#aster and the accidental magic
pikablob · 4 months
Have you ever considered doing a crossover with Hilda and Aster?
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(My little sib is no longer writing it but I hope to eventually - art by @blagzdeath) :))
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bookswithbets · 8 months
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✨ October Wrap-Up ✨
It was a month that flew by too quickly. But I packed a lot in. I'm making a point to tackle two series that have many books (Veronica Speedwell & Mistborn) just so I can say I've completed something 😅
Still can't seem to read a single book I own. It's become a real problem. And it haunts me every day.
16 Books
Halo: The Fall of Reach (Halo~1) by Eric Nylund - 🎧
Unbirthday (A Twisted Tale ~10) by Liz Braswell - 📙
The Hero of Ages (Mistborn ~3) by Brandon Sanderson - 🎧
A Perilous Undertaking (Veronica Speedwell~2) by Deanna Raybourn - 🎧
Hide by Kiersten White - 🎧
The Archives of Icíng-Régn, Book 1: The Heirs of Menonias (~1) by Garrett K. Jones - 📱
A Treacherous Curse (Veronica Speedwell ~3) by Deanna Raybourn - 🎧
A Dangerous Collaboration (Veronica Speedwell ~4) by Deanna Raybourn - 🎧
Secret History (Mistborn ~3.5) by Brandon Sanderson - 📱
Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon - 🎧
The Alloy of Law (Mistborn ~4) by Brandon Sanderson - 🎧
Sisters of the Vast Black (Our Lady of Endless Worlds~1) by Lina Rather - 🎧
Sisters of the Forsaken Stars (Our Lady of Endless Worlds ~2) by Lina Rather - 🎧
Final Girls by Riley Sager - 📱
Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass ~3) by SJM - 📱
Shadows of Self (Mistborn ~5) by Brandon Sanderson - 🎧
5 Graphic Novels
The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo (~1) by Drew Weing - 📙
The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo: The Monster Mall (~2) by Drew Weing - 📙
Aster and the Accidental Magic (Aubépine ~1) by Thom Pico - 📙
Aster and the Mixed-Up Magic (Aubépine ~2) by Thom Pico - 📙
Gnome and Rat (~1) by Lauren Stohler - 📙
📙 - Physical Copy
🎧 - Audiobook
📱 - eBook
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omaticwriting · 1 year
Art dumps from Twitter 5/6 - all things GA
Hey everyone! this is my second to the last art I've posted on Twitter, all of these have some theme of the stories I've written.
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this was the last drawing I've made and also the final post on it, this was made with the posts of my Halloween stories, it was a drawing of the main quartet in a Halloween party, dressed as inspirations to their character. (from each kid from left to right: TMA, Hilda, Wolf Walkers, Aster graphic novel series)
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A character for the Derailed series, Roue (the same way you say Roe) is a kid with a lot of problems, mainly his total lack of function from the left side of his body.
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This was once a request to make one of @disastrousfeline's characters, along with the fact I asked if they played a role in GA, as Daniel and Eric's biological parent, it felt natural. A little not-so-fun fact, this was the first and only photo of the family together, with Eric keeping it away from Daniel, thinking to prevent him from being a grieving mess as much as he was.
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this is just a drawing of the entire family (by book's end), I had a lot of fun with this and made me excited to get these stories done from start to finish
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These were the initial designs for the main protagonists of Derailed, Justin and Jenny, friends of Daniel prior to moving, the three would be simply called the creative trio (Daniel draws, Justin plays guitar and Jenny writes poetry). A bit of a fun fact, The three were actually made during a time I was bored and playing with a Story writing AI, I liked how much they derailed the story and brought some interesting things to the table so I added them in and put my own spin on their lore along with making the title of derailed.
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The first image was the initial design for Milia and Eric, though kept some things on it, while the other was a general drawing of Eric looking over the world beyond the city-state walls on a peaceful night.
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A little funny thing on this, this is what All mother terra looks like, granted this wasn't of her own volition. Due to the fusing of the two worlds, Her reincarnation got a little jostled and forced her to reincarnate to the age of a toddler, safe to say she isn't happy. A little fun fact. This was a cropped image, there was another character, that being @far-from-official's OC from their original comic series. if you want me to show the full image, do let me know.
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These were more simple general drawings, the latter especially just being a drawing of Nic, though the colored one Involved Edwin's suspicions of Nic having some sort of secret.
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The last one was just a drawing of Grey, though it isn't much, but, having the ability to travel to between the realms of reality, can do that to people.
That's all for now, do expect the last one soon, seya!
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actualaster · 5 months
Concept that would be funny if I could draw:
Creating in-universe memes for one of my original settings then drawing my blorbos referencing or reenacting said memes
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 1 year
the iceblade sorcerer who will rule the world has an admittedly high ass quotient on the weird ass shit meter but they also made the mc the least horny teenage boy in the world so instead of feeling like fanservice it just feels like one of those jokes about being a normal person stuck in a harem anime. like there was a bit in last weeks episode where a girl drags him along while she goes shopping & accidentally runs out from the dressing room in her underwear bc she saw a spider & his only reaction is “omg are you ok i know you werent planning to flash me, doing something like that on accident must have felt very embarrassing” LIKE WHY DID YOU WRITE IT INTO THE STORY THEN
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halfetirosie · 4 months
Character Ask meme- Edmond
@xenole I hope you know that you opened the floodgates, and this was going to be even longer but I forced myself to stop before I went fully off-the-rails...
First impression
Believe it or not, my first impression of Edmond actually wasn’t good! I was like, “Damn, he’s pretty, but he’s such an asshole!” He seemed stuck-up at best and unnecessarily mean to Eiden at worst. I felt a wee bit better about him when he told Yakumo that the knights that bothered his village were being punished, but I still didn’t like him very much.
