#ask nixie things
nixie-deangel · 1 day
make me write 📝
send me an emoji for one of my WIPs and i’ll write three sentences for every emoji you send :)
you may send in multiple at once!!
🦇 vampire jake/human bradley - hangster
🍼 non navy bradley/fighter pilot jake as parents - hangster
💔 icemav break up / icedad
🐺 shifter au - hangster
🔥 virgin jake - hangster
🥺 chap2 of helper - a/b/o hangster
😎 win a date with jake - hangster
✍🏻 insecure bradley - hangster
😭 jake doesn't deal with bradley's death - hangster
💐 serial killer Jake - hangster
🤯 Random inbox prompt (1 through 26) - various ships/fandoms
make nixie write this weekend!
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thespiritoflife · 1 year
hello to the sunshine in my life 💌
so sorry couldn't talk to you at all for such a freaking long time !! first of all how have you been? is everything fine in your life? how's school going on? when's your break gonna start? tell me all the details I have missed of your life so far !!
love you so much honey, so sorry couldn't type a big and long message for you since I have to go and study but always remember that I love you and miss you so damn much !! you deserve the entire universe because of how sweet and kind you are, love youu 🫶🏻🫶🏻
hello nixie my dearie!! ♡♡♡
no need to be sorry, i am sorry i haven't talked to you too!! it's totally okay😭🩵
ahh, you're too sweet, thank you so much for caring about me😭 honestly i am not doing so good, my mental health is really messed up now and i am going to be homeschooled. but i started going to therapy and to doctors..i hope it will help. but i don't want to talk only about myself!!
Buut how have you been?? tell me everything!! i hope you're doing amazing and taking care fo yourself!! remember, you're so PRECIOUS!! i love you so so much ♡♡ you also deserve the whole world and i hope you will get the love you keep giving to others. you mean a lot to me, nixie for real. ilyyysm🥺🥺🩷🩷
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an-idyllic-novelist · 9 months
Husk with gender-neutral!reader relationship headcanons
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Special thanks to @isuckatwritingsobenice, @nixie-writes, and a few other writers in the Hazbin Hotel community for helping me create a piece for one of my favorite characters from the 2019 pilot episode, Husk! :)
Warning: Husk's potty mouth and this is Hell, so indecent things are bound to happen but nothing to imply NSFW content.
Husk gave up on the idea of love years ago, preferring to drown himself in cheap booze and try his luck at the casino before Alastor pulls him away to do a job for him or some other shit because of his contract with the fucking asshole. Why else would he and Nifty be wastin’ time slaving away in a hotel that’s supposed to rehabilitate sinners? Least the pipsqueak gets to clean this place from top to bottom and away from the clients, and he’s stuck handling their drunk asses in the lobby bar.
Angel Dust has been the one who’s been trying to get into his pants since day one, but that’s a different story entirely. He’s persistent, Husk will give the prissy punk that much credit.
Though…he supposed it isn’t all too bad being here. Least since Vaggie hired you. Initially, the job offer she and Charlie had posted online was to manage the front desk, handle phone calls, and all of the other tasks required to be the hotel’s conceirge. However, since there still wasn’t enough staff to do everything, he would see flitting about carrying baskets of clean linens or giving tours around the hotel to potential clients, helping Vaggie with organizing meetings with the press, and so on.
He might be a drunk asshole, but if there’s one part in his body that’s still functioning besides his dick, it's his hearing.
He’s lost count of how many times he’s heard a snide remark from potential or current clients about your polite demeanor, if you’re actually a freak in bed, and a whole lotta other bullshit he did not want to hear when he’s still sober. He didn’t want to care but god fucking dammit it made his skin crawl at the idea of some asshole thinking they had a chance with you. You, who never seemed to lose your smile and would go out of your way to make Nifty’s day by belting out Broadway songs on top of the banister, completely lost in the character you were playing and not giving a shit about anything else.
Not gonna deny it, you had one hell of a voice. You could change the pitch of it so easily. From a high tone all the way down a low, smooth baritone that almost sounded like a siren’s song luring sailors to a watery grave.
When he actually musters the fucking courage (thanks to a lot of booze from earlier in the day) to ask if you’d like to go to a bar or even the casino, Husk thought you would reject him. After all, why would a someone like you would even want to hang around an old fucker like him?
But when he saw your face turn as red as a certain deer bastard’s suit and sputtered that you weren’t very good at the slots, though you were willingly to try your luck at the blackjack table as long it wasn’t a high stake one, Husk thought he had actually achieved the state of inebriation to where he was hallucinating.
However, he was proven wrong when you told him that you’ll be ready by seven to go to the casino. Since he’d been on good behavior and Charlie never had any issues with you as of late, the princess wouldn’t mind the two of you being out for a couple of hours as long as you kept your phones on you in case anything happened.
Alastor could care less since watching a tormented, loveless war veteran being bewitched by a beguiling songstress provided him with much needed entertainment~.
Upon arriving at the casino, Husk pulled you over to the slot machines. He showed you how they worked and how much money you should put in them, so you don’t lose all of it in under an hour. The old-fashioned ones with the levers weren’t so bad, though the rounds would go pretty quick if you weren’t paying attention to the denominations; same thing applied to the new tech ones, betting could go from 88 cents to up to two dollars.
In the end, you quit after trying three different machines and went to go find the restroom. Husk decided to go find a bar and order a couple of drinks. One for himself, and one for you. A couple of fellas, hellhounds by the look of ‘em, asked him if the ‘pretty little thing’ he was with earlier is with him or if you were single.
“They’re with me, so fuck off.” He grumbled.
“Ya sure about that, old man?”
Husker growled, feeling his hackles rise at the provocation, half of it he blamed on the booze. As much as he wanted to teach these punks a thing or two about showin’ respect….they weren’t worth ruinin’ his first date with you. First impressions made all the difference, least when he’d been alive. So he made a rude hand gesture and sat at the bar until he heard you call out to him.
“Everything all right, Husk? I hope I didn’t interrupt anything between you and your friends. The guys you were talkin’ to before they took off.”
He smirked. “Nah. If I knew them, they’d know how to play poker.” He stood up and grabbed his drink, handing over yours. “C’mon, let’s hit the blackjack tables and see how good you really are.” He said, leading you to your next stop for the night.
Turned out that you weren’t all talk. You were able to win five out of seven rounds, never showing any anxiety or indication that your hand was either good or bad. For kicks, Husk asked if you wanted to try the poker table. You agreed, but just to two rounds. If you weren’t comfortable continuing to play, please allow you to walk away. Husk agreed, opting to watch you from the sidelines as moral support instead of joining you at the table.
Three words could only describe what he saw next: holy fucking shit.
All you could do was smile sheepishly at him when he asked how the ever living fuck were you this good at gambling and didn’t say anything as the two of you left the casino with a hefty sum of cash.
