#asagiri i'm begging you please
delusional-lavender · 9 months
It's missing them hours..
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I would commit several crimes just to see them all happy together again
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riolone-moon · 2 months
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I saw BSD raws and I'm crying, sobbing. My entire world crashed and I'm destroyed
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originalaccountname · 2 years
I'm no longer asking I am begging you to read Asagiri's additional prologue to the Dragon's Head Conflict from the Dead Apple event in the mobile game it has Oda it has Fyodor it has Dazai it has SKK it has more Shibusawa it has lore about the Dragon's Head Conflict and the Port Mafia PLEASE
you can read it on the wiki
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startemis0 · 1 year
Please Asagiri, give me a light novel in an alternative universe where Ranpo was recruited either by the Port Mafia or the Decay of Angels instead of the ADA and where we get to see how everything would have been changed if he was on the other side of the battle.
Fanfiction writers this is also a cry for help I'm begging you !!!
Also, another universe where Ranpo, Poe and Mushitaro are criminals (The Perfect Crime Trio) and the Agency tries to arrest them, this would be so FUN.
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andromeda612 · 1 year
SSKK Parallels I want to see, please qwq Asagiri, I'm begging you
Ok so I need to cope from not only the angst of the last episodes of the anime, but also the fact Bones onces again robbed us from important SSKK scenes qwq
So, I'm part of the people that believe the vampirism can be reversed and that Akutagawa will live thanks to that.
So, one thing that I really want to see in the future of the manga but know it probably won't happen (but who knows, only Asagiri) is a parallel to this part.
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We know the reasons they failed was because of two things, one they didn't trusted each other so they didn't used the strategy Fukuchi himself said would have been his defeat, and we can't blame them for not trusting each other like that, not with their story and while Akutagawa seemed to trust their efforts and maybe even Atsushi, Atsushi here is the one with the most reasons to not trust Akutagawa and he still did a bit during their final attack, and even then they were not ready for this level of trust, not like their predecessors, SKK despised each other but still trusted each other with their lives on the battle field, they however had years to build up that trust for having to work together on the same organization, I think given SSKK circumstances the fact they managed to last that long and briefly success says a lot of their potential, they simply were not ready for this battle. The second reason was Fukuchi's sword, a powerful weapon neither of them was counting on, paired with Fukuchi himself who is an already hard to beat opponent on his own.
That being said, this is something they both could learn from, both of them have questions and thoughts regarding this, about the fact Akutagawa saved Atsushi so it also allows window for them to learn from each other and themselves in the case they can turn Akutagawa back to normal, and if they do this would open a frame time for them to talk this stuff out, to grown a bit and reach a point when they can trust each other even if it's only for this mission, and I believe that having Ranpo and maybe even Dazai on board, coming up with a plan, even in the middle of the end (given chapter 109's ending qwq) is possible to come up with a plan to secure victory.
So picture this, Akutagawa is reversed from the vampirization and is now back in the game on their side, staying with them as they are the only ones left capable of stopping Fukuchi. The plan is ready and SSKK are tasked to fight Fukuchi again, to deal the final blow to him, just them. They nod determined to not fail this time, but then another character makes the question.
"But... with just the two of them?"
At this both Akutagawa and Atsushi look at each other, they lock eyes in a way that make it seem they are talking through their shared look, and then their eyes gain a determined shine to them, their faces show their conviction, they nod to each other, and maybe even smirk in Akutagawa's case and grin in Atsushi's. Then Atsushi, still grinning, looks at the character who asked and says with conviction and security.
"Do we need more than that?"
And they go to the final battle in this war.
Don't tell me this wouldn't be such a good parallel to have, especially because it would reflect the evolution of their relationship, which I think already started developing when they made their six months deal, their relationship is far from fully developed, they still have a long path ahead (which is why I don't think Akutagawa will truly die even after the vampirism is reversed) but this would mark a point in their character arcs and dynamic with each other, it would be a reference point about how their relationship has grown.
But well, I'm juts a fan, a fan coping with what's happening in both the anime and the manga and who just wants the characters to succeed.
Thank you for reading my rant/wish/delusions
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antikr1sta · 15 days
Asagiri can you stop turning into Gege please I'm begging... We've had enough deaths..
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
BSD Spoilers (for new episode AND manga)
I'm.... I can't.... this is..... I.... BUT!??!?!?!
1)- They had better not go off the manga for the next episode. I mean.... they have to??? THEY HAVE TO?!?!? But they don't, we do have one chapter left, but it's so recent they'd have to be animating as we speak? Which I guess they can do....
