#as a hospitality worker i will be using it as my therapy
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atlasdoe · 1 year ago
i wanna write a fic called "help i'm still at the restaurant" where some of the marauders characters work at a restaurant with a high turn over and every chapter focuses on a new character joining the staff and telling the story about how/why they left/got fired
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southeastasianists · 3 months ago
It was the mid-1980s when Paul Toh came of age as a gay man, decades before smartphones and dating apps made sex a lot more accessible right at your fingertips. Toh has been diagnosed with HIV since 1989. 
Now semi-retired with his own business distributing antiretroviral therapy medication and HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), the 59-year-old said that in those days, cruising in public parks, toilets, and back alleys of dirty shophouses along pre-cleanup Singapore River for sex was par for the course. 
Unsurprisingly, cruising in public made gay men easy targets for police officers. “They started going to these cruising grounds undercover, with the explicit intention of entrapping and arresting gay men,” Toh added.
Police raids in nightlife establishments with gay clientele also became common, with prominent gay discotheque Niche having its liquor license withdrawn by the police in 1989 and the Rascals incident of 30 May 1993, in which multiple patrons were arrested for not having their NRICs on them. This came to be remembered by veteran activists as Singapore’s Stonewall. 
Fear about the spread of AIDS was part of the reason why police intensified their clamp down on queer spaces. In April 1987, Singapore experienced its first AIDS-related death. And one year later, the Director of Public Affairs of the Singapore Police Department said in a Straits Times article that “homosexual activities have been strongly linked to the dreaded AIDS disease,” making it an “added reason in the public interest for police to disallow homosexuals to convert places licensed for entertainment into places where they can congregate.”
Iris’ Work of Fighting Stigma
76-year-old health advisor Iris Verghese was among the first health workers to rise to the occasion when Singapore reported its first HIV/AIDS cases. 
“I knew just as little about HIV/AIDS as everyone else,” said the retired nurse, who first joined Middle Road Hospital, a now-defunct treatment centre for sexually transmitted diseases, in 1974. As part of her job, Verghese was tasked with contact tracing people who had sexually transmitted infections. 
The job brought Verghese to brothels and nightclubs in Geylang’s red-light district, which meant she was no stranger to serving society’s Others with kindness. 
“A lot of it has to do with my faith.”
“I thought about my role models like Jesus and Mother Teresa—they didn’t care what illness you had. If they could hang out with people with leprosy, then who am I to refuse to care for those with HIV/AIDS?”
Verghese’s work is well-documented, and everyone has given her the accolades she deserves—from President Halimah Yacob to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore to the Straits Times, which named her an everyday hero in 2019.
Plague, a 15-minute short film by Singaporean filmmaker Boo Junfeng, captures the emotional gravity of the care work performed by Verghese and health workers like herself. 
The emotionally-stirring film is inspired by Verghese’s work with HIV/AIDS patients in the ’80s and offers a look into the life of Jamie, a patient who stopped coming to the clinic for treatment and counselling.
In the film’s climax, set in the patient’s HDB flat, Verghese tries to dissuade Jamie from inflicting internalised stigma. Jamie insists on using disposable plastic cups and utensils and cleaning every surface he touches for fear of passing the virus to his loved ones.
Wanting to prove that HIV/AIDS is not transmissible through saliva, Verghese takes Jamie’s plastic cup and drinks from it. She then hands him a regular glass, beckoning for him to drink from it, only for him to swipe it away, breaking the glass and cutting himself in the process. 
Thus comes the true test of Verghese’s dedication to her profession as she steels herself to the drastically heightened risk. Now that her patient is bleeding, she is dealing no longer just with saliva, but with blood carrying the virus. 
In our interview, Verghese recalled many incidents like these. One that stuck with me was her counselling session with Singapore’s first HIV patient, a young gay professional, in 1985. “As I listened to him and gave him a hug, he broke down and cried,” she said. “He said he felt so good afterwards.”
Safe Sex Outreach in the 80s
“Things were very different in the ’80s and ’90s,” said Professor Roy Chan, Founding President of Action for AIDS Singapore (AfA). AfA is a non-government organisation founded in 1988 to fight HIV/AIDS infection in Singapore. 
“There was no internet then. When we set up AfA, we had to rely on word of mouth, phone calls, faxes, pagers, and so on. Mobilisation was not as easy then, but we overcame the obstacles we faced. It was very much more hands-on in those days,” Chan recalled. 
Chan set up AfA as a non-governmental organisation in 1988 to respond to the needs of people living with HIV/AIDS, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, as well as to advocate for greater action and awareness around HIV/AIDS. 
AfA was also one of the first community groups in Singapore that served the needs of LGBTQ+ individuals—namely men who have sex with men—disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS. 
“Back then, people didn’t have as much access to the internet as we do today, meaning that accurate information on HIV/AIDS was much harder to come by, making education efforts vital,” Chan recalled. “On the flip side, no internet meant the gay nightlife scene was more vibrant than what it is today.” 
Since the gay community in the 1980s and 1990s did not have the internet and mobile phone apps to meet other people online, they had to go to physical spaces to fulfil their need for connection, whether it was nightlife establishments or cruising grounds.
Gay clubs were hence crucial in AfA’s outreach programs on safe sex practices back in the ’80s—even if it meant risking the possibility of police raids.
Back then, there were very few places in Singapore where gay men felt safe enough to gather in abundance, making gay clubs a viable hub for outreach and education.
AfA’s outreach efforts endure today in the form of the Mobile Testing Van initiative on weekends. The van, parked outside popular gay nightlife spots in Singapore, aims to bring HIV testing closer to the public, bridging the fear and stigma of walking into a stand-alone clinic to get tested.
The Consequence of Outreach
The people brave enough to put themselves out there to serve a larger cause were but a small minority, especially given the cultural milieu of the time. 
“There was so much that was unknown about HIV/AIDS even among the medical community, much less the general public,” said Verghese.
“Even at Middle Road Hospital, two doctors resigned, and twenty-five nurses asked to be transferred out.”
AfA’s awareness campaigns and fundraiser drives drew a lot of publicity—and no doubt some backlash.
Still, beneath all the headlines and the star power lent by high-profile celebrity allies was the silence surrounding individual HIV/AIDS cases. 
“It was all very hush-hush. People didn’t want to talk about it. No one wanted to know who died of AIDS,” Verghese shared when I asked if the atmosphere in the 90s was similar to that depicted in films and drama series such as The Normal Heart and Pose. 
The shows portrayed the HIV/AIDS crisis in the disease’s epicentre in New York as being a time of deaths and countless funerals attended by surviving gay men. 
One exception to this veil of silence was Paddy Chew, the first Singaporean person to come out publicly as being a person living with HIV/AIDS. 
Chew—well-known for his one-man autobiographical play Completely With/Out Character—told Verghese and her husband that he wanted no crying at his funeral. 
“He asked me to arrange his funeral such that his ashes will be thrown into the sea from a Singapore Armed Forces boat,” said Verghese. She and Chew’s close friends were instructed to be dressed in their party best, with helium balloons that were to be released out at sea. 
“There was one helium balloon that drifted away from the other balloons. To me, that felt like it was Paddy’s soul saying goodbye to us one last time.”
A Tale of Two HIV Diagnoses
Perhaps by coincidence—or not, since Verghese was one of the very few nurses dedicated to caring for HIV/AIDS patients at the time—Toh’s then-partner was also one of Verghese’s patients. 
“My then-partner Freddie and I handled our HIV diagnoses very differently, but of course, we also came from very different backgrounds and life experiences,” said Toh. 
“I found out about my status because an ex-lover of mine had come down with pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP). I flew to Sydney for a diagnosis so that I wouldn’t be registered in the local system here if I was found to be positive.” 
On the other hand, Freddie found out about his HIV-positive status because he was a regular blood donor. Not only was his diagnosis inevitably recorded in the national registry, but Freddie also ran into legal trouble. He was charged in court for false disclosure of his sexual activity. 
“Because of how the entire trial turned out, Freddie was sentenced to imprisonment for twice the expected duration. It affected his entire outlook in life, feeling like he was being framed by a bigger power with an agenda, with the whole world against him,” said Toh, who cared for Freddie until he passed in 2008. 
Toh, on the other hand, took his diagnosis as an opportunity to re-evaluate his life and make the most of the eight years that the doctor told him back in 1989 he had left to live. 
“When I received my diagnosis, the only thing in my mind was this: it is the quality of life that matters, not the quantity.” And so, the two spent the next few years of their lives travelling the world, making their remaining years as meaningful as they could be. 
Anything for a Chance at Life
Maximising his remaining years did not stop at travel for Toh. Having managed to get his hands on antiretroviral therapy in Sydney in the form of azidothymidine (AZT), he went on to look for more effective forms of medication while the technology was being developed in real-time. Toh wanted to help other HIV patients like himself. 
In 1994, Toh joined the Asia Pacific Network of People with HIV/AIDS (APN+), a regional network advocating for the improvement of the lives of people with HIV/AIDS in the Asia-Pacific region, later becoming a Board member and secretariat.
“North America and Europe were progressing swiftly in their battle against HIV/AIDS thanks to the work of activists there putting pressure on their governments and the medical community to channel funding towards the research and development of suitable treatment for HIV/AIDS,” said Toh.
“In Asia, however, it’s a different story. We had to be street smart in our advocacy while also looking elsewhere for allies.”
This meant looking to donors in the West who could be persuaded to recognise the importance of HIV/AIDS advocacy in Asia.
“I was very lucky to have the opportunity to be one of the first few Asians who had access to HAART, said Toh. 
HAART (Highly active antiretroviral therapy) is a triple-combination of antiretroviral drugs discovered in 1996 by Professor David Ho. Toh had been invited to attend the 11th International Conference on AIDS in Vancouver, Canada, where the discovery of this triple cocktail was announced. 
Within three months of beginning HAART treatment in 1996, Toh saw his health improving tremendously, with his CD4 count—a measure for the immune system of PLHIV—increasing exponentially and his viral load becoming undetectable within the fourth month. 
Although Toh already had a supply of free antiretroviral medication from his healthcare provider in Sydney, he continued to look elsewhere for alternative sources for patients who were unable to afford the patented medication. 
“Unlike Taiwan, Hong Kong, and South Korea, where medication for HIV/AIDS was provided to patients for free, Singapore was the only Asian Tiger which did not do so,” said Toh. 
“Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies in developing countries like Brazil, India, and Thailand were manufacturing their own generic antiretroviral medication in spite of patent laws, making it more affordable.”
While still not free, MOH announced in 2020 that HIV medication would become subsidised.
Singapore’s Very Own ‘Buyers Club’
With patented HIV/AIDS medication in the ’80s continuing to be inaccessible to many who needed it, buyers clubs—similar to the one featured in the 2013 film Dallas Buyers Club—would soon emerge worldwide, including Singapore. 
“The funny thing was that Australia had easy access to HIV/AIDS medication, so there was a lot of stock available in Sydney,” said Verghese. A family vacation down under in 1987 turned into an informal research trip for her to network and gather the information that she needed to perform her job optimally. 
During her trip, she met HIV researcher Dr David Cooper, who brought her to Albion Street Centre (now known as The Albion Centre), which specialises in HIV/AIDS management. 
Through her newfound contacts, Verghese managed to get her hands on some of the unused stocks of medication in Sydney back to Singapore for her support group. 
“We even got the help of the Singapore Airlines flight attendants to pool together their unused baggage allowance to bring this medication back,” she recounted with a laugh. 
Antiretroviral medication was not the only asset that Verghese brought back. She learned a lot about the virus from the professionals she met in Sydney, allowing her to move faster than the national response and gather the information needed to tend to her patients. 
A Ground Up Initiative
“George Yeo was actually very impressed with what we were doing,” recounted Verghese. “He wanted to meet with the community to learn more about our efforts and arranged a closed-door meeting with us.”
The meeting was the culmination of months of sending letters to Yeo, the Minister of Health at the time. The dialogue session was held to discuss the government’s rule that mandated the bodies of AIDS sufferers to be buried or cremated within twenty-four hours of dying. 
This rule was finally lifted in December 2000, after four years of advocacy by AfA.
They argued that the policy was outdated, having been implemented in the mid-1980s when hardly anything was known about HIV/AIDS. 
“I think we’ve certainly had to prove ourselves as an organisation over the years,” Chan said. “There might have been concerns among some who thought of us as a gay rights organisation, or misconceptions that AfA worked solely on issues that concern gay people.”
“But we’ve proven ourselves over the years to be a serious and effective organisation tackling HIV/AIDS and sexual health with clear metrics of success, and the results and continued support from the government speak for themselves,” added Prof Chan. 
Toh, who served as AfA’s Executive Director from 2007-2009, concurs. 
“Actually, not many people know this, but MOH has been quite supportive of AfA over the years. Even during my term, they would hold closed-door discussions with us, intently wanting to work with us on eliminating HIV/AIDS,” said Toh. He reckoned that MOH did not want to be publicly seen as supporting something considered by society as ‘morally corrupt’ no matter how beneficial it is to wider society. 