Impression now
*Deep inhale*
Yo. The GAP MOE. He acts all cold and professional at work, but then we find out that he’s sensitive??? And addicted to sugar??? (Literally a sweetheart!) And he’s basically an otaku that reads erotic book series in his spare time??? (SO DAMN RELATABLE????)
And it is so easy to misunderstand him if you’re only looking at the surface level. Like, yes, his general speech patterns are very rough and blunt, but that’s only because of his upbringing in nobility. He holds himself to a higher standard, but is incredibly humble.
No, really; let’s take a moment to really look at that noble upbringing of his. Aster makes it very clear that many (if not most) of the nobles of Klein are stupid, greedy, and/or corrupt in some capacity—they don’t really care about the common people. Edmond grew up surrounded by that, along with their insane amount of ettiquette, customs, and roundabout ways of speaking. It would’ve been TOO EASY for him to turn out to be a self-absorbed snob, too.
But he isn’t!!! Against all odds, Edmond grew up to be an upright man with a strong sense of justice and concern for civilians. He takes noblesse oblige seriously. He works hard everyday in everything he does; and he does A LOT. Like, A LOT a lot. His full-time job as Vice Captain, plus Clan duties, plus household duties (so that his mother doesn’t have to do any of it, even though she says she can). 
It’s no wonder, then, that he’s so goddamn repressed!!!
Sure, he’s a tsundere. But that’s only out of habit (and shyness), rather an actual reflection of his desires. He’s used to stifling that part of himself. He’s used to treating lust as shameful, because he’s afraid of lacking discipline; he doesn’t want to be like all the other trashy nobles in high society.
But through all of his intimacy rooms, Edmond is accepting himself more and more—his sexuality, his essence/magic, and his feelings. While he’s still the strict and hardworking Vice Captain, he’s finding more balance in his life.
Favorite moment
So hard to pic only one!!!
During the White Dat event, Edmond makes his awful dad-joke and looks so proud of himself, it makes me feel so endeared I can barely handle it!!!
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The Tranquil Cloud intimacy rooms also hold a special place in my heart. In them, there’s a moment where Edmond deliberately slows his steps so Eiden can walk next to him. Later on in the day, Eiden accidentally finds out that Edmond was following a very specific tip from a certain book:
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CUTEEEEEEE!!!! It reminds me of when you're a young kid looking up online "how to know if my crush likes me" or "how to get your crush to like you back" XD!!!
Of course, when Edmond sees Eiden reading that page (which he’d bookmarked and even underlined), he gets very embarrassed. But Eiden is very impressed, moved, and (as per usual) turned on. XD
Idea for a story
It won’t be coming out anytime soon, because there are different stories I have to work on first, but I have started on an Edmond fic! In it, while Edmond is off investigating a drug ring, he ends up raiding a greenhouse filled with plants and animals that were used to make the drugs. After the animals are inspected, those without abnormalities are released back into the wild; however, one of them returns and keeps following Edmond around! Thus, Edmond gets reverse-adopted and gains his own animal friend!
Unpopular opinion
Idk if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I NEED more of the Edmond intimacy rooms to lean in to BDSM territory!!!
Don’t get me wrong; I absolutely ADORE the romance-heavy rooms. And there have been some rooms that feature light over-stimulation, but other than that? That one fingering scene that had Lord/Knight role-play and then (blessedly) the Elite Instructor Edmond R2 with light bondage and spanking.
But it’s not enough!!!
Come on, devs! You can’t just have Eiden point out that Ed “likes a little pain” in the first sex scene they have, and then do barely ANYTHING with it! I want to see Edmond completely lose his head! I want him to completely let go! I want him to forget his own name, dammit!!!
Favorite relationship
I love it when Yakumo is inflicted with Edmond!!! XD Edmond ruining everything he touches by drowning it in sugar, while Yakumo desperately attempts to stay calm…>:)
More seriously, Edmond’s relationship with Eiden is TOP TIER. With every event he’s featured in, all of the intimacy rooms show him falling deeper and deeper in love. It's the sweetest thing ever!!!!
Favorite headcanon
Mama’s Boy Edmond! I like to imagine that Ed’s mom (who, from what we’ve seen, is super cool) will give him completely unsolicited relationship advice, in typical mom-fashion! Like, the two of them will be causally eating lunch, and out of nowhere she’ll say something like “You know, Edmond dear, the more often someone sees you, the more fond they'll be of you. If the Grand Sorcerer sees your face every day, it’ll be easier to seduce him!” And Ed would practically shriek “Mother! How could you say something so scandalous?!?!” But then later that same day he’ll be sure to swing by Aster's mansion, an be sure to walk by Eiden's room…
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weird-obsessed-girl · 10 months
Harry Potter fic rec Time travel/dimension travel
Organised by word count. This rec list involved time travel and dimension travel, not really alt dimension/au. This will include multiple ships like Drarry, Tomarry, Jegulus and Wolfstar.
