#as for people being free…girl just ASK????
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prlssprfctn · 11 hours ago
AU, where Priest!Jason Todd keeps receiving random quests from the alternative universe, who are very, very persistent on getting his advice.
At some point, Jason stops getting surprised by the absolute unexplainable events in his hometown. He died and came back — so, what are some guests from the other realities for him? Absolutely nothing. He already helped that girl once, Traci. She also appeared out of nowhere.
And Jason... well, Father Jason is all about helping people, not asking questions.
That's why, when he sees a strange flash of light outside the church and hears heavy steps, coming closer to the confessional, he makes sure not to be too curious. Curiousity leads people to wrong paths sometimes.
'Jason?' The low, rumbling voice asks.
It reminds him of Thomas Wayne's a little but softer.
Thomas is not necessarily his friend, but they smoke sometimes together since Jason once accidentally found bleeding out Batman at the stairs leading to his church. He is a nice man.
'You shall call me Father Todd,' Jason fixes the guest methodically. 'How can I help you, my child?'
The man lets out a soft, amused laughter, and Jason hears him dragging his heavy body inside the booth before plopping on the cold, wooden seat.
'I am not here to confess,' the man warns. 'But I might need an advice.'
'An ask for help is also a confession in a way; sometimes, a bolder one,' Jason replies. 'I will do my best to guide you, my child. Tell me more about the issue you are facing.'
'I... I have a son,' the man starts slowly. 'I hurt him a lot in the past. And I don't know how to fix this.'
Jason hums, encouraging him to continue. They talk for the rest of the night. The mysterious guest leaves pleased.
In a week after that, another guest drops by. This time, it is a young man who keeps tapping his feet nervously and persistently cracks jokes straight until Jason gently tells him to lay on him all his burdens. This makes him snap and break down crying. Richard — or so he calls himself — never asks for advice, but he confesses in all things he had done; and then for things he didn't. Jason hears him out, reassuring that half of those wasn't even his fault, and they pray together that night through the thin wall dividing them. Richard tells him that it was a while he felt himself this free before leaving. Jason never hears from him again.
A seemingly young boy visits next. He is amused for the most of the time, but Jason still patiently talks him through the casualties of ceremonies like this, deciding not to get mad at a teenager — he was no better at that age. Somewhere in between long pauses and questions, Timothy suddenly starts talking quietly about his parents; about how they were religious, but he never understood their faith. Not really.
He says he misses him, and he wishes he could turn time back to agree on following his mom in the church in these rare days they were not working. They sit together for a while, and Jason allows him to reminisce about his parents. Tim leaves, thanking him for being heard.
Jason accepts a few more strange quests. A kid with the vocabulary of an ancient creature that admits that he is not even Christian — Jason still offers him an ear telling him it doesn’t matter; not when a child of God needs advice — a silent girl that speaks in short sentences and asks how to get rid of regret and guilt following her around for years, and then, a total opposite one: a blabbering and giggling girl that ends up talking with him about her mom. He swears, at some point Duke, the kid from Narrows that he has over with his family on Sundays, visits him too; just, somehow, an older one. Even that doesn't cause Father Todd to ask questions.
...Not until someone enters the confessional with a strange, animal-like cautiousness.
'So, you are the one they visit all the time, huh?' The stranger comments, his voice... his voice surprisingly familiar. 'Father Todd.'
If there is a slight mocking intonation in the low voice, then Jason prefers to ignore it.
'That would be me, yes. How can I help you, my child?'
'Well, well, Father Todd... Riddle me this...'
The more the unknown boy speaks, the more nauseous Jason feels. He knows this story; he remembers finding Catherine dead, he remembers stealing tires — and even though the boy by the other side found a family, while he didn’t, the death and reborn he speaks about, is still something Jason relates to.
For the first time since he started to get strange visitors, Jason indulges himself — he allows curiosity to take over.
The visitor is in the middle of casually, almost intentionally so, retelling how he woke up in the casket, when Jason walks out of his part of booth, and unceremoniously opens the opposite side of it, facing a boy in the red armour. He hugs a big, intimidating helmet, and when their eyes meet, Jason freezes, despite knowing an answer all along.
It is him. Of course, it is him.
'Jesus fucking Christ, ruining the very little privacy this place has, in our Catholic house?' The other Jason mocks him, leaning slightly forward. 'I expected more from us. I am hurt.'
Father Todd just sighs.
Nothing could ever prepare him for needing to... accept a confession from himself. Yet, he is here, staring at the scruffy youth with a wolf-like smile who is so obviously lost behind all these fake bravado that it hurts.
'Behave,' he purses lips in a thin line before closing the door in his face again.
He doesn't need to see to know that a surprised expression touched his sharp features.
Jason makes his way back to his side of confessional, and clears up his throat again.
'I apologise. Please, you shall resume your story.'
The other Jason is silent for a while. He thinks the boy might leave — they had it in themselves, after all; leaving when being met with an unexpected touch of gentleness from others, instead of rage — but then, he doesn't.
His voice lacks all mockery and amusement when he speaks up again, the words lacing in a tale of sorrow and regrets.
And Father Todd... answers, of course. He is not here to ask questions, after all. He is all about helping people.
And who, if not Jason Todd, knows that there is no one but higher forces and themselves, who can help them through their toughest times?
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systlin · 3 days ago
ooooo summarize the one where tarl gets called bosk by a mean lady and it rewrites his brain chemistry
Oh, Telima! The Mean Domme! LMAO it's so funny.
So Tarl is boating down the Big Fuckass River to Port Kar where a dude he wants to meet up with lives. Port Kar is a notorious hive of scum and villainy but has far fewer Han Solos to shoot douchebags in the face unfortunately.
We get like, ten pages of Tarl talking about how longbows are good at killing people, because duh of course they are. However, for some fuckass reason Goreans usually consider it a low class and disgraceful weapon, and Tarl is considered weird for liking it. I will give Norm credit for Tarl, raised an Englishman, having a favorable view of the longbow even in a society that views them as dishonorable. Reluctantly. Anyway.
He's in the Vosk delta, which is a vast labyrinth of swamp mostly covered in a reed called Rence, which is used to make paper and also parts are edible. It's inhabited by Rence Growers, who are actually kinda cool?
They make like, floating boat towns, and hunt and fish the marshes, and they take in fled slaves sometimes and let them live as free women. Like. They kinda rock actually?
Instead of any actual plot for a bit, we get like twenty pages here of Norm outlining Rence, how it grows, how it's harvested, how things are made from it, ect ect. This completely derails the story for a jarring length of time, and it will not be the last time such a thing happens. Norm loves his annoying and dumb infodumps.
Anyway, Tarl is in their territory, and happens upon a free woman fishing in the marshes. He is, predictably, what he thinks is polite but from her POV is intrusive and annoying, and her village takes him captive.
THEN we get to the wild shit.
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A Sorp is a turtle, btw. And legit this is like, one of the 3 reasonable dudes we get on Gor. Ho Hak you're a king love you bro.
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Champion shit.
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This, in the hands of a better writer, could have been the moment when Tarl realized that, oh, shit, yeah okay in this situation he will act just like the women he's enslaved before who complied rather than be beaten or killed. It could have been a watershed moment.
It will not be.
ANYWAY, Tarl is taken slave, and Telima absolutely rearranges his whole brain with ONE SINGLE NIGHT OF BEING A MEAN DOMME.
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He's chasing this high for the entire rest of the series. He never gets over this. Like holy shit. Fuck.
Anyway so some Port Kar slavers raid the place and take some people captive, whatever, there's not actually any plot in this book it's just here to get Tarl topped and get him to Port Kar. He fights the knowledge that he can be enslaved like he's enslaved women this whole time, and again somehow manages to do no actual growth or introspection. It's really incredible.
The only thing of note here is that there is a dude named Clitus, which is inexpressibly funny to me. I bet no one can find him.
Tarl becomes a Captain of Port Kar by killing one of the other Captains. There's like, a war with Cos and Tyros, which are also naval powers, and we are supposed to root for Port Kar but honestly I do not give a single shit. It's mostly so that Norm can jerk himself off to pictures of Greek war galleys and Charlton Heston as Ben Hur, tbh.
How TF Tarl knows without trying how to captain a war galley, you ask? And is somehow so good at it that all the other captains are in awe? Well because he's a Speshul Boy, of course.
Of course Tarl wins the war and shit, it's pointless, I don't give a single shit about Port Kar vs Cos Vs Tyros and I want Tarl dead.
Anyway, Tarl hooks up with Samos, but not the way Tarl would really like. Stupid PK vs Kurii plot shit is droned on about for like fifty pages. It's all stupid, the end.
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greenwitchfromthewoods · 2 days ago
second chance. l Frankie "Catfish" Morales
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Summary: you broke up after a quarrel, now you've met again
Warnings: angst, mentioning drug addiction, crying, breakup, mentioned Santi, some fluff at the end
A/N: I had to clear my head. I'm not proud of it, but I had to write something. Be gentle. Thank you for being here and reading these scribbles.
your feedback is very important to me and I want to thank you for all the reblogs, comments and likes. I secretly hope you like this story.🖤 sorry for all the mistakes
[my masterlist][Frankie Morales masterlist]
"Hi, you look good."
You didn't expect those words, but you knew that voice so well that your heart skipped a beat. A strange feeling filled your body, as if someone had suddenly stripped you of all your insides and left you empty. Even though the pub was filled with people, suddenly it was just you and him.
"Hi, Frankie." You replied, trying to keep your voice neutral. "You look good too."
A small smile appeared on his lips, he probably realized that it was just a polite greeting. A greeting for those who know each other. But you were more than that, right?
You didn't expect to meet him in this pub that evening. It was a strange assumption, because after all, you lived in the same city. However, when you break up with someone, and that breakup was like a hurricane and an earthquake in one, you don't usually try to meet them again soon.
And so it was with you and Frankie. Almost a year ago, maybe a little longer. And now he was standing in front of you. In a clean shirt and dark jeans, in a cap you knew so well. Brown eyes stared at you with the same attentiveness as before. He really looked good. Like he had a good night's sleep, eaten a few solid meals and... was clean.
"Do you come here often?" he asked, he noticed you looking around the crowd of people looking for someone with your eyes. "Um, are you here with someone?"
"With a friend." you replied. "Do you remember Sarah?"
He nodded. "Yeah, I remember. A girls' night out?"
"Something like that. But no, I don't come here often. I don't have much free time."
Frankie smiled, and a part of your brain woke up sending you a signal - you loved his smile so much.
"I always thought you worked too much." he said, winking at you.
"That's not it." you looked down and there was silence for a moment.
You felt embarrassed by his presence, but it wasn't uncomfortable. You had worked through all the bad feelings you had when you broke up, and you actually missed him a little. Did it make sense? You had broken your hearts, but you still missed him. Was it masochistic?
"I've been going to school for a while now. You know, I told you about it. Back in the day..."
Frankie's eyes widened with interest as he remembered what you were talking about. "No, shit! Really? That's great! You've wanted to do this for a long time, so good for you."
A warm feeling crept up the back of your neck, but you smiled widely. "Thank you."
Frankie bit his lip and nodded in appreciation. "I've always thought you were incredibly smart. So that's what's taking up so much of your time now? That and work?"
"Yeah. Sometimes I go days without a proper meal or... I'm sorry, that must bore you."
"No! Go on, darling."
