#at first I actually thought it was machete as a cat
shabbytigers · 3 months
good thing i didn’t know about the DLAB, the U.S. military foreign language aptitude test, till now. had i acquired that information at a plausible age, i might very well have ended up working for mfucking Defense because this is the greatest test in the world. look at it!
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first of all this is gold. it’s hands down the funnest kind of question i’ve ever seen. are there prep books. does it have a name i can use to scour the internet for puzzles
but what’s amazing is that it’s authentically fucked up. janky, if you will. like, i think i can see what choices are the best of those provided, but they do not feel like great, lucid, this-is-so-obvious-now-that-i’ve-thought-it-through, rock solid answers. they feel more like, okay i’m def lost in the rain forest but yeah me and my machete are gonna head in this direction. this, uh, can you call four instances and two tentatives a corpus? this dataset is a goddamn mess. i love it. i said “authentically” because tbh that’s pretty much the flavor of the feeling i have wading chest deep into one of the trickier thickets in a real existing foreign language, albeit one with fewer actual cryptids
we’re dealing with wo/wohin/woher prepositions in German and it’s an overt swamp; there’s a desultory table but they obviously got demoralized and punted. drilling a lot of examples—gehen zum Arzt, sein beim Arzt, kommen vom Arzt—may be better than trying to decide rationally, in the middle of a sentence, whether the Kino is more of a building or an activity.
the feeling i get wondering why they chose a skull, specifically, for farkila in this DLAB sample question is very akin to the feeling i get about … look
if a German cat sits on a table, the table is in dative—die Katze springt auf dem Tisch—because the cat is immobile, so it’s answering a where question
if the cat jumps onto the table—auf den Tisch—it’s in accusative, because it’s answering a where-to question
but if the cat jumps off the table, that’s a where-from question, and requires dative. vom [= von dem] Tisch. this is true even though there’s motion involved, and I was told not a month ago that motion = accusative, no motion = dative, using wo and wohin examples. now that woher is here the entire fucking heuristic is broken and i feel gaslighted. how can it be that jumping onto X is accusative but jumping off X is dative?
well, they say, it’s von. von always takes dative.
ok great, two rules in conflict, i’m supposed to just know which one wins, this is like what if order of operations in arithmetic but worse
furthermoar, why vom and not aus dem? onto = auf. on = auf. off (of) = von. feels messy. also, the cat is literally still in midair, so why isn’t this like coming out of the supermarket (physically exiting it) vs coming (to some not immediately proximate place) from the supermarket? well, it’s just different, they say. it would be aus if the cat was jumping out of a container like a cardboard box. but this is a flat surface so it’s von. hope this helps
o yes thank u that helps. i am definitely going to vom
it’s not that much palpably better than farkilam jankov? it makes a kind of unsatisfactory spot sense, if you wrestle assiduously through each example and get to ask annoying questions, but like. The System Is Bad
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pof203 · 1 year
Tiger & Bunny Justice Week: NHK Broadcast
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This is Hero TV Live! We are now getting closer to the first annual Justice Week. This week will celebrate the anime, Tiger & Bunny. This was thought up by fans to celebrate. The official is that this week will last from April 1 to 8. But since the day after the 8 is Easter Sunday, for this year, we will have an extra day. I hope you're all excited for what this celebration. I know I am.
First, let's see what the Sterbild Heroes are up to. They could be doing anything, folks. Remember, April 1 is not only the first day, it's also April Fool's Day.
First up, the team of Golden Rose.
>The scene now showed a live feed of Golden Ryan and Blue Rose in the break room.
>Blue Rose opens refrigerator and screams to see a snake in it. But when she gets a closer look, she saw it was only a rubber snake.
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April Fools!
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(sorry if the image is too small, you know the policy) That did get me a bit. I thought it was real.
Golden Ryan: (proudly) Yeah, I'm awesome!
>Golden Ryan sits down and opens a box of cookies that he believed came from a fan. But when he does...
Golden Ryan: (freaking out) AHH! Spider! Spider! Spider! Spider! Spider!
>But when he looks closer, he saw that the "spiders" were actually spider-shaped cookies with a blue rose with them.
Blue Rose: (laughing) April Fools!
Golden Ryan: (also laughing) That's a good one! I never would have thought of that one.
Mario: Sounds like fun. Now let's check on Origami Bison.
>In the training room, Origami Cyclone and Rock Bison were doing some minute training before going to the celebration. (Pretend their faces are blurred out to protect their identities.) Bison was opening his water bottle when it suddenly sprouted flowers from the opening.
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Happy April Fools Day, Bison.
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(he may not look like it, but he is laughing) Ha! Ha! That's a pretty good one.
>Origami opened his bag to get his shuriken. But when he opened it, he squealed to find a giant cockroach inside. But it turned out to be a plastic one that was playing La Cucaracha.
Rock Bison: (laughing loudly) April Fools!
Origami Cyclone: (breathing heavily) Oh. That gave me a few grey hairs.
Mario: Who could tell? You're hair's already shiny. Now, let's see Sky Emblem.
>In waiting room, Sky High and Fire Emblem were just resting a bit. Fire had just sit down to read a book. But when they opened it, the book was completely blank except for one sentence that was repeating over and over: April Fools.
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April Fools!
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Not a very clever trick, but I'll take it.
Sky High: Glad to hear it.
>Sky High, who had taken off his shoes to rest, put them back on. But when he did, they made a squishing sound. He looks in to find that he shoes were filled with chocolate pudding.
Fire Emblem: (laughing a bit) April Fools.
Sky High: (also laughing) That got me good! I thought John or Jonjon got to my shoes again.
Mario: Now that was pretty sweet! Now, for Dragon Cat.
>Dragon Kid and Magical Cat were hiding behind some dividers at a restaurant when someone walks in.
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Hello? I'm suppose to be meeting my daughter for lunch here.
>A waiter leads the woman to a table that's reserved. The waiter already has a dish out.
Woman: Spegette and meatballs? Well, I guess I could- (shocked) Oh my god!
>The woman jumped back when she saw it was actually worms. But when she takes a closer looks, she saw they were actually gummi worms. Then, Dragon Kid and Magical Cat come out of their hiding place.
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Got you good!
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Happy April Fools, Mama.
Woman: (smiling a bit) I'm not too happy with you both ganging up on me, but it was still a clever trick. Well done.
Magical Cat: Sorry. I'll make it up on you on Mother's Day.
Mario: The Gummi Worm Trick. That takes me back. I wonder what He Is Black are up to.
>He Is Thomas and Mr. Black were hiding in their manager's office under her desk. Thomas was wearing a Friday the 13th mask holding a toy chainsaw while Mr. Black was wearing a Michael Myers mask with a toy machete. Then, their manager, Carlotta Lindell, comes in.
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Of course I would forget my keys. My mother always said I'd forget head if it weren't glued on.
>Carlotta just picked up her keys when Thomas and Mr. Black jump up from behind the desk, brandishing their fake weapons. Carlotta gasped a bit, then they took of their masks.
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Gotcha! Happy April Fools!
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... Ditto.
>Carlotta said nothing... except turned on the lights and swarm of bats dropped down on them.
Mr. Black: (freaking out and activating his powers) Holy shit!
He Is Thomas: (gasping)
>But they saw they were actually rubber bats from office's Halloween party half almost half a year ago.
Carlotta: (smiling a bit) April Fools.
Mr. Black: (chuckling nervously) I.. knew they were fake.
He Is Thomas: (doubtful) Really?
Mario: Guess that one didn't work out. Now, last, but not least, the moment you've all been waiting for... Tiger and Barnaby! ... Wait, what do you mean you can't find a live feed of them? ... Oh well, let's take a look at this car commercial they left us this morning that stars them. Let's take a look.
>At first, it looked like a simply white car driving through the hills... until a man in a zombie costume jumps up screaming.
Mario: (screaming) Oh my god!
>Then, something else appears on screen with a live feed.
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Happy April Fools Day!
Mario: (almost breathless) Wow! That really got me. And I think it got a lot of our viewer as well.
Barnaby: Thanks, Mario. Just thought we'd open Justice Week with a bang.
Kotetsu: You bet. Now... we better run before Agnes comes screaming at of for that video.
Mario: Well, there you have it, folks. This is how the heroes are spending the beginning of Justice Week and there's more to come.
This is Hero TV Live!
NOTE: I'm sorry if this is coming too late and it's not on Twitter, but this is the best that I could do. I hope you all understand.
P.S. I think you know which prank video Kotetsu and Barnaby used. I decided not to actually put a link in this because it scares the shit out of me. (When I first saw it, I got so scared, I was screaming and foaming at the mouth.)
Please don't send me that link.
Let's believe HEORES.
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silkscream · 3 years
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fic rec library updated roundup! 
i decided that every time i update my library i’d make a little post to promote more writers! these are all fics i’ve found myself in the tags or from roaming tumblr. check out all the fics in my library here
nsfw will be indicated with ☆
taste of peaches  ☆ - @ceciliaceofbace​
wc: 5k as the only one who knows spider-man's identity after the unfortunate spell, peter and you have been getting extremely close. who knew that a little mistake at a college party could change the terms of your relationship?
easy a ☆ (for any peter) - @lokipokey​
wc: 1.2k you had been reading a part of a dissertation to peter for your paired research when he had grown quiet, his occasional verbal cues of acknowledgement to your side of the conversation ceasing. you had simply continued until hearing him softly moan your name. you swore you misheard him, but once you craned your neck around to look at him, he was quite obviously lost in another world; his eyes were clouded over, and it wasn’t very hard for your gaze to be drawn down to the tent forming in his lap.
lollipop ☆ - @slut4holland​
wc: 1.4k peter gets restless watching you suck a lollipop.
streets ☆ - @peterthepark 
wc: 3.7k peter parker has had enough dealing with strays like you, the black cat. when he shows up to your hideout uninvited, he tries to correct your behavior - yet peter finds himself falling for your tricks, and can’t help but give in to your sweet claws.
inhibitions ☆ - @clints-lucky-arrow​
wc: 1.4k having high sex with peter parker has fast become one of your favourite past-times.
dog days - @agnesamarantheastwood
wc: 2.4k
you might have been ever so slightly perturbed about peter seeing you in your underwear if he wasn’t sporting a large cut along his jawline; one that looked achingly fresh.
“did you shave with a machete this morning?” you asked, stepping out of the doorway and making room for him to enter.
“a scythe, actually,” peter deadpanned.
tom holland
break me ☆ - @specialk-18​
wc: 6k you thought time apart would be the best for you and tom. hell, after your last conversation, you’d be happy if you never saw him again. haha, silly girl – did you forget you had uncharted press?
blind spot ☆ - @softholand
wc: 8.2k
as a snowstorm hits nyc, you find yourself trapped with your first (and only) one night stand
you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me - @waitimcomingtoo​
wc: 3.6k
you make a lot dirty jokes that leave tom wondering how you really feel about him
love/hate me more ☆ - @tomhollandsblog​
wc: 17.4k (two parts)
you and your co-star tom holland can’t seem to get along. after the big premiere of your movie, things change.
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littlestrawbi · 2 years
What was up with the pace in the Killing Eve Finale?
The ending of season three was the perfect springboard for a genuinely satisfying final season, with Villanelle and Eve taking down the 12 together and finding their feet in acting on their romance. However, because for some inane reason V & Es love was thrown under the bus for the entirety of season 4 (how many “break up” scenes did we get??), this final episode felt so fast and rushed and forced. We didn’t even get to enjoy the sweet moments, because we knew each one of them was tinged and tarnished with a hack-handedly foreshadowed death. We didn’t even get to enjoy the sweet moments, because the writers made it obvious that to them, queer love could only be fleeting, momentary, and ultimately “cleansed” away.
Their affection and tender moments contrasted so much with the rest of the season- full of harsh words and painful moments. If they had been allowed the tenderness seen in the final episode throughout all of season 4 instead, the pay off would actually have been so much greater. Hell, we waited three seasons! I think the “cat and mouse” thing had been done enough by this point.
What would have been honestly groundbreaking would have been allowing an entire season of positive WLW relationship representation on screen. Yes, I know it’s Killing Eve- it’s gory, it’s brutal. But the actual source material allowed for a happy ending- it’s ridiculous to tout it as impossible when the original text so blatantly is here in the world, existing. We could have had eyes being gouged out, toes up noses, and machete attacks to bring the gruesome aspects of the show, and still showed two women caring for each other.
We could have seen gentle moments which made sense in each episode, a build up of trust with both physical and emotional intimacy. An upwards arc with the crescendo being their escape together- rest assured, this would have been a much more monumental, high drama ending than what we got. They really could have made history here- they could have done something so rare and precious and beautiful. Instead they made one of the worst rated final episodes of a TV show ever.
It’s just a shame. Three seasons of waiting for Villanelle and Eve to get scenes together as a couple, only to have the pacing, timing, and rhythm be so completely off that their romantic moments were like watching sand tumble away in a sand timer. The couple-y nature of their interactions in the finale would have felt so much more real if they had given us a season of them.
They jumped from what was essentially a series of break ups throughout all of season 4 straight into what felt like a fully discussed relationship- it was disconcerting, jarring, off beat. The conclusion that they need each other could have happened in the first episode of season 4, and then the girlfriend x girlfriend relationship could have developed over the course of the series, offering a much more naturalistic progression in which the sub-plot of The 12 could still have developed alongside them.
Sigh! This is a long post, just a few tiny thoughts of many big ones on this ending.
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alphinias · 3 years
While everyone else was fast asleep by the fire, Kie felt JJ tossing and turning next to her. - Jiara
While everyone else was fast asleep by the fire, Kie felt JJ tossing and turning next to her.
It was in the same way he always thought he was being subtle. The rustle of his clothes against the sand. A click of metal when he checked that his knife was still beside his makeshift shirt pillow. The jerkiness of his breathing, which she had been more attuned to than ever over the past few days.
It wasn’t surprising, that they were both the last ones awake, even with the soothing crackle of the dying flames and the blanket of stars twinkling for miles above them, like little crystals trapped in the distance. He’d always been the insomniac of the group with no substances to knock him out, and even when he did manage to fall asleep, he was jolting awake at the tiniest creak of a floorboard. Even back when she was twelve, excitedly peeping out of the separate bedroom Big John had banished her to at her first pogue sleepover, JJ’s eyes had been the ones peering back at her out of the dark.
And as for Kiara, well... the concept of sleep was daunting when nearly every time she closed her eyes, she was met with the long, dark halls of a chase through a boat or the glint of a machete in the sun. 
She pulled herself upright. Her back ached from lying on the ground, despite the layers of grass she’d been collecting over the past few days in an attempt to soften it. There was also lining of sand that stuck to her skin like a new layer, impossible to get rid of but not quite as foreign to her as sleeping with no mattress. 
The path to the ocean was familiar. She carefully avoided the dunes, having already warned JJ off of them on day one, and was careful not to stray so far that she couldn’t see the campsite. 
The roar of the ocean was soothing to her veins. The only constant remaining in her life besides her boys, and the next best thing to actual sleep, she figured. 
Kiara plopped down into the sand and waited. 
Hardly any time at all had passed before there was a rustling behind her. A quick peek over her shoulder revealed JJ, silhouetted by the light of the mood, hands tucked in his pockets. His chin was tilted skywards, making a show of not looking at her.
She leaned back on her palms. “Creep much?”
JJ’s fingers tugged at his hair. Hovered there for a moment, like he was trying to adjust the phantom cap he’d lost miles offshore.
“You good?” he asked.
“Be better if I had a J.” Kiara blinked back the exhaustion behind her eyes, smiling a little. “Or a few.”
“Amen. I’d totally destroy a J right now.” 
