#as with the original post- If i need to add any trigger warnings for any reason please let me know
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domaystic · 24 days ago
4th year of Domaystic: 2025 prompts!
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Everything's ready for Domaystic 2025 :D
Domaystic comes from “domestic” + “May” and it's a prompt event that runs throughout May with a list of 31 prompts for its 31 days. And also 5 alternatives are back. The overall theme is that of the domestic trope: anything inside, outside, beside the house or that has that normalcy flavor of everyday life.
Anyone, in their own way of expression, is welcome to use the prompts and create: fics, art, gifs, podcasts, whatever tickles your fancy, there are no restrictions. For any questions or such, the ask inbox is always open :)
Text prompts:
1 Fraud 2 Scattered on the floor 3 Local flea market 4 The dream 5 Withered flowers 6 Sports 7 Story time 8 On all fours 9 Black out 10 Stuck with someone/something 11 Scene at the parking lot 12 Colleague's fault 13 Rainbow 14 Pros and cons 15 Doing the dishes 16 National ~ day 17 Scars 18 Back to school 19 Decorations 20 It's full already 21 In the spotlight 22 Bragging 23 Stressful days 24 Embarrassing gifts 25 Picky eater 26 Funeral 27 Infestation 28 VIP 29 Spare set of keys 30 From the other side of the road  31 Home alone?
5 Alternatives:
A. Multiple winking B. Bowing profusely C. Constant yawns D. Mimicking an animal E. Covering s/o mouth, eyes or ears 
-> More details under the cut!
Other languages:
Text prompts in Spanish: click here Text prompts in Italian: click here Text prompts in French: click here
General rules and guidelines
All fandoms or original content are welcome.
Any kind of media is welcome.
No restrictions in ships, size, pixels, min/max word count or language.
There are a 31 prompts, one for each day of the month + 5 alternatives if needed.
If you plan to share your work, and if you want, you can add it on the 2025 AO3 collection; or, by tagging or mentioning this blog here on tumblr, I'll reblog it.
It's okay to combine more prompts together or with another event.
You don’t have to do all the prompts: do the ones you enjoy.
Domaystic runs actively throughout May; tracking #domaystic2025, mentions @domaystic, and previous years tags too; if you tag the blog on a later date, that’s fine too, I just reblog on a lower pace after May is over.
Tags to navigate the blog: tumblr post or page on blog
Tagging your tumblr post:
Mention: @domaystic or use the tag: #domaystic2025
Tell me the fandom name or if it is original content
Tell me if it is sfw or nsfw
Tell me which prompt you used if a day# or an alt#
For lengthy posts, please use the “read more option”: ctrl-shift-k on rich text; [[*MORE*]] on html (remove asterisks)
Please, TAG PROPERLY. If there are any trigger warning, I will base my own reblog on your tags so, please, take even a moment longer to carefully tag it. I hope all participants to stay safe in this event.
Here’s an example:
This is my fic/art @domaystic ! 
#domaystic2025 #day1 #[altA - E if alternative prompt is used] #[fandom name or oc] #[sfw or nsfw] #[trigger warnings that I get from your post] tw
AO3 collection
As the previous years, the domaystic2025 collection will be open from May, 1st. On the profile page you'll find all the info and prompts as well.
Link to the 2025 collection: click here
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push-tet · 5 months ago
what I've done
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The town of Veronaville is one built on little love and one big feud. For years, the Capp and Monty clans have been at each other’s throats; yet this hatred cannot stop the younger generation from crossing borders and falling for one another. Will their actions bring both feuding families to ruin, or spark reconciliation? Can their love truly heal such deep wounds?
Wouldn't you like see Veronaville in entirely different light? K-he.
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Added a massive storyline! The familiar Сapp, Monty and Summerdream families will be seen in a whole new light🌟
Added three brand new families with their own stories and secrets! 🌟
Added some new and special townies. At the end of the town album there will be a list of townspeople who have biographies and memories, so no need to add/resurrect literally everybody on your lot. 🌟
Added 20 new community lots + remade the old ones as well 🌟
This hood is not a retelling of Shakespeare's plays, nor is it a mere makeover of the Maxis’ Veronaville. Think of this neighborhood as an alternate universe.
The Neighborhood contains themes of: fantasy, s*icide and self-harm, body horror, OC X CANON (?)
I may have (unintentionally) spoiled some of your favorite simmies… 
Some townies’ memories could disappear. It happens even with the mod that forbids the townies from losing their memories. I don't know what the reason is so I recommend checking them before you play the game, namely, by going into the family and teleporting the townies to the resident lot. If the memories are already gone, then please re-download the hood.
Hoodchecker might show some minor errors connected to the wrong memory subjects. This was intentional so don't be alarmed! It doesn't affect your game in any negative way.
Don't try to resurrect Julien Cooke. Just forget about him.
Oberon originally had an overlay with a mechanical prosthetic. But for some reason in some testers’ games the overlay was affecting Oberon's complexion, turning his skintone white… So I removed the overlay entirely. You can add it back if you wish!
Cyber Parts by @themeasureofasim (optional, Oberon’s prosthetics)
Restore Default Names for Sims in Subhoods (if you intent to play a subhood version of it)
VD01 ENG is a main hood; contains some of my CCs.
VVBS CC is an archive with some custom content from me for the hood (consists of: some cosmetics, contacts (in the masks section) and one female haircut).
VVBS SUBHOOD is a subhood with two major differences from the main hood: it does not contain pictures from Storytelling folder (so the nhood is less heavy) + you can pick and choose whether you want it with or without my custom content.
EXTRA CONTENT folder is not necessary to download; it contains some extra stuff from my project. This file is locked, but you can gather the password in main hood itself through the storytelling pictures and a little game in the community lots (you can find the rules of this game in the description of 2 Pentameter Parkway lot). Think of it as a reward for your attentiveness!
If you find any errors or bugs, just let me know! THANK YOU!
idk what to put in here so that dads' ranking
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P.S. Destroy this town with your crazy ideas. :))
Well, the English version of this interactive fanfic is finally OUT!
I have Pahleen (translation) and @f1shart (English editing) to thank for that! And I also want to thank the many wonderful testers and people who supported my project!🌹🌹
I will continue to post materials about this neighborhood on this blog, but I also have plans to expand this universe, so for that I created a blog @vv-bs so you can follow the development of the project!
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nexus-nebulae · 12 days ago
That's the thing though, I'm already going to therapy. I have been since I was a teenager. Therapy can't just... magically fix all those problems I have. Talking it out with someone i only have a professional relationship with can help me identify those problems and see why I have them, but they can't just.. erase them. I might know why I'm scared, and I might know that it's most likely irrational and based on a single bad example, but that doesn't stop the little voice in the back of my head from going "but what if those fears are right this time. what if we're just putting ourselves back into the same situation all over again."
I had to relearn how to make friends, how to be friends with people, recently. And no matter how many times I talked it through with my therapist- I know most people don't necessarily automatically hate me, I know most people wouldn't use my pain against me, I know there are kind people out there- I couldn't get myself to just Do It. To just reach out to people. To try to make friends. The thing that did help? Exposing myself to the situation even though I was terrified. Finding people I knew were enough like me that I could trust them with small things, until eventually with enough talking it became comfort and knowledge that this person would not hurt me. Finally opening up about my fears to the person I feel fear about and getting real reassurance that this is not the same situation again and I do have a chance to escape that fear.
That's part of why I started this whole process in the first place- I know that if I try waiting until I'm no longer affected by those fears, then I never will. I have to start wading into the water to get used to the temperature, I can't just stand on dry land and insist that somehow standing there I'll just magically be able to dive in headfirst no issue. You know, the Do It Scared mentality. If you wait until you're not afraid, you won't do it at all.
I just kind of want someone to talk to who might be able to address these fears a little more directly than a therapist who is not Jewish and knows very little about Judaism as a whole. Who might be able to hear my experiences and tell me, okay, those specific things won't happen here, and these are things that might feel similar but are different in certain ways that will help you feel safer. I've really only just officially started the process like... a couple weeks ago- I haven't had the chance to talk to members of the community offline, and part of why I haven't is that fear- the fear that I will be rejected, that I will be scorned, that I will have done something so wrong that I will never be accepted, or even that I will be told I am accepted but will always be left on the outside of the community still. The fear that what I am as a person somehow marks me as ineligible. The fear that the reasons I was deemed a "wicked child" by the groups that harmed me will still mark me as wrong somehow no matter where I go.
Logically I know- most religious groups are not that harsh. Lots of people are religious partially because these religions DO serve as a place of community and mutual caring. This particular one is not a religion that I have ever known to be as cruel or vindictive or excluding as the one I left. I chose this for a reason, because I feel as though a lot of what I've learned about Judaism speaks to who I was as a child, reminds me of how I interpreted my ex-religion and the world as a whole back when I still believed there was good in all things. But I'm still scared. I still have a thousand things running through my mind- Will I be rejected because I am ex-christian (sort of)? Because I'm queer? Because I'm mentally ill? Will they look at me in my wheelchair and my autism headphones and see a real adult with agency? Will I even be taken seriously, or will I be laughed out of the room? Did I do something wrong in my journey so far that will make people angry at me? Am I just wrong somehow, in some fundamental way, that will take this path away from me like so many others? I don't know. And nobody I've spoken to will really try to quiet that voice in the back of my mind, just tells me that "this is irrational, you'll be fine, just do it."
