#at least one movie a day
whalleyrulz · 9 months
halloween movie thread for 2023
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so this is
skinamarink was one hell of a movie to kick off the month. it's a super arthouse horror, meaning it's totally not for everyone, but goddamn
it's about two little kids, kaylee and kevin, who wake up one day to find their dad isn't around. and neither are the windows to the house. and neither are the doors. you don't see their faces, or much movement - the movie is basically a constant series of stationary camera vignettes. it sounds very wanky, right?
so we both hit a point in the movie where we said "hey this movie isn't so bad, i wish we had put it on later in the day when it got dark"
this point, for those who have seen the movie, is right before kaylee goes upstairs to her dad's room
this point, for those who haven't seen it, is where the movie gets TERRIFYING
holy shit. it's, at its core, a very simple movie, about a very simple thing. but in execution, in artistry, in sheer terror this fucking stands out as something goddamn special and INCREDIBLY upsetting, and i cannot believe that this is the bar we decided to set to kick off horror month
skinamarink is an amazing movie and if y'all even slightly like arthouse wank PLEASE watch this
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canisalbus · 5 months
I have a phobia of dogs like can't stand seeing images of them phobia but I love your work so much, I don't know what it is but there's something beautiful about how I can look at it without feeling that phobia. Like being on top of a mountain and seeing the view of the world below or how fire looks pretty close up. Your art to me feels like that scene in fantastic mr fox with the wolf.
Ah, that's both heartwarming and very interesting, I've never heard of any cynophobes liking my work! Thank you!
(I won't bother you about it of course, but I can't help but wonder if it's the same thing for all furry/anthro art you see or for some reason just me, and if it's the latter, what could be making my stuff more palatable for someone who is that intensely uncomfortable with canines. My style isn't realistic but it isn't super stylized and exaggerated either. Is it about the anthropomorphization and the humanlike features, expressions and behavior? When I draw actual dog-shaped-dogs, are they harder to look at?).
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ballister has those huge sad wet puppy eyes but let’s be honest that man is not pathetic. in fact i think he’s really cool and smart and capable.
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alpacacare-archive · 1 year
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some body positivity from wingdings for this valentines day <33
(trust him, He’s a doctor!!)
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 3 months
LEGO Ninjago Wobbly Hearts AU Refs
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Ayyy what's up everybody now that i've got an obKNOXious watermark (mwahaha) we've got our first Wobbly Hearts character refs! The siblings! They're heavily based off their movie designs but there are some bits and pieces from the early OG show designs. Props to you if you can spot those details!
[do not steal/repost/save my art to other sites (including pintrest)or put it into A/I thanks]
Kai & Nya | Lloyd & Zane | Cole & Jay | Skylor & ?????
Wobbly Hearts Fic Ao3 | what is wobbly hearts?
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doodleswithangie · 1 year
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@reddieweek day 1: mythical creatures
I started this on actual Day 1, and as usual it spiraled into something much bigger than the simple doodle I started with, but I definitely enjoyed thinking it through and finding my take on the concept!
[Image description: A Werewolf/Vampire AU featuring Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak from the "IT" movies. The AU is detailed with handwritten notes and captioned vignettes. Alt text is provided, and copied and reformatted for easier reading under the cut.]
Copied Alt Text, reformatted for easier reading
Image one:
Young half-shifted werewolf Richie and vampire Eddie pose for the camera. Bulleted notes read:
Derry 1.0
The Losers are all some sort of mythological creature (which isn't that weird in this Derry).
Richie is a werewolf who stays half-shifted around his friends (but hides on the full moon).
Eddie is a vampire who carries blood bags from the pharmacy in his fanny pack (less messy that way).
Richie mimes Eddie's fangs and taunts him with puns as Eddie pulls out a medical blood bag. The dialogue reads:
"Stopping for a quick bite?" "You know I- hey wait-" "Kinda sucks to be you." "You suck! And you already have fangs! Quit that!" "Fangs for noticing!" "HISS!"
Image two:
Portraits of Richie and Eddie as unhappy adults in their human and creature forms. Bulleted notes read:
Derry 2.0
Intensely guards/hides werewolf side
Very hairy even as a human
High stress situations or the full moon will involuntarily shift him
High neck suit collar to hide the bite
Strict diet for basic nutrients
Ironically more vampiric the more he suppresses the urge to feed.