JJ lingered a few feet away, questioning, and she patted the sand next to her. He landed there with all the lithe grace of a big cat, the same way he always moved effortlessly up and down on his surfboard. He’d been swearing he was going to make his own by hand before they got off this island, and a large part of Kiara believed him.
“Or some onion rings,” she said, thinking wistfully of all the times she’d smuggled trays out the back of the Wreck for herself and the boys. “I’d kill for some onion rings.”
“Uh, you don’t sound real appreciative of that coconut I cracked for you earlier.”
Kiara managed a laugh. “It was a good coconut.”
They trailed off, sucking in the silence. One of the best and most surprising facts about JJ was that he knew how to be quiet when it counted.
She scooted closer to him, letting her head fall onto his shoulder. He stilled, barely detectable, but he was warm, and something about the inky darkness was freeing. A promise of not having to carry this moment over straight into the next morning just yet.
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blueeyedgeorgie · 4 years
“could I request a will imagine where the reader is mia in his new video? like she's his girlfriend and reacts to all of the things belle got him?”
“can you do a will x reader fic where the reader reacts to the belle delphine box lmao x”
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Gif cred. @sdmngifs​
Pairing: WillNE X Reader
Word Count: 2.6k+
Pronouns: She/Her
Opening the door, Y/n's attention first went to the corner of the room. A giant pink bear sat there with two pink crates, a giant blown up donut, and a canvas with a pink-haired girl holding a gun. Glancing over to Will's desk across the room, her boyfriend sat there, not bothering to look back at her. "What is going on here?" Y/n made her way over to the empty seat next to will, a grin was spread across her face. She was a bit excited about whatever her boyfriend was planning. "That smile is will be gone soon," he hadn't made eye contact with his girlfriend yet. He focused on the camera, leaning in to readjust the lens. "Alright, here's the plan, I'm gonna show you all the stuff by the bear. But first you gotta know, all of it is from Belle Delphine." Y/n's mouth shaped in an 'o',  it made sense from the canvas leaning on Will's table. "I need you to close your eyes for the first surprise," her boyfriend stood up from his seat, making his way from behind Y/n. "Oh no, I'm scared already." Hesitantly, she raised her hands to her face. "This first surprise you shouldn't have to be scared about," Will replied. Y/n could hear Will moving around, the sound of his closet door opened before closing again. "So you're telling me I should be scared of some of Belle's gifts?" "Well... yes and no." "Wait, what does that mean, Will?" Y/n let out a giggle fueled with nervousness. "Alright, open your eyes." Taking her hands away from her face, Y/n took a second to let her eyes readjust before looking to her boyfriend. Will stood there with a stupid grin on his face as he wore a white ahegao hoodie. "Oh wait, that's actually really cool," A smile appeared on her face. "I think I might steal that from you for some Instagram pictures." "Really?" he raised a brow at Y/n's reaction. It was only the first gift, but he knew it would get worse. "Yeah, that with some fishnets and some platform boots, it'd be a look," She brushed her hair back out of her face, a grin still staying on her face. Will took a glance at the camera for a moment before walking off back to his closet. "Am I the only one you're showing this stuff to? Or some other friends?" Y/n turned, watching Will pull the hoodie off himself. "Yeah, I'm just having James, Alex, and George stop by to have them check it out too," as soon as the hoodie was off, Will made his way to the other belongings in the corner of the room. "Alright, here's the next gift." He had picked up a box, bringing it back over to the desk. Getting closer, he revealed the front of the box with a bit of art of Belle on the from. Belle had been making a "shush" motion as the art of her was drawn with her finger over her lips. "Is that Belle Delphine fanart?"Y/n asked as she admired the art. "I have no clue, what do you think is in it?" "Huh, probably more photos of her." "George said the same thing," Will grinned happily, his hand snaking down to open the box. "Great minds think alike." Will paused as Y/n spoke, only making his girlfriend let out a giggle, "Are you gonna keep opening it or not?" "I'm opening it, I'm opening it," he let out a sigh before flipping the top open. A dartboard with Morgz mum's face on it was shown. "That's so cool," Y/n grinned happily. "Are you gonna hang it up somewhere?" "Maybe, I have no clue where I'm gonna put it yet," Will shrugged before closing the box. He made his way back to the corner of gifts. "I'd just like to say Will hasn't let me into his bedroom for the past couple of days because of all the gifts," The h/c girl smiled before looking back at Will as he picked out a new gift. "That looks like a Belle Delphine shrine, doesn't it?" Will had approached with a different box that had the same art sprawled out on top of it. Taking a seat next to Y/n, he handed her the box before quickly snatching up his Go-Pro camera. Taking a glance at Will, Y/n slowly opened the box. As soon as they realized what was sitting in their lap, a giant grin spread across their face another time. A pink BB gun sat there with 'Belle Delphine' written across it. "Can Belle become my sugar mommy?" Y/n spoke as she picked up the gun. Will let out a laugh from his girlfriend's response. "I'm surprised how well you're taking this." "Well, I haven't seen anything too concerning." "Yet." "What?" After taking the BB gun back, Will had returned with something else. A pink machete. "My god, Belle is really preparing you for an apocalypse, isn't she?" "I literally have no clue what I'm going to do with this," Will shrugged, going back to find a safe place to secure the weapon. After the machete, Will had brought the portrait of Belle over to Y/n to give her a moment to admire it. Belle was painted holding a gun as she said 'Subscribe or die.' "Just wondering why you haven't drawn up a canvas like this yet," Will grinned cheekily. "You see, I was gonna say I liked the painting until you made that snarky little comment," Y/n shook her head, her smile disappearing. "But you know what? You want a canvas? I'll give you a canvas. Don't be surprised when one day you walk into your bedroom and you'll see a painting of me covering up your walls." her smile appeared from Will's mouth falling open. "And I'm gonna get one of your friends in so they get the video content before you do." "Alright, that's where you hurt me, Y/n," Will shook his head, walking off with the canvas. "Anyways, I think it's about time we open the crates." As soon as the crate was brought over to Y/n, she opened it. The crate had been filled with all different sorts of things. The first thing Will had pulled out was a pair of cat mittens. "I think these were made for you." "No love, those were made for you." Y/n pushed the mittens towards Will, only for him to put them on. "Looking good." Instead of continuing to go through the crate, Will had brought over the inflatable donut. He had ended up making Y/n wear it while pointing his go-pro camera in her face. "I'm scared," Y/n bit her lip. "Why am I sitting in the donut?" "There's no reason to be scared." Will let out a giggle of excitement mixed with nervousness. "Is Belle gonna pop out of the closet or something?" She looked behind her over to the row of closets in Will's room. Will let out another giggle. "No, no, no. Don't worry about that. But do you think you could smell it?" "What?" "Just smell the donut, Y/n." Keeping eye contact with her boyfriend, Y/n hesitantly leaned in towards the plastic, sniffing it. There was no scent besides the smell of plastic. "There's no smell Will." "Alright, there's another donut. This one smells like an actual donut," Will had brought a smaller donut over to Y/n. "And on the back of it is a YouTube URL." "Oh no... what happened?" Y/n's voice cracked as she moved to take the piece of plastic off of her, "I don't wanna wear this now." Will took a seat next to Y/n, letting out a laugh as he typed in the URL. "The URL leads to a video titled, 'Belle vs Donut.' And the channel is 'Willne and Belle forever'." "It should be Y/n and Belle forever," Y/n gave a mischievous wink at the camera while Will typed in the URL. Her boyfriend had taken a moment to stare into the camera just from hearing that. "Am I gonna lose my girlfriend to my sugar mommy?" "Hopefully." The video had started, revealing Belle had sprayed whipped cream on most of the donut before slipping into the donut from using a children's slide. After she was in the donut she had slapped her head against the donut before the video ended. A moment of silence followed after the video ended. Y/n was a bit speechless for a moment. "...Wow." "I know," Will chuckled with his usual grin reappearing on his face. "You commented 'pog'?" The h/c girl let out a giggle as she scrolled down to the comment section, "You're this channel's only subscriber. That's sad." Will couldn't help but let out some more laughter from Y/n. "Guys, go subscribe to Willne and Belle forever and try to get Belle to change the channel name to  'Y/n and Belle forever'." Will looked into his camera once more with the usual look of disappointment. As Will had gone back to bring the crate back, Y/n quickly scrolled down to the comment section, typing in 'Y/n + Belle forever.' The crate had been reopened, revealing the content inside for a second time. The first thing Will had pulled out was a photo of Belle with a note on the back of it. "Dear WillNE, I hope you enjoy your mystery box! Love from Belle Delphine." "That's sweet," Y/n smiled. "I'm just so confused how you aren't upset," Will placed the photo back down before turning to Y/n. "Oh, the only thing I'm upset about is that she chose to be your sugar mommy over mine." Will had shown off a pink Xbox controller with Belle's name engraved on it. Y/n had found it cool and was a bit jealous she didn't have her own. After the Xbox controller, Will brought out Belle's pet named 'Fluffy.' He was a small crocodile with a ribbon tied around his neck. "Omg, I love him. Could I keep him?" Y/n smiled, taking the crocodile out of Will's hands. "Yeah, I thought he was a real animal when I first opened the crate." Y/n let out a laugh at her boyfriend before they continued on with the rest of the items. Will had brought out a Dive blaster from OverWatch to show off, Y/n really didn't care much for it. Up next, Will had brought out a pair of pink darts with the Britain flag on them. SO the couple had decided to walk over to the dartboard to play a short game. Will had brought out a mug with custom art on it. The art had shown Belle watching WillNE on it, meanwhile a few of Will's friends' videos had been put on the sidebar of recommended videos. "It says Will and Belle forever... wow," Y/n gave a look to the camera before handing the mug back to her boyfriend. Will brought out a polaroid of Belle that had a button connected to it. The button had said, 'send nudes.' "I'm starting to get concerned she's actually trying to steal you from me," Y/n muttered quietly as she stared at the polaroid. Will did feel a bit bad, he knew he had to spoil Y/n some way for her later on to make up for the video. Y/n looked back at the camera before blurting out, "Belle I love you, please date me instead of my boyfriend." Will had swapped out the first crate for another one, this new one being called 'the fanny crate.' He had first pulled out a bowl of cereal, handing it to Y/n. "Oh, that's cute. It says sub to WillNE," Y/n smiled at the bowl. "It might not be what you think it is." "Nevermind." She quickly placed the bowl down, refusing to take a second glance at it. The brunette boy had pulled out a purple teddy bear that had no face, merely a giant black hole for a mouth and prickly white teeth. "Oh, I love him too. Could I also keep him?" The h/c girl grinned, holding the bear close. "Take him, he's scary." Will shook his head, going back into the crate to pull something new out. A syringe of pink glitter appeared in his hands. As soon as Y/n saw it, she blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. "Mikey, could you please edit James in when he says 'Inject this into my fucking veins'?" Y/n let out a giggle as she looked over at the camera. "Don't listen to her Mikey!" "Joke's on you, Mikey likes me." Will had next pulled out a pink condom that had been titled 'Gamer girl condom.' Of course, Will had ended up asking the dumbest question yet. "Could we use it?" "She could've poked holes in it," Y/n shook her head. "You're insane." Will had ended up bringing out a new gift that just happened to make Y/n a bit jealous. A brand new seventh-generation Ipad. The couple had found themselves talking over if Belle had possibly uploaded anything to it. After putting the Ipad away once again, Will had told Y/n to close her eyes once again. "Will, you keep scaring me," Y/n sighed, her face covered with her hands. "Well none of this stuff has been that terrible yet, has it?" "You said 'yet' earlier." "That's because I thought you were gonna be much more upset over the stuff in the crates!" After a moment of shuffling footsteps and silence, Wil spoke up once again, "Reach your hand out." "Oh no," Y/n muttered before hesitantly moving her hand out. It took a few seconds before she felt anything. But as soon as her hand came in contact with something, she flinched. Opening her eyes, Y/n had realized what her hand came in contact with. "She got you a fucking chainsaw?" At this point, Will was grinning like a child who had been spoiled on Christmas. "Gotta protect myself." "From what? Wood?" Y/n raised a brow, a smug smile on her face as she watched Will walk off with his new machine. Soon enough, Will had come back with one last item. A small pink box. Getting into arms reach of Y/n, he quickly handed the box to her, not bothering to take a seat before doing it. Y/n let out a gasp at the sight of the box, could Belle have tried to propose to Will? "I swear if she proposed to you with an engagement ring I'm breaking up with you," shaking her head, Y/n opened the box. A small necklace fell out with a small red crystal connected to it. After taking a moment to admire it, Y/n spoke up. "Will... what is this?" "Blood." "What the fuck?" As quickly as the necklace had been brought out, it had been put away. And just like that, the filming had come to an end. Y/n had stuck around to help Will clean everything up for Alex to show up. By the time they had finished, they had a bit of time before Alex would show up, leaving the couple free time together. "Hey Y/n," Will followed Y/n downstairs. They had planned to watch a bit of TV and cuddle for a bit. "Yes?" "you know I love you, right?" "Of course," Y/n stopped walking, turning to face her boyfriend. "I love you, you know that, right?' "Yeah." "Good," the h/c girl took a seat on the couch, scooting over to give Will room. "You're not mad about Belle?" "Not at all, I get stuff like this happens. Also, Belle is Belle, what do you expect?" She moved over, cuddling up to Will's chest as he moved to hold her close. "God, you're amazing." "I know."
Taglist: @anyasthoughts @multifandom-but @springholland @blondiee-seaveyy @caswinchester2000 @glossystyless 
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom 14-20 thoughts!! I finished up s1 :D these last few eps were actually really really good!!!
-did. did tucker really just say esperanto was a dead language only spoken as a secret code between geeks. google says around 100,000 people actively speak it. oh my god...it being an auxiliary language doesn't mean its 'just for geeks to speak in code' ...it helps bridge gaps between people who don't have a language in common...
-danny really isn't pulling punches when it comes to fighting the ghost-cop possessed people huh. like he SLAMMED KWAN INTO THE CONCRETE SO HARD. HE THREW PAULINA INTO A BILLBOARD. will that...I mean it WOULD carry over to their bodies non-possessed, right? like if the ghost piloting their bodies gets hurt?? itd be so upsetting to be possessed, lose time, then wake up covered in bruises (and possibly, broken bones??) real horror movie stuff im sure wont be addressed in any way
-tuckers parents seem nice! I like them :)
-WULF IS CUTE AND I FEEL BAD. im so glad the gang realized he was only causing trouble bc of the shock collar walker put on him and helped. also, him wearing that big hoodie with the hood on, and thinking its subtle. we can tell youre still a giant wolfie :) THEN GETTING SUCKED INTO THE PORTAL AAAAH :( anxiously waiting to see Him Again....
-DANNY BLASTING HIS PARENTS THINKING THEY WERE OVERSHADOWED LMFAO GET THEIR ASSES. maddie marking how many ghosts she gets with lipstick tallies on the side of her portal gun? kindaaa iconic tho. (ALSO, SHE WAS LIKE, 2 FT AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT AFTER SHE TRIED TO SHOOT HIM. HOW DO YOU NOT RECONINZE YOUR OWN SON??? like sure, he might have diff hair/eye colors. but like, if one of my family members dyed their hair, and was wearing contacts, its not like id be like 'wHO IS THIS STRANGER!!!' ...he still has all his facial features!! same everything!!! I hate it here)
-paulina being #1 girl realizing danny's a friendly ghost immediately. smart queen. lancer and kwan ran away right after he made this sweet baby face at them:
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which is hilarious.