“Would you believe me if I said I’d gotten banned from more than one casino when I was alive because I was just good at card counting?”
He stared at you for a long moment before he grinned widely, clapping you on the back. “I knew I had my eye on ya for a reason!”
‘Course, you’d never know that he wanted to show you that he’s one hell of a gambler at the casino instead of the other way ‘round. How he knew to play his cards right and treat you to something nice, show those little shitheads that a real gentleman knows how to win the game and a good-lookin’ partner all in the same night.
Still…gettin’ spoiled at a nice restaurant for a change wasn’t too bad…so long as no one from the hotel saw them. Especially Alastor.
And that was how your first date went. Nothing too crazy, least the two of you didn’t run into any trouble on the way back to the hotel. Husk walked you to your room, wished you good-night, and went to drink a little more before passing out in his own room.
Husk hasn’t been with anyone in an incredibly long time. There will be moments when he might seem harsher than usual towards you and tries to brush everything off, or chug it down with alcohol. He struggles to communicate with his feelings to someone else, so patience and respect for boundaries is key.
He does not tolerate any disrespect towards you, even if you try to tell him to ignore the sinner who is catcalling after you when the two of you are walking through the Pride Ring to pick up stuff for the hotel. If it happened at a bar while you’re on a date? Be prepared to have chairs go flying or Husk tearing a new hole in the poor bastard who pissed him off.
He is not a fan of PDA. He has a reputation to uphold in the hotel and on the streets. Behind closed doors, however, he will be more lenient. Cuddles and midday naps are exceptional, with him pressing against your body with his tail loosely coiled around your thigh and one of his wings acting as a shield or even a blanket.
Speaking of feathers and fur, he does need to groom himself periodically, especially when it's molting season. You need to be gentle if you want to help him since his skin can be especially sensitive around this time of the year.
Actions speak a lot louder to him than pretty words. If you show him that you do care for him and will never betray his trust or loyalty, he will return it tenfold. He will do everything in his power to make you as happy as you have made him in this shithole.
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yandere-sins · 1 month
Hey guys!
I decided I want to do a monster month challenge this year (probably in October) and I'd like you guys' help for deciding what goes on the list! So...
I'm searching for any monsters that you like and/or categories they fall under (for example: shifters)
Here is my current list, and if you have any you think would fit the theme, please let me know via ask/comment :)
Merfolk (Sirens/Mermaids/-men, Nixie, etc.)
Fae (Fairies, Pixies, Changeling, etc.)
Shifter (Any Shifter of your choice)
Church Grim
Yuki-onna/Snow Spirit
Witch/Wizard/Magician (each can be used gender neutral)
Free Choice of a favorite monster or a completely new one!
(I will shuffle the list once it's done lol, right now similar things are together, I know.)
Once I have 31 or more choices I might switch out similar creatures.
Thank you all for your help ♥
Edit 1: We already found a few but there are some that I'd probably like to switch out since they don't fit perfecly into the "Monster" category, so if anyone knows of more then please feel free to let me know ♥ thank you all for your help ♥
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heartstringsduet · 4 months
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Happy Wednesday. 💞 Patting myself on the back for getting further in my editing hell and giving you some raw writing for the Fantasy AU as a treat. Thanks for tagging me @honeybee-taskforce @tellmegoodbye @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
This is where he could always flee to when he had to go to town. In the children's book aisle is where he met his best friend, hexing down a book from the top and shushing him when she saw she’d been caught using magic. Carlos had let asked the wind to catch the book she had dropped along her concentration and they had both sat leant against the shelf for the next hour, reading the Wizard of Oz together. 
“Look who’s still alive,” says the soft rolling voice that can melt him to this day, no magic involved.
Grace looks at him one eyebrow raised and her arms folded in front of her chest. Even in her lacy white summer dress and a dark ribbon trailing from her dark curls, she manages to appear intimidating when she wants to. And she seems very intent to now.
“Carlos Tomas Reyes, I believe you have a really good excuse for worrying your best friend?”
Shame curls tight in Carlos’ stomach but he’s known this woman for more than half his life, has avoided her precisely because she knows every last thing about him, and therefore also knows that she can never resist his pout and opening arms. A smile flickers on her lips.
She tempers it back down until he says, “I’m sorry, Gracie.”
Her arms slowly unfold and she drops into his embrace. He never understood how the strongest person he knows can feel so small in his arms. The smell of camomille, sugar and something sharply burnt wafts off her and he squeezes her tigher.
“I was this close to checking if you found yourself in the grip of the nixies or some other creature," she says. OPEN TAG &
@herefortarlos @thisbuildinghasfeelings @whatsintheboxmh @paperstorm
@strandnreyes @reyesstrand @welcometololaland @rmd-writes
@kiwichaeng @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @birdclowns @carlos-in-glasses
@carlos-tk @decafdino @alrightbuckaroo @liminalmemories21 @orchidscript
@goodways @thebumblecee @theghostofashton @americansrequiems @safeaswrites
@lightningboltreader @emsprovisions @lemonlyman-dotcom @ladytessa74 @nancys-braids
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teejaystumbles · 1 year
Dreamling AU with vampire gentleman Hob and goth/punk nixie Dream (tag: fins & fangs au, thanks @sleepsonfutons!)
(this elaborates on the story of the sketches and art I've done so far ^^)
Dream got hit over the head with a bottle at the White Horse Bar and Inn after pissing someone off who came onto him too strong and Hob, who's the owner, steps in, called by the smell of blood. He takes Dream to the back to take care of the wound, and if he licks a bit of blood from his fingers while he does it, well, Dream is too concussed to notice. When he tastes Dream's blood he realises that he is some kind of supernatural being, but he keeps quiet about it. He doesn't want to get called out as a vampire, too. Hob wants to take Dream home but finds out that he is homeless, he just sleeps on couches of friends, so Hob invites him to stay for a few days at one of the rooms at the Inn, without charge, and Dream is too much of an opportunist to decline. Hob starts bringing Dream roses every night and Dream thinks he's weird but is also charmed. Meanwhile Hob is trying to find out what kind of creature Dream is, but he is genuinely flirting with him because he's gorgoeus and his blood tastes amazing. Dream has no clue and just wonders when Hob will ask him for sex because that's how things like this usually go for him. Dream would not be opposed but Hob doesn't ask, he's the perfect gentleman and treats Dream like a prince, not a whore. One night Dream has had enough and tries to seduce Hob but Hob only accepts Dream's kiss without taking things further. He gently pushes Dream away and leaves. He thought that Dream was trying to charm him with his powers, he's pretty sure now that Dream is a fae or a nixie because they can charm someone and Dream has a very bewitching voice as well. Dream is frustrated to no end and decides to leave the Inn the next day. He's never seen Hob around in the day and so he packs his few belongings in his old black army backpack and leaves. In the night Dream stumbles across Hob feeding from a stranger in a back alley and is shocked at what he sees. Hob thinks Dream is only playing innocent and gets a bit rough and mean because he's hot from the blood he just drank, and Dream's scent and the memory of his taste have been trying his patience for days. He goads Dream to admit that he's a nixie but Dream has no clue what he means. Hob bites Dream and his powers awaken because he panics. Dream starts to violently shapeshift and flees. Hob lets him go but follows him to see if he needs help because he realised that Dream maybe really has no idea what he is...