The Fruits of Our Predecessors’ Labour Are Not Handed on a Silver Plate
The history of HIV/AIDS and its role in fomenting community-building among the LGBTQ+ community has always been a topic of fascination for me.
I can only imagine what it must have been like to see everyone in your social circles and communities succumbing, one by one, to an unknown disease. 
Covid-19 provided the closest representation of the tumultuous and uncertain time in the ’80s.
In the midst of writing this, however, the comparison became a much closer one. Monkeypox is now affecting men who have sex with men more than the rest of the general population. 
“It’s not the same thing,” Chan said, cautioning against making blanket comparisons between monkeypox and HIV/AIDS.
“For starters,” he intoned, “monkeypox is not an unknown disease. We’ve known about monkeypox for decades, so it is nothing close to HIV back in the ’80s.”
Admittedly, life is easier for a gay man like me, who came of age at a time when HIV/AIDS is no longer considered a significant threat. 
With common knowledge of medication as well as preventative measures like safer sex and pre and post-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP and PEP), it is easy for me and my peers to take for granted the freedoms that we now enjoy, thanks to decades of advocacy and destigmatisation. 
But as Prof Chan said, “It is important not to be complacent. The freedoms and advancements we have today were not handed on a silver platter. Earlier generations had to fight very hard for all of these things.”
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221bluescarf · 1 year ago
My Psychosis Survival Guide
Things from my coping box that might benefit you too. Like any other skill, many of these things can be used to help any other mental health problem. This is just my own list of things I use in addition to seeing my pdoc and taking my meds:
Grounding is my first and most effective coping skill. Among the skills in the grounding category, coloring and doodling are my favorites (bonus if you can color-in doodles you've made yourself) but any art will do, like painting or making collages.
This can distract you from hallucinations and keep your mind occupied to stop dwelling on paranoid or delusional thoughts. Art therapy is known to reduce anxiety and depression too, which is common with psychotic disorders.
Instrumental music
LoFi is my favorite. Something calming can reduce anxiety and help you rest or sleep, which is good for a brain bombarded with the psychotic experience. Lyrics can sometimes trigger unwanted thoughts and some people even find that the lyrics change and suddenly have special meaning, so this is avoided with instrumental music.
Some LoFi music has other sound effects which can help auditory hallucinations to blend in and be less intrusive. Cafe vlogs are excellent for this, as they have a background of people talking and kitchen appliances being used which disguise mild and pesky hallucinations.
It can be Silly Putty, Thinking Putty, or whatever you can find. Some of them change colors, some of them are even scented. This is excellent grounding. It involves your senses and you can completely turn off your brain and just play with it in your hands. It's also great as a fidget tool.
Letters to yourself
Writing letters to yourself while you're in a good and healthy mindset can be valuable to look back on while in a psychotic episode. Give yourself a pep talk. Remind yourself that this is real life, remind yourself of why these thoughts are irrational and why you really can trust your friends and family, etc.
I find it useful to write about past delusions, so that when similar ones happen, I have "proof" that this is unreasonable and I'm less likely to fall for it (nothing is perfect. sometimes I'll still believe the delusion despite everything, but it helps)
A list of people who can help
Keep a list of friends or family who are aware of your diagnosis and who are ready to help you if you're struggling. Keep the numbers to these people in case you chuck your phone. Also include the numbers to your doctor, therapist, social worker, or anyone else you may need to reach when you're unable to use your own phone. (It's also good to have these listed in case you get hospitalized and are unable to have your phone)
Also if you're dealing with paranoia around your phone, some people find it comforting to use WhatsApp because it's encrypted unlike text messages.
I hope these are helpful
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dropitlikeapeong · 4 months ago
Waiting for You: Chapter 4- It's really over, isn't it?
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Genre: EVEN MORE angst (atp we should be used to it)
CW: Mentions of cheating. More arguing. More swearing. More crying. Seeun is an asshole (Im sorry to my serangdoongies). Y/n is mad as hell for a minute (AS THEY SHOULD BE). Implied sexual relations (nothing explicit, literally the words "spent a night together") Seeun hurts Y/n (gripping your wrist tightly). Let me know if there's more that I'm leaving out.
A/n: FINALLY AN UPDATE WE ALL CHEERED! I'd like to apologize again for keeping you all waiting for this long but yay chapter 4 is finally here, and chapter 5 is not too far behind.
I apologize in advance, to all my Seeun stans, this one's gonna hurt.
As always, likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated. Enjoy!
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From coming in late to work, upsetting your co-workers and friends, catching a nasty and uncalled for attitude from your ex, accidentally landing one of the boys in the hospital causing him to miss an important schedule, finding out said ex has likely been playing you throughout your whole relationship with another celebrity, also finding out there might be a little more that story since your boss seems to know a lot more than he's letting on and being forced to go to therapy or else you'd lose your job and get sued, safe to say today had been exhausting.
You felt physically and emotionally drained and really just needed to sleep off the events of today. Fortunately you don't have work tomorrow, or any day after that unless you see that stupid therapist.
You definitely felt horrible about what happened with Hunter but therapy? Seriously? But if that's what is needed for you to keep your job, so be it. You wonder if you'd be allowed to visit him, to maybe apologize in person. Hunter always goes on about how you're his favorite out of all their staff, He'd understand you didn't mean for that to happen right?
Your thoughts are interrupted by the elevator beeping, letting you know you've reached your floor. The doors open and you let out an irritated sigh at the unexpected guest standing at your doorstep.
Technically, it isn't unexpected, you were warned that someone would be picking up your ex's things, although he never mentioned who would be doing the pick up. Considering all of the people he could've called, this was just ridiculous.
"Why are you here?"
Seeun jumps a little at your voice turning to face you.
"Don't scare me like that! Gosh, you almost gave me a heart attack."
You continue staring at him blankly while he avoids your eyes, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
"Why are you here?" You ask him again.
"You sound like a tape recorder. 'Why are you here' haha, I'm sightseeing, obviously." His laugh is uncomfortable and awkward.
"This is a really nice apartment complex." He remarks, looking around the empty hallway. "I might just move in here someday." Another awkward laugh follows. Then silence.
One thing you know about your ex, is that he is either really horrible at reading the room, joking around when it was time to be serious, or he's really good at playing dumb when he knows he has fucked up. But with the day you've had today, you couldn't care less about which of those he was doing.
"It's very quiet this side of town isn't it?"
"Seeun go home."
You go to unlock your door and he moves out of your way.
"I came to get my things." he mutters, you roll eyes barely sparing him a glance.
"Maybe lead with that? I'm not in the mood for any shit right now." You open your door stepping inside leaving it open for him. He just stands at your doorway, a small pout on his face.
"You won't invite me in?" He laughs giving you a lopsided smile.
A smile that would've had you weak in the knees back then. A smile you would usually return with one of your own. Maybe a little giggle, because it would instantly cause him to start giggling too. A smile you loved seeing at times like these, where you felt like your world was crumbling, as it always made you feel so much better.
A smile that now causes your eyes to start brimming with tears. A smile that makes you feel like your throat is closing up, and causes bile to rise up from your stomach.
A smile that now repulses you.
He shifts uncomfortably at your glare. "Tough crowd I guess." he mumbles stepping inside, closing the door behind him.
"So... Can I start in the bedroom? You took a LOT of my hoodies-"
"Take what you're here for and leave, Seeun."
He huffs at your cold response.
"I'm not here to fight with you, Y/n. There's no need for all of this."
"There wasn't any need for you to be a dick towards me all day, yet that still happened."
"Oh come on, you're still mad about that?" He scoffs.
"You can't keep taking everything so personally Y/n."
He sighs shaking his head.
"Look, I have things to do-"
"-Like Areum?" You cut him off and he freezes at that. You feel his eyes on your back.
He knows that you know. Did he seriously expect you not to find out after both his and her company released public statements? it's quite literally the only thing k-netizens are talking about right now.
Though xikers may not be a really big name in Korea, Areum on the other hand is practically the nation's princess, one of YG Entertainment's top models with an impressive reputation, and several brand ambassadorships under her belt. Already having garnered a large fan base after only one year since her modeling debut, the news of her having a boyfriend would most definitely have her fans going crazy.
You could've liked Areum too at some point. She seemed to be a sweet girl. She was always lovely towards her fans and her staff. Very polite and respectful in front of the cameras. You do not doubt that she was likely even sweeter behind the scenes as well.
Unfortunately, the chance that her and Seeun have likely been seeing each other since your relationship with Seeun started, leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
He clears his throat harshly, an attempt to compose himself.
It seems you've caught him off guard.
"That's none of your business."
Now it's your turn to scoff. He has some nerve. You turn to face him and he has the audacity to look mad at you. As if this was your fault.
"Congrats on that by the way. Although I would've appreciated a little heads up that you've been two-timeing me our whole relationship."
His eyes widen in shock. He opens his mouth to speak but immediately closes it again, his facial expression neutral.
"It wasn't like that." You scoff at his words.
"Could've fooled me."
"Y/n don't." He grits out, avoiding your eyes.
"I really was just a joke to you, wasn't I?"
"For fucks sake it wasn't like that!" His loud voice causes you to flinch.
Throughout your relationship he has never raised his voice at you. Sure he was loud and yelled often, within your vicinity. But he has never yelled at you. He loved you too much for that. Perhaps he still does with how he instantly looks regretful at what he just did.
"Then what was it like Seeun? What you're telling me and the way you're treating doesn't match up. So what am I supposed to believe?"
"It-I-" He exhales deeply hands over his face, clearly at a loss for words. Or at a loss in general.
In this moment he no longer looks at you with a snarky glare, or a cruel smirk. He just looks lost. He looks like the boy you fell in love with again.
It reminds you of the conversation you had with the CEO.
Something about an arrangement.
You take a step closer to him.
"Seeun?" he looks up at you, a nervous look on his face. Like he's scared of something.
That gives you a small glimmer of hope. That this was all that it was, an arrangement for publicity's sake.
But why couldn't he just tell you that? Was a breakup necessary?
"Seeun, what is going on?" You slowly take another step closer, and hold his hand. He lets you.
"Please, just talk to me. What is this arrangement Mr. Kim mentioned?" He looks startled by your question but doesn't pull his hand away.
"It's about you and Areum right?" He doesn't answer you, nor does he pull away from you.
Instead, he pulls your hand towards his lips and plants a small peck on your fingers, mumbling something inaudible.
"What?" He finally looks into your eyes, with a blank expression.
"I liked the date." You stare at him, utterly confused.
"...What?" He gives you a small smile.
"March 22nd. It's a nice date. It's cute... And very believable considering we were at the same event together around that time."
"Seeun that's- no but it-I-" You feel overwhelmed, a bad feeling creeping into the pit of your stomach. They couldn't have picked a different date? One that wasn't yours and his' anniversary?
"Seeun that's ours. It's our date, That's when we started dating, not-"
"I need you to know-" he cuts you off gripping your hand a little tighter, "-after I left last night, I went to Areum's place."
Your feel your heart sink at that.
"We spent the night together and... we're dating now."
You feel nauseated, his tight hold on your hand is now uncomfortable. Why hasn't he let go yet? You try to pull away from him but he only holds on tighter.
"I need you to understand something, Y/n." His grip on your hand, is now painful. He pushes your chin up with a finger, making you look into his eyes.
"What I had with you, is nothing compared to what I have with Areum."
Your eyes are already brimming with tears. You try to move out of his hold but he only pulls you back. A cruel grin on his face.
"You want a reason for why we broke up? Here it is; I don't love you."
The tears slowly roll down your face. He sees them, and laughs.
"Cry all you want, I'm only telling you the truth."
His tone is mocking as you stare up him, with teary eyes and a trembling lip.
You should've never let him in. You should've never allowed him into your home. You should've told him to leave, fetch his things when you weren't at home. You shouldn't have said yes to dating him. You shouldn't have let him into your heart.
"My arrangement with Areum, has nothing to do with you, so stay out of it." He finally let's you go, yanking his hand away from yours, as if he's disgusted by your touch. Your hand now stings from how tight he held it.
"Get that into your head, and never forget it; I do not love you. You're nothing to me."
He leaves you in the living room, heading off to your bedroom to collect his belongings.
"One more thing," It seems he still wants to rub some salt in the wound.
"I don't appreciate you or anyone referring to my relationship with Areum as an 'arrangement'. I don't care who you heard it from, don't ever disrespect my girlfriend like that again."
He heads off into your room closing the door behind him.
You collapse onto your couch and finally break down, heavy sobs escaping you.
You really wish you had just told him to leave...
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<previous chapter :: next chapter>
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neuroticboyfriend · 7 months ago
Is it possible to work in the field of psychology (therapist, psychiatrist, social worker, etc.) while being anti-psych? /gen
I’m currently studying psychology (working on my Bachelors), hoping to be a therapist.