Sorry to kind of. Dump some trauma on you I guess. You don't have to feel obligated to respond, or to even read this whole thing, I just feel like I need to add this in case anyone else does. To provide some context for why I feel this way, and why I made this post, I guess. I dunno. It's a lot to deal with, but I have to deal with it at some point or it will crush me like an avalanche, like so many things have before. I just can't deal with it all alone or only with people who have no connection to the situation, and I hope to find someone who is willing to reach out and take my hand, if only for a little while.
so. for A Long While now we've considered officially pursuing converting to judaism. and we've finally really started the whole research process and getting familiarized with the religion and everything and. does anyone have tips on how to feel comfortable in a new religion when you've been so harmed by specific religious groups in the past (especially when the religion you have bad history with is so close to the one you're converting to, like being another abrahamic religion)
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you-call-it-a-dude · 7 months ago
Just Can't Hack It Pt.2
Request: so this is part two to a story. The original request was reader dealing with substance use. I had a few folks wanting another part and I was feeling inspired to add a second part so I did!
Pairings: Leighton Murray x female reader
Warnings: TW!!! I would say this one is more triggering than the first. Mentions of opioid use, accidental overdose, use of narcan/naloxone, difficult discussions around the topic of addiction, needles. This is a super heavy story. Read with caution, take a step back if it's not for you. I have many other stories you can check out if you want something more light hearted. Nobody dies, but it's a pretty realistic scenario about addiction/loving someone with addiction. Could be triggering in many ways, so please be aware.
Authors Note: here I go again adding more chapters to stories I've been saying imma leave as one shots lol. This story is super depressing, I'm so sorry. If you're into that tho, welcome lol. I apologize for my lack of posting. Ive had a lot of life changes happen recently and my mental health hasn't been the greatest (maybe writing this depressing ass chapter will help). I do want to clarify, I am not a drug user. Just a social worker that reads, does research lol. Thank you all for your patience, thank you so everyone that's read my other work while waiting for me to post again. I love you all. I love you for reading, for sharing opinions and engaging in discussions with me and I love you for existing. I hope you like this next chapter
**if you have any questions regarding Narcan/Naloxone, fentanyl test strips, or anything like that, feel free to reach out**
You woke up with a loud gasp, some random girl rubbing circles on your sternum. You rushed to sit forward, accidentally shoving her back.
The air was flowing back into your lungs and you felt like you couldn't get it in there quick enough. Your teeth were chattering and you were in that same fucking basement DJ died in.
You grab her wrist with shaky hands and she talked to you calmly, asking you if you were okay and all you could do was shake your head no. Your chest was heaving and it felt like you were inhaling razor blades or something.
What the fuck?
"Sit up slow." She tells you, helping you sit up and you notice her hands are also shaking. "You should probably go to the emergency room." She tells you and you're confused because you don't know why.
"Did something happen?" You ask, your throat dry. You cough to clear it and when you reach forward to grab a cup of whatever off the table, you see an oddly shaped object discarded on the table. You pick it up, your hands still shaking and you run your thumb over the pink 'Narcan' written on the label "Fuck." You whisper to yourself. "Fuck, did...?" You turn your attention to her and she kind of just shrugs.
"I'm not sure honestly. Maybe? But I didn't think it could hurt. You didn't look great, like at all."
You continue to stare down at the small nasal spray, your hands still shaking like never before. You blinked hard a few times, trying to wrap your head around everything.
"I'm so sorry." You apologized to this stranger for most likely traumatizing the fuck out of her.
"Do you have someone to call? You probably need to go to the emergency room." She ignored your apology and something about that made you feel like shit.
"Emergency room? What? That stuff worked. I'm fine." You say, tossing the bottle back onto the table.
"Yeah, but it wears off in like thirty minutes, more or less." She points out.
"Wears off?!" You ask in shock and she nods at you, looking at you like you were stupid.
"And I'm not using my other one on you so I suggest you go." She said with a slight attitude, no longer giving off that friendly vibe she had before. "And maybe get your own for next time, yeah?"
"Fine, Jesus." You say, no longer feeling as indebted to her the more bitchy she got toward you.
You take a few moments to gather yourself, still feeling not the greatest. The girl next to you that potentially saved your life was now injecting something between her toes and if that wasn't enough motivation to get the fuck up and go, you don't know what is.
You grab your things and thank her again. Unsurprisingly, she doesn't say anything back.
Your legs feel weak and shaky. Getting up the stairs and out of the house took way more effort than it should've. You hated this fucking place and you felt disgusting for even coming back.
Your intention was to take an Uber to the emergency room on campus, but when you checked your bank account you were almost certain a ride request wouldn't even go through.
You physically just felt too weak to stand so you sat on the curb, knowing you were going to have to call Leighton and just fucking hated yourself for it.
You pulled out the pills you had taken from your pocket and investigated them. You got them from Liza instead of your normal dealer. She told you they would be exactly the same pills you were used to buying from Angel, just less expensive. Your lack of funds sold you on them immediately. Except now that you actually took the time to study them, you realize they looked nothing like the other ones.
You had no idea what you took.
What you do know is you took two of them at once. It was less than what you normally would've taken. You can't even remember why you decided to only take two instead of your usual four, but clearly sober you was looking out.
Well...semi-sober you.
You called Leighton and it took three tries for her to answer. She was mad at you again because you bailed on her the other night on dinner plans that you made.
"Hello?" She finally answered. You could hear laughter in the background so you knew she was out with friends or out doing something and it made you feel even worse to ask her for help.
"Hi, Leight." You say softly, pushing your fingertips into your eyes trying to build up the courage to ask her. "Can you help me, please?"
"Help you?" She sounds concerned and you hear a door close behind her, all of the noise fading away. "What's going on?"
"I need-I need, fuck!" You try, the words feeling almost impossible to get out. "I need to go to the emergency room, I think." You finally get out, blinking hard to keep your brain working.
"Emergency room? What's going on? Where are you?"
"Please, Leighton. I'm at the blue house on the edge of campus. You know the one." You rub your palm against your forehead. "Can you please just come get me."
"Yeah. I know the one." Of course she did. Everyone knows the blue fucking house. It's literally nicknamed the druggie house on campus. There's only one reason people went there. Her voice sounded monotone and she was definitely connecting some dots. "I'm coming, I'm not far away." She hangs up on you before you can even tell her goodbye and you just feel her disappointment radiating through the phone.
It was less than ten minutes when you saw a familiar car pull up.
Leighton stepped out of the passenger side and as soon as the door closed, the window was rolling down to reveal Whitney in the drivers seat.
"Are you kidding me, Leighton." You complained as she rushed over to help you.
"Shut up." Whitney said from the driver's side, rolling her eyes at you.
"Fuck you!" You spat at her, letting Leighton help pull you to your feet.
"No, fuck you! What the hell is wrong with you?" You stayed silent because you didn't have an answer to her question. "That's what I fucking thought. Now get in the car."
Leighton sat in the back with you, letting you lay your head on her lap. She hasn't said a single word to you since she picked you up and you don't know if it was the drugs or the anxiety caused by her silence that was making your heart race the way it was.
Your body was sore and your head ached. You turned so you could bury your face in her sweater, inhaling the smell of her. She massaged your scalp, pulling you closer to her body.
Whitney dropped you both off at the front door and said to call her when you needed to be picked up. She sounded a lot nicer now, but she was also talking to Leighton.
You weren't feeling great at all and you definitely had the fear that whatever dosage that girl gave you was wearing off and you were going to die in the waiting room of this fucking hospital.
Leighton helped bring you to the front desk. You declined her offer of a wheelchair because something about that just felt degrading. Having to have her push you because of something you did to yourself?
Falling to the ground and crawling would be less embarrassing.
The woman at the desk greeted you and asked what was going on and you hesitated. Because even though Leighton probably figured shit out by now, you never said it out loud.
Saying it out loud would finally be admitting that you had a problem, which is why you've avoided it for so long.
"I-um-I-" both Leighton and the lady at the desk with the patience of a saint watch you fiddle nervously with the pen attached to a chain. "I am not feeling too great. I was given narcan maybe thirty minutes ago." You were blinking rapidly trying to get through your sentence, the fluorescent lighting and the pounding headache was making your brain short circuit.
The lady at the desk sat up quickly, asking you for your ID and insurance card, asking someone behind her to call for a nurse. You pulled your wallet from your pocket and Leighton had to help you pull the cards out because your hands were shaking and you just couldn't do it.
A male nurse appeared out of nowhere with a rolling blood pressure cuff and asked you to follow him to the triage area.
"What about my stuff?" You ask, letting this man escort you to a little area.
"I've got it, baby." Leighton said calmly, a few steps behind you, shoving your ID back into your wallet that she was still holding.
You sat down in a chair with your feet planted firmly on the floor like instructed and you felt like this firm wooden chair was consuming you.
He slipped the blood pressure cuff on your arm, the stethoscope planted firmly in the center of your arm. His eyes never left you while he asked you some questions.
"Do you know how many doses of the narcan you received?"
"Just one." You say and he nods.
"What did you take?" He asks, making eye contact with you and waiting for your response.
You swallowed and looked up at Leighton, who was waiting at you expectantly to answer.
"I don't know. It wasn't from my usual person. My friend that got it for me said it would be the same and it wasn't. I took less than what I normally would." You admit and it sounds embarrassing to even say something like that. You just hope he doesn't ask you-
"How much do you normally take? How much did you take of these?"
"Um, four to five 10mg Percocet. I only took two of these."
"Okay." He nods and the machine starts to beep. He removes the cuff from your arm and motions to someone behind you. "We are going to take you back now, okay? Your blood pressure is too low." He said while he and Leighton help you stand up and you were mortified to find them leading you to a wheelchair.
"Yeah, okay." You nod and when you sit you look back between Leighton and the nurse with a panicked expression. "Can she come back with me?"
"Of course." He takes hold of the wheelchair and takes you to a double door, pressing the button and leading you and Leighton through a maze of curtained rooms before bringing you to an open bed.
As soon as your butt hit that bed, two nurses were rushing in one was hooking you up to different machines and pulling down your shirt to stick electrodes on your chest to monitor your heart.
