#as far as im concerned at least
waywardsalt · 2 years
before i actually go through the phantom hourglass manga to critique it i’m going to quickly just toss out a bullet point list of things i actually liked in the ph manga
- i like how the stuff w/ tetra in the first chapter not only sets her up but serves to contrast how she is as a captain vs. how linebeck initially is as a captain. the line ‘as captain, nothing is more important than the lives of my crew’ specifically
- link’s cute. hes just a little guy
- i’m a big fan of the added detail that linebeck tends to stick out his bottom lip. it fits really well with his character. as a smaller side note i like the way his nose is drawn. i just like the shape they went with lol
- the bit with the point card for eddo’s garage that is specifically noted to be Not In The Video Game is good
- for all intents and purposes what is done with the bellumbeck fight is really good
thats it everything else i either feel neutral about or hate/feel frustrated with
#salty talks#bitching about the loz manga#anyways i think its also worth adding some of my personal opinions about ph in general to add some context for my later opinions#i dont like jolene. like to a visceral degree. i dont know why but im physically incapable of enjoying her.#which is bizarre bc like??? i think griffith is a great character i think makima is fascinating. but jolene ph is the one i cannot stand#i hate her because i think she's fucking annoying and isn't justified in half of what she does but like. why the visceral hatred. idk#maybe its a side effect of my rabid linebeck special interest. anyways sorry i think shes awful#in all fairness tho to me shes actually better in the manga#also. i dont actually like fatherly linebeck stuff much and dont read him as being fatherly towards link so i wont talk abt that stuff#uhhh i think linebecks arc in the game is really good and i also think that the normal order of the three final bosses is great#i also think that the second half of the game has some good stuff in it even if it's less plot-heavy compared to the first half#i think that phantom hourglass has genuine unique potential to be fantastic if given an extended adaptation that gives a shit#and that is partially why im going to spend a bit more time on this one#i will also say that despite whatever i say abt this one i do admit that i like and appreciate it. it still has problems tho#why'd they do astrid like that. i dont like manga astrid. i dont like her design or most of her dialogue.#why was she weird to linebeck like that. be nice to him. hes clearly gay#as far as im concerned at least
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vii-doodles · 11 months
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shalom-iamcominghome · 6 months
My thoughts on jewish politics are nuanced and convoluted in many ways, but if somebody comes at me with the idea of categorizing my thoughts as being in line with the "good jews" or the "bad jews," you've just got to assume I'm not One Of The Good Ones.
#jewish politics#jumblr#jew by choice#jewish conversion#personal thoughts tag#caveat that i am not officially jewish yet and some of y'all (antisemites) still treat me with similar hatred and jew hatred#for some (many) antisemites i'm already too far gone and frankly i'm glad. i'm glad to face their hatred rather than concern trolling...#...or the infantilizing antisemitic 'let me save you from the jews 🥺🥺🥺'. it makes me sick to my stomach either way but at least...#...with the outright hatred you arent trying to bullshit me. i despise when people lie to me or put on façades or use platitudes to trick m#i have never been One Of The Good Ones and i'm not about to start now basically#and i would rather stand with others/other jews (again im in progress but i digress) than stand a second near antisemitism 🙏#like i know at some point i'm probably going to have to have more concrete opinions but now isn't the right time for that#i try to educate myself but i don't for one second want to encroach. in many ways i guess i'm waiting until i am a jew? i dunno 👍#felt i should make this clear in case i do start getting the same shit the jews/fellow jews-in-prgress i follow are#thank g-d i haven't had too much shit on this account but i have already been barraged by actual tumblr nazis who called me the k-slur so h#that happened a While ago (again thank g-d) but that still cemented in my head that i am... maybe ig Too Jewish to ever be safe ever again#if that statement makes sense
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oozeandgoo-art · 9 months
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alicentsgf · 2 years
the reaction Alicent’s ‘queer customs’ comment garnered is so fascinating because like... people were so cruel about her over it, but like... was she that wrong? was she?? was it that crazy for her to be disgusted with Rhaenyra - for her to basically go ‘you’re kinda fucked up for getting it on with your uncle in a brothel’. lmao. Alicent’s self-rightousness is a bit justified honestly, even if she goes a bit over the top with it. the Targs are fucked up its like their whole thing - they’re obsessed with their ‘dragons blood’ and maintaining their incestuous bloodline to keep their pet war machines sufficiently bound to them and like. that is WEIRD. that is fucked up. we’re supposed to think so. asoiaf has literally never presented the Targaryen dynasty and their incestuous tendencies as aspirational. and idk maybe its just me, but it actually doesnt seem like much of a character flaw to be disgusted when someone does something disgusting.