I just learned about anti-psych. I’m still learning about the movement, but I agree with what I know about anti-psych. Especially as someone who spent time in a mental hospital; luckily I was only there a few days, but it wasn’t a good experience at all and showed me (a teenager) the systematic abuse of institutions.
Tbh I have mixed feelings on this so I don't wanna give a solid yes or no. What I can say is that I have a human services degree and have solidly decided that I am not going into therapy. Even though I could do good there, there's things like mandatory reporting. There's the constraints of whatever clinical I work in. There's professionality norms, and things I can't do w/o getting my (currently non-existent, I only have an associates) license revoked.
Whatever good I would be able to do would be inherently limited by the unjust system, and in order to do that good work, I would have to concede to that system. I would have to keep it going and do things that go against my morals.. things that could potentially harm someone - even if only indirectly. Even with good therapists, I've experienced how the butterfly effect works to perpetuate psychiatric truana.
So I'd rather put my people skills to use doing mutual aid and peer support. I do that every day in my own recovery process, being part of the community I'm in. And to me it's a lot more rewarding to just be a layperson in addiction recovery, helping others along the way, making friends in the process... than it was doing my internship. It's more.. real, honest, vulnerable - more human.
That said, I do think having therapists who truly understand and value their patients autonomy & such is important. People are going to go to therapy, because they need it - I know I do, especially group therapy. So do with that what you will, and know there are ways to put good out there that don't require you to skirt your morals or work within the system.
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I don't know whose ever gone through what I'm dealing with now, with a loved one suffering and being in a state where they refuse to do what helps them get better.
I visit mom every other day, usually for about 30mins but sometimes longer. I'm starting to feel the effects of residual stress of having to watch a loved one suffer. And part of this, it's on her. Refusing therapy puts you three days worth of time behind. (as I was told by a worker) And while I get her depression, I know her better than anyone and can tell when he's being purposefully stubborn. She's the type, that if she wants something, she'll find a way. Even if it means being a karen. She'll move mountains to get what she wants, and yet....she's not using that to her advantage.
and no one seems to notice how this all effects me. Sure, it's so selfish I know. I'm not the one who suffered a stroke. But I've had to watch this all unfold, I've had to make uncomfortable phone calls, to make sure she got into rehab after the hospital. I have to keep positive despite watching her regress at one point and have to fight double time to get back the progress she made. I'm so scared. So stressed. And everyone keeps telling me they are proud of me? Whats there to be proud of???
I have migraines, and I have them more often now---but this, this stress is like a migraine without pain. You know that stuffed up feeling? And no amount of crying, self care, venting, or just...trying to be happy in the face of something scary. Nothing is helping and I'm afraid. I do have therapy every two weeks, and that's my savior right now. But it's not enough. It doesn't feel like I'm going to burst quite yet or even ever do so, but it just feels....heavy.
I wish things could get back to normal. I want my mom to improve, I want her home, I want to stay positive but every day it gets harder.
Sorry to interrupt your barrage of daily crane content btw
I don't know where else to go....
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herminapons · 9 months ago
Please ignore that or don't. I accidentally added poll instead of a read more line. Don't know how to remove it. *cries*
Sharing My Interpretation of Stardew Valley Shane's Life and Personality:
He had a rough childhood. His parents are divorced and as a child, Shane moves from one parent's house to another. Until each of his parents have their own families, Shane was eventually neglected.
Marnie and other relatives adopted him.
Due to constantly moving places, Shane haven't made any friends.
He spent most of his childhood watching Gridball, playing videogames, and/or being on the Internet.
In middle school, he met these two childhood sweethearts (Jas' parents) who eventually became his best friends.
Shane is the weird, quiet kid who always looks out the window and is mostly invisible to others kids.
But with his 2 friends? Shane is just like any other kid. He loves playing games, playing with toys, and laughs at butt jokes.
Shane changed a lot in high school. He became a popular kid being a varsity player in Gridball.
Think of any teenager-trouble you can think of, Shane has probably done it.
Shane is still a weird kid despite all that, it especially shines through when he's with his two friends.
He works part time while studying. He was dedicated to save up for college.
Shane had a promising future. He got good grades all while being a varsity player (and a troublesome teenager lol)
Shane was supposed to go to college when he got in an accident which left him with a broken ankle.
All the money he saved up went to hospital bills and therapy.
Marnie insisted that Shane move to Pelican Town for a while in order to heal. This is the time he started getting into farm life and fell in love with taking care of chickens.
After 2 years, Shane moved back to the city and have a fresh start.
He began working again and his jobs were mostly retail customer service.
Shane tried to continue studying. But it was either he was rejected or he was short on money to proceed with enrollment.
Due to co-workers' influence, Shane started drinking after shifts.
He was the wingman to his best friends' relationship.
Shane found a girlfriend during this time, it was a serious relationship. This inspired him to really change the course of his life. He cut back on drinking and started saving up again.
Shane was overjoyed when his friends announced their pregnancy. He made sure to always be there whenever his friends need him.
Because of this his friends call him papa Shane (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
Jas' name was an acronym of the trio's names. ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ (My HC their names are Jessie, Anton, Shane)
Secretly, Shane is jealous of his friends' happy little family. He always wondered how it must feel like to have a family, given that he doesn't have one eversince.
Living the fast-paced city life made Shane miss Pelican Town and realize that living in a farm is his true calling.
This sparked a lot of arguments between him and his gf. She wanted to grind her life for money, but Shane wanted to just live life.
They eventually broke up. This hurt him so much that he began drinking heavily every night to cope with the pain.
Then the accident happened. His friends died at the scene, leaving a poor baby Jas orphaned.
Shane was babysitting Jas when he heard the news.
Devastated, Shane drowned himself in alcohol. Saying he was a mess is an understatement. He had to quit his job to take care of Jas, and he was using up all of his savings for her and in beer.
When Marnie heard of the news, she took charge and arranged everything. She adopted Jas (since Shane is not suitable to be her legal guardian) and have her and Shane move back to her ranch in Pelican Town.
Shane shut himself off from the world. He refused to leave his room, he even refused to see/look at Jas. He hated looking at her because she reminds him of his late friends and the trauma of their passing.
His alcohol consumption turned into addiction. Shane cannot calm down until he's intoxicated. If he's sober, he spends the rest of his time crying and hating himself.
His turning point was when Marnie was out late due to a storm. Shane heard Jas' cries from the other room, he had to force himself up and attend to her.
Shane saw his goddaughter for the first time in months. She's no longer a beany baby, Jas can now stand up on her own and walk a few steps. When Marnie came home, Shane saw that his aunt was not getting any younger. Lines are starting to form on her face.
This made Shane realize that time passes and everything changes, except him.
Shane started forcing himself to be there for his "ragtag bunch" family.
He moved to the city for a better job but it didn't worked out for long.
He moved back to Pelican Town when he heard that there's a "promising job" waiting. Lol Joja
Shane always beats himself up. He's always thinking about the "what ifs" and contemplating if life is still worth it.
Shane became reclusive and antisocial even to the ones close to him.
His life this time was a constant wake up, eat, self-hate, work, drink, more self-hate, sleep.
Despite all this, Marnie didn't stop looking after Shane. She never fail to remind him that he is loved and there are people that care for him.
Slowly, Shane got "better" at handling his trauma and pain.
Shane started spending time with Jas. He no longer hated seeing her face, instead he hates himself for not being there when she needed him the most.
He picked up hobbies he liked back then. He plays videogames again. He watches Gridball games again. He helps with taking care of the chickens again.
He recently got a pet chicken, he named it Charlie. Charlie the therapist.
He began warming up to the other villagers, too.
He found himself being friends with Emily. Shane felt safe dropping his guard down around her and let his weird side shine through.
Then there's Harvey and Elliott. Shane didn't know when and how it happened, but the three of them always end up in awkward situations. Due to the constant exposure to one another, a brotherhood was formed.
Even though he puts up a "mean" façade, on the inside Shane is still that weird, goofy kid who only wants to be loved.
Shane may not admit it, but in Pelican Town, he felt loved that he had never felt before.
Recently, Shane picked up a new hobby. Breeding chickens. He had always find chickens fascinating, and when Shane hatched his first blue chicken, he cannot contain his excitement.
Yet, Shane is still struggling. It's hard for him to open up to new people. Most of time he only forces himself to get up and function. There are times that he feels good and then days later emotions hit him like a truck. Shane hates himself and how much of a failure he is. He became dependent on alcohol to comfort himself.
Lately he starts accepting his situation, thinking that his fate is sealed. He accepts that his life is nothing but a pathetic joke and there is nothing left for him... Until a new farmer moves in town.
(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
This is a oneshot I refused to proofread so apologies for any errors. I was trying to write a fanfic but I don't knoooow how to tell stories. Bulleted list then! I could've put SDV Shane HC but lengthy titles look cooler ರ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ರ
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the-cleaning-guy · 7 months ago
My name is Bruce and I'm Princeton-Plainsboro's janitor, nothing too special. I keep the hospital clean and occasionally bring in my dogs to help the patients.
I've been told to include some things about myself so here ya go:
Age- 25 (April 21, 1979)
Pronouns- He/Him
Sexuality- Fag
I have 4 dogs, a truck almost as old as me, I can play the guitar, harmonica, and drum on buckets. Feel free to ask me something or talk to me I'm all ears buddy!
Some information about him!
Bruce grew up in a trailer park with his parents and older brother. His dad worked a blue collar job and his mom was a bartender. His brother is 6 years older than him, he wasnt home often so theyre not very close. He still goes to see his parents, he'll stop by and have dinner with them every so often. All of them were really distant growing up (still are) but they care about eachother in their own ways.
He started using drugs around 14 and it got really bad from 16-20. He originally got the job at PPTH at 19 but a year later got sent to rehab because he almost OD-ed. Cuddy gave him the job back because he was a good worker and his recovery was going really well. Hes relapsed a few times and had to stay inpatient at PPTH.
He has a slight southern accent that comes out with certain words but its not super obvious. His right eye is a very light grey/blue, his left eye is an olive green. He has tattoos all over his body (including a tramp stamp he got at 16). He has a labret, a septum, a tongue, 10 ear (3 on top, 2 on bottom), and a belly button piercing. Him and his brother both have moles under their eye but on opposite sides.
He owns an old red pickup truck from the 80s. Lives in a small rundown apartment 40 minutes from PPTH. He has four dogs (two pit bulls, a german shepherd, and an australian shepard). One pit bull (named Bones but he calls him Baby) is a trained therapy dog who helps him with his addiction and anxiety. He plans on getting his german shepherd (Jack <- named after jack twist from brokeback mountain) trained to be a therapy dog too. He learned to play guitar, harmonica, and bucket drums as a young teen practically on the streets.
He gets along with most people really well since hes easy to talk to. He has resting bitchface but when he talks to people hes very polite and friendly which makes up for it. Kids tend to like him so he carries candy in his pockets for them. He has sort of a random country uncle feel to him? Hes very charismatic but you also wouldnt want to get in a fight with him. He looks like someone you'd see at a bar drinking beers and watching the game on tv. Though hes not really a fan of sports other than hockey or fighting. He seems older than he really is both physically and mentally. He'll bring in Bones for the patients to hang out with when hes allowed to. He enjoys talking about music, movies/shows, history, dogs, etc. People tend to talk to him about their drama so he knows everyones business, hes a good listener!
He likes men but he doesnt really talk about it often. He grew up getting called 'fag' by most of the people around him (even if they got along) so he usually just calls himself that. He isnt currently into anybody but he gets around. Hes a cis guy but doesnt care about gender much so its never really on his mind, he probably doesnt know what being trans is but he doesnt give a shit either way.
Hello!! im ghost (@ghostboyhood) the person behind this blog. Sorry the information above is so all over the place i have a rough time wording things 😭 I'll usually talk ooc in specified tags unless youre specifically asking ME something and not Bruce -> [#ooc- blahblahblah]
This is my House Md oc Bruce N. Valentine!! Feel free to ask him things and talk to him, he'd love to listen. Hes up for answering almost anything just be smart about what you ask <3
Go check out the other people hes surrounded by at @ppth-staff !!
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heardatmedschool · 1 year ago
A quick guide on what different titles mean in my posts
(Since education AND healthcare systems vary around the world).
Medical Student (4.5-5 years)
You can get into medical school straight out of high school. College degrees do exist, but they are not the norm, not for medicine, and not for any career, tbh.
You fist 2-3 years are mostly theory. Calculus, chemistry, biology, anatomy, histology, embriology, physiology, pathology, physiopathology, microbiology, pharmacology…. That period end with semiology, and you get a Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Science.
Then, for the next 2 years, you have your clinicals, in which you spend half of the day in the hospital, with patients, and half the day in class, but definitely more focused on patient care and management.
Med student in clinicals = baby of the team (most of the time).
When you finish, you get your Academic Degree, Licenciate in Medicine.