Before you could even process anything, your bed was being lowered and you were laying flat on your back and the second nurse was giving you a second dose of narcan up your nostrils while the first nurse finally explained to you and Leighton what the fuck was going on.
She said that narcan is usually done in two or more doses and that it often wears off before the effects of the pills do. That because you only received one dose, you were already showing the signs of the first dose wearing off and going into another potential overdose.
You didn't even have time to panic or freak out. They had the narcan up your nose and had you sitting back up like it never even happened. Leighton nodding with wide eyes from the chair next to you and trying to absorb what the nurse was saying.
You gripped the bridge of your nose and squinted your eyes while the nurse finished speaking, already starting to feel better.
"We are going to keep you here for a couple of hours just for monitoring." She rolls a little tray over to your bed that has a needle, test tubes, and a tourniquet. All the makings for getting your blood drawn. "We are required to do a toxicology screening on you, especially since you do not know what you took." She slips on a new pair of gloves. "These results will not be shared with the university." She reassured when she saw your face drop. "Arm out."
She cleaned your arm with an alcohol pad and tied the elastic tourniquet around your arm, pressing on your veins to find a vein. She inserts the needle in your arm and you watch the multiple vials fill up. She removes the tourniquet, has you hold a cotton ball where the needle went in and slaps a bandaid over it. She cleans up the area and says she'll be back shortly and walks out without saying another word.
Leighton had been silent the entire time. She was holding your things and sitting on the chair next to your bed watching the monitor with all off your vitals. Her eyes looked glassed over and you didn't know what to say or how to even begin to say it.
"Thanks for coming with me." You say pitifully and her eyes dart from the monitor to look over at you.
"I feel so stupid." She says, shaking her head. "Everything is like, making sense now, you know? The missed dates, the weird behavior, the angry outbursts." She nods her head, almost like she was agreeing with her own thoughts.
"I'm so sorry."
"And then you take shit that you don't even know what it is and- and you fucking overdose? What if you fucking died, Y/N?" She sounds so angry, but you can see she's on the verge of tears. You reach for her, touching her arm and she yanks herself away from you. "Don't fucking touch me."
"Then fucking go if you don't want to stay." You say, staring up at the ceiling, blinking back tears.
"I should've just let myself die on the curb of that stupid fucking house." You slammed your head against the pillow, the machines beeping like crazy for a brief moment.
"Can you just shut the fuck up with that self deprecating shit?" She spits, crossing her arms and legs.
She's very closed off and distant now. It almost felt like you could feel her distancing herself from you in real time. There's an awkward silence between the two of you and you reach for her.
"Mmmh mmmh." She shakes her head no, keeping her attention focused on her phone
"Baby." You try again and when her fingers pause over the phone screen you know you're getting somewhere. "Please, baby."
She rolls her eyes and sighs, giving you her attention.
"I'm really sorry." You say sincerely, playing with the edge of the flimsy hospital blanket.
"For...?" There was no hint of emotion to her voice. But in scenarios like this, Leighton was always good at shutting down and putting her walls up.
"For how I've been treating you. For a lot of things."
"If that's all you're going to say, that's a really shitty fucking apology."
"No! Of course that's not all. I-fuck. Okay. Just give me a second to collect my thoughts."
"Well, maybe if you weren't high on god knows what you'd be able to give me a less pathetic apology."
Maybe it was your high wearing off, maybe it was just the drugs in general, but man for the briefest moment you wanted to cuss her out.
You clench your jaw and exhale through your nose in an attempt to remain calm.
"If you let me fucking finish talking maybe you'll be more than the pathetic apology." You say through gritted teeth and she just raises her eyebrows at you expectantly. "I fucked up, okay? I know that. I didn't mean for it to get this bad." You admit and she tilts her head, her gaze visibly softening.
"What do you mean?" She scoots the hospital chair closer to your bed.
"I got the meds originally when I messed up my knee. It freaked me out about if I would get to play again or not. When I got back into it, it was great, but I fucking sucked and there was this insane amount of pressure to be as good as I was before my injury. There still is that pressure. My knee just felt tight all the time. Like it was about to snap at any moment. I did the physical therapy, the ice baths, I did everything. Well, everything but admit that maybe it's just straight up fucked." You look down and begin to pick at on your fingertips. Leighton reaches forward to stop you and instead you press your thumb against one of her manicured nails, enjoying the feeling of the pinpricking pressure against your fingertip.
"Keep going, baby." She encourages softly and you could feel yourself relax.
"I refilled my final prescription for my meds right before I started playing again. I would ration the bottle and take them after games and stuff. Then I took them during a game and realized I could play pretty damn good and my leg felt fantastic. Well, until afterwards when it felt worse than ever. Turns out if you take meds to prevent pain, it's really difficult to gauge when you're pushing yourself too far. So I would take some meds before the game, during the game, then again after the games..." Leighton opens her mouth to speak, but you continue with your thought. "...And then one or two more before bed."
"Jesus Christ, Y/N." She says, sounding both shocked and horrified. "I don't even...how long-how many? I don't know! I'm trying not to ask my question without sounding like a dick." She admits and looks to you for some guidance.
You don't know her exact question, but you can guess where she was going with it.
"It was supposed to be refill that lasted three months and finished it in like a month. Maybe a month in a half if I want to be generous. They were a low-ish doses, so I would take more."
"How many were you supposed to take a day? How many did you take?" She asked her questions in a quick succession.
"I was supposed to take one, max two, a day." She nodded and raised her eyebrows expectantly. "I was taking like four to six."
"I-what?! You know what," she takes a deep breath to calm herself down. "Let me approach this in a non-judgmental way. I just, I really want to know what happened to escalate the situation and bring us where we are now." She squeezes your hand reassuringly.
"So my prescription runs out and I find a connect when I go to one of the parties at the blue house. I got pills from him for a while, but you would not believe how expensive opioids are." You tried to joke, only when you looked up to see Leighton was not laughing, not even cracking a smile, you quickly cleared your throat and got serious. "After DJ died in the house, I starting using more and it was just getting more expe-"
"Wait what? The guy that overdosed in the house, you were his friend?"
"I, well, yes. But I was also...there. I called the ambulance when I found him." You could feel everything else coming out like word vomit. "I introduced him to Liza, who introduced him to drugs." You clenched your jaw, trying to swallow down the breakdown you've been keeping at bay for over a month now. "I killed him, Leighton. It's my fault he's dead." You look up at her tearfully and when Leighton frowns and calls you 'baby', you fucking lose it.
She stands up and pulls your face from your hands. The machines attached to you are beeping rapidly for who knows what fucking reason and it was pissing you off.
"Get these off of me." You say mid sob, attempting to pull the electrodes of your chest, yanking at the wires and your shirt blindly. "Get these fucking off!"
Leighton was fighting your arms at this point, doing her best to keep your arms still. Your brain could comprehend that you were smacking her unintentionally, hitting her arms, her hands, and her chest. You felt like your body was stuck between fight and flight right now. You felt out of control in every aspect, mentally and physically. You wanted to stop, you wanted to calm down, you just literally could not.
Within seconds two nurses came in and Leighton held your arms until one of the nurses took her place. Her absence felt more upsetting and agitating, so you attempted to reach for her. Your throat felt raw from crying and now you were screaming for Leighton, begging her to help you.
You gripped a nurses arm tightly, your face smushed against her scrubs while you watched Leighton's horrified expression as the two nurses turned you on your side. One of them pulled your pants down on one side and inject a tranquilizer into your ass cheek.
You gasped and squeezed the nurses arm, mortified about what happened and that it happened in front of Leighton. You were also both shocked and impressed at how quickly your heart rate was going down.
You also felt absolutely terrible for the tears and snot you were getting on this poor nurse's scrubs. Going back and forth between pitifully apologizing to her and to Leighton while the meds kicked in.
You could feel your arms getting heavy and the nurses began to lay you on your back again. The one you were gripping for dear life was covering you with a blanket and you can over hear the one that injected your ass trying to talk Leighton through what she just witnessed.
Something about it being normal behavior when coming off a lot of drugs so suddenly. You don't fucking know.
What you do know is Leighton looked pale and traumatized and that it was absolutely your fucking fault.
You reached for her. Desperately trying to tell her that you loved her. That you're in love with her and that you were so fucking sorry.
She looked at you confused, holding your hand and telling you she couldn't understand what you were saying. You could feel yourself getting riled up mentally, but your body felt stuck. Like gum to the bottom of a fucking shoe you were stuck and locked into this bed.
The nurses left and she pulled her chair close to your bed again, her hand never letting go of yours while she did. She sat in front of you, calling you baby, pushing hair from your face, and telling you that it was okay and to just close your eyes for a little bit.
You moaned and whined, tears sliding down your cheeks. They matched the ones streaming down Leighton's and you wanted you kiss them away. Instead she wiped your tears and begged you not to cry, her lips pressed against the side of your head.
You closed your eyes, Leighton's lips against your temple while she whispered calming things in your ear.
You woke up confused. You had a hospital gown on over your shirt and pants, and you were also pretty sure you were in a different room.
"Water?" You croak, your mouth dryer than nothing you have ever experienced before.
"Here." Came a voice next to you that was most definitely not Leighton.
You turn your head to the side to see Whitney holding a styrofoam cup with a straw and you push yourself to sit up straight, blinking and wiping away the dried up tears and sleep gunk from your eyes.
You hesitate at first, but you take the cup from her. You drink the cool ice water down like your life depended on it.
"Thank you." You tell her when you finished drinking, breathing heavily like a toddler after they downed some juice. You look around the room for any signs of Leighton, finding none. You try not to panic, but the machine measuring your hate rate gives you away.