-ok. im not saying his bullying is JUSTIFIED, but. dash looked so pleased with the (cute!) poster he just painted, and danny comes thru the wall and spills paint on his nice letterman jacket. his anger is justified maybe 65% of the time so far...(not the way he handles it, but STILL.) at least lancer is stepping in!! and them making a silly little bet was...cute?? until dash pulled out his GROSS UNDERWEAR AND SAID DANNY WOULD HAVE TO EAT THEM???? WHAT THE FUCK MAN. TUCKER WAS SO RIGHT ITS FUCKING WEIRD TO CARRY THOSE AROUND EWWW. THIS KID IS UNWELL. lancer was right, his animatronic setup was SUPER IMPRESSIVE?? hes actually pretty creative. danny meanwhile is stealing the fright knight's design...I hope dash is taking art classes or smth with his sports
-fright knight is the most bestest ghost so far i LOVE THAT DESIGN. I am biased towards knights, and characters with swords, but he fucks so severely. and should sue danny for copyright infringement for stealing his design for his haunted house. if some 14 yr old broke into MY house and stole MY sword, id also be pissed. his evil winged unicorn rules too with its FANGS. and he just CAN SHOVE THE PORTAL OPEN WITH HIS HANDS??? is he the strongest ghost weve seen so far? idk but hes my fav. SOUL SHREDDER IS SUCH A COOL SWORD NAME TOO. ANY NAMED SWORD ALSO FUCKS. 'flaming bedsheets of DEATH' funny king. ALSO he was polite to dash and tucker when just asking for directions and telling tucker 'oh maybe, just a suggestion, maybe be nicer to me and be more respectful :)' I LOOOVE HIM.
-I noticed this in the Ember ep, but jazz has an electric guitar in her room!! talent musical queen!! its cool to see hobbies just in the bg.
-fright knight's murder castle reminds me of the booby trapped murder castle in zexal!! another supposedly 'for kids' show with murder/trap castles! we love that. if you are a dp fan reading this, give yugioh zexal a try. its also got 13-14 year old protags and involves (alien) ghosts. the cardgame is just a vessel for the plot, which is really good. (I just want more people to watch my fav yugioh, man)
-danny. with a SWORD.
-danny doesnt NEED TO WIN this contest, dash didnt STEAL HIS DESIGNS AND STEAL A SWORD. he also got excited to hear lancer got sent to a dimension with his worst fears too just so he could win the contest? DANNY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! BRO MAYBE YOURE 14 AND HAVENT FULLY DEVOLPED YOUR WHOLE BRAIN YET, BUT...THATS FUCKED. this kid casually says the most deranged things, I do worry for my spooky son. once again, therapy needed. that judo toss was great tho. I wonder if he actually did pick up some martial arts stuff from his mom?
-danny can fly 112 mph!!! thats so fast! I love the lil montage of him and his friends testing his abilities and stuff, very cute and a good way to showcase what he can do by now and how much more proficient he's gotten from ep 1!!! I'm sure he's going to get more abilities :)
-im glad...maddie's at least TRYING this ep. I do feel for her because her husband is a man baby. but the fact it took 16 episodes to get a kinda semblance of any kind of real concern or attempts at bonding. hmm. jack's 'BACK OFF SHES A MINOR' @ the ghost trying to attack jazz. also was very funny. and him wanting to make an action figure of her? are the parents redeeming themselves to me? slightly. they gotta Work Harder
-fenton machete. but she doesnt carry a PHONE??? ???
-I mean I expected vlad when you namedrop him earlier in the ep, and also the title card picture, and dalv corp being fucking vlad backwards. but seeing him just pull up on a golf cart made me bust out laughing. WITH the gift baskets prepared. why wouldnt you at least be suspicious. also, if he wants danny to be his lil sonboy, why is he so fucking malicious?? dude you are going about this in such a bad way. stop it. get some help.
-maddie not even hesitating to drag danny out. fucking good. danny is so right, go on the internet to date. get a cat. how do you spend...how many years?? has it been since college?? at least 20, right, since the parents/vlad are in their 40s? hung up on ONE girl. my god, man. incel drama queen. her kung fu IS impressive, but dude. 'we both know hes a creep' SO right. it sucks but they do need a phone and shit being in the middle of NOWHERE. also, just stealing his helicopter was great. <3
-'you must be exhausted carrying the weight of that mistake you made years ago' 'well we all make mistakes. maybe I'll make one now!' WHY DID THIS EXHCHANGE SEND ME. AND VLAD WITH THE BREATH SPRAY EWWW BITCH. 'OLD BAIT BREATH' SOO RIGHT. both danny and his mom playing him HAHAH hes so dumb. or rather, I think he thinks with his emotions too too much and is...actually pretty gullible? lmao he believed danny was ready to give in SO fast. (which is sad hes that hopeful, like you have SO MUCH MONEY YOU COULD EASILY GET ANOTHER GIRL WHO HAS A KID. AND WOULD WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND BE SUPPORTED. GET OVER THIS (1) WOMAN ALREADY IM GETTING SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT AAAAH)
-GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR. it was also in the title card, but I still got very excited. we love bears here
-SAM'S BAT SWIMSUIT COVERUP!!! her outfits are simply iconic.
-'i'd tell you to go to the mens room, but I don't think you qualify' top paulina transphobic moments. :( and him wearing a tanktop to the swim park? hmmm! (actually I think she was overshadowed by then, so, KITTY top 10 transphobic moments??)
-kitty just piloting paulina around makes me feel SO bad tho, paulina's gonna wake up and be like 'wtf do you mean I was dating this rando' like youre leading danny on to make johnny jealous, and also just POSSESSING POOR PAULINA. dude take your relationship problems ELSEWHERE. last time we saw them, they seemed like such a cute couple!! wtf johnny!! I mean, she sucks for trying to make him jealous, he sucks for looking at other girls...maybe they need a break, but Not Like This. or, you know, just. better communication...
-and the A-listers having a full packet and a stamp system. who organizes this. kwan fucking owning being the new danny though, this is hysterical. THE TUCKER/KWAN FLOWER FIELD TWIRL. UNIRONICALLY ADORABLE. and him giving it his all for the poetry slam. bless his HEARTTTT.
-Star owns. actually, all of the extra characters are shining this ep and I love it.
-johnny and danny bein friends and staging a fake fight (which danny takes too seriously, once again this child has aggression he NEEDS TO WORK OUT) I hope these three stay friends, I said it before but danny needs more friendly ghosts to hang with.
-at this point, Danny's ghost enemies are a lot like, I dunno, batman's rouge gallery is the first thing that comes to mind. they all have their own gimmick and unique designs, but most of them are easy to beat after learning the Moral Lesson. I still get excited when any of them show up again, though. 18 is another valerie episode!!!! :D skulker really said you two will get along if I have to handcuff you together <3 and the gym teacher really said, youre married now, have a flour baby! ngl, I'm not really watching this show for the shipping stuff (which I am very scared to look at the fandom for after I finish this watch through- I feel like there's probably discourse/arguing about ships...) but. I'm gonna put my opinion out there. valerie/danny > sam/danny. maybe I just really love the enemies to lovers trope. And the secret identity stuff adds Extra Flavor.
-SKULKER JUST HAVING THE BOX GHOST AND DANGLING HIM BY A STRING. HILARIOUS. and him watching them with binoculars and making his silly little commentary. AND MAKING THE SACK BABY CRY. LMAO. THIS DUDE IS A BABY KIDNAPPER. skulker is super fun
-danny, you just...collapsed the water tower. and then attacked the nasty burger machine...mascot thingy...out of anger..I KEEP SAYING HE'S GOT ANGER ISSUES BUT. HE REALLY NEEDS A LESSON IN MANAGING COLLATERAL DAMAGE!!! So does valerie!! They're both pretty focused on each other. I mean it's good of Danny to say he's trying to make sure PEOPLE don't get hurt, but... (I mean I guess it's not something 14 year olds WOULD worry about, but as an adult im like, who's going to fix that? how much money will that take??)
-TUCKER MAKING BANK. and sam and tucker being super emotionally attached to their flour baby and being pretty good parents. that's cute...also him just straight kissing her and being like. WAIT. O_O JDSKAFHD. his mom baking them into cookies was the funniest possible result. tbh I dont feel like this is on tucker, if anything the other kid's shouldve been more responsible! He was just taking an opportunity to get that $$ which I respect
-Danny being more understanding of Valerie's situation in the end (helping her at her job, too, and trying to keep that a secret for her!!!) And seeing them work together this ep, and also her letting phantom get her out of the ghost zone...was very sweet. LOVE that. more valerie eps pls
-me when I realize vlad's big stupid house exploded because of his own carelessness with changing the ghost portal ectofiltrator or whatever: *pointing and laughing*
-me when I realize it means he's gonna go make danny's life hell for it somehow: >:(
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-SCOOBY PARODY!!! I feel like there's gotta be some scooby doo/danny phantom crossover stuff, right? also, 'guys in white' men in black wishes
-'oh, that's right! dad married the love of your life! you're bitter and alone!' DANNNNNYY GET HIS ASS ONCE AGAIN WE ARE POINTING AND LAUGHING AT VLAD
-'jack, you captured the ghost boy!!' UMM. he did nothing <3 'we have a weapon's vault??' YOU HAVE A WEAPONS VAULT??? and jack didnt put a handle on the inside. of fucking course he didnt! why would you leave that to your son!! or expect him to clean YOUR LAB when its where you work with probably dangerous chemicals and weapons and hes 14!! give him normal chores, like, I dunno, vacuuming, laundry, dishes...CMON. I hate it here. But I'm glad Jack is more chill about danny while he's a ghost, and willing to work with him for this ep. AND. I DID ENJOY JACK PUNCHING VLAD IN THE FACE. AND GENERALLY JUST OWNING HIM. the ghost punchy fists are actually amazing. like yeah, just punch a ghost in the face. that rules.
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-ep 20 opens with the coolest fucking ghost lady design. her tattoos can come off and fight. MA'AM. I like ur nose ring and your cape maam hello 👉👈😳
-sam's grandma is hilarious and the most valid member of her family and I love her. thats my grandma now. and tucker covering for sam by dressing as her. thats true friendship <3 also skipping school to go to a goth circus. just bestie things! sam's parents are haters but for all the wrong reasons.
-'my family has controlled ghosts with this for generations!' WAIT. WAIT FREAKSHOW /ISNT/ A GHOST? I didn't expect that...he's just a fucked up guy controlling ghosts? anyway watching danny shoot at police cars and rob banks while mind controlled. its like, the most stereotypical 'bad' things lmao. (tbh an evil ghost circus troupe is a sick concept)
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this gives off big deviantart emo edit vibes
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(I'm going to assume evil circus reaper danny has a lot of fan content. people love an edgy au, except this one is canon (even tho its via mind control...having the protag go evil otherwise might be hard, I guess?) but au where he stays with the troupe...that has to exist, right?)
ANYWAY. excited to start s2!! lowkey surprised by how many notes some of these posts have gotten. I've gone back and tagged them all with 'dp thoughts' so they're easier to find on my blog! ^^ and I will probably possibly do (more) fanart on my art blog after I finish the watch of the whole show, so like. @sanchoyodraws follow my art blog :)
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vickyvicarious · 4 years
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Ace Attorney Daemons - Wright Anything Agency
Animal species and reasoning behind each choice under the cut, as well as links to other groups of characters!
Phoenix Wright: Honey badger. I like honey badger for Phoenix for several reasons. Firstly, honey badgers are very difficult to kill. Their skin is very thick and tough (enough to resist machetes, spears, etc.), and it’s also loose, allowing them to twist around and bite back at something holding them. That seemed fitting to me in both the joking “Phoenix is immortal” sense, but also in the courtroom when prosecutors think they have him pinned and he turns the situation around to his benefit. They are excellent diggers, which you could link to Phoenix’s relentless search for the truth/investigative abilities. They eat pretty much anything, including snakes and scorpions, and have been noted as being resistant to venom. Seeing as Phoenix’s worst personal foes are both linked strongly to poisoning, I thought that fit well too. They are very adaptable and intelligent (able to use tools), which is pretty self-explanatory, but have poor vision and smell, possibly representing Phoenix’s tendency to sometimes miss or overlook flaws in those he cares for/relevant details at first glance. Honey badgers are known for their strength and ferocity, hunting down or driving off animals much larger than themselves. Their claws are very powerful, as is their bite. Phoenix is fearless and can be very aggressive once provoked, but he’s fairly easy-going most of the time. If you don’t know about honey badgers, his daemon might not look like too much to worry about until it’s too late. Alternatively, people recognizing Phoenix’s daemon and waiting for him to be aggressive or intense are gonna be very surprised - until they meet him in court.
Apollo Justice: Scarlet dwarf dragonfly. I knew I had to give Apollo a dragonfly, even though it might not look like the toughest animal. Dragonflies have possibly the greatest success rate when hunting prey, estimated to be around 95% successful. They also have incredible eyesight, which of course is a must for Apollo. Their vision is nearly 360 degrees, they can probably see ultraviolet and it’s likely they can see colors we can’t. I chose a red dragonfly because c’mon, I had to, but I also learned there is a famous Japanese children’s song “Akatombo” (”Red Dragonfly”) whose lyrics make me think of Apollo feeling nostalgic for his childhood, so that’s a nice bonus. I chose this particular species to be Japanese in nod to the symbolism there (they are associated with victory) and also because giving him a teeny tiny daemon appeals to me. He’s short, yes, but also an itty bitty bug might seem like a contrast to his loud nature and all... but his daemon is actually more intense.
Athena Cykes: Eurasian lynx. I strongly considered a barn owl for Athena, since owls are associated with the goddess Athena, and barn owls especially have fantastic hearing, with their whole faces built like a satellite dish. (Actually, if I’d been going for best hearing in the animal kingdom, it would’ve been a moth.) But in the end a bird just didn’t feel right for her. She is strong, tactile, clever, and alert - a cat just fit. Eurasian lynx live across huge swaths of Asia and Europe, which was a nice nod to Athena’s habit of peppering in bits of various European languages. Males (as her daemon would be) in particular tend to hunt over large areas. As far as cats go, they have pretty excellent hearing, with the distinctive tufts on their ears being supposed to aid with that. They hunt using both hearing and sight, typically by ambushing prey. There is no animal equivalent to Athena’s ‘therapy’ technique but I think ambush is a decent enough analogue, since it too takes prey by surprise and can send them into a panic. Lynxes are skilled predators with a great jump, and just look muscular and I find that a great fit for the very active Athena. 
Trucy Wright: White rabbit. I thought about what to give Trucy but just kept circling back to the classic magician’s animal. I think it fits beyond that too, though. Rabbits have a wide field of vision, as well as great hearing and sight. Makes sense for a prey animal, but also for Trucy with her (albeit unutilized like Apollo) eyesight. Rabbits are long associated with trickery, which is an excellent nod to her magic. Rabbits have also been associated with good luck, with the rabbit’s foot the most-known example; I think that lines up nicely to how she became a spot of joy and hope in Phoenix’s life after he was disbarred. Rabbits are quite intelligent, social, and sweet - but also can be total brats if they want. They tend to chew through everything (carpet, wires, etc.) if you don’t keep them away, which reminds me of Trucy taking over the office with all her magician mess. And lastly, a small detail, Trucy’s annoyed sprite involves her shoulders going down in a way that looks a little bit like she’s stomping, which reminds me strongly of a rabbit.
More daemons:
Detectives, Feys, Misc. Lawyers, Prosecutors, Villains, Witnesses
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wormstacheangel · 4 years
Day 13: Ladies
Word Count: 2601 
Summary: I don’t know why I want the rest of the prompts to follow a big story line now cause this is after day 11 & 12. So read those first or don’t. Jack goes to visit his sister Claire because Dean and Cas need alone time in the bunker. 
It started with Sam stumbling back into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and running his hands through his hair. He walked over to where Jack was sneaking in some of Dean’s cereal and held both his shoulders to look him in the eyes.