(more later, I'll see if I can draw more first before spoiling the rest of the ideas for this)
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beyondthesefourwalls · 5 months
Repeated Offenses
Summary: Javy wasn’t sure what the mission was that called them back to Top Gun, but he knew if he was there, Phoenix would be too. He seeks her out that first night, knowing that it would be the same game between them as it always was. One of them was bound to get burned one of these days, but luckily for him, he’s never been afraid of playing with fire. 
Pairing: Natasha Trace x Javy Machado 
Word Count: 3.5K 
Warnings: smut (fingering, oral, unprotected sex), language, banter as foreplay. 
Notes: Inspired by this gif, because that “hey” was too loaded with sexual tension to not have some history. 
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Javy strolled down the dark hallway with a cool kind of confidence, his hands in his pockets and his eyes on all the name tags on the doors. He let out a soft “ah-ha” once he spotted hers, and despite his best efforts, his heart started beating a little bit faster in his chest in anticipation. He cast a cursory glance around to make sure he was still on his own before knocking. He kept it light, mindful of the late hour. He wasn’t surprised when it swung open almost instantly; Phoenix had always been a night owl. 
She didn’t look shocked to see him. Instead, she let out a very unladylike snort and raised one of those dark eyebrows that always relayed exactly how she felt about you. “I knew you would show up eventually.” 
“Aw, Nixy. Were you waiting for me?” 
Immediately her smirk fell into a scowl, the amusement in her eyes turning to a glare. “Call me Nixy one more time, Coyote. I dare you.” 
He knew better than to call her on her bluff, but it didn’t stop his grin from widening. Still, he held up his hands in mock surrender. 
“What do you want?” Phoenix asked, leaning against the doorway. He couldn’t help the way his eyes flickered down to cast an appreciative glance at the way her crossed arms pushed up her chest. The air conditioning in the building made it obvious she didn’t have a bra on, her nipples peaked through the thin material. Damn. 
A scoff met his ears. He tore his gaze away from his daydream to meet her eyes again. “Halo’s room is right down the hall if that’s what you’re looking for. Rumor has it the two of you are a thing now.” 
They weren’t, not by any stretch of the means, nor had they ever been. Not that he probably hadn’t tried once upon a drunk night, but that rumor was based solely on the way Halo had wrapped his arm around her own shoulder in an effort to fend off guys who couldn’t take a hint while she waited for her date to come back from the bathroom. Her very pretty, very female date. But Javy wouldn’t tell Phoenix that, not when he thought he could maybe detect something that smelled like jealousy rolling off of her. 
“Who could you have heard that from?” he asked. He let his eyes widen in fake shock, putting a hand over his heart. “Were you asking about me?”
“Bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Now now, don’t get mad. There’s enough of me to go around.”
Her eyes narrowed and her spine straightened and he knew he was pushing it, so he dropped the act before he ruined his chances completely. But fuck, needling her was like the best kind of foreplay - it always had been.
“Halo and I aren’t a thing,” he said with a simple, nonchalant shrug, leaving it at that. “You jealous?” 
He tested the boundaries by taking a small step forward and was delighted when he wasn’t immediately punched in the face for it. Instead, Phoenix stepped to the side to allow him entry into her room. 
“More like I’m just not interested in being your homewrecking side piece, but whatever helps you sleep at night.” 
He heard the soft click of the lock once she shut the door behind him, and he didn’t have a chance to respond to her quip with one of his own before she was grabbing his shirt in her small, deceptively delicate hands and pulling him down to her. His lips met hers and he couldn’t help but groan. She tasted like mint and chocolate and it dragged him in like it always did. He let his hands fall to her hips and pulled her flush against him as he licked into her mouth. She responded with equal fervor, pushing him further into the room. 
He was acutely aware of the electricity crackling between them, the raw passion that seemed to ignite every time they were in close proximity. It always happened like this, spanning all the way back to their academy days. But it had gotten more intense the last few years, and he would never admit it, but he had missed her. 
Their lips parted, both breathing heavily as they locked eyes, their gazes filled with a mix of challenge and desire. Phoenix’s fingers traced a path from his chest up to his neck, her touch igniting a fire within him that threatened to consume them both.
“Always so eager,” she murmured, her voice laced with a hint of amusement that did nothing to mask the heat simmering beneath the surface. 
“You’re one to talk.” 
“If you can’t handle it, you’re free to go,” she told him. “I could always see what Bagman is up to tonight.” 
Javy shook his head with a grin, knowing that she was trying to goad him. Once upon a time using his best friend against him would have worked. But he knew that ship had sailed, and it hadn’t been the smoothest of rides for either of them. “We both know he doesn’t do it for you, Nix.” 
“You don’t know shit.” 
He let his hand trail up under the hem of her oversized shirt, feeling the soft skin under his fingertips. Despite the warmth of her skin and the glare she was sending him, she shivered. “I know he’s not as good as I am. Did he even make you come?” 
“Maybe he did,” she sassed, defiant as ever. He chuckled, the sound low and mocking in a way he knew would get under her skin even more than knowing that his best friend had told him about their failed tryst. He swore he could almost feel the temperature in the room rise with her ire. 
“Or maybe he didn’t. That’s okay. We both know I’m the best.” 
Her irritated glare morphed into a sharp smirk and a raised eyebrow, and Javy’s cocky grin slipped from his face. He knew before she even spoke that she would win this round - no one ever stood a chance against that look, not even him. 
“Oh, Coyote. Just because you’re better than Bagman doesn’t mean you’re the best I’ve ever had.”
He growled as he slammed his mouth to hers again in a bruising kiss. It lacked any kind of finesse, messy as he tried to purge the thought her teasing had instilled from his mind. Something that felt awfully like the jealousy he had seen in her eyes earlier hit him like a tidal wave, possessiveness that he had no right to feel taking over. He was under no illusion that they were exclusive, but he’d be damned if he let anyone else be better. 
Not when no one could ever compare to her. 
She laughed into his mouth at his aggression, the sound turning into a hiss when he retaliated by biting at her bottom lip. She pulled away with a glare that he paid no mind to. “Take your clothes off,” he told her, “and get on the fucking bed.” 
“You first,” she challenged. He huffed out an annoyed breath, but excitement coursed through him, too. 
Phoenix was a force to be reckoned with, and he couldn’t deny the thrill that came with being caught in her fire. 