"She'll be back. I sent her home a bit ago to change into different clothes and get something to eat." Whitney informs you, setting the water on the little table. She stands up and goes to the sink, wetting a small stack of those thin paper towels with warm water and wiping your face and mouth. You could feel your dried spit and snot come off with ease. You closed your eyes while she wiped your face, too tired to feel embarrassed. "Better?" She asks you, patting your face with a dry paper towel when she was done.
You nod your head yes, settling further into the bed.
"How long was I out?" You stare at the analog clock on the wall, but it doesn't help much since you didn't even know the time you came in or were knocked out at.
"Maybe seven hours? It's been a while. They said it could range from like six to twelve hours." You nod, staring at your covered feet. You can feel yourself checking out mentally, but Whitney talking again brings you back to earth. "Leighton filled me in, I hope that's okay."
"Mhmm, yeah." You shrugged and nodded, trying to hide your shame over the fact that another person knows this about you now.
"Why didn't you say anything to anyone?" She was soft with her approach, but there was a thin layer of assertiveness underneath.
"Well, Whitney, the thing about having a drug problem is you don't really fucking realize you have a drug problem until you end up in a hospital and get a needle shoved into your ass cheek. Or, maybe it's when a girl that injects meth between her toes gets pissy for using her Narcan on you. Gee, I just can't decide." You say sarcastically and Whitney's face hardens slightly.
"Okay, I get it." She says defensively, sitting back in the chair to lean away from you. You sigh and attempt to run a hand through your hair, but it's all matted and sweaty.
"Sorry, I'm sorry." You say quietly. "I thought I had a handle on it, okay? I didn't think it was a problem." You admit, nodding your head as you thought to yourself. "Clearly." You vaguely gesture to yourself laid up in a hospital bed and Whitney nods.
"Everything is starting to make sense though. Your behaviors, your angry outbursts, the way you treated Leighton."
You wince at that last one. You treated her horribly the last like eight months and you knew that.
It was such a weird feeling. To love someone so deeply and be unable to stop yourself from absolutely wrecking them and treating them like shit.
"Yeah, I've been told already things are adding up. Glad I could provide some clarity." You give her a tight lipped smile and a weak thumbs up.
"You're awake!"
You look up to see Leighton coming into the room, a little visitor badge pinned to her hoodie. You nod, looking up at her with a smile. Your eyes start to water, something about seeing her just hitting you with the overwhelming urge to cry because you were so fucking happy she came back.
You open your arms for her and she sets her purse down to rush to your side and give you a hug. You wrap your arms around her and hold her tightly, pressing your lips wherever you could.
A knock at the door caused her to pull away. She took the extra seat on the other side of your bed as the doctor came in and greeted you, washing his hands.
He did an overall exam on you. Checked your mouth, your eyes, listening to your heart and lungs. He pulled his stool up to your bed and rested a folder of paperwork by your feet.
"So, we got your blood results back. It's routine to drug test in these situations. The school will not be informed of the results." He reassured you like the nurse did previously. "Now," he opens the packet of papers to a specific page where numbers are highlighted. "You have a decent amount in your system. I'm sure that's something you're aware of." You nod and he continues. "We do not think you overdosed on the pills themselves. Not to say that means you should go out and keep slamming them back."
The three of you made a face at him, unsure if his comment was meant to lighten the mood or if he was just a dick.
"So what's the problem then?" Whitney speaks up and he clears his throat.
"Well, you have a dangerous amount of fentanyl in your system. Whatever you took was most likely laced. Had you taken the four pills you said you normally took, you would probably be dead. Here are some packets about fentanyl as well as some inpatient and outpatient treatments for opioid addiction, and some information about methadone." He sets about five pamphlets in the open space between your legs and stands up, pushing his chair back in. "The nurse is going to come in with your discharge paperwork. Schedule an appointment with your PCP. Have a good day ladies." He sanitizes his hands and leaves the room, leaving the three of you looking confused and dumbfounded.
"That was it?" Leighton asks after he leaves, clearly frustrated. She reaches forward and grabs the pamphlets off your legs and thumbs through them furiously. "You almost fucking die apparently and that's it? You go the fuck home? What the fuck."
"Leighton, please stop." You say calmly, but she was pacing the room now while she read.
"This methadone seems good. I can call my dad and get you into a good rehab. Inpatient or out." She says while reading through the pamphlets and you start feeling overwhelmed.
Of course you wanted to be better and to stop taking the pills.
But the thought of actually doing it scared the shit out of you.
"Can I please just go home first and figure this out later?" You ask, scratching your eyebrow.
"Yes," Whitney says and looks up and Leighton sternly. "Yes, you can." She says, answering for Leighton.
"I have one request." Leighton says, shoving the pamphlets into her purse before sitting at the edge of your bed. "Please stay with us for a bit. A few days, a week. However long. Just please do it, okay?"
You nodded your head. You knew you scared her, no, fucking traumatized her. She was looking at you right now like she wanted to cry. Like if you told her no she would probably burst into tears.
You couldn't tell her no. You couldn't do this to her again. You definitely couldn't do anything to risk losing her.
"Yes, I'll stay with you. Can I stop at my room at get some clothes?"
"Absolutely. Can I go in with you when you do?"
You hesitated. You thought about the state of your side of the room. You definitely weren't as clean as you used to be. You most definitely had been slacking on doing your laundry and the thought of her going in there and seeing your gross, crusty underwear made you want to flip.
You still agreed though and she kissed your cheek. She went to kiss your lips and you turned your head.
"My mouth feels disgusting. More kissing later?"
"Deal." She nods, sneaking a quick peck onto your lips anyway.
There was a knock on the door and a nurse stepped in holding some paperwork.
"Alrighty, Y/N. Let's get you outta here, hun."
You rushed into your dorm, quickly picking up dirty clothes from the floor and tossing them in your hamper, picking up trash and shoving it aside.
"Sorry, I'm sorry." You apologize profusely for the state of your room.
"No, don't. It's okay." Leighton says, taking in the space.
She hadn't been allowed into your room for a while. Usually when she would come over it would be spotless and smell like air fresher. It was a complete 180 from what she was used to.
You could almost see her absorbing in the gravity of your addiction. As if almost OD'ing on laced pills, blowing off her dates, and having frequent mood swings weren't enough. She was getting a first hand view of how little you had been taking care of yourself because of it.
Something about that felt more shameful than anything. You felt vulnerable and exposed. You had been caught putting on a show and now all the curtains were being pulled back to expose the complex layers of your addiction. Exposing problems that you didn't even realize were becoming problems until someone you love is watching you scramble to clean it up.
"I just need to get some clean clothes." You say, opening your drawers and finding them to be pretty bare. "Fuck." You whisper to yourself.
"Why don't you bring some dirty clothes with you and we can do laundry at my dorm. Okay, baby?"
"Um, y-yeah." You blink hard, slamming your drawer shut. You open another and are thankful to find a handful of clean underwear. You pull them out and shove them into the bag Leighton had set on your bed. "Can you get me some shirts from my closet? I'll gather my dirty clothes."
"Of course." She turns around to look through your closet.
You grabbed a garbage bag and began picking clothes off the floor, plucking clothes from your hamper and other various surfaces around the room, shoving them into the trash bag. When a bunch of change falls out of one of your pockets you sigh, going back into the bag and digging through the pockets of any pants and shorts you shoved in there to make sure those were empty before you continued.
You picked up a pair of sweatpants, digging your hand into the pocket and freezing when you felt something sharp-ish poke your fingertips.
It was almost like you could hear angels singing when you pull the item from your pocket. A small baggie with three little blue pills in it. Three pills that you most definitely recognized and knew they would be safe. You traced your thumb over them, licking your lips.
"Do you want this sweater, babe?" Leighton asks from the closet behind you and you briefly turn around to face her.
"Yes, that's perfect, baby." You tell her. You weren't even looking at the sweater.
You had look at her face. Feeling guilty about everything that went down. Feeling guilty about all the time and energy she was probably going to put in to taking care of you.
You knew the best thing to do right now would be to hand the pills over. It would be the responsible thing.
You wanted to be responsible.
You grip the small baggie in your hand tightly and scratch under your nose with the back of your hand, thinking of the way you were going to hand the baggie over.
You open your palm again to stare at the pills, your hand shaking. You look around the room one more time, turning to smile at Leighton while she had a few shirts and sweaters draped over her arm for you.
You wanted to be responsible, just maybe not today.
You clear your throat, shoving the pills into the deepest corner of your front pocket.
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cappulcino · 6 months ago
hi!! saw your requests were open!! I dont have anything super specific in mind but an enemies to lovers plot with a lucifer x angel reader would be very cool!
Sure! I was originally going to write the whole thing and post it as a one-shot here, but I got overexcited with this idea and couldn't resist turning this into multiple short chapters and already giving you the first one (idk, let me know if you'd rather have the whole thing when it's done).
Seven Days Til Fall (Part 1)
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 – Part 6 – Part 7
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Read on AO3
Words: 2,185
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Angel!Reader
Summary: You're an angel sent on a divine mission to retrieve a powerful relic that has been stolen from Heaven. The orders are clear: gain an audience with the Devil, make deals with them if necessary, anything to return that object to the Silver City. But Hell is not quite what you expected, and neither is Lucifer.
Trigger warnings: None in this chapter (let me know if you think I should add some)
In the beginning, this assembly had seemed no different from the other monotonous celestial meetings the Divine Council liked to conduct. The session was strictly organised and full of unnecessary details, as per usual, golden light shone through the large windows, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the Silver City –routine, in short.
But now the Archangel Michael was calling your name, and you weren't so sure this would be your typical angelic meeting any more. Nobody ever called your name, it wasn't among those that mattered. Why was he calling your name?
Straightening your slouched back and wings, you answered with uncertainty. "Y-Yes?"