2)- I didn't think they'd.... catch up so fast.... god I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to see that oh my fucking god are you serious???? ARE YOU SERIOUS- I can't do it.
3)- The voice acting in this was... heartbreakingly amazing. Dazai's switch from low and in control to the scream of pain, and back again to try and convince Chuuya- my heart!?! Fyodor having the breakdown, and then Sigma when he reads everything.
4)- The ANIMATION was beautiful as well. It captured everything I needed it to and so much that I somewhat wish it hadn't. Dazai's body... shaking with each.... the frames where he GOT shot... 'Chuuya, come to your senses. Our fate will not end in a place like this'. The way they got his expressions....
5)- Stone me if you will, but I'm a dub enjoyer. I just am. It's easier for me to get into the story when I don't have to read the words to know what's happening. And besides that, I adore Kaiji's voice. All the dub VA's are gonna be great but... hearing Kaiji do.... that part... is gonna end me forever.
6)- The Aya 'father!' moment really tore at my heart more than I thought it would. I'm already emotional (and WAS already emotional) but that hit so deep.
All in all I am in tears and I don't think I'll ever recover. Please I am begging you Asagiri, I NEED DAZAI TO LIVE!!! I'm not gonna put all the theories, Poni wrote those out wonderfully and I'll reblog that in a minute but I am gonna say that if this is how Soukoku ends. If this is the pain that Chuuya will have to carry with him.... I'll actually never be okay again.
Time to go watch edits that make me question my sanity even more than I already am <3
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kokokoula · 1 year
BSD S5E2 thoughts
i am so late for this i apologise. but the episode was so not a letdown, it really meets my expectations. the reason why i'm starting on e2 and not e1 because e1 was more of setting the scene and picking up where they had left off. e2 is where the plot thickens and intensifies. plus, ranpo had a lot of screen time in this, and alas, i'm a simp for him.
DISCLAIMERS: this is not spoiler free, so if you haven't watched it yet, continue at your own discretion. also, don't attack me if we don't share the same opinions and views. this is just my thoughts. lower case intended.
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one of the scenes that strikes me most is the car ride scene where minoura, the officer who ranpo interacts often during cases over the years, drives him to a safer location after freeing him from captivity. during this, minoura seems to be in a bit of a frenzy, while ranpo relaxes with a smile on his face that has been there since minoura arrived. (he's so adorable jdfhiasu) we all know that ranpo is incredibly intelligent, and could deduce people's motives and future actions. however, when minoura asks him whether he knew that some of the officers would trust his righteousness and intellect, and would therefore risk their lives to save him, ranpo admits that he did not know whether they believe him. during the whole time, he was not expecting to be saved, yet he was and realises how many people actually trusts him to the point of sticking their own heads out for him. imagine the amount of love and gratefulness he must have felt from this. i'm really glad that ranpo is reminded how precious he is to everyone, like he has that reassurance that he is reliable. this is also probably the reason why he could not stop smiling when he was rescued. AND HIS GIGGLE IN THE END I'M TEARING UP.
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y'all i'm not gonna lie, this scene made me love him so much more, and it's saying a lot because i love him tons already. the whole scene where he tries to persuade fukuchi to help ADA capture the page from kamui really shows the kind of role fukuzawa plays in ranpo's life. i think we can all agree that fukuzawa is a dad to ranpo, right? he took care of ranpo since his teen years, introduce to him the idea of his unusual intelligence being his special ability, gave him a job, and created a family for him aka ADA. as i said before, we know ranpo is smart enough to guess what fukuchi would do and manipulate his decisions, and he himself admitted that. but he didn't. all because he respected, looked up to, and ultimately TRUST fukuzawa. he knows how much fukuchi means to his 'dad' as a friend, and wants to respect that, at the cost of ADA. ranpo even gets down on one knee and say that he trusts him too. (don't mind me, but that shot of ranpo that i attached under the quote is so fine. is it just me?) that's why i was pissed as hell when ranpo found out that fukuchi is kamui. my boy was devoted to his father and THIS is what he gets.