“Jack, don’t go into the garage. Don’t go looking for your Dad or Dean tonight, okay?”
“But Cas said we-”
“Promise me, Jack.”
“Oh.” Jack nodded then with a smile. “I promise.”
Sam patted Jack’s cheek with a sigh of relief. “Good. Good. I need…I need to wash my eyes out with soap now.”
The next morning Sam had stopped Jack from walking into the kitchen. “Nope! Get dressed Jack. We’re going out for breakfast.”
“All of us?”
“No, just you and me. Cas and Dean are a little,” Sam shivered as he was pushing Jack back towards his room. “Busy at the moment.”
When they came back, they took Cas’s car instead of the Impala because Sam says it was too soon for him, Sam yelled out that they were home. He said it as loud as he could from the top of the stairs and Jack looked at him confused because they never announced it before. The loud squeak of the door was an indicator of someone walking through the front door already.
Sam sighed in relief when he noticed there was nobody in the map room but then when they dropped their left overs and shopping bags, Sam took him shopping for a new jacket for two hours, in the library they heard…noises. 
“Nope!” Sam took Jack’s head and turned him around so his face was hidden against Sam’s chest. His too big hands covered Jack’s ears but he could still hear Sam yelling. “No! Not where the kid can see you! What the hell is wrong with both of you?”
“Sammy!” He heard a muffled Dean but Jack didn’t dare move from where Sam was holding him. “We thought you were gone.”
“We’ve been gone for 5 hours, Dean!”
Now Jack was sitting by Sam’s side in the kitchen table with beers all around while nobody made eye contact. Jack didn’t mention how Cas and Dean were now holding hands on top of the table either, he couldn’t fight back the big smile he had but he didn’t say anything about it. Mostly cause he didn’t really know what was going on and didn’t want to say the wrong thing.
“I’m giving you a week. Jack and I will go stay at Eileen’s while you two…go at it like rabbits. Get it out of your damn system cause I don’t want Jack to be scared for life like I am now.”
“We’re going to stay somewhere else?” Sam only nodded but Jack looked back at Dean and Cas. “Can I stay with Claire?”
“What?” All three of them said, Cas more in a happy tone than the two brothers. 
Day 1 with Wayward Daughters
“Hello.” Jack held his hand up to say hello to Jody who opened the door. She looked surprised by his presence and he scrunched up his eyebrows as he asked, “Did Claire not tell you I was coming over?”
“No. No, she didn’t.” Jody placed her hands on her hips as she called out for Claire. Then she opened the door wider and motioned for Jack to come in before giving him a quick squeeze hello. “Judging from your stuff this is an extended stay?”
“A week.” Jack informs her. “I believe Cas and Dean have been like rabbits. Well that’s what Sam calls it.”
“Oh.” Jody smiled as she raised an eyebrow, her arms crossing while she leaned closer out of curiosity.
Jack nods as he smiles innocently at Jody. “Sam tells me they’re in their honeymoon phase. I’m not really sure what that means but he told me to leave the bunker for a week.”
“Gross!” He turns around when he hears Claire walking towards him. “Please don’t talk about our Dad doing it while you’re here.”
“Claire!” Jack drops his stuff on the floor and pulls his big sister, a self declared role Claire took upon herself that Jack was grateful for. “I missed you!”
Claire chuckled as he patted Jack’s back. “I just talked to you on the phone a few hours ago, dummy.” She pulls away and helps pick up Jack’s bags off the ground. “Come on! You’re sleeping in my room.”
“Dinner will be ready soon!” Jody calls after them.
“Thanks Jody.” Jack turns to smile at her before he walks into Claire’s room. “Wow, your room is so bright. Must be nice to have windows.”
Claire laughs as she drops the duffle and backpack Jack had brought on top of her bed. “I guess. Kaia would be home from school soon but Alex and Patience are at work until late.”
“I don’t think Patience likes me very much. Every time I visit she hides away.”
“Neh, dude, that’s only cause she thinks you’re cute.”
Jack perks up. “She does!”
Claire reaches to squish Jack’s cheeks together. “Yup but no flirting with my friends. You suck at flirting anyways.”
“Dean, says I’m good at flirting.” Jack frowned at her while his face was still in her hands. “The waitress gave me her number.”
“That’s cause you’re cute, dummy, and she felt bad for you but not cause you’re good at flirting.” She dropped her hands and pointed a finger at him. “Now as the new God-”
“Shh! Nobody knows about that.” Jack sighed. “I only told you because you said siblings don’t keep secrets from each other.”
“Honestly, when I asked for your deep dark secret I thought it would have to do with murdering someone but being the big guy upstairs is really…something. But as God’s sister it’s my job to teach you all the big sister stuff.”
“Which is?”
Claire shrugs. “Hell if I know but I am gonna teach you how to be a normal millennial. Maybe actually listen to music people your own age listen too.”
“But Dean said-”
“I know what that old man says.” Jack laughs as he sits on Claire’s bed. “But he’s old and he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
“You know,” Jack whispers. “Dad listens to Lizzo and Beyonce behind Dean’s back. We listen to it on our hunts.”
Claire laughs as she falls back on her bed. They spent the next few minutes laying on her bed and exchanging experiences. They were both lying on the bed facing the ceiling hugging the stuffed animals Cas had gotten them, Claire had a grumpy cat while Jack had a Chewbacca. They both talked about their Mom’s and whatever Claire remembered about her father, Jimmy. 
It was nice to have someone Jack could talk to that understood his weird family dynamic. 
“Jack! Claire! Dinner’s ready!” Jody called out to them and they both looked at each other with a smile before getting up to eat.
Kaia was already setting up the table. Saying she got home a while ago but wanted to give them some sibling bonding time. Claire kissed her girlfriend hello before Jack gave her a hug.
Patience walked in half way through dinner and ended up sitting next to Jack, both of them feeling awkward especially now that Jack knows she thought he was cute. Dean never did finish giving him the talk. Claire teased them both and Kaia luckily stopped her before Jack flew away in embarrassment. He really didn’t want to be….angel-y? While he was staying with Jody. He wanted to be a normal young adult. Even though he was 5 years old. Well 5 and a half.
“Donna is going to visit later this week so maybe we can have a family day out or something.” Jody tells them as Jack dried the dishes and Kaia washes. Patience went to take a shower while Claire put the leftovers in Tupperware containers for Alex when she came home.
“I would love that.” Jack tells her and she smiles back, motherly and warm. He hasn’t had that since Mary or his actual mother and missed it.
Day 2
Claire told Jody they were going to see a movie but she took him to a bar. He realized that was the reason she wanted him to bring his fake ID. He told her he didn’t like lying but she reminded him it was part of their job. He reminded her that they weren’t on a job. 
“Then let’s find a quick one!”
They ended up finding a couple of vampires and Claire had told Jack to use his hunting skills instead of his powers. He was busy swinging a machete to the last vamp that towered over them both, when Jody walked in. Calling their names in a Mom voice that made them both freeze. The vamp shoved Jack out of the way and threw Claire across the room but Jody chopped his head off before he did any further damage. 
Now they sat in the back of a cop car, bruised and covered in blood, while being lectured all the way home about being irresponsible. 
Day 3
They talked all night, Claire from her bed while Jack slept on the floor because he hogs the blankets. They talk about what they wished they would be doing if they were normal. They talk about how every time Cas talked about life lessons or whatever to them it makes them feel guilty because they never want to let him down. All he wants is for them to be happy and they can’t even get that right.
Claire talked about her found family here and about her relationship with Kaia, who was sharing a room with Patience for the week.
Jack was jealous as he talked about wanting to find someone special.
“Hey it took our Dad how long to find Dean?”
“I don’t want to be alone for thousands of years!”
“Thousands! Wow, Dad’s old. Gross.”
In the morning they had chores before Claire drove Jack to Alex’s work to “bother” her. Really, it was to bring her some lunch and have Jack create a miracle or two on some patients. Alex didn’t freak out, just smiled warmly at him and it made him feel proud of his power.
“Thanks man.” Alex patted his shoulder. “You’re welcome to come by anytime but leave the little brat at home next time.”
“Hey! He’s my little brother. We’re kind of a packaged deal now.”
Alex rolled her eyes fondly before telling them to leave. “Go bother your girlfriend at the school or something.”
So that’s where they headed off next. Bothering Kaia was much different than bothering Alex because Kaia was in a classroom where they couldn’t go in. So Jack and her waited on some outside table while he watched students walk from building to building. 
Claire talked about how boring it was to be just a student. Blind to the world of the supernatural but once again Jack was jealous. He had that option taken away from him and while he loved his family, he wished they would have given him a different career choice. 
Kaia comes out and grins at them both. They all go out to have a late lunch and it felt so normal.
Day 4
Patience was still hiding away from Jack and he felt bad that he made her feel awkward in her own home. Especially since the place was way smaller than the bunker so the only place she could hide was her room.
“Patience! Jack wants to know if you wanna see a movie with us on the couch.” Claire called out to her and before Jack could say anything she continued with, “Come on, you can stare at him the whole time if you want!”
“Claire!” He covers his face in his hands in embarrassment but Patience comes out to join them for the movie anyways. Jack sat in between them on the couch, unable to pay attention to the scary movie Claire has picked out for them to watch.
Luckily Patience hugged a pillow while Jack jumped into Claire’s arms during a jump scare. He also did manage to blow up the TV but he quickly fixed it before Jody got home.
That night Jack text’s Dean. Asking him how he should flirt.
Day 5
Donna came over and gave him a big hug. He liked her and the dinner table was crowded while they talked about their lives. Hunting as well as their regular everyday lives. They all seemed to have a nice mix of both while Jack’s every day was the hunting life. The fixing heaven and hell life. The whole monster-fighting and being the new God life. 
So he instead opted to just listen to the women talk and enjoyed the familiar family banter. He missed his Dads.
Day 6
Jody and Donna took them to the lake.
Jody talked about how Bobby, not the other world Bobby but her Bobby, used to take Sam and Dean to the same lake as kids. They were far enough from anybody seeing them that Jack decided to maybe show off just a little. Doing normal stuff like walking on water or parting the water so Patience can grab that nice rock she wanted. Nothing major.
He also found out he liked when someone plays with his hair. Claire has been doing it when they talked and he rested his head on her lap but now he likes it more when it’s Patience because she’s cute to look at. She finally talks to him, feeling comfortable talking about her own psychic powers. She has visions and feels energy around her.
“Your energy is so big it honestly made me feel queasy the first few times I was around you.” She laughed and Jack frowned at her feeling bad that he made her sick but she continued. “Now. I kind of like it. It’s soothing and warm.”
“Yeah.” She smiled and Jack felt his heart race in excitement. 
Lightning struck down and hit a tree setting it on fire. Nobody could prove it was him that caused it cause it was night time and the sky was…clear. Yeah, maybe it was him but he got nervous!
Claire was the only one that knew it was him and  made him put the fire out. Then pulled him to her instead so he won’t cause another natural disaster. He pouted a lot as he rested his head on Claire’s shoulder but watched Patience the whole time.
Day 7
“You know you’re always welcomed here, Jack.” Jody was hugging him goodbye as Sam gave him the all clear to come back. “Even if you just want to hang out and get away from your crazy Dads for an afternoon. Just pop in whenever.”
Jack hugged her back and thanked her.
Then he was hugging Claire, “Stay at the bunker some time. Dad misses you.”
“I text him all the time!” She rolled her eyes when she pulled away. “But I’ll stop by more.”
He hugged everyone goodbye, even Patience let him hug her. Before he flew away from the living room.
“Dads! I’m home!” He calls out as he appears in the bunkers kitchen, dropping off the Tupperware containers on the counter. “Jody made you guy’s food!”
“Hell yeah!” He hears Dean before he sees him walk into the kitchen. Cas trailing behind him with a warm smile. “Hey, kid!”
“Hello, how was your honeymoon?” Jack asked and Dean choked on mashed potatoes.
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
tua rewatch with the roommate
Episode five
Oh fuck the “I found you. all your bodies.” scene
“We died?” “Horribly.” throwback to the ben convo o o f
“If perfectly arranged under rubble and otherwise unharmed counts as ‘horribly”’  - roommate
I like that Diego says he’s going to kill Hazel and Cha-Cha like it’s a challenge?? lol five doesn’t care if they live or die he only cares if u do you big dumbass
“Well I know none of the main characters die bc there’s a season 2... and i’m pretty sure they’re all in s2... like all of the family?”
I mean luther is kind of valid for being frustrated that five didn’t share about the apocalypse but also like,,, the first person five told about it (Vanya) suggested he might be insane. so. i can understand some reluctance on his part on top of the whole “the last time my siblings fought this the Whole World Died Including Them i would like them as far away from apocalypse stuff as possible”
okay okay so five says “they turned me into the perfect instrument” so do y’all think that implies experimentation like in the comics or ????
all i can think about during the kennedy scene though is my high school history teacher. he went over the assassination in intimate detail and i’m pretty sure he was writing a book about it and everything. mr. hansen if you’re out there - 
i like feral beard five more than mustache five tbh if i’m picking 
“Someone ELSE shot the president? Was he supposed to shoot kennedy or was he supposed to kill the person who shot kennedy?” - Roommate
love that five tells luther to grow up over murder,,, though to be valid pretty sure they did actually murder people as kids SO. grow down?
fuck i love mary,, will you love me like you loved me in the january rain??? just shoot me in the heart
GOD rob is such a good actor
“wait a second... how is he wearing pants?” oh roommate you have a big storm coming
i have some serious questions about the commission and their methods of communication. where do?? the tubes come from? where do they go after?
Allison: i have a bad feeling [about leonard]
where are these instincts for everything else tho??? her marriage?
“Vanya. she really is trying to look out for you. i really would trust her. you could invite her to come along so she can see he’s perfectly fine??” - Roommate, whose instincts regarding not trusting leonard-harold are spot on
apparently my roommate knows people who put salt in their coffee. i have. so many questions.
“That’s suspicious?? that’s suspicious right?? did he do that? is he a secret serial killer? is he a FUCKING secret serial killer?” roommate when they talk about helen cho going missing
“What do you mean stop showing up it’s been like. a day” - I mean. the roommate has a point. 
Klaus’s depression bath is a mood :(
did klaus put eye shadow on before his bath or did he get his hands on eye shadow in vietnam?? the questions that will never be answered
Five is so enthusiastic about having someone who understands... he doesn’t even notice absolutely Not Being In The Mood,, klaus is grieving and five is just like !!! where did you go!!!! like it was a vacation
klaus: yeah i’m ten months older now. when i’m done being depressed i will lord that over diego for the rest of our natural lives.
does five write in all caps all the time?? why? 
roommate: I wonder what the upper size limit on the knives her can use. like is it machete length? forearm length? what are the limits on his powers. if he sharpened a very sharp mechanical pencil could he use it? if he sharpened a piece of the chandelier? at what point does something become a knife?
me: could he hurl mia (my cat)? mia and her knife feet?
allison also writes in all caps to write leonard’s address
we stan agnes and hazel in this household
“I never said we didn’t !! i just thought she was just a random extra in the first episode and every time we cut away i think that’s the last we’ve seen of her” - roommate because i keep saying that this is an agnes stan household
“OH THERE’S THE PATCHWORK COAT i was afraid it didn’t come back” - okay though good question he definitely didn’t have the coat on the bus. what is it with klaus and his magically appearing coat????
oh :(  oh klaus :(  every time klaus is sad i am also sad :(
honestly a family conversation IS the threat in this family
god though this random vet in this bar is actually an asshole though like. klaus doesn’t owe him shit. klaus served. he’s clearly having a moment with the photo. that could have been a family member or something who died i don’t even know
agnes: i’m a twitcher :)
“like a twitch streamer?” -Roommate
PLEASE give me twitch streamer!Agnes au
look i just enjoy hazel and agnes
roommate: honey you’re too young for her
me: NO DON’T BE MEAN TO THEM,,, agnes deserves a boytoy
“does diego drive a manual?” my roommate once again focusing on things that i do not
five: i have to find the people whose deaths could save the timeline
my roommate: is it agnes?? is he going to kill agnes????
i’m still laughing about that fact that luther is holding dolores.... over the fire escape... she couldn’t drop that far lads
luther’s dumb sometimes but he does have some nice heart to hearts with his brother,,,, honestly he and five get along pretty well in the early episodes. kindred spirits. body dysmorphia and isolation squad.
my roommate has to keep remembering social media doesn’t exist in this universe
i am still confused as to why
that won’t stop me from giving everyone iphones and youtube accounts in my aus though
diego can curve ANYTHING he throws, usually knives, according to cha-cha’s research. but that doesn’t explain the spoilers i have seen about s2 sO
Klaus: You also told me that licking a nine volt battery would give me pubes
oh diego got a bullet graze forgot about that as well?? does he ever get like. medical attention for that? diego?????
it really has been like. maybe two days since helen cho died. is no one??? concerned????? they just immediately jump into replacing her??????????????????? hellO? 