Medical Intern (1.5-2 years)
No longer a student, you are now in your professional practice. Although you are technically still in med school in your university, you can say goodbye to classes, since you’re now a worker.
Probably bottom of the food chain, and probably does all the paperwork that nobody wants to do, but it’s a period where you gain a lot of independence and knowledge through work.
When you finish, you get your Professional Title, Médico Cirujano, but also need to pass a national test (EUNACOM) in order to be able to work.
Once you are a Doctor, you can work with that, or you can specialize.
Resident Doctor
A doctor, who is both working and studying towards a specialty.
Doctor who is on charge of a team. Tends to be an specialist.
Other titles that may cause confusion:
CNA: I use CNA to refer to TENS (Técnico de Enfermería de Nivel Superior). Technical degree (2.5 years). Takes care of patient’s basic needs, vital signs, may administer non-prescription medications.
Scrub tech: An specialized TENS. Takes care of the surgical instrumental and the sterile field in the OR.
Other TENS specializations: (that aren’t shared with other workers) Ambulance paramedic, anesthesia tech, trauma tech (takes care of plasters).
Medical Technologist: University degree (5Y). In charge of handling the machines and advanced technology equipment. They have 5 sub-specialties: ENT, ophthalmology, morphophysiopathology, blood bank and radiology.
Kinesiologist: University degree (5Y). They encapsulate both Physical Therapy and Respiratory Therapy.
Midwife: University Degree (5Y). Kind of like L&D nurses. Also in charge of reproductive health (i.e inserts IUDs, tests for STIs). Can assist births without a doctor if uncomplicated.
Other professionals that may not need further explanation:
Speech therapy.
Occupational therapy.
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she-karev · 7 months ago
Meeting Luna (Jolex Sweet Imagine)
Tumblr media
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of One
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Alex Karev x Jo Wilson/Jo Karev
Canon Episode: Season 17 Episode 3
Summary: Alex and Jo help a patient deliver a baby that formed in her liver. Later Amber Karev gets news that devastates her and her loved ones.
Words: 3554
April 12th, 2020
Jo comes out of the hospital exhausted and rubbing her strained neck. It’s been four days since Meredith Grey was found passed out in the parking lot by Alex. He brought her inside the hospital where she was tested positive for covid. Since then, he has been checking in on her as her medical proxy, making sure she’s stable while Jo has been covering Meredith’s service. So far Jo hasn’t been outside in four days and the stress of the new job is getting to her.
“Hey.” Jo looks up to find her sister-in-law, Amber Karev, and best friend, Link, approach her in their casual clothes, “I’d ask how you’re doing but I think your appearance is answer enough.”
“Despite what you may read or hear in the news, sunlight does not in fact kill Covid 19.” Link says when he sees Jo has her mask off to take a breath.
“Ha. I've been covering Meredith's service. I haven't been outside in four days.” Amber hisses at that feeling bad for her, “What are you doing here?”
“Hand trauma.” Link explains.
“You left Amelia alone with four kids for a hand?”
Amber oohs at that, “You are so gonna be in the doghouse tonight.”
“She told me to come in.” Link explains.
“Oh. You're already annoying her.” Jo teases causing Amber to grin, “What's on your shirt?”
Link sees a sticky spot on his shirt, “Ooh, that's, uh, syrup? I made pancakes this morning.”
“Weird. You're a dad.” Jo jokes.
“Missed you!” Link sings before going inside leaving the sisters-in-law to catch up.
“How’s it going on your front?” Jo asks Amber, “I’m sure it’s not as painful as mine.”
“Normally I would disagree, but I know me complaining about my life right now is just gonna piss you off.” Amber says before changing the subject, “Any luck getting DCFS to do a home inspection?”
Jo frowns at that reminder. She and Alex bought a suitable two story 4-bedroom house back in February so they can raise a family there. They started the adoption paperwork, and the agency was gonna send a social worker to do a home inspection and interview them face to face.
But then March 13th happened, and social services has limited home visits in favor of public safety. The news broke Jo’s heart who was getting happier every time she and Alex were one step closer to having a baby of their own. So far, she has been trying to get past the pain with virtual therapy and work.
Jo sighs, “No they said other matters take precedence which as a woman who wants to adopt an abandoned baby pisses me off but as a doctor working in this terrible time I get it. I just wish I finally decided to have kids one month or hell even one day earlier. Maybe it might have made a difference.”
“I’m really sorry.” Amber says sad as well, “I know it doesn’t compare but my life hasn’t gone the way I envisioned it would five months ago either.”
Jo nods understanding, “Yeah if you had told me a year ago a pandemic would hit and instead of shopping for a car seat and looking toward the future, I would pray for toilet paper and hand sanitizer I would think you were crazy.”
“I would think I was crazy too.” Amber says bitterly, “I really am sorry I know how much you and Alex want a baby.”
“Thanks. We’re fine, we have each other, and we’ll just wait until social services finally does a visit and approves us. And to practice we have Schmitt living with us.”
Amber laughs, “I still can’t believe your letting him live with you. And I can’t believe Alex agreed to it, were you guys running low on rent or reasons for pity?”
“Okay he was sad and lonely, and he didn’t have a place to live I felt bad. It’s how Jackson felt with you after DeLuca broke up with you so…”
“…Touche my friend, touche. I gotta go, we’ll complain together later.”
“I’m holding you on that.” Amber walks past Jo and enters the pit when Levi Schmitt comes out and approaches Jo from behind.
“Abdominal pain consult in the ER.” Jo groans at that before snapping her fingers at Levi.
“I have faith in you.
“Covid test is still pending.” Levi informs Jo who slumps in defeat.
“I feel like I could just lay down and die.”
“Ah.” Levi imitates spitting to Jo’s confusion, “You really shouldn't say that during a pandemic.”
Levi goes back inside with Jo sulking for a minute before she puts her mask on and goes to her patient inside. Jo puts her protective shield on before going inside the trauma room where a blonde woman wearing a mask, face shield and gloves is sitting on the table clutching her stomach in pain.
“Val Ashton?” Jo starts, “Hi. I'm Dr. Karev. Okay, so you've had abdominal pain and vomiting for the last two weeks?”
“But it's not Covid.” Val insists, “I have gone nowhere, seen no one, touched nothing. I couldn't stop talking to the nurse that took my blood. It was the first in-person conversation I had had in months. I told her about the fight with my co-worker, all about my ex. And I think I invited her to lunch.”
Jo chuckles, “Don't worry. They're used to it.” Jo goes over Val’s chart in her tablet, “Okay, so your labs came back already, and…congratulations. You don't have Covid. You're just pregnant.”
Val looks at Jo in shock and utters a single word, “What?”
“Pregnant.” Jo repeats.
“Yaay?” Jo says in the form of a question leaving Val to look at her in utter shock at this news.
An Hour Later
After the ultrasound from Carina confirmed there was no fetus in the uterus Jo ordered an abdominal scan for Val to find the underlying issue for her stomach pains. She asked Amber to assist her because she knows with Webber restricting residents from treating covid patients her resident sister-in-law is bored from doing scut and mandating patient entry.
“Thanks for letting me in on this I really needed it especially since Webber decided to punish Koracick by making him residency program director which also punishes us.”
“Yeah of course I figured it was either let you work close with me or risk getting Koracick punched in the face and you losing your job.”
“You make it sound like those are bad things.”
Bailey comes inside the monitor room, “Karev, I need you to keep covering Grey's service. I'm hoping to persuade Dr. Webber to come back to the OR, whenever he finishes adjusting his crown. Chief of chiefs. I could be chief of chiefs.”
“You'd be really good at that.” Amber says.
“What do you got?” Bailey asks
“Abdominal pain, vomiting, positive beta HCG. She's not pregnant, but I want to rule out a mass.” The scans pull up.
“Okay I see a mass it’s in the liver.”
Bailey looks at the scans astonishes, “That is no mass. That is a fetus.”
“She is pregnant, but her baby is attached to her liver?” Jo gasps at this in wonder while Amber chuckles in delight until Bailey steps in.
“Hell no.” Amber retorts facing her boss, “This patient doesn’t have covid and I need something to lift up my spirits.” Bailey stares down at the resident who stares back with equal intimidation, “I’ve faced scarier things chief the only way you’re getting me out is tossing me across the floor.”
“Do you want to see that happen?” Bailey asks threateningly which doesn’t faze Amber as they continue to stare down with Jo looking on in worry.
“Okay as primary I will call the shots. Amber, I love you, but Bailey is my boss so get out.” Amber scoffs and turns to Jo who speaks before she can, “Go.”
“Fine.” Amber growls and stands up stomping out of the room with Bailey taking her place in joy as they look at the scans of the baby inside Val’s liver.
Jo sees Alex in the middle of the empty peds floor and approaches him with a tablet in her hand.
“Hey are you busy?”
“Well, my best friend is being monitored by her sister and my sister’s ex-boyfriend so that leaves me time to sort out my empty floor where every surgery has been rescheduled for the next three months. I’m free for whatever you have as long as it’s not mundane.”
Jo chuckles, “Oh then you are gonna love this.” She hands him the tablet and shows Alex Val’s scans, “Val Ashton 35, came in with abdominal pain and vomiting, labs showed that she was pregnant but there was nothing in the ultrasound so we ran scans to see what the issue was.”
Alex looks at the scans, “Tumor in her liver that released HCG? I’m lost on why you came to me with this.”
“Because that mass in her liver is a fetus.” Jo explains and grins at Alex looking at her with wide eyes, “Yep you heard me my patient has an abdominal pregnancy.”
“I can see why you came to me.” Alex says with a grin relieved to have a case, “Is the fetus viable?”
“Carina DeLuca is about to do an ultrasound and we’ll get answers. If the baby is viable, we need to get them out so the growing placenta doesn’t rupture Val’s liver. We want you there so you can explain the risks the baby will face if she decides to keep it.”
“Okay yeah I can do that lead the way.” Jo leads Alex away from the peds floor to Val’s room.
“There's a baby in my liver?” Val asks Jo with Alex next to her while Carina does an ultrasound on Val’s side where her liver is hearing a heartbeat.
“You have what's called an abdominal pregnancy, where the fetus develops outside of the uterus. You're about 26 weeks.”
“And so far, the heartbeat is strong which indicates viability.”
“That’s right and it’s very good in cases like this.” Carina says as she wipes away the gel, “Val, these pregnancies don't normally survive to term, but your baby is very much alive. Your case is extremely rare.”
“He made me feel like crap for eight years.” Val explains, “Every time IVF didn't work…he would look at the doctor and say, ‘Well, what can she do differently next time?’ When clearly it was his fault. Because I had a one-night stand with a guy that wears square computer glasses, and I'm knocked up.”
Alex nods understanding her pain from having his dream of having a baby with Jo stalled by covid.
“Val.” Carina sits by Val’s side and asks her cautiously, “Do you want this baby?”
Val inhales with tears in her eyes before nodding.
“Okay. Then we need to deliver her today.” Jo explains, “The growth of the placenta could cause the liver to bleed at any moment, and we need to operate to save you both, now.”
“It's a girl?” Val asks with a smile behind her mask.
Alex grins and nods, “Yes, it is.”
“Luna.” Val says rubbing her own belly, “That's her name. Ever since I was a little girl, I knew my daughter's name. I want to call her Little Moon, like the book, my mom would read it to me all the time.”
“Val.” Carina says and Val looks up nodding.
“Yeah, okay. Let's get her out!” Val gives consent in joy and the doctors look at each other knowing it’s not gonna be an easy surgery.
Two Hours Later
Jo and Bailey expose the liver revealing the baby inside as the scans show waiting for Alex and Carina to gown up so they can take the baby.
“Is she viable?” Alex asks as he spins while the nurse gowns him.
“Come see for yourself. Liver's exposed.” Bailey says causing Alex and Carina to observe the liver where they see the amniotic sac attached to the liver to their wonder.
“Wow.” Carina says in shock.
“Hello there, Little Moon.” Alex greets the baby before Bailey and Jo go over the steps of the procedure. Alex and Carina start the c-section and take out the small baby immediately, putting her inside the incubator while Bailey and Jo try to save the liver.
“Alex, I'm not seeing any movement.”
“Damn it.” Alex curses, “We need to intubate.” Alex and Carina try to intubate Luna while Jo and Bailey try to stop the heavy bleeding.
“How's Luna?” Jo asks.
Carina responds while helping Alex, “Apgar 2, maybe 3.” “We’re still trying to get the tube in.” Alex tries to intubate Luna, “Come on Luna you got this come on.” He successfully intubates her, “I’m in, bag her and get her up to the unit now let’s go!” Alex and Carina hurriedly take the incubator out of the OR while Jo and Bailey work hard to save Val’s life.
That Night
Jo is in the NICU looking down at her and Alex’s patient, Luna, who is hooked up to leads and wires in an incubator. The sight of the tiny premie breaks Jo’s heart but knowing the baby’s story gives her hope in a hopeless time.