Michael offered a fake smile before returning to his bureaucratic demeanour, his hands joined only by the fingertips on the table.
"As you know, the Cup of Eternal Grace has been missing for quite some time now."
"The… Cup of Eternal Grace. Missing. Yes."
You had forgotten about that –your mind had surely deemed that to be another 'unnecessary detail' from one of the previous assemblies. But it was coming back to you now. The chalice, made of celestial metals and inlaid with precious stones had the power to bestow divine grace upon those who drank from it, offering visions, blessings, and, for humans, even limited immortality. And indeed, the artefact had been lost for a while.
Michael's eyes narrowed at your hesitation, but he continued.
"One of our emissaries on Earth had found a lead on the Cup tracing back to some… obscure cult. Unfortunately, by the time he got there, the humans had traded with a demon –they do like to do this for a reason that escapes me. We now have cause to believe the Cup is in Hell."
"I see," you said slowly after a short silence. You weren't sure why this had anything to do with you.
"Its presence in Hell could easily disrupt order or worse, be used to bargain with divine entities. It cannot stay there. We need someone to retrieve it," Michael replied as if annoyed to have to spell out the evidence for you.
Ah, now you understood.
"Yes. You."
That Heaven could have so foolishly lost an object that had the potential to tip the balance of the entire universe when in the wrong hands was already astonishing to you. But to entrust you with the task of going to Hell, assuredly face its ruler, and retrieve the Cup? That was hardly believable, and for an angel like you, who had to Believe, that said something. Why didn't Michael go himself?
"I… don't understand. I'm merely a Dominion, and the Morningstar is Your sibling, Your Grace."
"Yes, so that's your job."
That was Gabriel talking down to you as if you had just uttered the most unintelligent thing in front of the whole congregation.
"Besides, we're not going to waste our time when others have been designated for that kind of risky stuff. That would be…" He let out an inelegant snort-laugh.
"What Gabriel means," Uriel intervened in their usual soft-spoken voice, "is that angels among the higher ranks have other matters to attend to, but we cannot ask this of anyone with lesser powers. And well, it is your function to execute divine orders." Uriel paused, scrutinizing your expression. "Would we be making a mistake by putting our faith in you?"
You gulped.
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Plans had been made, and you were now approaching the gates of Hell. Protocol required that you banged a sort of gong by the entrance, and a dead mortal fused into the wall handed you a mallet. You had read somewhere once that the Damned made Hell what it was. At the time, you hadn't understood that meant this realm was literally made of the Damned. You winced and then, forcing the politeness out of your angelic mouth with a small "Thank you", you grabbed the tool.
The gong's echo made the other souls trapped around the gates scream and then, accompanying heavy steps, a deep voice growled.
"There's one at the door. At the gate of damnation. Is it thief, thug or–"
Squatterbloat, the gatekeeper suddenly froze in his speech when his gaze landed upon you. An angel, in Hell. Quite the unusual sight.
"Peace be upon you, demon."
As you uttered them, you realised how ironic your words sounded. Squatterbloat chuckled.
"We don't accept holy brochures."
His sense of humour compensated for his dreadful looks, and you managed to stop your wings from shuddering.
"That is not why I'm here."
"Then state that business of yours."
"I seek an audience with your sovereign."
"Do you now, little cloud-hopper? I fear the Devil doesn't have time for your affairs."
You approached the gate, your wings spreading in a foolish attempt to appear menacing, your tone still polite but steely.
"I am an envoy of Heaven, and the matter is urgent. Even you cannot go against God's will, demon. Take me to your master."
Squatterbloat's eyes remained fixated on yours for an instant, and then, his keys jangled.
"Mmh. Right this way… If you dare."
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"Oh, what a joyous day," Lucifer purred with a faint smile before relaxing on their throne with a sigh. "Can you feel it, Mazikeen? The innocence? So pure."
"Shall I ask for more guards to stand by Your side?"
"That will not be necessary. That little angel is no threat to Us."
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You were certain the ruler of Hell had sensed your arrival –how could they not?– and your suspicions were immediately confirmed when you entered the room. Sitting regally on their throne, the Lightbringer did not even bat an eye as they eyed you and the heavenly glow that surrounded your body. If anything, they seemed… amused.
You had heard many stories about them –though most of those tales still spoke of a Samael– but you had never seen them. Imagery was forbidden in Heaven, of the Devil more than anyone else, and you had never been down to Earth to look at the various depictions humans had made of them either. Therefore, you took a moment to marvel at their appearance, so foreign and yet so familiar, and as your gaze roamed over their leathery wings, you wondered if that was what became of angels' wings after the Fall.
In fact, you wondered about so many things at once that you almost forgot your manners. But Mazikeen's insistent look quickly pulled you out of your reverie.
"Uh, yes. Apologies. Peace be upon You, Lucifer Morningstar," you greeted with a slight bow of your head. "And upon you, Mazikeen of the Lillim." It sounded even sillier than when you had said it to Squatterbloat.
Lucifer let out a small chuckle then and exchanged looks with Mazikeen. Then, as they turned to face you again, they smiled.
"It is unusual for Our Father to send His subjects down here. Almost an event, We might say. To what do We owe the pleasure?"
Lucifer's words dripped from their mouth like honey, and you weren't sure whether you found it more captivating or terrifying.
You shook your head and straightened your back some more to give yourself a semblance of presence, and undertook to explain why Michael had sent you here.
"Our dear brother has never liked getting his pristine hands dirty," Lucifer remarked once you were done.
They stood up, took a few slow steps in your direction with a thoughtful expression, and then stopped a mere yard away from you. The way they towered over you and the power they radiated felt overwhelming, and a shiver ran through the feathers of your wings.
"It is not a task fit for his rank," you said. And for a brief moment, you almost convinced yourself of what Gabriel had told you earlier today. Almost.
Lucifer raised an eyebrow as if seeing right through you and perfectly understanding the lack of conviction in your own words. A doubtful angel. Oh, this day could not get any better.
"Tell Us," they said, now pacing through their throne room. "What do We gain from helping you?"
The question startled you. What did the Devil gain from obeying God for once? Not another divine punishment, that's what.
"Excuse me?"
"We said, what do We gain from helping you with your task? We sure hope you did not come all the way to Our domain expecting a pretty smile to be sufficient to convince Us."
That… serpent. You clenched your jaw, resisting a sudden urge to speak from your heart while Lucifer kept on smirking devilishly.
Taking a deep breath, you chose to show yourself open to discussion instead.
"What is it You wish for, Lightbringer?"
Lucifer pretended to think about it, gazing into the vastness of their realm, and then spoke firmly.
"A single visit to the Silver City."
Your heart stopped.
"And open the gates for You to terrorise us or attack the Creator? Absolutely not."
"Then forget about the chalice."
"The Morningstar may believe angels are foolish, naive creatures, but I assure You I'm not that stupid."
Your defiance intrigued Lucifer, who gauged you for a second.
"No…" they eventually said. "Indeed. Which is why We are fairly certain you will know how to convince the Divine Council. Tell them We have no intentions of wreaking havoc in their home if that is what they are so worried about."
"Then why?" you asked somewhat harshly.
"You would not understand."
"Your Majesty, I–"
"There will be no need for further discussion, little angel. Either you manage to get Us what We want and We will do everything in Our power to help you, or the Cup of Eternal Grace remains in Hell. In which case, do not even bother coming back."
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"They said what?"
"The Morningstar wishes to be able to visit the Silver City, Your Grace. Just once."
You were now standing in the bright room where the heavenly meeting that had got you sent to Hell had been held a few hours ago, alone in front of the five members of the Divine Council. You felt small, but not as small as you had felt in front of the ruler of Hell.
"Yes, we heard that part," Azrael replied rather angrily.
Somehow, their tone managed to make you feel as if you had already failed your mission, and it took a lot of self-persuasion to stand your ground. You were only repeating what you had been told, after all.
"They, uh…" You cleared your throat and tried again. "They said they had no intentions of attacking Heaven, and I think their words were genuine."
"Hello, this is Satan we're talking about," Gabriel said, exaggerating their diction as if you were mentally impaired.
"My sibling does not lie, Gabriel," Michael reminded him. The other Archangel sighed. "If you will excuse us, the Council needs to consider Lucifer's offer."
Taking the hint, you bowed and promptly left the room to find refuge in the closest chapel. Once there, you dropped to your knees for the Almighty and clasped your trembling hands so tight your knuckles turned white.
"Forgive me Father for I have sinned…"
You started repenting because you couldn't help but feel as if it would be your fault if Heaven ended up needing to make a deal with the Devil. You should have resisted and told Lucifer that they deserved their banishment from the Silver City and that never would they be welcome here again. You should have fought them if needed, though you would have been doomed. You would have died a martyr at least, and maybe for once your name would have mattered in Heaven. But you hadn't.
Deep down, you also prayed for the Council to give up on the Cup of Eternal Grace. Hell was a terrible place, and Lucifer a dangerous monster, your sworn enemy. You didn't want to go back to Hell. Not for a stupid goblet.
But as soon as you came out of the chapel, Gabriel was standing in front of you, his hands behind his back. As God's messenger, you knew he was here to pass on the Divine Council's decision.
"So. We have deliberated and we want you to carry on with the mission. You will go down to Hell every day, do whatever you need to do, and come back up every evening to report before compline until you find the Cup. Okay?"
You opened your mouth to answer but only managed a weak, strangled sound. Gabriel didn't give you enough time to speak anyway.
"Great!" he exclaimed as he slapped your shoulder. Then he pointed at the chapel. "Is this free?" Again, you tried to answer, but he was already gone.
Feeling an irrational anger rising inside, you decided you needed a break, some time alone spent in silence, not even in prayer. Angels, like other immortal beings, didn't need to sleep, but you wanted to forget about the world for a while. So you flew back to the Dominions' quarters to lay on your soft bed.