“very clear camera angles to show that this actress did not actually play the violin for this role” - i mean that’s fair but ellen is trying rip
me: who’s your favorite character so far?  roommate: that’s a tricky question. klaus is very entertaining to watch. allison is the most reasonable and i’m very interested to know, well, she seems like the best combination of reasonable and has the least selfish intentions. diego and luther i feel like are both good in a bland way in that they’re both doing good in the best way they can which usually involves punching people. five is fun. five is very fun. five is as fun to watch as klaus, they’re both very fun actors to watch on screen. they’re more expressive than diego and luther tend to be.  me: so which is your favorite?????  roommate: first instinct says allison, though she probably has the least dynamic or interesting arc so far
are hazel and cha-cha the best because their victims never see them coming?? like. they aren’t really THAT competent.
“I do LOVE the aesthetic of an ice cream truck playing ride of the valkyries” - my roommate is valid
“LOVE the hypersaturated background in this scene. it’s more fun that having it be desaturated.”
five looks so baby in this scene with the handler :(
still unsure where five got that handgun but i’m vibing
hate when she touches his face !! awful!!!
the handler’s little “all of them??” like yeAH ALL OF THEM even though they irritate the living FUCK out of each other. siblings man
ben gets shotgun for the getaway !!! go ben!
“I’m starting to think... given how space and reality seemed to be warping during her playing... that her medication... isn’t for anxiety...” - oh, oh roommate
ah i blocked out the leonard vanya make out as well
“DIDN’T YOU MEET HIM TWO DAYS AGO?” - yeah i feel u roommate
yup there’s helen’s body
“CSI call crime scene investigation - that’s going to start to smell real soon”
pogo: and you understand that the children can never know
me: actually pogo fuck you
and that’s episode 5 everyone thank you and goodnight
episode six
i do love a good flashback to klaus
klaus: sees a shirtless soldier and instantly falls in love
they don’T EVEN QUESTION HIM just “KATZ GET THIS MAN A PAIR OF PANTS” and they go with it?? he just APPEARED and they don’t even care
klaus was really just vibing in the 60s huh
wait this is like 1962 or 63 right
when does s2 take place?? also the 60s right???
didn’t kennedy die in 1963 i feel like what i know about s2 contradicts that date but i could have sworn they said a round trip to 1963??????
luther is SUCH A MOOD in the family briefing.
“aww he’s a bad liar” - roommate
“I realize that [the umbrella] was necessary for the title drop but where the fuck did that come from”
@ the handler please stop touching five,,, but also five has such. non reactions to her touching him. which worries me. like she grabs his shoulder walking alongside him and he doesn’t even look at her
why are there gas masks in the briefcase room...
can you IMAGINE if your boss toted a child into the room and introduced him as the Legendary Time Travelling Assassin that the whole office had a betting pool over who would die that one time and is Definitely approaching 60 not 13... and then called him LEADERSHIP MATERIAL. implying that this child will probably get a promotion before you do?? can you IMAGINE?
“again... two days ago...” roommate about leonard and vanya
vanya really chose literally just the worst time to come back to the academy huh
okay but vanya going off?? valid, but also,, i mean. it IS their dads fault that they don’t have any relationship with vanya?
luther: it’s about the moon  roommate: critical role moon theory
hey like. how did the family get together in the first timeline holy fuck. it’s hard enough to get them together when they Literally Know The World Is Going To End
so remember diego getting grazed with a bullet yeah well he has a sling on now which makes sense!! and yet. when five got grazed by a bullet he SLAPS A BANDAID ON IT. someone please address this.
five is such an asshole coworker i love it
i wonder if dot is a mother. or just a nice coworker. she keeps trying to talk to him and invite him to lunch aww
i wonder if it’s purposeful on the handler’s part to call him “mr. five” instead of “mr. hargreeves” to like... further isolate him from his family? by removing his last name they’re sort of removing his ties to his siblings considering it’s not like they’re related by blood
forgot how much i hate the bathroom scene !! wow !! hate it so much!!! there’s so many violations of social etiquette in such a short scene! it’s so deeply uncomfortable!
luther: stop it pogo! you know everything our dad did
i am remembering once again how much i hate pogo all over again!! reginald literally locked klaus in a mausoleum!! he abused the kids! pogo didn’t even speak up about sending luther to the MOON,,, oh luther :(
he just learned his dad exiled him for no reason he has lots of rights his entire world view was just shattered wow i am like infinitely more sympathetic to luther on the second watch
“I knew allison and luther was a thing. you told me allison and luther was a weird thing. still not a fan.” - my very valid roommate
they could have made the fort so much more sibling-y instead of romantic and it would have been so much better honestly
oh dave :(
“I wonder who her primary care physician is and if she can find out what that medication was...” roommate i wish i knew
“I’m trying to decide if he knew ahead to time to try and get at her specifically or like... i don’t know when he took the figurine I was like ‘doesn’t he own an antique shop is he there to steal antiques from the family home’.” roommate on leonard
forgot the handler gifted five a suit. also don’t like that. don’t like her talk about his body and everything either.
“is it too much to ask to give him two outfits? one he can wear now and one with the new body?” - roommate
honestly with hazel’s talk on budget cuts i’m not surprised he only gets one suit
five and his sweet tooth. don’t take the candy five. come on. what did your father TEACH YOU. honestly reggie probably was like “let them get kidnapped it will probably teach them a life lesson”
“there were like... villages that needed rebuilding after disasters. he could have been sending these packages to legit lunar research facilities. legit facilities would have adored to have that information.” 
okay but people KNEW he was on the moon. cha-cha mentioned it. it was in vanya’s book. why were scientists not knocking down reginald’s door demanding the research??? if i was a moon scientist i would have the mansion staked out trying to demand info jesus
“love his eye fluttering in the way of ‘oh shit i got something in my eye i can’t break character scene is still going scene is stILL GOING’“ - hilarious observations from the allison luther fort scene 2.0: grown up version that gets erased
did they just leave the fort up all those years. did no one USE the green house??? did grace lovingly work around it all that time?
oh :(  dave :(
grace is capable of lying and pogo is a shadowy motherfucker
“okay now that they’re actually putting it into the plot i understand why you don’t think he’s trustworthy but you really got on my back about that”
in my defense i just hate him tbh i did not like him when he first showed up and i never particularly liked him tbh
allison: i think you’re the only person who knows who i am and likes me anyway
me, remembering the theory that allison rumored luther to love her: HMMMMMM
okay but i think the luther and allison dance scene is fucking HILARIOUS. absolutely ridiculous. i mean i hate that it’s incest but also the fucking LIGHTS DESCENDING. the RANDOM WARDROBE CHANGE. 
roommate likes the green underskirt thing under allison’s random dance dress
are they just doing this in public???
ugh. the kiss. ugh. erased that from my memory as well
“they clearly want romance in this show but they painted themselves into a corner with the siblings thing” - roommate
five and his fucking STAPLERS isn’t this the second time he’s knocked someone out with a stapler?? the bank robber and now gloria??
five please your siblings were finally doing some decent work on their own issues :/
five is the kind of dramatic as fuck entrances 
“love how he just grabs [allison’s] coffee. kid needs a coffee after all that.” - roommate
five actually does a good job of rallying the siblings though?? they just broke the fuck up in the og timeline
“something tells me that harold jenkins might be leonard”
oh roommate
episode seven
uh oh harold was born
i feel vaguely bad for him
“me the night before a convention” - roommate on harold’s tape and cosplay and everything
okay but how did reginald even KNOW harold jenkins had no powers?? did he? keep tabs on all the forty some kids not just the seven he kept?
but also why the fuck are these people laughing at An Actual Child fuck all of them honestly
“did HE kill hargreeves?? I mean. he’s got motive.” - roommate
harold really said “i think my superpower is actually this hammer motherfucker”
how did he get twelve years?? was he tried as an adult?? was he in juvie? how old WAS he
twelve years ago... they’re 29 soooo seventeen? he did NOT look seventeen? he was NOT seventeen in that flashback what???
roommate theorizes that harold ran off after the murder and committed petty crimes until caught and tried for murder when he was seventeen so was maybe 13 in the flashback
okay so i looked up the timeline and he got out in 2014 or something so he was like 13 in the flashback which makes SO much more sense honestly but also what the FUCK was he doing for five years
“he’s actually laying out all the facts as he knows them and I appreciate that.” -roommate about five briefing the team
five?? the only member of the family with communication skills? it’s? somehow more likely than you think?
“allison’s pants that she’s wearing now are the most perfectly tailored things i’ve ever seen. not even a wrinkle when she’s standing still. do you know how hard that is to do?” again my roommate noticing the things i absolutely do not
five. five. you have a GUT WOUND and also jumped a BUNCH OF TIMES. you are not blinking into the police station and getting the file. you need some SLEEP. and REST. and WOUND CARE FIVE FOR FUCK’S SAKE. you still have a GUNSHOT GRAZE on your upper arm and a SLICE on your wrist from DIGGING OUT A TRACKER. FIVE.
diego wants to be batman SO BAD.
five crossing his arms and Not Uncrossing Them because he’s literally HOLDING HIMSELF TOGETHER.
wow luther is really handling this so much worse in this timeline rip
luther is losing validity points for CHOKING KLAUS i knew this happened but i didn’t remember how awful it was !!! bad and terrible! and luther is very drunk and very sad and very angry. oh. he’s saying he never left the house and never had friends for nothing :(
klaus had the realization that reggie was an asshole YEARS ago and he’s just kind of like “aww. luther :(” 
klaus is trying so hard
“Klaus has had the most heart to hearts with the most siblings honestly.” - roommate
allison at the beginning making her laugh in the office with the EYES, five on the steps of meritech, diego after the vet bar, luther on the couch...
wow cha cha really thought hazel was talking about how meaningful his partnership was with her when he was talking about agNES
five limping up the lawn and staggering up the stairs and clinging to the rails baBY SIT DOWN. YOU ARE BLEEDING.
“inspiring leadership” “one of the greats” what a sibling moment honestly.
five really said “i think i will pass the fuck out now”
five really said “hey i am literally willing to die for this mission because this mission is the safety and lives of my entire family and i love you guys :(”
except he doesn’t because five is decent at information sharing but getting feelings out of him feels like pulling teeth at times smh
is leonard trying to vicariously live his “normal child born on the umbrella academy day discovers they have had powers the WHOLE TIME” dream through vanya??
we yell about how leonard and vanya have known each other for like a week but i mean same for hazel and agnes!! he’s literally asking her to run away with him and she says yes !!!!! agnes is here for the romantic adventure with this man she’s really living her first hot girl summer and living for it
“she’s having her own little rom com! she thinks she’s living in a rom com not a dark sci fi!” - roommate accurate as usual
she just called ben the emotional support ghost and i mean... she ain’t wrong
honestly klaus should have just left luther to his rave, he didn’t get to party in his teens or during his college years or anything
i do appreciate the viking yell of “B R O T H E R” that luther greets klaus with though because that’s exactly how i greet my own siblings whenever i see them
oh klaus :(
oh klaus :(
he’s having war flashbacks, cravings, is in withdrawal, AND experiencing sensory overload while reliving one of the more traumatizing moment of his life
oh klaus :(
five in a bed for the second time of the season which is nice for him. if only the first time wasn’t because he passed out drunk and the second time wasn’t because of a whole shrapnel wound. i am now that captain of the Let Five Sleep brigade holy SHIT like at least they imply that the others sleep five is just feral and ready to go at all times
are the police allowed to just. remove someone’s arm sling? is that permitted? his arm could be fucked up? i mean. it is? he was shot?
“I saw everything my brothers and sister could do ruin their lives” VANYA some REALIZATION up in here,,,, admitting that the umbrella academy wasn’t exactly a desirable place to be is actually some real growth for her and leonard just fucking shuts her down? fuck that man
oh klaus :(  oh luther :(  oh :(
“love his corset side pants, like benedict from violet evergarden” - on the topic of Klaus’s pants
“I made everyone else so I must have made you” says god except for the fact that the kids just... surprise popped up instead of coming about the natural way. maybe god DIDN’T made them????????
oh klaus :(  prepare for disappointment :(
oh i didn’t notice the photos of the umbrella academy in the barbershop the first time i watched this
so klaus gives an age for the mausoleum... thirteen... do you think that was before or after five left? statistically it’s probably after bc it was only a couple of months after they turned thirteen that five vanished
Klaus’s “we were just kids” breaks my heart every time
if i was one of reggie’s kids i would have just not gone to the funeral. rip to the hargreeves kids but i’m different
he doesn’t even call klaus klaus in death, he still calls klaus number four. fuck that man.
“i was gonna say i’d have been very very surprised if they kept him dead” - roommate on klaus waking up
“Five bucks says he set these guys up to try and get something out of her” - the roommate being very perceptive
cha cha is VERY rude to my girl agnes
honestly why DIDN’T hazel just kill cha cha after her whole speech and threats about killing agnes slowly in front of him???? like he literally watched her try to kill him as well
why wasn’t diego arrested in the original day that wasn’t actually?? he was being considered already. he still left the house, albeit with grace instead of allison. why wasn’t he arrested then???????? 
roommate thinks it’s interesting how committed the show is to their old timey shit. she used a nicer words like anachronisms but the point is: w h y
are these episodes even longer than i remember?? holy SHIT
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This is a bit weird but How would Jason(you can add other slasher if you want) react when meeting his future s/o in the forest but they are carrying a rooster(their pet)? They're like always together and they're super motherly to it
A/N: As someone who wishes to own chickens as pets one day, this was really fun to write! Admittedly, I had gotten a bit carried by adding a tiny plot that eventually ran away from me! ^
I hope these are to your liking, and if not, please be sure to let me know if you’d like me to re-do these!
Jason Voorhees:
You were new to the area–he could just tell from looking at you. He had caught wind of someone renting out one of the spare cabins just off the outskirts of Camp Crystal Lake; many of which had long since fallen into a state of disrepair….And the only relatively nice one just so happened to be somewhat close to his shack. How lucky.
So, like any person who sought to protect their quiet, isolated lifestyle, Jason resorted to watching you from afar–keeping note of your behavior and making extra sure that the traps around his home were secured.
For the most part, you really didn’t do anything to invoke his ire. You mostly stuck close to your “side” of the land. You never had any “special guests” over. It just mostly seemed to be you and a…rooster? 
