#as well as billy/st
suledins · 2 years
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furby-scoops · 7 months
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Steve is looking at his phone like, "Didn't I block him"🤨🤔
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reineydraws · 2 years
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gonna post these pieces of billy and max being like real siblings before i watch vol 2 and it puts any billy is alive theories to rest (or confirms them?! 🤡 lmao)
i imagine these to happen in au where they actually were like real siblings, back in cali, and billy would take max surfing and also take her to rich people's empty pools to skateboard in lol 🛹☀️🏄‍♂️
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rockabye-billy · 1 year
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I’ve no idea in what circumstances these two could meet, but the urge to give Billy more of Prior’s lines was too strong. 💜
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memes-saved-me · 1 year
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hephaestn · 2 years
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
011 (El), 012 (Will) and the twins being most tied to the red tower can be something so 👀
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vivika-ka · 2 years
i obviously get that billy being violent towards the preteens was bad, but like, you ever wonder why he didn’t have any qualms with it? he grew up in a violent environment, and after his mother left he became neil’s punching bag. so…i assume at some point he thought violence is the way to keep kids in line. it’s either you behave or you get beaten, no in between.
and this may be totally obvious, given his upbringing and shit. but i often see people talk about his way of treating The Party as if he was aware of the ramifications that result from being violent with children. i don’t think he was. neil never had to face consequences for beating billy’s mother and billy. so like…
i don’t even know what i’m trying to say. i just feel like he doesn’t have that switch in his brain to tell him “hey man, these are children, maybe take it down a notch.” because, well, his father didn’t have that for his own son. y’know, the “maybe don’t beat your child” switch. like, in his head, if his own father, his blood, doesn’t care, why should he?
as always, i’m not excusing his behavior. but it’s just…he had no blueprint as to how he could handle the situation another way, a peaceful way.
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plistommy · 2 years
Steve realizing how much he likes dick the first time Billy fucks him in a trashy bathroom and gets desperate to be fucked more but he’s too embarrassed to ask Billy to fuck him again…
But thankfully - because Billy can read Steve so well - the other knows exactly what Steve wants when they meet again and fucks him roughly inside his car, making Steve cry on his cock with satisfaction.
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every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
ST has a kidnapper, literal aliens, two child abusers, a groomer, Russian and American agents who tortured and most likely killed people, the two bullies who tried to kill Mike and threatened to cut out Dustin's teeth (held a knife to his neck), an infant Republican with a gun and a cultlike influence, and the lovechild of Freddy Krueger + Pennywise... and yet a teenage abuse victim is the worst character to come out of the show?
And another thing: Dr. Brenner gets attacked by a Demogorgon and survives, but Bob Newby doesn't?
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aces-to-apples · 1 year
Getting very invested in the Chrissy Cunningham and Billy Hargrove who become best friends and eventually date Eddie Munson together that exists in my head
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adelacreations · 1 year
RE8 AU x ST crossover be like
ST Steve: so...your Billy...has a mutated form Re8 Steve: Yes, you called it the mind flayer? ST Billy: ...WHAT? RE8 Billy: ...this is going to be a longggg conversation
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prettyboy-like-you · 2 years
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It's 1992 in San Francisco, CA., and Billy and Steve, they're out there on the coast livin' the dream.
Billy's working construction in the daytime and taking evening classes at the university—studying for his degree in English Literature—and it's a lot, yeah, but honestly? He's never been happier. He wants to become a Professor of the Arts, eventually.
Steve is undergoing vocational training to become a certified youth worker, to maybe one day work with kids who've suffered trauma. He's also working part-time with twenty-five little nuggets in a kindergarten called Kool Kidz and, man, he is absolutely loving every single second of it.
They've a tiny apartment they share, with an even tinier balcony on 25th, off Sloat Blvd, where they huddle together in the evenings under a peachy-pink sunset sky and smoke the five star dope they buy from Eddie, who sometimes comes to stay—as do the rest of the Hawkins crew, when they can. Max, who's at college in Seattle, comes every other weekend. She loves skating the promenade.
They've just become the proud owners of a rust-coloured mongrel pup and called her Maddy, short for Madmax (because Bills really misses his kid sister when she's not around), who their neighbour from the floor below, Mrs Cherrytree, helps out with. They also co-parent a small cactus named Dusty, ha.
They buy old records from this decrepit little store downtown run by a decrepit little guy, and cook together when they can. Billy's teaching Steve to surf in their spare time.
Oh yeah, and they're so, so, so, in love ♥️
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kittyphoenix12-xx · 8 months
finally, an update
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biillys · 1 year
insane that billy hargrove and mickey milkovich are basically the same character with the same tropes just in a different setting on a different show and yet mickey's fucking beloved and cared for and more or less treated with respect and then u have billy who's just shat on and ripped to shreds by the larger fandom as a whole. like u breath billy's name and ur blocked cancelled and killed in literally a second. the fucks up with that
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buttbiscuit · 7 months
Waiting for the thinkpieces about how Astarion and Billy Hargrove are extremely similar characters but only one was well written...
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