The sweet nickname slipped out of his mouth naturally, and it was even more natural when he took your elbow and led you a little to the side so you could talk in peace. The smell of his cologne filled your nostrils, you knew it so well. Your body began to react with pleasant excitement to his presence.
"And what about you? How's life?" you asked.
Frankie adjusted his cap and let out a breath. "Good. Quite good." he replied. "I changed companies, and now I have really good conditions."
"That's great."
"Yeah, I think so too."
It was late when he got home, but he could feel something was wrong from the very beginning. All the lights were on, and the noises coming from the bedroom were rather unusual.
Damn it, you should be asleep already. He didn't feel like starting another row, and they filled these walls almost every day. However, he dragged himself down the hallway and gently pushed the door open.
Frankie didn't expect this. There was an open suitcase on the bed. He noticed a bundle of your clothes thrown into it in disarray. The drawers in the dresser and the wardrobe were open.
He cleared his throat and took a step, but at the same moment you came out of the bathroom carrying your cosmetics in your hands. You stood there paralyzed when you saw Frankie in the doorway.
Your eyes were swollen from crying, but there was something else in them. Anger and stubbornness, determination.
"What's going on?" he asked in a slightly hoarse voice.
You lifted your chin slightly. "What does this look like?" you asked as well, quickly approaching the bed and throwing your things into the suitcase. With a graceful movement you closed it "I'm leaving. It's over."
A cold shiver ran down his spine. He took a few more steps and put his hands on his hips watching you struggle with the latches.
"Come on..." Frankie began "It's late. Let's talk about this."
You didn't react. Something inside him boiled and he grabbed the handle of the suitcase, dragging it across the bed towards him.
"Leave it!" you hissed, catching it and holding it "I'm not joking, Frankie! I'm leaving! I've had enough!"
"What this time?" he replied a little too loudly "You're making a scene!"
Before the words left his mouth he already knew he had overdone it. Your eyes widened in a second.
You reached into your pants pocket and after a moment you threw something at him. The small bag bounced off his broad chest and fell silently to the carpet. He recognized it immediately.
"I found it in the car. You must have dropped it last time." you growled.
"It's not like that..."
"Bullshit!" Tears welled up in your eyes. "I've been hearing the same lies for months! I know exactly why you got fired! I wanted to help you, and you promised me you'd never... Ohhh!"
You grabbed the handle of your suitcase and pulled it to the ground, then headed for the door. You pushed past him without letting him grab your arm. Frankie had taken you to the edge. You'd been together for almost two years, and you really loved him. But his addiction was becoming more important than you. You asked, you wanted to help.
The therapist you found for him told you that Frankie had only been to see him three times before he stopped showing up at all. He told you that he went there regularly. Then there were the problems at work and he got fired, he started coming home later and later, and when you were looking for something that had fallen on the floor of your car and you found that damn bag - you already knew.
Your heart was breaking with every step, but you knew that Frankie needed shock therapy. You knew you couldn't...
You almost reached the door when you suddenly lost ground under your feet. Strong arms wrapped around your waist and Frankie lifted you up. You started kicking your legs.
"Let me go!" you screamed.
"You're not going anywhere! You can't!" he thundered, putting you down and turning to face him "You have to listen to me, it's not like that..."
"Shut up! You've been lying all this time! All this time!"
"Not when I said I loved you, hermosa."
"Oh! Cut this shit! This isn't love!" your face was full of rage, you wanted to hurt him, to stick a needle in him so hard that it would hurt him for a long time "You just needed someone to clean up the mess after you! Someone to pat you on the head and let you do all this! You needed a pussy you could fuck!"
There was silence. Frankie's hands were gripping your shoulders tightly, his eyes darkened.
"You know that's not true." he finally said.
"Yeah? And what of what you're saying is true? Nothing. Zero. I wanted to help you, but you don't care at all." you jerked away "Let me go, Frankie."
"You have to listen to me..."
"Let me go! Now!"
His fingers loosened and you slipped out of his hands. You grabbed your suitcase again and this time you reached the door.
"I love you." his resigned voice reached your ears.
"I'm not so sure about that anymore."
You took a sip of beer while listening to Frankie. He seemed excited about his new job, and the energy that flowed from him was simply positive. His hand would occasionally brush your arm or wrist as you both burst out laughing, his eyes looking at you with the tenderness you knew from the beginning of your acquaintance.
"I guess I'll have to go back now." You sighed, glancing at your phone. "I have classes tomorrow."
"Do you like it?" he asked, watching you text your friend back, informing her that you had to leave.
"What do you mean?" you looked up at him. Frankie shrugged.
"Your life. Now. Because it seems to me that you're different. More fulfilled? Happier?"
"I don't know, I haven't thought about it to be honest."
He nodded, his hand shyly finding yours. "Can I give you a lift home?"
You agreed. Maybe you shouldn't have, maybe it was a mistake. But Frankie had somehow found his way to your heart, and you didn't want to part ways with him yet.
"When you left..." he began as you drove through the empty streets towards your apartment "It hit me. Really hard."
You clenched your fingers, but you couldn't look in his direction. But Frankie clearly wanted to talk, maybe he had been waiting for this for a really long time and could finally get it all off his chest.
"I drank for three days. I don't remember much from that period. Santi showed up at my place and... He told me something I'll never forget."
You could barely recognize your own voice. "What did he say?"
Frankie cleared his throat. "He said it was all my fault. That I was dragging you down, and you were trying to keep us both afloat the whole time. He also said that if I wanted you back, that if I loved you at all, I should do something about it."
Something tightened your throat and your eyes stung from the tears that were seeping into your eyelids. The car turned, you were already close to your apartment.
"I went to therapy. Santi took me there twice a week. It was a terrible time. He had to take my phone because I wanted to call you every day. I don't know how I managed to get through it without you."
"But you did it." You dared to look at him, a weak smile appeared on his face. "I'm so proud of you, Frankie."
"Thank you."
The car stopped. Your journey ended, and you got out, feeling like your legs were almost giving out under you. You whispered a quiet "thank you" and "I'm glad I saw you, Frankie." and then feeling like your heart almost jumped out of your chest, you headed for the door.
"I still love you."
You closed your eyes. His voice was clear, determined. You stopped, feeling like you could fall apart at any moment.
"Frankie..." you whispered, but he wouldn't let you do more.
He was right behind you now, you could feel the heat radiating from him. Your body reacted to his closeness.
"I knew you'd be at this pub today."
You turned around and looked at him, surprised. Frankie seemed embarrassed, but he continued.
"I met Sarah a while ago. We talked..."
He noticed a small frown between your eyebrows, "She didn't tell me anything..."
Frankie shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and shrugged, "I begged her not to tell you. Listen, all this year you were the only thing that kept me alive. I wanted to be clean again, but I also wanted to be able to look you in the eye again. I'm sorry, hermosa... I'm sorry you went through all that with me. It was hell, and you tried so hard to save me."
You couldn't stop the tears that began to flow down your cheeks. You didn't even react when a warm hand touched your cheek and he wiped the tears away with his thumb.
"I still love you, hermosa." Frankie continued. "I don't know if I'll ever be able to stop. But I know I can't expect that from you, not after what I did."
"You hurt me, Frankie..." you sobbed, you saw the pain in his eyes, the same pain you still felt in your heart. "I wanted to save you, I wanted to save us... Maybe I wasn't strong enough?"
"No, it's not like that!" he shook his head, taking your face in both hands. "It wasn't a job for just one person. I understand that now. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I let you down so much."
You instinctively snuggled into his chest. Damn, you missed him so much this year. Almost every day you wondered what was happening to him, or you thought back to the times when everything was fine. There were days when you hated Frankie, when you resented yourself for always having him in your heart. But now you understood - you had to fall apart to understand what was truly important to you.
Frankie stroked your back, repeating silent apologies, and you felt as if all the tension that you had in your body was slowly leaving you.
"You okay?" he asked when you finally pulled away from him, wiping the last tears with your hand and probably completely smudging your mascara.
You nodded, "Yeah. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..."
"Don't apologize, hermosa. You have nothing to apologize for."
There was silence for a moment. But it wasn't an uncomfortable silence, rather one where you were both trying to gather your thoughts. Finally, you were the first to speak.
"I'm so glad you managed to do all this. I'm really proud of you, Frankie. Now... Now your life will be different, better."
"You think so?" he asked, and you looked at him surprised. "I guess you didn't hear what I said earlier. I love you, and I don't know if I'll ever stop. But I know I can't force you to do anything. You listened to me, that's already a lot. Maybe that's all I deserve."
He must have already accepted it, except that he lost you, because before you could answer anything, he slowly moved towards his car. You watched him, feeling your heart pounding in your chest like crazy. You weren't even aware that you had opened your mouth, only the sound of your voice that cut through the silence brought you back to your senses.
"I'm finishing classes tomorrow after three. If you want to go for coffee, or..."
In an instant Frankie turned around "How about for lunch? You'll definitely be hungry, and you said you haven't been eating very well lately."
You smiled and nodded. "Lunch sounds good."
"Wonderful." He smiled too. That damn smile of his.
"So... Are we in touch?"
"Of course, hermosa."
With a slightly calmer heart you disappeared into the building, feeling that the smile didn't leave your face. 
Maybe a second chance really did exist? Maybe you too had a chance for a new beginning...
Thank you for your time.
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billiereid · 5 hours ago
NSFW Jealousy: Haikyuu! x Reader
Warnings: Rated X. This content is intended for readers ages 18 years or older. Minors, do not interact.
Featuring: Tetsuro Kuroo. Kenma Kozume. Kotaro Bokuto. Keiji Akaashi. Fem!Reader.
Contains: Posessive behavior. Jealousy. Fingering. Oral sex (F receiving). P in V sex. Edging. Praise. Exhibitionism. Public sex.
Summary: The boys all know that you love them. Your relationship is special and important, and you've never given them any reason to distrust you. But even still, everyone has insecurities. Everyone gets jealous sometimes. Here's how they react when that jealousy starts to flare up over you.
Author's Note: This is written post-timeskip. All characters are written to be adults.
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Tetsuro Kuroo
Kuroo is one possessive motherfucker. At least, compared to the rest of the people on this list. 
He’s happy to always let you have your space, your friends, anything you need.
But the moment he feels like another guy might end up in first place?
Absolutely the fuck not.
There was no reason for Kuroo to worry. He knew it. You knew it. But the moment one of your coworkers started giving you a ride home, he decided things were getting a little too friendly. 
And he would never demand 100% of your time, your attention. That just wasn’t the kind of guy Kuroo was, and it wasn’t realistic anyway. You were a person. You deserved to have your friends, your family, your space, your fun. 
But you were his. And he was going to make sure it was drilled into your head before the night was over. 
“Please, Tetsu–” you all but whined. You didn’t know how long you’d been underneath him at this point. Your entire body was flushed with pleasure. You couldn’t think straight, couldn’t even come up with words. You had gotten so close at least a dozen times. A dozen edges that felt like a hundred. 
All because of his hands.
Kuroo had his fingers buried inside you now. He’d had them on your clit just minutes ago, though after edging three times it certainly felt like hours. Now, he had your two favorites stuffed inside you, pressing against all your inner buttons and making your head spin. 
“Aww, baby’s being so patient, aren’t you?” Tetsuro purred on his knees in front of you, his free hand pinning your hips to the bed with a bruising grip. “What do you think, princess? If I let you come right now, ‘re you gonna make a mess all over me?”