“Hi, Luna.” Jo coos at the baby as she holds her tiny hand, “Hi. Your mommy is asleep right now, but she is gonna be so excited to meet you.”
Bailey approaches them with a grin, “See? Joy.”
Jo chuckles lightly, “She developed in a liver and was born in a pandemic. She is a survivor.”
“Your work these last few days hasn't gone unnoticed.” Bailey compliments, “Thank you.”
Jo nods and grows solemn at the reminder knowing why she’s so busy, “Meredith has to be okay, Bailey. She has to be okay.” The woman stand there looking at the baby hoping their good friend will make it through this virus.
“We’re gonna need to keep you for observation for the next month.” Alex informs Val who is bleary from her surgery, “Dr. Karev and Dr. Bailey did their best to resect your liver without doing too much damage but we need to be safe and keep a close eye on you. Now we’ll do daily scans on your abdomen to make sure your liver isn’t failing. Worst case scenario we put you on the transplant list and wait for a match to fall through. And until then we would put you on dialysis to buy you some more time.”
“And what about Luna?” Val asks worried, “Is she gonna be okay?”
“She needs to be constantly monitored in the NICU while her lungs continue to form. Now she’s 26 weeks so we would have her incubated for the next 19 weeks till she reaches full term.”
“Can I hold her? Or visit her?”
Alex sighs, “I want to say yes but her immune system is still compromised and you’re still fresh out of surgery moving one of you could raise complications. We would need to wait until you’re discharged so you can visit her. Now I can set up a camera so you can watch her and talk to her while you’re both recovering. I’m sorry but it’s the best I can do right now.”
Val sighs in sadness, “…This is not how I imagined having a baby after all this time but I wouldn’t change it if it meant finally having Luna.”
Alex nods understanding, “If it makes you feel better my plans for having a baby have been recently stalled too.”
“Fertility issues?”
“Not exactly.” Alex sits in a chair next to Val, “My wife, Dr. Karev, told me she was finally ready to start a family and I was excited to be a dad. We were gonna adopt instead of getting pregnant because we were both kids in the system and we know it can be a brutal upbringing. We bought a house, we bought furniture to make it look picture perfect for social services, we were finally ready to start a family…but then March happened, and all our efforts went out the window. We’re now waiting as patiently as we can to get a social worker to visit and approve us and every minute that passes feels-”
“Like an eternity?” Val finishes understanding, “It’s how I felt before, during and after IVF. It felt like I was never gonna have a baby, like it was my fault somehow and to find out it wasn’t my fault at all makes me angry…but you telling me my baby is finally out. It makes all that anger disappear and I feel joy. God, I feel so much joy.”
Alex grins at that, “I could use some of that joy right now, can you share?”
“No.” Val’s blunt answer makes Alex chuckle. She frowns as a horrible scenario comes into her head that makes her look at Alex square in the face, “I need you to promise me something. Promise me that if I die, you’ll make sure Luna walks out of this hospital if I can’t.”
“Val…I can’t make promises.” Alex sadly tells her.
“I know but I need you to promise you will do everything you can to make sure Luna is okay. You will try any procedure, you will get her into a trial, you will do anything to make sure one of us makes it out of this alive. I need you to promise that you will take care of my Little Moon if I can’t, from one desperate parent to another please promise me.”
Alex looks at Val in awe before holding her hand and looking into her eyes with conviction, “I promise.” Val sniffles and looks at Alex gratefully as he holds her hand with the both of them feeling hopeful.
Amber is alone in the resident’s lounge putting her casual clothes on feeling drained once again after another long day in charge of the check in station outside. What was supposed to be her first surgery in weeks turned into little arguments with people who refuse to fully wear their masks and keep a six feet distance.
It got to the point where one of them spit on her and she spent ten minutes furiously scrubbing her face with rubbing alcohol afraid of the germs and angry at the ass who demeaned her. Now all Amber wants to do is go to Jackson’s penthouse, drink his expensive alcohol and watch bad reality tv. A knock on the door calls her and she turns to find her roommate Jackson Avery standing outside the door in his casual wear and black mask looking at her in worry.
“I heard what happened. Did the guy really spit in your face when you told him to stop acting like an idiot and put his mask on and keep a safe distance?”
Amber groans putting her black mask on, “Yep, I did the silkwood shower on my face right after I think I peeled off a layer of my own skin. I don’t want to talk about it I just want to go home, watch The Bachelorette and wonder where my life is going after today.”
“I’ll join you; I got a feeling Hannah is gonna eliminate Peter.”
Amber scoffs at that, “Please you wish, Peter is going all the way, Mike is next mark my words.”
Jackson’s eyes widen offended, “Oh we’ll see about that Mike is her dream man, loser does the laundry?”
Amber chuckles at her friend, “You’re on, make sure to fold my delicates I like them neat and organized.”
“Same. Let’s go.” Amber slings her backpack on and is about to walk towards him when Owen Hunt comes in with a numb face wearing his scrubs and mask.
“Good I caught you both before you left.”
“What’s wrong?” Jackson asks concerned.
Owen looks solemn but faces Amber with regret getting straight to the point, “Amber your test came back just now, your positive for covid 19, I’m sorry.”
Jackson and Amber are stunned by this with him standing by the doorway looking at Amber worried she’ll faint like Meredith. Amber is standing by her cubby with her backpack on looking frozen with shock before she chuckles uneasily.
“Is this a joke? I’m not symptomatic, I feel fine. Did Koracick or Alex put you up to this because it is the worst punking in the history of ever.”
“No this isn’t a joke.” Owen says with a serious tone, “The test is right here you can look at it if you want.”
Owen puts the tablet on the table six feet away from Amber who takes it and looks at her results with a small gasp. She looks up at Jackson who looks down in worry but pulls out his phone.
“I’ll book you a hotel room to quarantine and tell your family.” He puts the phone to his ear, “And April we should get tests too.”  
Amber swallows the lump in her throat before sitting on the bench while Jackson makes calls. At this moment she feels a fear in her chest she’s never experienced before as a doctor and as of now a patient.
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hunterssm00n · 1 year ago
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What first starts out as a cruel prank turns into a night of unmatched passion. | Waylon Jones/OC |
part 1 of 3
also on ao3: here
*cw include smut, explicit situations, size kink, teratophilia, fear play, dirty talk, anxiety attack, extremely mild dubcon (for point one second but tagging just in case), graphic description* MDNI - 18+
♡˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ♡
hunterssm00n © All rights reserved by me. I do not allow this work to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
/ / Hunger / /
The door slammed shut behind her with finality as she stumbled into the room, as she'd been thrown through the opening by the guards. Her palms scraped on the damp stone floor, but she ignored it as she immediately tried to scramble back up to try and escape. The door was heavy with reinforced steel, and she could just barely hear the cackling of the guards over the heavy clank of it being locked from the other side. Was this really happening? In her workplace, no less?!
Kris had thought working for Arkham would be different. She'd thought it was a fresh start - and for the most part, it was. But this... This had been a long time coming. Many of the workers here were good people, who wanted to actually help the asylum's patients like they were supposed to be doing. Not these people. Gotham had scum everywhere, and they even found their way into service jobs: hospitals, police, even Arkham. And now they had locked her in here; the lowest level of the architecture, the old sewer tunnels... with him. 
She swallowed hard, her hands trembling on her side of the door, and she could feel the vibrations from the thugs on the other side pounding on the steel. She could hear them too, over the similar pounding of her heart in her head.
"Now just remember, love, scream if you need us!"
"Don't worry, a few have come out of there alive! Granted, heh, not all in one piece..." 
"I wonder if he'll fuck you before he eats you - or maybe after!"
Kris started backing away from the door, enough so that their voices were mostly muffled, but before she went too far she turned to face the new surroundings she’d been thrown into. 
There wasn't much to see, thanks to the dim lighting, but from what she could tell it was basically a tomb with brick archways that looked like they would crumble at any moment, and long, endless tunnels full of murky water. It was so eerily quiet, save for the sounds of running water both close and distant, as well as drips collecting into the pools all throughout the cavernous underground of the old sewers - the place she was now locked in.
Her breathing was rapidly increasing, making her mind go hazy, the edges of her vision fuzzy, and she knew she needed to stop and gain control before she passed out. Leaning against the rough brick wall for support, she slowly slid down, until her bottom hit the damp, slippery stone floor under her feet. Normally she would never sit on such a slimy surface, but right now her head was spinning so much she debated even lying down. Kris felt that cool, coppery sensation in her throat, and she wondered if she was going to vomit. She gulped in huge breaths of air, thinking about the moment a few days ago that had landed her in this very situation.
She worked in an office at Arkham Asylum as a clerk, but the layout for the campus was... interesting, to say the least. Right down the hall from the clerical office was the psychiatry area, where patient sessions were happening at all hours of the day. She'd been walking down the hallway to the fax machine, turned the corner - and there he was: Waylon Jones, aka, Killer Croc; shackled and either going in for a mandated therapy session or coming out of one. Both he and the guards surrounding him appeared to be in a heated argument - one that she surprisingly hadn't heard as she’d been walking towards them. Honestly to her, it wasn't that surprising though; sometimes she got so focused on what was going on inside her head that the outside world just melted into a low hum.
Kris had stopped in her tracks, not knowing what to do from the surprise of it. But then the altercation had turned physical. Screams from nearby psychiatrists and nurses mixed with the ragged ferocity of Croc's voice, plus shouted threats from the guards made for a cacophony of chaos. He'd knocked people down, and some of them were sent flying during his rampage - which, from what she had seen of his crimes, was tame in comparison - and somehow, his eyes set on her down the hall. She thought he'd just been looking for who to hurt next; what other violence and terror he could inflict. Before she knew it he was in front of her, and had her pinned back against the wall, staring down at her with his somehow still shackled hands resting on the wall above her head, body vibrating with rage and exertion. Kris hadn't even realized she’d put both hands on his massive, scaly and muscular chest to keep him at bay from crushing her - not that that would have stopped him if he'd really wanted to do it.
The guards a few feet away were all groaning on the ground, backup had yet to arrive, and Killer Croc was standing over her, sandwiching her between the wall and his hard, large body. And he hadn't killed her. He'd been trying to intimidate her, sure (probably because he'd caught her staring),  as well as everyone else, but he didn't hurt her. She thought he had intended to, but her hands on his chest had taken him by surprise as much as it had her. He'd leaned down close and smelled her hair, and his shackled hands that were bigger than her whole head had lowered so he could take a piece of the dark strands between his fingers. "Such soft hands," he murmured, rasping voice now a low rumble that Kris could feel vibrate beneath her palms on his abdomen. "Such a sweet scent," His voice dropped another octave, and and she knew now it was because the next part was only for her to hear: "I wonder if you taste as good as you smell..."
Despite the situation at hand, Kris had felt heat rise to her cheeks, and embarrassingly she’d felt it elsewhere, too. And he'd noticed, he had to have noticed, because he chuckled lowly in surprised amusement - and then to her horror and even further embarrassment he'd inhaled even more deeply. To anyone else it looked like he was just being his usual, scary self - but none of them had heard what he'd said to her. Thank god.
And then at some point the guards had come to and backup had arrived and they'd pulled him off of her (only because he'd let them, she was sure), and she’d been in a daze for hours afterwards. When they had pulled him away from her, he'd told her, "I've got your scent, sweet one," 
Later that day when she’d taken her panties off, they'd been absolutely soaked - they'd practically stuck to her.
And apparently word had gotten around to the scummier guards and orderlies that Croc had cornered her and not killed her, and non-surprisingly it had piqued their interest. 
And now here she was. 
Think, think, think - no, get yourself under control first, you can't do anything if you faint.
Kris struggled to control her breathing, idly looking around at her surroundings. Leaning her head back against the wall, a bunch of things were going through her head at this moment, but she tried to make her mind blank so as not to have that aide in her passing out. In her mind she made a simple plan: I'll find a way out of here, I'll go to Aaron Cash, and I'll report them. Sometimes simplifying what needed to be done greatly helped her in situations. For this one, it was a good start. 
Catching her breath, she wondered if there were cameras down here. If she could find one, maybe she could alert someone that she was trapped down here... in the Croc's lair. 
Kris hadn't forgotten about last week - not at all. But she was trying really hard to stay calm, and thinking about him did not keep her calm at all. She’d seen him before a few times, but only from afar. Not that close; never that close.
Plus, what he'd said to her, how he'd acted... it had to have all been for show, right? Even if he had growled those things just low enough for her and only her to hear... she shook the thought out of her head. Right now she just needed to focus on getting out.
From somewhere not too far from where she sat, a splash hit the water. She turned quickly to locate the source of the sound, but noticed that it was just some rubble breaking off from the ceiling. She was relieved, but also sarcastically thought to herself Great, on top of everything else, now I'll have to worry about the goddamn place collapsing on me.
Then, from out of nowhere it seemed, he rose up from out of the water, jumping up and landing on the stone floor a few feet from her, with a thud that shook the ground beneath her. Her heart went to her throat and she gasped so sharply it hurt, and she wondered Is this it? Is this really it? 
