#asheiji fic
heytheredeann · 9 months
12 Days of Whumpmas 2023 - DAY 10: "Unwrapped" + "Flashbacks"
Tags: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Post-Canon, Ash Lynx Lives, Canon - Anime, Ash Lynx Needs A Hug, Asexual Character, asexual ash lynx, Past Rape/Non-con, Consent Issues, Internalized Acephobia, self-deprecating thoughts, Sex Repulsion, Cuddling & Snuggling, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Notes: Probably necessary disclaimer: asexuality is a varied experience that is not necessarily linked to trauma. A lot of people who identify as asexual never had any traumatic sexual experience, and sometimes people who have had that kind of experience don't feel like it's the cause of their sexual identity. It's entirely possible to have sexual trauma and still feel sexual attraction, just like it's possible to have sexual trauma and feel like that plays a part in one's asexuality, without that invalidating one's sexual orientation. This fic is a representation of ONE kind of experience as a sex-repulsed asexual, not of asexuality as a whole. Also, heads up regarding the "Consent Issues" tag: there is a scene in this fic depicting the beginning of a sexual encounter between Eiji and Ash, during which Ash starts dissociating, because he did consent but for self-destructive reasons. They don't go any further than foreplay, because Eiji notices that something is off, but if you need any more details feel free to ask in a comment here or to contact me on my Tumblr, I don't mind answering.
Eiji wants to fuck him.
Of course Eiji wants to fuck him, it’s—natural, expected, and Ash shouldn’t be so gutted by the notion.
“We don’t have to do anything,” Eiji says, gently, fingers laced with his. Ash clings more tightly than he probably should, trying to battle the sinking feeling in his gut. “I don’t mind either way, I just wanted to know—what you want out of this,” Eiji assures, because he’s sweet and considerate, so of course he is going to say that.
And yet, now that Ash is paying attention, he can see it, the familiar desire behind his boyfriend’s eyes, the way his gaze lingers on his body and his hands stop just short of reaching the helm of his pants, because Eiji is sweet and kind and he would never do anything without asking.
But now he did ask, and Ash can’t find the words to say no. 
Eiji has been so patient already. It’s been more than a year, and they hardly ever kiss. For months, it used to be only pecks on the lips, quick and mindless like the squeeze of a hand, and only after did they start occasionally making out, pressed against each other and yet always trying to get closer.
Ash doesn’t usually think much of those times, not overly fond of the feeling of something foreign inside his mouth, but enjoying the closeness all the same.
Yet, the mere thought of moving even a single step further ties his stomach up in intricate knots, pulls at his guts like it wants to yank them out.
“I don’t know,” is the best that he can come up with, because anything resembling a yes won’t push its way past his mouth.
“That’s okay,” Eiji immediately says, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him closer. “There’s no rush.”
Yet, cheek pressed against his shoulder, Ash can hear nothing but a ticking clock.
[More on Ao3]
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centaur-dreaming · 3 months
All fic writers have that one document in their drafts that would end their entire career, social life, everything if anyone irl were to find it
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browngurl99 · 2 months
In 2024 Olympics, a pole vaulter did a record breaking jump and ran straight to his girlfriend to hug her after that
don't think about ash and eiji don't think about ash and eiji don't think about ash and eiji-
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runfreelyactwildly · 3 months
Eras of my life separated based on every new homosexual ship that ruins my life
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pichirobi · 1 year
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heart of a lion (2k, T, Ash Lynx/Okumura Eiji)
"You hath thit o' your fath," Ash mutters through his sandwich, unlocking their hands and scooting backwards half a foot for good measure. (It'll take just short of a miracle to accept he's worthy of Eiji. Baby steps.) "Say that again?" A bewildered smile replaces Eiji's sympathetic one. Ash leans over again to wipe his sticky thumb on Eiji's bare collarbone. "You had shit on your face."
In which Ash attempts to cope with a heatwave and a crush.
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bunniehoneys · 4 months
ficsforgaza requests open!
Hi guys, opening requests for the @ficsforgaza initiative.
Quick rundown of stuff I can't/won't do:
no nsfw (might change later)
no x reader
no rpf
fandoms i will write for / know:
Banana Fish
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Our Flag Means Death
Genshin Impact (although my knowledge of new characters is limited, so please check with me through my ask box before requesting!)
One Piece (again, limited knowledge, I have only watched the live action so check before requesting!)
ANYTHING from any of my existing fics! an au, a missing scene, a pov change (this is for all yall asking for alt pov coanda (;)!! go wild!!
If your fandom isn't here, ask away in my ask box! i might know enough to give a short request a go.
the rate for requests is $10 donation per 1000 words. Please do not request anything over 5000 words, thank you! (I don't think anyone will, but I'm just making sure).
anyways. Provide proof of donation, or you can donate to my ko-fi, and I'll provide you with proof of MY donation in return.