And there was evening, and there was morning –the first day.
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countrydionysia · 1 year ago
2023 Rural Dionysia Announcement
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Io! The time of the year has come again for the Rural Dionysia!
How to participate
The Rural Dionysia is meant to be a smaller competition than its urban counterpart, as such, we have selected only 3 categories:
Freestyle poetry
Modern hymns
“Complete the fragment”
Freestyle poetry
Your poem can be about any chosen topic (myth, personal experience etc.) in any written format. It doesn't have to be religious in nature.
Modern hymn
An hymn must sing the praises of a deity of your choice. Unlike the "freestyle poetry", your work must be of religious nature to fit in this category.
Complete the Fragment
Each year, we choose a fragment from an Ancient Greek poet to work with. The challenge is that the initial fragment must be included somewhere in your piece in its original order. This means you can fill the gaps however you want, but you can’t switch the order of the words in your piece or remove words from the original fragment.
Here is the fragment selected for this 2023 edition: Paen 16 by Pindar (52q Oxyrhynchus papyrus; late 2nd century AD; trans. William H. Race; Loeb 56)
……………… ] Lord Apollo, .…] for I pray ….] with willing (mind?) to give ….] power suffices and you were judged to be ….] most gentle to mortals.
Here is the Greek text for reference. Note that because the word "mind" is unsure in this translation, it will be acceptable to keep or modify this word.
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If in doubt for any of these categories, remember that you can check submissions from the previous years to get an idea of how others have done before.
Submitting your piece
Please submit your piece through submissions on this blog. All entries must be tagged for the category they are being submitted to. but you can only choose 1 category per piece and each person may only submit 1 entry per category each year.
Entries must also be tagged for potentially triggering content and squicks. If your entry needs a trigger warning, kindly add them at the end of your submission and we will take care of adding them in. Check the rules below for further information about submissions.
Calendar of the event
Nov. 10: Official announcement and opening of submissions. Dec. 10: Final submission day. Dec. 11: Vote opening. Dec. 18: Vote closing. Dec. 19-20: Announcement of the winners!
No worries though! We will be posting reminders about each step when the time comes.
General rules
Roleplay and fanfic are not acceptable submissions. This is a religious festival, please respect our faith and do not submit an entry if you are roleplaying or writing fanfiction.
Unlike with the City Dionysia, entries do not necessarily have to be about specific deities or Hellenic polytheism except for the “Modern Hymn” category, which has to be dedicated to one or many gods of your choice.
There are no meter restrictions. This is up to the writer.
All stories, myths, and poems must be entered using the submissions button.
All entries must be tagged for the category they are being submitted to. Entries must also be tagged for potentially triggering content and squicks.
An entry may only be submitted to a single category.
Each person may only submit one entry per category each year.
Winners for each category will be decided by popular vote.
Admins of this blog cannot participate, for obvious reasons. As for now, this includes @thegrapeandthefig @verdantlyviolet
Questions about the rules? Check the blog for past answers, your answer might be in there. And if it's not, simply submit an ask. We'll answer in the best delays possible.
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Image Descriptions and Accessibility in General on Tumblr for New Users
What are Image Descriptions
Image Descriptions are text following a picture explaining what’s in that picture. They are primarily for blind/visually impaired people with screen readers and visually impaired people who can read text but have issues with pictures.
They also help people who have trouble:
focusing on/understanding a picture
reading text on images (ex low contrast, weird fonts, etc)
getting images to load
Without image descriptions posts are not accessible to many people, so if you can it's best to include a description or alt text every time you post an image.
Alt text vs image descriptions
Image descriptions are written in the body of the post itself, and have some kind of text before and after, to explain that what's coming up. They typically begin short and concise, but can expand to more detail.
Alt text is added to the image itself, and is what is read by screen-readers (which will otherwise just say "image"). There is no need to add any explanation before the description so you can just say "a description of the image". Alt text can only be added by the original poster, by clicking on the three dots in the bottom right corner of the image and clicking 'update image description.' It is typically short and concise.
On tumblr, alt text is currently available on web by clicking on the alt button (or via new xkit - accesskit - move alt text to captions below image). On mobile, alt text is available in some versions of the app through clicking on the alt text button. Image descriptions are visible on all posts, although if you put them under a read-more, that makes them less accessible. (Thanks to @911described for helping with this section)
How to Make Image Descriptions
Awhile ago I made this general guide. I learned from examples, so here are descriptions made by a bunch of different people. I've also made templates for a lot of common images you'll see on Tumblr.
Other Concerns
Gradient or all caps text make most screen readers read out the word one letter at a time. In addition, these plus text that is bold/italicized/underlined, in colors other than black, or in weird/fancy fonts are difficult for many people to read.
How Filtering Works
You can filter out both words/phrases and tags in the filtering section under the general section in the settings. When filtering out words from a post, it will look at both the text of the post/reblog chain and at the url of op and the rebloggers. When filtering out tags it will look at the tags of the specific post on your dash, and at the tags of the original post.
Tagging for Common Triggers
Don't sensor trigger warnings (for example don't tag suic!de) because then people who have them filtered will still see it.
Tagging for Flashing Lights
If you post a gif or video in a post that flashes, you should tag it with something like "flashing lights" and Not "tw epilepsy" because if any of the tags in the original post contains the world epilepsy it will show up in the epilepsy tag, which is dangerous. Check out this post from @photosensitive-despair for more info about tagging photosensitive content.
Tagging for Unreality vs Misinfo
Things that could trigger delusions/psychotic episodes/etc should be tagged with unreality. This includes:
content that has existential themes related to reality/things not existing (example: a philosophy such as solipsism, do not look up the term if unreality stuff is triggering for you)
extremely surreal content(example: sometimes content such as weirdcore/dreamcore aesthetics can fall under this umbrella but again this is very subjective)
content that reinforces or encourages common delusions(example: that one "im living in your walls" meme)
Things like rp blogs and fake/edited tweets should not be tagged with unreality, unless they contain triggering content. Consider tags like "fiction" or "misinfo." See this post for more info.
Addition from @mindflamer
You can look through the reblogs of a post to see if someone's already written a description. There is a button to see just comments vs. comments + tags which makes it easier. Scroll through looking for brackets [], ID, or Image Description. This is great to do if you can't write your own IDs for whatever reason, so that you can at least spread the version of the post that's described if there is one.
If you're not able to write IDs consistently, some is better than none. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. You can use the tag #undescribed to make it easy for those who need them to filter out those posts. Similarly, if you primarily tag triggers but can't for certain posts, you can use a separate tag on that to be filtered such as #untagged.
Please, if I forgot something, sound off in the notes and I'll update this post with it
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1800pain · 2 years ago
Hello. As a show of my ability, I have created a private system server template for you to use. While "private" is in the name, I have included two access roles (Friend and Trusted Friend)—however I have not done any permissions for them. There is a Bot role that has permissions for them, like access to the System Setup category.
And, like the last template, only traumagenic systems can interact with this blog and use my templates. Endogenic systems and their supporters get blocked.
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Note that not every single channel is in this gif, just the ones I deemed the most important to show.
Use the template here, however do note that the announcement channel and all of the forums channels will not copy over, and you will have to add them yourself: Private System Server Template
I am okay with you editing my template for your own use. Do not redistribute as your own.
If you need any help, you can leave an ask in my inbox.
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Explanations for channels under the cut. LONG, BUT PRETTY DAMN IMPORTANT TO READ.
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All forum channels are marked with a speech bubble emoji 💬 in front of them; those are channels that you will miss. The single announcement channel that also will be missing is marked with a mega emoji 📢.
#welcome - When someone joins the server, they will not see any channels, and you must give them a role so they can access this the server. You can see their welcome message here so you know someone's joined.
📢 update-status-fronting - If a switch happens, you put up a DNI, or want to otherwise warn people about your current state, you can update it here.
🔇 layout by 1 800 pain on tumblr - Feel free to delete this.
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Text channels:
#bot - This is the only channel that has "Use application commands" permissions on it. If you would like to set it on other channels, you'd have to do it manually—or you can add it to the @​everyone tag.
💬 dms - In the title, I put "[DM/GC] Channel name" under the post, then write the participants. I have a tag system for this channel (see below).
💬 thoughts - Headmates' thinking time. I also have a tag system for this channel (see below).
💬 mailbox - Essentially, I create a channel with a headmate's name and there are two tags: Read and Unread. Read means they've read the messages people leave for them, and Unread means they have yet to read them. It's a simple way to communicate with headmates who are not fronting.
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System Setup:
All servers here are unable to be chatted in; only any member with the Bot role can do that. I enjoy setting up my PluralKit work into a few separate categories:
#resources - Easy access to Simply Plural, Notion, Evernote, or various places I get PNGs to set up PluralKit profiles—things of that nature and related to it.
#pk-setup - For descriptions and things.
#pk-pfps (not in gif) - To add profile pictures and banners. I put it in its own space because it's a different type of spam, image-based spam, than pk-setup, which is mostly text-based spam.
#new-arrivals - For showing people who made their PluralKit account, mainly for documentation.
#pk-spam - Just general things that don't quite relate to the ones above; typically things like pk;r.
💬 image-resources - If you change your icons or banners a lot, this can help. I put icons/banners here with credits to the original artist, the original art, and the edited version we use in our profiles. It's tagged by Icon, Faceclaim, Banners, etc.
#pk-log (hidden, not in gif) - To store PluralKit messages. If you also would like, you can add a more general moderation bot (such as Carl-bot) to also store non-PK messages.
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#to-do: Self-explanatory; got any plans? Put them here.
#sys-chat: More general system chatter.
#sys-work: Talk about... system work.
