dougielombax · 3 months
I just hope there’s more criminal factions to work with in Star Wars Outlaws beyond just Crimson Dawn (BLEGH!), the Pykes, Hutt Cartel, Zerek Besh (though I know they arent able to be aligned with) and the Ashiga Clan.
Or at least some small Alliance-aligned independent rebel cells.
I’m surprised we haven’t seen Black Sun anywhere yet.
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clonebrainrot · 19 days
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kylethescott · 15 days
The real reason to side with the Ashiga Clan: This absolute banger.
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hardcoregamer · 2 months
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Meet the Criminal Syndicates of Star Wars Outlaws
Star Wars Outlaws represents a major departure from previous Star Wars games in recent years. While past games have cast players in the role of different Force users, Rebel leaders, soldiers, and pilots, Star Wars Outlaws centers its story around the criminal underworld. In it, you play Kay Vess, a scoundrel trying to make her way in the world and pull off the ultimate heist to pay off the Zerek Besh.
Check out more!
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chals007 · 11 days
STAR WARS OUTLAWS - Capitulo 7 - La Reina De Los Ashiga
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stellevatum · 12 days
Kar's opinion of the Syndicates, inspired by playing Outlaws:
Pykes: Grasping c-nts (derogatory)
Crimson Dawn: Conniving c-nts (But Vos could get it if he was still alive)
Hutt Cartel: Slimy c-nts (but inner Hutt politics could be a holodrama in of itself and therefore entertaining as fuck.)
Ashiga Clan: Uptight c-nts (But upfront about it most of the time so that's respectable at least)
Doesn't mean she still won't keep playing the game--and each other-- so long as they keep the credits going...
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calkestis · 17 days
ashiga clan, babygirl, i’ll do anything for you, just stop working with the emp*re
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jacensolodjo · 21 days
I hate having to do the balancing act with factions.
I like crimson dawn even tho I actually don't like qi'ra as a character.
I feel like you need to try to just fuck up with the factions not in control of the planet you are on. Like. If you're on tattooine you need to kiss Hutt ass at the detriment to your other faction rep.
So I stayed with pyke as much as possible on Toshara. But alas.
We will see how that works. I am already to that point where I lost pyke good rep and now I'm scrambling to boost it back for when I go back to their main planet when I unlock stuff like the 3rd blaster setting and the cutter.
There's a trophy each for maxing each syndicate rep and one trophy for getting them to hate you lmao I am imagining I will need multiple playthroughs to max all 4. I made some saves on Toshara.
It feels like you can't do shit on Kijimi without kissing the Ashiga Clan's shebs for instance even if the other syndicates have small territory on Kijimi.
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demonslayerscript · 1 month
Episode 10 : Together Forever / 第十話『ずっと一緒にいる(Zutto Isshoni Iru)』
*Green colored words are only in anime, not in original manga, and we usually call them “ani-ori(anime-original)".
Yahaba “Soro-soro shine!”
Yahaba “It’s about time for you to die!”
炭治郎(ねじれ!! 巻き取れ!! ねじれ渦・流流!)
Tanjiro (Nejire!! Maki-tore!! Nejire-Uzu, Ryu-Ryu!)
Tanjiro (Twist! Envelope! Twisting Whirlpool-Flowing Water!)
炭治郎(刀が重い!! だけど…弐ノ型・改、横水車!!)
Tanjiro (Katanaga omoi!! Dakedo… Nino Kata, Kai, Yoko-Mizu-Guruma!!)
Tanjiro (My sword’s so heavy! But… Second Form…Improved, Lateral Water Wheel!)
Tanjiro (Yatta…! Suichude nakereba iryokuno ochiru, Nejire-Uzu. Mukono kogekino okagede chikaraga mashite yajirushio maki-toreta.)
Tanjiro (I did it! The Whirlpool move loses force when it’s not underwater! But thanks to my opponent’s attack, it gained power, and I was able to envelope the arrows!”
矢琶羽「くっ。おのれ、おのれ、おのれ!! お前の頸さえ持ち帰れば、あの御方に認めていただけたのに!許さぬ、許さぬ、許さぬ、許さぬ!汚い土に儂の顔をつけおって!お前も道連れじゃ!!!」
Yahaba “Ku. Onore, onore, onore!! Omaeno kubi-sae mochi-kaereba, ano okatani mitomete itadaketa-noni! Yurusanu, yurusanu, yurusanu, yurusanu! Kitanai tsuchini washino kao’o tsuke-otte! Omaemo michi-zureja!!!”
Yahaba “Damn! Curse you! Curse you! Curse you! All I had to do was bring back your head, and I would’ve won his approval! I’ll never forgive you! I’ll never ever forgive you! Shoving my face into this vile dirt! You’re going down with me!”
炭治郎(しまった、相打ちだ!! 今まで喰らった矢印で、一番強い力で引かれる!! 次々に技を放って受け身を取らないと、体がグチャグチャだ!! 肆ノ型。打ち潮!!!)
Tanjiro (Shimatta, aiuchida!! Imamade kuratta yajirushide, ichiban tsuyoi chikarade hikareru!! Tsugi-tsugini wazao hanatte ukemio toranaito, karadaga gucha-guchada!! Shino Kata. Uchi-Shio!!!)
Tanjiro (Oh, no! He’s gonna get me! I’m getting pulled by a force stronger than the arrows he’s hit me with! I gotta unleash move after move and go on the defensive, or my body’s going to get smashed! Fourth Form, Striking Tide!)
炭治郎(体に圧がかかって…刀を振れない!! 出せ!! 技を出せ!! こんな所でやられるな!!)
Tanjiro (Karadani atsuga kakatte…katanao furenai!! Dase!! Wazao dase!! Konna tokorode yarareruna!!)
Tanjiro (The pressure is bearing down on my body, and I can’t swing my sword! Unleash one! Unleash a move! Not here! Don’t let yourself get beat!)
炭治郎(弐ノ型。水車!! うわあああっ!滝壺!! うわーっ、水面斬り!! 雫波紋突き!! ねじれ渦!!)
Tanjiro (Nino Kata. Mizu-Guruma!! Uwaaaa! Taki-Tsubo!! Uwā, Minamo-Giri!! Shizuku-Hamon-Zuki!! Nejire-Uzu!!)
Tanjiro (Second Form… Water Wheel! Waterfall Basin! Water Surface Slash! Drop Ripple Thrust-curve! Whirlpool!)
炭治郎(こんなに連続して技を出したことはない…!! 両腕が千切れそうだ)
Tanjiro (Konnani renzoku shite wazawo dashita kotowa nai…! Ryo-udega chigiresoda.”
Tanjiro (I’ve never made this many consecutive moves before! It feels like both my arms are about to get torn off!)
Yahaba “Mada-mada tarinu. Motto…motto kurushime!”
Yahaba “Nowhere near enough! More… Suffer more!”
炭治郎(あと何回だ?あと何回… 考えるな!! 技を出し続けろ!! 出し続けろ!!)
Tanjiro (Ato nankaida? Ato Nankai… Kangae-runa!! Wazao dashi-tsuzukero! Dashi-tsuzukero!!)
Tanjiro (How many more times? How many? Don’t think about it! Just keep unleashing moves! Keep throwing them out!)
Yahaba “Madada…Mada…tarinu…”
Yahaba “Not yet! It’s still not enough yet!!”
Tanjiro (Nezuko, Tamayo-san, Yushiro-san…! Abarato ashiga oreta… Da, Dameda, hirode katanao nigire-nai. Hayaku ikana-kereba… Oniwa mada iru.)
Tanjiro (Nezuko… Miss Tamayo… Yushiro… I’ve got a broken rib and leg. N-No good! I’m too exhausted to grip my sward! I gotta get over there! There’s still one more demon!)
炭治郎(すぐ行く!! すぐ行くから…無事でいてくれ!! どうか無事で…!!)
Tanjiro (Sugu iku!! Sugu iku-kara… Bujide ite-kure!! Doka bujide…!!)
Tanjiro (I’ll be there soon! I’ll be there soon! So be safe, all right? Please…)
Susamaru “Kyahahahaha!”
Yushiro  “Bakaga” “Chokusen-tekina kogeki-nara, kawasu-nado zosamo naiwa! Ichino tokuteimo tayasui!”
Yushiro “Ridiculous! It’s child’s play for me to evade a linear attack like this! Locating you is a breeze, as well!”
Susamaru “Sorewa kochiramo onaji kotoja. Ikura sugatao keseyoga…maru-wakarijā!”
Susamaru “The same goes for you! No matter how well you might conceal yourself, I can see you clear as day!”
Susamaru “Kyahaha! Omoshiroi-no.”
Susamaru “What fun this is!”