He’s mostly seen campers bring along their dogs, sometimes even a cat, but a full blown rooster? It was a bit weird, but, again, it wasn’t anything bad in his book. 
After that little discovery, Jason slowly began to develop an odd fascination with you. At first it was just out of the absurdity of the situation, but then he began to notice the way you treated the creature by your side.
The two of you had been practically attached to the hip; neither of you seen without the other. You were just so gentle and kind to it, and he had even caught you preparing special food for it. Call it naivety on his end, but he found himself a bit taken with you. 
It also really didn’t help him that you were rather easy on the eyes, though Jason is quick to brush that thought aside for the sake of his own sanity. The fact that you were cute and really nice stresses him the FUCK out. Jason isn’t sure if he’s had a crush like this since..well, ever!
For the first few weeks, you were blissfully unaware of his existence. You heard rumors of how the entire area was “cursed”, but you simply chalked it up as mere superstition. The idea just felt rather ridiculous at the time. And you had far more pressing matters to attend to. Like making sure your lovely rooster, your sweet little boy, felt safe. The two of you are practically inseparable, and it ended up making him incredibly protective. It had taken a week and a LOT of walks around the cabin until he was certain that there wasn’t a monster hiding in the closets.
What concerned you the most, however, was how he had recently begun to fixedly stare outside the window at night, chest feathers fluffed up to high heaven, and crowing loud enough to make your ears ring.
After many nights of little-to no sleep, you gently scooped your feathery, paranoid son into your arms and took a flashlight out to investigate…Only to end up walking straight into what felt like a wall. Nope! It just turned out to be an absolute giant of a man wearing a hockey mask. Who also happened to be holding a machete.
Cue a confused yelp from you and your rooster now crowing at MAX volume. Jason is just internally trying not to panic during the entire encounter.
Fear aside, your first meeting is actually rather awkward on both ends. You can’t remember exactly what had happened, but you faintly recall awkwardly laughing out of fear before turning around and booking it with a frantic “bye!” and a nervous wave. 
Realization dawns on you shortly afterwards. You just walked into Jason Voorhees, the bogeyman of Crystal Lake. And he’s your new neighbor now… Was it too late to play nice? 
When Jason roamed over to your side of the land the next day, he’s met with a tiny, hesitant wave and an awkward smile from your end. And the crows of a VERY disapproving rooster (and was it outright glaring at him?). He supposes he can get used to this.
Any lingering doubts Jason may have had disappear when he hears Pamela’s amused voice remark “Well, They seem nice. Be sure to behave yourself, Jason! Don’t think I didn’t catch the way you were looking at them earlier!”
Mama Voorhees greatly approves of you! And dear heavens is she elated to see her little boy experiencing his first crush! 
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hybridfanfiction · 5 years
Owner Training - 5
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Word Count: 2,227
Since the dinner fiasco the other day, Yoongi had been acting...odd. It wasn’t something that you easily picked up at first, either. It had taken until today for you to realize that he’d been essentially following you around. 
He hadn’t said anything out of place or even so much as touched you - just kind of existed in your personal bubble. If you got up to move to another room, he was right behind you. If you were cooking, he was looking over your shoulder. If you went outside to check the mail or take out the trash, he was right on your heels. You’d even caught him anxiously waiting outside the bathroom door. 
What’s even more strange is how he suddenly seemed to constantly smell like smoke. Not like a cigarette or anything, but like a fireplace or something. It was a pleasant smell and suited him, you just didn’t know where it came from. 
“Yoongi, is there something wrong?” 
Instead of his usual spot next to you on the couch, he was on the floor in front of you with his head resting against your legs. It was such an odd spot for him to want to sit that you felt the need to actually say something to him for once. 
You felt him stiffen against you, but he just nodded his head and gestured towards the television. 
“Yeah. This idiot is walking outside with a broom like that’s going to save him from the serial killer with the giant machete. Dumbass.” 
You sigh and lean back in your seat. You knew Yoongi wasn’t just going to come out and say whatever was on his mind easily, but you thought you’d get at least something. Instead, you’re left staring at the back of his head while his ears flicker cutely, following the sounds on the screen. You wish you could pet them, but with the weird mood he’s been in lately you don’t want to risk it. 
Yoongi is chuckling over the serial killer chasing the man with the now broken broom when you suddenly receive a text from one of your friends. You suddenly realize it’s been months since you’ve had the time to hang out with anyone. 
Hannah: Hey, chica! A bunch of us are heading out to Jisoo’s cabin this weekend. Girls only! You in? We miss you. You work way too damn much.
It does sound awesome, and it’s been so long since you’ve gone out with your friends. A weekend at Jisoo’s family cabin usually happened once or twice a year and was always a lot of fun. Lots of girl talk, getting drunk and hanging out on the lake. You were very tempted to say yes, but you needed to check with Yoongi first, especially considering his mood. 
“Hey, Yoongi? Some friends want me to go hangout for the weekend. Would you be okay spending the weekend with Jimin and Tae?” 
His head whirls around at lightening speed it seemed, staring at you incredulously. 
“You want to abandon me all weekend?” 
“What? It’s not like that, Yoongi. It’s just that it’s girls only. I didn’t think you would mind since you’d wouldn’t be alone. You get along okay with Jimin and Tae now, right?” 
He shrugs, turning to the TV, his mouth set in a firm thin line. 
“I didn’t realize you hated me that much, I guess.” 
“What?!” You tug on his arm to get him to look at you. “Yoongi, I don’t hate you at all. Seriously, it’s not a big deal, just a couple of days with some friends and I’ll be right back.” 
“Doesn’t matter,” he shrugs. “I’ll be back to being sick by then. It’s cool though, at least now I know where I stand.” 
“What do you mean sick?” 
“Oh, don’t act like you don’t know. I’ve seen you reading all the manuals.” 
“No, really, Yoongi. I have no idea what you mean. Why would you be sick?” 
He glances at you over his shoulder, scoffing like he doesn’t believe you but he’ll humor you anyway. 
“Because hybrids get sick when their owner leaves them for more than twenty-four hours. It’s common knowledge. That’s why I was always sick when I was on the streets. Because I was probably close to death.” 
Your jaw drops and you reach out to pet Yoongi’s hair soothingly. He quirks an eyebrow and leans over to allow you access as you scratch around the base of his ears. 
“I’m so sorry, sweetie. I had no idea. I’ll just let the girls know to call me when they want to hang out in town, okay? I won’t leave you to get sick. I would never.” 
A light purr rattles through Yoongi’s chest as he leans into your touch. You pet and scratch him a few more moments before you take your hand away, turning to your phone to let them know you couldn’t go. You completely missed him glaring at the loss of your hand. 
Jimin and Taehyung decided to come over when they heard that you were going to be home for the weekend. Jimin was even nice enough to bring a pizza so you wouldn’t have to cook - meat lovers with anchovies on the side for Yoongi. 
You were all casually eating on the couch, with Yoongi once again taking the spot in front of your legs, using your knees as a headrest while he munched on his disgusting looking pizza. Taehyung had brought some hybrid series for everyone to watch after he learned that Yoongi had never seen it. You weren’t really understanding much of what was going on, but everyone was adorable. 
“Hey, so you might want to promise Jisoo that you’ll hang out soon. She was texting me and bitching that she bought three of those bottles of alcohol you like only to get stood up. She was trying to get me to talk you into taking some time off from work because, “I can barely remember her face.” 
You snort and take a sip of your drink before answering. 
“Yeah, I’ll hang out with everyone next time they do a meet up around here. I just didn’t want Yoongi to get sick.” 
The cat in question freezes and his tail begins to flicker like it does when he’s irritated. You glance at him in puzzlement before looking back at your brother. Jimin’s face is a picture of confusion as he looks between you and Yoongi. 
“Is he sick? He looks fine.” 
You shrug. “No, but I didn’t want to get him sick by leaving him alone all weekend.” 
Jimin scrunches his nose and looks over at the equally confused Taehyung. A glance at the cat near your feet shows him sitting there with his head bowed and his pizza set to the side. He looks sad, all of a sudden. 
“Y/N, why would he get sick if you left for the weekend?” Jimin asks carefully. 
You blink in confusion. “Because hybrids can’t be left alone for more than twenty-four hours or they get sick. Isn’t that how it is for Taehyung?” 
“No,” Jimin sighs, his small grin a mix of amusement and exasperation. “That’s not a thing. Not for any hybrid. Where did you hear this?” 
“From Yoongi...” you realize halfway through what has happened as you feel his entire body flinch. 
You sigh and give your brother a grim smile.
“I think we’ll have to call the evening off early. I’ll see you guys later.” 
Jimin pats your shoulder and silently tells you to call him later. Taehyung sneaks a sympathetic glance at Yoongi before he pulls you into a quick hug. When you close the door on both of them you turn towards your hybrid with a weary sigh. 
Yoongi seems...droopy. That’s the best word you could think of for describing the way he looked. His ears were flat against his head while he stared at the floor. The only thing really moving was the tip of his bushy tail, the rest of it captured in his hands as he held it close to himself. 
Instead of going back to the couch, you sit on the floor in front of him and wait for him to look at you. After a few moments of him nervously petting his tail, you finally sigh. 
“Yoongi, please look at me and tell me what’s going on?” 
You scoot closer and grab a hand off of his tail, holding it gently. 
“Look at me,” you order softly. 
He finally does and his eyes look glassy like he’s holding back tears. 
“I can...uh. I can be out of here in like a half-hour. Is it okay if I keep some clothes and maybe a blanket?” 
You stare at Yoongi in shock. “Sweetheart, I’m not kicking you out. Your home is with me for as long as we both live, okay? I just want to know what’s going on. Why would you tell me something like that? Why have you been following me around?” 
“I just...fuck. It’s nothing, okay? I’m just being a weird animal freak, alright?” 
“Baby, no, come on. At first, I thought maybe I had done something wrong, but if that had been the case you would be more than happy to see the back of me, not try to keep me at home. So what is it? You can tell me anything, kitten.” 
He inhales loudly, presumably at the nickname. You hope you haven't offended him, but he seems to be fine beyond a slightly pink tinge to his pale cheeks. 
“It’s just...you never touch me. You never hold me or anything. Okay, maybe never is pushing it, but it’s rare and I have to practically order you to do it.” 
“Oh. I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or cross any boundaries.” you blink in shock. You hadn’t even considered that this could be a problem. 
“I have no boundaries for you. I want you to cuddle me and pet me and hug me whenever the fuck you want. I just want some damn attention and I don’t want to have to ask for it because this is fucking humiliating. I don’t want you running off and leaving me all alone when I just want you here with me.” 
Yoongi’s face is red and he refuses to look you in the eye as he explains. You can always tell how frustrated he’s getting by the amount of cursing that happens. 
“So...” you begin, grinning as you reach over to lightly pet his hair, “If I was to say all I want to do for the rest of the night is cuddle with you on the couch and pet your hair, you’d let me?”
“Yeah, but I’m on top,” he grumbles, though you detect a slight smile he’s trying hard to hide. 
You release his hand and jump up on the couch, adjusting some pillows so you can lay comfortably. Yoongi quite literally splays himself on top of you, tangling his legs with yours and shoving his face into your neck. You can feel his tail wrap itself around your thigh as his chest begins to rumble with purring. You slowly thread your fingers into his hair and lightly play with it, running your fingers through the strands and teasing the hair around his ears. He’s admittedly a little heavy on top, but it’s still really nice. 
Yoongi’s breathing is hot against your neck and tickles whenever he gives a soft moan when you scratch a particular spot. 
“I’m sorry I was being difficult,” he whispers softly into your skin. “I’m not crazy or controlling. You can go hang out with your friends whenever you want.” 
You hum and hold him tighter to you, pecking the side of his head lightly. 
“It’s okay. Just, I want you to be comfortable with me, okay? If you need something, you have to tell me. And even if I do go hang out with friends or have to leave for work or something, I’ll always come back to you. I care about you so much and I just want you to be happy.” 
“Are you happy?” 
You grin at the soft question. 
“Yeah, I’m happy.” 
He grunts and after a few moments you feel his tongue lightly lapping away on your neck. 
“What are you doing now?” 
The tongue pauses for only a second. 
“Uhh...it’s a cat thing.” 
You blush as the licking continues for a couple minutes before he finally stops with a satisfied sounding grunt. 
“You know, I’ve been meaning to ask,” you begin as you take another sniff of his hair, the scent that you’ve been noticing surrounding him seeming stronger there. “The past couple of days you kinda smelled like smoke. Not like bad smoke - more like a bonfire type of smell. Why is that?” 
He’s frozen for a second before he starts quietly chuckling, his shoulders shaking against you. 
“Well, I don’t know how you can smell that, but that certainly explains why I’ve been feeling so needy lately.” 
“What does it mean though?” 
“It means, owner mine, that you’re in for a great time in about a week,” he rumbles and nuzzles his nose against your neck. 
“That literally tells me nothing.” 
“Shut up and pet me.” 
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prehistoricalcats · 4 years
I'm really interested in your Cats universe! It seems like you have them living like humans but humans also exist? Can you describe your universe a bit more, if you'd like to? :)
I'd love to!
I must warn you though, this is a very in-depth universe, and even focusing on specific points and trying to simplify things as much as I could, I still managed to make to this about a mile long. Damn I wish Tumblr mobile let me do a read more cut
First of all, yes the Cats are anthropomorphic, and yes humans also exist in this universe. Anthro Dogs, Rats, and Mice all definitely also exist, and I'm considering a few other anthro races like Hyenas and maybe like Rabbits and some others, but haven't put too much thought to that yet.
Just for reference, if it's capitalized (Dog, Cat, etc) it's the anthro race, if it's lower case (dog, cat, etc) it's the fourlegger
Some Basic Terminology:
Non-human beings/non-human people - collective term for all anthro races
NHP - non-human person(s)
Furfolk - common English slang for non-human beings, not politically correct but still pretty widely used. There is also a version of this word for each specific race, Catfolk, Ratfolk, etc. (Note: Mice and Rats often are collectively refered to as Rodents or Rodentfolk)
Fourlegger - regular dogs, cats, etc. Used mostly by NHPs to differentiate between them and NHPs
Bald-bodies - humans. Used by NHPs, considered derogatory by most (nearly everyone uses it anyway)
Kit - kid, child, teenager (for Cats). Short for kitten
Tom - you know this one, an adult or teenage male Cat
Mot - an adult or teenage female Cat, an alternative word for "queen"
License Name - once called the "family name" back when it was still quite common for Cats to work for a human family in a residential household. Essentially this is the name that humans assign to Cats because Particular Names are often "too hard" for humans to remember/pronounce. It's their "official" name that appears on most legal documents, including their "license" which is essentially a registration card and number that all Cats are required to have. Most Cats have a license, and a license name, by age three, some get theirs as infants. Sometimes the parents have a say in what the license name will be, sometimes not. Sometimes a Cat will prefer their license name, some prefer their Particular Name, others don't care and will respond to either.
The Junkyard - a slum, mostly populated by Cats, on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of an unnamed imaginary British city, comprised partly of makeshift shelters scattered throughout an actual dump/landfill/junkyard, and partly of several large shantytowns built on the unused land surrounding the dump
Some biology stuff:
Okay brief anatomy lesson before we begin
(For real though, please at least glance over that link before continuing, it is fairly brief and it makes what I'm about to try to explain a lot less complicated)
I've had to do some fantasy science to work out how Cats can have retractable claws without becoming less dextrous than humans (because I need them to be able to play instruments made for human hands). What I've essentially gone with so far is that Cats have extra bones in their hands/feet, which would make them unlike any other known tetrapod either living or in the fossil record, so the science side of me rebels at this, but the art side of me says it's a story about bipedal talking felines with mystical powers it's already science fiction they could have duckbills if I wanted them to (I don't), and so I think this is a decent compromise. I can go into further detail about the way the claws work later on if you like, but this post is already going to be pretty long so for now I'll just say that you can describe the claw as an extra joint attached to the end of the distal phalange.
