#astral dive suit
metabotulism · 1 year
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manekinekoprocedures · 9 months
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09.08.2020 | Jesse Faden
Mods by reg2k, ilikedetectives and I. Captured using ReShade.
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a-flappy-bat · 7 months
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I was thinking ‘at war with the Board’ and then I sketched a thing because astral dive suits and the thing messily painted itself…close up under break
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wanderingnork · 2 months
Gith Deep Dive: Top Ten Weirdest Lore From Dragon Magazine
Dragon was a magazine published from 1976 to 2013, first by TSR (the origin company of D&D), then Paizo (now best known for Pathfinder), and finally Wizards of the Coast. It was replaced in 2015 by Dragon+, which ran until 2022. The magazine published short fiction and comics, adventures and maps, reviews, advice, artwork, and more. Whole adventure lines (like Age of Worms or Scales of War) were published through the magazine, never as hard-copy books. Its famous "Ecology of..." line provided in-depth bestiary looks at various iconic monsters. The mind flayer ecology article is even narrated by a githyanki! It introduced magic items, class mechanics, and more--some of which have become staples of the wider tabletop RPG community.
Dragon ran for 430 issues and Dragon+ added another 41 on top of that. 47 issues of the original run featured the githyanki heavily, and 4 of Dragon+ did. On my neocities gith resources page, you can see all of them. They often appeared on encounter or class tables (as a PC race particularly suited for a particular paragon path or prestige class), but those I haven't included.
What's presented here is what I think are the ten weirdest, wildest, most surprising pieces of gith lore out of Dragon (and Dragon+). Enjoy.
(Note: I use Astral Plane and Astral Sea based on edition--it was Astral Plane up until 4th Edition when it switched to Astral Sea.)
(Further note: I sincerely apologize on behalf of the original writers for the way some of the original articles are written. There's often thoughtless language, nasty biases, and other questionable content. Trust me, it gives me the ick too.)
10: #93 – "Pronunciation Guide: An informal index of the right things to say", p.26
So...that's not actually how the article titled is spelled, but I hate how they did it so, so much. "Ay pronunseeAYshun gyd." Thanks, but no thanks.
This is more of a meta-weirdness than anything else. According to this article, "githyanki" is pronounced "gith-yan-kee," with emphasis on "yan." Cool, fine. "Githzerai," on the other hand, which we mostly pronounce as "gith-zer-eye" now (with emphasis on "eye"), is said to be pronounced "gith-zer-ee" (with emphasis on "gith"). You can spot this pronunciation listed on the Forgotten Realms wiki article, but in Baldur's Gate 3 it's quite clearly pronounced the former.
How times change.
9: #408 - Bazaar of the Bizarre: Treasures of the Elemental Chaos, p.29
The artifact suite "Xenda-Dran's Array" offers players a chance to wear the gear of a long-dead slaad assassin in the service of the slaad lord Ygorl. Apparently, eons ago, the slaad ran into the enlightened githzerai master Liricosa (detailed in The Plane Below: Secrets of the Elemental Chaos, p.148). Liricosa's power is such that he either killed the slaad easily...or his transcendent nature turned a slaad, the embodiment of chaos, into a being of law.
8: #390 – Power Play: Divine: Dead Gods, p.46-47
Deep in the Elemental Chaos floats the petrified body of the long-dead god Haramathur. Eons ago, this god sacrificed himself to seal away a powerful primordial. Now a githzerai monastery has been carved directly out of the god's body. The githzerai who live there call themselves the "Disciples of Stone" and may actually be able to communicate with stone itself. Good luck getting there to meet them, though: the body is surrounded by a maelstrom of volcanic energy.
7: #287 – Creatures of the Chaos Spire, p.74
An eldritch fortress known as Gnythagak, shaped by use of psionic power, is now known as the Chaos Spire. It was taken from the illithids by a combined force of githyanki and githzerai. Afterwards, the githyanki occupied the fortress, and the githzerai responded with an army. Tens of thousands died on both sides in the massive battle. In the end, the githzerai channeled the raw matter of the plane of Limbo directly into the heart of Gnythagak, resulting in an interplanar explosion and the transformation of the fortress into a migratory pocket-plane of its own.
The wild part about this isn't the battle. It's that the githyanki and githzerai worked together at such a scale for such a massive undertaking. That's pretty damn exceptional, and a demonstration of just how much both sides hate mind flayers.