Yushiro “Omae! Shinanai-karatte fuyoini dete-kuruna! Na, Nanda! Nani shitenda! Kuruzo!”
Yushiro “Hey you! Don’t be so rash just because you’re immortal! Wh-What’s wrong? What do you think you’re doing? Here it comes!”
Susamaru “Kyahahaha!”
Yushiro “Aitsu… Tamayo-sama.”
Yushiro “Look at her. Lady Tamayo…”
朱紗丸「あっ。こっ、このガキ…このガキ!! 私の毬を蹴り返すようになってきたとは…生意気な!」
Susamaru “A, ko, kono gaki… Kono gaki!! Watashino mario keri-kaesu-yoni natte-kita-towa. Namaikina!)
Susamaru “You little brat! You little brat! So, now you can kick my temari back at me? How insolent!”
Susamaru “Uu… Kono Gaki!!”
Susamaru “You damn brat!”
Yushiro “Sugoi… Tamayo-sama, korewa…”
Yushiro “Unbelievable. Lady Tamayo, is this…”
Tamayo “Watashiga tsukatta kusuriwa, tadano kaifuku-yaku desu. Oni-sen’yono… Karadao Kyoka suru sayowa nai. Nezuko-san jishinno chikara desu. Hitono chinikumo kurawazuni, kanojoga jibunno chikarade kyusokuni tsuyoku natte-iru.”
Tamayo “I used a healing serum on her. Nothing more. Made exclusively for demons. It doesn’t make one physically stronger. What we’re seeing is Nezuko’s own power. Without devouring human blood… Solely on her own… Nezuko is gaining strength at a rapid rate.”
Tamayo (Shikashi aitemo tsuwa-mono. Zenryokude tsubushini korare-tara, hito-tamarimo nai. Watashiga nantoka shina-kereba.)
Tamayo (However, her opponent is also formidable. If she were to go all-out, Nezuko wouldn’t stand a chance. I’ve got to…do something.)
Susamaru “Hi, Hahaha, omoshiroi musumeja. Kondowa kochiramo honkide aiteo shite-yaru. Itsumade mochi-kotae-rareru-kano?”
Susamaru “You’re an amusing little girl! This time, I’m going all-out against you! I wonder how long you can hold out!”
Tamayo “Sokono Ju-ni-Kizukino ojosan.”
Tamayo “Twelve Kizuki demon girl there.”
Susamaru “Jamada. Nogare-monowa hikkonde-ore.”
Susamaru “You’re in my way! Step back, you damn fugitive!”
Tamayo “Hitotsu-dake okikase kudasai. Anatawa Kibutsujino shotaio gozonji nano-desuka?”
Tamayo “Just tell me one thing please. Are you aware of Kibutsuji’s true identity?”
Susamaru “Na…Nanio iu, Kisama!!”
Susamaru “What the hell did you say?”
Tamayo “Ano otokowa tadano okubyo-mono desu. Itsumo nanikani obiete-iru.”
Tamayo “That man is nothing but a coward. He lives in constant fear of something.”
朱紗丸「やめろ!! 貴様やめろ!!」
Susamaru “Yamero!! Kisama, yamero!!”
Susamaru “Stop it! Damn you! Stop it!”
Tamayo “Oniga mureru kotoga dekinai riyuo shitte-imasuka? Oniga tomo-gui suru riyuo. Oni-tachiga tabani natte, jibun’o osotte-kuruno’o fusegu tame desu. Sono-yoni sosa sarete-iruno-desu, anata-gatawa.”
Tamayo “Do you know why it is that demons can’t band together? The reason why demons cannibalize each other? It’s to prevent other demons from banding together and attacking him. He manipulates demons to act this way. Demons like you.”
朱紗丸「黙れ…黙れ、黙れ!! あのお方はそんな小物ではない!!」
Susamaru “Damare… Damare, damare!! Ano okatawa sonna komono-dewa nai!!”
Susamaru “Shut up! Shut up, shut up! No way is he that pretty!”
Yushiro (A… Tamayo-samaga jutsuo tsukatte-iru!)
Yushiro (Lady Tamayo… is casting a spell.)
Susamaru “Ano okatano chikarawa susamajii-noja! Dare-yorimo tsuyoi! Kibutsuji-samawa! A…Aa…”
Susamaru “The power he wields is mind-blowing! There’s no one stronger than him! Not Lord Kibutsuji!”
Tamayo “Sono nao kuchini shimashitane. Noroiga hatsudo suru…”
Tamayo “You’ve uttered that name out loud, haven’t you? That will trigger the curse.”
Yushiro (Hakujitsuno Mako… Nono kino’o teika-sase, kyogio nobetari himitsuo mamoru kotoga fukanoto naru. Sugoi iryoku desu, Tamayo-sama.)
Yushiro (Magical Aroma of Daylight. It weakens its target’s brain functions, rendering that person unable to lie or keep secrets. It’s immensely potent, Lady Tamayo!)
Tamayo “Kawaiso-desuga… Sayonara.”
Tamayo “I do feel sorry for you, but… farewell.”
朱紗丸「ああ…あーっ!お許しください!お許しください!! どうか!どうか許して!ああっ、うっ…」
Susamaru “Aa… Ā!  Oyurushi kudasai! Oyurushi kudasai!! Doka! Doka yurushite! Aa, u…”
Susamaru “Please forgive me! I’m begging you! Please! Please forgive me!”
Tanjiro “Shinde shimattan-desuka?”
Tanjiro “Did she just die?”
Tamayo “Mamo-naku shini-masu. Korega ‘noroi’ desu. Tainaini zanryu-suru Kibutsujino saiboni nikutaiga hakai sareru koto. Kihon-tekini, oni-doshino tatakaiwa fumo desu. Imiga nai… Chimei-sho’o ataeru kotoga deki-masen-kara. Yokoto, kisatsuno kenshino katana-igaiwa. Tada, Kibutsujiwa onino saiboga hakai dekiru-yodesu.”
Tamayo “She will die momentarily. That’s the curse. Her physical body will be destroyed by Kibutsuji’s cells still in her body. In general, battles between demons are futile. It’s pointless. Because they can’t inflict fatal wounds on each other. Only sunlight and the swords of the Demon Slayers can do so. Kibutsuji alone appears to be able to destroy demon cells.”
Yushiro “Tamayo-samano jutsuo suikomu-nayo. Jintai-niwa gaiga deru. Wakattaka.”
Yushiro “Don’t go inhaling Lady Tamayo’s spell! It’s harmful to the human body! You got that?”
Tanjiro “U…Un.”
Tamayo “Tanjiro-san. Kono katawa, Juni-Kizuki dewa arimasen. Juni-Kizukiwa, gankyuni sujiga kizamarete imasuga, kono kata-niwa nai… Osoraku mo ippomo Juni-Kizuki-dewa naidesho. Yowa-sugiru.”
Tamayo “Tanjiro… She is not one of the Twelve Kizuki. The Twelve Kizuki have numbers engraved on their eyeballs, but this demon doesn’t have one. Most likely, the other demon isn’t a member of the Twelve Kizuki, either. They’re too weak.”
炭治郎「えっ?弱すぎる…?! あれで?!」
Tanjiro “E? Yowa-sugiru…?! Arede?!”
Tanjiro “Too weak? At that level?”
Yushiro “Tamayo-samaga ossharuno-dakara, machigai nai. Shikashi, atamano warui onimo ita-mondana. Tamayo-samano okaradao kizu-tsuketanda. Tozenno mukui-daga.”
Yushiro “If Lady Tamayo says so, there’s no mistake. Still, who knew there were such stupid demons? She physically injured Lady Tamayo. She got exactly what she deserved.”
Tamayo “Kono chiga, chiryo-yakuo tsukuru tameno tegakarini naruto yoino-desuga. Watashiwa, Nezuko-san’o mimasu. Kusurio tsukatta ueni jutsumo suwasete shimatta-node, gomen-nasaine.”
Tamayo “I hope this blood will be instrumental in developing the healing serum. I’m going to take care of Nezuko. Not only did I medicate her, she also inhaled my spell inadvertently. I’m so sorry.”
Yushiro “A, omaewa sono-mama jitto shitero! Atowa shiran. Orewa Tamayo-sama-kara hanare-taku-nai. Sukoshimo!!”
Yushiro “Don’t move a muscle! You’re on your own now! I don’t want to leave Lady Tamayo’s side! Not for a second!”
Susamaru “Ma…ri…mari…mari…”
Susamaru “Ma…ri… Mari… Mari…”
Tanjiro “…Mari dayo.”
Tanjiro “Here’s your mari.”
朱紗丸「遊…ぼ… あ…そ…ぼ…」
Susamaru “Aso…bo… A…so…bo…”
Susamaru “Play with me. Play with me.”