You knew what he wanted, knew that he wanted you to squirt. But you had only ever done it once for him, and it was a long time ago, when you were both a little too tipsy to care about having to change the sheets afterward. But now? Now, you weren’t sure if you could. 
“You’re still thinking too much, babygirl,” Kuroo said, his voice low and nurturing despite the filthy squelching sounds that his fingers were making inside your ruined pussy. “Eyes on me, princess.” It was a command disguised as a gentle coaxing. Your eyes, glazed over with pleasure and the effort to hold back your orgasm, finally met Tetsuro’s. “There’s my pretty girl,” he purred. 
The imaginary cord inside of you was wound so tight over and over, and you could tell it was about to snap, permission or no. 
“Whose are you, sweet girl?” Kuroo asked. He needed to hear you say it–to make you say it.
Your eyes widened a little bit as you realized, he really might not let you come. “Tets–”
“I said, whose are you?” he repeated. When you still couldn’t seem to find the words, his eyes darkened in that dominant way that only his could manage. “Answer, or I’ll edge you again.”
The edges of panic crept into your mind. You couldn’t handle being edged again. You were already so sensitive. “Yours! Yours, Tetsuro, I’m yours,” you chanted frantically, hoping that this time he’e actually let you come. 
“That’s fucking right,” Kuroo praised. “Now, come. And make a mess all over this fucking bed.”
Kenma Kozume
Honestly, Kenma’s not usually a jealous person. 
He knows you love him, and you’ve never given him a reason not to trust you.
Just like anyone else, though, there are little insecurities. 
And rather than getting possessive or angry, he just finds himself reminding you of all the reasons you keep him around.
It should’ve been such a simple interaction, really. 
You’d left your wallet on the train when you were on your way home. Someone had found it and had been kind enough to meet up with you in a coffee shop and return it. Kenma had even agreed to go with you, even though there wasn’t much he could’ve done in the way of protecting you. He had seen the entire interaction happen. There was nothing suspicious. You hadn’t even touched the man who came to return your wallet, hadn’t seemed to flirt or even bat your eyes in his direction. 
But he was tall. Extremely tall. Not that it normally mattered. But he also might’ve been handsome to some people, Kenma guessed, and his voice kind of sounded like warm butter when he spoke. And he was so kind, and your smile was so pretty when you looked up at him. But your smile was always pretty, especially when you were looking at Kenma. And it didn’t matter. 
But it did. 
Kenma wasn’t even really aware of what he was doing. But he spent the rest of the day doing whatever you wanted, his entire focus on you. He took you for lunch, then ice cream. He took you to your favorite little used bookstore, and he even stopped for a coffee on the way home.
And now, as the sun was setting outside your shared apartment, he was kneeling on the floor in front of your couch with his lips attached between your thighs. Kenma suckled sweetly on your clit, fingers kneading the squishy plush of your hips. His tongue dipped inside to taste your wetness before his lips returned to your clit. You’re his, you’re his, you’re so his. 
He wasn’t really sure if he was convincing you or himself.
Kenma fully moaned against your pussy as he tasted you, completely enraptured by the sight of your back arching in response to the pleasure he was giving you.. His tongue always made you dizzy. Your hands carded through his hair, continuously brushing it out of his face for him as he devoured you.
“Fuck, that feels so good,” you moaned, your voice barely above a whisper. The desire practically rolled off of you in waves. The buildup was completely delicious, making time seem to slow down around you. 
“So good… So perfect…” you told Kenma, looking down at him between your thighs. Your voice was husky, dripping with your need, and the words poured out of your mouth before your brain could even think to stop them. Not that you would’ve stopped him anyway. Kenma was perfect, and you were going to let him know that. 
Kenma whimpered under your praise, his tongue flickering over your clit in that way he knows you love so much. Your back arched again–fuck, you were pretty when you did that. 
“Baby… please, don’t stop…” you begged, your voice little more than a breathy moan as you got closer to that high you needed so badly. 
But he pulled his lips away. Your head fell back against the sofa cushions, and you let out an extended whine. “Not yet,” Kenma said, his breathing heavy and his voice raspy. You watched him let his pants and boxers fall to the floor, his dick hard and aching like you’d never seen before. 
You whimpered again at the sight. “Kenma,” you whined, “I was so close.”
“I said, not yet,” Kenma said again. His cock slid through your folds, coating himself in your liquid arousal. “This pussy is mine. And I’ll do what I want with it.”
Kotaro Bokuto
When Bokuto gets jealous, he just gets unbelievably sad. 
He’s not usually a possessive guy.
But he just loves having all of your attention. 
So sometimes, when you’ve had your attention on another guy, he just needs to be reminded that you love him, too.
Was he fucking pouting? 
You’d been out with your boyfriend all day, seemingly having a good time. And then you struck up an extended conversation with the barista at your local coffee shop, someone you’d become very friendly with because of your frequent visits. He’s a little too cute for Bokuto’s comfort. 
Really, he wasn’t trying to be short with you. It was just a few comments that came out harsher than he intended. Some indifference here, some feigned boredom there. It was a recipe for disaster, you thought. And you couldn’t figure out why. You’d been having a perfectly normal day together. Actually, it was one of the better days, because there was no practice, no travel. Just the two of you, going out grocery shopping.
It wasn’t until after you got home that you realized what exactly was going on. When you were watching TV, Bokuto laid his head in your lap, his arms clinging to your waist, his face buried into your stomach. You laced your fingers into his hair and called him cute, and you saw the tiny, proud smile that he tried to hide by nestling further into your belly.
That was how you ended up here. 
You straddled Kotaro’s lap, his cock buried inside you to the hilt. He was sitting on the bed, his back propped up against the headboard. “Fuck, you feel so good,” you said, starting to move your hips in your need to relieve the pressure low in your belly. “You fit me so perfectly.”
Bokuto’s hands gripped your waist, fingers digging into the soft flesh on your hips. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you as you rode him, your pace slow and deliberate, as if making some sort of point. But fuck you were so gorgeous, your tits bouncing ever so slightly as you rode. Your hands perched on his shoulders to keep your balance. Your eyebrows pinched together. Your lip was caught between your teeth. Tiny little whimpers were escaping your lungs. Everything about you was so beautiful and gorgeous, and you were undeniably his and–
Oh, he thought. 
But the thought didn’t stop him, didn’t make him falter for even a second. His hips started rising to meet yours with every thrust, forcing you to ride him faster. “That’s it,” Kotaro said through his teeth, one of his strong hands sliding up your side and gripping your breast. “That’s it. Keep goin’, yeah? Keep fuckin’ yourself on my cock.”
Bokuto’s lewd ramblings made you dizzy as his dick hit just the right spot inside you and kept hitting it. You let out absolutely the most sinful moan as you got closer to the high you wanted, the one you needed him to give you. “Fuck, don’t stop… Need more,” you moaned, leaning your forehead against his. 
“I’m not stopping. You close?,” Bokuto says, still flexing his hips to fuck up into you, forcing his own pace over the two of you. You nod in answer. “Yeah, that’s it. Come for me. That’s my girl.”
Keiji Akaashi
Akaashi is an overthinker. 
So while he isn’t necessarily jealous or possessive, he definitely does overthink things a lot.
And he isn’t afraid to call you out when he thinks you’re being a little too friendly with someone else.
Not that he thinks you would ever leave him. He’s just going to remind you why.
Thinking back on it, you could see why Akaashi did what he did. 
You’d been out to dinner. Not just any dinner. Your anniversary dinner. He had made a reservation. You’d gotten dressed up. He was ready to wine and dine you all evening, to spoil you all night the way you deserved.
And then he showed up.
Some guy you’d gone on a couple of dates with before Keiji was even in the picture happened to see you from across the room. And the idiot had the audacity to come speak to you like Akaashi wasn’t even there. 
And he wasn’t angry at you. God, no. Akaashi let you handle things your way. You were short in your responses, and when you finally introduced Keiji as your boyfriend and mentioned it was your anniversary, the guy finally left the two of you alone for the night. 
It didn’t stop him from overthinking the entire evening though. 
If things had been the other way around, if one of his exes had shown up on your anniversary date, he would’ve told her she was ruining his date. He would’ve said she needed to learn to read the room. He would’ve kissed you right in front of her for good measure. 
He supposed that wasn’t what would’ve actually happened. And he supposed you probably just didn’t want to make a scene in the middle of the restaurant. So he wasn’t really angry with you. God, he was never angry with you, especially once you flashed him that pretty smile…
After dinner, he brought you out to the parking lot, supposedly to drive you home. But he smirked and guided you into the backseat, where he pulled you onto his lap and kissed you like you were the only oxygen in the entire world.
It wasn’t long until you were a tangle of limbs and tongues and teeth. Akaashi had pulled your dress and bra down, your pebbled nipple caught in his mouth. He had pulled his cock out of his pants and shoved it inside you, pushing your panties aside and thrusting into you in one fell swoop. 
God, you were pretty like this. You were pretty always, Keiji couldn’t deny that. But your face was heated from the pleasure. Your dress was hiked up around your waist. One of your tits was hanging out of your dress. And fuck you felt so good wrapped around him, your hands perched on his shoulders as you awkwardly rode him in the back seat of his car. 
“Keiji…” you whined, the tone of your voice betraying just how good it felt to have him inside you. “I’m… so… close…”
Akaashi only hummed his approval against your nipple. He wouldn’t dare stop now. Not when you were right on the cusp of coming on him in the middle of this parking garage. Fuck, you were so hot. He kept rolling his hips to meet yours as you rode him, his tongue delicately swirling around your nipple. 
What you didn’t see was Akaashi locking eyes with the man who interrupted your date earlier. Your eyes were screwed shut and your head was thrown back in as you reached your peak. So your ex knew it was you, but you never got a chance to see him. 
As the guy walked away, Akaashi let go of your nipple and replaced his mouth with his hand, his thumb circling your peak. “That’s it,” he whispered. “That’s my girl.”
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kabr0ztrousers · 2 days ago
Hello, how you doing ?
I've been stalking your blog for a while now, and finally gathered the courage to send a resquest (if you don't like it, feel free to ignore or change it).
So here's my idea: Reader comes from a family that offers their daughters to the creatures of the forest (i was thinking maybe a male harpy ?), but Reader ran away when it was her time to be taken, she moved into a big city and hid there for years.
Now she is back in her old city for some reason (maybe her sister just had a baby and she wants to see if said baby is a girl too) and her mate is looking foward to get what's rightfully his.
Kabr0z Writes episode 59: Sacrifice
Find the rest of the Kabr0z Writes anthology here!
CWs: noncon; dubcon; receiving cunnilingus; tentacles; abduction; hypnosis; mind control; parasites;
A/N: I'm taking a few liberties with the queue again, otherwise we'd have a couple of feral stories in a row. So, hellhound anon, you'll get your story in tomorrow's catch-up double feature!
As always, if you have any requests for scenarios or kinks you'd like me to explore, drop an ask or a DM, anf it'll go in the queue!
You passed the city gates. You'd not been back for years, for good reason. When your family is a hinge of the local cult, it's less than ideal. As the eldest daughter, your fate was to be given to the so-called gods living under the city. Being a sacrifice to a horror you'd never seen wasn't your speed, so you ran. An ocean away, you hid.