Cats are super bendy, for the same reason that (fourlegger) cats are bendy. They have extra bones/joints in their spines. Cats have 7 cervical, 13 thoracic, 7 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 19-23 caudal. They have more sacral bones than fourleggers because they're bipedal.
Cats are habitual bipeds, like humans. But unlike humans, they are perfectly comfortable wandering around on their hands and knees. Though the bipedal stance is more comfortable and usually perfered by adults especially, most non-elderly Cats are still perfectly fine crawling on the ground on their hands and knees. You're generally more likely to see kits and young adults doing this, but older adults do it to. If they want to move fast or run, they use a bipedal stance. Beyond that it's just whatever feels right for the situation.
Some culture stuff
Cats and other NHPs (except Rats) don't need clothing to cover their privates. I'm not going to go into the anatomy of how that works. For now let's just imagine it's the fur that's hiding it. They do wear clothes, especially in winter, but it's not so much for modesty as it is for functionality and fashion. Basically clothes for Cats are for three purposes: to protect from the elements (cold, rain, sun, etc), to shut the outraged humans up, and to look good. It's pretty common in the summer to see Cats wearing nothing but some arm/leg warmers or other fashion accessory, and a belt/rope around their waist to store things on in the absence of pockets,(even if they also have a bag)
If you've ever owned or seen or been around a male rat you probably know why I say "except Rats" and I'm not going to get into it here, just know Rat men always where pants/trousers
Cats exist globally and have a variety of different cultures, often greatly influenced by the human culture of that region, but one of the most universal elements of Cat culture is the idea that "It's considerably dishonorable for a Cat to use anything but their own claws (and teeth in many cultures) in combat against another unarmed Cat." Translation: Cats generally frown on using weapons, though many recognize the need to know how to use them, because humans use weapons, and a claws against a machete or a cattle prod or a gun isn't fair. By the same line many modern Cats consider it okay to use weapons against a (dishonorable) Cat that pulled a weapon on you first, though many elders still frown upon this.
The relationship between Cats (and other NHPs) and humans isn't very good, and the relationship between different types of NHPs isn't much better. There's a social hierarchy that puts humans (especially white straight cis male humans) at the top. The hierarchy goes humans > Dogs > Cats > Rodents
About the Jellicles
The Jellicles are the name of a specific tribe that once was primarily a religious tribe. Back a really fuck long time ago when Deuteronomy was still a kitten, the Jellicles lived off the land and practiced their religion (still working out the details of that sorry but I do have a few things)
The Jellicle Choice is a real thing, though I haven't decided if it started with Deuteronomy or if he was the next in a line sorta kinda but not exactly like the Avatar. The Jellicle Ball is held every year and people used to come from all over hoping to be picked. The humans didn't like this mass gathering, and the space they had in their own territory couldn't quite handle it anyway, so the Jellicles had to start keeping the Ball's location a secret until the day of, to keep the attendance numbers down somewhat. A Choice isn't made every year, though there's always a chance one will be made, and they've had a dry spell for the past 20 or 30 or so years before Grizabella. They don't have to keep the locale a secret anymore, most people don't bother coming and some even think the Jellicle Choice is just a myth. Few people remember when the Jellicles were primarily religious
Deut was trained as a shaman from early childhood, and groomed to be the next leader since he was ten, but he's always been a performer at heart. At some point after taking over as lead, he met (a very very young) Gus and invited him into the tribe. With Gus's help he organized plays and small musical performances, slowly and gradually getting other members in on it as well, until putting on plays every now and then was just a part of Jellicle life. And it was a good thing too, because by this point the tribe had been forced to give up their land and had to move to an industrial slum in the nearest city. No longer able to live off the land, they turned to performance to make a living. This was all well before Skimble/Jenny/Jelly/Spara (Jr)/Griz were born. These days the Jellicles are known primarily as a tribe of performers. Every current member that was born into the tribe except Deut was brought up as a performer
The play we see is an actual play being put on by the Jellicles as a dramatization of the events of That One Particular Jellice Ball™ which happened three years prior to the current timeline.
I think that covers the basic rundown. You can also see this jumbled mess for my first attempt at explaining all this crap lol.
Oh yeah and before I forget, I haven't decided yet if "Peke" and especially "Pollicle" refer to a certain culture of Dog, a certain body type, or two specific gangs ("packs") that just happen to be mostly comprised of a certain culture and/or body type of Dog. But they do exist in this universe. At the very least they are fictional gangs made up for the Rumpus Cat comics (yeah he's a comic book hero in this), or else real gangs or cultures/types of Dog written into Munk's Rumpus Cat fanwork play.
There's also a very important event that I really need to go over at some point but it's a really heavy topic and this isn't the best time like politically to post it right now, or even for me emotionally to write it out. But I do need to get this out at some point...
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glorious-spoon · 4 years
Live Like Legends [The Old Guard]
Title: Live Like Legends Pairing: Gen; background canon pairings Rating: Teen Warnings: None Other Tags: Canon-typical gore, Bathing/washing, Non-sexual intimacy Summary: After a particularly bloody battle, the team takes care of each other. Notes: For a prompt on The Old Guard Kinkmeme that asked for the team bathing together.
Nile has been crammed in the back seat in between Booker and Andy for what feels like hours, although it’s probably more like twenty minutes, while Joe takes a circuitous route out of the city. She kind of wishes he’d hurry it up, but on the other hand, getting pulled over in their current state would make what’s already been a pretty bad day way, way worse.
Booker’s legs don’t really fit in the cramped back seat, but he doesn’t really seem that put out about the way he’s got one knee twisted up under the door handle and the other jammed into Nile’s thigh. His hand is across his face like he’s dozing. On her other side, Andy has her head tilted against the window, hair leaving smears of blood on the glass, to all appearances genuinely fast asleep. Up front, Joe is talking with Nicky in Italian too quick and soft for her to follow.
The whole vibe is unnervingly reminiscent of late-night bus trips home from her varsity soccer games. Other than the fact that they’re all liberally smeared with blood and gore. Nile can feel something horribly chunky dribbling down the back of her neck every time she moves, and she has an awful suspicion that it’s bits of her own brain from that last shotgun blast she took. She’s trying very hard not to think about that mostly because this is all disgusting enough without adding vomit to the mix.
“We’re here,” Nicky says suddenly in English, and Nile lifts her head, blinking dazedly, as the little safe-house comes into view. Joe brakes gently into the driveway, which turns enough that the tall hemlocks lining the road block them from view of anybody who might be out driving by.
Andy is up by the time they come to a stop, going from sleeping to waking in the blink of an eye. She shoves the door open and offers Nile a hand out; on the other side, Booker groans as he unfolds himself out of the car.
Nile’s shirt sticks to the back of the seat like it’s glued before finally peeling away. “Dibs on the shower,” she mumbles, and Andy laughs. “What?”
“It’s a big shower,” Joe says over his shoulder as he climbs the steps. Nicky pushes the door open while she’s still blinking about that, and holds it open for the rest of them to slip inside.
The rest of them make a beeline to the bathroom, shedding clothes as they go, and Nile pauses in the doorway, letting the door fall shut behind her. “Wait, are you serious?”
“What, you never shared a shower before?” Booker asks absently. He’s focused on the buttons of his shirt, which are tacky with blood.
Nile rolls her eyes. “I mean, yeah, but not with four other people. Not like this.”
“We should all fit,” Joe says through the open bathroom door. He’s naked already, which at least answers the question of whether they’re leaving their underwear on as some kind of awkward nod to modesty. It’s probably just as well. Nile took a couple of bullets to the chest and she’s pretty sure the underwire is popping out of her bra from how it keeps jabbing at her. Nicky kicks his pants off too and leans around him to start the shower, and Nile sighs, shakes her head, and gives up.
“Fuck it. Fine,” she says, and reaches up to start unbraiding her hair. She realizes her mistake a moment later when she gets a handful of—something—slimy and squishing, and she gags before Andy steps close and grips her wrist firmly, bringing it down.
“Let me do it,” she says calmly. It doesn’t come out like a question, exactly, but she waits until Nile nods before moving around behind her to start undoing her braid, matter-of-factly pulling out bits of gore and God knows what else. Nile closes her eyes and breathes in through her nose, then out, waiting for her gorge to settle. When she opens them again, Booker is crowding into the shower after Nicky and Joe. Nile watches long enough to see him catch an elbow to the midsection from the latter that doesn’t look entirely accidental, then closes her eyes again.
“If you’re not comfortable with it,” Andy says from behind her as her fingers work, “I’ll kick them out.”
The thing is, Nile knows she’d do it, just like she knows that all three men would comply without complaint. It’s that, maybe, that makes her shake her head. “No, it’s fine. Not like we need to be tracking more blood all over the place anyway. Besides, none of you got anything I haven’t seen before.”
Andy laughs softly. “Fair enough. There, you should be good.”
“Thank you,” Nile says, turning back toward her. She looks like some sort of elemental, shirtless and smeared with blood, but there’s a gentleness about her expression all the same. A kind of calm that leaves Nile space to settle.
“You’re welcome.” The corner of her mouth tilts up, and she bends down to unzip her boots, adding, “Better hurry before we run out of hot water.”
“There’s plenty,” Nicky says from behind the shower curtain. And then, “Joe, here, let me—”
“Thank you, habibi.”
Andy tugs her blood-drenched jeans and underwear off, leaves them in the heap that Nile is pretty sure they’re going to have to burn, and climbs into the shower. There’s a rustle behind the curtain, and Booker yelps, “A little warning next time, boss? I really don’t want to die again tonight from slipping in the bathtub.”
“Oh, don’t be a baby,” Andy says, and Joe snorts, and Nile finds herself grinning as she pulls off her clothes and follows.
Inside is cramped and steamy, a wet tangle of limbs, but Joe was right; they do fit, just barely. Nicky is under the spray, rinsing soap out of his hair, a pink-tinged trail of suds sliding down his shoulders and back. Booker’s hair is covered in soap too, but when Nicky ducks out from under the water he catches Nile gently by the shoulder and steers her under it, and Nile lets herself be steered. Lets the warm water sluice over her body for a moment, then takes the washcloth Nicky passes her and runs it over herself, rinsing away the blood and other things better left unmentioned. “Anybody seen my shampoo?”
“Here,” Joe says, and leans between Nicky and Andy to pass her the shampoo bar. Nile takes it gratefully. That’s the nice thing about this being an actual safe-house instead of some random hotel room: her stuff is here, and she’s not stuck trying to wash gore out of her hair with some shitty hotel soap.
She moves out from under the spray to start working shampoo into her hair, section by section, and Andy pulls Booker under it. “You have brains in your hair,” she says, working her fingers through his soapy hair with the air of a mama cat forcibly bathing her kitten. Nile snorts out a giggle, feeling dazed and punch-drunk. Gunshot-drunk. If that’s a thing.
“I think we all had brains in our hair after that.”
“Except maybe Nicky.”
“Hmm,” Nicky agrees. He’s running a cloth over Joe’s back and shoulders with careful focus as Joe leans against the shower wall, wet curls falling into his face, eyes closed. “I did avoid that. Although I’ll admit that decapitation is still not my favorite way to go.”
“Especially when they use a dull machete,” Joe mumbles into the crook of his arm, not asleep after all.
Nicky drops a kiss on his newly clean shoulder. “Well, we can’t all be dashing warriors with a shamshir.”
Nile peers at him, suds running down her elbow to drip on the tile floor. “Wait, is this another one of your murder-flirting things, or…?”
“Asqalan,” Joe says, still into his arm. “What a fucking mess that was.”
Nicky kisses his other shoulder with an air of apology. “It was.”
“You’re done,” Andy says to Booker, elbowing him out of the way to step under the spray herself, tilting her head back. Rivulets of water cut through the blood caked on her skin, pooling around her feet. Nile finishes with her hair and leans past Andy to get the shower gel and another washcloth, which she wets and passes over to Booker.
“Thank you,” he says, with a brief smile. Andy is already scrubbing herself with a handful of suds, balancing gracefully on first one foot and then the other to get at the blood that must have dribbled into her boots. When she finishes, she draws Nile back under the water with a gentleness that Nile would never have thought her capable of when they first met.
This is up there with some of the more casually bizarre situations she’s been in since she died and woke up for the first time, especially if she discounts all the ones that involved getting murdered, but it’s… nice. It’s really nice, actually.
She finds herself sitting on the edge of the tub some time later, detangling her hair with her fingers while Nicky and Joe sway together under the spray in what looks like something between a slow-dance and a half-conscious effort at staying upright. It should feel uncomfortably intimate, but instead Nile just feels warm and loose and relaxed for the first time in hours. Maybe weeks. There’s something peaceful about it, the familiar scent of coconut as she works conditioner through her hair, the warm patter of water on the tile floor, long-since rinsed clean, the little human noises of all of them together.
“Okay, I’m getting us clothes before we all fall asleep in here,” Booker mutters eventually, and slips around the two of them to climb out of the tub. Andy huffs laughter and smacks at his hip without looking up from where she’s scrubbing blood out from under her nails; Booker ruffles her wet hair, tips Nile a grin, and then is gone.
He’s back a few minutes later, dressed, with a stack of towels and four piles of pajamas. Nicky and Joe move aside to let Nile under the spray to rinse out the conditioner, and by the time she shuts the water off, warm and clean at last, she’s alone in the shower.
The others are already dried off and dressing when she climbs out onto the wet floor. The coolness of the room is a shock, and she huddles gratefully into the towel that Booker drapes over her shoulders. He got her pajamas and one of her head scarves, a gold-and-purple one she found somewhere in Marrakesh. She smiles up at him, and he squeezes her shoulder and says, to Andy, “You have a visitor.”
Andy groans. “If it’s Copley, I’m going to shoot him. Or maybe myself.”
“You just got done washing the blood off,” Booker points out. He nods toward the living room. “It’s not Copley.”
“Oh,” Andy says. She tugs a t-shirt over her head, peers out through the doorway, then lets out a word that might be a curse or a prayer in a language that Nile doesn’t recognize, her face going soft. “Oh.”
“Who—” Joe begins, peering after her. Nicky cranes his head as well. “Ah.”
“You’re just going to keep the suspense going, huh?” Nile asks. She pulls on her shirt, then follows the rest of them out into the living room, scarf in hand and still-damp hair dripping down her back.
Perched on the sagging couch is a woman that she’s seen only once outside of dreams: this afternoon, spinning a path of destruction through the mercenaries who had them pinned down inside the warehouse with the fearless grace of someone who cannot die. She vanished before any of them could follow, and Andy was white and wordess all the way back to the car.
She’s cleaned up sometime between now and then, dressed in jeans and a wool jacket wrapped tightly around her even though it’s not at all cold in here. Her hair is braided out of her face and her expression is impossible to read, her eyes fixed on Andy.
“Quynh,” Andy says, a soft exhalation. She’s gripping the door frame like it’s the only thing holding her upright.
Quynh inclines her head slowly. Out of a fight, there’s something cautious and rusty about the way she moves, like she’s still remembering how to exist in her body, in the world. “Andromache.” Her eyes move over the rest of them, dark and wary. “Nicolò and Yusuf. And you’re the new one.”
“Yeah,” Nile says. She has no idea what to do with this frozen standoff, but it’s clear that none of the rest of them are going to make a move, and anyway her mother raised her right. She steps forward, holds out her hand. “Nile. Nile Freeman. It’s nice to meet you.”
There’s a sound like a choked laugh behind her, but after a long moment Quynh smiles slightly and reaches up to clasp her hand.