Tanjiro (Chiisai kodomo mitaida. Takusan hito’o koroshite-iru-daroni.)
Tanjiro (You’re just like a little kid. Even though you must’ve murdered scores of people.)
Tanjiro (Juni-Kizuki dato odate-rare, damasare tatakawa-sare, soshite Kibutsujino noroide korosareta. Sukuiga nai… Shinda atowa hone-sura nokorazu kieru. Hitono inochio ubatta mukui nanoka…)
Tanjiro (You were deluded into thinking you were in the Twelve Kizuki. Deceived… Compelled to fight… And now, you were killed by the Kibutsuji curse. There’s no salvation. Even after you die, not even your bones will remain. Is this the price you pay for killing others?)
Tanjiro (Kibutsuji, ano otokowa, jibun’o shitau mononi-sura kono shiuchi. Honmonono onida.)
Tanjiro (Kibutsuji… This is how that man treats even those who revere him! He’s a true… demon!)
Tanjiro “Tamayo-saaan, Yushiro-san?”
Tanjiro “Miss Tamayo! Yushiro?”
Yushiro “Kocchida, kocchi.”
Yushiro “Over here! Over here!”
Tanjiro “E.”
Yushiro “Betsuni konakutemo iindaga, kitai-nara orite-koi.”
Yushiro “Not that you need to come at all. But if you want to, then get down here.”
Tamayo “Yushiro!”
Tamayo “Yushiro!”
Yushiro “Jodan desu.”
Yushiro “Only joking!”
Tamayo “Hayaku irasshai. Tanjiro-san.”
Tamayo “Hurry down, then, Tanjiro!”
Tanjiro “A…Hai.”
Tanjiro “Oh, right!”
Tanjiro “A, Nezuko!”
Tanjiro “Nezuko!”
Tamayo “Asao mukaeru maeni, hikariga todokanai kono chikani ido-shimashita.”
Tamayo “I moved her to this basement, where the sunlight won’t reach her, ahead of daybreak.”
Tanjiro “A… Nezuko…”
Tanjiro “Nezuko?”
Yushiro “Kisamaaa! Tamayo-sama kara hanarero, shitsurei dazo!”
Yushiro “Why, you! Step away from Lady Tamayo! That’s so rude!”
Tamayo “Yamenasai, Yushiro. Iindesuyo.”
Tamayo “Stop it, Yushiro. I don’t mind at all.”
Yushiro “Hai!” (Oyasashii Tamayo-sama. Utsukushi-sugiruzo.) “Yamero!”
Yushiro “Yes, ma’am!” (You have such a kind heart, Lady Tamayo. You’re too beautiful to believe!) “Cut…that…out!”
Tamayo “Sakihodo-kara Nezuko-sanga kono-yona jotai nano-desuga… Daijobu deshoka?”
Tamayo “Nezuko has been acting in this way since she awoke. Do you think she’s all right?”
Tanjiro “Shinpai irimasen. Daijobu desu. Tabun futarino koto’o, kazokuno darekato omotte-irun-desu.”
Tanjiro “There’s nothing to worry about. She’s fine. She probably thinks you’re someone in our family.”
Yushiro “Yamero!”
Yushiro “Cut it out!”
Tamayo “Kazoku? Shikashi, Nezuko-sanno kakatte-iru anjiwa, ningenga kazokuni mieru mono-dewa? Watashi-tachiwa oni desuga…”
Tamayo “Family? But I thought the spell Nezuko is under causes her to see humans as her family. And Yushiro and I are demons.”
Yushiro “Yamero.”
Yushiro “Cut it out!”
炭治郎「でも禰豆子は、お二人を人間だと判断してます。だから守ろうとした。俺…禰豆子に暗示かかってるの嫌だったけど、本人の意思がちゃんとあるみたいで良かった… すみません!! 禰豆子!ねず…禰豆子!はな…離れるんだ!失礼だから!!」
Tanjiro “Demo Nezukowa, ofutario ningen-dato handan shite-masu. Dakara mamoroto shita. Ore… Nezukoni anji kakatteruno iya-datta-kedo, hon’nin’no ishiga chanto aru mitaide yokatta… Sumimasen!! Nezuko! Nezu…Nezuko! Hana…Hanarerunda! Shitsurei dakara!!”
Tanjiro “But Nezuko has perceived you two as humans. That’s why she tried to protect you. At first, I didn’t like the idea of Nezuko being under a spell, but since it looks like she has a will of her own, I’m glad that― I-I’m so sorry! Nezuko! Nezuko! S-Step away from her! It’s rude, all right?”
Tamayo “Arigato… Nezuko-san… Arigato…”
Tamayo “Thank you… Nezuko! Thank you!”
Tamayo “Anatawa, soredemo ikitaito omoi-masuka? Hontoni… hitode naku-nattemo, ikitaito. Konomama yamaide anatawa inochio otosu desho. Desuga… hitode nakunaru kotowa, tsuraku kanashii. Soredemo anatawa ikitaito…”
Tamayo “Do you still wish to live? Do you still wish to live even if you’re no longer human? If this goes on, you will most likely succumb to your illness. However, losing your humanity will cause you pain and grief. Do you still wish to live?”
Tamayo “Watashi-tachiwa kono tochio sarimasu.”
Tamayo “Yushiro and I will leave this region.”
Tanjiro “E?”
Tamayo “Kibutsujini chikazuki-sugi-mashita. Hayaku mio kakusa-neba kikenna jokyo desu. Soreni, umaku kakushite-iru tsumori-demo, ishato-shite hitoto kakawario moteba, onidato kizukareru tokiga aru. Tokuni kodomoya nenpaino katawa surudoino-desu. Tanjiro-san.”
Tamayo “We’ve gotten too close to Kibutsuji. We must conceal our whereabouts soon or the risk will be too great. Not to mention, even if I think I’ve concealed my identity, when I interact with humans as a doctor, people sometimes see through me as a demon. The young and the elderly are particularly perceptive. Tanjiro…”
Tanjiro “Hai.”
Tanjiro “Yes?”
Tamayo “Nezuko-sanwa watashi-tachiga oazukari shimashoka?”
Tamayo “Would you like us to take Nezuko in?”
Tanjiro “E.”
Tamayo “Zettaini anzen-towa iikire-masenga, tatakaino bani tsurete-iku-yoriwa kikenga sukunai-kato.”
Tamayo “I can’t give you an absolute guarantee that she’ll be safe, but I believe it will be less dangerous than taking her into battle.”
Tanjiro (So kamo shirenai. Tashikani, azuketa-hoga Nezukono tame-nimo…)
Tanjiro (That might be true. She’s right. It would be better for Nezuko to be in their care.)
Tanjiro “Tamayo-san, okizukai arigato gozaimasu. Demo… Ore-tachiwa isshoni ikimasu. Hanare-banare-niwa narimasen. Mo nidoto.”
Tanjiro “Miss Tamayo, thank you so much for your concern. But… Nezuko and I are staying together. We’re not going to live apart from each other. Never again.”
Tamayo “Wakari-mashita. Dewa, buun-chokyu’o inori-masu.”
Tamayo “Very well. In that case, I wish you long lasting good fortune in battle.”
Yushiro “Jaana. Ore-tachiwa konsekio keshite-kara iku. Omae-rawa sassato ike.”
Yushiro “All right. We’ll leaving after we erase all traces of ourselves. You two get going now!”
Tanjiro “Hai. Soredewa, Tamayo-sanmo Yushiro-sanmo ogenkide. Ikuyo, Nezuko. Sonnani isogunatte!”
Tanjiro “Right! Okay, Miss Tamayo, Yushiro, we wish you well! Let’s go, Nezuko. Hey! Don’t go rusing off like that!”
Yushiro “Tanjiro!”
Yushiro “Tanjiro!”
Tanjiro “E?”
Yushiro “Omaeno imotowa… bijin dayo.”
Yushiro “Your kid sister… is a beauty.”
Tennoji-Matsuemon (Kasugai-Garasu) “Nan-nan-to, nan-nan-to, tsugino bashowa nan-nan-to!!”
Matsuemon Tennoji(Kasugai Crow) “South-southeast! South-southeast! South-southeast! Your next location is south-southeast!”
炭治郎「わかった!! わかったから、もう少し黙っててくれ。頼む、もうわかったから、頼むよ~」
Tanjiro “Wakatta!! Wakatta-kara, mo sukoshi damattete-kure. Tanomu, mo wakatta-kara, tanomuyooo.”
Tanjiro “I heard you! I heard, so give me a break and quiet down! I’m begging you! I got the message, so please!”
Agatsuma Zen’itsu “Tanomuyo!!”
Zenitsu Agatsuma “Please!”
Tanjiro “E?”