Ouch you landed on my hand and somehow we are in the past - Gravepizza
Scorpius/Albus, wolfstar, Jily meeting the family | G | 1k
Fucking with the future - plecotusauritus
Wolfstar time turner used for inappropriate things, smut, Remus certified DILF | E | 1.6k
Changelings - TreacleTeacups
Tomarry time travel, kid fic, humour, established relationship, mamma bear harry | T | 1.7k
He Who Knows Too Much (and I, Who Knows Nothing) - coribbit
Tomarry time travel, fix-it, seer harry, obsessive tom | T | 1.9k
Everything and Nothing - XxTheDarkLordxX
Drarry post-hogwarts, time travel, hurt/comfort, angst | T | 4k
A Perfect Night for Trick or Treaters - PhantomGrimalkin
Wolfstar time-loop, first war, 1981, angst | T | 4k
Draco at Nineteen - birdsofshore
Drarry Time Travel, Age Difference, Hogwarts 8th Year, First Time | E | 5k
Our Little Life - tackytiger
Drarry post-hogwarts, time travel, dream sex, falling in love, past lives, idiots in love | M | 7k
The Soldier - woobyo
Wolfstar sirius fix-it, bamf sirius, harry is not a horcrux | M | 9k
Quick as a Flash of Lightning, Unhurried as Eternity - babooshk_art, onbeinganangel
Drarry Post-War, Time Travel, Auror Harry, Domestic Fluff | E | 10k
Fifteen - mysid
Wolfstar time travel fix-it, alternate realities, veil of death/opportunities | T | 11k
Brevem Conspectum - Lauren3210
Drarry Kid fic, Domestic, Fluff and Smut, Short Time Travel | E | 12k
Eudaimonia - duplicity
Tomarry time travel, child abuse, angst, age difference, happy ending, harry kinda helps raise tom | E | 15k
tempor · al | ary - asterismal (asterisms)
Tomarry time travel, established relationship, voldy wins, threesome | E | 16k
Yuletide Discussions - J_L_Hynde
Tomarry time travel, discussion of wizard politics, tom lusting harry, alt reality, auror harry | M | 18k
Relativity. - Ideasofmarch
Tomarry time travel, fix-it, BAMF harry, morally grey harry, slytherin harry | M | 18k
Draco Malfoy and the Mirror of Ecidyrue 
Drarry PTSD, Time Travel, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Character Study | M | 20k
Enoument - Accipitae
Tomarry master of death harry, harry grows up with tom in orphanage, time travel, homophobia, angst | M | 22k
We Shall Not Cease from Exploration - krabapple
Jily, Wolfstar golden trio time travel, Lily working for the order | T | 23k
The Devil’s White Knight - orphan_account
Drarry Time Travel, Alternate Timeline, Everybody Lives, No Voldermort | E | 24k
Just a Matter of Time - gracerene
Drarry Post-War, Time Travel, Unspeakable Draco, Age Difference, First Time | E | 24k
Draco Malfoy and the Letter from the Future - DracoWillHearAboutThis
Drarry time travel, POV draco, harry potter series retold, draco and harry friendship, draco questioning parents beliefs | G | 33k
More Than You Know - moonscone
Wolfstar friends to lovers, oblivious sirius | G | 47k
If we could turn back time - MBlack93
Tomarry master of death harry, magically powerful, time travel, fix-it, sane tom, slytherin harry, bamf harry, knights of walpurgis | E | 54k
Time is of the Essence - Leaslemoon
Jegulus time travel, fix-it, angst with happy ending, slow burn, friends to lovers, sibling bonding, OOC snape, canon divergence | M | 58k
The Guest - BummedOutWriter
Drarry kid fic, time travel, get together, mrpeg, truth serum, 6th year, seer draco | M | 60k
Heir Apparent - MonsieurClavier
Tomarry time travel, sane voldy, voldy adopts harry, pseudo-incest, powerful harry, possessive behaviour, enemies to friends to lovers, humour | E | 61k
The Devil's White Knight - orphan_account
Drarry dimension travel, no voldy, time travel??, enemies to lovers, post-war trauma, everyone is gay | E | 65k
The Lesson of You - thecouchsofa
Drarry accidental chil acquisition, getting together, family feels, kid fic, fluff, time travel, smut | E | 65k
Everything Black - General_Jellyfish
Drarry Time Travel, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, BAMF Harry Potter | T | 66k
Game On, Your Move - Ailora
Tomarry time travel, crack treated seriously, obsessive tom, sassy harry, time loop, eventual happy ending, enemies to lovers | T | 75k
Tip of Your Tongue - Spork_in_the_Road
Tomarry time travel, fix-it, morally grey harry, dumbledore critical, slow burn, mystery | M | 78k
The White Pawn - Soupy_George
Drarry time travel, romance, adventure, disenchanted draco, relive sixth year | T | 81k
At the end of every road - sassysquatch
Tomarry time travel, obsessive harry and tom, mutual manipulation, enemies to lovers, fake relationship, class issues, politically motivated marriage | M | 84k WIP 1 last chapter
Into the Dark - PhantomGrimalkin
Wolfstar also drarry, time travel, established relationships, first war, slow burn drarry, suicidal thoughts, manipulative dumbledore, canon divergence | T | 89k
Into the Dark - PhantomGrimalkin
Drarry time travel, first war, slow burn, suicidal thoughts, hocrux hunting, established wolfstar | T | 89k
where are you (my lion)? - harrysblueshirt1
Drarry time travel, canon divergence, jily sent to future, fix-it, emotional hurt/comfort, good draco, professor harry | 99k
That'll Be The Day - Waterloo
Drarry time travel, friendship, hogwarts redo, slow burn, enemies to friends to lovers, pov alternating, wolfstar raise harry | M | 112k WIP
Far From The Tree - aideomai
Drarrys kids time travel to hogwarts, pre-relationship, down and out draco, dom draco | E | 112k
you belong to me (i belong to you) - Child_OTKW
Tomarry time travel, slytherin politics, mind games, auror harry, slytherin harry, master of death harry, PLS READ ALL TAGS | 112k
Turning Leaves - Kbrick
Drarry time travel, pining draco, slytherin harry, angst with happy ending, harry is bad at feelings, drunk sex, auror harry | E | 113k
good night, darling - purplemineralwater
Tomarry time travel, fix-it, master of death harry, slytherin harry, knights of walpurgis, possessive tom, sane tom, hurt/comfort, slow burn | E | 138k
Bewildered - SparrowGrim
Drarry dimension travel, canon divergence, a/b/o, magically powerful harry, top draco, happy ending | E | 148k
When you are ready to go on... but you go back - Sakura521
Drarry time travel, fix-it, harry heir of house black, slow burn, good malfoy family | M | 166k WIP, 1 more chapter
Always Already - aibidil
Drarry time travel, post-hogwarts, department of mysteries, drarry go back to marauders era | E | 171k
Praeclarus Anguis - KaedeRavensdale
Tomarry time travel, slytherin harry, possessive behaviour, tom has met his match | M | 172k
Diablerie - Oceanbreeze7
Tomarry bamf tom, sane tom, time travel, ptsd, book 5, mental health issues, canon divergence | T | 176k
47 Days to Change (a translation) - snow_owl01
Tomarry time travel, slow burn, dubious consent, alt universe | E | 200k
What He Grows To Be - Severus_divides_into_H
Tomarry unhealthy relationships, obsessive and possessive tom, master of death harry, time travel, tom raised by harry, self-harm, psychological torture | M | 266k
What Souls Are Made Of - Emeralds_and_Lilies
Tomarry golden trio accidently time travel, angst, mind games, unhealthy relationships, slow burn | E | 278k
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Have you posted a picture of your Hilda corner or is it strictly your eyes only?