That was a decade ago now. You'd never intended to come back, but you heard the news. Lily had a daughter. You'd made her promise you she'd never have a child, she'd break the line and never subject her own to the beast below. Maybe she never had a choice. Either way, you had a job to do. The plan was simple: you'd been in touch with Lily since you made landfall, first mailing her a sending slab, then using the paired tablets to convey codes messages etched in the wax surface. Tonight was the night. You'd meet her in a cistern under the main square where she'd give you her child, Holly. Baby in tow, you'd get out of the city that night using a Ring of Recall you had tuned to your home. Once you were safe, far across the Sea of Stars, you'd raise your adoptive daughter.
She'd never know the importance of her bloodline, or the terrible fate she'd been spared.
You jumped from the cart you rode in on, the less the people you trusted to get you here knew, the better. Worst case scenario they think you're a thief or something on a heist. In a way, that's precisely what you were. Your first stop was an alms-house you knew about. Old, run down, a den of disease and suffering the gentry and the guards all ignored. Nobody's asking questions about who comes and goes from there, even less in the dead of night. The perfect place to lay low until the right time. You took the opportunity while there to swipe a blanket or two. You weren't worried about disease, potions are cheap enough, and you only needed it to cover you from the grotty lodgings to the network of sewers and drains under the city.
So you sat. In that stinking hovel. Turning the enchanted copper ring that would get you home over and over in your fingers. It was probably worth more than the building you hid in, but only you new that. Lily had advised you to get one made, getting it bound to a spot so far away wasn't cheap, but it was doable and you'd paid for the best you could get.
The appointed hour drew close. Covered in blankets, affecting a hunch, you scurried down an alleyway to a loose grate. Amazing how nothing ever gets fixed in the bad parts of town, even after so long. The pile of blankets muffled you closing the grate behind you before stealing into the dark. You knew these tunnels. They were your favourite haunts as a teen, playing with your little sister, fantasising about getting away and growing old together. You both knew it couldn't ever be. The cistern was your home from home. You hung sheets from the ceiling once upon a time, dividing the upper level into rooms of sorts. The grating making up the floor stayed dry enough and with some blankets and rugs didn't even hurt your feet to walk on.
It was like you'd never left.
The blankets were still vibrantly coloured, if a little rat-gnawed at the bottom edges. Your blankets were gone, so you could see through the grate to the dark water glinting below, but you knew the layout.
Lily waited for you in the centre of the cistern, under the grate in the pavement that led straight down, the moonlight hitting her in a silvery beam as she cradled a swaddled bundle in her arms.
"Lily, it's me" you whispered.
Your sister turned. You could see her robe was open at the front, the infant in her arms latched onto a breast. Your eyes drew down to her belly, round and gravid
"You have another one on the way?" That wasn't part of the plan "I think I can recall with you both, but I'm not sure... Why didn't you tell me?"
Lily stood there. Silent as the grave. She started to chuckle "Put on your ring"
"What? That'll take me home, I need you to pass me Holly so she'll be safe"
Lily didn't meet your gaze as she handed you her baby. The infant fussed in your arms as her mother's milk was taken away
"I'll come back for you. I'll bring another ring." You put on the ring.
The world swam. You saw, for a moment, the morning sun of your home, but when it cleared you were back in the cistern, clutching the child. The ring was on your finger. It nearly worked. Why didn't it work?
Lily took the baby from you and looked into your eyes.
You screamed.
When you were kids, her eyes were hazel. The colour of evening sunlight on dry grass in a heatwave. Now they were a milky blue-white. Pinhole pupils stared into you.
"When you ran, they made sure to protect me. The masters wanted me to be their sacrifice, but I needed to keep the blood. When Holly was born, I became ready, but someone needed to take her place."
A wet hand grabbed you from behind. You tried to spin and hit it, but your head was still light and you stumbled. You fell to your knees, cutting your hands on the floor grating as a hand closed around your throat.
It hauled you up. You looked into the cruel amber eyes, wide glowing orbs set in a twisted face. It didn't have a nose, or brow ridge, its head was pointed like the mantle of a squid or a cuttlefish, but the most striking part was where its mouth would be. Instead of a jaw, there was a mass of squirming, writhing tentacles. It hissed at you as you glared at it, kicking the air, trying to break the iron grip on you.
It waved its other hand. Your clothing unravelled. The sending slab clattered to the ground, the ring still inert on your finger, everything else fell in rags to the grating below you. Being naked wasn't going to deter you. You clawed and scratched at its face and the arm holding you, nails sliding off the slimy skin.
It threw you. You slammed into a sheet and slid to the floor. It fell upon you. You were pinned.
A slick pair of hands prised open your legs. Your ankles were pressed either side of your ears. The tentacled face lowered to your cunt. The tendrils brushed against your sensitive skin as you tried to twist away from it. The first pushed into you, sliding between the lips of your cunt as it tasted you. The rest followed, squirming tentacles filling you, probing your insides. You could feel your body reacting, getting wetter and wetter as the unbidden orgasm built in your belly. You squirmed and whined, bent double by the unbreakable grip, a monster eating your pussy, not caring if you wanted it or not. Fleshy appendages squirming over every inch of your cunt, inside and out. It filled every corner with activity, from the probing at your cervix to the massaging of your clit. Every whimper, every twitch, it made sure to keep up, building your release higher and higher by the moment.
It finally let you cum. You felt yourself squirt into the wall of tentacles assaulting your pussy. More and more liquid sprayed from you as you moaned and cried, your legs shaking and toes curling. The monster didn't stop. It didn't even pause.
Over and over your aching body was forced to cum, each orgasm driving the fight from you as it wore you out. By the time it stopped, you were a gasping, panting pile of limbs. Your squirt dripping from between your legs and down into the city water supply far below you.
The monster reached into its sleeve and withdrew a wriggling leech-like creature. One hand held the lips of your cunt open as it dropped the squirming creature on your soaked pussy. It moved up you. Half-burrowing, half-swimming, it slid between the clenching walls of your cunt even as you tried to force it out. You tried to scream as you felt it pushing up your cervix, but all that came out was a lewd moan as your twitching cunt slammed shut over and over, driving itself closer and closer to another orgasm.
You felt it pressing into the wall of your womb, a stinging pressure as it drilled into the soft flesh. As soon as it stopped digging in to you, you felt a warmth pulsing from it. The pain in your belly turned to a pleasant numbness. The ache in your cunt and your stinging clit became a throbbing buzz. Your head spun again, getting lighter and lighter until it happened.
You clenched on air. Your legs shook harder as your heels planted, driving your hips upwards into a lover that wasn't there.
You couldn't stop it. You wouldn't want to. Over and over you came, the leech's secretions lighting your nerves on fire, flooding you with endorphins. The room defocused and your tongue hung from your mouth as you rolled this way and that. Your cunt leaked a cocktail of blood, girlcum, and the thick secretions of the parasite driving you mad.
A part of you knew what happens now. You'd seen the fate that befell the other women this happened to. The secretions from the leech would fertilise your womb, over and over. Every month you'd spill forth more of the leeches. The strongest would be chosen and either implanted into another woman, or allowed to squirm into a man's ear, turning him into another of the tentacled gods.
You knew your fate. The hated destiny of all of the eldest daughters of your line.
You couldn't be happier.
Postscript: Yeah, the bonus points for this was a harpy, but I went for the horrifying not-illithid cult instead. Maybe they'll be a thing going forwards, maybe they'll be another one-and-done. I do prefer the awful tadpole queen idea rather than elderbrains just crapping out more tadpoles, though wish I'd come up with something better than just ripping off ceramorphosis for making the drones.
Either way, hope you enjoyed, Anon, and again if anyone had any requests they wanted to send in, my hard limits are in the pinned, beyond that have fun
Post-postscript: I hope the exposition at the tail end didn't kill the mood either, I just couldn't think of a good way to shoehorn that in, and it felt too hot to just miss out entirely.
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hrrtshape · 3 days ago
you're right but what if an oppressed raced person is changing into a race not so oppressed, like what if an indian changes to white?? also because of internalized self hate for their skin, which is a by product of decades of racism (def not talking about me)
link for context
ok see, this is where it gets even more complicated (fawk!!!!). because now we’re not just talking about aesthetics or "ooh i wanna be a cute anime girl" race-changing. now we’re talking about internalised racism and how shifting interacts with real-world trauma, self-image, and generational wounds
if an oppressed person shifts into being white it’s… a different conversation than, say, a white person shifting into being black for fun. because now it’s not about exoticising or fetishising. it’s about escaping. and that’s where the why really matters.
because if someone is shifting into whiteness because they’ve been made to feel ugly, unworthy, or lesser because of their own race...… that’s not a fun little shifting scenario anymore!!!! that’s a deeply painful reality that colonialism, beauty standards, and systemic racism have built over centuries. and if shifting is the one place where they can experience life without those burdens, i understand why they’d want that.
but at the same time… it’s still worth questioning. like, will shifting into whiteness actually heal those feelings? or will it just reinforce them? because if someone starts to feel happier or more "free" only when they’re white in their drs, that could actually make their cr experience worse (unless they're permashifting. but still. i feel like it'd be like the vanishing half (if anyone hasn't read it, highly recommend!!!). it could deepen the self-hate rather than resolve it
so i wouldn’t judge someone for doing it, because trauma makes people seek relief however they can. but i would want them to ask themselves: is this a band-aid or a cure? because shifting doesn’t erase the real-world issues that made them feel that way in the first place. it just pauses them. and when they come back to their cr (unless you permashift. although that's a whole other discussion. would it haunt you in all of your drs? i'm not too sure), those feelings are still waiting.
also, if anyone is thinking about race-changing because of self-hate, my heart just fully goes out to them <3333333333❤️💗💗💗💗💓 because no one deserves to feel that way about themselves. shifting is infinite, but so is healing
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angrycloudloud · 6 hours ago
(i'll use my ocs again)
Devi was laying on her bed, reading some important papers about some nonesense thing her council wanted to approve while her sister, the Queen, was away doing anything but her job.
Adam was out on a date, her knight was usually not fond of letting her "alone" in the palace, but she pushed him away. They've broke Up their engagement so long ago, and Adam was madly in love with that stupid vampire... Adam needed that date and she needed to be alone.
What could go wrong if she was planning on staying inside her chambers reading boring papers?
Never ask those things when people calls you and your sister "the three times cursed", the best that could go wrong is finding yourself flying between the claws of a dragon or kidnap to be use as an example or... Like right now, tied with a shadow like a pig.
"What do you think you are doing?" Devi asked to the dark figure controling the shadows.
"My stupid friend is missing and someone told me he was seeing last with your knight," the figure talked and Devi frowned confused looking at the beautiful woman that was hidden under the black Cape of shadows. "So now i'm taking you with me to lure your knight-boyfriend to my place so i can have my stupid vampire back."
"Wait! Adam isn't my fiancé anymore!" Devi tried to explain to the girl that was taking her towards the portal of shadows she used to get inside Devi's chambers. "He is dating Jade! He is dating your friend!"
The other girl stopped, frown and pushed Devi through the portal. An undignified scream escaped the princess before se fell into a bed. A big soft dark bed. The sheets were too velvet-ish for Devi's likeness but the dark red almost black colour were somehow, elegant.