6: #245 – Mindstalkers, p.36-43
This article covers an order of dwarves who develop psionic powers in order to hunt illithids. They learned from a githyanki who, in gratitude for being rescued from illithid clutches before he could become dinner, taught his dwarven rescuers psionic skill. The githyanki even brought ore from an Astral godmote to the dwarves so they could forge special weapons to fight mind flayers. These "caradhakers" adopt githyanki hairstyles and ornamentation alongside their typical clan fashions (and, of course, beards).
Githyanki aren't normally quite this open or friendly with other species. But, much like the incident with the Chaos Spire, hatred of illithids overrides everything.
5: #101 – Creature Catalog III, Thendar, p.54
Appearing ONLY in this single brief article, the thendar are a strange, humanoid Astral species who travel the planes gathering knowledge. They live for thousands of years and are peaceful sages.
The githyanki hate them. Probably just because they're nice...?
4: #159 – Voidjammers!
So a thousand years or so ago, this archmage named Peregrin got bored with Material Plane adventures and moved to the Astral Plane with intent to literally form a planar taxi service. His adventures could probably fill a book, but the point for this post: the githyanki fucking hate this guy. First for intruding on the Astral Plane, then because this guy went on a rampage through the githyanki forces to confront Vlaakith *face to face* and demand she stop attacking his ships.
Apparently she was "less powerful" than she is now.
The githyanki left Peregrin's taxi service alone, for the most part, but they're still nursing one hell of a grudge. As they should. See, most of the ships are powered by extracted mind flayer brains, lobotomized to remove personality and retain psionic power for propulsion. So, so fucking disturbing, but the githyanki would probably approve of that. What they would not approve of is that it's rumored that Peregrin's personal flagship is powered by a pair of githyanki brains.
And, if it wouldn't make the whole species angry enough to find a way to kill him, Peregrin is openly stated to think powering his whole fleet with githyanki brains is a good idea.
In Dragon #166, a reader sent in a letter discussing how nightmarish this is and how much they disapprove. I find myself agreeing.
3: #419 – Winning Races: Bladelings
This article introduces the "bladelings" as a playable race for 4th Edition. Fancy, edgy (ha), violent, growing literal razor blades out of their bodies like scales, the bladelings were originally mortal human worshipers of Bane. When they won his favor, Bane fused them with their weapons forever. You know. As you do.
And then there's this one random throwaway line on page 23: "A few dissidents claim that they were actually from the same racial stock that would eventually give rise to the githyanki and githzerai."
E X C U S E ? ? ?
No elaboration is ever given. Guess we just get to live with this!
2: #381 – "The Foundling," Mike Resnick, p.18-23
Right. I highly recommend you read this one yourself for maximum impact. Here's the Internet Archive link.
In brief...a young githzerai woman (all of 22 years old) loses her infant child. A year later, she discovers an orphaned githyanki baby. And, well...
"It wasn’t its fault that it was born of the githyanki. It needed care, and love, and shelter, and she had all three to give."
Despite the scorn of her kin, the young woman decides to raise the baby as her own. For one of them, the scorn eventually turns to hate, and so begins a series of attacks by increasingly powerful monsters on mother and child as they travel far and wide to escape their enemies. After four years, things finally come to a head. At which point...well. I really, REALLY don't want to spoil the ending.
Let's just say that the githzerai responsible for the attacks is about to have a really, really bad day.
NUMBER ONE WEIRDEST: #355 – Ecology of the Devourer, p.58-63
This article covers the nightmarish devourer, a form of undead that devours souls. How they're created has changed over the years (nowadays they're fiends, not undead), but this article is from D&D 3.5, where they were very much undead. They drive someone to the brink of death, then drag the person's soul inside their ribcage and torture it for power.
According to this article, the devourers originated with the githyanki.
During the reign of Vlaakith 156--the predecessor of the current Vlaakith--a scheming general decided to avoid getting his soul eaten. Because apparently the previous Vlaakith was also a soul-eating lich! His attempt went wrong and his rebellion was crushed. Their souls were taken from them and locked away, their bodies thrown into the Astral Plane.