With a swift movement, he stripped off his shirt and kicked off his shoes. The toned muscles on his chest and abdomen flexed as he undid his belt and stripped himself bare of his jeans and briefs, too. All the while he kept his gaze locked with hers. The way she watched him as he moved toward the bed made him feel a bit like prey, and he reveled in it. 
She stood before him once he was settled on the small mattress, a slow smirk spreading across her kiss swollen lips as she began shedding her own clothing. Javy’s fingers itched to trace her skin as she pulled her shirt over her head, her sleep shorts quickly following. She had nothing on under them. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, taking in every inch of her. It suddenly felt like it had been entirely too long since the last time they ended up here. She was all perfectly defined curves and toned muscles, her tan skin glowing in the dim light of the lamp. He reached for her, his big hand circling her wrist and tugging her forward. “Come here.” 
She listened to him this time, her eyes never leaving his as she let him pull her onto the bed. He kissed her as she settled onto his lap, her pussy warm and wet against his hard length. He explored her mouth as his fingers dug into her hips, holding her still. He felt her relax into his embrace, losing herself in his kiss. He knew the moment she let her guard down and he capitalized on it, her back hitting the mattress with a small “oomph” as he flipped them. 
He didn’t hesitate, his lips traveling down her neck. He braced himself on one hand as the other slid between her legs. 
“Oh, fuck.” 
He smirked into her skin as her moan met his ears. Her wetness coated his fingers as he teased her slick folds. Their bantering was as effective as ever - she was soaked. 
“All this for little ole me?” he asked playfully. 
Phoenix didn’t say anything, instead just arching into his touch with a gasp. He continued exploration, his tongue tracing a path down her stomach, making her shiver and moan as his fingers teased at her. He took his time, savoring the taste of her skin and the sounds she was making. Their earlier banter had been a game, a way of riling the other up in a way that really only they could do, but now he wanted nothing more than to prove why it was him she kept letting into her bed. 
Javy pushed her legs apart, spreading them wide. Her pussy was as a sight to behold, glistening in the dim lighting of her room. He inhaled deeply, nearly feeling dizzy. “You’re so fucking wet, Nix. That’s how I know you want me.” 
Before she could say anything, he buried his face between her thighs. He couldn’t help the moan he let out as he got the first taste of her. Salty and sweet, with a hint of spice. He licked her folds, dipping his tongue into her core and sucking gently on her clit. She moaned loudly, her hands grabbing his head and holding him against her. He reached up with one hand to cup her breast, squeezing it roughly as his other hand slid two fingers inside her. He curled them, stroking the spot he knew would make her go wild. Her response was exactly what he wanted - arching off the bed, her breathing becoming more ragged. He smirked into her, knowing she couldn't resist him like this.
"Oh god," she moaned, her back curving even further. "Yes, that's it."
He could feel the muscles in her inner thighs tensing as she got louder and more desperate. He knew she was close, but he didn’t want to give her what she wanted quite yet. He extracted his fingers and changed his pace, his tongue flicking over her clit, teasing her and bringing her closer, but not letting her get to the point of no return. 
“Coyote,” she groaned, the hand on the back of his head pushing him closer. 
"Not yet," he said, his voice a low rumble.  He blew a breath against her pussy just to see her shiver. "I want you to beg for it.”
“Fuck you,” she ground out, but it was followed by a moan as her hips ground against his face. Her body was trembling and her wetness was dripping onto his chin, but he continued to tease her, darting his tongue between her folds, making her whimper and buck her hips. She let out a frustrated growl and he smiled, knowing he had her just where he wanted her. 
"Please," she finally whispered, her voice barely more than a breath. 
It was a start.
He applied more pressure with his tongue before he sucked her clit into his mouth. He let his fingers, still damp with her arousal, circle her entrance before slowly pushing in. She let out a loud cry, her fingers digging into his scalp as she tried to hold him closer. It was a glorious sight, her face twisted in a mixture of pleasure and agony.
"Please," she cried out, almost pleading now, her hips bucking wildly as she sought to find that release he was denying her. “Javy.” 
Hearing his name and not his callsign on his lips was his breaking point. He thrust his fingers in and out of her in a frenzied pace, not letting up as he methodically played with her clit, tracing the letters of his name with his tongue against her most sensitive area. 
Her thighs shook on his shoulders, her whole body trembling as she neared her orgasm, and he knew the exact moment she fell into it. She cried out his name again, and the word sounded like everything he ever wanted. He continued to lick into her, his fingers thrusting almost lazily as she rode it out. It was only when he knew she was a little too sensitive that he sat up with a satisfied grin, licking his lips and then his fingers, savoring her taste. Her chest heaved and her body was tinged the prettiest shade of pink as she picked up her head to look down at him, their eyes meeting as she panted. She didn’t say anything, but the dazed, fucked out look she had said enough on how good she was feeling - how good he had made her feel. 
“I’m not done with you yet,” he informed her, climbing back up her body and caging her in as he settled on top. His cock was throbbing hard and long against her smooth thigh. He kissed her, their tongues tangling together. She moaned into his mouth at the taste of herself and his cock twitched in desperation. 
“Fuck me,” she breathed against his lips, and the words tasted something like victory. Even so, it was an invitation he couldn’t resist. He slid himself through her warm, wet folds, coating himself in her. She shivered at the sensation and snuck one of her hands between their bodies to wrap around him and line him up where she wanted him. “Javy, please.” 
It was his turn to tremble as the sound of his name on her tongue washed over him again. He slid into her slowly, letting her feel every single inch of him. She cried out, arching her back in reaction to the sensation of him filling her. He took a moment to savor the feeling of being inside her before he began to move slowly, building up a rhythm that they had established years ago worked for them. Her nails dug into his shoulder blades as she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside her. She was so fucking tight, her wet heat pulling him in and begging for more. The sight of her face, flushed and desperate, drove him wild. 
“Fuck, Nix,” he groaned, his hips going faster and harder. 
“Kiss me,” she demanded.
Javy breathed out a chuckle, shaking his head. “Ask me nicely.” 
Her heels dug into his lower back and his laughter cut off into a choked moan as she clenched down harder around him. 
“Kiss. Me.” 
He surged forward to claim her mouth, or perhaps her claim his, in a sloppy kiss. It was a clash of tongue and teeth and spit, and everything that he needed. 
She raised her hips to him, urging him on, and he needed no further encouragement. He thrust into her harder, each stroke eliciting a desperate sound from her that he swallowed greedily. Her nails dug into his back and he felt the sting, but he didn’t mind. If anything, the thought of having her mark on him made him even hotter. The sounds of their combined pleasure echoed in the small room, a wet, satisfying sound, and he knew it wouldn’t be long for either of them at this point. He could feel himself nearing the edge, his cock throbbing inside of her.
He pulled away enough to look at her face, loving the way she always looked in these moments. She was gasping for her, her skin flushed, her eyes wide with pleasure and desperation. Her pussy clenched tightly around him. 
She was close, so very close. 
“Come for me,” he rasped against her lips. “Come for me, baby.” 
