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whiscey · 16 hours ago
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Cold days...
I drew this when it was at it's coldest around Christmas, I have to upload it while it's still somewhat cold.
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whiscey · 16 hours ago
love it when people are just a little bit unraveled. hair wisps flying everywhere, wrinkles in yesterday's t-shirt, pockets reserved for useless things only. fingers kissed blue from the last pen that fell in love with you. laugh on the wrong side of raw. smile on the right side of bizarre. bright eyes smeared kohl dark, hungry mouth stained lollipop red. messy messy messy messy. you are blurry like the edges of my favorite old photograph. each second you're born anew. you are beautiful and terrible and the most irreplaceable part of living and i could love you forever and ever and ever
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whiscey · 2 days ago
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WIP. My pen broke, so it took a while to get a new one. Missed drawing these two cuties!
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whiscey · 2 days ago
re: my post about liam and sherly being pretty
liam’s beautiful like a romantic, slow song. he’s pretty like the beams of sunlight that peek through your blinds in the morning, like that first clear day of spring where everything starts to feel alright again. he’s pretty in the way that everything he does is oh so gentle. and no, that’s not saying he’s weak or meek in any way (god knows he’s sassy when he wants to be. and i think we all know that he can more than just defend himself). it’s saying that, if given the choice to live the way he truly wants to live, liam would choose kindness every time. it’s saying that liam’s love for the people he cares about isn’t big or loud, and yet it’s still so obvious in the way he smiles so softly, or the way he says “sherly” like it’s a goddamn prayer, or the way his biggest wish for so long was that his brothers and comrades get to experience the beauty of the world he was striving for. it’s saying that despite everything, he dreams and hopes and yearns and feels, and yet he would choose to slowly burn himself and everything he wants if it meant keeping others warm. it’s saying that the real liam isn’t crime consultant william james moriarty, but the math professor who’s incredibly proud of his students, the brother who louis makes tea for every morning and who albert comforts when the guilt is too much for him, the partner who sherlock loved enough to jump of a bridge for, and the man who cried tears of joy when a little girl said “thank you” to him.
and sherly’s pretty like an indie rock song that you want to scream along to in the car. he’s pretty like a full moon, like late nights out with your friends where you forget about your problems for just a few hours, like the last snowfall in winter.
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whiscey · 2 days ago
liam and sherly are both so pretty…..*explodes*
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whiscey · 2 days ago
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whiscey · 2 days ago
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whiscey · 4 days ago
The first time we saw YuuMori talking about atonement was in Grapefruit Pie—no one tried to repent for anything in the first chapter. But in Grapefruit Pie, Burton was suffering because his son died and he (and his wife) both feel he is at fault for letting it happen.
Maybe he was. He didn’t do anything. Was there a lot he could’ve done? Realistically, no. But he feels he could’ve done more, and so does his wife. And what helps him heal and move on and make amends with his wife is, well, doing something. And there’s a parallel to that and the Moriarty brothers in sharing their crime and sin and burden together (something that, interestingly, also sort of comes up with Sherlock and William), but it’s also a way for them to put “right” some of the wrongs.
Whether or not that’s atonement for Burton’s earlier sins is questionable. I mean. He murdered a guy; the series never argues that murder is a good thing. But it is still a way to deal with guilt, to do something with it.
In Dancers on the Bridge, we see a little bit of it, too. After a fashion, it can be laid at Lucien’s feet that Frida died. Was it really? No, but he helped bring her to ruin. And he bought her a headstone, finally, the way her coworkers wanted her to be remembered. He did something to make up for the small fault he committed in drawing her into something.
YuuMori talks a lot, in addition to atonement, about being corrupted by society and the devils on Earth. Neither Burton nor Lucien would’ve had anything to atone for were it not for the devils William wiped out, and they are sort of seen as cleansed afterward—not perfect, not quite whole, not over what they lost, but in some way having done something to repair what was broken and wrong and moved on.
But the first time the thing with atonement becomes really clear is Mycroft.
Mycroft hasn’t done anything wrong, but he works for the British government years decades after one of his ancestors committed acts of tyranny on behalf of the British government in France to make up for his family’s crimes. Sherrinford Holmes got himself killed out of his own guilt, and his own, and because he was dead he could do nothing to fix it. Nothing to help anyone. And that sin got passed onto his family and bound them to try to atone for the entire mess he created.
If we want to get all religiously Christian here as YuuMori likes to do, it’s a kind of Original Sin: something passed down because of the sins of your ancestors that taints you from birth. That’s why Christianity does baptism; to cleanse that away.
Sherlock was protected from that sin by Mycroft, who sacrificed himself in a way for his little brother, bearing the weight of their family’s atonement on his own shoulders. Someone did something for Sherlock to keep him from having to repent in a martyr/sacrificial way to save him. Sherrinford didn’t redeem himself by dying. He just passed the burden along to innocents to try to fix the damage he caused.
And when William was seen as dead, and Albert ran away from the job, Louis took his place working under Mycroft for the British government. Someone had to make up for the sins of the family, and Louis took up that burden, and Albert took up that burden, hoping to protect William from some of it the way Mycroft protected Sherlock.
Of course, that’s not how the story ended up going: trying to protect their brothers did nothing. William and Sherlock serve their time repenting for their crimes with the United States. Because no one can take on the burden of your atonement for you. The burden never leaves.
It’s always there until you take it into your own hands and do something about it.
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whiscey · 4 days ago
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I finally can do it, William...
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whiscey · 4 days ago
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whiscey · 4 days ago
A little sketch?:^
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whiscey · 4 days ago
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Don't be afraid
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whiscey · 4 days ago
it’s a w
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whiscey · 4 days ago
everytime i write about how much i love william or tell my friends that, it looks like sherlock is saying it cuz i have this fuckass pfp almost everywhere i am not sherliam's fan
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whiscey · 4 days ago
What are your sexuality headcanons for yuumori chracters? Also, if you hc someone as demi or bi/pan, would they have a preference?
ehhh, I haven't thought all the characters through but like these are some that I tend to default to, more for fanfic purposes than because I actually think I could prove any of it from canon. Definitely very much headcanons.
Sherlock and William - both acespec and gay but if they were in modern times and you asked them how they identify, Sherlock would say gay first and then acespec and William would say acespec first and then gay, if that makes any sense.
Albert - bisexual. Mostly just because I like to project onto him. tips towards preferring men by a little bit.
Louis - entirely and very happily aroace
Mycroft - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Literally that's his sexuality. No I will not be elaborating at this time.
Moran - I'm sorry but I do actually think he's just entirely allo, cis, and straight. Somebody had to be.
Bond - like a Kinsey 2, mostly into women but there are exceptions
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whiscey · 4 days ago
Draw Sherliam! Kissing, hugging, just existing together!!!
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I will draw something more intimate this weekend but for now here! They sure do exist together 🫡 The best I could muster while fighting with art block but I kinda like it
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whiscey · 4 days ago
So back to tumblr with latest liam drawings
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Fluffy ponytail liam 🤲🏻
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