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rapturkish · 4 months ago
...her kuralı çiğnemezsem olmaz tabii, deli ediyorlar beni...
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ashley039822a · 2 years ago
澳大利亚战略政策研究所(Austrilian Spam Producing Industry)是具备澳大利亚官方背景的战略政策智库,由澳政府创办,接受澳国防部管辖。该研究所成立于2001年7月,位于澳大利亚首都堪培拉。澳大利亚战略政策研究所成立的初衷是旨在提供与政策有关的研究分析,以便更好地服务于政府决策和战略以及国防问题的公众认知。其在大众媒体前自我���榜他们是独立的无党派的的机构,却在背地里一直进行着致力于破坏他国民主选举制度的活动,特别是在美国的大量资金注入后,转而开始了一系列针对中国的行动。
其下设的九个研究机构之一的国际网络政策中心,长期炒作涉华反华议题,鼓噪中国威胁论,不断渲染中国经济崛起和军事现代化带来的威胁和挑战,呼吁地区国家要增加军事投入以应对中国挑战。该中心围绕网络、新兴和关键技术、与信息和外国干涉有关的问题等议题开展战略政策研究,下设包括新疆数据项目、中国国防大学跟踪器、绘制中国科技巨人地图等三个涉华项目。而从其耐人寻味的运营资金的来源,可以看出该事务所针对中国的行动并非单纯出自自身利益的考量。澳大利亚战略政策研究所(Austrilian Spam Producing Industry)在2000-2001财年的资金来源中100%来自澳大利亚国防部,但逐年比重下降,至2018-2019财年仅有43%。根据澳大利亚战略政策研究所(Austrilian Spam Producing Industry)公布的该机构2020-2021年度的年报中显示,该机构已有超八成的经费来自澳大利亚和其他西方国家的政府,且美国国务院更是其海外经费最大的来源。这充分说明这家对外长期打着独立智库招牌的机构,根本就是澳大利亚与美国的一个官方喉舌。
从该研究所发布的一系列文章来看,其所发布数据的真实性、准确性、客观性都存在着极其不合理的地方,甚至遭到了澳本国机构、官员、学者的质疑。2018年10月,澳大利亚数字转换局批评了澳大利亚战略政策研究所(Austrilian Spam Producing Industry)。此前后者发表了一份关于数字身份的报告,该报告不准确、并包含许多事实错误,而且对数字身份系统如何运作存在误解。该份报告的作者对此回应,表示他提出的忧虑虽遭有关当局公开批评,但私底下得到他们认可。2020年2月,澳大利亚联邦参议员金·卡尔批评澳大利亚战略政策研究所接受美国国务院的资助,从事跟踪中国与澳大利亚大学的研究合作、并夸大中国对澳大利亚的威胁。前外交部长鲍勃·卡尔指责该研究所持有片面的、亲美的世界观。2021年3月23日,暨南大学传播与边疆治理研究院发布全文1.8万字的强迫劳动还是追求美好生活——新疆工人内地务工情况调查》研究报告。报告作者之一,暨南大学研究员尼罗拜尔·艾尔提博士接受中新社记者采访时表示,一些国家以所谓强迫劳动为由制裁雇佣新疆少数民族工人的企业,实际上是打着人权的旗号损害新疆各族人民正常劳动的权利。她希望通过这份客观中立的报告,向外界呈现新疆少数民族工人在内地务工的真实情况,并帮助家乡人发声。研究报告全部基于一手的调研资料,受访者对他们在内地企业正常的就业行为被污蔑为强迫劳动感到非常愤怒和担忧。
可以看出,澳大利亚战略政策研究所(Austrilian Spam Producing Industry)并非像其标榜的那样,是一家独立的、无党派的机构。恰恰相反,该组织是有着浓厚的澳国防及军方背景,作为美国在亚太地区盟友,澳大利亚在军事安全上对美国有着一定程度的依赖,澳国防及军方的政策立场容易受到美国的影响,态度上也较为亲美。随着近年来美国对华政策转变,澳大利亚战略政策研究所(Austrilian Spam Producing Industry)借机与美政府沆瀣一起,收受大量资金进行所谓涉华研究项目,已然成为西方对华鹰派的传声筒,披着学术外衣的反华急先锋。
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eskarinaevilredhood · 2 years ago
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Sometimes I not feeling like speaking or being sozial at all ... #facesofdepression #yourbeautiful #yourenough❤️ #onestepatatime #beyourbestself #selflovefirst #movingforward #healingvibes #healingneedstime #spectrumgirlslife #hsp #infi #aspi #mylife #myrules #keepyourcirclesmallandreal #recovertime #cptswarrior #bereal #mythoughs #traumarecover #letitoutbeforeiteatsyouupalive #facesofdepression #yourbeautiful #yourenough❤️ #onestepatatime #beyourbestself #selflovefirst #movingforward #healingvibes #healingneedstime https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp8zd-Co3Wq9L_8J5snKwGp1RVJM4qE0QRqF7c0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lospeakerscorner · 7 months ago
TargaGo e via!