“You first,” she choked out through a moan, and he huffed out a breathless laugh, shaking his head. He reached down between them to press his fingers against her clit, moving them rapidly. Instantly, her orgasm was washing over her. She shook beneath him as her walls clamped down on him, her pussy gushing around his cock.“Oh, fuck. Javy!” 
The sight of her coming apart underneath him was more than he could take. 
“Fuck, that’s it,” he groaned. He could feel his balls tightening, begging for release. He thrust into her one final time, pleasure coursing through his body as the coil inside of him snapped. He emptied himself into her with a shout of her name, her actual name, and a fleeting thought that it had been far too long since he felt this content. 
He collapsed afterward, his chest heaving and his breath coming in short, ragged gasps. Her arms wrapped more securely around him, her breathing growing steadier. It was only when she tapped him lightly on the back, a silent complaint of his weight on her, that he knew he had to move. He pulled out slowly, glancing down and savoring the sight of his cum seeping from her. 
“Damn,” he muttered under his breath, and Phoenix laughed lightly at the curse. He shot her a tired wink as he pushed himself off the bed. His nakedness didn’t bother him at all as he crossed the small room to the even smaller bathroom, running a washcloth under the faucet. He brought it back to her in silence, handing it over. She took it with a small smile and a nod of gratitude and he watched as she wiped away the mess between her legs. 
He tried not to dwell on the fact that she rarely let him clean her up himself. Despite the fact that it was his cum seeping out of her, she claimed it was too intimate of an act. 
When she was done, she discarded the damp cloth onto the floor. She stretched out on the small bed with a satisfying groan, tugging up the blanket at the foot of the bed to cover her. He had to actively hide the pout that wanted to creep up on his face, both at the vision of her being delightfully naked going away, and at the unspoken message she was sending him that she was done for the night. 
With a sigh, he reached for his discarded clothing. 
“You ready for tomorrow?” he asked, hating the silence. 
 “I’m always ready.” Javy rolled his eyes, but didn’t disagree. He’d be wrong if he did, afterall. “Any theories on what it might be?” 
He zipped up his jeans before he sat at the chair at the small desk in the corner, working on getting his socks and shoes back on. “No clue. It feels like it’s going to be crazy though.” 
He hadn’t let the strange mix of anxiety and excitement come through until right now. Their next mission was always a gamble, and something about this felt different. When Javy looked up, it was to see her smirking from where she lay on the bed. She raised a dark eyebrow when he caught her eye. “Should be fun.” 
He huffed out a laugh as he stood. He slipped his shirt over his head and double checked that his phone and keys were still in his pocket before he walked over to the bed. Phoenix looked up at him as he approached, curiosity written on her pretty face. He gently grabbed her chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting her head up and leaning down to press a kiss to her lips. He coaxed her mouth open, their tongues tangling together. It was slow and unhurried, so unlike the rest of their exchanges that night. Just when he felt her sinking fully into it, he forced himself to pull away. He pressed a kiss to her cheek before leaning into her ear. 
“I hope you’ll be able to focus on flying tomorrow, and not thinking about how good you just had it. I’d hate to be a distraction,” he whispered. He winked as he turned to the door, and her outraged gasp followed him as he closed it behind him. 
Main Masterlist
Notes: I have a partially written super angsty part two that explores more of them during the events of the film, if anyone would be interested.
Thank you to @roosterforme and @sylviebell for not letting me get out of writing this one and for the help along the way!
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bionicle-ramblings · 1 year
I just learned about a character named Nixie, and now I want to just ramble about this character
For starters, she's a Ga-Matoran and her job on Mata Nui is as an Astrologer
As we all know, most if not all of the Matoran in the MU were in Metru Nui before the Great Cataclysm and they moved to Mata Nui. Despite having their memories of Metru Nui wiped, the Matoran still maintained who they were; Takua still wandered around, Jaller was still by the book, et cetera
My train of thought here is that Nixie was very much an unofficial astrologer, or at least someone who studied astrology, doing so more than other studies. Like, her studying astrology wasn't a bad thing, but it wasn’t smiled upon because she was already studying something else, like history or something
I imagine Nixie was sort of "Ga-Metru's Takua," but instead of wandering around from place to place, her mind wandered instead, to the point where her destination was the stars above, and was often possibly either late to lectures because she was in Ko-Metru to borrow a telescope or frighteningly early and would remind the teachers of things they might have missed as they taught, as if she'd somehow found out what they would be teaching
And I imagine that she was a good, but infuriating student because despite being late or ealy to classes, she would know what the teachers were teaching, even if no one told her. Eventually, enough teachers got fed up and threw her to Nokama, who was a multi-award winning student
At first, Nokama was expecting someone to be a slacker, someone who wouldn't even show up, wouldn't engage, maybe even have to be threatened by Vahki to go to a class and stay for its entirety. What she found instead was a new Matoran in her class that was the first to be there and greeted her by name and asked if they were learning about purifying protodermis, which surprised Nokama because she usually keeps her notes on her lectures under lock and key. Nixie, to calm her teacher, assured her that her notes are safe, but advised she find a better hiding spot for them; under a sleeping pallet is cliche and that's the first place anyone will look
Nokama was, rightfully, shocked and made a mental note to keep an eye out for Nixie. That unease did not go away when Nixie kept staring up at the sky rather than paying attention, yet knew what Nokama was teaching, to the point she could repeat it back to her with no problem. Or when, after class, Nixie warned Nokama to be careful near the protodermis canal, something that one of Nokama's friends told her not to worry about
She started worrying when she almost drowned after falling into the very canal, and more when Nixie arrived late to a class, racing in from Ko-Metru, and told Nokama that she's about to have great honor bestowed on her, as well as tragedy that would take centuries to heal
And that tragedy came in the form of Lhikan giving Nokama the Toa stone and Nokama becoming a Toa
Just imagine Nokama seeing Nixie again with the other Toa Metru around, and Nixie, who has only ever met Nuju and Nokama, greets Whenua, Onewa, Matau, and Vakama by name and their previous occupations. It freaks out everyone, even when Nixie's disappointed that Vakama didn't see her in his visions, though she chalks that up to her role not being THAT big to be a vision. Nuju slows her down, telling everyone that he knows Nixie because she traded trinkets for using a Ko-Metru telescope, and then she got too good at seeing ahead. Nixie calls him a slow-poke, and Nuju tells Nokama she has a smart student
And, to go back to something I was saying before, I imagine that with her foresight, Nokama is worried because there's that occasional, "I'm being watched," feeling she gets, and later sees Vhisola GLARING at Nixie as Nixie stares up at the sky and tries to see the stars, even when it's broad daylight. Nixie does mean well, proven when she shows Nokama bits of an artifact she found and had to fist fight another Matoran for(don't ask), I just love the image of Vhisloa glaring at Nixie, seething at how a star staring know-it-all can both take Nokama's attention amd also be a source of Nokama's fear, when really Nixie is trying to read the stars and see which way home is the best trying to see how long it takes for stars to be hidden when the twin suns rise
Back to Toa stuff, imagine Nixie seeing Nokama leave Ga-Metru and, when asked to elaborate on the "tragedy" she foresaw, she only tells Nokama that a shadow is growing in Metru Nui and if she told Nokama what she saw, Nokama would hesitate and she's not in a position to do that anymore. With very ounce of respect she has, Nixie wishes Nokama luck on her journey and thanks her for being such a wonderful teacher and an amazing Toa. Nokama points out how Nixie makes it sound like they'll never see each other again, and Nixie admits she'd rather not elaborate on that
And Nokama only understands why when she becomes a Turaga and finds Nixie again, only now Nixie is staring up at a new night sky and is speechless at both how beautiful it is and how exciting it is to have something new to learn
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nixie-deangel · 6 hours
Hmmm I’m gonna be boring with the same emojis again but these are the ones that most intrigued me 💐🍼💔
nothing wrong with boring! <3
💐 serial killer Jake - hangster
“Are you ever going to tell me how you can afford to drop the sort of money on me like you do?” Bradley asks as he snuggles into Jake’s side, tucking his head into the other man’s neck.  He feels, more than sees or hears, Jake humming in response to his question before he answers in a quiet voice.  “No real secret there, honey,” he says, “my family comes from a long line of cattle ranchers and the oil industry. And while I don’t do much with either, I do get a percentage of it. Plus I do specialized contract work.”