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Behold the Hilda corner! The small bookshelf with all the plushies on it (and the Hilda figurine, although it’s hard to see her behind the plushies she is up there) is specifically for books the Hilda vibe (stuff like Aster & the Accidental Magic) while the larger one has about half my library of children’s books but also holds my signed copies of The Trolberg and Wilderness Stories - the extra stand on the end is currently a bit cramped but has an original-binding Hildafolk comic, the 2nd World Book Day comic, and sealed copies of Hilda’s World and Beasts and Spirits which came with special postcards.
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py-dreamer · 5 months
MY Wish rewrite pt2:
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Hai there! back again! Ok so. Without further ado, let's carry on with the show shall we?
I just want to clarify, Asha gets big sister vibes. Like Cinderella or Tiana or Mirabel, she's very supportive and emotionally available
Ok so y'know "At All Costs"? Upon first view, I interpreted it as a song between a parent and child since I refuse to see the alternative between king and 17 year old. SO we take that and I want to make something like a...leitmotif I think it's called?
At the beginning I want Magnifico and Amaya to sing a lullaby to lil Asha looking over their new kingdom. I want it to have like a leitmotif (similar melody) to at all costs. Obviously change the lyrics to something appropriate but keep the theme of 'promising to ALWAYS love someone' and the theme of 'at all costs' as well as 'protection' and have softer instrumentals
We could have something akin to "You'll be in my heart" from Tarzan or "Remember me" from Coco
Have Asha one day find out of the outside world through an old book and confront her parents who don't see the issue and shut her down
she hears them discussing that when they take her wish on her birthday, she'll be more docile and easier to bend to their will and be their perfect obedient daughter
Learning she's basically about to be stripped of free will runs into the woods and sings her song and wishes on a small star
(And of the love of cheese, give the songwriter more than 3 weeks! let them be able to adapt to the rest of the movie)
I saw this concept of when Aster descends they're in their plushie form then Asha accidentally plants a kiss on their cheek and BAM they suddenly turn into their mischevious shiny self I wanna keep that
I want a scene where Asha early on tries out pixie dust. She's wobbly, unconfident and flying everywhere like the start of her character arc.
this would mainly be based off that flying/dancing in space scene in Wall-E...only much more chaos and Asha is doesn't really trust Aster to this extent atm
Have Aster be able to rally a crowd in a heartbeat. He's so charismatic and enchanting he draws everyone's attention around him; they are virtually never quiet
He acts very confident and gets easily distracted, trying to turn everything into a game and kinda looks down on humans at first being easy to entertain and understand. After all he's watched them from afar for Centuries! this should be a piece of cake!
and at first it is but then Aster and Asha end up finding one of the friends/dwarves somehow. Doesn't have to be all of them, just 1 or 2 (hell it could even be Asha's 'grandpa' Sabino they're not related here though)
Asha gets the idea to help someone get their wish by themselves without Magnifico's help, it can be very simple like perhaps winning a small competition,
Eventually the person starts to doubt themselves and remembers something sad and Aster's magic starts to fade, he panics and tries to cheer the person up by telling to forget about these sad feelings, using jokes to make them laugh ect like Joy from Inside out but it doesn't work
Aster keeps panicking, the person's still sad and he starts to fade, Asha notices this and tries to comfort the person but not by ignoring their sadness but embracing it. Aster at first is annoyed but notices that when they talk their feelings out, the person does feel better and feels confused
Asha reminds the person of something, telling them to keep their chin up or something just being very patient and supportive and Aster marvels at this
for the first time in his appearance he's quiet at this. They thought that humans were simple creatures with greedy simple wishes without much complexity but witnessing this small connection has them reflect a little.