:) happy requesting!
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edamammy · 5 months
Chapters: 2/5 Fandom: Banana Fish (Anime & Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ash Lynx/Okumura Eiji, Ash Lynx & Okumura Eiji's Mother, Ash Lynx & Okumura Eiji's Sister, Ash Lynx & Okumura Eiji Summary:
One year after recovering from his stab wound, Ash Lynx touches down in Japan. For the first time in 19 years, life awaits him.
just uploaded the second part to this ash in japan collection, read if you’d like!! love you <3
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literallyanyname · 1 year
Banana Fish Rec List
Here's a list of my favorite Bfish fics. I adore whump, so quite a few of the recs skew in that direction. Because Banana Fish whump tends to be particularly intense, I highly, highly recommend checking the tags and content warnings of each fic before reading. These aren't arranged in any particular order. Enjoy!
Love Letters by labingi
Status: Complete, 31,106 words
My Summary: Ash survives the stabbing by Lao, and goes to prison. He and Eiji exchange letters, and eventually emails, for several decades.
My Thoughts: This is one of the most nuanced, in-character BF fics out there. It is, at times, as painful as canon, but with a deeply satisfying ending. This work is a beyond gorgeous take on the BF characters. Probably my favorite on this list. Also, it is technically a Death Note crossover, but it honestly really isn't. DN elements are only mentioned a few times as a plot device.
Just Offscreen by @chaoslynx
Status: Complete, 6,728 words
My Summary: Foxx doesn't drop the cigarette in front of Ash. Foxx's men torture Ash, and he is eventually rescued by Eiji and Max.
My Thoughts: Read the tags on this one. Even for BF, it's pretty graphic. It's a really good fic though. It explores the implied elements of Banana Fish in explicit detail, and brings to the surface some of the underlying horror of canon. One common problem I see with fics and fiction generally is the tendency to use graphic subjects as a cheap shock factor. This fic does not do that. It handles the subject matter really well, and Ash's stream-of-consciousness POV is expertly done.
Eat the Elephant and its sequel, How To Walk Through Open Doors by Dodici
Status: Complete
My Summary: Ash makes it to Japan, and finds himself a little in over his head. Eiji is there to take care of him.
My Thoughts: Honestly, I really like the prose. It's really well written and the language just naturally reads like Ash's internal monologue. He says, does, and feels things without really understanding or bothering to think about why he does them in this way. The author captures Ash's perspective really well. Also, love me some realistic Eiji. I have a particular fondness for fics that flesh out Eiji's character even more than canon does. (Honestly, I get really hung up on characterization. I will usually stop reading an OOC fic)
I'll Save Myself by kanekki
Status: Complete, 30,324 words
My Summary: Instead of arriving at Dino's mansion the next day, Ash doesn't show up until about a month later. Eiji and Yut-Lung are held captive during that time. Continues until a little after the ending of the show.
My Thoughts: This is one of my personal whump favorites. Eiji undergoes a major personality shift that feels entirely realistic. He is still very much Eiji, but his time as a captive has deeply lasting effects. He also learns Yut-Lung's skill with needles, which is just cool. Also, Ash as sporadic-and-inexperienced-but-determined caretaker is an added bonus. The gang element is something of a side plot, but it's well developed. This fic really reminds me of the scene in episode 2 where Eiji is about to jump the wall and says something like "I'd rather die trying".
porgi, amor, qualche ristoro by ADreamingSongbird
Status: Complete, 18,763 words
My Summary: Ash has a very severe panic attack. Eiji comforts him through it.
My Thoughts. THIS FIC. This. Fic. It does something to me, honestly. It is just so, so tender and sweet. It's really well-written and a truly breathtaking insight into AshEiji's relationship post-canon. I reread it fairly often. The discussions of SA are handled very carefully and sensitively. Ash and Eiji are both well-written. The large volume of physical comfort feels like catharsis after canon's minimal and scattered touches, but it feels realistic. Like Ash would actually be comfortable with it in this context. It's hard to summarize exactly how much I love this fic.
Offset by superbrightsunset
Status: Complete, 3,859
My Summary: 5+1 about Eiji's physical strength as an athlete.
My Thoughts: Short, but very sweet. I love the caretaking in this fic. The style is very similar to the comfort aspects of Bfish canon. It's a good read for a quick AshEiji fix. Also, Shorter! And a light sprinkling of humor!
Save Me The Waltz (Alternate) by crowsnest
Status: Complete, 12,181 wrods
My Summary: Eiji is bfished instead of Shorter.