🍼 non navy bradley/fighter pilot jake as parents - hangster
continuing from this ask!
He felt his heart clench at seeing the hurt in those lovely hazel eyes he loved so dearly, “Baby,” he whispers again, bringing Bradley’s face closer, so he could press their foreheads together. Moving his left hand around, he tangled his fingers into the curls at the back of Bradley’s head, while he kept his right cupping his cheek. “Figured it out eventually,” Bradley whispers wetly, “on why they did it. Doesn’t make it hurt any less though. That they chose to honor a dead woman’s wish, instead of a living boy’s dream.”
💔 icemav break up / icedad
"What the fuck did you expect me to do, Peter?" Tom spits out angrily, shoving the man back from entering his house. He follows out the door, so they're standing in his driveway. Though he knows Bradley isn't home, that he's at school and won't see anything, he can't let the man into his home. Into the only sanctuary his child has left. "Did you expect me to go along with it? To hurt our child because you both are so blinded by your grief you can't see what it's doing to Bradley?"
Make Nixie Write This Weekend!
(will be taking them all weekend btw!)
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readingismypurpose · 1 month
As of Chapter 9
Just started to read the cruel prince. Jude BETTER beat up Cardan.
“In Faerie, there are no fish sticks, no ketchup, no television.” The lack of any other words in that chapter just made it hit so much harder.
Cardan is a jerk.
His actions so far: mutilating a random person at a party, making fun of Jude and Taryn for existing, putting dirt in their food, nearly drowning Jude and sending nixies after them, THE BARGAIN AT THE BANKS, his words about Taryn at the tournament, “Beg”.
Jude is awesome though. Guy flirting with her —> ATTEMPTED MURDER. Jerk prince makes her sister cry —> attack him in front of everyone. Prince says nasty things about her sister at tournament —> fights to the point of breaking her sword. Prince & Co. kick dirt into her and her sister’s food —> drowns their food in salt. Prince asks her to beg for forgiveness —> threatens to take her down with her.
Viví is so petty. I hope her and Heather stay together.
Taryn is trying. Both of her sisters are impulsive and she is trying to just make it through. She is doing her best.
Madoc needs to wash his cloak. It must stink to high heaven.
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definitelynotshouting · 3 months
on average how many DMs and recursive fics would you say it takes to be properly friends im painstakingly deliberating between raspberry and emerald. they don't teach u this in high school see all i know about is mitochondria powerhouse cell. anyway if we're not friends yet then raspberry and also let's brainstorm things together because mustard mustard mustard mustard -nixie
tell me what colour ask game
Your honor if u write me a recursive fic and we dm we have formed an UNSHAKEABLE WARRIOR'S BOND okay we are WELL past raspberry point and you are so so welcome to brainstorm with me at ANY TIME
This is me crawling back into ur dms btw
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nixie-writes · 11 months
What if HuskerDust was canon? Nixie's reaction in a needlessly long fic I wrote in 30 minutes
I wrote this in a record 30 minutes so it isn't my best work but I've been thinking about the possibility of HuskerDust being canon and I wanted to write a piece on how Nixie would react to it. Under the cut for length this is almost 4 pages long in Docs
Nixie belongs to me, Willow belongs to @willowaudreykeyes
Willow’s POV
I sifted through my old stash of honey comb, now dried and useless. I tossed it into the trash bin and picked up a stray stem to examine. The thorns on the stem indicated it was a rose but the bulb was stripped off. Alastor left little gifts like that. I placed his gift on my work table and exited the green house. I entered the hotel and walked into my clinic, opening a drawer. Inside was a variety of small bottles with different labels on them. Checking that I had an adequate amount of each medication I kept in my drawer I left my clinic, locking the door behind me. Lord knows Angel would try to pick the lock to get to the morphine again. 
It was as I was preparing to end the night that Charlie ran up to me, her eyes sparkling. She appeared to have good news. She was prancing, a wide grin on her face, clutching a shopping list. “Guess what guess what guess WHAT!” She squealed, taking my hands in hers. “Angel and Husk came out as a couple! I already have Vaggie and Niffty out to get decorations for a celebration party here. Call Nixie and tell her to get her soaking wet ass here so she can celebrate with us!”
It struck me like a rock to the head. Nixie was going to be destroyed learning that Husk was with Angel. She was practically in love with the feline demon, adoring everything he did. I almost wanted to agree, pretend to call her and lie saying she couldn’t make it for some stupid reason but I knew she’d be both heart broken and beyond pissed if I hid this from her. 
Charlie was by far the most oblivious of the hotel staff. Everyone, excluding her and Husk, knew that she was hopelessly in love with Husk. I already knew Charlie wouldn’t leave me alone until I agreed to call Nixie, so I did. But actually calling her felt sadistic. Would I tell her over the phone what the party was about? No, I’d let her be excited for a party for just a little while. 
With Charlie next to me I hesitantly dialed Nixie. It rang once, then twice. I was hoping she wouldn’t answer but much to my disappointment she did. Charlie leaned over my shoulder to speak into the phone, telling Nixie there was going to be a [arty. She didn’t tell Nixie what the party was for and she didn’t ask, which was a relief. After I hung up I turned to Charlie. 