善逸「頼む頼む頼む…結婚してくれ~!いつ死ぬかわからないんだ俺は!! だから結婚してほしいというわけで!! 頼む!頼むよォ~!」
Zen’itsu “Tanomu, tanomu, tanomu… Kekkon shite-kureee! Itsu shinuka wakaranainda orewa!! Dakara kekkon shite hoshiito iu wakede!! Tanomu! Tanomuyoooo!”
Zenitsu “Please! Please! Please! Please marry me! I could die any day, you know! That’s why I want you to marry me! So please! Please, I’m begging you!”
Tanjiro “Na… Nan-nanda, ittai…”
Tanjiro “Wh-What’s up with that? What on earth?”
大正コソコソ噂話 ーTaisho Secretー
Tanjiro “‘Nan-nan-to, nan-nan-to!’tte, tatakatta bakari nanoni, orewa itsu yasumerunda!”
Tanjiro “‘South-southeast! South-southeast!’ Hey, I just fought, and when can I rest?”
Tanjiro “Nani? Niteru? So-iu tsumorija nakattan-dakedo…”
Tanjiro “What? Was it similar? Actually I didn’t mean to pretend…”
Tanjiro “Sono maeni, kokode Taisho koso-koso uwasa-banashi. Kisatsu-Taino renraku-gakari, Kasugai-Garasu-niwa namaega arimasu. Oreno Kasugai-Garasuwa, Tennoji Matsuemon to-iu-rashii desuyo.”
Tanjiro “First, it’s time for a Taisho secret! The Demon Slayer Corps’ messengers, the Kasugai Crows, each have a name. I hear that mine is named Matsuemon Tennoji.”
炭治郎「じゃあ最後に。 ‘鬼狩リトシテノ最初ノ仕事デアル’って俺たち最初の任務からずっと戦ってるじゃないか!」
Tanjiro “Jaa saigoni. ‘Onigarito shiteno saishono shigotode aru’tte, ore-tachi saishono ninmu-kara zutto tatakatteruja naika!”
Tanjiro “So, finally, ‘this is your first assignment as a Demon Hunter!’ We’ve been fighting since our first mission!”
Tanjiro “Jikai, dai-juwa, ‘Tsuzumino Yashiki’. Kisatsu-Taitte yasumu hima naindana.”
Tanjiro “Next, Episode 11, ‘Tsuzumi Mansion.’ Demon Slayer Corps has no time to rest…”
*Orange-colored sentences are my translation, since I couldn’t find real ones in You Tube.
(Continue to episode 11)
0 notes
frierenscript · 2 months
Episode 6 : The Hero of the Village / 第6話『村の英雄(Murano Eiyu)』
*Green colored words are only in anime, not in original manga, and we usually call them "ani-ori(anime-original)".
Ferun “…Korewa shugyono ato dattano-desune.”
Fern “So this fissure was left by your training.”
Ferun “Ryuto tatakau kiwa naino-desuyone? Naze shugyo o tsuzukete-iruno-desuka?”
Fern “You don’t intend to fight the dragon, do you? So why do you continue traning?”
Shutaruku “Orega kono murani kita-toki, minna, shinki-kusai kao o shite, ryuno kyofuni obiete-ita. Sonna renchugasa, imadewa shiawase-soni waratterun-dayo. Shutaruku-samaga irukara, kono murawa daijobuda ttena. Orewa nanimo shitenaitte-noniyo. Kono muraga osowarete-inainowa, tadano ryuno kimagureda.”
Stark “When I arrived here, all the villagers wore grim expressions and lived in fear of the dragon. Now those same people are smiling happily. They say this village is safe because I’m around, even though I haven’t done anything. The dragon simply hasn’t attacked this village because it doesn’t feel like it.”
Ferun “Ryuga murao osottara, Shutaruku-samawa tatakauno-desuka?”
Fern “If the dragon attacks the village, will you fight it?”
Shutaruku “Shindatte iyasa. Demoyo, Kono murano renchuni tottewa, orewa eiyu nandayo. Kono murano eiyu Shutaruku-nanda. Orega mamoranakya naranain-dayo. Towa itte-mitaga jissaiwa nigedashi-chimau-kamona. Hitaino kizu-datte, mamonoto tatakaitaku-nakute, shishoto kenka-shita-tokini dekita-monoda. Nagurareta nowa, anotokiga hajimete dattana… Oreni shitsubo shitan-darosa. Kekkyoku orewa shisyoni ichido-datte, homerareta kotowa nakatta.”
Stark “I don’t want to die. But to the people of this village, I’m a hero. I’m Stark, the hero of this village. I have to defend it. That said, maybe I’d actually run away. I got this scar on my forehead during a fight with my master, not against monsters. That was the first time he ever hit me. He must’ve been disappointed in me. In the end, he never praised me. Not once.”
Shutaruku “…Nandayo.”
Stark “What?”
Ferun “Shutaruku-samawa, nigenaito omoimasu.”
Fern “I don’t think you’ll run.”
Shutaruku “Oreno naniga wakaru?”
Stark “You think you know me?”
Ferun “Mijinmo wakarimasenga, kowakatta-koto o omoidashitano-desu.”
Fern “I don’t know the first thing about you, but I recalled my own terrifying experience.”
Shutaruku “Kowakatta-koto?”
Stark “A terrifying experience?”
Ferun “Mamonoto hajimete tatakatta-tokidesu. Shugyowa soremadeni, jubun-sugiru-hodo tsunde-kimashita. Desuga kyofude ashiga sukumi, nige-dashite-shimaimashita. Doko-mademo ottekuru mamono. Nazeka tasukete kurenai Furīren-sama.”
Fern “My first battle against a monster. I’d trained plenty until then. But my fear made me weak in the knees, and I ran. The monster wouldn’t stop chasing me. For some reason, Ms.Frieren wouldn’t help me.”
Shutaruku “Uchino shishomo sonna kanjidawa…”
Stark “My master was like that, too.”
Ferun “Tou-tou oitsumerare, kakugo o kimeta-toki, karadaga ugoitano-desu. Hitsuyona monowa kakugo-dake dattano-desu. Hisshini tsumiagete-kitamonowa kesshite uragiri-masen. Shutaruku-samawa doshiyomo-nai okubyo-mono desuga, murao mamoritaito-iu kakugo-dakewa, kitto honmono-dato omoimasu.”
Fern “When it finally cornered me and I steeled my resolve, my body moved. All I need was resolve. All the training you’ve done won’t let you down. Though you’re hopeless coward, I believe your resolve to protect the village is real.”
Shutaruku “Kakugoka…”
Stark “Resolve, huh?”
Furīren “Do-datta?”
Frieren “How did it go?”
Ferun “Wakarimasen. Wakarimasenga… Kitto daijobu-dato omoimasu.”
Fern “I don’t know. I don’t know but I think it’ll be all right.”
Ferun “Imasenne.”
Fern “He’s not here.”
Furīren “Nigetaka. Kitai-shite-itandakedo. Shikataga nai. Ferun, ryuto oikakekkoda.”
Frieren “I guess he ran. It’s a shame. I had high hopes for him. We have no choice. Fern, we’re going to play tag with the dragon.”
Ferun “E?”
Fern “What?”
Shutaruku “Frīren. Ashidomewa sanju-byode iinda-yona.”
Stark “Frieren. You need me to keep it busy for thirty seconds, right?”
Furīren “Osokattajan.”
Frieren “You’re late.”
Shutaruku “Hitotsu yakusoku shite-kurenaika? Orega tochude shindato shitemo, ryuwa kanarazu shitomete hoshiinda.”
Stark “Will you promise me one thing? If I die during the battle, I want you to finish off the dragon.”
Furīren “Wakatta. Yakusoku suru. Demo, naze murano hito-tachino tameni, sokomade suruno?”
Frieren “Very well. I promise. But why are you willing to go that far for the villagers?”
Furīren “Nani?”
Frieren “What?”
Shutaruku “Iya. Henna shitsumon-dato omottena. Orewa kono murani san-nenmo itandaze.”
Stark “I just thought it was a strange question. I’ve lived in this village for three years.”
Furīren “Mijikaine.”
Frieren “That’s not very long.”
Shutaruku “Cho nageeyo.”
Stark “Like heck it isn’t.”
Shutaruku “Yoshi, jaa iccho yaruka.”
Stark “Okay. Let’s do this.”
Ferun “Tega furuete-imasu.”
Fern “Your hands are trembling.”
Shutaruku “Kowai monowa kowain-dayo.”
Stark “I’m afraid, after all.”
Furīren “Fufu.”
Frieren (Laugh lightly)
Shutaruku “Warau kotowa needaro…”
Stark “You don’t have to laugh.”
Furīren “Aizento onajida.”