#headmate-observations: If you notice something about your headmate—such as a positive/negative trigger, a various quirk they have, or any idea how their role works—share it here.
💬 headspace: A headspace forum to talk about headspace. More information in the image below.
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The collection of the channels that you will miss, check the images above for extended information:
📢 update-status-fronting (uncategorized)
💬 dms (in general category)
💬 thoughts (in general category)
💬 mailbox (in general category)
💬 image-resources (in System Setup category)
💬 headspace (in System-centric category)
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someonehasgiventheratsapen · 5 months ago
Okay, I probably should've made this awhile ago, but I forgot,,,
So anyways, welcome to my blog!!
Uuuh call me the Rats for now, I might update that later.
I post mainly fanart, sometimes original art. I'm a traditional artist. I'm in a lot of fandoms right now and I draw for a buncha different stuff, but I mainly draw bungo stray dogs fanart (I'm kinda hyperfixated on soukoku rn).
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(I do more serious drawings too, but these ones bring me joy so I thought I'd add them :] )
Uuh some stuff about me. I'm 18. I'm autistic, trans (they/he pronouns but honestly im fine with any that aren't feminine), and demiromantic demisexual/asexual (still kinda figuring that out).
I do draw some stuff that might be triggering for some people but I always tag anything I think might need a trigger warning. Please message me if I forget something. I don't really post anything NSFW.
Oh, I'm also working on writing a book rn, so I might occasionally post stuff about that.
Alt acc is @fivemillionrats
(Edit) my sister's tumblr is @celestebeepy. She's also on YouTube with (I think?) The same name, she does like makeup videos and stuff
(Edit 2) ok her YouTube is also celestebeepy
(I'll probably edit this more later bc I'm definitely forgetting some stuff)
Thank you for reading!! :D
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rarepairs-of-911 · 15 hours ago
Rarepair Bingo 2025
It's finally here! 🥳 Rarepair Bingo is running from March 1 to July 1! This post includes everything you need: Cards with prompts, Rules, AO3 Collection and Link to Carrd! Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. And like always: Have fun and share the love! ❤️
Alternate Universe Card
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Angst "Bad Things Happen" Card
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Fluff "Nothing hurts" Card
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Kinky "NSWF" Card
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- Every form of creation is welcome! (Examples: fanfic, fanart, edit, gif, headcanon, drabble...) - You reach a Bingo when you cover 5 squares/prompts in a row! (Horizontal, vertical or diagonal). The topic for the "Free" square can be picked by you!
- The main goal of the event is to have fun. There is no rush! You can choose one card or all of them if you want to. You don't have to complete a card (or all cards!). However, there will be a little surprise for everyone who manages to blank out a complete card! ;)
- The definition of “rarepair” for this event: Every ship that is not a canon couple or Buddie when it comes to 911onabc. Every ship that is not Tarlos when it comes to 911 Lone Star.
- Your contributions can include characters / ships from both shows. Crossovers and original characters are fine, as long as your story focuses on characters from the 911 universe!
- Tag your contributions with #911rarepairbingo so I can share your creations on tumblr!
- There will be a collection on AO3: 911_rarepair_bingo_2025
- Important: No character bashing or hate towards any ship allowed!
- Please tag your creations correctly and add trigger warnings if necessary! Be considerate!
AO3 Collection: 911 Rarepair Bingo 2025
Link to Carrd
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simi-week · 2 months ago
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[Masterpost] | [Prompts]
So how does this work?
The event will run from July 14th to July 20th 2025, with two prompts assigned to each day.
When the event starts you can post your work on its respective day. We will be tracking the #simiweek2025 tag and queueing up all the posts we see. We will like the posts so you know it's been seen and is in the queue.
Who can participate?
Anyone! We accept any type of media: fanfic, headcanons, meta, fanart, edits, posters, gifs, moodboards, playlists, whatever you can think of!
Even if you don't feel like creating, sharing fanworks and showing love to the creators if you see something you like is just as important!
Do I have to sign up/use every prompt?
Nope! There is no sign up process, all you have to do is post your work and tag it with #simiweek2025. There is also absolutely no pressure to participate every day. If you want to create for just one prompt you are more than welcome to do so.
Do you accept NSFW works?
Yes! The prompts will be provided in an sfw wording, and participants can then make either sfw or nsfw works out of them. We simply ask that everyone tag their work appropriately and use their own discretion when browsing works posted by others.
If you're unsure about posting your nsfw art on tumblr then feel free to post an sfw/censored version and provide a link to the full version on AO3 (scroll down for more info regarding the AO3 Collection)
What if I'm late?
The event runs for seven days (14-20 July) but we will be tracking the #simiweek2025 tag and reblogging any late works until the end of August.
I have a wip that fits a prompt, can I use it?
You absolutely can if the work hasn't been posted before. The aim here is to create and share new works.
What tags should I use?
Tag everything with #simiweek2025. We also encourage you to use the #simi ship tag so more fans can see your work!
Please also tag appropriately. If your work is of an adult nature, make sure to tag as #nsft.
If there is triggering/sensitive content then please add a content warning tag (ex. #gore, #cw gore, etc..) We will leave these tags up to the OP's discretion and copy them when we reblog.
When posting to AO3 please select the appropriate rating and any warnings that apply.
Help! My work isn't showing in the tags!
Sometimes tumblr has glitches like that. If you tag your work and see it isn't appearing in the tags then please send us a message with the link so we can like and reblog it.
Is there an AO3 Collection?
Yes! We'll share it in due time.
The collection will be set to Open on July 13th, and we strongly encourage you to make an AO3 account if you don't already have one, as you need one to post there and to read Archive-locked fanfic. Currently the waiting time is ~2 weeks.
Is the AO3 collection only for fic?
Nope, you're also allowed to add art to it. Tumblr isn't the best place to post adult content, so if you make nsfw art for a prompt you can post an sfw preview on tumblr and link it to the full work on AO3.
How can I contact you if I have more questions?
This event is being entirely run on tumblr, so this is the place to contact us! Please feel free to send any questions and feedback to our ask box :)
Simi must be the main ship. You can have background ships if you wish to, but the focus of the event is Simi.
It must be your own original work.
Tag it appropriately and use #simiweek2025 so we see it.
We will not tolerate harassment or general nastiness towards any of the participants.
Have fun! We really hope this will be an enjoyable event for everyone :)
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queermania · 2 years ago
How do tags work? I'm newish to Tumblr and I don't really get the tags. Do I need to tag everything?
hello and welcome! tags serve four major purposes:
to let other people find your content: this is only applicable if you are the creator of the post, not if you reblog it. for example: if you make a post about dean you might want to add the tags "dean winchester" and "supernatural" or even "spn" so that other people who are interested in content about dean can see the post when they're searching for content on tumblr (if you want to find content and you're using desktop, you can search tumblr.com/tagged/supernatural [or whatever it is you're looking for] and you'll be able to see original posts that people tagged as "supernatural." if you're on mobile, frog speed, my friend.) also, friendly reminder not to over-tag things. if you tag a post that is just about dean with "sam winchester" "castiel" "john winchester" etc people are more likely to block you. spam tagging is really annoying.
organization on your own blog: adding tags to your posts lets you find them on your own blog later (again, this is really only useful on desktop, not mobile) and this goes for original posts and reblogged posts. for example: you may have noticed that i tag all of my posts about dean with "dw." that's the organizational tag i use for my own blog. i also have tags that probably don't mean anything to anyone else but that help me to organize certain ~genres of posts on my blog (like "hashtag family"). if you want to search your own blog or someone else's for all of the posts you/they have in a specific tag you can do that on desktop by going to blog.tumblr.com/tagged/tag. so for example if you wanted to search my blog for the dean content you would go to queermania.tumblr.com/tagged/dw
giving other people the ability to block/filter content: this is relevant for both original posts and reblogged posts. for example: someone might have followed you for doctor who content but they are not interested in seeing supernatural content. you tagging your supernatural posts with a "supernatural" tag lets them filter or blacklist it so they don't have to see it. this is also relevant for certain types of content like nsfw, body horror, etc. you may see tags like "tw body horror" or "body horror tw" or "body horror cw" or even "body horror for ts" (that one's an old relic from a time long ago when we had to use an extension called tumblr savior to filter content). content/trigger warnings are subjective. not everybody uses them. not everybody is willing to use them. it's not uncommon to ask people (politely!) to tag for something that might be upsetting to you, with the caveat that they might say no and then it's up to you to decide if you want to continue following them or not. (for example if you asked me to tag for alcohol, i would politely decline, simply because i do not think i would realistically remember to do it and i don't want to promise something i can't deliver and risk harming you.)
commentary that doesn't need to be a part of the post: you may have noticed that a lot of us put our thoughts on any given post in the tags. this is a way to leave commentary without muddying up the post. not all thoughts need to be on the post permanently. in fact, most don't haha. sometimes if you leave commentary in the tags, someone will copy and paste or screenshot them into the body of the post because they think your thoughts deserved permanent status and that other people should see them too. we like to call this getting peer reviewed because we are nothing if not a website full of nerds.
so those are the ways we use tags on this website. you can choose not to use tags at all, use them religiously, or use them only when you want. it's really up to you. you create your own experience. however, if you do opt out of tagging anything at all, people might be less likely to interact with you because it makes it harder for them to curate their own experience. but again, it's really up to you!
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terrortransformed · 1 year ago
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Terror Transformed - A Transformers Halloween Event!
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Rules and Details
The event is running from 01/10/23 to 31/10/23.
1) Submissions can be made at any point during the month of October, so don't worry about having to get something done within the day-- As long as your work is submitted on or before 31/10/23, it counts!
That having been said, if you want to do a sketch a day, go for it! You have the entire month of October to make whatever you'd like. :)
Writing, art, and any other types of works are welcome.