A low hiss was emanating from him as he straightened to his full height, which had to have been at least eight feet tall. It was then that his eyes focused, really focused on her, and he tilted his scale covered head to the side, curiously. "Well if it isn't the pretty one with the soft hands - thought I was hallucinating there for a moment." He chuckled lowly, the sounding causing her insides to quiver, and not necessarily in a bad way. "What's a sweet little thing like you doing down here in my dark, dank abode?" 
Kris couldn't find her words. What on earth was she even supposed to say to him? Was there really anything to say? It was just like the scummy guys outside the door were saying - he was probably just going to eat her anyways. What was even the point? 
His head lifted from her to the door, and it was then that she noticed that the dirtbag guards and orderlies on the other side of the door were still pounding on it and jeering through the thick steel. And that meant that Croc could definitely hear it, too. 
He growled low in his chest, and took a few more steps onto the stone floor away from the edge by the water. Each step felt like a tiny earthquake underneath her, and she instinctively pulled her legs up towards her chest, as though trying to shrink back into the wall. Croc turned an ear towards the door, tilting his head once again, his golden-yellow eyes focusing on her, and they were once again regarding her curiously. His brow grew heavier over his eyes the more he heard what the men on the other side of the door were saying. "Scum." he snarled, the ferocity of his uttered word making her jump. Even when he wasn't speaking there were... noises coming out of him. Reptilian-like noises, every time he exhaled. But something about the venom injected into that single word sent a chill up her spine and made her flinch.
He noticed this - she imagined that not much escaped his gaze, him being an apex predator and all that. His senses were keen, far keener than any normal human. He noticed her - he saw her.
Now he took a few steps towards her, and Kris pulled her legs up to her chest as much as she could, making herself look as small as possible. He didn’t stop until he was right before her, only a mere few inches from her feet, and then he stopped. He crouched before her, every exhale a hot, deep rasp of air that she could feel on her skin under her clothes. She knew you weren’t supposed to look predators in the eye, but she was more afraid to look away - to take her eyes off of him. And honestly… she didn’t want to. He was so interesting to look at. She’d seen him before the event a few days ago, a couple of times. Down the hall being led in and out of his therapy sessions, on security footage whenever there was an incident involving him (there were many), and on his paperwork, which she had helped file when he arrived. Up close, he was even more mesmerizing. 
Even crouched he still towered over her, and he slowly reached out a hand towards her; towards her head. He took a piece of her black hair between his claw-tipped fingers once again, and it appeared as though his movements were deliberately slow because he was trying not to scare her. “So the scourge of Arkham sends in such a pretty little morsel for me to play with. Tell me; do you think they’re expecting you to come out alive?” 
Kris shuddered openly at his words, his proximity, his yellow eyes that seemed to be staring into her very soul. Her gaze dropped to the ground- what was she supposed to do now? She felt defeated, even more than scared. “Just do what you’re gonna do.” Her words carried practically no volume, and a tear rolled down her cheek and dripped onto her knee. 
He released her hair, and one massive, claw-tipped appendage slid under her chin to gently tilt her face back up to look at him. He tilted his own large, scale covered head at her, a low rumble emanating from him as he appeared to study her. “I’m not gonna eat you.” he rumbled, his voice softer - well, as soft as his harsh rasp could be. Softer much like in the way he’d said… what he’d said to her upstairs, for her ears only. And then he said, “Not in the way you’re thinking.” 
She thought back to what he’d said to her a few days ago: I wonder if you taste as good as you smell… and god help her, she felt that same heat between her legs that she’d felt the first time. She looked at him knowingly, her eyes wide with realization. He chuckled deeply, the sound rumbling from his massive chest through his arm and into her, and she felt herself grow wet. Something about his voice…
The pounding from the steel door grew more pronounced, more frantic from the other side, it seemed, and Croc flicked a glance over his massive shoulder before turning that gaze back to her and saying: “So whaddya say we cut a deal?” 
Kris looked at him in question, but nodded. If he was going to eat her - as in swallow her and then digest her in pieces - there probably wouldn’t be any talk about a deal… right? 
His yellow gaze burned into her with heat and he said, “You let me get a taste of of that sweet pussy-“ She felt a clench down below at his crass, direct words, “-and then I’ll let you go.” The hand that had been under her chin was now held out in front of her, waiting for her to shake. “Deal?” 
The steel door still had pounding coming from the other side, and it seemed like they were trying to bust the damn thing down. Kris made her decision: she took his huge hand. Well, really he took hers. His hand enveloped hers completely, so much so that it was almost comical. And they shook on it. 
The banging on the door was near frenzied now, and Crocs golden eyes had a glint in them as he noticed - a mischievous one. “Wanna make them sweat a bit?” 
Those assholes had thrown her in here, not knowing what would happen to her, all for a late night joke. With resolve she nodded again, and Croc now rose to his full height, towering over her, and offered her his hand. She looked at him - towering height, scale covered body, thick with muscle and power, yellow eyes - and she took his hand once again, letting him pull her up off the ground. As soon as she was standing on her own two feet, he swung her up into his arms bridal style, making her gasp in surprise, and he turned towards the water. “Hold tight, pretty one.” He rasped as the door behind them began to creak as it was being attempted to be opened. Kris clutched her arms around his thick, sinewy neck, and then Croc jumped with her in his arms into the water.
He turned the corner to go left down the maze of tunnels right as the door was finally pulled open. Thankfully he didn’t submerge them, or any part of her at all, and standing at his full height the water only came up to his hips. Over the sound of him breathing (with every exhale being a grating rasp) and the sound of running water all around them, she could hear the guards and orderlies voices echoing from somewhere behind them in the cavernous tunnel, calling out, and much to her delight, sounding worried and fearful. They’d been trying to scare her - and now who was scared? She snickered at the thought of them scrambling to try and figure out how to explain this one, and she noted Croc tilt his head down at her in amusement. “You’re a little twisted too, ain’cha?” 
Without much thought about the question, she shrugged, still looking over Crocs shoulder behind them at the flashlight beams that were growing steadily more and more distant the farther they went. In truth, she did have a twisted side, but wouldn’t normally share that info with most people. This situation, however… was a little different. A lot different, actually. 
Soon, they rounded another corner, and the flashlight beams in the distance faded altogether, as well as the voices. Internally she felt gleeful with vengeance - she imagined the fear when she was not sitting and cowering where they’d left her, and the panic they were probably feeling right now. She didn’t think they’d intended to actually have anything happen to her - they were just looking to scare her. A joke, if you will; something that could easily be glanced over by HR with a slap on the wrist, don’t do it again. But now, now they were scared. And she reveled in it. 
She looked at Croc, who was facing forward, watching where they were walking, and she squeaked out, “Thank you,” 
He looked at her, and she saw his yellow eyes had surprise in them. He rumbled, “No need to thank me. Eye for an eye - a kindness for a kindness.” 
Kris puzzled over his words, and balked at his fairness. This was not anything she’d ever heard about him; the savage, bloodthirsty animal that only saw humans as food and nothing else. 
“A kindness…?” She didn’t want to question him and his logic, less he kill her for not knowing what he was talking about, but admittedly she was confused. What kindness was he referring to, exactly, that she’d done for him?
He ceased walking when they came to a four way set of tunnels, and he fixed his yellow gaze on her once again. “You touched me with no malice, and you looked at me without fear,” His eyes could practically light her on fire, they burned so much. She shivered under his gaze. “To me, that’s a kindness. It’s… refreshing.” He continued on walking then, turning right and bringing them deeper into the tunnels. “Not many people look at me like they’re not afraid; if they do they’re usually crazy,” Here he gave her a side eye that she could tell was meant to be a playful insinuation; maybe she was crazy, too. 
“Well,” She cleared her throat, shrugging, “I do work here,” 
He let out a bark of laughter as though surprised at her humor, and she realized that she enjoyed making him laugh. 
“If ya ain’t gone crazy yet, just give it time,” 
Kris couldn’t help but crack a smile; she liked his humor, too. 
The two walked for a little bit longer, his steady, rasping breathing strangely lulling amidst the sounds of running water and dripping. She was glad this wasn’t an actual sewer anymore, to say the least. 
After a few moments they came upon an area that had a little more lighting to it, but not by much. That was okay though; she liked the dark. And so did her new, scaly ‘friend’, it seemed. As they neared a platform that was enclosed with three walls, looking more solid than some of the floating wooden boards, she saw that atop of the stone slab was a mattress (a very large one) and a few more assorted items… along with what she soon realized were bones strewn about. 
She shuddered, and he noticed, “Sorry - woulda cleaned up if I’d known I was having company,” He didn’t say it maliciously, more almost sympathetically. 
Kris didn’t know what to say to this, so she just kept her mouth shut. She didn’t imagine he had much company down here - unless it was food. 
“Do you… really eat people?” She didn’t know why she asked this, but she felt the need to, for some reason. Seeing the bones made this situation all the more real. 
He huffed out a chuckle, leaping up out of the water and landing on his two huge clawed feet on the edge of the stone platform - and scaring the shit out of her in the process. “I really eat people,” he intoned, his words dark but with a hint of that same amusement. Kris began to wonder if this was a good idea after all; the sight of the human bones really making her fidgety in his impossibly strong arms.
He felt her tense in his arms and gave her a squeeze; his chest was rock hard against her left rib cage, and she took in a few deep breaths to try and calm herself. Was this the part where she should be fighting for her life? Should she really have trusted him? 
“Your heart is beating so fast,” he hissed, the crocodile purr pleasant but so fucking predatory at the same time. Kris shifted in his grip, on the verge of struggling, as he walked them towards his gigantic mattress on the stone ground. There were little pools of water on the floor in places between the cracks, and every time he took a step they rippled, as though there was an earthquake. 
Should I try to escape? Fuck, I’m such an idiot-
“It’s like music to my ears,” He stopped when they reached the side of the bed, gazing at her with a glimmer in those deadly yellow eyes. “Usually I don’t have a chance to savor the sound,” His grip tightened on her once again, not enough to hurt, but if it did anymore it probably would. “I just get so hungry,” 
Breathe, breathe, think, think- 
“Luckily, tonight,” 
“I can savor you for as long as we both want.” 
Unable to stand it anymore, she gulped and asked point blank, “Croc, are you… sure you're not gonna eat me?” She was afraid to hear the answer; afraid she had wandered into a trap - right into the mouth of the crocodile, literally. 
He chuckled deeply, the sound vibrating pleasantly in his chest and coursing through her body as it was pressed to his - she felt that same arousal as before even though she was scared. What the hell is wrong with me? 
“Well,” he said in amusement, “the deal was for just a little taste… but if you really want me to, that can be arranged, too.” 
It was then that she realized he was fucking with her. 
Kris balked once again, a little outraged that he was enjoying scaring her. “You- Fuck you!“ 
“Don’t sweat it little one - I just like the way your heartbeat sounds when you’re afraid,” A flash of heat went through his yellow eyes, “Kinda like thisss,” 
And then he threw her onto the bed, and when her back hit the mattress he came down on top of her, his massive body surrounding her, and there was nothing she could do - there was nowhere to go; he was everywhere.
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AN: I do not own the Batman: Arkham Asylum franchise or any of it's characters, but Kris is my own OC.
part two
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kimberlyborelli · 11 months ago
My Story:
As a child I experienced already a lot.
September 2014: I started to visit a different school. I struggled with learning, my chronical sickness and bullying.
Winter 2014: I started to visit the social worker & counsler at school because my problems turned out worse. But sadly these counseling sessions weren't helpful at all. I had to visit a psychiatrist for further treatment. It was tried to fix my problems but sadly it wasn't helpful. I developed suicidal thoughts because I was that frustrated. The psychiatrist decided to try some medications. The psychiatrist explained. The first two weeks it could show some side effects. But two weeks after I took the first pill: I developed a serious rare side effect. My parents asked the psychiatrist but she just said: It will pass by soon. But the issue didn't passed by...It got worse.
Autumn 2015: I had a mental breakdown on my way to school. I was sent to a hospital by the ambulance and received tranquelizers to be more compliant. In the hospital I was in a strong delirium. A psychiatrist was talking to me and said: I should be sent to a therapeutic facility.
At the facility (third floor, the secluded ward): The bathrooms were locked. Everytime when someone had to use the bathroom we had to ask for permission and wait til it's unlocked. But often there were times where the staff refused to unlock the door. No makeup was allowed. Also there were some patients who were treated better. I wasn't allowed to have hair ties in my room. In both floors where I was spent my time there was the rule of Silence Time (stay in your room and remain silent). Also books were controlled. I spent the first days in solitary confinement (I was allowed to leave my room and talk to others after the isolation. But it was monitored about topics. When you critized the staff you got punished.) Shaving wasn't allowed. Deodorants weren't allowed. Questions/Suggestions were ignored by the staff. Once I had a short anxiety episode some of the staff made fun of me. The only right ting what they did: To stop my medications. At the third floor I didn't received any therapy (They told my parents I'm attending a program). The only situation where I had something therapy-related I'd got a questionaire. I also was told being too fat for having an ED. Well, I was underweight. I was once allowed to attend a group activity at the third floor. It was about crafting. After I left the room, one of the staff teared my crafting work apart and threw it away.
