. despite it not really being anyone’s fault, price is not quiet about the fact that maybe things could have gone better if two CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS could act like ADULTS and COMMUNICATE at WORK without RUINING THE TEAM DYNAMIC. price comes to you with this message, which usually would be unwelcome, but after being bored out of your mind, any human interaction was a welcome experience. price also makes the not so subtle threat of forced therapy should you and ghost not talk to each other within the next week (this was not so welcome). you assure price that you will talk to ghost when you’re off of rest.
this ends your little vacation, and you have to start thinking about how you are going to go about discussing this with simon
you have to sit there with nothing else to do other than twiddling your thumbs and staring at the ceiling, stewing in the pit of anxiety that’s brewing in the base of your stomach.
the confrontation comes much sooner than you’d like
just a day before your release you’re going along with your usual rumination of your expected conversation with simon, the metal rings of the curtain around your bed screech as they’re pulled back. a nurse sticks her head in through the window with a smile and tells you that you have a visitor.
much to your surprise you see ghost in full gear standing by the door like a vulture or some sort of gargoyle.
you stare at each other for a moment before you break eye contact and pretend to busy yourself with sorting out your bedding. without looking you hear the scuff-scuff of simon’s shoes dragging across the floor, and then the scream of a chair being carried along for the ride.
simon positions the chair next to your bed and takes a seat.
there’s a long stretch of silence which you decide to break, just to get the conversation over with, you tell him price already explained the situation to you. you apologize for any uncomfortableness on the field and end with a generic “i hope that going forward this will not affect our work relationship”
simon sighs after you finish and the silence returns yet again.
this time you decide that the ball is officially in simon’s court although you couldn’t have expect his next move
ghost leans forward and rests his arms on his knees, allowing his head to meet his hands.
despite his now floor facing position, it’s quiet enough to hear him apologize. simon says he’s sorry. he says the way he treated you was unfair and needlessly cruel.
still a bit shocked, you remark that although his actions did hurt you, you appreciate the apology.
you decide it is only fair that for all the pain he caused, he should sit in the same silence he had left you in all of those times before. he would not find comfort in you.
it takes a while for him to respond, just telling you that he knows.
you tell simon again that you appreciate the apology, but there is nothing much else to say about the matter. as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, you understand him more than he’d like. you know that he is a good person even if he doesn’t think so. but he hurt you. your only crime was trying to be there for him. you tell him it was so unfair for him to treat you like you had done something horribly wrong by attempting to be closer to him. to constantly send you mixed messages about what the two of you were and the nature of your relationship was. you told him you felt like an idiot. for following him around as if he hadn’t already very clearly shown you what he thought of you. it simply wasn’t fair. if all he wanted was sex, you could have helped him find a hooker, hell, you would have payed for it, just to make things clearer for yourself.
simon’s shoulders raise and his chest expands with an uncharacteristically shaky breath. you look away after this, unwilling to admit that for all he’s caused, his pain is directly linked to yours, and seeing him in any kind of distress causes a physical response in you.
this is why you don’t notice when simon moves his hand from his knee to the railing of the bed. you only notice when you hear the his hand sliding across the fabric of the thin sheet that covers you. unwilling to investigate visually where this is going, you continue pretending the ceiling is more interesting than whatever the hell simon is doing.
your feigned boredom makes the surprise of simon resting his hand on yours all the more shocking. this must show on your face, because when you snap your head up to meet simon’s eyes, he seems a bit hesitant. despite this, he keeps his hand on yours, letting the unspoken question of wether this was ok hang thick in the air.
you nod and he nods back, curling your hand around to entwine your fingers with yours and starts rubbing his thumb back and forth across your knuckles.
he apologizes again. and says he knows you’re a good person. he knows you mean no harm, but he’s just afraid. he can’t help but think of how people who were supposed to love him treated him, and what happened to those who actually did. he knows this isn’t an excuse, but he needed to tell you. he needed to tell you that he misses you.
this is new. very new. you could never have dreamed of a conversation of this nature taking place with simon, and yet there you were
he tells you how much you mean to him, even if he doesn’t say it, and it’s not fair that you he can’t tell you.
