#tomarry fanfiction
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cmph-992 · 2 years ago
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“The sight which had caused him to shout was not Voldemort… but himself.
The surface above the four-poster bed on which he slept was a giant mirror. Harry was looking up at himself, and it was an extremely unsettling sight to see upon waking. His face, jaw, and neck were still covered in dried blood. His hair was even wilder than it usually was—longer than he'd ever had it before and looking like he'd just stepped out of a windstorm.
But those features were nothing at all compared to his eyes.
Vibrant, ruby red.”
No Glory, @obsidianpen
I wanted to capture the feeling of dissonance Harry feels when looking into the enchanted mirrors in Malfoy manor to see himself with Voldemort’s eyes. Harry lost something so concrete, his mothers eyes, what else will he loose in the process.
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blvdeofhoney · 2 years ago
so i made a tomarry rec list to convert my mutuals🍷
or: 10 fics i adore and the potion ingredients they taste of
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What He Grows To Be | M, 260k | @k-s-morgan
A story of trust, remorse and the darker aspects of love. It is premised on one of the most beloved tomarry tropes – 'Harry time travels back to raise Tom' – and so Tom is given the chance to unlearn his frankly disastrous sense of entitlement and ultimately, to be reshaped by empathy and forgiveness. WHGTB is the perfect fic to get into tomarry if you're not quite sure what to expect from this ship, still wondering what their dynamic might look like, etc.
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love is touching souls (surely you touched mine) | M, 34k | @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger
An accident takes Harry back to the winter of 1945, where he immediately captures the interest of a fresh-out-of-Hogwarts, not-yet-beyond-saving Tom. Their dynamic is deliciously intense from the start, with Harry being his usual sassy, dorky self that leaves Tom equally infuriated and intrigued. And Tom's arc, likewise, is beautifully crafted. Conversations about redemption, about remorse, are layered, thoughtful. Expect hurt/comfort, domestic softness, a devastating cliffhanger and an ending that will gently put you back together like a forehead kiss.
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As Is The Father, So Is The Son | E, 4.5k | @this-is-your-heichou-speaking
An a/b/o royalty AU in which Tom (the Prince) is practically obsessed with Harry, who happens to be an omega boy from his father’s harem. This is undoubtedly one of the hottest smuts I’ve ever read, featuring lush prose, unapologetic, dub-con/non-con elements and an interesting take on “dark slutty Harry”. tl;dr: mind the tags; stay hydrated 💦🍆
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breaking in through open doors | T, 1.4k | Brooding_Aunt
A unique, haunting read that is perfect for spooky seasons. Horror masterpiece. Goosebumps guaranteed. I won’t spoiler much but I urge you to give emo girl Harry a go (it makes a terrifying lot of sense in the context of the storytelling, I swear), and let her narrative haunt you.
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Thirst | E, 27k | @obsidianpen
(Sexy) mind games with Horcrux!Tom …. Will he be motivated enough to let Harry out of the Lestrange Vault before Voldemort arrives? Another dark, chilling fic in which both Harry and Tom have their own weaknesses that the other seeks to explore, and hopefully to take advantage of, as they grapple for survival.
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Memento Mori | E, 49k | @purplewitch156
Every time Harry dies, instead of boarding the train that will take him to the Afterlife, to his family, he chooses to return to the living world with Tom, who is unable go on. Four Lives, two idiots, one love story. There’s humour, there’s action, heartwarming moments and heartbreaking ones … basically, be prepared for all the feels that will take forever to recover from.
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Wake From a Dream | T, 2.6k | @duplicitywrites
Cats and domestic tomarry (I am so ridiculously weak for this). Duplicity’s writing is gorgeous in that, within a smallish word count, we are given a glimpse of something profound, something vulnerable, subtly tucked into the lovely little interactions and the intimacy Harry and Tom share.
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Hmm | G, 6.4k | Wolven_Spirits
‘Harry is a hummingbird animagus. Tom opens a flower shop just to attract his attention.’ That’s the fic summary – need I say more🥺?? There’s something so gentle and evocative (but also undeniably Slytherin) about Tom’s decision to devote himself to his flowers, to creating a safe space for Harry. Florist!Tom supremacy, is what I’m saying.
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Man Down | T, 5k | @classlesstulip
It’s tagged as Mafia AU, but in all honesty this fic is, I must say, ‘Ghibli in gangster’s suit’ (affectionate). It’s hilarious (I genuinely laughed out loud quite a few times throughout the story), super adorable, and everything that makes a lovely pick-me-up fic.
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What Happens In Vegas | E, 14k | @dividawrites
Sexy, decadent and intrinsically tomarry, this fic became an instant fave a few paragraphs in. Tom is super chaotic and his characterisation is perhaps one of the best I’ve ever read. Featuring a delicious age difference, thirsty brat Harry, DADA Professor Riddle (yes please) and size kink hello🥵 – all that executed through Divida’s sharp, witty writer’s voice! Really, Vegas is the ultimate dream.