The other girl fell next to her sitting on the edge of the bed, with a smirk. She was pale, almost as pale as Devi who sometimes was described as snow pale, this girl was cadaver pale, her eyes were black, at least her iris and her hair was also dark as the night... Not like Devi who has her hair as pale as her skin and her eyes were a soft blue that almost always looked like a soft grey.
And then Devi saw the crest of the lost kingdom royal family. The haunted kingdom of the cursed god. Great, of all people Who could have kidnap Devi, the princess of the most dangerous place on her world wasn't the most ideal.
"You say your Adam knight is dating my idiot?" The princess asked Devi, with that smirk. Devi felt the shadows fade and her hands were free again.
"Yes, my knight ex is dating your vampire idiot" Devi frowned again, caressing her wrists looking mad at the menace with a title sitting next to her.
"i thought you and him..." the other princess rised her eyebrow and Devi sighed looking at the tall cealing.
"we are friends, i was confused, he liked me more than i liked him, so when he met your friend i broke our engagement and they started dating." Devi explained leaving out her secret.
"So...he likes both of you?" The princess asked standing up looking at Devi.
"No the same way, and i don't..."
"ummm..." the princess looked like she could see the secret in Devi's eyes, probably wasn't that difficult since she was exactly Devi's type. "Since i'm still getting you kidnap because neither Jade nor your knight ex asked me if Jade could date a knight from another kingdom..." The girl said offering her hands to Devi. "Why don't we know each other better? My name is Sombra, i'm the princess of the lost cursed kingdom and..." She took Devi's hands missing the back with that playful smirk. "... i'm like your ex fiancé, i like boys and girls. Just so you have all valuable information of your kidnapper." Sombra joked and Devi blushed.
Fine, maybe being kidnap by another princess wasn't that bad. Not when she had cool shadow powers, was beautiful as a goddess and was clearly flirting with Devi.
As a princess, you've been kidnapped by all manner of people; dragons, wizards, other kings—it's just part of the job description. But never before have you been kidnapped by... another princess?
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nessabarrettswhore · 2 days ago
༄༉‧₊˚..☘︎ ݁˖ 𝒟𝒜𝑅𝐿𝐼𝒩𝒢, 𝐼. . .
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in which.. soft!chris and sweet!reader meet for the first time.
includes ; intended lowercase , swearing , fluff ?
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monday mornings. the worst day of the week — no argument. i mean, who wakes up and chooses to be happy on a monday? nobody that you know of, that’s for sure. the only great thing about the monday morning right now, is the fact you’re outfit looks great. perfect even.
the outfit is a pink, frilly skirt with a white corset. it’s complimented with lacy thigh high socks, pink bows in your hair, and a silk choker around your neck. the charm in the middle has the initial of your mom, the gesture being a cute reminder of how much that woman appreciates you. your makeup was light, the blush drawing most of the attention. the clean girl routine you kept was so pretty, always received compliments for that shit. people adored you and your makeup, considering the reputation you held in your collage. you were known as a respectful person, with a great attitude and manners towards others. basically, the perfect person in their eyes.
this monday was no different, your free period being next. it was a reminder that you could leave this hellhole for a moment, catch some fresh air and grab a coffee — as long as you signed yourself back in. that was everyone’s biggest fear, not signing yourself in and out, then getting into trouble. luckily, that hadn’t happened to you at all.
when you had signed yourself out, you grabbed your little lanyard on the way out and tucked it into the side of your skirt so it wasn’t in the way. it was always so annoying, the stupid plastic wrapped around your neck — ruining the outfit completely. that’s why you just started tucking it somewhere in your outfit, still visible, barely.
the walk to the coffee shop was short, but calming. the crisp air of the spring morning was refreshing, allowing you to enjoy the tranquility of the moment. there were rarely days like this, so in your eyes it was a sign this day would go very well. the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and it wasn’t even cold! if it wasn’t monday, it could be considered the perfect day in your eyes.
when she entered the small, comfy cafe, the lady at the counter greeted you with a welcoming smile, recognizing you from the multiple times you came here. it was sweet really, a gesture that not many people would care about.. but you? you cared. it was cute, knowing people cared enough to recognize you, and be kind at that. “your regular?” the girl asked, tilting her head to the side.
with a nod, you respond, voice ever so sweet and gentle. “yes, please! how’s the morning going so far?” you ask, the question earning a sigh from the woman in front of you.
“awful — i mean, the people that have entered are either rude, snobby or just demanding. it’s tiring, but you’ve just made my day so much better! how’s school going for you, sweetheart?” she explains, her tone changing as she speaks the last words. the lady was always kind to you, so that’s a plus.
you shake your head, baby pink nails tapping on the counter as she begins preparing the drink for you. “i’m so sorry to hear that, but i’m glad to make your day better! school’s been awesome, photography is going great. i’m actually working on a project right n—“ a light shove cuts you off, jolting you a little into the counter.
the stranger immediately looks back, a guilty look on his face. “oh shit— i’m so sorry. didn’t mean to hit ya’ then.” he apologized, a light smile on his face. he was dressed in a baby blue hoodie — one that caught your attention immediately. he paired it with some baggy jeans, the ones you tend to see in the local thrift store. his sneakers matched the outfit, making your little mind happy. good, at least he knows how to style an outfit.
you fixate on his hair, the messy brown curls moving slightly at the wind of the open door. “uh— it’s okay, no need to apologize! m’bad if i was in the way.” your voice lightens, a grin on your face as his eyes meet yours. you’ve never seen him before, which is weird considering you knew basically everyone around.
“i’m just clumsy, y’weren’t in the way. i like the outfit by the way, we’re kinda matching. got some fuckin’ cotton candy stuff goin’ on.” the boy chuckles, gesturing to the outfit you had on. most people complimented your style, however this felt different.
“thank you! and yeah, we’re matching. that’s so cool! i love your hoodie, fresh love? that’s a nice name.” you speak, the smile still absolutely smeared across your lips. it’s like you’ve just fallen in love again. with a stranger.
he nods, running his eyes up and down your body. his eyes linger on your chest, then your waist, back up to your chest then finally your eyes. damn, it’s like he thought you wouldn’t notice. “y—yeah.” he brings his eyes back over your outfit again, shamelessly this time. “my name’s chris, by the way. your’s?”
you laugh slightly, watching his eyes move all over your body. “nevaeh.”
“nevaeh.” he repeats, clicking his tongue. “pretty name. suits you, y’know?” chris compliments, landing — and keeping his eyes on yours. his boston accent was thick, making him sound cute pronouncing your name.
you blush, thanking the makeup for covering it up. “t- thanks. you from around here?” you ask, trying to switch up the conversation, turning slightly to see the lady finishing your coffee.
“ah, no. i’m from boston, but we came to los angeles to see some shit. like- family business i think? don’t ask me, i dunno any-fucking-thing.” he sighs, bringing the glass bottle of pepsi to his lips.
you hum, watching him take a drink. fuck, his lips look so kissable. “uh-huh. i could tell, the boston accent pretty strong then?” a small giggle leaves your lips, causing him to raise an eyebrow.
“what? it’s not that funny.” chris smiles, swashing the drink around his mouth and swallowing, his adam’s apple bopping as the drink travelled down his throat. that was pretty hot actually.
“nothing, nothing. uh- my drink’s ready.” you shrug, turning around and grabbing the drink lightly from her hands. “thank you.” you say, moving the hair out of your face and taking a sip. you pull out your card from your purse, pressing it against the card reader.
chris leans back against the wall, waiting for you to finish. once you do, he takes a step towards you. “what drink did y’get? it’s pink.” the boy comments, screwing his face up at the pink liquid in your hands.
“it’s a pink drink, actually.” you correct him, your tone playful, teasing him. of course he’s just gonna say, ‘i know.’ you’ve had that before. most people think you’re taking the piss, but that’s the actual name! their just stupid.
instead of the usual comment, he licks his bottom lip, tilting his head to the side as the both of you start walking out. “can i try some?” he asks.
normally you would say no, as sharing drinks is either weird, or flirting in your eyes. it was gross, and you can get germs from that! you don’t know what he’s done with that mouth, do you? however, this time was different. you were starting to like this stranger, chris. so you simply said, “sure.” and handed him the drink.
he took a sip, wiping the straw afterwards and handing it back to you, he wiped his lips too, swallowing the drink. “that shit is great, kid. pink drink, right?”
“i know! best drink i’ve ever had, no doubt.” you agree, taking your own sip of the drink. “pepsi y’thing then?” you question, jerking your head towards the delicate glass bottle in his hands.
he nodded, swishing it around. “yep. best drink i’ve ever had, no doubt.” chris laughs, bringing the bottle to his lips again. he was funny, using your own words as a joke. yeah, you could totally see yourself being friends with him.
“cool, cool.” you reply casually, meeting his eyes again. “earlier you said ‘we came to los angeles.’ who were you talking about? your parents?”
he grins, shaking his head. “nope, they’re back in boston. i’m talking about my triplet brothers — nick and matt. y’remind me of matt, actually.” the boy explained, taking a swig of his drink.
“triplets? holy— that’s sick! I assume matt’s the quiet one then? i mean, i’m pretty quiet.” your eyes widen, taking in the words coming out of his mouth. twins is one thing, but triplets? you’ve never met a triplet before, so this was cool!
he nods, shrugging his shoulders casually. “pretty much, yeah. nick’s the chatty one, who never shuts the fuck up. he’s also the oldest one, shockingly. matt’s a bit quiet, but he’s like actually the most mature one out of us three.” chris rambled, the sun shining on his head, making his brown locks stand out. “i’m the youngest. by a few minutes.”
“dammnn..” you whistle, adjusting a bow that almost fell out your hair. “i like people like nick though, people who don’t shut up are mostly funny humans. shocking that you’re the youngest. i mean— don’t take this the wrong way but you look mature, so..”
his eyes fall onto you as you play with your hair, the bow flopping around, making you look childish. “i’m 21. people say i look pretty young though, which is weird. I’ll take yours as a compliment though, i don’t want to look young forever.” he chuckles.
“21? wait! we’re like, two years apart. I’m 19.” you smile, removing your hands from your hair as the bow fixes itself and goes back to it’s original spot. “i don’t think y’look young. i mean— the boys in my university look like babies.”
“you go to university? that’s cool. i didn’t expect you to be nineteen actually, i was pretty scared you were like— young. thank god you aren’t.” he jokes, laughing.
nevaeh raises an eyebrow. “you don’t go to university? that’s different.” the girl comments, not in a rude way, but more intrigued than anything. she laughs at his comment, shaking her head.
“yea— i do social media. nothing special though.” he speaks nonchalantly, hiding the fact he had 7 million subscribers on his youtube with his brothers. “i’m jus’ a beginner, y’know?” he adds, making him sound super new to all this stuff.
you tilt her head to the side, furrowing her brows. “lies. you sound like you’re lying!” you jab your finger into his chest, looking up at him.
“n— fine.” he groans, removing her finger from his chest lightly. “i might have a lot of subscribers.” he admits, defeat in his eyes. “like— seven million.”
you steps back a little bit, gasping, her jaw dropping. “seven million?” you whisper yells, not wanting to draw attention to the pair. “you’re cool, i like you.” you grin, shaking your head, the bouncy hair from your head moving around.
“but like— don’t tell anyone. m’supposed to be meeting with my brothers right now.” he whispers, stepping towards you again.
when he mentions meeting his brothers, you check the time on your phone and your face darkens. CLASS! “holy fuck— i need to go. like.. right now.”