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this is great content for atsushi x akutagawa shippers. the way i was chanting akutagawa's name, waiting for him to appear, and then scream when he did. was choosing akutagawa to help atsushi at his lowest moment a mere coincidence? i think not. asagiri knows what he's doing. context is, if you don't know, ranpo deduced that kamui is fukuchi, and of course was right. luckily, ranpo managed to escape, but unfortunately for atsushi, he couldn't, knowing fukuchi can easily catch up to him, and leaving him with no choice but to fight him. but atsushi knows that fukuchi is a much greater fighter than he is, and starts to get scared. scared because he was alone in this battle. and we know that he has ptsd from his orphanage days. so he begs to the universe to give him an ally, and boy, did the universe choose well. akutagawa being there is like a knight in shining armour moment. this is quite straightforward so i don't have to explain so much. let's lose our minds together over this.
ranpo pushing kunikida to atsushi when he was about to be hugged like BOY JUST ACCEPT SOME AFFECTION
kyouka saying that she was trying to hold herself back from hugging ranpo, kunikida and yosano. SOMEONE HUG HER FOR GOODNESS' SAKE
when yosano asks ranpo what he will do, he replies, "what do you think? i'm doing the funnest part of the job." cut to him showing up again in front of the fukuchi with a "heya, i'm that terrorist everyone's talking about." he's so chaotic, i love it.
fukuchi and ranpo interacting like uncle and nephew respectively for a while. that was cute. AND RANPO CASUALLY EXPOSING FUKUCHI'S BEHAVIOUR AT ADA'S OPENING CEREMONY
the fact that ranpo has a novel written by poe to use as an escape route is something i'll never get over. ranpo and poe >>>>
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astolfofo · 1 year
okay yk what I'm gonna say it. jf they don't add George Orwell into BSD I am going to cry. I will grovel and beg for Orwell to he added cause 1984 is probably my favorite book of all time. It makes for a cracked ability epically on villans side. please. asagiri. if you plan to add Shakespeare, Agatha, and all the English authors. Pls. pls. add Orwell.
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thefandomcassandra · 1 year
Malaprop (2/9): Now I'm In Your Head
mal·a·prop — /ˈmaləˌpräp/ (n) - the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing effect, as in, for example, “dance a flamingo ” (instead of flamenco ). — He shouldn't be here. (Sequel to Champion)
Content Warning: medical restraints, implied sexual abuse, discussion of suicide, self-harm, choking, extreme violence, animal death
The weird part about not being born psychic—by specifically gaining psychic powers via power transference and sheer dumb luck—is that it put the sheer difference between Reigen Arataka and the other psychics invited to do the Asagiri job in stark contrast. They were well-established in their field and he was...well he was flashy. That was about it.
(Dimple said he was likely an empathetic specialist, considering how easily he could read feelings from auras and how easily he could push his feelings onto others, but empathy alone wouldn't get him far in the business now would it?)
Regardless of the difference between himself and the others in power, Reigen had two advantages over them. The first was his prowess in rock-paper-scissors. The second was sheer charisma. All the regular psychics surrounding him, bigwig names from places like the Rising Sun Psychic Union, independent contractors and whatnot, were all work and no play. With names like Asagiri, there needed to be a hint of showmanship to the work. Otherwise it looked like horseshit and rich men didn't pay for horseshit.
Reigen was good at gilding horseshit so it looked valuable. That would carry him far, here specifically.
Asagiri Minori looked like a real brat. Whatever had changed in her—and he wasn't buying the others' muttered theories of puberty—it made her dangerous enough to strap down and Reigen wouldn't discount that caution on her father's behalf. Plus something about the way she looked out at everyone—as if she was studying them despite the glass she wasn't supposed to see through—made him on-edge. It made his hair stand up.
Something was wrong with Asagiri Minori.
As Reigen entered the room Minori was kept in, his hackles raised again. Still, he schooled his face into a calm placidity and nodded at her. "Hello there, Miss Asagiri."
Her cracked lips—dehydrated and bitten, ashen and split—parted as she moved to meet him, held back by the straps on her arms and legs. She jerked at the length of her restraints and met his eyes, tears starting to form in her own. "You need to help me," she begged, voice like dry leaves and burning paper, "Daddy said I could leave but he's lying. He always lies to everyone!"
"Do you know why your father put you in here? Why he tied you down?" Reigen was testing the water, feeling for any kind of errant aura hidden by her terrified words.
"It's because I won't do what he asks of me any more! He doesn't understand I'm a growing girl." Minori rattled her restraints and tried to get to the door. When that didn't work, she began crying, silently sobbing, jagged fingernails clawing at her face. "He keeps bringing adults in."
Reigen knew that, while he couldn't see or hear anyone outside, they could see and hear in. What Minori was saying was probably stirring up unease and distrust. Nobody out there knew to look past surface level.