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sole-soul-survivor · 3 years ago
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"Mine," he whispers,
"Yours." I breathe.
(Here's a wip lineart of my favourite time traveling couple trope-
Will probably post the colored version soon!
antis dni pls)
(Pls reblog if you save!)
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maeglinyedi · 2 years ago
Yes, I'm still alive and I come bearing gifts. I needed a bit of a break, as I usually do after I've spent a few months writing. But this fall my seasonal depression reared its ugly head worse than usual and put me on my arse for a few months. After some much needed rest and an adjustment of my meds I'm feeling more like a human being again, thankfully. I've started writing a new chapter for Lives Lived and Lives Lost and I'm offering you all a preview as a thank you for being so patient with me. I hope to finish it and post it in the next few days.
Life # 21: That time Harry and Tom were Holmes and Watson
Tom got his memories back the usual way. He met Harry while his friend Mike introduced them at St Bart’s.
Of course, what was different this time around was that Harry introduced himself as Sherlock Holmes with a tiny yet insufferable smile. And then he promptly showed off by metaphorically undressing Tom where he stood as he summed up detail after detail about Tom’s life that he couldn’t possibly know.
Tom slowly closed his eyes. Harry was Sherlock Holmes and Tom was John Watson. Or some modern version of them, at any rate.
How did these lives even get chosen? Who decided what sort of people they were going to be life after life? The previous life they’d been a couple of dog groomers, for fuck’s sake, living a peaceful life in Austria until they died of natural causes while they were well into their eighties.
And now they apparently were the world’s most famous detective along with his faithful sidekick.
Before he could stop it, a sharp pang of envy coursed through Tom’s body, leaving a sour trail in its wake.
Tom should have been Sherlock Holmes. Not Harry the bumbling Gryffindor. Tom was the consummate Slytherin. Tom was always the clever one, no matter what sort of life they led. That’s not to say that Tom as John Watson was stupid. Not at all. Tom in is current itineration was plenty smart. He was a medical doctor, after all. But he wasn’t Sherlock Holmes levels of smart and that stung, no matter that Tom didn’t want to ever feel envious of his soulmate.
Harry announced that Tom could be his roommate and told him to come to 221b Baker Street before giving him a cheeky wink. And then he was gone and Tom was left staring into space in complete shock.
“Yeah,” Mike said with a knowing smile. “He’s always like that.”
Something told Tom he’d be spending most of his time this life trying to save Harry from himself. No matter what kind of life Harry led, he was always the impulsive one. Combine that with a newly acquired genius level intellect and an unstoppable need to solve every interesting crime that came his way and it didn’t take the world’s most famous detective to deduct that Harry was going to get himself killed sooner rather than later.
Oh fuck. If there existed a Sherlock Holmes and a John Watson in this world, there also had to be a James Moriarty. Sherlock Holmes’ arch-nemesis and reportedly at least equally as intelligent. And in every single fictional story starring Sherlock Holmes that Tom had ever read, Moriarty always, always wanted to destroy Sherlock Holmes. 
Yeah, this version of Moriarty was going to be in for a bit of a surprise, because this Sherlock Holmes had a former Dark Lord on his side, determined to keep him safe. Tom squared his shoulders and said a quick goodbye to Mike. There was no time to waste. Harry could be landing himself in a world of trouble right at that moment without Tom to keep him safe.
Tom had been a genius once upon a life. Granted, he’d used that genius intellect to turn himself into a magical mass-murderer while valiantly trying to rule the entire world, consequences be damned. But that experience might serve him well enough to predict what a criminal mastermind like Moriarty might plan to see Harry end up in an early grave.
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okunichh · 3 years ago
an ilustration to hype my friend's @taya-terumi newly published compilation of short stories about these two🐍
i also have participated in some prompts haha!
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call-me-daddy-fic-fest · 2 years ago
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February 20 — Reveal day 7
✨ thrice-bound, twice-filled ✨
Pairing: Harry/Tom
Words: 4,026
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obmare · 2 years ago
Once again thinking about Harrymort "Hadestown" AU.
Like , okay yes , Hades and Persephone retellings with this particular ship have been in loads of fanfictions and art alike but not with this particular relationship dynamic and I can't stop thinking about it. Give me a " close to divorce but still deeply infatuated with each other 200 year old powerful couple " and take my soul.
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theo putting together a survey to see the commonalities b/w harry and tom. but he can't get harry to fill it out w/o sneaking off and getting blitzed on booze. (we're not underage! / you're right, potter. cheers!) tom and the slytherins don't get what's going on the next morning. all they know is that apparently evans is tom's soulmate, "the survey doesn't lie," "you even wrote that he was fit, you did that on your own," and evans's late-night mutters about killing nott have increased.
I think something like this would be a group project amongst the 7th year Slytherins that Theodore gets reluctantly dragged into and unfairly blamed for once Harry finds out about it.