and then there’s the fact people will call Alicent a hypocrite for marrying Helaena to Aegon later... as if that choice wasn’t purely political. as if her hand weren’t clearly forced. it was what Targaryen tradition demanded of her. it would have been incredibly stupid to marry Helaena to Jace and with that off the table Aegon really was the only option - Targaryen girls are expected to marry their brothers if possible, especially when they’re the eldest siblings. if she hadn’t married them to each other a lot of people would have been confused tbh. (and i just know the same fans that call her a hypocrite would be commenting on how untargaryen and haughtily pious she and her children are for the lack of incest.) Alicent’s children had already been denied multiple symbols of legitimacy, from Aegon not being named heir to a desperate lack of cradle dragons. she had to give Aegon every symbol of legitimate kingship she could and the last two kings before Viserys married their sisters, as did the conquerer. it just wasn’t an option to have her children marry other people, even if she would have preferred it.
also, is it any wonder she wanted to keep Helaena close? of course she wanted her daughter where she could see her and know she was safe. Alicent was convinced there was going to be a war and marrying Aegon and Helaena was the best choice in light of that. for multiple reasons. she’s not a hypocrite, i will bet you literally any money she still thinks its weird and wrong, but she’s a woman who’s been backed into a fucking corner.
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tintinology · 1 year
I've talked before about what language(s) Tintin speaks in the comics, and I think I've found further proof that he's not speaking French the whole time.
It's not visible directly through Tintin's speech in the albums since he's always shown speaking French (or whatever language the album is in), but when you look at Alcázar's speech in the original French version, it's clear something is up.
When we first meet him in The Broken Ear, he's speaking standard French, just like Tintin and the other characters:
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However, their next meeting, in Belgium, Alcázar suddenly has a strong Spanish accent:
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Accent that we also see in Red Sea Sharks when Tintin and Haddock run into him in Belgium once again:
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(For anyone curious, the accent is mostly visible through the the replacement of j's with y's (yé instead of je, déyà instead of déjà), spelling words with ou instead of u (souis instead of suis) and accents of e's that shouldn't take accents (qué instead of que, ouné instead of une), which is a fairly accurate representation of a Spanish accent.)
But when they return to San Theodoros in the last album, Alcázar no longer has an accent and speaks like he did in The Broken Ear:
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It suggests that somehow Alcázar only has an accent when he's in a foreign country, which seems to me like proof that he's speaking his native language—that is, Spanish—in San Theodoros, and French in when he's abroad.
And if he's speaking Spanish in San Theodoros and Tintin's replying just as naturally to him, then logically Tintin must also be speaking Spanish!
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carmenpeach · 2 months
hm okay something thats been on my mind for like over a year now. sometime last year? or maybe closer to almost 2 years(!?) i started taking antipsychotics cause i just couldnt stand the paranoia anymore it had been ruining my life and i just could not function as a person and i was sick of the daily panic attacks. but like i thought "if i dont like how this makes me feel, i can stop and just go back to being crazy" and obviously i wasnt enjoying it- mostly it made me feel really numb to enjoyment and i found that my special interests were just becoming background noise for me at most and it was really hard like i didnt wanna draw or even play games it was like "wake up go to work come home smoke weed go to bed repeat"
and it was like my stuffed animals quit feeling like sentient and started to feel like just objects and it made me feel sick. like my toys had always been alive in a way and then suddenly they werent, but thats definitly not the reason i was so distressed being sane, since i know that special objects are bound to over the years not feel like friends etc etc <- mentally ill whatever. it was like there was a sudden wash of clarity over me and i hated it.
like it was like i was split in two in a way, and this is the part thats hard to explain unless you personally know the feeling. a lot of schizophrenic people have this feeling of like another person/ self residing in the back of the head or spine. and it gives this sense of paranoia, of being over your shoulders or under your skin just beneath you. and until a few years ago i didnt know this was something other people felt sometimes, and it was terrifying just feeling this entity of sorts possessing me in a way. i had felt it ever since i was a kid (maybe 9? for sure became a hard issue by the time i was 12 though so you know. early schizophrenia if not life long) but i never mentioned it to anyone for a variety of reasons, primarily because there was this feeling that if i outwardly acknowledged it, then it would know that i knew about it, and it would get me. whether that was killing me, torturing me, pulling me into another dimension, or taking over my body. and after 2 decades it just became part of my every day life, this thing within me that would always look for an opportunity to torment me in some unknown but inhumane way. and it was just this all consuming feeling, even feeling its thoughts inside my head, and not being sure where i ended and it began, and i accepted it as just a part of me for better or for worse.