My Thoughts: This fic stuck in my brain for several weeks. Ash, Eiji, and Shorter all have to really go through it, but it is immensely satisfying for all three to come out alive and mostly whole in a way that seems realistic. This AU spans a few years, and leaves a lot of possible scenes to the reader's imagination. I really enjoyed reading this, especially the caretaking aspect.
Drugstore Cowboy by suffragettecity
Status: Complete, 2,048 words
My Summary: Ash goes to Shorter for a brief respite.
My Thoughts: I am in love with the atmosphere in this fic. It's uniquely platonic-ShorAsh. It's a fairly short one-shot, but the language is very immersive. There are little pieces of information scattered throughout that are deliberately unexplained, leaving the reader to make connections on their own. Overall a good read.
Okay. I might add more to this later. There are other fics I really like, but am too tired to rec. If anyone has any fics they want to share, please do!
(Also, I'm new to Tumblr and don't know the authors' tumblrs. Please tag them if you do. And if anyone wants their fic removed, please let me know and I will.)
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whiscey · 4 months
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i would like to share this beautiful tag with everyone — it’s now my new favorite ao3 tag hehe
(fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30412821 <- it was reallyyy good, you guys should definitely read it :3)
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chaoslynx · 1 year
First, please recommend fics where they are just fluffy and in love and fluffy and in love (and prompt 14 for the kisses thing please)
14. starting with a kiss meant to be gentle, ending up in passion
"Hey," Eiji's voice breaks through the nightmare. "Ash. Ash, it's okay. You're okay now."
Waking with a start, Ash bolts upright, falling immediately into Eiji's arms. "Eiji. Eiji!"
"I'm here, Ash. Oh, sweetie."
Ash shakes his head, trying to clear the nightmare from his thoughts, burying his nose in Eiji's hair.
"That was a pretty bad nightmare, huh?" Eiji murmurs.
Ash just nods. Can't bring himself to speak. Nothing more than Eiji's name, at least. It's the only thing that feels holy enough for this moment. When Eiji save him—again. Again.
Eiji just holds him for a bit, and Ash thinks he might be shaking. He can't really tell. And the whole while, Eiji whispers sweet nothings to him. But Ash wishes he would shout them—scream them. Ash would take Eiji's sweet nothings over everything everyone else has to offer.
"You're safe now." That's one Eiji says a lot, and Ash thinks he's starting to believe it. There was once a time when he never thought he would.
Eiji's just incredible that way.
Ash pulls back, just a little—enough to look Eiji in the eyes. Eiji lets him go, smiling softly.
"You're safe," Eiji repeats.
"With you," Ash finishes. Only with Eiji. "May I kiss you?"
Eiji's lips upturn at the corners, and Ash knows he's going to say yes. "Of course," he murmurs. "Always."
Ash shifts forward, almost in Eiji's lap, gently pressing their lips together. Their noses brush in the process and they laugh into each other's mouths. The kiss starts gentle—soft, comfortable, and everything that they love about each other.
But Ash wants more, and he's starting to realize that it's not selfish of him. So he pushes forward a little more, on top of Eiji now, and Eiji's arms come up around Ash's waist, pulling him even closer. Ash wants to be close to Eiji in every way—wants to be consumed.
Eiji parts his lips, and Ash slips his tongue into Eiji's mouth, one of the only times he has since the kiss in prison. But he quickly pulls back, opening his own lips to allow Eiji to explore.
It's passionate, but there's something almost playful to it. Not in the teasing, fake-playful way Ash is used to, but ... something almost fun.
Eventually, they both pull away from each other, panting softly.
Eiji's eyes are wide, and Ash laughs.
"Was that too much?" Eiji asks. "I'm—"
"Don't apologize," Ash interrupts. "That was perfect. I promise you. Did you enjoy it?"
"Yeah," Eiji breathes. "Holy shit. Yeah."
"Then it was perfect. Because I did too." And Ash has never meant it like this before.
Ash has never loved someone like this before.
Kiss prompts!
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bean-writes · 5 months
10,000 readers...
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You guys have no idea what this does for my confidence as a writer.
I can't communicate how touched I am to have all of you on my side or how much I appreciate your love and support.
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iceywrites · 7 months
i am CRAVING for a soft jock!eiji fic
if you've written something PLEASE drop the link bestie
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somebody pls help I’ve been scouring the edges of the earth to find this banana fish fic and it ain’t anywhere to be found😭
It was a long ass fix-it fic on ao3 I read like a year ago where ash goes Japan and lives w eiji, and is battling thru his mental health struggles w/eiji’s support, he also gets rly close w eiji’s mom and sister and they become his fam basically. other deets I remember: eiji and his sister dye ash’s hair pink at some point, ash starts learning Japanese, they eventually end up buying eiji’s parents old house together - and I can’t remember too many more details but it was sooo good and cute so if anybody knows wtf I’m talking abt pls help🙏
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bodyintheabyssy · 2 years
Random hc :
Ash and Eiji (everything’s fine™️ & they are happy in NY AU).