First floor, ward with "less stricter" rules: After over one week where I tried to behave. I was shifted to the first floor. I shared my room with a girl (and we became friends). Also the staff noticed that and weren't happy about that. We both were in seperate classes in school. The classes were more like: Just do something school related and try to look busy. We both had seperate therapy programs. In the "silence time" we were in our room together. But we just talked and didn't cared about the rule. One hour before bedtime you have to be in your room and remain silent to get ready for bed. We both had different bedtimes. But mostly I went with her in our room and we still chatted together during she got ready for bed. During bedtime we weren't allowed to talk. But we still talked to each other and we got scolded and punished once. The bathroom got locked next time. I was shifted to another room and I was forced to sleep on the floor. She was shifted to a single room and was in solitary confinement. At the first floor I received some therapy. The group therapy was very strange. We received a behavior diagram and it was used for behavior modification.
The Ending: At the end my parents got me out finally. The staff tried to sent me to another facility. My therapist told me and my parents were too overwhelmed and want to send me away. And to my parents he told: I don't want to see my parents anymore.
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cluelesssocialworker · 6 months ago
Hoping, praying, wishing that you're still active.
I just got my first job as a social worker and am already on my deathbed. Fresh from uni and not a clue how to do the things they're asking me to do. I'll try though.
Working with seniors, I have to do outreach. We are distributing flyers and trying to make connections for our senior day program for seniors with dementia. I have already reached out to churches, hospitals and medical clinics, community centres, and libraries. But my manager wants me to expand on that list.
I really don't know who else to contact. Do you have any suggestions? And what was your greatest obstacle working your first SW job? ♥️♥️♥️
I'm not really active, but active enough to see this ask!
Oof, frontline social work jobs are tough. I'm assuming you're in the US (though I imagine this would probably be at least somewhat applicable to other countries), so here are some ideas:
First, search your area for social work/mental health worker networking groups. Most of them are on facebook, but some of them might be elsewhere. You can google "[City name/state/region] mental health worker networking group" and see what pops up. I say this both because you'll be able to do some outreach there, but also because you deserve to connect with other mental health workers for support for yourself. Also, try reaching out to your college and see if they have a group for alumni. Again, for outreach and networking opportunities, but also to connect with other social workers for support for yourself.
As for ideas for other places to reach out to: I mean, honestly, you've hit almost all the places I could think of! Try senior centers, if you haven't already. Try other nonprofits serving seniors in your area (try looking for Medicare/Medicaid-funded organizations), assisted living facilities, independent living facilities, and retirement communities, and see if you can find any individual therapists or group therapy practices that may serve seniors.
Also, don't be afraid to stand up and advocate for yourself in your job. If you're fresh out of ideas and your manager is still pushing for more, gently push back. Think along the lines of "I've already tried everything I can think of, including x, y, and z. I'm out of ideas at the moment. Do you have any ideas of other places I can try?" If they don't, and they just expect you to come up with... something, try, "I'm not sure what else to do. If you don't have any other ideas, I'm going to [insert idea of what you can do next that's tangentially related, like, 'follow-up with the places I've already reached out to so I can keep building those connections.'] But I'll talk with you during our next check-in/meeting to see if I come up with any other ideas."
Social work jobs are hard. They are so hard. I struggled with pushing myself too hard and not having the work-life boundaries I need to last long-term. Take your time off, take your sick leave. Turn your phone off (or at least mute work people) after hours. If you can keep from adding any work apps to your phone, do. If they try to give you more work than you can do in a reasonable work week, tell them that. "I'm not able to get x done with y and z, so I'm going to prioritize y and z unless you tell me you'd like me to do something else." And don't be afraid to look for a new job if this one is going to burn you out.
(also AskAManager.org is a great resource for finding ways to advocate for yourself in the workplace. Social workers deserve better than the field gives them. You don't have to put up with it.)
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omegaremix · 9 months ago
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Record Store Victory Tour, 2018.
Having three shoulder operations to beat cancer has been the ultimate life victory thus far. It was the most amazing and largest outpouring of support ever. Friends, family, allies, co-workers in good-standing, and even names whom I haven’t seen or heard from in years came to congratulate me and wish me onto a speedy recovery. I don’t know if nine months is what you call “speedy”. Nine months of shoulder replacements, ten weeks of in-home nurse visits, a MRSA infection, six weeks of in-home intravenous antibiotics, and missing two label showcases were balanced out with staying up until 4AM every morning finding endless music (Negril, Robert Ashley, and Steve Khan to name a few), daily postings, heavy amounts of sleep, and Dad’s daily deliveries of free food full of steak, sushi, pizza, chicken, egg rolls, and pasta. With a nine-month blackout period of not leaving the house ever, you had to make the best of it. I knew that after this I would never ever answer to any random nobody about my shoulder. And looking back at it, I say to myself as to why I even let it go so far.
Working for a great company and playing your cards right, you could sit and collect benefits while staying at home doing almost next to nothing. I now had more money in the bank when I last left work. So I promised myself that after I fully recover, I’d treat myself like I never had before. I decided that I would go on a record-store victory tour. I would hit up each and every independent record place, go crazy, and buy up everything I can. After nine months of being bed-ridden and staying home, I needed to treat myself with retail therapy. I needed to get out there and be myself again. Of all I been through and endured, I deserved it.
I didn’t immediately do it, however. It took me a few months to earn back the $2,000 I lost in savings when the benefits ended. While that happened, I enjoyed hot August days walking from my house to the veteran’s park and back, witnessed my ex- Yenny get married, attended Hospital Productions’ 20th Anniversary showcase (a day I will never forget), had a night out in my neighborhood Dave & Busters with my co-workers, and started getting in touch with a Brooklyn witch. I made two label orders with Italians Do It Better and RRRecords which help things get started. As you see, it only got better.
February came and we got a surprise $1,000 from our company. Tax refunds and a third paycheck of the month sealed the deal and all systems go. My first stop was at Patchogue’s Record Stop, their new location since moving from their Shirley warehouse, and thumbed through whatever old-school hip-hop, 12” singles, and other small easy victories I could find. It wasn’t until places like West Sayville’s Vinyl Paradise was when spending three hours minimum searching in stores and $200.00 a visit on music was normal. I can also count West Babylon’s Looney Tunes, Mineola’s Mr. Cheapo’s, and Amityville’s High Fidelity who could’ve matched the totals I had from that store. It’s all about finding the most for less. Whether it’s Seventies’ jazz / fusion on vinyl, discount 12” singles, used CDs, dollar hardcore / punk 45’s, or other long-awaited finds, amassing history and style points is the most self-serving and exciting hunt I take part of. Other stores such as Northport’s Record Reserve, Massapequa’s Infinity Records, Riverhead’s Sunday Records, and Rosie’s Vintage (the smallest of them all) allowed for tidier spaces and friendlier prices for me to walk out with, with smaller receipts ranging from a mere $30.00 to $100.00.
Of course, with many victories come disappointments. Plainview just opened a new store called Vinyl Bay 777. It’s one of the cleanest and shiniest stores on the island, but also the most expensive. With a penchant for ambition and grading, their selections are anywhere from three to five times the price of what you’d find in others store. It was the only experience of the tour that I left feeling poor and let down. The other disappointment? Innersleeve Records all the way at the East End / Amangansett. Why? I’m disappointed that I wasn’t able to go.
And almost every store have their own legacy. Record Stop’s been around since 1974 starting in Ronkonkoma, then shuffling to a warehouse in Shirley before finally settling in Patchogue. The family-owned and highly-awarded Looney Tunes had survived a summer fire and took them 90 days to rebuild. This year they’ll celebrate their 50th anniversary. Mr Cheapo’s has two locations, the only store on the island to do so. High Fidelity moved to larger and cleaner digs which solved their storage issues. Record Reserve just moved again; their fourth time in ten years of operation. Infinity Records was the only store on the ropes during the pandemic relying on crowd-funding to make up for the rent. Rosie’s Vintage isn’t owned by Rosie. In fact, Rosie doesn’t exist. It’s a rockabilly wife named Thea who owns an antique store. And you can’t get any literal than Sunday Records, which is only open on Sundays. It’s the only store I know who classified their records not on genre but radio stations and chart positions.
The entire experience was great and I looked to do it again the year after. Unfortunately, I had lots of traffic tickets, fees, and violations to pay. With a vehicle in disrepair and an expired inspection, driving out in daylight without the police spotting me was not ideal. Then I looked to do it last year, and we all know what happened. The pandemic paralyzed and killed businesses left and right. With immediate closures and stop of life, everyone stayed home for their lives.
Next time, it’s going down.
Essential money was saved all throughout the pandemic. Two stimulus checks later, a third on the way, tax refunds, a third bi-weekly check in April, and a bank transfer means I’m ready to do it all over again. In fact, it’s already started! Rough Trade announced it’s relocating from its’ Williamsburg spot. With 25% off books, merchandise, and CDs, it was an incentive to get to it. With me waiting forever to go, now was the chance. I found the perfect March Wednesday to do it and I finally made it happen. What you’ll read later on became the most expensive purchase I ever made at a record store, and also the greatest.
Most locations (except Vinyl Bay 777, replaced by any given one New York City store) are on the list for the next record-store tour. I healed mostly from last summer’s depression and I had a trouble-free winter. With a day out at Williamsburg’s Rough Trade, the spring euphoria and hope came back like it did the first time around. With money in the bank, vaccines, and everything coming back into play, it’s time to have fun again like I want to.
For those who can’t be harassed by looking up our series and reading our visits one-by-one, here’s the final results of 2018’s tour:
Record Stop:
Sugarhill Gang “The Lover In You” 12”
Grover Washington Jr. Mister Magic
Carmen McRae In Person
U.T.F.O. “Roxanne, Roxanne” 12”
Ahmad “Back In The Day” 12”
DJ Yella “4 Tha E” 12”
L.A. Style “James Brown Is Dead” 12”
Knucklehedz “Hed Rush” 12”
Flatlinerz “Live Evil” 12”
Blondie “Rapture” 7”
Chemical Brothers Come With Us
Royal Trux Thank You
Delerium ft. Sarah McLachlan & DJ Tiesto “Silence”
Prime Minister Pete Nice & Daddy Rich “Rap Prime Minister & Daddy Rich (Rat Bastard)” 12”
Vinyl Paradise:
Laura Nyro Christmas And The Beads Of Sweat
Genesis Invisible Touch
Clash, The Black Market Clash 10″
Delegation The Promise Of Love
Herbie Hancock “Rockit”
B-52’s, The Wild Planet
Blondie Parallel Lines
Spyro Gyra Catching The Sun
Brecker Bros. self-titled
Herb Alpert Rise
Heart Dreamboat Annie
Tom Scott Blow It Out
Pat Metheny American Garage
Martha Velez Escape From Babylon
Stanley Turrentine Have You Ever Seen The Rain?
Bob James & Earl Klugh One On One
Sister Sledge All-American Girls
Black Moon “Who Got The Props?” b/w “Fuck It Up”
Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock “It Takes Two”
Shannon Let The Music Play
Jellybean “Wotupski?”
Fu-Schnickens “Sum Dum Monkey” b/w “Visions (20/20)”
Tortoise & Autechre “Adverse Camber” b/w “To Day Retrieval”
Shirts, The Inner Sleeve
Freedom U.S.A. Hardcore
Coke Bust Confined
Ressurection I Am Not: The Discography
Spit It Out self-titled
Vice Flawed
Terror The Walls Will Fall
This Is Hell Bastards Still Remain 
Subterfuge Fight Back 
Bikini Kill self-titled single red 7″
Hangman A Vile Decree 
Dead Kennedys “Nazi Punks Fuck Off!” (with lyric bag and armbands)
Until Your Heart Stops We Are Not Coming Down
Corrective Measure self-titled
Soft Cell “Tainted Love”
Kraftwerk “Pocket Calculator” b/w “Dentaku” clear yellow 7”
Six Weeks label America In Decline CD
Tear It Up The December 2000 Sessions CD
Dee Cracks “Be My Valentine” red heart-shaped flexi
This Means War “Use It Up” flexi
Broadcaster b/w Aspiga (Secret Audio Club Wax Pack)
Marathon b/w Fire When Ready(Secret Audio Club Wax Pack)
Looney Tunes:
Up In Arms / Eternal Youth split 7”
Defiant Trespass / Cold Like December split 7”
Make Or Break Down For Life! 7”
Arcadius / 7654 Stories split 7”
Pissed Jeans demo 7”
Search Bloc Life, By The Code 7”
Proud Youth Nothing’s Changed 7”
UN Bodies Unremarkably Mortal 7”
Force Of Change The Bond We Share 7”
Self Defense Family “Indoor Wind Chimes” b/w “Cottaging”
Tolerate self-titled 7”
Joe South & The Believers “Walk A Mile In My Shoes” b/w “Trespass”
Bread And Water / Reason Of Insanity split 7”
Stigmata There Is No Mercy Here 7”
Degenerats, The 7”
Monster X 1993 demo 7”
Last Dead Word 7”
Let It Burn From Jersey With Love 7”
Slak Another Disaster 7”
Eurythmics “Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These” 7”
Toni Basil “Mickey” 7”
Squeeze “853-5937″ 7”
Nena “99 Luftballons” 12”
Staple Singers City In The Sky
Unsung Heroes “What Would You Do?” 12”
White Mystery self-titled
D.S. 13 Vad Vet Vi Om Kriget?