and so starting antipychotics, they did their job and i felt "normal" and i was sleeping regularily for the first time in my life (would lay awake for hours and hours ever sinde like idk 3rd grade. 5 hours a night max usually and then that was plagued by nightmares. and of course the constant hallucinations and delusions in the meantime made sleep even harder) and i even felt less of that endless anger inside of me. and i hated it. it was like after being on it for idk maybe 2 weeks or a month or something i just suddenly in the day felt this clarity wash over me and just like that, the spine creature was gone. it was quiet upstairs. and ive felt hollow ever since. i quit the medication not long after but ive felt the same. its like it got mad at me and left to teach me a lesson for trying to toy with it. and ive been a half human ever since. its spacious in my body and in my mind, used to holding two people and now its just one. and ive spent so much time trying to induce epiosdes and just hoping(?) it comes back, but it hasnt.
its like im being forced to live as a human when im not. "being human" is this like aspect ive always struggled with, like im not gonna go into it but ive been forced to live as a non human my whole life, and every time i start to feel that feeling of "maybe i could be a person" something fucking outlandish happens and kicks me back down. i feel like a cartoon character the way everything is such a "yeah this sort of shit would happen to me" moments all the time. and like in a weird way, i always had this "evidence" i was a non human, with this otherworldly thing living inside of me and it was me.
for a long time i thought of it as the "original" me before all the events in my life forced me to create a new version of myself, and that it hated me. like i was one person ripped in two, and the part you have now (carmen) is the "active" "half" but its only half of a full person. but the other half certainly wasnt a person either. ive had many theories of what it is/ was, but knew i would never know, all i knew was that i could never acknowledge it. and its funny cause knowing that "its just schizophrenia" doesnt ease that feeling. its hard to explain. but what im getting at is that ive spent the last two years learning to navigate myself as only a fraction of what i was before.
its interesting cause i wouldnt say the insanity is gone, every now and then paranoia rears its head and certain topics that would make me have an episode will still freak me out. but i can walk past mirrors now (mirrors were always a 100% episode inducing thing) and i still sleep regularily and ive been eating stable too. but its still with this feeling of hollowness. im used to there being two people inside my body and now its just one, and its too spacious and its almost like i get lost in there. only one set of thoughts in my head, only one person looking through my eyes, only one person controlling my arms. i always felt like an alien and thought i always would. and i found great joy in embracing my schizophrenia rather than hiding it as some terrible secret. and it was the best thing i ever did for myself, was finally being open about my psychosis. ive made so many meaningful connections to other psychotic people, and im so happy ive met ppl that helped me understand myself and that im not the only one that feels this, and also that ive helped other people realize their own psychosis too.
i thought i could play pretend at being a normal person and go back to myself if i didnt like it, but i ended up staying this way. i know its not impossible for that feeling to come back maybe, but my god its horrifying to lose it the way i did. it feels only the more recent months ive started to adapt to being the only me in my body, and to feel like i could maybe be human too. yeah it was scary, but on the other hand now its kind of lonely in a really weird way, and not something i thought was possible either, i can still feel the impression where it was even as it fills in with my own shape now.
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agendratum · 2 months
#me quietly to myself: am i finally ready... to follow the skz people blogs I've been living at for at least a year now anyway?..#I'm with my usual bullshit pay me no mind#people who already know know ajhsjd#this thing where i can't follow new people because the dash seems overwhelming as it is#(and by new people i mean people whose blogs I've been visiting daily for a year yes)#and recently yes im feeling like my dash is actually a bit overwhelming#i sometimes can't even catch up with it after i wake up (a thing that is normal to want and possible to archive)#but also im literally like at the skz people's territory all day every day#spending more time over there than on my dash#like maybe it's time#besides today with the livestream and everything#i was sitting there so cozy thinking like ah we're watching this together it's so nice#the only thing that would make the experience better is me actually FOLLOWING PEOPLE#anyway I'll sleep on it and like again pay me no mind this is the brain issues i just seem to have#still such a funny problem to have#as far as I'm concerned most people on tumblr follow so many more blogs#and i get overwhelmed with just a few#you'd think I'm not having fun on here but thats not true#but i am in fact always have more fun on here when i manage to psspspsp someone with the same interest#i love tags reblogs replies i love these interactions#and the funny little follow button makes all this so muuuuch easier#alas the brain bugs that are eating my brain are never asleep#but still I'm gonna go sleep and im gonna just be chill about all this#thanks for coming to the least making sense ted talk#chattering
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celestialtitania · 11 months
so reading the latest mha chapter before bed was such a mistake. here i should be sleeping but instead i feel so feral im vibrating out of my skin.