there’s more silence, you don’t know if you could respond even if you tried
simon continues
he tells you he loves you
this obviously doesn’t fix everything, simon still has so much trouble believing your good intentions, but the difference now is that he’s trying
he decides that if he wants a real future with you he has to put in the work, so at your gentle suggestion, he asks price about his options for some therapy services he can get into contact with through the military (price choked on his own smoke)
you can still see simon trying to pull away sometimes but he warns you
when he comes back from a mission you hadn’t gone on for whatever reason, he will tell you if he had a particularly hard time. how he’s not feeling like himself at the moment and might need some space in the coming days.
he’s come to discover that this is much preferable to how he handles things before. you don’t get mad at him, you thank him with a comforting smile, telling him that you appreciate the fact that he told you and if he wants to talk about it you’ll be right here.
the nightmares are getting better too- well not the subject matter, but how he handles them
you’ll wipe the sweat from his brow after a nightmare and he tenses like he did when you thought it was over, but now he takes a few shuddering breaths before yanking you to him, arms wrapped around you in a vice grip and face shoved into the crook of your neck. he’s still tense, but not in the flight response you’re used to. breathes in your scent and mutters a gruff thank you as he tries to settle back into sleep. he hasn’t worked up the courage to tell what they’re about yet, but he takes comfort in the fact that you’ll be there for him if he needs.
he starts telling you things too.
simple things at first, like when he first read his favorite book. how his favorite color is dark blue because it reminds him of a blanket he had as a kid. you made some cookies for him one time, and he said he loved them, and told you about the last time he remembers having that sweet treat with his family.
most of it seems trivial, but such a huge step in the right direction it’s almost like he has been replaced by some imposter.
the culmination is when he takes you back to where he was raised. he walks you through the streets, hand in hand, and periodically stops to grab your attention. he will point out where he had his first job, his favorite restaurant that he only really liked because it was his moms favorite.
he is so much
the new best part of every day is when you and simon part ways for the day
as you go off to leave your practically shared room in the morning, simon always catches the you by the arm to bring you closer. he raises your hand to his lips, and closes his eyes, mumbling a quiet i love you against your skin
requests are open!
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joanofarcbutsilly · 1 year
apologies if anyone has posted this before but 😭
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joanofarcbutsilly · 1 year
ok anyways. hobie headcanons.
(reader is gender neutral and bakes as a hobby, they are also hobie’s neighbor)
hobie values human connection over everything else
fr doesn’t care for aesthetics as long as you are a decent and kind human being (i just mean there is NO WAY he would be one of those “punks” who’s first criteria they judge you on is your clothing choices/makeup, etc)
i simply know that he is nice.
he is so trustworthy. i just know.
just imagine being his neighbor and you haven’t really talked at all yet
and at first he’s pretty intimidating, you can tell he won’t put up with any shit, but you need some yeast!!! you’re making cinnamon rolls!!!
so you force yourself to knock on his door and when he answers you stutter your way through your question while he’s got an eyebrow raised
“yeast?” he frowns a little as he’s thinking, “lemme check, yeah?”
you just nod because that went so much better than expected and he leaves you bounce on your heels to get rid of some of your nerves while he goes back into his apartment
he comes back and he’s got a few little packets in hand and a grin on his face, “found some, figured i’d give them all over, not much of a baker.”
you thank him ofc and offer to bring him some treats when you’re done
his eyes crinkle when he smiles, “depends on what you’re makin”
when you make them and bring some back over to share he insists on a little bit of a trade
he explains he enjoys doing some artsy stuff and gives you a tiny little pin he’s made with a little shrug (it’s a little ladybug), “fo’ your bag or somethin’”
of course you put it on your jacket
whenever you two cross paths and you’ve got his pin on he loves to flick it with a finger and asks where you got it with a smug little look on his face
you two have got a comfortable little bartering system going of food and art (ok but imagine hobie loving the idea of you using your confections as “tickets” to your own private concert)
he’s got a horrible singing voice (he knows it, it’s also canon) but he still loves to hum along when he plays, and he insists you join in, no matter how horrible you are (he will poke fun at you however. cant stop him.)
he trys to teach you guitar and all the instruments he knows
in return you try teaching him how to bake
he gets annoyed by how everything has to be “just so” with baking, but absolutely loves decorating!