"What are these adults brought here for?" Reigen sat down on the edge of the bed, out of reach of her hands. In the off chance she lashed out, he didn't want to be too close if she wanted his eyes. "The ones your father brings in to see you."
"They touch me. When I fight back they pin me down, strip me, and touch me all over. Father watches. He doesn't make a move to stop them. He wants his baby girl back so he'll do anything it takes." Minori's wild eyes flicked left, then back at Reigen, her greasy hair framing her face in matted chunks. "Please, mister psychic, you have to help me. I'm not possessed! He's lying! He's the one who's possessed. You have to believe me!"
Reigen swallowed bile and gave Minori a placating smile. His skin crawled as he nodded at her. "Of course," he lied, "I believe you. I'm here to help."
"That's what they all say!" She wails, drawing blood from her face. Reigen forces himself to not recoil, to play it safe, pretend at sympathy and let a little horror seep through, just in case.
Something was definitely wrong with Asagiri Minori and now he had an inkling of what it was.
Reigen had built his business model around one that already existed. Long before he knew psychics were real and that ghosts and curses could kill you, a younger, dumber Reigen decided he would imitate the first ever TV psychic to make it big—Mogami Keiji's—style and mannerisms. It would buy him credibility in the world and, really, who remembered a TV psychic from two decades ago? That meant hours and hours of watching old video tapes of his show, combing over every case and every intricacy.
While his aggressive hand motions were...exaggerated from the source material, most of the rest of how Spirits and Such operated was near identical to Mogami's own ways of working.
Minori's mannerisms reminded Reigen of this one episode he saw of a young possessed boy. The boy would flip between placid and pathetic to raging and manic in an instant, pretending to be a scared child one second and throwing things with enough force to break them the next. There was blood on his hands and claw marks on any exposed piece of skin. Self-inflicted bruises to sell it better.
It was a horridly powerful spirit, or so Mogami had said. Without any spiritual sensitivity, Reigen couldn't tell if the exorcism was real or not—and nowadays those tapes went for five or more zeros, assuming you didn't just find a bad rip of it online on a weird occult web circle—but the way the boy thrashed and screamed, body moving as if something was puppeting his limbs about always stuck with him.
So did the way the boy's speech patterns were inconsistent.
Reigen might not be a good esper, but he was an excellent conman. Minori—or whatever was using her body—might be good at erasing their presence, but they were a dogshit actor.
The room outside of Minori's little box was a furious mess. Various psychics were yelling, their agitated energies filling the room with a silt-black swamp of emotions. Asagiri was being beaten back verbally, the idiots yelling at him about how he treated his poor daughter.
The only people who weren't in a tizzy were Mob, Ritsu, Teru, and Dimple. Well, scratch Dimple. He looked like he was going to pass out, more green about the gills than he'd ever seen the spirit before. He kinda reminded Reigen of a small, scared dog.
As he left the room, one of the Rising Sun goons passed him on his way in. Reigen tried not to bristle from the shock of mirror green distaste that radiated off the man, flecks of carmine pride sharp pepper spikes against his nature. Reigen hoped that the thing in Minori didn't hurt the man.
Everyone was looking at him now, as the one who spent time with Minori first. "Well, I'll say this much," Reigen sighed with enough force to hurt, trying his best to get his emotions across, shoving his aura against the energy of the room to try and infect them with his calmer unease, "I can't sense anything."
An eruption of noise nearly bowled him over again, everyone clamoring to agree with him, to accuse Asagiri of selling his daughter's body, to complain about the waste of their time. Reigen had to just grimace at their unprofessional actions.
"I didn't say everything was fine. Sheesh." Reigen rapped his knuckles against the wall near the window. He rolled his eyes as everyone looked back at him. "Something's definitely wrong with her."
"You believe me?" Asagiri looked like he was going to cry.
"Of course." Honestly, the way these half-baked idiots treated the client. What a terrible work environment. He bet their Mobble reviews were abysmal for their bedside manner alone.
Read the Rest on AO3
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 2 years
Different Anon but I think the same about Chuuya!!
Sure he is a fun little guy but I never really got the hype? Like he is interesting but there is just the same potential in any other character and I sometimes wonder how much Asagiri wanted to write about him and how much was influenced by the general response to every single Chuuya thing to ever exist?? (frantic begging for more I mean)
I don't know if this makes sense but I just really want something other than Chuuya (and/or Dazai) sometimes. Especially the women!! They have so much backstory/theories to provide and there is this general lack of content for/about them!! Of course I understand that the men always have more content but I am deprived!!!