(we see our class clown start to fall for our sunshine girl)
The person regains hope and tries again, just when everyone including Aster thinks the person is going to lose, (except Asha, she believes) the person against all odds succeeds and our protagonists marvel at the posibillities of people achieving wishes without magical intervention but with just a little support
through Aster's magical shenanigans and a bit of carelessness, a barn in the forest is set on fire
this catches the attention of the royal couple since there hasn't been a dangerous incident like this in Rosas since its creation
the two witness this and Magnifico in particular is shaken
we witness flashbacks of how horrible the burning of his home lands were, we see the trauma and for the first time in decades, the king feels weak.
through Amaya's levelheadedness she puts out the fire, settles everyone down, tells everyone not to worry for there is nothing she and her king can't handle then pulls her husband aside to comfort him in private
we see her support him when he snaps and tells her they had to go back to the castle
they had been aware of the landing of the star but in their hubris, they tell themselves they'll worry about it later
at the castle the two fret over the safety of their kingdom and Magnifico admits he felt weak before his wife tells him then they needed to do something about that.
using their magic they create magic guards to scourge the kingdom and find these perpetrators and make the guards menacing and scary
something akin to the shadows of Dr Facilier or the evil spirits of Rasputin (from Anastacia not Ra-Ra-Rasputin), have some fun with the imagery
back with our protagonists, they camp in hiding, the person they helped included since they were spotted with them, its night and Asha is very worried
she knows how powerful her parents are and fears what will happen to them, especially Aster. So she stands guard for the night, telling everyone not to worry and rest while she stays on guard
it gets late and Aster still finds Asha awake, they worry about her and tell her to sleep that they will be safe
to help her rest, Aster and Asha share the names of the stars and constellations to each other, their human given names, their stories ect and Aster tells Asha of his parents, the two stars to the right, Raymond and Evangaline (I love this idea) Asha slowly falls asleep on his shoulder. She is lulled to sleep to the tune of a twinkling lullaby
then in the dream world, she finds...Aster? And they can talk?!
its like a more ethereal version of Rosas, where Asha's heart lies but more magical like the concept of fairy land or the fae
You see, in the mortal world, humans can't understand the tinkling language of Stars but in the world of dreams is where the humans and wishes are connected because: "A dream is a wish your heart makes" (it makes me squeal and cringe to make that reference)
Asha asks Aster about when he was all quiet and he mentions, he didn't really believe in humans at first and asks the princess what she sees in them, like she said they are all reliant, ignorant sheep who rely on her parents and seem happy so why go through all this trouble
she answers how everyone has potential and deserves a choice and humans are much more complex than he thinks, we see that fondness in her eyes and a twinkle of a fondness for her in his
then Aster asks Asha had she ever thought of what she wanted outside of the people of Rosas. Cause the wishes he's seen are mostly selfish or for one person's benefit and she confesses how sometimes she's so worked up about everyone's wants she feels selfish about desiring support and attention herself and Aster affirms to her that she is one of the most selfless, interesting humans he's ever seen and if anything she deserves all the love her parents get due to her willingness to comfort everyone, then we have a peaceful quiet moment (Aster most definetely blushes and looks away)
good feelings all around
Then everyone's favourite...AT ALL COSTS BABY WOOOOOOO!!!!!!
NOW we have the cinderella, whole new world, howl's moving castle floating dancy scene we've all been waiting for
I want these two to dance in the air using pixie dust, it should appear light and airy as all hell and they should be having fun more than anything.
Have their clothes bounce a bit to show that floatiness
taking a pause cause Tumblr told me so
regardless of the design, she should have a show stopping dress, something memorable at least, change up her hair a little
and to show her gaining confidence, give her a crown she'd been denied all her life
I want her to give the vibes and shock us like when we saw the live action 2015 cinderella dress. It doesn't have to be big and poofy but it has to be memorable and evoke that same magic
Aster gets down on one knee and swears to help Asha achieve her goals and protect her and Asha swears the same
Anyways after that whole dance sequence, Aster wakes up first, they smile at Asha still asleep and want to find a flower for her
they leave and go to find a perfect flower for their princess but out of no where get captured by the magic guards sent by magnifico
Asha and the friend hears the distressed jingles of Aster and go to help, the guards are scary as all hell and they have to hide
Show off Asha's wits, magical capabilities and bravery by having her come up with a plan, jump into action and use the magic she's never actually practiced and have Aster be amazed at how such a shy girl would jump into the line of fire to protect those she loves
the guards are forced to leave, our main duo make their escape and decide if they want to stand up to the tyranical rule, it was now or never since they've been spotted
the guard return to the palace with nothing in hand, the two are starting to lose their grip on sanity, their trauma and anxiety of this unforseen force could be their downfall and now there was a rogue magician helping the star?
NOW we have the villain song (and for god sakes disney use a MUSICAL songwriter not a pop songwriter for your MUSICAL ANIMATED MOVIE)
instead of a dumb solo by Magnifico about how he lets his citizens live for free and stuff, we get a moral conflict duet about the issue at hand
have the book call out to them, tempting them, and the other trying to snap them out of it but it fails
we could have something honoring Hellfire with that intense choir and the two convinced they're in the right, descending into madness
have intense colors, play with shadows and that temptation where they have to weigh the risk of this evil magic or sucumb to this new magic, keep the theme of protection
have them repeat to themselves, this is for the sake of the people, if they relinquish control, the kingdom will fall into chaos, the people NEED them ASHA needs them
have them bring up news of some magic shenaniganary, their people are questioning them and they say how their 'children' are misguided and their fragile minds need to be protected
use the leitmotif of At All Costs at one point maybe to highlight this deep devotion and love twisted into something dark and obsessive to commit to their duties by whatever means
Meanwhile Asha and Aster rally up the townsfolk, Asha takes the lead this time and use the friend as living proof they don't need someone else to dictate their desires, that there is more to life and it's so much more rewarding when you work hard for your achievements
we have a war song like in the movie, the people vs the royals, Aster gifts Asha a magic wand, so she can practice her magic
then we have an epic battle all of Rosas banning together in unique ways to get their wishes back but the villains this time have the upper hand
they discover Asha is working on their side and are shocked and betrayed, rage boils and bubbles in them at the traitor who've they've sheltered and raised for years
they tell her one more time to put an end to this nonsense, give them the magic impostor and they can all return to normal
Asha tells her parents no for the first time but then they use their magic to threaten the people of Rosas
Seeing Asha so distressed, Aster summons magic for a very powerful attack, Magnifico and Amaya do the same when Asha really notices everyone at a real risk of dying and even if one party wins, there will be many casualties
she tells them to stop and asks her parents, if she gives up this rebellion, if she gives her magic up altogether, will they leave the people and Aster alone? She offers up her wish for her people to be happy and safe
they agree, Aster is disapointed, tells her not to give in, think about the freedom she wants but Asha sees no other choice
Magifico says he'll leave Aster alone but just as Aster turns his back, he sends out one lethal shot which Asha sees and blocks with her own body
her parents are horrified, after all they did, after all they sacrificed to protect their little girl, eventually she was turned to stone by their own hands
Aster is distraught, he is in tears as he watches his princess slowly freeze into stone as she smiles and whispers to him
"I will protect you at all costs..."