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tisfan · 5 years
Tony Stark Flash Bingo
December Flash Bingo 014 - Feasts
A/n - based on conversation at my dinner table, the Jurassic Park fusion that nobody asked for.
The man who sat down across from Tony looked like a high tech cowboy, down to the boots and up to his hat. “So, you’re the new hire,” he said. “I’m Peter Quill.”
“I know who you are,” Quill said. “I hired you.”
“You did-- I thought--”
“So, what we have here is a grand case of misdirection to protect company secrets. I’m sure you can understand that.”
Tony could. He’d recently lost control of his company, been pushed out by people he’d wrongfully trusted because he didn’t want to make weapons anymore. Well, now Obie had the company, rebranded it, and was making more weapons than ever.
“You need a new start, to try to rebuild your empire, or at least, eat for the next few years, I understand that,” Quill was saying and Tony tried to pay attention. The job had come with a lot of caveats and NDAs and addendums. But the pay was good; more than good, really. A few years and he might be able to have enough seed money to build a few prototypes, get back into the game.
“So, here’s the deal, I lost my last IT guy, and he was good, I’m telling you, really good, but he’s gone now, and I need help. There’s only a few of us who work here, but we’ve got a good lab, a good workshop, I can get you pretty much anything you want or need, both for business and for-- your own personal stuff. But it’s a little bit… not what you’re expecting. You ready to see the place?”
He’d been flown out to a remote island in the middle of the south Pacific and hadn’t seen much more of the place than the helicopter landing pad and the building where he was now sitting, talking to Quill in something that looked like a break room.
“All right, here’s your communicator.” Quill pushed a small box at Tony, which contained something that looked like a round, black sticker with a glowing light in the middle. “Peel it off, stick it under your ear. It’s water proof, and the adhesive lasts about four days. You’ll get a box of 10 every week. Do not lose it. Do not ever ever not be wearing one. The last thing you want here is to be out of communications range. Mantis is our comms expert, she’ll be the sweet voice in your ear. Say hi.”
Tony stuck the dot on his skin as directed. “Hi Miss Mantis,” Tony said, hesitantly. “Is this thing always on?”
“Hi Tony, welcome aboard,” a cheerful voice said. “If you need privacy, tap the dot twice with your index and middle fingers. It works off a bio reading, so you shouldn’t turn it off by mistake. It’s also a tracker, we’ll know where you are at all times.”
“Big sister is watching you.”
“I am protecting you,” Mantis said. 
(more below the cut)
“That’s what they all say.” Tony grinned though, when he said it, because she was probably watching him, too. No need to start things off on the wrong foot for his co-workers. He needed this job. “I’m sure you’ll keep a good watch.”
“So, mostly you’ll be working in the building, which is steel reinforced concrete, and the outside of the building has electric charge capabilities. So, you know, don’t lick the walls.”
“I should think not,” Tony said. “You get a lot of corporate spies around here, or something?”
“Or something,” Quill said, but he didn’t elaborate. “Your room’s down this way, we’ve already moved your bags in.” He selected a door that said Stark on it. From a building to a door. How the mighty have fallen. 
Apartment was more like it. Livingroom, kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. It was fully furnished, plain, and good sized. Comfortable, if not luxurious. “You can cook here if you want, but most of us eat in the mess. Nebula is our cook. We’ve got all the streaming services you could want for your TV and if you need something else for entertainment, there’s a budget. We have same game consoles in the break room. That kind of thing.”
“So, what, exactly, is my job?”
“Containment, security, keep the server bank safe from cyberhackers. Technical designs. IT stuff.”
“What happened to your last IT guy?” Because this was a sweet set up, really.
“He got sat on by a diplodocus,” a brawny man with no hair said, walking buy. “Quill, that orthi’s loose again.”
“The which? A what?” Tony blustered.
“Drax, Tony. Tony, Drax. He’s our resident butcher. Come on, you’ll be needed for fence repair if she’s on the loose again. Grab a tool kit--” Quill was leading them down the hall at a quick pace. “-- and a tranquilizer gun. Also, do not shoot yourself with this.”
“I slept like a baby,” Drax said, fondly.
“For four days,” Quill complained.
“What are we fighting? Elephants?”
“You wish.” Quill threw open the back door. A half dozen tiny animals ran over, making soft clicking sounds. They were-- feathered? But running on four legs like a cat, not like a bird. “Mussaurus. Late triassic, plant eaters. Very friendly. Make friends with one, they’re good pets and they will warn you if any of the bigger ones get out.”
“What is it?” Tony knelt down to examine the creature more closely. “Is this-- is this a dinosaur?”
“Yep,” Quill said. He was already climbing up a tower around the compound, binoculars at the ready. “We bought some of them from Hammond.”
“The Jurassic park guy? But he’s the only zookeeper in the world for these exotics,” Tony said. He made it up in the tower and grabbed his own set of binoculars, scanning the area. A few long-necked animals were in sight. Brachiosaurus, maybe.
“Oh, we’re not zookeepers,” Quill said. “We’re not trying to keep the kiddies safe while they ooh and ahh and spend money on merchandising. We’re a little rougher than that.”
“Illegal dinosaur trade?”
“Perfectly legal. We work with the restaurant business.”
“Welcome, Mr. Stark-- to Jurassic Farm.”
“Seriously, have you seen the number of steaks on a brontosaurus?” Quill asked. “We provide exotic delicacies for all over the world. A feast on feet. And sometimes a little game hunting for the overly rich thrill seeker. That comes with a waiver for us. They don’t always get their prey.”
“I can see why,” Tony said, faintly.
A woman with green and purple hair came up next to them. “I found her,” she said. “Let’s just put this one down? She’s more trouble than she’s worth.”
“Gamora, our huntress. Tony Stark, IT.”
“The weapons manufacturer?”
“I got out of that business.”
“If I only shoot dinosaurs with it, will you make me a custom weapon?”
“We can talk about it,” Tony said, giving her a smile. 
“I like him already,” Gamora declared.
“All right, Stark, you ready to go on your first rodeo?”
“No?” Was that even a question?
“Ha, come on,” Drax said, smacking him on the shoulder hard enough that he almost fell over. “It is fun, and we can introduce you to Groot and Rocket on the way.”
“Our botanist and mechanic,” Quill explained. “And that’s the whole team. Yondu’s our pilot, he brings things from the mainland, and delivers the product. You’ve met him already.”
Tony checked the dart gun. He knew the theory, but he’d never actually fired one.
“You have got to be kidding me,” Tony muttered, but followed along, chanting in his head, I need this job, I need this job...
“I shot a prehistoric ostrich,” Tony said, looking down at it. About eight feet tall, with a thin neck, only two legs, and wings that were barely functional, except maybe for steering while the dino ran like hell.
“That is a lot of turkey, right there,” Quill said. Which was probably true; if it could be roasted like a bird, the whole thing would be about four feet long, and probably serve at least a hundred and fifty people. And that didn’t even count the neck and tail.
“So, uh, like, does PETA know about this,” Tony wondered. He wiped sweat off his forehead; it had been a long chase, but the Ornithomimus was a plant eater, and not prone to attacking, although Quill had warned that everything on Jurassic Farm was, in fact, dangerous. 
“Part of the reason we need a good internet security guy,” Gamora said. “They keep sending Green Terrorists after us. Shoot the people, save the dinosaurs. Whatever.”
“You want the head for your wall?” Drax offered, pulling out a machete that was practically bigger than Tony was.
“No, I think I’m good,” Tony said. “This was more like big game hunting than farming.”
“Obviously, you have never lived on a farm,” Quill said. “Cows can be real dangerous.”
Gamora laughed, put her arm around Tony’s shoulders. “Come on, Stark, I’ll buy you a drink.”
“No drinking until I get there,” Quill said, pointing a finger. “We still gotta haul this lady over to the butcher’s building. And fix that fence before you go, I don’t need to chase anything else around this farm.”
“All right, Quartermain, we’ll do it your way,” Tony said. He gave Gamora’s arm a friendly squeeze. “Two drinks. In a few hours.” 
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littlebird-99 · 5 years
Hate Being A Legacy
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Summary: She is a hunter in a family as notorious as the Winchesters- John and her dad even worked together sometimes. She saves Dean and Sam’s asses on a case and they go to her big mansion to rest. Her house has everything a hunter could need: cars, weapons, a training room, an information room where all the hunters in the states can communicate for information or help. Dean starts to fall for her. She is younger than Sam.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: language
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The Y/L/N family, the worlds most notorious hunters. Hunter's would call if them if lure didn't match up, or if the monster they were hunting didn't seem right.
That wasn't the same with Y/n, their youngest. She hated her family, she was considered the black sheep, she was the only girl in the family and with the Y/L/N's, women are not hunters. She broke that one cardinal rule and became a hunter shortly after her cousin Jenny was murdered by a werewolf.
But, with the Y/L/N family, came responsibilities, you'd help other hunters, or you were the best.
So she was currently watching an abandoned house, waiting for the leader to show. She sat humming along to her music, groaning as it was slowly hitting 4 in the morning.
That was until she spotted a car, she shakes her head, "fucking christ" she groans, she noticed that car. Fuck, every hunter noticed that car when it drove past them. "Fucking Winchesters…"
She was currently working a case in Omaha, Nebraska. Vampires from the looks of it, maybe about 10-15 heads. She hated working on vamps alone. But her family never sent anyone to help.
She exited her car, walking toward the house. Watching the boys exit the car before they head in.
Dean's POV
"This hunts gonna be easy, I mean, only a few vamps, we'll be done and heading for the bar quicker than you reading a book Sammy" he grinned. Sam rolled his eyes, his machete raised as they entered the house.
As soon as they stepped in both boys froze, "dammit" he muttered, there was more than they thought there'd be. He noticed one sneaking up behind Sam, going to warn him. Until everything around him went black.
A groan erupts past his lips, his eyes slowly opening.
"Sammy?" His voice croaked.
"I'm here Dean" his brother's voice sounds off, making his heart kind of calm down.
He looked around, trying to find anything close to undo his wrists. That was until he heard the sounds of fighting erupting around him.
He shakes his head, looking around for someone to show their face. He was not expected a woman to appear from behind the wall.
Her Y/h/c was tied up into a pony and he didn't know how to feel about her saving him, considering how hot she looked.
He shakes his head, "come on, you need our help killing--" Her laugh made his heart stop, and he watches her closely.
"I killed the vamps doll," she says, "just to save you cute brothers" she spoke, her voice music to his ears. 'Dammit Dean, knock it off' he thought to himself, 'she's a random woman, and a hunter, you don't fuck with that' he growls.
She quickly untied them both, before handing them their machetes and begins walking back out the door. What he didn't account for was his brother chasing after her, "Sammy!" He runs after him.
He follows behind them as Sam talks with her, he didn't even know her name, but God damn her ass looked good in those jeans. His eyes traveled her body as she walked, it almost seemed like she was putting effort into the sway of her hips.
He stopped watching her ass as she stopped walking and quickly looked up, "Dean? You alright?' His brother asked. He looked up, shrugging, "nothing," he says quickly.
Sam laughs, rolling his eyes, "alright, well Y/N was just inviting us back to her place, do you wanna go?' He asked his brother.
Dean shrugged, "sure, we'll follow you," he says, smiling at her, Y/N, finally knew her name, he'd have to do some research on her, figure out who exactly she was.
She had started walking away again, and he turned to get into his car until he stopped to see what car she was driving. It was a beautiful, old 1967 Chevy Camaro, black just like his baby before he moves and gets in the car.
"Dude, you're so done" Sam laughs, once he was in the car. He glared at him, "I'm not done, so fuck off.." He growls, he starts the car and starts following Y/N's car down the road.
After a few hours of driving, they approach a gate, making the boys look at each other.
"there's no way…" Sam spoke first, breaking the silence that had started when they pulled up. Sam quickly pulled his phone out, deciding to look Y/N up.
"Dude… she's a Y/L/N…" he says, looking at Dean with his eyes wide, "the best hunters known to well… everyone" he says lightly.
Dean shakes his head, "no fucking way…" he says. He parks the car and gets out, looking at the house, before looking at her, 'damn woman. Stealing my heart and shit, fuck' he thinks as he walks up to her, "so, you're a Y/L/N?" He asked.
She frowns, not what he was expecting, but she did, "I am.." She says softly, "I'm the best hunter in the family, but can we please not? I hate that that's the only reason I'm known for" she says.
He nods, watching her, she was good. Good hunter, beautiful body, hair, fuck her eyes, her beautiful Y/E/C. He shakes his head quickly and follows her inside. Sam smirks watching Dean, "dude, you totally like her" he laughs.
Dean glares, shaking his head and moves, "so, you live here by yourself?" He asked, following her around. She nods, "usually I'm just driving around and hunting, looking for cases" she states.
She shows them around, telling them.about each of the rooms. Dean could tell she hated her family, she didn't want to be a legacy, not that she was like Men Of Letters legacy, but the Y/L/N had quite the legacy to uphold.
She showed the guys the rooms they were staying in then went to her room, she shakes her head as she stops in front of a painting. It had her whole family, well, minus her. To any and all outsiders, it was almost like she was adopted, which she wasn't, not by any means was she adopted.
Standing in the bathroom, she strips her clothes, deciding she was definitely going to throw them out because she hated how much vamps bleed, and didn't want that.
She looked in the mirror, years of hunting had taken its toll on her body, she was attractive yes, but she had scar after scar the riddled her body, she had a little bit of a stomach, from fast food because who didn't, and she had thighs, she loved her thighs, the stretch marks that came with them too. She didn't care what others thought, especially her family.
She pulled her hair out and climbs into the shower. Turning it on, she let the waterfall down her back as she closes her eyes, taking a deep breath, "another hunt done. Soon I'll be on the road, and won't be here.." she whispered.
After throwing on some different clothes, she walked downstairs and started looking for something to make for dinner, she was here, she might as well make a home-cooked meal.
"So.. I.. well" she turns, looking at Dean, a smile on her face as she noticed he had a hard time getting his words out.
"Cat got your tongue, Winchester?" She teased, throwing her head back as he glared, crossing his arms. He shakes his head, "what're you making for dinner? Was what I was gonna ask ya doll" he smirked
She only nodded, rolling her eyes, "uh huh.. sure you were, doll" she smirks. "And I'm making spaghetti and garlic bread" she smiled.
He nods, watching her cook as he leaned against the counter, his eyes scanned over her body, she had on leggings, but they were like capris, and a tank top, showed off her curves and he just wanted to-
"Dean, earth to Dean" his eyes shot up, glaring at Sam who had just walked in and caught Dean staring, making him laugh as he sits down. "I was just saying, maybe Y/n could join us" he suggests.
Dean looked up, watching Y/n reaction, biting my his lip.
She shrugged, "I don't. I don't know guys, I usually hunt alone, and I don't want to bug you' she says.
"You won't," Dean says a little too quickly, "I mean.. It'd be nice to have someone else to take to besides boring sasquatch here" he jokes.
She shrugs, "I'll think about it. But I will let you both have my number, in case I say no, but I'll still help you boys out" she smiled.
They had enjoyed dinner, talking about different hunts and what's been going on in the world of the Y/l/n's and the Winchesters.
A few months later.
Y/n, of course, didn't go with the body, she couldn't bring herself to do it, but, she still talked to them. The oldest Winchester more than the youngest one, they had talked, and texted, even randomly met up for a beer and a bite to eat. And he'd never admit it to anyone, but he was falling for the huntress.
He never knew what it felt like to actually love someone, other than his brother, but he knew he had fallen deep, when he got a call from Jody, saying a hunter had gone missing from her vehicle, what broke him, was Y/n hadn't texted him for the past week.
@maddiepants @donnaintx @gipsyjucar
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