Unfortunately for Vlaakith and the githyanki in Tu'narath, the general's body was reanimated by energy from the Negative Energy Plane. He brought back his most loyal followers as the same kind of undead, all of them starving for their missing souls, and they launched a second attack on Tu'narath. Many, many githyanki died in the unexpected attack. Vlaakith and the undead general finally fought face to face over the bodies of their followers. History's not clear on who won, but at some point in the chaos the current Vlaakith--number 157--took the throne. She's ruled unchallenged for a thousand years and the githyanki have hated and feared the devourers ever since.
That's...so much to unpack. Multiple Vlaakiths were liches? This is a long-running tradition? According to the article, the exact dates of a Vlaakith's reign are obscured, so exactly how long does each one rule? Just how LONG have the githyanki been around?
Oh, and the icing on the cake: in the modern day, some githzerai monasteries employ elder devourers as monastery guards. In return for aid, the githzerai search for the devourers' original missing essence. In the meantime, they feed the devourers the souls of captured githyanki.
The githzerai are not the good guys.
On deck for next time: the githyanki of 4th Edition D&D!
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noyasaur · 9 months
how can i fully believe shifting is real? i know it is but the idea of waking up in a whole different reality seems not real to me ifykwim
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hi! there's many ways to help you to fully believe in shifting and normalise the belief more inside your mind. it just takes time and repetition! it's no wonder that we can doubt about reality shifting, especially when we've been taught otherwise our whole lives. i completely get we're you're coming from, but luckily it can be combatted.
however, it is important to note that you can shift with doubts/not fully believing in it! doing these things just makes the journey and process a little less uncomfortable and draining.
also be prepared for another long response (i am so sorry, i love writing and i always have sm to say ughhdhd 😭)
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first of all, some of the first things i always like to recommend is to research shifting. do a whole deep dive on reality shifting on possible theories, scientific concepts behind it, the spirituality aspect of it, our consciousness, law of assumption, multiverse vs consciousness theory, the many worlds theory, scientific theories and hypothesises on other universes, success stories, etc. anything that you can find on reality shifting that will help you make it real to you, if you're really committed to making yourself believe in reality shifting. find beliefs that resonate with YOU and form your own theories and concept behind reality shifting. if you want to read more of an explanation on researching and validating your beliefs, i suggest this post where i explain this -> here (my response to 'can you prove reality shifting')
make it a challenge for yourself: find a way to make reality shifting real to you and challenge against yourself. the idea of waking up in a whole different reality doesn't seem real to you? how can you make it real to you. question, how IS IT REAL? and research to answer it. discover your own answers and truths.
if you're looking for some good resources to start with to research reality shifting, i recommend this post i made awhile ago (here) and of course, REALITYSHIFTER101's blog post on TOTAL SHIFTING SCIENCE (or -> here). it's seriously such a good resource and singlehandedly strengthened my belief behind shifting.
or even research and look at people's stories of other practices/experiences, similar to reality shifting (not the same, just in the same bubble as it. in the same way how reality shifting can be hard to believe as it is for astral projection and hearing all these crazy stories about NDES and reality glitches iykwim). like lucid dreaming, astral projection, persistent realms. reincarnation or past-life stories/near-death experiences. stories about reality glitches, parallel reality shifts, the mandela effect. these things aren't the same but reading about these things and other possibilities can help open your mind to things like these.
additionally, if you're set on truly making yourself fully believe in reality shifting, then only consume positive things about shifting. consume content and media that will make you feel good about reality shifting and help you strengthen your beliefs. no point in going out and finding content against and hating on reality shifting. and if you happen to come across this kind of content, simply just block.
another thing you could so is reprogram your mind or change your mindset. although i don't think it's necessary to reprogram your mind, some people are more suited to these kinds of methods. it helps to eliminate any limiting beliefs or doubts about shifting and rewire your subconscious beliefs.
below, i'll link some posts on how to reprogram your mind. reya signh is a popular shifttoker/shifting content creator who created one of the methods below on how to reprogram your mind and is commonly used in the shifting community. the other post is another method of reprogramming your mind which i thought was pretty good too. and of course, there are plenty of other ways to reprogram your mind (e.g. self-hypnosis, meditations, affirmation tapes, etc.)
reya's method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOi-dAi9-Xo
reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/shiftingrealities/comments/n2jjdb/how_to_reprogram_your_subconscious_for_reality/
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below are things i have done to help me fully believe in reality shifting and have less doubts. in my experience, personally doing these things have worked for me and maybe they might work for you too!