Frieren “You’re just like Eisen.”
Shutaruku “Shishoto?”
Stark “My master?”
Hinmeru “Korewa kyoteki dana…”
Himmel “Now this is a powerful foe.”
Furīren “Aizen, tega furueteru. Kowaino?”
Frieren “Eisen, your hands are shaking. Are you scared?”
Aizen “Aa.”
Eisen “Yeah.”
Furīren “Assari mitomerun-dane.”
Frieren “You’d admit it, just like that?”
Aizen “Kowagaru kotowa, warui kotodewa nai. Kono kyofuga oreo kokomade tsurete-kitanda.”
Eisen “Being afraid isn’t a bad thing. It’s my fear that brought me this far.”
Furīren “Furue-kata made onajida.”
Frieren “You even tremble the same way.”
シュタルク(そうか…師匠も、怖かったんだな… 必要なのは覚悟だけだ…)
Shutaruku (Soka… Shishomo, kowakattan-dana… Hitsuyo-nanowa, kakugo dakeda…)
Stark (I see. My master was afraid, too. All I need is resolve.)
Furīren “Ryuno maaini haitta.”
Frieren “He’s entered the dragon’s range.”
Ferun “Kogeki-shite-kimasenne.”
Fern “It’s not attacking.”
フリーレン「警戒している… やっぱりそうか。道理で村が襲われなくなったわけだ。竜は賢い生き物だ。強い相手に自分から喧嘩を売りに行くような馬鹿じゃない。アイゼンがシュタルクを殴ったのは、あいつが弱かったからでも失望したからでもない。」
Furīren “Keikai-shiteiru… Yappari soka. Doride muraga osowarenaku-natta-wakeda. Ryuwa kashikoi ikimonoda. Tsuyoi aiteni jibun-kara kenkao urini-iku-yona bakaja nai. Aizenga Shutarukuo nagutta-nowa, aitsuga yowakatta-karademo, shitsubo-shita-karademo nai.”
Frieren “It’s being cautious. I thought so. No wonder it stopped attacking the village. The dragon is a smart creature. It’s not stupid enough to pick a fight against a powerful opponent. Eisen didn’t hit Stark for being weak, or because he was disappointed in him.”
Aizen “Kenka-wakareo shite-shimatte-itena.”
Eisen “We parted in anger.”
Furīren “Naguttano?”
Frieren “You hit him?”
Aizen “Hansha-tekini karadaga ugoitanda. Kawaisona koto o shite-shimatta. Kowakattanda. Orewa, kowakattan-dayo, Furīren. Koitsuwa sugoi kotoda. Oreno deshiwa―――tondemonai senshini naru.”
Eisen “My body moved on reflex. I’m sorry for what I did to him. I was afraid. I was afraid of him, Frieren. I couldn’t believe it. My student will become an incredible warrior.”
シュタルク「今だ!! 撃ちまくれ!!」
Shutaruku “Imada! Uchi-makure!!”
Stark “Now! Fire!!”
Shutaruku “Oi!! Nande utanee?! Iwareta toorini yatta-daro?! Hitoride tatakaetteka?! Fuzakennayo, kusobabaa!! Yappa omaemo shishoto onaji――”
Stark “Hey, why aren’t you shooting at it? I did exactly what you told me to do! You expect me to fight it myself? You can’t be serious, you old hag! You’re just like my master after all.”
Furīren “Mo shinde-iruyo.”
Frieren “It’s already dead.”
Shutaruku “……E?”
Stark “What?”
Furīren “Kusobabaaka…”
Frieren “An old hag, huh?”
Ferun (Atoga kowainaa…)
Fern (I’m scared of what she’ll do later.)
シュタルク(…俺がやったのか… 俺が一人で、竜を倒した…)
Shutaruku (…Orega yattanoka… Orega hitoride, Ryuo taoshita…)
Stark (I…killed it? I defeated the dragon by myself?)
Furīren “Shutaruku. Yoku yatta. Kitai-ijoda. Eraizo.”
Frieren “Stark. You did well. You exceeded my expectations. Well done.”
Furīren “Takarano yamada. Uhyō!”
Frieren “Look at this mountain of treasure. Yippee!”
Ferun “Zenbuwa motte-ikemasen’yo.”
Fern “We can’t take it all with us.”
Ferun “Mittsu-madeni shinasai.”
Fern “No more than three items.”
Shutaruku “Hontoni kudaraneena. Konna mononi muchuni nareru-noka.”
Stark "This is ridiculous. You’re interested in this stuff?"
Furīren “Takarano yama-dayo.”
Frieren “This stuff is a mountain of treasure.”
Shutaruku “Shishowa omaeno seide yusha-ikkono bokenga kudaranai mononi nattatte ittetaze.”
Stark “My master said that you made the heroes’ adventure ridiculous.”
Furīren “So.”
Frieren “Oh?”
Shutaruku “Kudaranakute totemo tanoshii tabi-dattatteyo.”
Stark “He said it was a ridiculous and fun journey.”
Haitā “Sugoi! Hontoni kakigooriga dete-kimashitayo!”
Heiter “Wow, you actually made shaved ice!”
Furīren “Tansaku shita kaiga attadesho.”
Frieren “I told you it was worth searching for.”
Haitā “Shikamo kore, syari-syarija nakute fuwa-fuwano yatsu-desuyo!”
Heiter “Not only that, but it’s fluffy instead of icy!”
Furīren “Hontoda.”
Frieren “You’re right.”
Aizen “Kudaran. Konna koto o shiteite iinoka?”
Eisen “This is ridiculous. Should we be wasting time on this?”
Hinmeru “Betsuni iija-naika. Mada tabiwa hajimatta-bakari nanda.”
Himmel “Why not? Our journey’s only just begun.”
Aizen “Jinrui saikyoto iwareta Minamino Yushamo, mao chokkano ‘Shichihoken’ ni utareta. Ore-tachidatte ikite kaereruka-doka wakaranainda.”
Eisen “The Hero of the South, said to be humanity’s strongest fighter, was defeated by the Demon King’s Seven Sages of Destruction. We don’t know if we’ll make it back alive.”
Hinmeru “Aizenwa tsuraku kurushii tabiga shitaino-kai? Bokuwane, owatta atoni, kudaranakattatte warai- tobaseru-yona tanoshii tabiga shitainda.”
Himmel “Eisen, would you prefer a difficult and painful journey? I’d rather enjoy a ridiculous and fun journey I can laugh about when it’s over.”
Haitā “Mite kudasai! Hora! Sawaruto suguni tokete-shimaimasu!”
Heiter “Look! It melts as soon as you touch it!”
Furīren “Sawaccha damedatte. Taberundakara…”
Frieren “Don’t touch it. We’re going to eat that.”
Aizen “……Kudaran.”
Eisen “Ridiculous.”
Haitā “Tokorode Furīren, shiroppuwa?”
Heiter “By the way, Frieren, what about syrup?”
Furīren “Shiroppuo dasu mahowa naiyo.”
Frieren “I don’t have a spell to produce syrup.”
Hinmeru “Nainda…”
Himmel “You don’t?”
Aizen “Hontoni kudaranna.”
Eisen “Truly ridiculous.”
Furīren “Do? Sukete mieru?”
Frieren “Well? Can you see through them?”
Ferun “Miemasuga, amari omoshiroi mahodewa arimasenne.”
Fern “Yes, but it’s not a very interesting spell.”
Furīren “Warukattane, omoshiroi karadaja nakute.”
Frieren “Sorry my body’s not more interesting.”
Shutaruku “Nani?”
Stark “What?”
Ferun “Chissa.”
Fern “So small.”
Shutaruku “Chissaku nēyo!!”
Stark “I’m not small!”
Furīren “Sorede Shutaruku, korekara dosuru? Betsuni Aizenno tokoroni kaettemo iindayo.”
Frieren “So, Stark, what will you do now? You can go back to Eisen, you know.”
Shutaruku “Shishoga oreo tsuretekette ittandaro. Soreni oremo kudaranai tabiga shitaku-nattanda.”
Stark “My master told you to take me with you, didn’t he? Besides… I feel like going on a ridiculous journey, too.”
〈勇者ヒンメルの死から28年後。中央諸国・リーゲル峡谷 城塞都市ヴァール。〉
〈Yusha Hinmeruno shikara niju-hachi-nengo. Chuo-shokoku, Rīgeru-kyokoku Josai-toshi Vāru〉
〈28 years after the death of Himmel the Hero, in the Fortified City of Waal, along the Riegel Canyon located in the central lands〉
Eihei-taicho “Kitagawa-shokokuwa mamonono ugokiga kappatsu dena. Genzai sekishono tsukowa mitome-rarete- inai.”