Black ink seeps up the page, with the caption, "Pennywise forces them to reckon with the parts of themselves they've hidden away…"
Image three:
Set against an inky background are scenes of a bloodstained full vampire Eddie, full wolf Richie in the Deadlights, and wolf Richie hunching protectively over Eddie. They are captioned, "Eddie kills and drains the Leper. Richie fully shifts in the deadlights. Eddie saves Richie, and in turn Richie saves Eddie."
Set against a bright background are scenes of after the fight: wolf Richie sleeps as Eddie waits with Richie's folded clothes, and of them recreating their pose from the first image, touching foreheads. They are captioned, "Post-battle nap and swim in the quarry before hightailing it out of Derry."
Image four:
Richie's clawed hand scratches out "R + E." It is captioned, "With one final stop on the way."
End Copied Alt Text.
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catastrxblues · 6 months
OH YEAH while i’m on it, how the hell did the “the show’s not over until the mockingjay sings” line not get into the movie? it’s literally one of the most cinematic lines from the books ever, so iconic. they could’ve done so many things with it. the suspense, the epic line delivery by rachel zegler the first time, and then the second by tom blyth, from snow’s own mouth—i can imagine it so clearly. i don’t know, just the fact that they managed to slip in the ma-turnip comment (which i do appreciate because it at least showed how unfair he was to her in his judgements) and yet they couldn’t spare a few glorious seconds for this????? *sighs*
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hazelelel · 6 months
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i want to put it in my mouth
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feline-evil · 1 year
Hiding my shirt that says 'i am not normal about narratives that imply an inanimate inhabited structure is a living breathing organism' as i walk into a board room and pitch my idea that we should make more horror revolving around living architecture
#jay talkin#I JUST. I JUST. i'm thinking about old haunted house movies that have this grimy sticky feeling to the house#where the evil is not just afflicted to wood and bricksbut eminates from it as a hatred#the house itself hates you. the voice screaming get out is born on the vocal chords of the hallway#i am also thinking about The Hotel the podcast you should all already be streaming CHOP CHOP CMON NOW#which is of course a more unique and i would say more abstract sister to this concept#(said deeply positively the concepts and horror explored make my brain ping pong rapidly)#which is another reason you should be listening because it does its own thing that i think you should listen to and discover yrself :)#(and also it is far more than this this is just a tiny SLITHER of what is explored go listen NEOW)#and i am also thinking about. drum roll please. you know whats coming. yes it could be nothing else#kitty horrorshows anatomy which is TO THIS DAY one of the best and most influential games upon me i have played#a game that pushes this concept to its core grotesque emotional fleshy pulp and runs with it#anatomy is a game that breeds in anxiety and discomfort and bleeds a sincere love in the horror it portrays#that love is something i yearn to see in horror media! it is also present in the hotel AHEM AHEM#but yes anatomy is an experience like no other that you really should experience for yourself#(glances down at my shirt) um. um ok so ill leave the board meeting now thank you for listening#dear god my pain medcin kicked in and i instantly became the worlds least normal man didnt i. WELL!!! thats all of youse problem now
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ben-the-hyena · 3 months
What are your thoughts on Kung-Fu Panda 4?
Kind of like Wish (still liked it better tho, Wish was just "okay")
In itself, a good movie I liked, I was surprised to love Zheng (is that how it's spelled ?) when I was sure I'd hate how she was shoehorned in the franchise but no she was touching and fun, the humor held up, even if she were not deep I liked the Chameleon (I guess a franchise does need at least one villain who hss no trauma and is jist evil because, she was still likable and charismatic and not exagerated), Mr Ping and Li Shan were amazing and hilarious together (you can't tell me they are not married at this point), I thought I would hate how the Furious Five were not there but they were given a satisfying explanation why that truly made it feel like Po's own journey this time and it felt like all was forgiven when they appear at the very end, Tai Lung was there and even if I was disappointed we were actually clickbaited and lied to (HE DOESN'T BECOME GOOD OR APPEAR MUCH !?!?! FUCK YOU !!!!!), he still finally found solace and a form of redemption or at least a path closer to it by finally being at peace with Po and accepting him as the dragon warrior and grow respect for him which was enough for my 10 years old soul to have found inner peace and feel feels about him. My baby, he finally healed...