“class? come on, i’ll take you.” he chuckles, watching you stress over a silly class. chris steps closer towards you, putting a hand on your back and moving you with him. “don’t wanna be late, huh?”
you blush — again. the feeling of his hands on you bring you a slight.. hope? hope that maybe you actually can be friends, although you’re still freaking out he just casually dropped that he’s a famous youtuber. “i- yeah.. um, okay. can you be quick though?”
the two move quickly, walking at a fast pace. chris’s hand remains on your back the whole time — keeping you in place beside him. it’s like he didn’t want to let go, because he’d loose you forever. he’s never fallen in love, never wanted to. okay — he’d see lots of pretty girls all the time, but this was different. be could feel himself falling in love with a stranger he’d just met like 25 minutes ago.
once you two arrive at your university entrance, he immediately brings you into a hug, wrapping his arms around your waist. it’s like he’d been waiting for this moment ever since he laid his eyes on your waist.
“bye, stranger.” you mumble into his neck, adjusting to the body pressed against you. it was weird, it was just so all of a sudden. super weird. however, you weren’t complaining.
“bye, nevaeh.”
shit. you keep falling in love.
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maisiespeaks : sooo.. this is my first fic please lmk if this is shit, i just don’t feel comfy writing smut. also this felt like 10 years writing this haha 😭. should i make a taglist or something??
divider credits to the lovely @dollywons 🤍.
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16 notes · View notes
organic-song · 2 days ago
actually adwaith are playing here on my bday which would be cool but idk if there are tickets left and also idk if anyone would be free to come with
0 notes
archivalofsins · 3 days ago
Thanks @doctorbunny for helping me find the source to answer this,
"Is it said that the staff thought Mahiru would be forgiven in trial one, or?"
Well not by the entire staff but Yamanaka and Deco themselves said they hadn't anticipated Mahiru being found guilty within the Milgram Second Anniversary Stream that was translated by Maristelina,
Yamanaka: Ahh… I don’t know about Deco-san, but in my mind I kind of had a hunch about if this person would be forgiven, or if they wouldn’t be forgiven. I was wrong about 2 people. Amami: Wow, two people? Lounsbery: Can we ask who? Yamanaka: Hmm what should I do? Maybe just one… hm, what to do? Lounsbery: We want to know at least one Yamanaka: Should I do it? What should I do… Umm Amami: Hey, tell us Yamanaka: Um… Mahiru Amami: Oh… Mahiru-chan Lounsbery: Did it surprise you? Yamanaka: Well, not surprised per se, but I pictured that she would be forgiven in the beginning. How about you Deco-san? From a composer perspective. Like did you have a feel for whether a song would lean towards being forgiven, or not forgiven?
This is also the same livestream where they assert that the prisoners cover songs are unrelated,
Deco: Mahiru. Amami: So it’s Mahiru Deco: I thought the result would be the opposite. It was unexpected. The song itself was cheerful, cute, a girl in love. Amami: The comments are saying her voice drama was scary Deco: I guess she has this something that’s seeping out of her, and that’s scaring people. Amami: I’ve been told that it’s unrelated, but I’m pretty sure her cover song is also influencing the results. Yamanaka: It’s totally unrelated. Deco: Covers of Deco*27’s songs are completely unrelated. Unrelated.
So, neither Yamanaka or Deco expected Mahiru to be found guilty trial one but they also didn't anticipate one other prisoner getting the verdict they received trial one. Yamanaka and Deco noted this in regards to Milgram,
Deco: We’ll talk more about the second trial later, but I just want to say that it’s so fun to produce contents for Milgram. We receive votes from everyone who’s sending us comments right now, and we come up with new ideas based on those votes. Milgram isn’t only made by the people sitting here, but also by the viewers. I felt it’s a very fresh take, and I had a lot of fun Yamanaka: We can’t prepare the screenplay or music beforehand. It really feels like a free-style rap based on the answers we get from everyone. Amami: True true Deco: It’s a lot of hard work Yamanaka: Like if that’s how you’re gonna come at us, then we’ll add these factors in. I have that side to me and I’m sure Deco-san does too, like adding new information or setting. That’s also a part of the fun over the last two years.
Milgram has been very reactionary in hindsight. It's kind of funny to look back on this livestream now,
Lounsbery: I really think writing scenarios is a difficult job. Plus people speculate and write their own theories on how things are going to turn out. Do you ever feel like you never want to make those theories come true? Yamanaka: Yup. The story progression has already been decided though. Lounsbery: Of course Yamanaka: It’s already been decided, and most of the time I already have a feel for how people are going to guess, and what kind of speculation will be born. But there are times when I see something that comes from a completely different angle, and I feel tempted to direct the story that way because it’s so interesting. That’s how diverse the minds of our audience are from all walks of life and various parts of the world, and I feel great value in our contents.
There were also more discussions on the prisoners verdicts some highlights to me are,
Yamanaka: Arthur-sensei, what was your view on Milgram? Yamanaka: Arthur-sensei, what was your view on Milgram? Lounsbery: I think it comes down to, “Ah, so this person is forgiven while this person isn’t?” I had a lot of thoughts about that. We can see the changes in the votes in real time, so I wondered at what point did people have changes of heart. At first you can have this person with majority votes, but before you realize, the other person has more votes. I’m guessing that’s due to everyone changing their minds as the speculations are updated. I want to peek into the thoughts of everyone who follows the websites that post speculations and theories. Like why did they decide they could no longer forgive certain issues.
"It’s ok for everyone else but not for me."
Yamanaka: But was there anything that turned out differently than you expected? Deco: Kotoko has a scene in her MV that shows her clearly beating someone, yet she was the most forgiven character, and that was unexpected for me. Like, why?
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24/07/05 (Mu’s Birthday)
Mu: You know, I think this is all your fault really. Everyone’s on edge because you lashed out. And because of that, nobody’s paying attention to me any more. It’s kinda boring. I don’t get it. Kotoko: ……you went out of you way to say that to my face? Aren’t you scared of me? The next target of my fangs might be you. Mu: Why? Kotoko-san, aren’t you punishing the bad guys? I didn’t do anything wrong. And anyway, fufu, you’re talking like you’re fine too. Aren’t you gonna be not forgiven too this time? What will you do then?Start biting yourself? Fufu, that’s hilarious. I want to watch. Kotoko: ……you’re good at provoking people. I’ll pray that you won’t be forgiven this time. When that time comes, I’ll be sure to crush you.
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"But, I must say, the current situation within this prison is directly influenced by the fact that she was once found “innocent”."
Yamanaka: Like Deco-san mentioned earlier, instead of those with blatant depictions like Haruka and Kotoko, those without any depictions, like Mahiru, are less likely to be forgiven. It’s interesting how people approach Milgram
"What I saw was... Just you having fun."
I'm sure you were in love. Your feelings of bliss were conveyed to me as well. "Right? It was really fun- Did it make you want to fall in love?" No clue about that one. "Heh, you're so cold~. So, how... does that correlate to me not being forgiven?"
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It was so unexpected that there's an error in the second trial commencement notice that literally contradicts itself by saying,
"Your judgment was “guilty”, and as such, her ideas were affirmed. Because she was found “guilty”, she’s lost the raison d’etre of her own existence."
So yeah those are all the reasons I'm pretty sure they didn't expect Mahiru to be guilty trial one.
What do you think a Trial 1 Innocent Mahiru would be like?
I know this is going to be short but if anyone wants to know what a trial one innocent Mahiru would look like they just have to look at Mu. I was discussing this in a server I'm in but there are three choices when it comes to the prisoners verdicts,
Say nothing (Don't engage. Leave them be.) Guilty/Don't Forgive (Reject, Restrict, Restrain.) Innocent/Forgive (Accept, Affirm, Allow.)
Due to the ways in which the audience choose to engage with Milgram there are a lot of possible paths that are for lack of a better term lost to us now. For instance we never got to find out what would happen if Es just shut the hell up and didn't give a judgment on certain prisoners as they were told to do by many prisoners.
I think that we will be seeing the aftermath of enabling certain characters behavior twice in a row more clearly once the commencement notice drops.
Since as we saw trial one the Innocent/Forgive verdict doesn't just give the character leniency and show mercy too them but validates if not outright states to them that the behavior that led to that predicament is okay.
We saw this with Haruka,
"It is. I felt uneasy about it this whole time… Someone as worthless as me having killed someone to gain attention, and a person who surely had more worth and more of a future than me, at that…" … "But it turns out that I did nothing wrong after all! It wasn't wrong of me to kill her! There was never anything for me to worry about…!"
"…um… um, by the way Warden-san! I don't know about this, but…" What? "You forgave me because I'd only given the bullies their just desserts, right?" … Well… I guess so. "What was it called again… Revenge… Revenge? That means revenge is an acceptable motive, right? So if you don't forgive me this time, that'd mean that it isn't." … "Leaving behind all that stuff you said about me possibly having been a bully myself- not that any of that's true, of course!" Sure. "So, if I'd gotten payback for how my bullies treated me, then that'd count as revenge, right? And if you believe that was my only option, then don't you have to forgive me?" …uh… I'm not really sure what you're trying to say… "You see~, if you think that me bullying someone back after being bullied is the natural course of action, then wouldn't it be bad to bully me back in return?" … "But if you were like, "I won't forgive you Muu! Revenge is bad!" then wouldn't that imply that it's also bad for me to bully someone back after they bullied me?"
Mu you said it was okay for me to bully people who bullied me when you voted me innocent first trial. If you had said you didn't forgive me then you'd have said that revenge is bad. Yet, the fact is you forgave me so revenge is good so it's acceptable for me to bully people who have bullied me. You're verdict said that is the correct course of action so if you bully me now then you'll deserve exactly what happens after that right?
"If you want to betray from jealousy- You know what’s gonna happen ON YOU."/ "Is this fun for you? Tying me up, bullying me, watching me suffer. You’re just like the others, getting mad because I was lucky in life and thinking you can treat me however you want."
and Kotoko through her attacks on the prisoners.
However in the case of Yuno, Shidou, and Kazui their responses to their verdicts were treated as vague. In Shidou's case his response to his verdict wasn't really that vague. He just did what he said he'd do if he was forgiven continue what he was doing regardless of how meaningless it was.
Kotoko's attacks allowed Shidou to showcase how he hadn't changed one bit as he weighed lives against each other. Deciding who was salvageable and who was a lost cause,
It's been a while, Shidou. "Orbital floor fracture on the right." Hm? "Traumatic retinal detachment. Bruising. Lacerations. Partial fracture of the thorax." ... "This is Kajiyama-kun's present condition." Futa's...
"“Throw down”, someone’s value cannot be the same as another. “Throw down” should choose between superiority or inferiority."
23/10/24 (Shidou’s Birthday)
Mahiru: You have a family right, Shidou-san……? How does it feel, being married, having kids……? Shidou: ……yeah, it’s a wonderful thing. Children…… yeah. They really are hope for the future. When you have your own, suddenly it becomes fun growing old. Since as you grow older, you get to see them grow up. Mahiru: Ah…… how lovely. It was always my dream to become a bride. Though maybe that seems a bit out-dated. I wish it could’ve come true…… Shidou: It isn’t too late. I’m going to make sure you live. So let’s get out of here, and you make your wish come true. ……you still have so much to live for.