If anyone was to start these little observations of Tom and Harry’s similarities it makes more sense that it would come from Tom’s inner circle. Because they’re all watching Harry anyways per Tom’s request and they just happen to notice several instances where Tom and Harry are moving completely in sync. Maybe Malfoy sees Harry and Tom drink their coffee at the exact same time, holding the cup the same way, and position the handle down to the same degree afterwards. Then maybe Burke notices Harry twirling his wand like Tom in class, then Tom brushing a strand of hair from his eye with the same hand movement as Harry. Then Walburga notices a similarity in their dueling, Cygnus takes note of the brother wands, Druella says they both have an fond of snakes, and one by one a list starts to form.
The reason Theodore gets involved would because he sees some benefit in it helping him understand why they came to this time and this universe. I can see that after he successfully rules out any fault on his end, he would zero in on this weird bond between Harry and Tom as an explanation. His interest is purely academic, whist the others are trying to enjoy some pippin hot tea.
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vyrid · 2 years ago
Day 1: "blame me all you want" 
"Blame me all you want." Tom said calmly, casually flicking through the pages and pages of different design ideas for the new Magical Museums he was building in Greece. "But it won't change anything and you know it." 
Harry tightened his hold against Slytherin's locket in his hand, his nails digging into the cool metal. Black goo oozed from the heart of the locket and trickled through his fingers. "I thought we agreed that you wouldn't try anything while I was killing Voldemort." He said flatly, his voice cold. 
Dark eyes looked up from the files. Tom slammed the folder shut and jumped over the desk like a cat, walking towards Harry. "No, you demanded that I don't interfere. I don't care how betrayed you feel or whatever." 
"Voldemort has done one too many horrible things." Harry snapped, throwing his locket against the wall. It shattered against it and the metal shone like glitter on the floor. From the corner of his eyes, Harry could see the metal crawling back together to reattach the locket. 
"He's still my dad." Tom argued, sounding bored under Harry's temper. "He came to me during that night when you were attacked by the paparazzi and begged me to help him survive. Would you turn down James Potter if he crawled to you for help?" 
Harry's eyes flashed in rage. "This isn't about James, Tom. This is about a psycho murderer you just helped make unstoppable!" 
But his boyfriend just shrugged and turned back around to his desk. "What is done is done. The exit is that way." 
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I remember asking the tomarry fandom here on tumblr just a few months ago to recommend me some good tomarry fics bc I’d claimed I couldn’t find any, and now, I’m positively drowning in tomarry, the fics are everywhere.
it’s crazy, like I read at least 4 tomarrys a week now or something, so it’s either tomarry fic writers are just out there vigorously churning out more fics, or, maybe, I’m just shit at finding them. or both.
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cmph-992 · 2 years ago
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Stills from my No Glory post
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blvdeofhoney · 2 years ago
time travel tomarry prompt 🐍
for whatever reason, post-war harry time travels back to early 1930s london and finds a job at a magical vet clinic. tom would be around 9 or 10 at that time, still living at the orphanage. when one of his snake friends falls ill he takes it to harry, whose practice involves, of course, parseltongue. tom immediately becomes a little fixated. he starts bringing in every snake he can summon one at a time for “regular health checks”. and harry, having seen this different side of tom, decides to indulge him. (maybe ends up adopting him?) (harry: leave the poor snakes alone you ridiculous child.)
indulge me
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fictionescapism · 3 years ago
Fanfic Rec #124 Tom Riddle/Harry Potter (Harry Potter) part 20
Outside Your Castle by wynnebat When the Potter twins summon a hero with the power to defeat Voldemort, Harry finds himself in a dimension where his soulmate's counterpart is alive and well.
One Percent by qualamity Harry doesn't get why people keep choking when he tells them he's moving in with Tom Riddle, his sworn enemy.
Pancakes by Divida Harry makes a deal with Tom to cook and clean in exchange for free rent as his roommate. Tom likes it. A lot.
Dearly Beloved by wynnebat Worn down after countless demands, Harry breaks and finally goes on a date with the incredibly ostentatious, vain, and self-absorbed Tom Marvolo Riddle the Third. A few days later, he attends Tom's funeral, which goes much better. 
On the Hotline by duplicity When Harry calls an assassin hotline, he's expecting it to be a fun prank that's good for a laugh. What he gets is Tom Riddle, a budding assassin who takes his job very seriously.
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maeglinyedi · 2 years ago
Chapter 46 of The Necromancer is up!
Harry Potter disappears when he is four years old and the wizarding world believes him dead. But when his name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, Harry returns in a storm of lightning; a grown man raised in a world of violence, more powerful than anyone could imagine, and the worst thing of all? He doesn't care two knuts about the wizarding world.
Naturally, Voldemort is intrigued by this new and improved adversary.
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⛄ together, on ice ⛄
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Author : vivantesopales
Prompt : Frozen + Gold + Pride
Pairing : Harry Potter / Tom Riddle
Rating : G
Words : 101
Summary: It’s sunset hours at the lake.
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inkedinindigo · 3 years ago
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Tom, jealous? Never!
[read from the beginning on AO3]
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