Captain of the city’s guard “Monsters are active in the northern lands. No one’s allowed to pass through the checkpoint currently.”
Ferun “Tooreru-yoni narunowa, itsugoroni nariso-desuka?”
Fern “When will the checkpoint open again?”
Eihei-taicho “Saana. Sukunakutomo, orega chakunin shitekarawa, mamonomo hitomo ippiki-taritomo tooshite- inai.”
Captain “Dunno. At the very least, we’ve let none through since I was posted here, monsters and people alike.”
Eihei “Shitsurei itashimasu. Taicho, jodaiga oyobi-desu.”
City‘s guard “Excuse me. Sir, the castellan would like to see you.”
Eihei-taicho “Sugu iku. Iina, bokensha-domo. Kono machide kureguremo mondaiwa okosunayo.”
Captain “I’d be right there. Listen here, adventurers. Don’t cause any trouble in this town.”
Ferun “Ii taio dewa arimasen-deshitane.”
Fern “That wasn’t a very warm welcome.”
Furīren “Sodane. Arewa yushuna eihei-dayo. Yosomono-niwa kibishiku. Machio mamoru eiheiwa kaku arubekida.”
Frieren “You’re right. He’s a good guard. Harsh on outsiders, as town guards should be.”
フリーレン「というわけで、この街は安全そうだし、しばらくここで待つとしよう。久々にゆっくり魔法の研究ができるぞ。宿に荷物を置いたら、魔法店に行こうっと。…なんだよ。関所が開いてないんだから、しょうがないじゃん… ほら、ここで解散。私、宿取ってくるから。」
Furīren “To-iu-wakede, kono machiwa anzenso-dashi, shibaraku kokode matsuto shiyo. Hisabisani yukkuri mahono kenkyuga dekiruzo. Yadoni nimotsuo oitara, maho-tenni ikotto. …Nandayo. Sekishoga hiraite-naindakara, shoganai-jan. Hora, kokode kaisan. Watashi, yado totte-kurukara.”
Frieren “Anyway, this city seems safe. We’ll wait here for a while. It’ll be a good opportunity to take our time studying magic. Once we drop our things off at the inn, I’m going to the magic shops. What? The checkpoint’s closed. It’s not like we have a choice. Go on. You’re free to go. I’m going to get us a room at a inn.”
Shutaruku “……Meshidemo kuini-iku? …Un, hitoride ikune.”
Stark “Wanna get something to eat? …Right. I’ll go by myself.”
Shutaruku “Koee…”
Stark “Scary…”
Murabito “Saikin-dewa kairomo dameni nattatte hanashi daze.”
Villager “I heard the sea routes have been shut down recently, too.”
村人「北側諸国の軍が討伐に動くらしいが、関所が開くのは早くても2年は先だろうな… 商売上がったりだ。」
Murabito “Kitagawa-shokokuno gunga tobatsuni ugoku-rashiiga, sekishoga hirakunowa hayakutemo ni-nenwa saki-darona. Shobai agattarida.”
Villager “The northern lands’ army plans to defeat them, but it’ll be at least two years until the checkpoint opens. Business is at a standstill.”
シュタルク「懐かしいなぁ…ジャンボベリースペシャル。前来たときはガキだったから、全部食えなくて師匠と分けたんだよな… でも、こんな小さかったっけな…」
Shutaruku “Natsukashiinaa… Janbo berī supesharu. Mae kita-tokiwa gaki-dattakara, zenbu kuenakute shishoto waketan-dayona… Demo, konna chiisakattakkena?”
Stark “I haven’t had this in forever. The jumbo-berry special. I was just a kid when I came here before, so I could hardly finish it. I had to split it with my master. I don’t remember it being this small, though.”
Masutā “Soitsua bozuga otonani nacchimatta-kara-daze…”
Master “It seems that way because you’re all grown up now.”
シュタルク「そうか。俺が大きくなったんだな… ガキの頃は、何もかもが大きかったのに、あれほど広かった師匠の背中でさえ、いつの間にか小さくなっちまっていた。」
Shutaruku “Soka. Orega ookiku nattandana… Gakino korowa, nanimo-kamoga ookikatta-noni, arehodo hirokatta shishono senakade-sae, itsuno-manika chiisaku nacchimatte-ita.”
Stark “I see. I’ve gotten bigger, huh? Everything seemed so big when I was a kid. Even my master’s back that once looked so broad started looking small at some point.”
Masutā “Aizenno dannamo, mo toshida. Shikkari oyakoko-shite-yareyo.”
Master “Eisen’s getting up there in age. I hope you’re being a dutiful student.”
Shutaruku “Sono saichu dayo. …Demo hontoni konna chiisakattakkena?”
Stark “That’s what I’m doing right now. Really, though, was it always this small?”
Masutā “Tokino nagarette-nowa, zankoku-dayonaa…”
Master “The passage of time is cruel.”
Shutaruku “Nandayo! Iidaro betsuni! Oreno kanede kattandaze!”
Stark “What? Got a problem? I bought it with my own money.”
Ferun “Sumimasen. Miruku kudasai.”
Fern “Excuse me. Could I get a glass of milk?”
Masutā “Aiyo.”
Master “Sure thing.”
Shutaruku “Ē…Nani? Nande okottenno?”
Stark “What? Why are you mad?”
Ferun “Shutaruku-sama.”
Fern “Mr.Stark.”
シュタルク「わかったよ… 半分あげるよ…」
Shutaruku “Wakattayo… hanbun ageruyo…”
Stark “Fine. You can have half.”
フェルン「そうではなくて… この街で2年以上待つことになりそうだと言われたら、どう思いますか?」
Ferun “Sodewa nakute… Kono machide ni-nen-ijo matsu-kotoni narisodato iwaretara, do omoimasuka?”
Fern “That’s not what I was going to say. What if I told you we might have to wait more than two years in this city?”
Shutaruku “E? Iyadakedo.”
Stark “What? No, thanks.”
Ferun “Sodesuyone. Iyadesuyone.”
Fern “Right? I don’t want to, either.”
Shutaruku “…Un.” (Nani kono hito…)
Stark “Uh, yeah.” (What’s her deal?)
Ferun “Anshin shimashita. Shutaruku-samatte, futsu dattandesune.”
Fern “I’m relieved. You’re normal.”
Shutaruku “Nee ore nanka warui-koto shita?”
Stark “Hey, did I do something to offend you?”
シュタルク「関所を越える方法か… いいぜ、探すの手伝うよ。」
Shutaruku “Sekisho o koeru hohoka… Iize, sagasuno tetsudauyo.”
Stark “A way through the checkpoint? Sure, I’ll help you look for one.”
Ferun “Arigato gozaimasu.”
Fern “Thank you.”
Shutaruku “Tonde uekara koechimautte kotowa dekinai-noka?”
Stark “Would it be possible to fly over it?”
Ferun “Kitagawa-shokokutono kokkyoniwa, genkai-kodomade kyoryokuna kekkaiga hararete-ite, tsuka dekinai sodesu.”
Fern “The border with the northern lands is protected by a powerful barrier that extends to maximum flying altitude. It can’t be crossed.”
Shutaruku “Sorya soka. Janakya sorano mamonoga sudoorida. Shikata ga nai, syounin-girudo ni ataru ka. Kou-eki gurai wa shiteiru kamo shirenai.”
Stark “That makes sense. Otherwise flying monsters would get right through. Then we have no choice. We’ll hit up the merchants guild. They might at least be trading.”
Ferun “Koekiwa zenmen-fusa. Goeio tsuketa taishomo kinshito naruto, kitagawawa yohodo kikenna jokyono yodesune. Yahari joseiga ochitsuku-made matsushika…”
Fern “Trade has been shut down completely. If guarded caravans aren’t allowed through, then the northern lands must be quite dangerous. We’ll have to wait until the situation settles down.”
Shutaruku “Iya, yami-ichiya tozoku-girudono renchumo atattemiyo.”
Stark “No, let’s hit up the black market and thieves’ guild first.”
Ferun “Sasugani sorewa abunaku-naidesuka?”
Fern “Isn’t that a bit dangerous?”
Shutaruku “Daijobu. Orette kekko tsuyosoni mierushi, hattarimo umaindaze.”
Stark “We’ll be fine. People think I look pretty strong and I’m a decent bluffer.”
Ferun “Akuningao desushine.”
Fern “And you’ve got the face of a scoundrel.”
Shutaruku “Urusee.”
Stark “Shut up.”
シュタルク「駄目か… そりゃそうだよな。防衛戦しているようなもんだ。門が開かなきゃ、どうにもならねぇ。よし、次は駄目もとで衛兵の詰め所行くか。」
Shutaruku “Dameka… Sorya sodayona. Boeisen shiteiru-yona monda. Monga akanakya, donimo naranee. Yoshi, tsugiwa dame-motode eiheino tsumesho ikuka.”