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"You don’t even know yet, and yet... Killing, extracting, I still won’t see them again I need to be tagged as RED."
Shidou's Aesculapius
Shiina-kun's is even worse. Head lacerations. Bruising all over her body. A sprained neck. Fractured ribs. Further fracturing to the left arm. And furthermore... This may be outside my profession, but her mental health is deteriorating as well."
"So this is unpleasant, so this makes me sick- What do you mean INNOCENT"
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"If this is my punishment. Now I see, this world is cruel and merciless."
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"“Throw down” it’s ok, that’s enough Can’t stay away Please don’t forgive me. That’s why I want this to end."
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"I’m still guilty even if the morning comes."/"No thank you, it’s none of your concern."
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"[Cackling] Not dead... yeah she's definitely not dead... I finally understand the value of what I've been robbing people of."
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"To keep you alive, you are still living."/ "Killing, extracting, I still won’t see them again."
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"Lying, replacing with hope."/ "The correct answer, I don’t yet know, but there are lives that need safeguarding."
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noun 1a : pass, safe-conduct b: convoy, escort 2a: a precautionary measure, stipulation, or device b: a technical contrivance to prevent accident safeguard verb safeguarded; safeguarding; safeguards transitive verb 1: to provide a safeguard for 2: to make safe : protect
24/09/02 (Yuno’s Birthday)
Shidou: Thank you for your assistance with Shiina-kun’s treatment. It’s been a big help having you here. Both for her and for me. It’s good to know that even if something happens to me, you’ll still be around. Yuno: No way. I can’t do anything on my own. All I’m doing is helping with whatever you’re doing. It’s just like playing pretend as a nurse. Shidou: No, you’ve got a good sense for things like this. You’re quick to notice things, calm, and fearless. If you haven’t decided what you want to be in the future, maybe you should consider becoming a doctor yourself. Yuno: You think so? ……haha, stop it. I don’t want to be thinking about the future right now. And for someone like me to have other people’s lives in my hands…… that’s no laughing matter.
Honestly the audience is lucky they only managed to recreate three of the prisoners crimes. We could've gone ten for ten-
23/05/15 (Interrogation Start: Shidou and Mahiru)
Jackalope: Prisoner 05, Shidou Prisoner 06, Mahiru. The interrogations for these two will now be held. Just leave your questions in the comments here. Ask whatever you want to know. This is where you show off your skills as a prison guard. ……hmmm. These two have now totally slipped into the roles of doctor and patient huh. It probably isn’t a good time to be getting interrogated for them…… but, well, it’s the rule.
Let's give the guy in here for malpractice another patient he definitely wouldn't do the same thing again,
"“Throw down” it’s ok, that’s enough. Can’t stay away."
He definitely would not take advantage of another person having a medical emergency. He did not have a documented history of doing anything like that to other people's family. Definitely not.
"Hey, you remember what it feels like? The feeling to take away in order to give."
Shidou began focusing all his energy into recreating the dynamic of doctor and patient that led to the crimes he committed to be here in the first place.
Once again over tending to his plants until they died,
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Smothering them with care the same exact way the prisoner paired with him smothered others with her affection. Showing no regard for how her feelings and the way she expressed them impacted those around her,
"My emotions are out of control, that’s inconvenient? I don’t care! Tell me, oh tell me why, won’t you just accept me?"
Somehow creating what could possibly be most the fitting end for both of these characters their interaction leading to their mutual destruction.
Though that's just what I believe happened. Hell maybe he had nothing to do with it. I have no attachment to any of these characters leaving here with a stellar reputation regardless of how they leave if at all. But what does this have to do with Mahiru being innocent trial one?
I'm building a bit of a case study on how the innocent verdicts have impacted the prisoners in order to attempt t to deduce what trial one innocent would look like for Mahiru.
Given the hints from Mahiru's first voice drama and the focus on reciprocity. I've stated in that same server that she would have more than likely become more open about her behavior in order to reciprocate Es' kindness. She says it herself in This Is How To Be In Love With You,
"I’m going to start relying on you if you’re kind to me, so please forgive me, thanks!”
In her second voice drama Mahiru would have more than likely begun venting to Es about her relationships. We would have heard contradictory factors about the person she's been with. This would have alluded to what This Is How To Be In Love With You and I Love You alludes to that Mahiru was seeing multiple people.
This is alluded to in This Is How To Be In Love With You through her myriad of outfit changes, the changes in the interests of the people she's going to see, the fact that out of all those pictures we only see this guy once and it's his arm.
These statements,
Q.03 Have you ever cheated on someone? Mahiru: Of course not! How could you ever cheat on someone!? Right!? Q.05 Who do you dislike most out of the other prisoners? Mahiru: Futa-kun is a bully, so definitely out! Also Mikoto is pretty flippant, he kinda seems like the type who’d cheat~
There is no reason for anyone to bring up cheating this often or for these questions to be chosen if they didn't show tell us something about the characters being asked the question. Then in I Love You,
"Saying I love you but doing what I did, I know I have no right, crossed and covered in sin."
We'd probably get to see when she began to have relationships like that. She'd start trying to give Es love advice, tips on how to better communicate with the other prisoners, start asking if their was anyone they'd fallen in love with yet. Probably assume it was Mu since she was innocent.
Her second trial song would have probably focused on finally getting the acceptance she felt she deserved and finding understanding. The stalker thing would still be mentioned and she would possibly be confused or brush it off like well of course you want to know everything about the people you're with it's the same as how you are with all of us right. You want to know us in and out because you care about all of us right that's love too?
Ultimately Mahiru as a character embodies the states of love. So, we'd probably shift to another form of love like with agape, eros, storge, philia as she would try to teach Es the concept in hopes of them better understanding and accepting her. Due to being rejected she cranked things up to a hundred jumping straight into saying I love you to get her point across. Because those three words can have a bit of stun effect especially when said out of nowhere and so much like that.
She ultimately used the phrase so much it lost its meaning. Well it still had its meaning but it became really doubtful that Mahiru understood what it was. Because of that she was mostly labelled as too delusional to understand what she had done was wrong despite blatantly admitting she was informed by the person that her behavior was making them uncomfortable multiple times.
"I know it's not the type of question you want to be asked I can’t help myself because I want to see your cute confused face, I’m sorry."
Mahiru's response to being rejected is to pursue harder. Is to come on stronger until the other party gives in. Her response to being accepted seems to be to lose interest. To back off, stay leveled, and look for other things that would be more exciting than the monotony of a regular relationship. Including just sewing chaos in the relationship she currently has just to do it. So much so that she notes it's a pattern to the extent of being considered a ritual by her,
"Even when I test you, even the times we do the breakup ritual- Is because I love you."
Ultimately she would have ended up guilty trial two because she would have blamed everything on others in her life for not being accepting enough. Or not,
"Do you really think you know what love is?"
Really knowing what love was like she does. She would become the resident love expert and start pursuing the object of her affection heavily which is implied to be Kazui,
Kazui: By the way…… thanks, Shina-chan. You keep going around and talking to people to make sure the mood never gets too sour, right? It’s a big help. We’re all in here together, after all. If a fight broke out the whole group could fall apart. Mahiru: ……eh? Huh~? Ah, no, I’m just talking to people because I personally want to talk. All the kids are so cute, so I can’t help but want to fuss over them! A fight, huh… But if that ever happened, then you’ll definitely be a big help, right~? Since you’re so big! And buff! Kazui: Ahh, no. I mean, I’ll do what I can. Based on appearance, as long as nobody has a weapon, I think I can probably get everyone under control…… No, we should just hope that nothing like that ever happens. Mahiru: You know, I quite like watching martial arts, actually. I don’t really get it, but it looks super cool. Hi-yah! Hi-yah!
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Day. 5
point: watch Left: Today I started talking to him by chance, and he told me that his hobby is running. Without thinking I took a chance where I saw it and told him “I’m interested too!” so now we’re going to go running together. Even though I’m really bad at exercise…… I’ve never run so much in my life. Totally exhausted. Don’t lose focus even when exercising! The pastel tones mean not only do you look ready to go but also give off a cute oneesan appeal. Hoodie, T-shirt, shorts, leggings, cap, sneakers, wristwatch / All personal possessions
Mahiru: Yeah, I’m asking for what you like in the opposite sex! I mean, with a lifestyle like this we have a lot of free time, right? So earlier when I was talking with all the other girls we got onto the topic! It’s not often you get a chance like this to live with a mix of men and women together, so I thought it might be nice to use the chance to talk about stuff like this in preparation for when we leave. Kazui: Ah…… Haha, I understand. I can see that’d be the sort of thing girls your age would be interested in, huh. How peaceful. What I like in the opposite sex… I don’t know if what I say will really be a good reference for you…… Ah, you know, since I’m at this age. I like a girl who can just smile free of worries. Seeing that’d make my old, tired heart feel young again. Yuno: Uh-huh, I see, I see. ……that’s a total lie, right? Kazui: Haha…… Give me a break here. You sure don’t make things easy for people, Kashiki-chan.
Q.05 Who do you dislike most out of the other prisoners?
"Futa-kun is a bully, so definitely out! Also Mikoto is pretty flippant, he kinda seems like the type who’d cheat~"
Mahiru: Shidou-san…… you’re really good-looking. Personally I think you’d be better if you ate a bit more, but you’re slim and tall, and well put together to boot…… You must’ve been super popular up until now, right? Shidou: ……yeah, that’s true…… I did my share of fooling around in the past. Mahiru: Oh~? That’s not the sort of answer I’d expect from you. I’ve got it! Somebody told you that if you replied like that people wouldn’t resent you so much, right? Shidou: Haha, I’m surprised you guessed. ……it seems that no matter what guise I put on, it’s meaningless against a woman’s insight.
Q.20 What do you think about smoking?
Mahiru: I’ve never smoked myself- But if the person I like did, then I might start to be like them.
21/08/05   (Kazui’s Birthday)
Kazui: Oh, Shina-chan? How scandalous, coming to a man’s room in the middle of the night like this. Well, not that it’s really a room, just a cell. ……just kidding, since you brought some drinks with you, I’m assuming you’ve come to wish me a happy birthday, right? Thank you. Mahiru: Yep! Happy birthday Kazui-san~ Clap clap clap! But as well as that~ ……I also just maybe wanted to use it as an excuse so I could ask you for some advice over drinks, I suppose? Kazui: Advice, huh. Well, you’re more than welcome, but I don’t really know what advice an old man like me could give you. I haven’t got the first clue about what love is like for a young girl nowadays. Mahiru: Ahaha…… Don’t worry, much as I’d love to talk about that too, um…… er, Kazui-san. You know, recently I’ve been having the same dream every day. Lots of people were denying my actions…… Denying my thoughts…… that sort of dream.
"Ring ring, I’m calling you in the middle of the night."/ "
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Q.05  If you went to an amusement park, what ride would you choose to go on? Kazui: Not gonna lie, I kinda want to go on the merry-go-round.
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With Shidou, Mahiru and Kazui all innocent round one I feel like Mahiru would start smoking as an excuse to get closer to Kazui. Then that would in turn bring her closer to Shidou who was already showing an interest in Mahiru due to the many ways she resembles his wife. Being good at cooking, cleaning, communication, and with kids like Amane.
This would open up the love triangle route. Where Mahiru is interested in Kazui, Kazui is annoyed or put off by her advances (not really interested in anyone), Shidou is interested in Mahiru and worried about how the verdict has been impacting her because she just started smoking seems to be changing a great deal and in a very insignificant amount of time at that.