“You should know by now that Nixie has the biggest crush in the world on Husk, why would you invite her to a party celebrating him getting with someone else?!” I growled up at her. She appeared genuinely surprised. “Wow, really? Well fuck, I shouldn’t have invited her,” she mused. I rolled my eyes. Before I could reprimand Charlie further a portal appeared, specifically a portal made by an Asmodean crystal, and Nixie stepped through it. She wasn’t wearing anything fancy, just a black turtleneck and a pair of loose black jeans. 
“I don’t know what this party is about but I bought a couple things,” she announced as she opened the shopping bag in her left hand. “Let’s see, balloons, streamers, candles and cake mix.” Nixie passed the shopping bag to Charlie. “Thanks, I’ll be sure we use them!” She raced to the kitchen, leaving me alone with Nixie. 
“Oh, Willow. I got that Tundra Brittlebush you asked me to grab,” she told me, reaching into her purse. She pulled out a small bundle of stems adorned in leaves of different colors, most notably white flowers with small petals that curled into the bulb, creating a cradle-like flower. “Thank you,” I replied, taking the stems and placing them in my hair with other herbs I kept on my person for emergency cases. Tundra Brittlebush was native to the Envy ring, where Nixie was from, so she was perfect to get it for me. 
I took a deep sniff; the cake was done. Now all that was left were decorations. Vaggie and Niffty had just arrived with their decorations and Charlie gave them a ladder to set up the decorations. Nixie and I walked over to the bar to stay out of the way and Nixie lit a cigarette. I rolled my eyes. “You know you’re killing your lungs, right?” I countered. She rolled her eyes and took another puff. “They’ll be fine,” she replied nonchalantly. As she took another puff I smacked her on the back where her lung was and she spouted off into a fit of coughing. “You asshole, I had smoke in my throat,” she croaked between coughs. 
After about 10 minutes Vaggie and Niffty had set up decorations, and Charlie was filling the balloons and setting up the streamers. Nixie put out her cigarette and leaned back in the chair. “Any idea who this party is for? A new guest’s birthday?” I gulped. If I told her the truth she’d leave, and if I lied she’d be pissed with me for lying. I gave a noncommittal shrug. “I’m not sure,” Nixie dropped the subject and pulled her phone from her pocket and groaned. 
“For fuck’s sake I can’t leave those dumbasses alone for one night,” she growled. I peered over at her phone and read the news story. Apparently a turf war had broke out on Nixie’s territory; two demons unnamed, meaning they weren’t important, were causing problems in Envy. “Do you need to go?” I asked hopefully. Maybe this turf war could be an excuse for her to not have to be at this party. “No, I’m not worrying about it,” she replied before putting her phone away. So much for that. 
After another 5 minutes of waiting Charlie called to a room, “you can come out now!” Opening the door and walking out was Angel, carrying Husk along by hand. I snatched a look at Nixie, who had narrowed her eye in suspicion, staring at Angel. 
“As everyone knows, Husk and Angel are a couple! And this party is to celebrate them coming out as a couple, so let’s party!” Charlie announced. The whole room clapped for Angel and Husk. Angel was soaking up the attention and Husk looked a little flustered. Even Nixie was clapping, though her expression looked strained. As the clapping died down I expected Nixie to start a fight with Angel; she was looking at him with an expression that screamed anguish. Instead she walked up to Angel and Husk in a leisurely way and congratulated them. “I hope you’re both very happy to be together and I wish you the best of luck,” she told them before going behind the bar without Husk’s permission. “Now if you’ll excuse me…” She muttered as she grabbed a bottle of Hapsburg Absinthe and making her way out the door. 
“Is she uh, okay?” Angel asked, eyeing the door Nixie had just walked out of. I nodded my head quickly. “Oh, of course! She just, uh, likes to celebrate in private. I’ll uh, check on her,” and with that I left the hotel as well. Nixie was sat on the pavement at the beginning of the driveway. She had the bottle of liquor in one hand and a half smoked cigarette in the other. I approached her slowly so as to not startle her and I sat beside her, offering her a sympathetic smile. She gave me a look of pure misery before tipping her head back and chugging more alcohol. 
“Dear Satan I forgot how strong this is,” she muttered as she sat the bottle down on her other side. She took a long drag of her cigarette and breathed out the smoke, iridescent in the glow of the hotel’s lights. She looked over at me with an expectant gaze. “Did you want something?” She inquired, taking another drag. 
“Um, I just… I know this is a lot for you to take in and I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” I replied meekly. Nixie rolled her eye. “Peachy,” she growled before swigging down more alcohol. “Do you want me to sit out here with you for a minute or do you need to be alone?” I asked. Nixie’s shoulders slumped and she sighed. “I wouldn’t mind the company, even if just for a minute,” she replied. I leaned over to the white roses I was growing in the courtyard of the hotel and plucked one, passing it to Nixie. “You’ll find someone else, just be patient and open minded,” I offered my best advice. Nixie examined the rose, stroking the white petal gently. “This is what I get for falling for a sinner,” she mused, placing the rose next to her. I shook my head and gently took her hands. “This isn’t a punishment for falling for a sinner, it’s just bad luck. Maybe you’ll find another sinner you really like,” I suggested, trying to encourage her to cheer up. Nixie shrugged, pulling away. “I don’t know. It’ll take a while to get over him,” she sighed. I nodded my head in understanding. 
We sat outside for about an hour in silence, Nixie drinking and smoking, and me examining the flowers growing in the courtyard. The comfortable silence was broken by Charlie, who came outside to tell us the party was over and everyone should get some rest. I took Nixie’s hands and led her inside, being sure to keep her away from Husk and Angel. I yawned; I was more tired than I thought. “Will you be okay on your own?” I asked her. She nodded her head. “I’m drunk enough to deal with it, go to bed,” she replied. I obeyed, leaving her alone. “Are you coming to bed, Alastor?” I asked my husband. He nodded his head. “Yes, of course, just give me a minute,” he replied. I sighed and went to bed. I knew he was going to talk to Nixie, I could just only hope he wouldn’t be too crass or sadistic. 
Nixie’s POV
After Willow had left I took a seat on a bar stool, placing my half empty bottle on the table and pulling my cigarettes and lighter from my pocket. I was painfully aware of Alastor watching me like a predator would watch prey, but I tried to ignore it and lit my cigarette, taking a long puff. The silence was deafening. 
As if he didn’t know what personal space was Alastor took a seat right next to me, throwing an arm around my shoulder. “You’ve been dreary all night my dear, what’s wrong?” He asked, smiling brightly as ever. I narrowed my eye at him. “Don’t play dumb with me radio prick,” I warned, a hiss in my voice. 
Alastor sighed, patting my back gently. “You poor thing, losing your only love to a hooker,” he mused. “You don’t have to remind me,” I growled at him. Alastor looked me in the eye, his smile more sympathetic than anything. “No, really. I couldn’t imagine losing my lovely Willow to a floozy. Anyone with eyes could see you were lovestruck for that stupid cat for some reason or another, and now he’s with someone else. That must be painful.” He rubbed small circles on my back soothingly. Despite my hatred for him I couldn’t help but appreciate his kindness. 