a ) law of assumption/improving self-concept: changing my internal assumptions and dominant thoughts of what shifting is and my shifting abilities, thus these assumptions have reflected in my 3D physical reality. changing your internal state -> changing the 3D. for example, if i consistently assume that reality shifting is real, and then i internalise this and accept that this is true, i change my internal state and so does my reality. persistence if the key for law of assumption. switch up your mindset.
b ) affirmations: constantly repeating affirmations on reality shifting and my abilities. things like, "reality shifting is real," "reality shifting is so easy and effortless for me," "i always reality shift on every attempt," "reality shifting is completely normal," "i reality shift everyday," etc. you get the idea. you could always set a time during the day where you listen to hype music while repeating these to yourself, committing yourself to repeat affirmations over and over to yourself whenever you have a doubt, setting a certain symbol and then repeating affirmations whenever you see that symbol (e.g. whenever you see a cat, you repeat so-and-so affirmations to yourself ten times).
or even making affirmation tapes can help which can easily be done with text-to-speech programs. write out a bunch of affirmations and then put it through a text-to-speech program and download it as an mp3. you can speed up the audio, put music over it, put it on low volume, or listen to it over music. listen to it while you do your everyday tasks and even if you don't even notice the tape playing, your subconscious mind will still be digesting all your affirmations. or you could listen to self-concept subliminals on reality shifting.
c ) just thinking about your desired reality/reality shifting: sit there, relax, and think about reality shifting. think about other realities, your other selves. even though the idea seems so far-fetched and otherworldly, reality shifting is normal.
don't put shifting on a pedestal! it's seriously just another normal thing we can do and i truly mean this. think about the things you'll be doing in other realities and compare it to this reality. think about all the possibilities. think about all the mundane, boring things you would be doing in your desired reality. realise that you've always existed in your desired realities and are existing in other realities right now as we speak. you're just not currently aware of it.
treat reality shifting as a casual thing. not something of an otherworldly power.
think about all the possibilities in the world and other 'otherworldly' things that are possible. this reality, the universe and it's infinite realities is so vast and beyond anything we can even comprehend.
d ) reading success stories: an obvious one. success stories are really the only proof we have of reality shifting, along with experience it for ourselves (yet).
e ) try and shift yourself: just try shifting. whether it's to your desired reality or even a small reality change. try and shift to a reality where it's exactly the same as this reality except for a small change, like for example, the colour of your bed sheets or walls. dive into it with full confidence. forget 'logic' and leave your doubts behind. set your intention, have confidence and trust in yourself, and just shift! or even try and manifest something (because manifesting and shifting are practically the same yk)
you can do any of these things to help you slowly start to for you to fully believe in reality shifting. it may take time and effort for you to be able to start believing in reality shifting, so be prepared for that. however, use your intuition and do whatever you believe will help you in the long run.
you got this!
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sorry for such a long post, i need to cut down on the length of my responses😭 i feel like i ramble too much and i just have so much on my mind so i hope this wasn't too messy to read! anywho, i hope this somehow helped and i'm sorry if my advice wasn't very good 😭😭
good luck on your journey 💗💗
- saturn ♡
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mooselybased · 2 years
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Kela sai, guppies! Our first hypothetical Adventure Zone moveset for Ethersea is none other than Amber Gris! Let's dive in, shall we?
Amber has little to no ranged combat ability, but what she lacks in range she more than makes up for in her ability to combo. Most of her standard attacks are quite quick, moderately powerful, and often able to be strung together pretty fluidly.
Amber's neutral special allows her to summon an astral arm for a while before it fades away. Summoning the arm does minimal damage and knockback, but as long as it's around, Amber's standard moves that involve punching will have increased damage. Up to two arms can be summoned.
Amber's down special is, naturally, a VIBE CHECK! She does a quick sucker punch with minimal range and knockback but good damage, which is greatly increased by any additional astral arms currently summoned. However, all astral arms are immediately dispelled after using this move.
Amber's side special causes her vapor suit to briefly activate around her. Again, this has a small hitbox, and doesn't do much damage, but can push opponents a decent distance, and will reflect projectiles.
Amber's up special has her pull a blink shark from nowhere. The blink shark then teleports both of them straight up, after which Amber chucks the shark straight down. The teleportation bursts do a lil damage but naturally the bulk of the hit is in the plummeting shark.