In anguish, Magnifico sends out one more spell which Aster uses Asha's wand to deflect back to husband and wife
Idk how they die, maybe in a burst of sparkles, maybe turned into stone as well and pushed off the edge but personally my favorite disney villain deaths are the ones caused by the villain's own actions (think Clayton hanging himself in Tarzan), yea I want something like that
then the people all congregate and all wish for their princess who sacrificed everything for them to come back and through Aster's magic, she does!!
wooo yay!!
anywho, the day is saved and Asha fufills her wish to help others by becoming the fairy godmother because sometimes some wishes require a little push
but Aster must return to the sky and we get a bittersweet ending between our lovebirds
Aster wishing to inspire people and light their way, becomes the morningstar who rises before the sun
The kingdom of Rosas will always have a special place in Asha's heart but now she lets the people explore the world to learn for themselves what they want, let them work hard and stays to lead the remaining Rosas citizens to teach them of the outside world
she uses her parent's old office to practice magic and in the credits we see a sequence of the people she helps
and finally when she goes to sleep and appears in the dream world, we hear a familiar voice behind her and she smiles (like when Gwen approaches Miles at the end of into the spiderverse)
Ok woo! what a mouthful
the goat?
ehh, we won't miss much. No talking goat, the animals can be sentient and help out but no butt jokes please.
Also Aster can talk to animals, cause magic
I understand the idea of making the movie look like a digital painting and a 2d look and it looks decent enough but for a disney movie? A 100 year aniversary no less? It looks cheap. They specifically didn't use motion blurr but then it just looked like a Tv show and cheap
For my hypothetical Wish, do something stylistic that looks purposeful like Puss in Boots TLW rather than it just looking unrendered or hell take a page out of Klaus' book use 3D models and make it look 2D
But anyways that's all from me, I don't look forward to Moana 2 but hope you enjoyed!
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butterscotch-goat · 6 months
Your oc lore, please give it to me, I arrived very late and am rather confused but also incredibly intrigued! (Also side not idk how to explain it but your art is very comforting! Says the man who has seen 2 drawings. But my point still stands lol)
This means so much to me 🥹🥹 Im glad ur interested!!! I'll give u some quick summaries (quick as I can be bc once I start talking about my silly little blorbos it's hard for me to stop-)
SO! First group of OCs is a project I'm currently calling "Escapism" which takes place in 1890s England. (Check the #buttersketch-escapism tag for content of em)
Okay so I started typing and realized I included WAYYY TOO MUCH info but I worked hard on it so I'll still include it, bUT
TLDR: Aster (tired, anxious, hopeful) is magic (plant magic) and is being used for experiments and tests by Charles(friendly guy, stubborn, cheery) and Beatrice(joyful, caring, passionate) until Beatrice herself becomes and experiment when Charles wants to find out what would happen if you attached wings to a human being. Also aster and Beatrice are girlfriends. Charles accidentally kidnaps Martha (extroverted, curious, peppy) because her magical(healing magic) girlfriend Grace died and Martha has info about her magic. Eventually Aster kills Charles and is haunted by her guilt, which is manifested in a character I call Ghost!Charles (self-explanatory)
Here's uhhh escapism for ya!! Sorry,, you don't have to read it there's a lot of text I know-
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Second story which I haven't posted about as much as one I'm calling "Dawn" which takes place in the modern day, and is about demons & angels, heaven & hell & earth type stuff. Simpler than escapism, thank God- (check the #buttersketch-dawn tag for some content of dawn!!!!!)
Here's the cast!! Refs are somewhat outdated but do the job. (Sorry for the last image I don't have a ref for him yet)
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I'll keep this short, for real this time!!
In 2019, Chigs accidentally falls off the edge of heaven and misses earth so they fall straight to hell. They didn't have any evil intent so are still an angel, but they need to find a way back to heaven. They stumble into Dawn's office and Dawn reluctantly agrees to help them. Frappe also barges into Dawn's office to hide, as she's on the run from the police. Gene comes around to check on Dawn and finds an outlaw and an angel. Dawn, Chigs, and Frappe run away to earth. Gene recruits Ronnette to help him track down the trio. The trio accidentally gets separated on their way to earth; Frappe and Chigs find each other but Dawn is left to navigate a modern day earth on her own. HIJINKS ENSUE!
time for some lore that's BARELY plot relevant!
Gene and Lucy used to be boyfriends but Gene broke up with Lucy in the 1920s because Lucy was so drowned in his work and wouldn't care about anything else. They get back together eventually tho :3 I make a lot of Lucy & Abigail content even tho he only shows up in like one flashback scene maybe??? Sorry about that.
Anyway THANK YOU FOR ASKING ABOUT MY GUYSSS I tried to keep it short, also bc it is getting late and I have school tomorrow OFBSHHDHFHDHSJ.
my inbox is ALWAYS open for questions of any kind so hmu if you ever have any!! Sorry again for all the info!!