Stark “Well, that didn’t work. I shouldn’t be surprised. They’re basically fighting a defensive battle. There’s nothing we can do if the gates won’t open. Well, we’ve got nothing to lose. Let’s visit the guard station next.”
Shutaruku “…Nandayo?”
Stark “What?”
Ferun “Ie, Shutaruku-samaga totemo kyoryoku-tekidato omoimashite…”
Fern “I was just thinking you’re being especially cooperative.”
Shutaruku “Omaega iidashita-koto daro? Matsunowa iyananja nainoka?”
Stark “This was your idea. I thought you didn’t want to wait.”
Ferun “Watashi-ijoni hisshina-yoni miemasu.”
Fern “You seem more desperate than me.”
Shutaruku “Maa, Amari jikanga naikarana.”
Stark “Well, I don’t have a lot of time.”
Ferun “Doiu-koto desuka?”
Fern “What do you mean?”
Shutaruku “Koko, ii keshiki daro. Kitagawaga yoku mieru. Chiisai koro, shishoni tsure-rarete kokoni kita.”
Stark “The view from here is nice, isn’t it? You can see the north side clearly. When I was little, my master brought me here.”
Aizen “Ore-tachiwa kono machkara Kitagawa-shokokuni tabidattanda.”
Eisen “We departed for the northern lands from this city.”
Osanai Shutaruku “Donna tabi dattanda, Shisho?”
Very young Stark “What was your journey like, Master?”
Aizen “Kikitaika? Ano-toki, ore-tachi wa…”
Eisen “You wanna know? Back then, we―”
Shutaruku “Fudanwa jibunno kotowa nanimo hanasanai kuseni, yusha-ikkono boken o tanoshi-soni katattanda. Shishowa, nagai jinseno nakano, tatta ju-nenno boken o naniyorimo taisetsuni shiteita. Kitto, Furīren-datte sonandaro.”
Stark “Normally he hardly spoke about himself, but he happily told me about the heroes’ adventure. Across his long life, nothing was more important to him than that ten-year adventure. I’m sure the same is true for Frieren.”
Ferun “…Do-deshoka.”
Fern “I wonder.”
Shutaruku “Shishowa mo tabiga dekiru-yona toshija nai. Sonna shishoga oreo tsuretekette, omae-tachini ittanda. Dakara orewayo, shishono kawarini, kudaranakute tanoshii tabio takusan keiken-shite, miyage-banashio tappurito motte kaeranaito damenanda. Oreni dekiru ongaeshiwa, kono-kurai dakarasa. Anmari nonbiri shiteiruto, shishoga shinjimaunda.”
Stark “But he’s too old to travel now. And he told you to take me with you. So I need to experience lots of ridiculous and fun adventures in his place, and bring back stories to tell him. It’s all I can do to repay my debt to him. If I take too long, my master will die.”
Ferun “Nara konna tokorode ashidomewa ikemasenne.”
Fern “Then we can’t allow ourselves to be stopped here.”
Shutaruku “Maa, ano hitowa mada-mada nagaiki shisoda-kedona.”
Stark “I bet he’s still got plenty of years left, though.”
Ferun “Furīren-sama. Konna tokorode, nanio yatteirun-desuka?”
Fern “Ms.Frieren, what are you doing here?”
Furīren “Shi, shizukani shite. Owarete-rundayo.”
Frieren “Quiet. I’m being pursued.”
Shutaruku “Nani yarakashitan dayo…”
Stark “Wh-What did you even do?”
Furīren “Shiranaiyo. Watashiwa tada mahoten o hashigo shiteita dakede…”
Frieren “I don’t know. I was just visiting various magic shops, and then…”
Eihei-taicho “Moshiwake arimasen deshita!! Furīren-sama!! Doka oyurushi kudasai!!”
Captain “I’m sorry, Ms.Frieren! Please forgive me!”
フリーレン「待って… すごく嫌な流れな気がする…」
Furīren “Matte… Sugoku iyana nagarena kiga suru…”
Frieren “Wait. I don’t like where this is going.”
Jodai “Eihei-taichoga bureio hataraita yodesuna. Kono machino jodai-toshite, shazai itashimasu.”
Castellan of the city “It seems the guard captain was rude to you. As the castellan of this city, I offer my apologies.”
フリーレン「いや、気にしてないよ… この人は衛兵の仕事をしただけだし… 私もまったく急いでなくて… むしろのんびり――」
Furīren “Iya, kini shite-naiyo… Kono hitowa eiheino shigoto o shitadake-dashi… Watashimo mattaku isoide- nakute… Mushiro nonbiri――”
Frieren “It doesn’t bother me. He was just doing his job as a guard. I’m actually not in any kind of hurry. I’m taking my time―”
Jodai “Mata kitagawae tabidatsu otsumori nanodesuna. Kitagawa-shokokuwa ima, Mao-gunno zanto-tono funsoga taenaito kikimasu. Genjo o ureeteno kotodesho. Sono kokorozashi, masani eiyuno gotoshi. Kitagawa-shokokuno tamimo yorokobu kotodesho. Sekishowa gojiyuni otoori kudasai.”
Castellan “You plan to travel north again, don’t you? I hear the northern lands are currently engaged in an endless conflict with the remnants of the Demon King’s forces. You must be concerned about the present situation. Truly, you have the kindness of a hero. The people of the northern lands will be delighted as well. Please feel free to pass through the checkpoint.”
フェルン「こんなに簡単に通れるだなんて… 初めからフリーレン様の名前を出していればよかったんじゃないですか?」
Ferun “Konnani kantanni tooreru danante, Hajime-kara Furīren-samano namaeo dashite-ireba yokattanja naidesuka?”
Fern “I can’t believe we’re getting through this easily. Shouldn’t we have told them who you were from the start?”
フリーレン「言っても無駄だと思っていたんだよ。ゆっくりしたかったのに… それに私、こういうのあまり好きじゃないんだよ。こんな光景落ち着かないでしょ。」
Furīren “Ittemo mudadato omotte-itandayo. Yukkuri shitakatta-noni… Soreni watashi, ko-iuno, amari sukija naindayo. Konna kokei ochitsuka-naidesho?”
Frieren “I didn’t think there was any point. I wanted to take my time, anyway. And I don’t really like this kind of thing. It’s an unsettling sight.”
Shutaruku “Orewa, mirete yokattato omotteiruze.”
Stark “I’m glad I got to see it, though.”
Shutaruku “Shishomo konna kanjide kitagawani tabidattan-dana.”
Stark “This must be how my master departed for the north, too.”
Furīren “Sodane. Ā… mahono kenkyu shitakattanaa…”
Frieren “You’re right. Aw, darn. I wanted to do more magical research.”
Ferun “Mada itteru…”
Fern “You’re still saying that?”
Shutaruku “Taihen dattandazo, arekara iroiro… Naa.”
Stark “We went through a lot of trouble after that, you know. Right?”
Ferun “Ee.”
Fern “Yes.”
(Continue to Episode 7)
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cbmnet · 5 months
#StarWarsOutlaws #GameFragger
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Star Wars Outlaws Preview - Exclusive Details About The Ashiga Clan - Game Informer
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/star-wars-outlaws-preview-exclusive-details-about-the-ashiga-clan-game-informer/
Star Wars Outlaws Preview - Exclusive Details About The Ashiga Clan - Game Informer
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In Star Wars Outlaws, protagonists Kay Vess and Nix must navigate the criminal underworld by interacting with the various crime syndicates thriving in this period between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Kay’s standing with these syndicates is primarily represented by the Reputation System, an ambitious mechanic that tracks her relationship with these criminal organizations. In the recently released story trailer, we hear the names of three of the syndicates present in Star Wars Outlaws: the Hutt Cartel, the Pyke Syndicate, and Crimson Dawn. During our trip to Massive Entertainment, I was able to learn more about the fourth syndicate with which Kay will have to balance her reputation: the Ashiga Clan. 
Massive created the Ashiga Clan in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games, just like other original elements like Kay, Nix, their ship, the Trailblazer, and the new moon, Toshara. “Every week, we have several calls with them where we share what we’d like to do, the intentions, and they challenge us; we do a back and forth like that over several weeks to be able to get the shape language right, to get the lore right, to make sure it becomes part of Star Wars canon,” creative director Julian Gerighty says. “The Ashiga Clan is part of Star Wars canon now. Toshara is part of Star Wars canon now. And that’s super gratifying when you help design a creature that’s as lovable and fierce as Nix and it becomes part of one of the most storied IPs in the world.”