For her finale, Amber leaps to the top of the screen. Below her, a coral portal appears and Amber lets loose a flurry of blows with her astral arms, which are magnified to gigantic size. She releases a number of punches, which can be slightly aimed, before returning to the stage.
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msvblight · 1 month
raaaaaaagh absolutely thinking and obsessing over my setting "The Bureau" again and all the ideas I have for it.
One of my favourite eras for The Bureau was in ww2. Where they engaged in a secret war against nazi occultism.
"They're calling it a V3 - no explosive payload this time, they've designed these missiles to deliver werewolves. I don't need to tell you that's not good, so we're making a quick jaunt over to their factory and turning it to ash."
As well as shit like spitfires fighting giant bat monsters.
And at the end of the war The Bureau engaged in what they called "Operation Loose Leaf" to assassinate specific occultists before the American Government could bring them in for their own use.
Another favourite period of mine is during its "Original Years" during the Victorian Era (The Bureau was actually initially created on the order of Queen Victoria to study and defend against the paranormal, but has since evolved into something even more noble in goals. Often protecting the paranormal from humanity)
One case that I want to run is The Bureau sending agents to investigate someone that managed to build a space rocket in the victorian era, and crashed back down - having encountered *something* in orbit. Now their diving suit style space suit is wandering around the countryside, kicking out massive radiation and when it opens the visor a caustic blinding light turns anything it touches into ash.
Another favourite Victorian-era case was a tiger illegally imported into London, that has a collar with an ancient object on it that allows the tiger to astral project whilst sleeping - leading to a spate of horrifying "murders" throughout London.
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stellerssong · 9 months
agent kiran estevez astral dive suit. post tweet
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linuxgamenews · 10 months
Take on the Zodiacs with Hibernian Workshop's Astral Ascent Full Release
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Astral Ascent 1.0 launches the action roguelike game on Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows PC. Developer Hibernian Workshop's endless creativity brings this exciting adventure to life. Available on Steam with 97% Very Positive reviews. If you're into fast-paced action and unique characters, you've got to check out the Astral Ascent 1.0 launch. It's now out in full on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. This game is all about speed and strategy, where you lead a team of four heroes against twelve tough bosses known as the Zodiacs. It also takes place in a world that looks like it's been lifted from a modern fantasy comic book. These are the type of visuals you get here. Since its early access launch in April 2022, it has become a hot favourite, with loads of players giving it a thumbs up. And with the latest 1.0 update, there are three new Zodiac bosses to take on in Astral Ascent. Also including a final boss that's doubly hard to beat. But it's not just about fighting. Of course in 1.0 still get to shape how you play Astral Ascent, by choosing from hundreds of spells. You can tweak these spells to suit your style and use them to outsmart tough enemies in a world that has its own careful design. What's really unique is that every time your character dies, you get to tweak your abilities and strategies. Since this keeps things fresh and exciting. And if you want to team up with a friend, you can! The action roguelike title offers both solo and multiplayer options, using Steam Remote Play Together.
Astral Ascent 1.0 - Launch Trailer
The Zodiac bosses are spread across four stunning worlds, each with its own unique attacks and backstory. They're not just there for a showdown; they've got their own stories and reasons for battling you. Let's talk about the Astral Ascent 1.0 heroes you can play:
Ayla: She's the last one left from her assassin guild. Fast and deadly with her twin daggers.
Kiran: A tough guy who learned life the hard way. He's all about strength and can cause shockwaves with his hits.
Calie: A skilled sculptor seeking freedom. She uses magical gemstones to break through enemy defenses.
Octave: A young fighter trained by a powerful witch, wielding ethereal guns and summoning massive weapons when needed.
Also, get ready for the ultimate showdown with The Master, the key to your escape from the astral prison. Without give away any spoilers, know that 1.0 has a final boss that is a big deal in Astral Ascent. Hibernian Workshop spent as much time creating it as we did on the three other Zodiacs combined. Each of these characters offers a unique way to play, which keeps things interesting. And there's more: there are 17 different endings in 1.0. They are all animated and narrated, and there's even a new character coming in 2024. So, if you're up for a challenge and want to dive into a world of magic, strategy, and great heroes, Astral Ascent 1.0 is waiting for you on Steam. The action roguelike game is available for Linux, Steam Deck (verified), Mac, and Windows PC. Priced at $24.99 USD / £20.99 / 24,50€.