(On another note I am also very glad that your blog exists :) because such a big part of the fandom has opinions I just can't get behind and you are a safe space in all of that especially from the people that hate characters like Mori on a wierdly personal level and somehow think that you have to always include how this and that was a morally wrong action by a morally grey character like suupriise Kouyou is a murderer!! Couldn't have guessed that!! I'll list all of her wrongdoings in my notes app apology next time I promise!!)
Sorry for my silly little rant and thank you for your blog ;)) have a nice day!
And yessss you get me! Chuuya is great (/gen) but cmon Asagiri-sensei, some writer juice for Higuchi? Please? Gin even? Kouyou? Teruko, even? This is a drought and my fields are starving-
Like Higuchi's ability (which was mentioned in a 2018 tweet), or Kouyou's sad backstory, or even Gin hijinks in the Black Lizard...and obviously Teruko must have some banger backstory. Pleaaaaase.
And I'm glad I can be a safe space for that!! I'm very staunchly against the recent ~moral purity~ movement that's infecting fandom as a whole. I am here to stan boomeer soukoku (Mori included because he is so much fun) and laugh at how every BSD character does at least one terrible thing.
...Like that time Kunikida tear gassed a bunch of kids. I forgot that happened for a while because ain't nobody out here going Kunikida Bad.
But yes. Glad you're here, anon, and I hope your day is lovely also :)
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averyonell · 2 years
i'm like in love with so many bsd characters:
kenji my pure comfort, my sunshine, i love him so much you don't even know, he is love of my life literally
higuchi, like she deserves so much?? she is pretty she is great and i want her to be really happy
kyouka, please asagiri let her be happy, she had so tragic life, i want her to smile everyday, i want her give everything, please let her be happy
ranpo & poe cause they're so much comfort !! their relationship is giving me happiness, they themselves are giving me happiness
yosano, she is great and beautifull, i want to marry her and give her everything and comfort her and djdnjd
kouyou - pretty, so pretty, she could step on me. kouyou step on me please i'm begging you
teruko, controversial like fuck, but i love her, and she could step on me too, i would don't mind that you know
lucy and tanizaki are pretty close to be one of this characters too but i rather don't put them now BUT THEY ARE CLOSE
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louisa for the ask game?
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Asagiri, please give us more Guild content, I'm begging you
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sapadash · 3 years
ok so i'm either very sleep deprived or really high on soda but this is my theory on how the ada will get rid of fukuchi (hopefully)
(also this is just for fun there's like no way this will actually happen it's just how I cope)
so let me pull an endgame here and say they time travel
for me there's only 2 reasonable ways for them to have an actual fight with fukuchi in which it wouldn't be just him kicking their asses like he did to sskk: to either get one order first (which already went down the drain basically) or to have him fight with someone equal as him
and after some thinking (mainly just shower thoughts) my best pick would be odasaku since their abilities are very similar, only difference being that fukuchi needs that way overpowered sword of his.
oh but tumblr user bbydonthurtme, oda is dead !!! he can't fight fukuchi !!!
and to that I say bullSHIT asagiri gave us beast for a reason !!! not just for the depression !!!
ok so in beast dazai says that he used the book to find a reality in which oda was still alive, so he basically just straight up hopped through dimensions asking "oda are you /srs or /j?" and that is extremely important
because not only do we find out that they can go through different dimensions using the book, we also know that there are a TON of different odas that could be our potential guinea pigs
(and no I'm not saying that they're gonna make a army of odas but ngl that would be cool)
RIGHT so the plan is simple: get the page and get the bram
yeah it's not that simple but its gonna have to happen eventually so let's pretend they already got it, they already have bram on their side basically right (as hostage but still)
what I'm thinking is: they use the page to go to the nearest dimension in which oda just died. they bring bram stoker along and he turns that oda into a vampire (since we saw with akutagawa that vampires can still use their abilities it would work)
that would potentially let them ignore the rule that oda and dazai can't live together in the same dimensions since that oda is technically dead so.... boom
so they make fukuchi and vampire!oda fight and that could have 3 possible outcomes:
1- they both die
2- one of them dies (and everything goes to sh1t)
3- oda doesn't win but still manages to take the sword away from fukuchi which leaves him vulnerable (and I beg you atsushi please behead that rat as soon as you get the chance)
then if we ignore outcome 2 everything would be alright and colorfull and happy until we have to worry about the one and only agatha christie and maybe fyodor again
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