#ask zedaph
ask-zedaph · 3 months
Will you keep running, little sheep?
Will you run to the safety of your herd every time?
We can keep you safe.
*Zeds eyes dilate as he goes into sheep brain panic*
You’re not my heard! you can’t protect me! Where’s my heard? IM NOT IN THE HEARD!
*he starts running away, stumbling into a random jungle biome*
Get out of my head! YOUR NOT MY HEARD!
*Zed looks around recognizing where he’s at*
NONONONO! Not here! Not Him. Please i’ll go with you just please not Him.
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tibby-art · 3 months
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anon i'm obsessed with you for sending me the zedaph ask, pondering it, then coming back to add tango two hours later. anyways i hope u like them o7
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fence-time · 1 month
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The ideal relationship
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mxmarsbars · 20 days
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my piece for the @hermitseasonzine 🎉✨
I absolutely LOVED the dare stick arc and had so much fun bringing it to life!! :D
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evenmoreevil · 6 months
I'd love to see your zedaph for doodle reqs :>
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zedaph look out!!!!!!!! oh god he cant hear us he's got his airpods in
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hybbart · 5 months
Maybe team zit meeting their tama crafters?
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It's a little him!
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creatureesque · 9 months
Fanon swap! Moth zedaph?
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hes a delight to doodle
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crastle · 27 days
your art is so pretty... when i saw the zedaph frolicking i had to do a double take /pos
thank you so much! here's a zedaph to stare at you
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mothofprophecy · 8 months
I love your art style so much! If you’re still doing fanon swap asks, Moth Zedaph?
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Ë̵͇̹́̇x̴̡͌p̷͔̘͐͑̔e̸͚̊͌̔ͅr̸͎͒i̷̧̒m̵͙͖͂̕ê̶̫̩̰̒ǹ̷̼͕̭̐t̸̯̟͉͗̀͌ ̷͍͉̖̅̚1̸̮̀3̵͓̪̞͠1̸̋̇̊͜5̸̺͇́͒2̸̹͐̀͛0̴̪̈́͒8̷̟͈̰̏͊͊:̴͎̹̱͆͝ ̷͖̪̉̈́̊L̶̤͈̺͆͑A̴̹͊̚͠M̵̨̛̜̿P̵̹̈́
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zedif-y · 4 months
In season 10, due to everything going on with the water, all the hermits have become some sort of aquatic hybrid. Tango has become part electric eel and really does not appreciate his new electrical abilities messing up his redstone.
- headc-anon
"When I said your abilities were shocking, I didn't mean literally shock me."
Zedaph's hair and wool sticks up in all directions, singed at the edges and glaring at him. Tango winces. "Is this the thanks I get for helping you with your redstone?!"
"I didn't mean to, it's kind of out of control!"
Zedaph tries to brush his hair down, to no avail. "Well control it harder!"
"You try being a- wait a minute," Tango stops, squinting. "What did you turn into? The water magificated everyone, why are you still a sheep?" Zedaph snorts.
"Oh Tango, do you never learn?" He says, shaking his head. "When was the last time I ever joined in on server-wide magic?"
Zedaph beams, "If I don't want something to happen to me, it simply doesn't!"
Tango blinks.
"So... You wanted to be shocked by my redstone."
"That's not what that means!"
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ask-zedaph · 3 months
The voices are loud...I dont want to kill anyone else...I cant hurt anymore of my friends.. please shut up I can't-
- the fairy perked her head up, looking up at zed's home area
Huh...I wonder who lives here-
- the fairy paused, looking around the area
-Lizzie @ask-fairy-lizzie
(I didn't know what to put im sorry lmao)
*Zed’s sheep ear flicks at the sound of someone at his door, he carefully clops to his security cameras, only to find a shaken up looking fairy on his screen. So he walks to the door,but it doesn’t open it. it could be a predator after all*
Hello there! May I ask, who are you?  And why are you at my house? 
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theminecraftbee · 9 months
fae zedaph, avian tango, and/or butterfly impulse?
Tango pinches the bridge of his nose. He breathes in. He breathes out. He looks at Zedaph.