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asilaaspirations · 2 years
I have seen and witnessed spirits desperately seeking for love, companionship, or care from people that are not obligated nor in the position to provide these essentials for them, so these moments inspired me to write about the importance of establishing a relationship with self before developing one with anyone else.
Creating and cultivating a relationship with your spirit is imperative on your journey to activating your higher self, or authentic self some like to call this aspect. Countless times where I witness beings diving and risking their spirit into a relationship that will not provide the essentials such as love, respect, integrity,  or care that their spirit wishes because some beings look outside their spirit than searching and delving within. It is time that all of us make the effort and commitment to ourselves, like proposing to one's self before accepting an proposal or communion with someone that may not suit your spirit's needs or a situation where you may not be adequate to give your partner what she/he craves and demands in the partnership.
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Challenges, seem to be going viral lately, so I challenge you to get to know YOU, meditation is a start or activating a hobby like painting/drawing, singing, dancing, organizing, gardening, writing, whatever your hobby may be, make it a sacred moment with just you. Talking to your self is great too, some may feel like that this act is deemed "insane" or "crazy", but I remind it is one of the best ways to communicate what you want, need, or speak on your how day went; therefore, communicating with your self gives you time to reflect and evaluate your experiences, past behaviors, and other activities that your spirit was involved in. The voice that you possess should not scare you, so talking to your self can be effective in the best way. Determining your spirit's purpose is a great time that you will learn about your self because it allows one to dig in their spirit and see what their talents and gifts do they have such as being a leader, musician, counselor, or even deeper gifts like clairaudience, clairvoyant, astral traveler, healer, or even psychic abilities that can bring an intense curiosity to who you really are.
For example, during the relationship with self, I learned that I am empath, whom is a being that can take on other people's emotions or feelings, so if I was to enter in a space where a person is upset or angry, I am able to channel their emotions into my energy field, this ability has given me the opportunity to always know how a person feels from their perspective, its like I am able to become that person to overstand their viewpoint. I probably would have not noticed this element of spirit, if I had not take time with myself to see.
Getting back to people who search for love outside their spirit shows that they need to love their self, treat and nourish their spirit by taking time to know who they are and what they want, to attract people that will align with the path that they walk. One should take all the time, energy, effort, and need to better align themselves with their authentic self, one begins to bring the connection stronger and closer, where your viewpoint, standards, values may differ by seeing their worth, so you would not want to accept people and opportunities unless they are beneficial and worthwhile. Each being is divine and masterful when you find your divinity you are going to want to achieve and obtain things that serve as a aid to your being.
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manekinekoprocedures · 9 months
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09.17.2020 | Jesse Faden
Mods by reg2k, ilikedetectives and I. Captured using ReShade.
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a-flappy-bat · 4 months
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Lil Jesse & Darling wip that I’ve been indecisively poking at…was gonna do matching asynchronous suits but wasn’t feeling fabric so it turned into/ will go with matching astral dive suits 🙃
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chaos-bites · 2 years
Hi there, I'm trying to get into working with Loki. Aside from a shit ton of books that I have to yet read (been collecting titles and it's overwhelming) I don't even know what it means when people say "working with" the god they follow or worship.
What does it mean when someone says their god spoke to them or did this or that? My mind tries to rationalise things and I keep thinking people just imagine a scene or a scenario where the god in question is having a conversation with them. Meaning, I keep thinking people are creating said interaction themselves in their minds. I understand that may not the case, but it's getting in the way of me understanding how to even start.
Got any advice on how to understand better so I could finally start reading the books I'm supposed to read? (For some reason I need initial understanding before I dive into things)
Sorry for taking your time.
Hey, Nonny!
This is a pretty difficult topic to explain, but I will do my best! I appreciate the ask, and you are not bothering me or taking up my time. 💚
So, we'll start with your first question: what does it mean when people say they're working with a god? This can mean a variety of things, really, and is definitely situational, but the most basic definition of this phrase basically comes down to the person and the god working together to improve something in the person's life. Sometimes people have a formal agreement with a god to help them with a specific thing, but I'd say, most times, there isn't a formal agreement, and the god is helping them achieve something. Some people also use this phrase to mean they're worshipping a god, but that's not the correct usage of the phrase. Hopefully, this makes sense!