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hypnosister · 2 years
going to wear a dress tomorrow so deciding in advance that im a boy. its like picking out a set of accessories to complete the outfit but actually its my gender
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omegapheromone · 2 months
Sometimes I forget I'm an Omega until I randomly get into playing an otome game for fun and a fictional man shows me just one single ounce of respect and kindness and genuine care, and I'm immediately planning a wedding and considering whether I'd be willing to give birth to his kids after all if he REALLY wanted kids and adoption wasn't an option.
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freckleslikestars · 2 years
Room 115
Missing scene between Doggett and Scully in Deadalive.
637 words, read here on AO3
She was dozing in that same vinyl chair, hands curled protectively over her distended abdomen. It had been a long few days, he could feel the weight of them hanging off his bones, and he couldn’t imagine just how exhausted she must be to have crashed out in such an uncomfortable position. But he also knew there was no chance of getting her to leave Mulder’s side – he wondered how long the hospital staff had tried before giving up. With a glance back at the darkened room, he headed towards the nurse’s desk just down the hall.
‘Sir, visiting hours are over – have been for a couple of hours now. How’d you even get up here.’
‘With this,’ he flashed his badge. ‘Is there any chance we can get a cot or something for room 115? It’s just...she’s sleepin’ in that chair and in her condition-‘
‘This is the ICU, sir. Allowing her to stay is already highly unusual.’
‘Highly- the man’s been dead three months; it’s all highly unusual,’ he hissed, shaking his head. ‘Look, she just saved his life: can you at least spare her a pillow or some blankets or something?’
The nurse dropped her head and sighed, ‘I’ll see what I can do. I can’t guarantee anything, though.’
‘Thank you,’ he nodded, heading back towards room 115 and slipping quietly into the room. There was little visible change in Mulder, the monitors beeping away, his face the same scarred visage it had been when they’d dug him up, if slightly less peaky in colour, sans the tubes and wires that had been pumping life into him.
He crouched by the chair and rested a hand on Scully’s shoulder, shook her gently, ‘Agent Scully?’ She groaned, turning away from him, and he resisted a smile as he tried again to rouse her, ‘Dana, wake up.’
‘Mm. Doggett? ‘t’s’wrong? Mulder? Is- is he-?’ she wrenched herself upright, her neck cracking audibly and a muffled grunt leaving her lips as pain flashed across her face, gone in an instant and replaced with her fear.
‘Nothing. Nothing, calm down. No change.’
She slumped back down, letting her eyes slid shut again as she moaned, ‘why’d you wake me then?’
‘It’s been three days. Maybe you should go home, take a shower, get some rest – some proper rest.’
‘No. No, I’m not leaving him. I’m going to be right here when he wakes.’
‘He’s been alone for months, Agent Doggett. I’m not leaving him alone again.’
‘Okay, okay,’ he rocked back onto his heels. ‘Can I at least get you something to eat?’
She smiled, nodded gently, ‘if you wouldn’t mind.’ She let out a sharp hiss and dropped her hand to the side of her stomach, her smile broadening. She looked up at him, took in his concerned expression, ‘kid’s got one hell of a right hook. They’ve, uh, they’ve been more active the last couple of days – like they know he’s here,’ she scoffed and shook her head. ‘Which is stupid. I imagine it’s got more to do with my emotions and hormones being all...out of wack, and that’s affecting the baby.’
‘You don’t have to explain it, Agent Scully. Maybe the kid does know he’s here: stranger things have happened.’
‘You can say that again,’ she sighed, rubbing circles wearily on the side of her stomach. ‘I’ve prayed for him to be returned so many times, and now he’s back I- I’ve got no idea what I’m going to say to him.’
He gave her a soft smile and patted her shoulder, ‘I’m sure you’ll know what to say when the time comes. Now, what can I get you to eat?’
‘Something spicy? Ooh, and something salty. I don’t mind what.’