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An Ashiga hive
The Ashiga Clan, which has a large presence on Kijimi (a planet most famous for its role in The Rise of Skywalker), finds itself at a crossroads as it pushes to expand beyond Kijimi. “They have a long tradition and certain events in the recent history put them at a fork in the road where there are different ways they could go forward, and they’re not necessarily in agreement with what the best path forward is,” associate narrative director John Björling says.
It operates as a hive of the Melitto species (first introduced in The Force Awakens with Sarco Plank) with an emphasis on function and survival. “You have these insectoid, humanoid, kind of very ant-like species and it’s taking that principle of, ‘What would a crime syndicate that is essentially operating like an anthill – what is that like?’ Björling says. “It’s a syndicate with a long tradition, they have a strong hierarchy, and there’s a lot about putting the hive before yourself. I think those aspects make it stand out as a unique kind of crime syndicate.”
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To learn more about how you’ll be interacting with the Ashiga Clan and its leader, Ashiga, head to our feature about how the Reputation System within the game works. Star Wars Outlaws comes to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC on August 30. Be sure to visit our exclusive coverage hub through the banner below.
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gameforestdach · 5 months
Ubisoft hat die Fangemeinde kürzlich mit der Veröffentlichung eines Story-Trailers für das heiß erwartete Action-Adventure-Spiel "Star Wars Outlaws", das für den 30. August 2023 angesetzt ist, in Aufregung versetzt. Begleitet von einer Einleitung des Narrative Directors Navid Khavari, zeigt der Trailer das verworrene Netz aus Allianzen und Fehden unter berüchtigten kriminellen Syndikaten im Star-Wars-Universum. Diese Enthüllung folgt auf die Ankündigung des bevorstehenden Spielstarts und bietet umfassende Einblicke in die Spielhandlung und die Dynamiken der Charaktere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcdKEy-aJ6o Hauptattraktionen im Story-Trailer Sliro’s Zerek Besh: Als Hauptgegenspieler positioniert, agierend aus Canto Bight - einem luxuriösen Ort, bekannt aus "The Last Jedi". Das Hutt-Kartell und Crimson Dawn: Diese berüchtigten Gruppen bereichern die Spiel-Lore, wobei Crimson Dawn bemerkenswerterweise von Darth Maul geführt wird, wie in "Solo: A Star Wars Story" zu sehen. Das Pyke-Syndikat: Erstmals vorgestellt in "The Clone Wars", berühmt für ihre illegalen Gewürzoperationen. Der Ashiga-Clan: Eine Neuerung, exklusiv für dieses Spiel kreiert, die verspricht, der Unterwelt, die in Star Wars dargestellt wird, eine frische Ebene hinzuzufügen. Spielmechaniken und strategische Allianzen Während Spieler das Universum des Spiels durchqueren, werden ihre Interaktionen mit diesen Syndikaten sowohl die Handlung als auch das Gameplay maßgeblich beeinflussen. Die Entscheidung, sich mit diesen Fraktionen zu verbünden oder ihnen entgegenzustellen, wird den Zugang des Spielers zu bestimmten Missionen, Ressourcen und territorialer Kontrolle bestimmen. Schlüsselcharaktere vorgestellt Kay Vess: Die Protagonistin mit einer herausfordernden Vergangenheit, die ihre komplizierte Beziehung zu Sliros Syndikat navigiert, während sie ihre Unternehmungen vorantreibt. Vail: Ein formidabler Kopfgeldjäger auf Vess' Spur mit einem widerwilligen Respekt für ihre Fähigkeiten, was ihrer Auseinandersetzung Tiefe verleiht. Jaylen: Vess' Mentor, der sie durch die Planung eines gewagten Raubzugs auf Sliros befestigte Villa leitet. Die Handlung entfaltet sich, während Vess eine Truppe von Gesetzlosen für den Raubzug rekrutiert, was auf bedeutsame Interaktionen mit berühmten Charakteren hinweist, einschließlich einer Begegnung mit Jabba dem Hutt in seinem legendären Thronsaal auf Tatooine. Frühzugang und Vorbestellungsboni Ubisoft hat mit der Annahme von Vorbestellungen für "Star Wars Outlaws" begonnen, wobei ausgewählte Editionen einen Frühzugang ab dem 27. August, also drei Tage vor der offiziellen Veröffentlichung, bieten. Dieser Frühzugang könnte eine goldene Gelegenheit für eingefleischte Fans darstellen, in die weite Welt von Star Wars einzutauchen, bevor die breite Öffentlichkeit darauf Zugriff hat. Für detailliertere Einblicke in die Spielwelt, Charaktere und Syndikate, lies den vollständigen Artikel auf GameSpot: Ubisoft enthüllt neue Details über die Welt, Charaktere und Syndikate von Star Wars Outlaws. Vergleichende Einblicke Für diejenigen, die von sich entwickelnden Spielwelten und dynamischen Charakterinteraktionen ähnlich wie bei "Star Wars Outlaws" fasziniert sind, bieten die jüngsten Updates zu Palworld Update v0.2.0.6 auf Xbox einen ähnlichen Nervenkitzel, der Spannung und Herausforderungen betont und die Spieler involviert und investiert hält. Erlebe "Star Wars Outlaws" für ein unvergleichliches interaktives Erlebnis Markiere den 30. August 2023 in deinem Kalender und bereite dich auf ein Abenteuer vor, das nicht nur begeistern wird, sondern die Spieler auch tiefer als je zuvor in das umfassende und mitreißende Universum von Star Wars eintauchen lässt.
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techstartro · 5 months
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blockchain-hero · 5 years
SBI Holdings möchte Aktionären XRP-Token auszahlen
Das riesige japanische Unternehmen SBI Holdings möchte seinen Aktionären XRP als Dividenden auszahlen. Ob das den Kurs von XRP wieder nach oben treiben wird, bleibt abzuwarten.
SBI Holdings verteilt XRP an Aktionäre
Die SBI Holdings, eine Abzweigung des mächtigen japanischen Unternehmens der SBI Group, hat eine interessante Neuigkeit über XRP veröffentlicht. Das Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen hat bekannt gegeben, dass es bestimmte Teile der eigenen XRP-Token ausgeben möchte, was vermutlich die Einführung von XRP im asiatischen Raum katalysieren würde. In einer Pressemitteilung vom Mittwoch, die durch MorningStar Japan veröffentlicht wurde, wird ein öffentlich gehandeltes Gemeinschaftsprogramm mit SBI Holdings, 30 XRP an Anleger in der SBI Holdings verteilen, die mehr als 100 Aktien (je Aktie) im Wert von knapp 9 USD besitzen. Die SBI-Aktie notiert derzeit rund 2.000 japanische Yen. Das Programm wird voraussichtlich am 30. September 2019 beginnen und ist effektiv eine Dividende. Damit die Aktionäre ihre XRP im Wert von 9 USD erhalten können, müssen sie bis zum 31. März 2020 ein Konto bei VC Trade eröffnen, welches von der SBI Holdings geführt wird. Es ist klar, dass dies ein scheinbarer Schritt ist, um Verbraucher und Investoren in Japan dazu zu bewegen, VC Trade und XRP zu nutzen. Es ist unklar, wie viele Aktionäre mehr als 100 SBI-Aktien halten, aber eine Schätzung geht von 10.000 bis vielleicht einer Million aus. Auf die Veröffentlichung dieser Ankündigung reagierte XRP mit einem kleinen Anstieg von rund 2,5 Prozent. Ripple führt schon seit längerem eine Geschäftsbeziehung mit XBI. Die beiden Unternehmen haben eine auf der Blockchain basierte Bezahlungsanwendung namens MoneyTap entwickelt, die sich bereits als großer Erfolg erwiesen hat. Japanische Banken wie Chikubo, Ashiga und Towa haben sich dem Unternehmen bereits angeschlossen. Somit haben Kunden nun die Möglichkeit, digitale Zahlungen auf einfache Weise abzuwickeln. XRP hat in letzter Zeit mit einigen Problemen zu kämpfen, ob der asiatische Markt den Kurs wieder etwas nach oben führt, bleibt abzuwarten. Quellenangaben: Ethereumworldnews Bildquelle: Pixabay Read the full article
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cryptonewsworldwide · 5 years
MoneyTap, A South East Asia Success For Ripple, Seven More Banks Join
MoneyTap, A South East Asia Success For Ripple, Seven More Banks Join from Ethereum World News #Cryptocurrency #Crypto Seven more Japanese banks have joined the SBI Ripple Asia’s Money Tap money transfer platform. An SBI Group portal press release made on June 26 mentioned Chikubo, Ashiga, Towa, Shimane, Toho and Fukushima Banks as the new entrants. (Feed generated with FetchRSS) from Crypto News Monitor on Facebook http://bit.ly/2X9PFmy via IFTTT Read More! http://bit.ly/2NheTzV
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