From the desk of the Young Horses...
316 posts
Official blog of the Young Horses, creators of Bugsnax and Octodad. We are here for a grump time not a long time.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
younghorses · 25 days ago
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A sneak preview of my "memes we can't post yet" folder for the new game. Tag yourself I'm gorker
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younghorses · 26 days ago
For your Consideration: Ohio
In honor of one of the Horses (coworker) making us try the Skyline Chili ice cream this morning, I feel like I need to introduce everyone to Skyline Chili.
If you are not from Ohio, I wouldn't blame you for thinking "what is skyline chili," "why is there a chili ice cream," "isn't Ohio where the Hell is Real sign is?" or "surely its just chili. It can't be that weird.."
Introducing The 3 Way
Skyline Chili is a famous chain restaurant from Cincinnati, Ohio. Its selling point is its chili, which is just meat and sauce but features things like cinnamon, clove, and chocolate in the flavor palate. It is sweeter than you think, but it is also better than it sounds.
Skyline is served in 2 main ways. A coney/chili dog. Normal. And a 3 way. Yes, you order a 3 way at the establishment. A 3 way consists of the following:
plain spaghetti noodles
the chili in question
about a 5 inch tall pile of freshly finely shredded cheddar cheese.
the flattest plate you can imagine, so your noodles and chili are constantly spilling off the sides of the plate.
An optional Skyline brand bib the waiter will put on you if you ask It rules. I love Skyline. In writing this post I have accidentally made myself crave Skyline.
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Here she is. That plate is not built to support this level of noodle.
So now there's an ice cream.
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Also famous Ohio chain Graeter's has created an ice cream inspired by the unique spices included in Skyline. And by inspired, we mean they made a cinnamon, allspice, clove, and chili powder ice cream with some oyster crackers in it. It's kind of like pumpkin spice.
The verdict in the office is that they should have included the cheese. 6/10 experience.
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A helpful chart.
This is not the most haunted ice cream to come out of Ohio. That would be Jeni's Everything Bagel ice cream.
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This has been your Ohio fact of the day. Sorry. Why is the Midwest like this?? I don't know. Am I now imagining the worst Scoopy experience ever? Yes
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younghorses · 26 days ago
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i finished bugsnax! here are the grumps
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younghorses · 27 days ago
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Darn varmints
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younghorses · 29 days ago
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I love you Bugsnax reddit
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younghorses · 30 days ago
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Kind of bug but also kind of snack if you think about it. Single pic under tha cut ^_^
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younghorses · 1 month ago
I’ve heard and seen different info about development of bugsnax and it’s always intrigued me.
I’ve always wondered if there ever was an idea to make an art book that went into the development/design of the game, characters, voices and other such things?? (Especially if that may include 2D art)
We've talked about an art book! We aren't a huge "elaborate concept art" team because we're pretty small, so it's easier to do a few sketches and then just make the thing in-engine.
We have lots of development photos and sketches though. Early in development, the team even got together with a bunch of clay and brainstormed as many goofy Bugsnax as they could.
We were just joking yesterday about doing an art book of Octodad, Bugsnax, and [unannounced project] together so you could see the evolution of the games and our studio's style across the past decade+. Maybe we'd even throw in some stuff from our Free Range games. No concrete plans, but it's something we'd love to do at some point.
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younghorses · 1 month ago
Hai sorry to bother I’ve hyper fixated on bugsnax again x will we ever get a second game or is that just a never dying rumor?
Funny story! Google's AI summary picked up a fan-written idea for a sequel called Bugsnax 2 The City and told anyone googling it that an official sequel was coming out on October 15, 2024. It became such a widespread misconception that PC Gamer wrote an article on it. You can read it here.
Anyway, we are working on a brand new game. It is not Bugsnax or Octodad.
We take our projects one at a time, so we don't actually have an answer yet about if there will be a sequel. It's not a no! But there aren't any plans for a sequel for the forseeable future. First we gotta finish making [unannounced project].
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younghorses · 1 month ago
hiiiii welcome to tumblr :]
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thank you
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younghorses · 1 month ago
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A glimpse into my dark, twisted mind.
These are thumbnails I drew for the art team when requesting a nice banner to promote the free Bugsnax VR mode on Steam.
This is what they gave me. Everyone say "thank you art team."
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younghorses · 1 month ago
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younghorses · 2 months ago
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I had a dream that there was a new Bugsnak called Chicket.
It was a Buffalocust variant except it was just a whole raw, frozen chicken and when you knocked it out of the air it ran around on its hind legs.
It was scary I didn't like it.
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younghorses · 2 months ago
TFW you try to eat Gramble Gigglefunny.
Answers one ask about marrying a character from our game, immediately receives 20 asks to marry, adopt, and kiss more characters from our game. Also a question asking which grumpus is the most edible. Despite Floofty's best efforts, it's probably Gramble. He looks like cotton candy.
Go with god, my angels. The horses do not exist to dictate how you engage with media. We just make the funny muppets with big feelings. GLHF o7
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younghorses · 2 months ago
Answers one ask about marrying a character from our game, immediately receives 20 asks to marry, adopt, and kiss more characters from our game. Also a question asking which grumpus is the most edible. Despite Floofty's best efforts, it's probably Gramble. He looks like cotton candy.
Go with god, my angels. The horses do not exist to dictate how you engage with media. We just make the funny muppets with big feelings. GLHF o7
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younghorses · 2 months ago
yh can i marry filbo
If you ask and he says yes, you have our blessing. Treat him well
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younghorses · 2 months ago
The Horse Awakens
I'm reviving our Tumblr because TikTok is going away, and I need a place to put my Poster's Madness. Hello from the Young Horses Social Media Horse.
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younghorses · 6 years ago
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blurp blurp
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