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octahedral-chaos · 3 months
Okay so I know Styx is a hereditary wereraven, so she pretty much chill with it...
But Valor is a cursed werethylacine... who most likely got it when fighting a random magical being for getting too close to their homeland. And they are pretty much scared of accidentally hurting anyone so they try to hide during the full moon.
But! Therianthropes in Asterism Borealis are still themselves in their animal form, the only thing different is the fact that they're usually pretty large versions of their source animal, with being bipedal optional-
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pikablob · 4 months
Why don’t you like Aster’s mom? (Just curious)
Because she's consistently dismissive of her daughter; it's most prominent in the first story, where her and Aster's dad straight-up lie about the move (which is just an awful way of handling this) then dismiss Aster's very-real upset. Her dad ends up coming around and I really like him in the later stories, but the same doesn't really apply to her - there's the whole hiding adventures thing, and then she just... decides to uproot the entire family again and move halfway across the world right at the end.
She loves her kid, but she's ruining Aster's childhood by shuffling her around like this and refusing to accept it's a bad thing.
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general-gt · 10 months
My Writing Masterlist:
My Hero Academia:
Foresight is 20/20-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43853637 - Sir Nighteye accidentally mistakes Izuku for a doll and takes him home. 4 chapters, completed.
The Magnus Archives:
Are You Afraid of the Monster in the Woods?-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43938712 - Martin is sent to investigate the statement about a giant monster in the woods. Part 2 in the ‘G/tober 2022’ series. 2 chapters, finished.
Feasting on Silent Screams-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43915251 - Jonathan Sims can sense the fear of a borrower Sasha and proceeds to scare her. 2 chapters, finished.
Sanders Sides:
Anxiety and Rat Traps-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/45429106 - Logan accidentally trapping Virgil in a rat trap. One shot.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48630253 - Roman is a borrower trying to steal some Halloween candy, unaware he’s being watched. Part 3 in the ‘G/tober 2022’ series. One shot.
The Scientist and The Fairy-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48630730 - Logan finds fairy Virgil in a box in the woods. Part 1 of the ‘G/tober 2022’ series. 2 chapters, finished.
Tiny Screws And Their Significance-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43862274 - Logan has a prosthetic and he notices parts going missing courtesy of the 6 borrowers living in his walls. 1 chapter, unfinished.
Two Of A Kind-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50784142 - Logan didn’t know the borrower he’d befriended, Remus, had a twin. One shot.
1, 2, 3, Switch!-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54287878 - Megatron and Aster experience a size swap on an alien planet. Part of the ‘Stories Set in The YCRBYCH Universe’. One shot.
Accidentally Traumatising Someone is The First Step to Friendship-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49641892 - Wheeljack meeting a human after crash landing to Earth. One shot.
A Not So Fictional Tale-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52992415 - Orion gets a shipment of datapads and there’s something strange about them. One shot.
A Small Problem-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47080186 - Optimus Prime helping his human friend write g/t by helping act it out. One shot.
A Teaching Moment-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49577713 - Ultra Magnus giving a lecture on humans to Rodimus Prime and others with a live subject. One shot.
Don’t You Speak, Hide And Seek-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54383089 - Jazz encountering a human during a hunting trip. One shot.
Down To Earth-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48832984 - Megatron crashes into Earth and finds a human poking around his ship. One shot.
Failure and Flower Crowns-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49616911 - Optimus Prime guiding humans away from danger. Part of the ‘In Which Magic Barriers Do Nothing To Stop Human Curiosity’ series. One shot.
How To Handle Your Cybertronian-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50937124 - A blog post fic about dealing with being around Cybertronians. One shot.
I'd Run Away From You if my Feet Could Feel The Ground-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48906124 - Rodimus Prime and Megatron with a human who’s come to rescue their kidnapped friend. Set as an AU of @callsign-relic’s ‘Too Close For Comfort’ series. One shot.
If We Can’t Rewind, We’ll Restart Instead-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/53433847 - Aster, immediately after the war, is tasked with undertaking a mission with ex-Decepticon Megatron. One shot.
I’ll Be Back-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50808868 - Orion steals a shuttle to go investigate the supposed existence of an ancient relic on a far off planet called ‘Earth’. One shot.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48987337 - Tarn as both a tiny and giant bot feat. a brief Optimus cameo. Part of the ‘In Which Magic Barriers Do Nothing To Stop Human Curiosity’ series. 2 chapters, finished.
Is It Still A Mask If You Can’t Take It Off-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54839833 - Optimus is living as his holoform amongst humans and the borrower in his home knows. One shot.
Not My Commander-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47961757 - Ultra Magnus and a human crossing paths and the human is having precisely none of it. One shot.
Once Upon A Time-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50886154 - An insight into Elua, the woman who sealed Drift away, and her experience with other giants. Part of the ‘Undoing The Past’ series. One shot.
Optimus’ Travels-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47540602 - Optimus Prime is sent to Liliput in a Transformers/Gulliver’s Travels crossover. 4 chapters, finished.
Raindrops and Sparkbeats-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/46672807 - Soundwave and his cassettes during a storm on Earth. One shot.
Rumours Versus Reality-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49368388 - Drift is woken up after hundreds of years by a human. Part of the ‘Undoing The Past’ series. One shot.
The One Who Helped-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52582771 - Upon encountering Optimus, the protagonist begs to go with him. One shot.
The Sole Sentry-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54656287 - Prowl protecting a human from a bully after centuries of being the protector of their village. 2 chapters, finished.
The Tinyformer Distribution System-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48104755 - Blitzwing is a tinyformer found abandoned by a therapist. One shot.
This Is Totally Normal, Right?-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54615661 - No one aboard the Lost Light has any idea what humans eat, and it shows. Part of the ‘Stories Set in The YCRBYCH Universe’ series. One shot.