he loves picking the colors for frosting hehe
he gets you to help him make some cookies for his band mates and friends :)
ran out of ideas â˜č just thought this was sweet â˜č
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joanofarcbutsilly · 1 year
this is just a simple drabble about hobie being a menace when you paint his nails!
reader is gender neutral, ask to tag for warnings if necessary!
rn i'm thinking about hobie letting you paint his nails, because of course he would! it's pretty, another way to express himself, and he will take ANY excuse to hold your hand even though he knows he doesn't need it.
he also just loves that it is another excuse for him to be a silly little goose :)
when you ask him if you can paint his nails, he makes a little show of thinking about it,
"i d'know love," he'd murmur with a lazily masked smile, "wont be able to use m' hands for a bit'
he's got the tiniest little smirk on his face while he's turning his hands over and over and looking intently at each and every one of his fingers
it's only after you beg for a bit that he laments and sits himself down with a sigh, positioning his arm on the chair's side and turning his head away from you, "do what you have to, but i want the works, yeah?"
his silliness will NOT end there. he
REFUSES to stop being a goofy guy. (although he makes sure to stay very still and not fidget while you apply the base coat)
you've got his hand curled around yours where he has it resting, lightly blowing on the drying paint when you ask what color he thinks he'd like to have. he scrunches his face up and hums while tapping his fingers on his free hand. this goes on for AT LEAST two minutes before he shakes his head, "i jus' don't know..”
you ask him EVERY POSSIBLE QUESTION, whether he'd like a color that is warm or cool, bright or more subdued, maybe a neutral, something natural, etc etc. eventually you just gotta bring out the stash for him to inspect
picking a color is the biggest issue during the whole debacle.
he picks up EVERY SINGLE BOTTLE to turn over in his hand, hold up to the light, and asks sooooo many questions
he's got a bottle in each hand, a dark plumish purple in his right, and a black paint with iridescent sparkles in his left. he's spun them both around countless times, he periodically frowns and holds one up towards the open window before doing the same with the other. you've got your head resting on your hand staring off into the abyss because you KNOW he is doing this on purpose and there is NO WAY he is thinking this much about such a little decision.
hobie loves that he can sense your exasperation coming off of you in waves, and cannot resist poking the bear, "hard decision luvie," he speaks lowly with a shit eating grin, "gonna be a permanent part of me for a bits
"hobie it's gonna last a week at MOST, maybe less"
he sighs and shakes his head and drops the two bottles in the chair next to him,
"big decision big decision, that's a commitment love"
you tip forward with a groan and your head lands on hobie's knee, "please for the love of god just pick one"
he snickers a bit before he taps your head, “fine. i have a few questions first. which one matches my skin tone?"
"hobieeee i don't knoooow," you moan, "i just got them cause they're pretty"
"that brings up another issue," he tents his hands together, "we have to consider the ethical ramifications of where these came from, don't we?"
you let out a fake sob and lean back up so you can see what he's talking about, and hopefully reach a decision faster, "if we have to”
he grins and nods matter of factly,
"right love," he leans forward to reach onto the side table that is holding the rest of the polishes grabbing some in handfuls before dumping them in the seat next to him along with two previously discarded
he gently picks up one of the bottles and holds it up to your face, "where'd this come from"
"christmas gift from my sister"
he grabs the next
"got it from a friend who was a nail tech for a bit"
"how 'bout this?"
"stole it from somewhere, don't remember, big chain"
a big grin breaks across his face and he nods approvingly before grabbing the next, "this?"
"same story"
this goes on for much longer than necessary, before he makes it to a dark navy blue polish, holding it up with an expectant look on his face.
"uhm, amazon i think"
his nose crinkles and he sets the bottle on the floor and kicks it a good distance away, "not a chance," he's got a grimace on his face.
he does this with EVERY SINGLE ONE.
at some point you just have to put your foot down and demand he chooses. he's got a little frown on his face cause his little game has finally been put to an end, but he quickly recovers and grins before reaching through the pile to grab a plain black polish
he's got a toothy grin on his face as he thrusts it out to you, "goes with everything, yeah?"
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