Killing Joke Brighter Than A Thousand Suns
Marc Hurtado & Vomir 2011 / Sang+
Razed In Black Shrieks, Laments, And Anguished Cries
No Future Plan Of Attack
Die Krupps & Front Line Assembly Remix Wars
Maldoror She
Self Defense Family Heaven Is Earth cassette
Unholy Archangel The Wrath Of Kosmostistis cassette
Tod Hate Campiagn, Hymn To The Death cassette
Krieg Blue Miasma cassette
Hekseri The Atrocity (Early Demos) cassette
Crebain Under Black Wigs Of Night cassette
Riddle Of Meander End Of All Life And Creation cassette
Black Flame Torment And Glory cassette
Xasthur self-titled cassette
Krieg Songs For Resistance cassette
Striborg A Procession Of Lost Souls cassette
Tod Black Metal Manifesto cassette
Cheapo's (Commack):
Blackbyrds, The Action
Deodato 2
Jon Lucien The Best Of…
Bob James 2
Hubert LawsRomeo & Juliet
Deodato Love Island
Rolling Stones Undercover (stickered)
Bob James 3
Deodato Whirlwinds
George Benson White Rabbit
Bob James 4
Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth Mecca & The Soul Brother
Jedi Mind Tricks Legacy Of Blood
Naughty By Nature self-titled
M.I.A. Arular
P.O.S. Never Better special edition disc
Unseen, The Explode
Richard Hell & The Voidoids Blank Generation
M.I.A. Kala
All Dogs 7”
Last Shop Standing DVD
Katt Williams The Pimp Chronicles Vol. 1 DVD
Jerky Boys, The Stop Staring At Me cassette
Paula AbdulForever Your Girl cassette
Record Reserve:
Cars, The Shake It Up
Rolling Stones, The Some Girls (cut-out)
Peter Gabriel Melt
Weather Report Heavy Weather
A Clockwork Orange motion picture soundtrack
Genesis Abacab
Laura Nyro self-titled
Stranglers, The IV
Samantha Fox I Wanna Have Some Fun
Spyro Gyra self-titled
Cars, The Candy-O
Peter Gabriel Scratch
Debbie Gibson Out Of The Blue
Spent Idols “Chinese Suicide” b/w “Gacy’s Gone” 7″
Out Cider D.C. label Raise The Flag: DC Hardcore Vol. 1 7″
High Fidelity:
Prurient & Kevin Drumm  All Are Guests In The House Of The Lord
KMD  Mr. Hood
Sonic Youth   Evol
Algiers  self-titled
ESG  A South Bronx Story deluxe disc
No Age   Nouns
Greymachine Disconnected
Killing Joke   Hosannas From The Basements Of Hell
Television   Marquee Moon expanded disc
Esther Phillips  Capricorn Princess
Severed Heads  Cuisine With Piscatorial
Elastica  self-titled
Sonic Youth & Mats Gustavsson & Merzbow  SYR8
Killing Joke  Pandemonium
Eric Gale  Multiplication
Front Line Assembly  Echoes
Wavves  King Of The Beach
Strawberry Switchblade  Since Yesterday 12”
Bjork   Telegraph
Public Image Ltd.  Second Edition
Esther Phillips  Performance
Hatebreed  The Rise Of Brutality
Killing Joke  Night Time
Wilbert Longmire  Champagne
Grover Washington, Jr.  A Secret Place
Young Black Teenagers  “Tap The Bottle” 12”
Sagat  “Funk Dat” 12”
Crash Crew   “Breaking Bells (Take Me To The Mardi Gras)” 12”
Prurient   Pleasure Ground
Victory Records  Victory Style II
Esther Phillips & Joe Beck  For All We Know
Sonic Youth  Confusion Is Sex + Kill Your Idols
Swell Maps  A Trip To Marineville
Severed Heads   Rotund For Success
Whodini  Escape
Killing Joke   Revelations
Stop The Violence Movement, The  “Self-Destruction” 12”
Eric Gale  Part Of You
Professionals, The   “The Magnificent” 7”
Guyana Punch Line  self-titled 7”
Heart   self-titled cassette
Infinity Records:
Self Defense Family “Self Immolation Family” b/w “World Virgins” 7”
Peter Gabriel Security
Mantronix The Album
Eric Gale Forecast
Arsonists As The World Burns
Beat Street motion picture soundtrack
Kool & The GangLight Of Worlds
Dire Straits Making Movies
Shirts, The Street Light Shine
Belinda Carlisle Belinda
Makers, The Rock Star God
Bug, The Infected
Peter Gabriel Car
Filter Short Bus
Warzone Fight for Justice
Mood Doom
Jane’s Addiction Nothing’s Shocking
Depeche Mode Ultra
Curve Cuckoo
Rosie's Vintage:
Genesis Abacab
Nice & Wild “Diamond Girl” 12″
Shabba Ranks “Mr. Loverman” 12″
Dire Straits self-titled
Mad Skillz “Nod Factor” 12“
Boogiemonsters “Recognized Thresholds Of Negative Stress 12″
Blahzay Blahzay “Danger!” 12″
Harold Faltermeyer “Axel F” 12“
Spyro Gyra self-titled
Malcomb McLaren & The World Famous Supreme Team “Buffalo Gals” 12″
Sunday Records:
Cabaret Voltaire  The Arm Of The Lord
Nitzer Ebb As Is
Strawberry Switchblade  Who Knows What Love Is?
Steve Jones  Mercy
Patti Smith  Easter
Ramsey Lewis  Tequila Mockingbird
Doors, The  Greatest Hits
Cabaret Voltaire  Drinking Gasoline
Utah Saints “Something Good”
Image In Vogue self-titled EP
Steely Dan  Pretzel Logic
No Age  Losing Feeling
Dead Or Alive “Brand New Lover”
Cabaret Voltaire  The Drain Train
Public Image Ltd. “Home”
Gary Numan “Cars” / “Metal”
Malcomb McLaren “Soweto” b/w “Zulu’s On A Time Bomb”
J. Geils Band “Centerfold” b/w “Rage In The Cage”
Fad Gadget “One Man’s Meat” b/w “Sleep”
Tony Basil “Mickey” b/w “Hangin’ Around”
Stray Cats “(She’s) Sexy + 17” b/w “Lookin’ Better Every Beer”
Madness “Our House” b/w “Cardiac Arrest”
Todd Rundgren “Hello It’s Me” b/w “Cold Morning Light”
No Age  Eraser 7”
Suzanne Vega “Luca” b/w “Night Vision”
Siouxsie Sioux & The Banshees “Hong Kong Garden” b/w “Night Vision”
Mr. Cheapo’s (Mineola):
Mic Geronimo “Masta I.C.”
Jemini The Gifted One “Funk Soul Sensation”
Hi-Tek “Hi Teknology”
Schoolly D “Livin’ In The Jungle” b/w “Gucci Again”
Richie Cole New York Afternoon
Dott & Night School Carousel split e.p.
Joe Beck self-titled
Chick Corea Return To Forever
Hank Crawford Hank Crawford’s Back
Steve Khan Tightrope
Tappan Zee label Best Of…
Shabba Ranks “Ram Dancehall” b/w “Original Woman”
D&D All-Stars “1, 2 Pass It”
Rayvon “No Guns, No Murder”
Doug E. Fresh & Beenie Man “Hands In The Air”
Black Moon “Black Smif-N-Wesson” b/w Smif-N-Wesson “Headz Ain’t Redee”
Goats, The “Burn The Flag” b/w “Typical American”
Little Shawn “Don Perignon”
Specials, The More Specials
Lee Ritenour The Best Of…
Steve Khan Arrows
Genesis Invisible Touch
Vacancies, The Tantrum
Nobodys, The Generation XXX
Easy Action Friends Of Rock & Roll
New Bomb Turks Scared Straight
Roots, The Do You Want More?!!!??!
Eric B & Rakim Don’t Sweat The Technique
Boogie Down Productions Edutainment
X Clan Xodus
Lords Of The Underground Here Come The Lords
Buckshot LeFonque self-titled
Channel Live Station Identification
Funkdoobiest Brothas Doobie
Method Man & Mary J. Blige “I’ll Be There For You” / “You’re All I Need”
GZA / Genius Liquid Swords
Milk Never Dated
Naughty By Nature19 Naughty III
Das EFX Straight Up Sewaside
Grand Puba 2000
Naughty By Nature Poverty’s Paradise
Ol’ Dirty Bastard Return To The 36 Chambers (dirty version)
George Michael Faith
Vinyl Bay 777:
(No purchases.)
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simpforchuchu · 2 years ago
Hello! For a High&Low the Worst X requests, may I please have some HCS about Yasushi and Kiyoshi having a female friend who was addicted to Redrum but they're helping her get clean after an overdose nearly killed her? I know it's a heavy topic, so if you don't feel comfortable writing about it you don't have to. Thank you!
Yasushi & Kiyoshi with a fem friend who is struggling with drug addiction | Hcs
a/n: Hii! I was not very sure about this one cause it is really different than the others that i wrote before but why not... so i tried my best 🤗 I hope you like it :')♥️
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: drugs, violence
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• We all know the strong bond between these two, no matter how aggressive they are.
• Although Kiyoshi is a slightly softer character, Yasushi has a very aggressive character. 
• But we have seen many times that he cares about his friends more than himself.
• No matter how much he loves fun and violence, he loves and wants to protect the people he cares about.
• When they learn that you were hospitalized for overdose, neither of them know how they got to the hospital. 
• They waited, panting, for the doctor to say something.  They were both stunned when the doctor said you nearly died from overdose.
• Neither of them knew that their dear friends were using drugs.
• Although they were happy when they learned that you wereholding on to life again, they could not react much.
• Although Kiyoshi remained silent, after Yasushi kicked something in the hospital, he went out to the hospital garden and thought for a long time on one of the benches.
• He was angry, very angry that you had done such a thing like this to yourself.
• But mostly, he was angry at himself for not realizing it until now.
• Kiyoshi and Yasushi escorted you home when the doctors let you out of the hospital on the condition that you were well and that you were under age and received psychological treatment and addiction therapy.
• All three of you were silent.
• When you entered the house, as the silence continued, Yasushi grabbed your collar and pinned you to the wall.
•  No matter how much Yasushi loves you, he was furious. 
• I don't think he'll ever hit you, but he couldn't help but grab your collar.
•  Long shouts, fierce verbal argument, tears and regret...
•  No one knows how long that night passed
•  But that night everyone was pretty open about their feelings
•  When your therapy started, you were going on appointments together and they were waiting for you outside.
•  They want to make absolutely sure that you don't use them again and they trust you.
•  It's a difficult period. They are also aware.  That's why they do their best
•  They try to get help from health workers in drug crises and they never leave you alone
•  Over time, when everything started to become the same as before, you had a happier and stronger friendship than before.
•  But none of you will ever forget those days...
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snapthistiger · 2 years ago
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exercise 08222023
bike ride to the gym
3 x 10 lat pull
3 x 10 overhead press
3 x 5 dips
3 x 10 tricep press
45 minute spin class
3 x 10 cable press
3 x 10 cable row
bike ride to the hospital, then home
the gym workers received Hershey kisses
my Mom was awake at the hospital. she did ok with her physical therapy. the social worker visited with us and the doctor has recommended that my Mom go to an assisted living facility for further physical therapy rehab. my Mom doesn't want to go to an assisted living facility; instead she want to go home. the doctor said my Mom needs 24/7 care and my Mom balks at that. my niece is planning on staying with my Mom at night and others of us during the day until we can get additional help, like a sitter or something during the day. my Mom's resistance is very stressful for my sister and i. we both want what's best for Mom but also need to carry on with our lives.
middle = we had a video for spin class. instructor was out of town. i thought i wouldn't work hard enough but ended up burning a few more calories than i usually do
bottom = my goodie bag for the gym. i use an old insulated mailing envelope to try to keep from melting the chocolate. Hershey kisses in the bottom and a couple of poptarts for me
temperature = 99F w/ feels like 118F. supposed to be hotter the next 2 days
hope you have a peaceful afternoon and evening..
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