She'd basically start annoying Kazui the same way that Mu began annoying Yuno. She'd then be more guilty trial two for getting in the of a lot of people's favorite ships. People would react worse to Mahiru even trying to fuck Kazui then they did to Mu and Haruka's relationship where no one was fucking. There wasn't even much inclination that was going on with them and both their fans wanted to burn the other character at the stake for daring to be near their precious child.
People would be calling for Mahiru to be killed out of jealousy. Because she dared to even make one advance at Kazui. Not me though girl you pursue your dreams.
Shidou was like there's still time you can get out of here and do that while Mahiru was laid up and bed like yeah out of here and do it. Kazui off patrolling the prison as this woman is sat in bed with two attendants. Kazui and Mahiru were stopped from doing the funniest thing due to those first trial verdicts.
It would have been amazing to see her pursue that harder. Because she was pursuing it. She never asked any other man what their type was. That was a Kazui specific question. We didn't see that conversation with the girls she was talking about. Plus we know the other girls here who the fuck was really asking that question at that time?
Mu was afraid and requesting deserts. Kotoko is Kotoko. Do you think she asked. Yuno is there and could have corroborated her story but instead was like let me point out how this man is lying.
Just him and she quickly dismissed any other man here as not good enough for arbitrary reasons or just based of vibes.
She knew she is twenty-three she navigated that well but she knew. Her coming in their trial two and being like thanks to Milgram I found my true love and Kazui coming in trial two like you need to do something about this woman before I do. While Shidou is over here getting Mahiru's help tending to Amane after she inevitably gets wounded because Kotoko would then attack in this order,
Mikoto- (intervenes)
This would be wild. It would logically be what would happen. Like it's logistically Kotoko's best bet to attack the most people. However it going this way relies on the idea that Kazui would still intervene during the attack with Futa which would leave Amane tto get really messed up by Kotoko's attack.
Now hear me out.
In this circumstance Futa might get fucked up more and Kazui would have probably intervened with Amane instead. Because in the first attack he choose the younger of the two prisoners Kotoko attempted to attack to step in on. So in this scenario he may do that again.
Protecting the kids like Mahiru asked him to.
This of course only makes Mahiru want him more. He's a protector she thinks. He's so strong and did the best he could she says. She just wants to be a little more like him it's not weird to want to be like the person you like Es and she can stop smoking any time. She started and she can quit!
Mahiru on that Gilbert Nightray behavior if you know then you know. I love how I said this was short but I actually have so many thoughts on this because it's a hilarious setup. Man it would have been hilarious if she was innocent trial one because the staff didn't expect her to be guilty. So her innocent scenario must have been so much worse.
Like there are a lot of ways it could have went if she was innocent trial one but given statements within canon this is something I see as being incredibly likely. Yeah so that's all I've got on that sorry for like accidentally posting the answer before it was complete and hope you can see this.
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trentcrimminallybeautiful · 4 months ago
i think about the whole "love that" exchange a lot.
#i think i already have a post about this somewhere im just. rotating it#they realize they just kinda revealed a bit too much in front of Trent Crimm (Formerly) The Independent#and he does the whole biting wind-up to a question you know is going to be sharp as hell. bringing in that heat#and rebecca just. doesn't even try to get out of it#is she taking a leap of faith? is she just tired of spinning a whole yarn? testing him? giving him a chance?#and his response is just. simple. a real smile--almost conspiratorial and they're both in on the joke--and 'love that.'#sincere and almost warm. love that. bc that's what he actually thinks. not asking what he thinks he should#what he thinks the crowd wants to hear. but just. god her ex husband is a dickhead. absolutely you should try to fuck him over. love that#and rebecca all but beaming at him in response#i wish we'd gotten more of their dynamic tbh. i think that interaction probably helped soothe any anxieties she had about the whole thing#i think the next time we really see them interact is just the girl talk thing#where she's gleefully including him on the gossip and he's SO fucking pleased to get a good grade in girl talk something both normal to w#but like them developing an almost easy banter Fast. please. and like. him letting himself be. himself. in front of other people#not just ted. and rebecca GETS that if anyone gets getting flayed by the lasso effect it's her#so like. IDK MAN I JUST THINK THEY SHOULD BOND#also keeley. DEFINITELY keeley. all three of them. FUCK#trent crimm#rebecca welton#gertspeak#god. him being so pleased about the girl talk comment too. lives in my brain rent free#rebecca or keeley pays him a genuine but offhand compliment and he (and clearly completely unconsciously) just#fully does a pleased little wiggle in his seat. and they're like hmmmm
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shadelorde · 7 months ago
okay so I saw someone say celiac disease isn’t a disability because ‘all you have to do is avoid gluten’ and I. I’m about to lose my shit.
are you not fucking aware of how much gluten is present in everyday life? Are you not aware how mild cross-contamination can KILL people with celiac? Are you not aware how some kids are raised EATING GLUTEN, IRREVERSIBLY destroying their immune system and the lining of their stomach because their parents didn’t know or didn’t bother to find out what was wrong?
You can help mitigate the effects of some disabilities by doing certain things, but that doesn’t make them NOT disabilities.
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder. It is not the same as a mild intolerance. It can and will destroy your stomach and intestines.
Jesus fucking Christ.
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camgoloud · 6 months ago
a “fun fact about me” is actually that i have a fascinating interior life and i’m in love with the whole world. just so you know
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korovamlecznybar · 2 years ago
so many things about me could be explained by the fact that i didnt know people hung out with their school friends during summer/school breaks until i was 17
#like obv i knew you could do that#but it never occured to me that it actually happens#i used to go to summer camp with school friends in elementary school but that usually made me feel worse#for gender reasons mostly#theres something cruel about being the only girl and being separated from your friends for that#i remember one year they wanted girls in one bus and boys in the other one#and if it wasnt for the fact that my mom decided it was stupid and that i should be able to sit with my friends and that there was luckily#a free seat in that boys bus i wouldve to ride alone#idk#but other than summer camps i rarely saw anyone during summer breaks#and it was always normal for me to not see or talk to anyone for 3 months#and idk now it feels like thats how im meant to spend my time so i continually turn everyone down when they ask me if i want to meet up#i was in a group chat with some uni friends a while back and group chatę always inevitably make me feel like im weird and boring and unfunny#and serce as a constant reminder that im not as good friends with anyone as they are with each other#and im not used to texting ppl either not unless i have a specific question thats usually school related#so i. just left that chat and i had people ask me about it bc they were worried the said sth mean/offensive#and i had to make a fool of myself and explain that it was anxiety inducing#everyone was nice about it but it still makes me feel like shit#but ik id feel awful if i stated in it too#anyway im never going to make real kasting friendships and at this point i dont even know if i want to
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bibleofficial · 3 months ago
i loveee the ‘no response is a response’ bitches 😭😭 like oh u think just bc ur not replying its u conveying ur lack of interest ? well i THINK ur just not RECEIVING my messages, so i’ll send more ❤️
#stream#like ALSKLKSLAKSAKSLAKSLA#it’s like imagine ur in a bar & someone comes up & starts talking to u & they just. don’t acknowledge u do u say something louder or leave#like u say it louder … ALSKLSKALKSALKSLAKSKLAKSLAKSL#like ur going to recognize me as a person i don’t care 😭😭😭#ur ‘being annoyed’ by being forced to see people as people 😍😍#imagine being a normal person & saying not interested like an adult#or blocking 😭😭#like it’s always the people saying it that U CAN EXPECT TO SAY IT ALSAKSKALKSLAKSLAKSLAJSLAJSLA#i either block someone immediately or i’ll just chat or whatever but like AKSJLKSLKSLAKLSKALKA#if i don’t respond it’s usually bc someone has been messaging me for weeks saying ‘let’s meet wednesday or thursday xx’ & then not so i just#don’t block them but let them keep messaging to. nothing bc it’s like. yea that’s where this has gone. to. nowhere. either send me an#address or quit asking if ‘i’ll be free’ like NOT FOR U UNTIL UR ACTUALLY FREE SO IN IGNORING UNTIL WE GET A DATE#it’s soooo few men that i’ll entertain that but there’s 1 that’s still doing it but he gets mad whenever i won’t drop everything to#meet him on some random day he demands - literally demands#he said ‘i’m getting petrol at this station near u x’ then expected me to respond to it at like 10pm like girl i don’t care#he went ‘it’s rude to not reply’ like ALSKALSKKSLLAKSLAJLAJSLA#GIRL U JUST TOLD ME UR GETTING GAS I LITERALLY DONT CARE ???? 😭😭😭😭
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succubusvalentine · 2 months ago
Simon Riley who doesn't know how to comfort you. So, he does the next best thing. CW : fingering, praise, dirty talk
Simon has never been good at communicating. Especially after growing up in an abusive household. Problems were solved with fists, not words.
He'd gotten better at communicating over the years. Though, he still struggled. Especially when it came to comforting people.
So when you came home, clearly pissed off, Simon was internally panicking. He had no idea what to do.
Simon remained silent as he stalked to the bedroom, looming in the doorway like a shadow as he watched you change into your shorts and singlet top.
"What, Simon?" You snapped, eyes flickering with frustration.
"What's got your panties in a twist, lovie?" Simon asked, crossing his arms as he leaned against the doorway.
"Don't talk about my panties, Simon!" You say, which makes Simon raise a brow at you. You really weren't having it today.
"Alright" Simon sighed, his brain finally flickering with an idea.
He pushed off the doorway and walked over to you. Picking you up and ignoring your protests. Carrying you to the living room and sitting on the couch with you between his legs. You're back to his front.
"Up we go" Simon hummed, lifting your legs to spread them and rest them over his thick thighs.
"What're you doing?"
"Fixing your attitude"
"My attitude does not need fixing"
"Sure it doesn't, lovie"
"It doesn't!"
"Whatever you say"
You go to protest but then there's two thick fingers rubbing at your clit. Making you go lax and whine in a mixture of relief and frustration.
"Tell me about your day, darlin'" Simon growled in your ear, his fingers slipping down your folds and into your cunt. Fingers curling up and pressing firmly against your g-spot repetitively. Making you gasp and a moan to be forced from your chest.
"Fucking-Sherry wouldn't stop bothering me" you whimpered, grinding your cunt against Simons hand. "She was such a bitch today always on my ass about-oh my god there!-everything!"
"Sounds real stressful lovie. But look now, you're doing such a good job grinding that pretty cunny against my hand. Soaking your panties and shorts like a good girl, hm?" Simon whispered in your ear, nipping the flesh gently.
"'m being good" you nod dumbly, gasping as Simons fingers speed up. Your hips moving on their own accord. Heat quickly pooling in your lower stomach.
"C'mon baby, come for me. You can do it. You'll be such a good girl if you do" Simon whispered, his free hand moving from your thigh to under your shirt, tugging roughly at your nipple, sending you over the edge.
You soaked Simons hand and your panties in your release. Crying out in pleasure. Head tipping back and eyes squeezed shut as you whine and moan.
"good fucking girl, huh?" Simon growled as he kissed your neck "attitude just needed to get fucked out of you"
So yeah, maybe Simon wasn't good at comforting you. But he was really fucking good with his fingers.
⛧°. ⋆𓌹♰𓌺⋆. °⛧
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