Second question: what does it mean when someone says their god spoke to them or did this or that? This is VERY situational and delves into the private practice of that person. For some people, having a conversation with a god mostly just looks like doing a tarot or pendulum reading with the god. However, for others, they can have conversations with gods through meditation or astral travel, going to meet the God "in-person", in a sense. Other people are also gifted with what's called "clairaudience", so they quite literally are speaking with their gods. Conversations with gods look different for everyone!
As for feeling like people are making this up in their heads, I think the best thing to tell yourself is that you cannot judge the validity of another's experience because you aren't the one experiencing it. How these people converse with their gods hardly matters if it's not hurting anyone and is improving their lives. I would suggest doing some inner work to understand why this bothers you so much. Are you afraid it will invalidate your experiences? Do you think it seems everyone who follows the old gods as "making this up"? When was the first time you felt this way about a topic? These are some good starter questions. I simply can't take these worries from you, and this is very much something you will need to work through on your own. It sounds to me like you're struggling with a lot of doubt regarding this path of spirituality. My honest advice is to just dive into it and see how it suits you. If you like it, great! If not, that's ok! c:
I think the biggest thing to remember here is that you don't know how someone is experiencing something. You're just not going to be able to tell. And that's ok. Within life, there are things we can't understand or won't ever truly know, and although that can be difficult to accept, it's something we must all come to terms with. This is one of those things that you can't understand from the other person's perspective. My advice is just to be gentle with others, treating them as you'd like to be treated. Honestly, this is a really delicate and difficult topic to explain to someone, so I hope it came across correctly and doesn't start any discourse with anyone. I meant everything as kindly and sincerely as I could, so I genuinely hope you're able to take away what you needed to from this. Hopefully, I explained things well.
Thank you for the ask! I hope you have a great day! ☺️💚
If anyone would like to add on to this, please do! I hope we can explain things to Anon here!
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chiyoso · 1 year
spoiler; hi3 herrscher of rebirth event disccusions (media included)
(opinions open, but please be kind, and do indulge me about your understandings as well <3)
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(a1) from what ive taken inside my cogging brain in the event, seele is like... a variant of HoD? rebirth basically, technically she's still HoD yes? but... vita just said "nah death doesnt suit your cute ass" ... am i getting that right lmao
(a2) that, from my own understandings, a herrscher can be created at anytime with the right energy levels in any situation, right? (speculation based off on senti, prometheus, schrodinger, vita, and misteln)
(b1) ... with that in mind, the transformation of HoR is kinda baffling when we see seele suddenly gushed out from the pretty waters, is trauma the main play here during the making of a herrscher? emotional vulnerability? a wailing, cute red seele accepting something?
(b2) i havent gotten that far into the main plot of the story, but i assume friendship, trauma and accepting shit are one of many things involving a birth of a herrscher, a psychological, mental strength against the will perhaps?
besides all that, lets take a moment to appreciate vita's DESIGN BECAUSE DAMN. DAMN. MAKING ME INSPIRED FR and it was really damn nice to see bronya and mei interact with red seele in this way, wholesome moment nngh, misteln's outfit too, she's so fucking amazing (reminds me of kafka cough cough)
(c1) i also want to know (since im quite confused in this part) if the 6th divine key, abyss flower is in seele's literal possession, or is it in durandal's, schicksal's, anything/anyone really, i remember seele mentioning something about it, but my dumbass kept clicking accidentally until i couldnt go back to the chatlogs lmao
(c2) speaking of divine keys, does anyone have an idea/information on the whereabouts of the 2nd divine key? yes, the one that can... travel through... space.........or bubble verses? or just- traveling like the astral train in HSR, im not well versed in the specifics of divine keys atm, only briefly through wiki and such, SO PLEASE! inform me because i would love to dive into the rabbit hole of hi3 lore
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once again, all discussions, opinions are welcomed, but please respect each other! that's all <3 - hiraeth
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might make misteln my whole identity for a few days shes so hot hnng
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the red seele trauma moment 🥹 take your meds sweetie.........
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nanuk-the-bat · 1 year
One on hand I should never pick up another stylus with the intent of drawing, because everything I touch ends up terrible, and I’m just going to make more terrible crap 😫…but on the other hand, I’m completely aware of the terribleness and I still can’t shake the idea of wanting to draw Darling in his own version of Jesse’s astral dive suit. And if I don’t draw it, I’ll never know what astral dive Darling looks like. And how cool would it be for them to go exploring the astral plane together? With semi matching suits? :x
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spiritsurfers · 13 days
My "almost" OBE experience: September 10, 2024
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Last night (actually this morning more like) I had an "almost" OBE which I entered from a lucid dream and I wanted to share the details with you.