To The Other Side-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52326736 - A mirror connects Aster’s bedroom to the Lost Light. 2 chapters, unfinished.
You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49902286 - Hitching a ride on Rodimus, away from the aliens who kidnapped them, Aster hides on the Lost Light. Part of the ‘Stories Set in The YCRBYCH Universe’. 8 chapters, finished.
Monsterjäger und Beschützer-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51082228 - A set of pilots find out that their Jaeger is sentient. One shot.
The Prideful Borrower-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49767286 - A borrower gets too arrogant. A cautionary tale. Part 1 in the ‘A Giant Chronicle of Tiny Tales’ series. One shot.
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anddreadful · 3 months
aster is the bestworst historian ever, she’s (largely accidentally) uncovered massive revelations about ancient history and technology that would rock her entire academic industry but is like “I can’t tell anyone or they’ll make me stop using the ancient magical gun I found and put it in a museum :(“
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amethyst-of-shadows · 6 months
Hello! Call me Aster (or any pet names)!
This is just like where I post things that make me horny
switch leaning sub
Kink list to try out/what i’d want to try/what i’m into
Pet play
Free use
Praise kink (with hypno)
Inspection (still deciding if it's something I would want irl or if it's only a fantasy)
Tentacles/monster fucking
Soft knife play
soft degrading
musk maybe (still deciding and depends on the person)
soft hair pulling (someone did by accident when I was horny and it made it worse)
I’m really new to the wonderful world of kink so I’d be open to learning and trying new things!
For RP or anything else
Oh also I’m queer so even though I might reblog things about men I am not necessarily attracted to them except for rp which is strictly in character. (No offense yall are great)
not open to:
Scat (blood, pee, vomit, etc..)
patriarchy kinks
Hard incest scenes
actual non con
age gap involving family
Yeah!! Enjoy! Welcome to my show…
(this is a side blog of @amethyst-aster btw so be warned)
Oh also sometimes I accidentally rb stuff that I’m supposed to send to my main-my bad!!
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@amethyst-of-arcane is my alt
Cat person btw
Plz call me a good kitty
That might have some things on there, some names n stuff
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socialmediasocrates · 9 months
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Genres: fairy tale retelling, fantasy, adventure, romance, new adult
Status: plotting
Tropes: Knight in Sour Armor, Earn Your Happy Ending, The Power of Love, Don't You Dare Pity Me!, Boy Meets Girl, Girl in the Tower, Be Careful What You Wish For
In short: Two unremarkable side characters try to rescue their love interests from a demon who doesn't even know who they are...oh, yeah, and save the storyscape, that, too.
The starborn is among the last of its kind, doomed to a lonely eternity in the Graveyard of the Stars...or it was. Until a kitchen runner accidentally summoned it and botched the entire ritual. Now the starborn is Aster, a pathetic little man with an equally pathetic little crush. Grappling with suddenly having humanity thrust upon it was not in the Design. Being a nameless filler character in a story it doesn't even know was not in the Design. Inheriting an infatuation with Theobroma Cirolla, a pastry chef with the temperament of a wet cat on a good day, was not in the Design. But the starborn is making a valiant effort at doing all of the above, all the way until the day one of his own kin devours his story, steals Theo away, and casts him into the broader storyscape.
Forced to join forces with shepherdess-turned-witch Beata, Aster strikes out to save Theo, go back to his quiet, unbothered existence, and save the fabric of reality, in that order. None of this was in the Design, but the Design is unraveling. Along with his last goddamn nerve.
The food runner was squishy where he wasn't gangly and bony, unevenly freckled all over, the image of earnest mundanity. It takes the starborn a solid week to get used to using these clumsy, slow feet, and nearly a week longer to adapt to the surprising strength of the arms and upper back. It trips over Aster's uselessly long legs all too often, sending trays laden with foot and drink scattering, shattering, and splattering all over rugs that look expensive. Nobody even seems surprised by this. At least it's slotting itself neatly into Aster's life.
Aster had thought the pastry chef called "Theobroma Cirolla" or "Theo, unless you want a finger chopped off" was the most beautiful person he'd ever laid eyes on. This, unfortunately, colors the starborn's perception of her, too. She is small, even for a human. Soft, composed entirely of curved lines and circles. The hair that peaks out from beneath her scarves is densely curly and roughly the color of melted chocolate. Her eyes are big and brown and ringed with heavy, dark eyelashes, and her skin is always a little flushed from the ovens. She refuses to lift her chin to look him in the eye. She is always looking up at him through that screen of eyelashes, and she is always looking at him like he's a cockroach in her bread basket. And the entire time, it is endlessly, hopelessly charmed.
He thinks that you would end up with someone that looks like her if you took a cloud, dipped it in gold glitter, and sculpted a person out of it. The mystery woman has puffy wheat-blonde hair and deeply tanned skin and, most crucially, a shepherd's crook that bleeds magic. It is nearly blinding to look at. He has to blink four times for his sight to clear enough to make her out again; by then, he's more or less determined to avoid her at all costs. She is perched on a fence, waving to get his attention, a welcoming smile edged with venom on her face and a feral sort of panic in the tension of her shoulders. He wants nothing to do with her. Because life is never about what he wants, though, she is directly in his path.
Now, give a good think to what you would do in Faust's shoes. You made a deal with a demon because you wanted people to like you better. It blew up in your face. The demon is now threatening to unravel the fabric of reality and ascend to godhood, and you are being rescued at this exact moment. If you think that you'd be a little grateful, it's because you're not Faust. Faust grins one of those stupid grins. He holds up some twisted chunk of metal in his hand and opens his mouth to say something. He never gets to, though, because Beata throws her shoe at him.
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