But as the way it was advertised... a fucking joke. We were lied to for Tai Lung, Shifu was useless to the plot and made into a joke, Po's new status was super simplified as a magical power, I don't like the different style for the new characters they don't feel like belonging to the KFP universe, the Dragon Warrior is supposed to be known all across China but now only the Valley knows about him, not enough serious moments for too much comedy (it was good sure, but really not the balance the first 2 movies had), speaking of which SO many retcons (LORD SHEN NEVER WAS A KUNG FU MASTER !?! NOR WENT TO THE SPIRITS REALM, HE LITERALLY FUCKING DIED !?!?! ANF KAI WASN'T A MASTER EITHER ?!?!) and oversimplification (magic used to be subtle in the mortal world in the franchise. Now suddenly a DBZ/final boss type of fight really ?), and ALL THE FUCKING WASTED POTENTIAL WHEN YOU READ ALL THAT WAS GIVEN UP ON BY THE SHITTY DIRECTOR WHO DARED CALLING THE ONE OF THE FIRST MOVIES A NOBODY (Then I am told *I* disrespect her for shipping a ship she sees as friends !?!) AND IN FACT PLANNED WORSE (LIVE ACTION !? HUMANS ?! NO FURIOUS FIVE AT ALL ?! NO BACKGROUND STORIES FOR THE CHAMELEON AND ZHENG AT ALL SO THEY HAD TO CRAM THEM LAST MINUTE ?! *HE* IS A NOBODY) AND WE WILL NEVER HAVE HER AMAZING IDEAS I'D HABE FUCKING KILLED AS A 10 YEARS TO EVER SEE BUT NEVER EVER WILL BECAUSE OF HIM AND THE MOVIE IS DONE !?!? (Tai Lung truly being part of the plot and redeeming and having closure with Shifu, I fucking would have loved and cried)
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So I'll say I liked it, as much as the 3rd in fact, but knowing how much better it could have been if it were not given to an egocentric manchild who understood nothing about the heart and soul of tge first trilogy and how much better the concepts are 10 years old me had been wishing for and would have finally found closure in but I will never, *ever* have this closure about Tai Lung and I wilm never ever see them animated and voiced because his return was wasted because of HIM, it makes me mad and sad...
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fure-dcmk · 2 months
OP HOW ARE WE FEELING....... THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ALL AROUND...... genuinely distraught... someone take dcmk away from gosho fr...
sorry anon the tone of this ask are not specifically directed to you, its more to the general KS posts i've been seeing on my fyp
don't plan to address this since im not even a KS account but i'm starting to get peeved seeing a bunch of ppl act victimized like gosho did that cuz he personally hates KS shippers
i'm a huge gosho aoyama hater myself but come on that man probably thinks there's nothing wrong with first cousin dating in the first place (addendum one: shuake, addendum two: hanzawa love interest being his own countryside cousin) i'd even dare to say based on his unintentional world view its him encouraging KS shippers instead
for this account i'll make sure to tag any future KS to avoid icking those bothered by the reveal but for the record any KS made by me are not closely related
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wazzi2ya · 5 months
Vox and Angel getting into a fight so Valentino takes them to the aquarium until they're too hypnotized by the sharks and fish to remember what they started fighting about in the first place.
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[ID: a screenshot of a drawing made in procreate. The drawing is of Hunter and Willow from the owl house as Aurora and Philip from Sleeping Beauty. Willow is Aurora and Hunter is Philip. They're dancing, with him holding her from behind by the wrist. She looks surprised and he looks nervous. A filter is applied to the image to give it the grainy texture of a screenshot and the background is grey. End ID]
Also posting this before I forget. I watched sleeping beauty this week hehehe
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revisiting the lord of the rings trilogy always feels like an Experience, but seeing all three extended editions along with a theater full of fellow fans? epic. just epic.
and now it's over and i'm sad.
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hildegardladyofbones · 3 months
Making a short movie with my class and i got cast as the lesbian wife of the girl i'm closest with in my class. oh and it is important to note that we both die early on in the story.
...i guess it is my destiny to be a dead widow??? fuck yeah
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freaky-flawless · 1 year
It's still fucked up, but it is a little funny that MGA is keeping up the tradition of changing Dylan's appearance every time he shows up.
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[Image Description: Three photos of Dylan from Bratz showcasing the variances in his appearance. The first photo is a close up of his appearance from "Talking Bratz" in which he has dark skin with dark brown hair styled in micro-braids, and light brown eyes, wearing a black sweater with a silver chain. The second shows his appearance in the video Game "Bratz: Flaunt Your Fashion" in which he has light skin, light brown eyes, and black hair styled with a middle part. he's wearing a white t-shirt under a green plaid short sleeved button up. The third photo is a close up from a Bratz Instagram post in which he is sitting next to Sasha. He has light skin, medium brown eyes, and his black hair is styled in short box braids. He's wearing a gray hoodie, and tan cargo shorts with black converse-like sneakers.]
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