‘Spicy and salty,’ he nodded, ‘I’ll see what I can do.’
Tagging @today-in-fic
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carcarrot · 2 months
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just got chewed out for like half an hour by my stupid supervisor 🤪
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angryborzois · 3 months
well that was something
#angryborzois rambles#holy shit this is a long story#basically as a class we all went to this historic place on the top of a mountain (we had to do a long hike to get up there)#and a friend and i decided to stay afterward to mess around#my friend wanted to reenact kny scenes so i was like ok lets do it (shh we're idiots with zero brain cells)#and the place was pretty cool to hang out in soo why not#but soon it started thundering in the distance so we decided to start heading down the mountain#it was all shits and laughs until we made it down the mountain (tho we heard a weird noise once and got scared bc what if its a boar)#once down the mountain we had to navigate the woods around the area to get to the station#it was a very long route and on top of that it started pouring heavily#and anyway we walked for a long ass time in the rain when we encountered a suspicious person#it didnt help that before we saw this guy we saw a poster for a wanted criminal in the area#the guy was way ahead of us but we sensed bad vibes from him so we tried to let him walk ahead but he just...waited for us??#(he was in the direction we needed to go)#for a couple minutes we tried to trail way behind him but every time we stopped to let him walk on he would suddenly stop and stall#after a while we completely stopped for a few minutes to observe and in response he hid in the bushes?? so we decided something was def up#we were very alarmed and we quietly snuck out of his view and then ran for it#i genuinely worried that maybe we were gonna get killed in these woods#we backtracked a little and took a different path that went in the direction we needed to go#i was a little concerned because at one point the path had an intersection that merged with the first path we were in#but i didnt want to risk cutting through pure woods and i wanted to be at the very least on an animal trail than anything so no choice ig#and so we quietly snuck past the intersection but thankfully no one was around#a few minutes after that we heard a weird radio voice?? so we freaked out and ran the rest (prob unrelated but u can never be too sure)#and after a while of pure stress we made it out of the woods and to civilization#i was drenched but oh boy i was so happy#my friend and i agreed though that it was fucked up that we had to be more scared of a human than the wilderness#but everything after that was fine#im honestly glad it was pouring though because i think it helped cover the sounds of us getting away#well tbh i have a feeling he prob saw us get away but just didnt bother chasing bc the paths were muddy as hell and he was kinda far#but yeah that was def smthing
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wild-flowerhoney · 5 months
2 seconds away from making a patreon exclusively for my fics bc ive had enough of those stupid comments/asks/whatever that just want updates. literally pay me. give me money and ill spend every second of every day writing new chapters i swear.
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sonknuxadow · 2 years
i remember hearing that the writers for the sonic boom tv show said that shadow was a very difficult character to write because sega is so picky about how he should be portrayed and thats why they saved him for season finale episodes only. so he could still be in the show but they wouldnt have to go back and forth with sega about what they can and cant do with him as much as they would have if he was a main character. anyway maybe thats part of the reason theres no alternate shadows in sonic prime. because sega was annoying about it and the writers didnt feel like dealing with it lmao
#but then again part of what made it so hard i think is because sonic boom was a comedy show and sega didnt think#shadow should be a very funny character? or something like that? and while sonic prime does have its jokey moments#comedy isnt the main focus unlike sonic boom#so maybe it would be easier to get a lot of shadow screentime in sonic prime than it would be in sonic boom#and they planned for there to be no alternate shadows from the start? idk im just saying stuff#personally i dont really like the way shadow is written in sonic boom. like some of the jokes involving him are funny but#overall. that is NOT my friend shadow the hedgehog#so im hoping if the next sonic prime episodes have more shadow than the first batch#then he is Nothing like he was in sonic boom#currently i am still on the fence about prime shadow. like they at least gave him a reason to be mad this time#instead of just having him fight with sonic all the time for no reason. which is a good start. but im still unsure#since hes had so little screentime so far#and they also pulled the ''put shadow in a bunch of the promotional stuff only for him to barely be there at all'' thing Again#but. to be fair. we're only on episode 8 out of what. 24? theres plenty more time for him to make more appearances#see i am also very picky about how shadow should be portrayed but me and whoever is in charge of him rn have very different ideas#of what the Right portrayal of shadow is#so while shadow is one of my favorite characters. whenever i see hes gonna be in some new thing#im more concerned about if theyre gonna fuck everything up again than i am excited to see him
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