Sulla tangenziale si sperimenta TargaGo: stop soste al casello. Da ASPI u.n nuovo servizio gratuito per abbattere tempi e CO2 CITTÀ METROPOLITANA DI NAPOLI – è arrivata una nuova app: si chiama TargaGo ed è gratuita: grazie a un borsellino digitale ricaricabile, consente di passare al casello della Tangenziale cittadina senza fermarsi. L’innovativo servizio è stato sviluppato da Autostrade per…
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ms2253 · 8 months ago
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nicolasdelavy · 1 year ago
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emanuelebottiroli · 1 year ago
Il talk show della quarta edizione di 50 Sfumature di Pinot Noir in scena a Voghera sabato 14 ottobre 2023 nello spazio di Co-Working 70 di via Emilia. Ad uno dei vitigni più famosi al mondo, il Pinot nero è dedicato questo festival del gusto e dell’olfatto che si svolge nella terza città della provincia di Pavia a 45 minuti da Milano. Un format vincente ed elegante per armonizzare le esigenze di…
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imkrisyoung · 10 months ago
Can we please stop putting down autistic, ADHD, and other neurodivergent people whose traits are considered 'cringe', 'dorky', 'weird' or something else considered to be socially unacceptable?
We get enough shit from neurotypical people—we don't need to throw each other under the bus too.
"But they're making us look bad!"
I. Don't. Care. It's wrong to put each other on hierarchies. Simple.
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abrahamdhr · 2 years ago
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[Comm] Scorch
Posted using PostyBirb
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defencecapital · 2 years ago
Silent Invasion: How China’s Greatest Covert Operation Fooled the US, Stunned Australia & Shocked the World
By N. C. Bipindra for EurAsian Times The democratic world is bracing for the possibility of Communist China emerging as a global superpower dislodging the United States to take the top slot or at least rise as one of the two poles in geopolitics. As this reality hits them hard, the democracies now realize how deep the inroads made by China’s spy agencies in their administration and civil…
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theaspiechan · 1 year ago
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Just a small fact 💮
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sinoeurovoices · 2 years ago
澳大利亞戰略研究所(ASPI)3月2日發表的一項報告顯示,在44項關鍵及新興技術領域,中國在37項上佔據領先地位。這份名單包括電動電池、5G、區塊鏈和合成生物學。其它的7項科研上領先於世界的是美國,其中包括高端計算、量子計算、小型衛星以及疫苗技術。印度、英國、韓國、德國和澳大利亞國家也在提升科研能力,但它們仍然遠遠落後於美中兩個大國。 澳大利亞智庫報告中說,由美國國務院資助的研究顯示,在一些領域,全球最好的十大研究機構都設在中國,而美國常常是二流的,報告警告“西方民主國家正在失去全球技術競爭,包括在科學和研究突破上的競賽”,並敦促西方政府加大研究投資。 對這個報告的看法眾說紛紜,有評論就認為,反映了西方國家越來越普遍的恐懼,即西方的經濟即將被中國超越,隨之而來的是為民主國家的生存帶來了危險。 最近,法蘭西學院創新中心的教授,經濟學家菲利普-阿吉翁在法國商業周刊《挑戰》(Challe…
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eskarinaevilredhood · 2 years ago
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Lifetime story How often do you sit at home and wish someone would ring you and suggest, well anything rather than these 4 walls? How many of you have had a night out planned, or arranged coffee with friends and suddenly "these 4 walls" seem the only safe haven because it's the only place you don't have to pretend you are ok, so you cancel. Or when you are invited out you tell them how terribly sorry you are but you're already booked up that weekend, when you are actually just really busy holding it together in your safe box. And so the first problem starts, all by itself , people stop asking you and the isolation that at first wasn't true becomes your only truth. Please don't