So, I found myself in a lucid dream at about 5 in the morning (this is when most of my lucid dreams happen!) I was in a grocery store in the dream and realized I was lucid. When I realized this I did the lucid dream protocol in the AYDA method.
My whole body flipped upside down which has never happened before and I ended up in a bed in the lower astral. This was an astral travel I was entering and not an OBE and I knew this. There was a blurry, dream-like quality to it, although it was still pretty solid and real (but not solid enough!) I got up out of this bed very easily (and because this was an astral travel it was easy to get up)
I walked down a staircase and then demanded to be transferred to "somewhere that would benefit me", I said out loud I wanted to have an OBE. I then found myself in another bed in a higher realm. It felt very dense and real, more dense than the lower astral which I was just in.
I woke up in my "bed" which was similar to the one I have in real life and saw two black legs beside my bed, standing about a foot away. The legs were a very "dark" black, which is hard to describe. It reminded me of a "wet suit" you would wear to scuba dive. I still had my sleep mask on so I couldn't see this person's head, just the legs. My heart skipped a beat, but I was generally calm. I was trying really hard to sit up in the bed, but I felt very magnetized to my body. My eyes were blurry but I could still see pretty well.
I was able to sit up but it was very difficult, when I finally managed to sit up in the bed, the person sat on the bed beside me and was saying "it's ok, you're doing fine, everything is going to be ok", he was supporting my arms as I sat up. This is when I saw it was my dad. My dad is still alive, but perhaps this was him in a higher form.
He looked exactly like he did in this reality except more healthy, younger and way thinner. This was a surprising thing to experience because in real life, my dad is very closed off and shut down. But here, I felt love from him.
After I heard his voice and saw it was him, I was then transferred to another body in another bed. I still had my sleep mask on, and could see under the sleep mask a stained glass window on the wall in front of me, it was round with red, blue and green mosaic pieces in it, and the walls were wooden, it reminded me of being in an old church (it was similar decor to when I had my first OBE and woke up in my room that looked very-church-like) I was again, trying really hard to open my eyes fully, but it was too hard. I also tried to sit up the same as before by raising my arms, but I just felt too heavy.
I then felt around 3-4 women come to my bedside. I felt myself as being stuck in between this world and another. In the distance I actually heard a walkie talkie and a voice coming from it, something you would hear in a hospital (how nurses carry around walkie talkies).
I wish I paid attention to the words coming from it but I couldn't focus. I could hear these "nurses" whispering to each other, they could see I was kind of scared and freaking out. I felt one of them touch my arm and it was as real as can be. I felt another one place some sort of tape on my hand. But she did it too suddenly and this is when I jumped, not because of the tape, but because my body felt so sensitive (being in between realms) and she put the tape on too hard,
I definitely had adrenaline pumping and was jumpy. When she put the tape on my hand, another nurse (these could have been angels) sort of reprimanded her saying "be careful" and in that moment, I knew she reprimanded her because of how much she loved me. And I knew that the woman who taped my hand loved me too. And I felt remorse that the woman was reprimanded, because I had so much love for her.
I tried to sit up again and muttered "why is this happening". And one of the nurses said "mon cher, c'est la vie", in a very gentle way. Meaning "my dear, this is life"...this is how life is etc...I speak both french and english so maybe this is why she spoke french.
Then 2 of the nurses laid on me to make me stop moving and that's when I woke up for real, in my own bed.
What this experience made me realize is how empty we feel in this lower realm. We cannot feel the love others have for us, so we will say, do or wear whatever we have to, to try to cobble together a connection with someone. And it's sad to think about, isn't it? In higher realms, the love people have for you is felt, it's automatic and is delivered to you basically on a platter. Here, we may only feel this love in short bursts. It is fleeting and the reason why we say things to people or post things on social media is to put something out there in hopes of getting a glimmer of love back.
EDIT (Sept 18): I found out that the black being I saw was actually an "anubis" being who had shape shifted to look like my dad. Anubis is considered to be the father of humanity and is a god who sacrificed himself to help humanity ascend. I think if I saw him with the dog head I would have freaked out, so am grateful he at least appeared as someone familiar.
My first OBE experience w angels:
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