“Alastor?” I prompted. He hummed in response, gazing at me expectantly. “How do you get over heartbreak?” I inquired. Alastor chuckled; “it sounds cheesy but the only way is to give it time, they say time heals all wounds. Just be patient,” he replied softly. Feeling incredibly drowsy and not caring about my rivalry with the radio demon I leaned my head against his shoulder, closing my eyes. I was immediately drifting off to sleep. Alastor picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room, the static surrounding him playing an old melody I couldn't think of the name of. He dropped me off at my door and patted me on the head, his claws gently touching the tuft of water on my head. “Be patient my dear, you’ll find love again.”
Be patient. 
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problemsynth · 3 months
might I ask for some fun facts about Mouse (or anything you wanna share)? the art I've seen: gorgeous. the tags: intriguing. i love gangrels and im so curious!!
Ah my beautifulchain smoking son who does everything wrong all the time!
He's a play off the "wounded dog" archetype and he's the partner to my trainwreck of a toreador.
Hes an absolute car and retro videogame nerd who spends most of his time either fixing things or pretending hes a completely normal dog that cannot answer you if you attempt to talk to him.
He's got a love of shirts with stupid slogans on it and in present nights has found himself in a situation with @findingtarshish's mage melody.
I can go on for forever about him.
Like pre embrace Mouse (Tobias Devorak) was the son of an alcoholic mechanic and his childhood was not great. It left him so well adjusted that he wound up as an angry highschool dropout who couldn't keep a job or apartment for more than a few months at a time.
his sire, Amelia, found him in a rare period where he was both employed and housed. And after he beat the crap out of her ghoul (for being and asshole and making him loose his temper) she decided she didn't want her pain in the ass ghoul and wanted to see what mouse was about.
So she killed her ghoul and framed mouse for his murder. She essentially hunted mouse into a corner and embraced him on a whim. She then proceeded to abandon him with nothing but a note giving him the name mouse, a warning to keep away from the sun, and her van.
He did not take to vampire life well, had an awful time adjusting to feeding specifically, and fell into an awful cycle of frenzying and running. And very quickly caught the eye of hunters where he found my trainwreck torrie who saved his ass and helped him adjust to kindred life.
and they had a whole adventure involving picking up another gangrel (hacker and eco terrorist Nixie Tube), a thin-blood malk (geography major and formor figurehead for a gehenna cult Thirteen), a Nosferatu (amnesiac Nere), and also blowing up a werewolf with a pipebomb.
He also got suckered into dating my torie (Solaire) and also joining her band and the Toronto anarchs.
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Ok here’s a picture of my old nixie sorcerer, Bubble that no one asked for ☺️✨
Wanted to colour more underwater things 🌊
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simsbyjo · 6 months
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Josef asking Nixie out is something new!
It's also the towne BBQ night and they've decided to meet at the plaza.
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While waiting for the BBQ, things got a little steamy between Josef and Nixie.
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The BBQ ended pretty early as it started raining, Nixie kissed Josef goodbye and head home.
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gravyhoney · 6 months
*asks about your ocs*
Ok I’ll talk abt the characters in the video bc I have tooooo many and I assume those were the ones u were referring to. Also this is going to be a long fucking post and might not be entirely connected and stuff, but bear with me. I love talking about my ocs and I go a little insane. If you have any clarification questions I’m HAPPY to answer them :)
They all have slightly connected stories, but only to a very little degree. They’re all somehow connected to/affected by the blue haired woman in the beginning. So they r, in order of appearance, Nixie, Rubix, Cinnamon, Revery, Kevin, and Epona.
I’ve talked abt Rubix before, not so much the others, but they’re all a part of a species that suffered a serious collective trauma (extinction event that wiped most of them out)
Rubix was too young to remember it, but got wildly traumatized in different ways dw.
Living on their world before the Fall, were shifters who the travelers had long standing (slightly one sided) beef with, so most travelers grew up hating shifters, including Nixie. Her hatred was far amplified by the deaths of her oldest and youngest brothers, and she was falsely led to believe it was the fault of shifters.
Cinnamon was her best ever friend, Kevin was Cinnamon’s bf, and Revery, stick with me on this one, was Kevin’s best friend’s younger sibling (Epona and Rubix come into play later) when the Fall happened, they all got separated and believed the others died. This far quicker fueled Nixie’s hatred and set in motion her mass revenge plan, which she decided she would not let anyone stop her from her true purpose (kill all shifters ever). Nixie did not stop short of seriously harming and even killing other travelers for their abilities or their silence. Epona was one of the lucky few who survived, but they have serious memory loss due to it.
Rubix, as stated before, was very young when the Fall happened so she doesn’t remember it. She grew up in various different situations, and Nixie was the first person like her that she’d ever met. Rubix was extremely excited to know Nixie until they realized that Nixie was manipulating them into harming people who didn’t deserve it, and also got beat to shit. Not to the extent Epona did, but you know. :)
Revery, finally not in denial about the Fall and (possible) death of not only his entire family, it entire species, settled temporarily in a town that already had various shifters living there. (She had to face and unpack her own biases towards shifters). But then NIXIE SHOWS UP!! And she’s super excited bc Nixie was in her older sister’s friend group (older sister character is not my oc, otherwise she would’ve been in the video) and she’s like ‘omgggggg someone I know!! I’m not the last existing traveler!!’ And Nixie is like ‘it’s so cool ur here. We have to kill all these shifters.’ And Revery is NOT fucking down for that, and they fight.
Cinnamon was Nixie’s best friend growing up, and helped her through both of her brother’s deaths, as well as her parents’ divorce following their loss. Cinnamon had a vague idea of Nixie’s shifter hatred, but didn’t really care bc once again. They were ALL raised to hate shifters, so it wasn’t like. Surprising. What WAS surprising though, was when Cinnamon and Nixie FINALLY found each other after the Fall and Nixie was killing other TRAVELERS if they stood in her way (not just travelers, anyone really, but Cinnamon was most put off by her murdering their own people)
Kevin…..wasn’t really affected by Nixie. Same with Cinnamon, he was put off by her willingness to kill survivors, as well as being Nixie’s best friend’s boyfriend, so yk. But he has a fun thing happening, when he survived, it was with a group of other ppl including his best friend, Revery’s older sister Celeste (@/helpimcoveredinbees character). Celeste kinda went insane and randomly disappeared, so with the Fall, the belief his long term girlfriend is dead, and the sudden leaving of his best friend, Kevin kind of lost it and literally became delusional. He also left and uh. Became a space cowboy. Until Celeste and Cinnamon both reappeared, and he snapped out of his psychosis and was like. ‘Oh god. I’ve made a mistake (became a cowboy)’
So uh. Yeah. That’s Nixie and the ppl she seriously traumatized.
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