"Okay. Why do you have a baby," Tango says.
"Well, it was an accident!" Zedaph says.
"How! How do you accidentally end up with a baby!" Tango says. He pauses. He considers what he has just said. He revises: "How do you or I accidentally end up with a baby! I am a robot and you are an immortal fairy creature. You can't babyificate. I know. You've checked."
"You don't have to sound so haunted," Zedaph says, vaguely hurt.
"I am very haunted by most of what you do, that's not the point. How did you end up with a baby! I can't take care of a baby, Zedaph! You definitely can't take care of a baby! What are we going to do with a baby?"
Zedaph shuffles his feet. When they'd first met, Tango had been reluctantly impressed with how human Zedaph's mannerisms were for a guy who, at that time, still hadn't been entirely certain you weren't supposed to eat people who were rude to you. He's come a long way since Tango had discovered he was just alive enough to be able to accidentally slip into the feywild, and Zedaph discovered he was actually much happier experimenting in the human world most of the time than dealing with other fair folk and their 'predictable rules' and 'annoying laws of hospitality'.
If Tango wasn't mostly made of steel and cold iron, he probably wouldn't have survived the early encounters with Zedaph. Nowadays, though, it's easy to mistake Zedaph for just an exceptionally weird human. Sure, he still looks at everyone a little bit like they're more of an experiment or strange animal than a person, but that's just Zedaph. Even if he were human, Tango's pretty sure he'd follow his own idiosyncratic laws.
None of this explains why he has a baby.
"Okay, look, it's not my fault this time, I swear," Zedaph says. "It's--look, I was in-town, and there was this guy, and he made a bargain with me! It was a very little bargain! I didn't think he'd break it. Honest! He just wanted gold--"
"Oh no," mutters Tango.
"--and I just told him that I wanted him to take care of a sheep for me without looking at it! I wanted to see what would happen if a sheep grew up without anyone looking at it. Would it want to look at other people more or less? You know my problems with sheep and looking at me."
"I hate that I know where this is going," Tango says.
"And he was all like, oh that's easy, I won't break that bargain. And I remembered what you said about how most people don't like having their babies swapped out with fey, which still doesn't really make sense honestly because I think a baby me is WAY more exciting than a baby human to take care of and also then I can experiment with the baby human but that's not the point. The point is that you said most people would avoid that! So I said, okay, if you break our bargain and look at the sheep, I'll come take your first baby. It's a traditional fey thing! I thought he wouldn't do it! I don't want a baby, I want a traumatized sheep!"
"Sometimes I wonder if my inventor knew my life would end up like this," Tango says.
"So imagine my shock when one day I just--poof--I have a baby!"
"I don't know how to take care of a baby," Tango says. "You absolutely shouldn't be trusted with a baby. What do we do with a baby."
The two of them look at the child.
"I mean, I cast a spell on it so it would sleep?" Zedaph says tentatively. "But to be totally honest with you, I don't actually know how long those last. You know how it is with my magic."
"I have decided this is Impulse's problem," Tango responds after a moment. "We give the baby to Impulse. He's a human. Humans know what to do with babies, right?"
Zedaph gives Tango an extremely skeptical look. "I got this one from a human."
"Impulse will suffer with us," Tango says.
"Sold," Zedaph says. "Let's go give Impulse a surprise baby."
"Please don't phrase it like that," Tango says, and they both start heading in the direction of where Tango thinks Impulse is currently living. Surely, he has the solution to this problem. Surely.
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orbbo · 4 months
Dont know if Im late for the fanon swap but vampire Zed pls?
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He makes games out of testing the limits and lore of vampires for sure.
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terrencevision · 5 months
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Hermit A Day May 3: Zed! He’s just silly!
How many chickens will I draw this month? Place your bets! We’re on 4, now!
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evenmoreevil · 1 year
The unethical science hermits(Zedaph, Cub, and Doc) -> for the request ask
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i dont have an excuse for this one
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hybbart · 5 months
Tama!Tango is cold? Cuddle time?
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ZITS Cuddles....
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