Eiji wants to give Ash some good memories of local areas. They go on a date to Coney Island. Ash is on edge but trying to have fun. Eiji points out a cute stuffed animals at a game booth.
Ash effortlessly wins him a giant stuffed animal. Eiji smiles widely and hugs it.
“Whoa! Daddy that one is so big and fluffy! Can you win me one?” A young girl asks her father.
The man chuckles “I will try honey.” He hands the attendant some cash and gives it a try. He tries his best but misses the target. “Sorry , honey.”
She frowns and looks over at Ash and Eiji . They are talking a few feet away in line for cotton candy. The little girl jogs over to them. “Honey, don’t run off like that!” Her father scolds while chasing her.
She reaches Ash and tugs on his jeans. He flinches but relaxes when he looks down to see her. “Hello?” He eyes her then sees a panting father coming behind.
For a moment he thinks the worst and is ready to fight the man, but then she speaks. “Scuse me mister? Can you get me a big stuffie like that?, She points to the bear Eiji is holding, “My daddy couldn’t do it.”
He looks over to the father who looks apologetic. “Let me talk to your Dad first.”
He walks over, “I am so sorry Sir— She is so fast I didn’t mean to disturb your date.” Ash blushes at that. “It is fine. I can try to get her one.”
“You really don’t have to. I don’t think it is a good idea to reward her running off and talking to strangers.” The man shakes his head.
Ash looks over to her. “Your Dad says you weren’t listening to him and ran off. You made him sad and scared. You have to listen to your parents if you want a prize.”
Eiji smiles at the exchange. The girl is persistent. “Daddy please! I promise I will be good!”
Ash and the man exchange a glance. Ash crouches down to her level. “Do you know why dad says you can’t run off and talk to strangers? Not everyone is nice. Some people are bad guys who could hurt you or take you away,” A sad expression appears on his face briefly, “But If your Dad says Yes and you hold his hand the whole time I will try.”
She claps in excitement. Ash raises his brows at the man. He shrugs. The girl holds her father’s hand and smiles. “Thank You Mister!”
It takes less then five minutes for Ash to win and pick her prize. “Now, will you listen to your parents?” She nods and he gives her the bunny stuffed animal. “Thank You. You are really good at carnival games.”
Ash shrugs, “My uh dad , taught me to hunt back home. I have a lot of practice.”
Eiji goes over to him. “That was so sweet! You didn’t have to do that.”
Ash scoffs “She would have cried and ruined his night if she didn’t get it.”
Throughout the night, Ash had grown a following. He ended up winning over 50 prizes for kids. He always made sure to ask their parents first.
They decide to come back every year. Ash wins mountains of stuffed animals every time. At one point a little boy asks him what his favorite animal is. He answers it is a lion. The kids call him the Lion King. Eiji finds this hilarious and threatens to tell his gang friends when they have small fights.
The attendant knows he will have a busy night when he sees him and Eiji.
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cheap wine, make believe it’s champagne
“Uno!” Shorter’s gleeful voice filled the basement. He jumped off his seat, shaking his head up and down like an unhinged rockstar, his sunglasses falling off his face. He was wearing a grin so wide Ash was sure it was going to break his face in half. 
“Fuuuuck,” Ash said, hitting his head on the table, Eiji giggling at Shorter’s antics beside him. He keeps his three cards- three cards, goddammit!- closed to his chest so the others couldn’t see it. 
Sing thumped his fist on the table in dramatic frustration and Yut Lung rolled his eyes as they all watched Shorter hollered and ran around in circles in celebration.
Or the gang plays uno.
Read on AO3
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bunniehoneys · 4 months
out of touch, in harmony - chapter one
My Kofi is here! Any support is appreciated :)
i - screaming out, windows down
Ash is slightly drunk when it happens. He’s pressed shoulder to shoulder with Shorter, in a booth in the back of a bar that lets them drink underage as long as they’re not stupid. Their knees all knock together as Skip presses his hands over his mouth, making fun of something that Sing has said but not quite managing to get the words out. The lights are low, and the music is blaring so loud that he can’t really hear anyone that well, and his skin feels like it's buzzing. So things are good, really.  Until a man staggers over to their table. At first, Sing laughs at him, mimicking the way he sways on his feet. But the man stays silent, groaning. When Ash feels Shorter tense next to him, he knows that something is very, very wrong. 
Read chapter one here! + enjoy :)
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