You can submit any work to the event by using the tag "Terror Transformed". I'll reblog any submissions to this blog, to help keep everything together!
2) You do not have to participate in each day of the event. Feel free to pick whichever prompts/dates appeal to you most!
3) Scary and creepy are good; It's a Halloween event, after all! (That having been said, don't feel obligated to push yourself beyond what you may be comfortable with!) <3
4) Please tag any horror content appropriately-- For example, "Body Horror", "Vampires", "Robo Gore", and so on.
Please make sure to include any additional content/trigger warnings if needed- This helps keep everyone safe, and helps to make sure everyone can have a fun time! :)
5) NSFW/shipping submissions are fine, as long as you tag them appropriately and add any relevant content/trigger warnings as needed. (And of course, follow Tumblr site rules, although I don't think I need to say that!)
6) Have fun!!! <3
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AO3 - Terror Transformed Collection
You can find the AO3 collection here!
Works will be added if anyone wants to submit anything to AO3, mostly as a way to help keep things organised.
Any kind of writing is fine! Poetry, one-shots, multi-chaptered stories, drabbles, anything you might want to do. :)
The collection is moderated, so once October starts, I'll be keeping an eye out for any fics posted here or on AO3 with the tag "Terror Transformed".
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Playlist for Inspiration!
Just for fun, as a way to provide some thematic Halloween tunes for people to draw/write along to, get inspired by, or just have fun and jam out to, you can find a playlist for the event over on YouTube here!
The playlist is still being worked on, but it'll get more refined as I add more tracks and clean it up a bit! :)
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Happy Halloween!
I really want to do something fun for everyone since October is my birthday month and who doesn't love Spooky Season, so I hope this can be a fun event for anyone who wants to participate! <3
The original event pitch post is here, and it's really nice to see so much interest. :')
If you have any questions or require any clarification, please feel free to message me! :)
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hanleiacelebration · 2 years ago
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Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2023
Han/Leia Appreciation Week is an event originally hosted at @han-leia-solo between 2016-2019. Last year, and with their permission, we decided to host it at @hanleiacelebration!
Since Beth Revis' "The Princess and the Scoundrel" was released on August 16th, 2022, we thought it'd be fun to mark the date as the anniversary of Han and Leia's wedding 🥰 And since this year is also the 40th anniversary of "Return of the Jedi", you'll see prompts related to both of those things!
💗 How does the Han/Leia Appreciation Week work?
The event will run from August 13th to August 19th, and there will be two different prompts each day that creators can fulfill with: fanfic, fanart, gifsets, graphics, fanvids, headcanons, crafts, playlists, rec lists. You’re encouraged to tag your posts with #hanleiaweek2023 so we can reblog them! After the week is over, we'll also share a masterlist with links to the works.
You can show your appreciation in many ways; however, please keep in mind that it has to be a creation of yours of some sort, e.g. don’t repost other people’s fanart, gifs, or unedited pictures. Rec lists should include a link to the original source both for fanfic and fanart (more on this after the cut).
💫 The prompts
Sunday 8/13: Anniversary / Memory
Monday 8/14: Endor / Reunion
Tuesday 8/15: Rescue / Vision
Wednesday 8/16: Favourite scene / Quote
Thursday 8/17: Battle couple / Millennium Falcon
Friday 8/18: AU / Canon divergence
Saturday 8/19: Free day!
You can use only one of the daily prompts, combine both, reinterpret them, or skip the day if you can’t think of anything. If you’re not able to post on the same day for a prompt, you’re still encouraged to share it through the week—just don’t post works for a certain prompt before the day corresponding to that prompt.
💠 💠 💠
FAQs and Rules under the cut - please read!
💗 Can I post my work to another site and share the link on Tumblr?
Yes! This is a good option for people who might want to create explicit art that could be taken down on Tumblr, write a long fic or multichapter, or make videos or playlists.
💗 Does it have to be a new creation? Can I finish and post a WIP?
It has to be something that has never been posted anywhere else before, so finishing and sharing a WIP is okay! If it doesn’t fit any of the prompts, you can share it on Free Day.
💗 Is this event open to all ratings?
Yes! Just remember to use a “Read more” cut if you’re posting the whole work on Tumblr, and to add a note at the top if your work is rated Mature or Explicit, as well as if it has any major trigger warnings, so all folks can safely browse through the entries.
💗 Are there any length or quality requirements?
There’s no min. or max. length for fanfic or quality level for art, but please note that AI-generated works won't be accepted. For gifsets, there’s a minimum of two gifs (that must be made by you!). For playlists, there’s a minimum of five songs. For rec lists of fic or fanart, there’s also a minimum of five recs. Some more questions you might have about rec lists:
- How do I share someone else's art without posting a picture? You might post a thumbnail that crops a preview of the piece; if the piece has a title, you might use that; you might describe it; or you might say something like “this piece by [artist]”, and link to the source.
- What if I found a fanart on Google? Try to find the original source using reverse search image.
- What if I can’t still find it, can I just say “credit to the artist”? In that case, please just don’t share the piece.
- What if I know the artist but don’t have a link to the original source? Naming the artist and linking back to where you found it is okay, in that case.
💗 Is the event based on "The Princess and the Scoundrel"?
Not really! That's just an excuse to celebrate Han/Leia 😊 You don’t need to include or acknowledge it in any way in your creations, although you’re welcome to.
💗 Can I write for canon/Legends and include other pairings?
All canons, time periods, headcanons and AUs are welcome, and you're allowed to include side pairings, except for R*eylo. However, keep in mind that this is a Han/Leia appreciation week - at the risk of sounding repetitive, works should focus on appreciating Han and Leia's relationship!
💗 What's the time zone for the event?
Please don't worry too much about time zones: when we say "day", we always mean "whenever that day is for you in your part of the world". IE: if it's Monday for you, you can post your work for the Monday prompt.
💠 💠 💠
Do you have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to send us an ask or to message one of the mods: @lajulie24 @hanorganaas and @otterandterrier
We can’t wait to see what you all create!
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keepblr-writing-challenge · 8 months ago
be respectful towards other's writing
anyone can participate, you do not need to inform me! simply write what you want, mention the prompt and tag me on that post / reblog the prompt with your writing. (If you choose to post it on ao3, just put the link on a tumblr post, and do the same.)
please give your works a title. this isn't necessary for wips, but ficlets and fics do require a title.
add trigger warnings where appropriate
there will be about 3 featured works each round. if you feel that my pick of works is biased, you may find somewhere else to participate.
ask to be added to my taglist here. you will be tagged for all three challenges.
feel free to use the ask box for your questions.
i will be tracking #keepblrweekly
I will post prompts thrice a week; Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.
WIP WEDNESDAYS: post the last five sentences of any kotlc wip of yours. go crazy! just because you haven't finished writing the story does not mean it shouldn't be appreciated. provide context, or don't, it's your choice. these do not get featured works, as the whole point of them is that they are wips.
FICLET FRIDAYS: write a ficlet using a word i choose as a prompt. the word can be mentioned as many or as few times as you wish, as long as it's used once. The word limit (and it has one 😔) is 500. I will link some featured works (with permission from the author.) You may choose not to abide by the word limit, or post late, but your work will not be considered for featured works.
SHIP SUNDAY: i will give you two tropes as prompts. your job is to write a fic using one or both of those tropes in a fic, with any ship of your choice. minimum length for this is 1k, but there is no maximum. you can choose to make these as long as you want, but if the fully completed work is not uploaded somewhere i can access within 7 days of the prompt being posted, it can't qualify for featured. however, if you originally posted a oneshot and later decided to go back to it, and expand more, feel free to do so. it's still your work-- i have no rights over it.
I will always ask for your permission before featuring your work, if I fail to do so, do not hesitate to remind me. My timezone is GMT+8, so I will post depending on my schedule. I will always wait 24 hours after the prompt is posted before considering featured works. This is open for everyone; you need not sign up, or inform me whether or not you're participating.
If you have any questions or queries about this, feel free to ask.
Have fun and happy writing!!!
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sebaelis · 7 months ago
this is a canon-divergent Sebastian Michaelis rp blog.
this blog may contain content warning; please proceed with caution!
heavily selective & mutuals only.
this blog is up to date with the manga; may contain spoilers!
this is a multiverse friendly blog.
it will have NSFW contents of all kinds as well as any triggering ones; do not follow if you wish to not see it.
nothing will be done in first person nor in script (unless it is crack).
everything is tagged properly & placed under read more if needed.
as usual, no god-modding, mary sues, etc.
IM & Discord
if you wish to reach out to me; my IMs will be open! it will only for OOC & plotting purposes. however if you add me on biscord, we may do some RPs there; however i ask we do it in a server and not in DMs. only mutuals may ask for my discord!
you may send me memes that i ONLY reblogged. if you wish to turn them into threads, you may, but ONLY if we are mutuals. you can reblog the meme but i ask you reblog it from the ORIGINAL source.
Asks & Asks to Threads
asks can be sent at any point of time. it can be OOC or IC. however; if in IC and you wish to turn it into a thread; we must be mutuals.
i'm open to shipping sebastian with just about anyone but just remember the nature of this man may not always be pure.
Causes of being unfollowed
not tagging properly
too much ooc posts
unwanted drama, hate, etc.
uncut posts
being rude for no reason (this will lead to a block as well)
Insta Block
the only way for me to block you is if you’re underage. i will not tolerate anyone who lies about their age, so if i find out, i will block immediately. i would prefer that anyone i interact with is at like over 21.
if you could please tag anything containing spiders, dolls & mannequins, that would be great. thanks.
Passcodes & Rules
i’ll try to read rules & send passcodes if it is available and provided so i ask you could do the same. so i know that you have read my rules like this post!
thanks and i look forward to roleplaying with y'all.
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