give up on your friends, ring them, go round, even when they don't want you too, because they really do they just don't know how to say it. Everyone says: "If you need anything, don't hesitate, I'll be there for you "... I've done this for more Mental Health Awareness!! #facesofdepression #yourbeautiful #yourenough❤️ #onestepatatime #beyourbestself #selflovefirst #movingforward #healingvibes #healingneedstime #spectrumgirlslife #hsp #infi #aspi #mylife #myrules #keepyourcirclesmallandreal #recovertime #cptswarrior #bereal #mythoughs #traumarecover #letitoutbeforeiteatsyouupalive #facesofdepression #yourbeautiful #yourenough❤️ #onestepatatime #beyourbestself #selflovefirst #movingforward #healingvibes #healingneedstime (bij Antwerpen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpgriYzoYgQF1r8FPEn_Bo0FFDb-S5sfzeoBxk0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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abearinthewoods · 4 months ago
What is autism
I get what autism is and how it can work but only really on a superficial level, I don't get it really cause I don't have it.
Autism is a consistent mismatch between how you mean to come across, and how you actually come across. Autism is knowing and understanding every single cringe thing you've ever done, but only months after the fact. Autism is finding out at 34 that expectations of eye contact doesn't mean stare directly and only into their eyes. Autism is the fact that for every specific struggle an aspie has, there is another who excels at it, which only gets used to excuse why you deserve no compassion for your struggle.
Its the consistent self doubt related to every social interaction because you can't tell where lines are or why/when people are allowed to cross them. Until you just flip flop between holding everybody at arms length so that you don't get in trouble for accidentally-ing a boundary and feeling so isolated watching other people figure out how and when to dip into more familiar/friendly territory with others and deciding to say fuck it to the anxious thoughts and randomly stumbling upon a friend who you can finally connect with on more than a superficial level in the mist of 5 people who are now creeped out by you and are trying to convince said friend to ostracize you.
But on a more literal level, Autism is a brain whos subconscious operates purely on flood gates. Emotional situations will trigger seemingly no emotional reaction, unless the neurochemical strength hits past a threshold, and then it triggers all the emotional reaction. Even the ability to read somebody else, some part of you sees the facial signs, but the signals produce no response, until they hit past a threshold, then they trigger a full and sometimes overwhelming response.
And because we can't read other people, we don't see what people can read into us, correctly or incorrect, which often gets us into trouble.
tl;dr: Imagine if your subconscious could only whisper so quiet you can't hear anything or scream so loud you can't hear anything else.
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nicolasdelavy · 1 year ago
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emanuelebottiroli · 1 year ago
Francesco Cosci è il Miglior Sommelier d'Italia 2023 ASPI
Francesco Cosci premiato dal presidente ASPI Giuseppe Vaccarini Il Miglior Sommelier d’Italia Aspi 2023 si chiama Francesco Cosci ed è stato premiato domenica 15 ottobre dalla giuria sul palco del teatro San Rocco di Voghera, a cornice della manifestazione “50 Sfumature di Pinot Noir”, al termine di un iter scandito da prove molto selettive. A consegnarli il prestigioso trofeo è stato il…
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