#article work life balance
healthyboom · 1 year
The Essential Guide to Achieving Work-Life Balance
In our fast-paced and demanding world, achieving a healthy work-life balance can be elusive. Many individuals juggle professional responsibilities, personal life, and self-care, often leaving little time for relaxation and emotional well-being.
This is where yoga can play a transformative role. Yoga isn’t just about physical postures. It’s a holistic practice that can significantly improve work-life balance. Let’s explore how yoga can help you achieve a better equilibrium between work and personal life.
Stress Reduction
One of the primary ways yoga enhances work-life balance is by reducing stress. Regular yoga incorporates deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques that activate the body’s relaxation response. This helps lower cortisol levels, the stress hormone, leading to improved emotional well-being.
By reducing stress, yoga allows you to approach work and personal life challenges more calmly and clearly. You’ll find it easier to manage daily stressors and maintain a positive outlook, contributing to a healthier work-life balance.
Mindfulness And Presence
Yoga emphasizes mindfulness, the practice of being fully present in the moment. Our minds often race with thoughts about the past and future in our fast-paced work environments. Yoga encourages you to let go of these distractions and focus on the here and now.
By cultivating mindfulness through yoga, you become more engaged in your work when you’re working and more present with your loved ones when you’re at home. This shift in awareness fosters deeper connections in both spheres of life and enhances the quality of your experiences.
Increased Energy And Vitality
Yoga is known for its ability to boost energy levels and vitality. Regular practice improves circulation, oxygenates the body, and releases physical tension, leaving you feeling revitalized.
When you have more energy, you can be more productive at work, allowing you to accomplish tasks efficiently and leaving you with time and energy to enjoy your personal life. Yoga helps you strike a balance by ensuring you have the vigor needed for your career and personal pursuits.
Physical Fitness And Wellness
Yoga contributes to physical fitness and overall wellness. It helps maintain flexibility, strength, and balance, which are essential for a healthy lifestyle. By keeping your body in good shape through yoga, you’re better equipped to engage in activities outside of work, such as spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, and enjoying leisure activities.
Moreover, a healthy body leads to a healthier mind. Yoga enhances mental clarity and sharpness, allowing you to make sound decisions at work and in your personal life.
Time For Self-Care
Yoga provides you with dedicated time for self-care. Amid busy work schedules and family responsibilities, carving out time for yourself can be challenging. Yoga classes or personal practice sessions become a sacred space where you prioritize your physical and mental well-being.
This self-care time is essential for recharging your batteries and nurturing yourself. As you become more attuned to your needs through yoga, you’ll find it easier to set boundaries and allocate time for self-care in your daily routine.
Incorporating yoga into your life can be a game-changer in achieving a healthy work-life balance. It reduces stress, enhances mindfulness, increases energy, and promotes physical fitness, all contributing to a more harmonious blend of work and personal life.
If you’re inspired to explore the world of yoga further or consider a career change, you can become a yoga instructor. Becoming a certified yoga instructor allows you to share the benefits of yoga with others while deepening your practice.
Incorporating yoga into your daily routine doesn’t require a significant time commitment; even a few minutes of daily practice can yield substantial benefits. So, start today and experience how yoga can positively transform your work-life balance, leading to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.
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i miss caring about sports in a fun way :( now i get more enjoyment listening to a podcast explaining the sinner doping case and widespread doping in tennis than i do watching tennis :( the denis and felix and bianca scores...depressing. the bianca/jasmine gigglefest at the net was SOOOO cute....but it's all so...pointless to me but not in a fun way. and i know not relating to posts on tumblr.com is not an actual problem in any sense but there is no community or fandom or whatever anymore. like my ao3 is so separate from here and the pairings/characters i am interested in are sooooo not popular at ALL and most of the comments are people asking for more or whatever and it's just! ah!
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yoannblogging · 8 months
Dans la soirée du 08 février 2024, Yoann et une partie de ses collègues ont passé un bon moment dans un mini-golf avant de rentrer à la maison des secrets où ils se sont vaillamment efforcés de finir l’alcool restant de la veille (la modération des uns entraîne les excès des autres #çafaitréfléchir). Notre envoyé spécial, E.R., était sur place pour suivre l’événement.
Après n’avoir pas brillé de tous ses feux au mini-golf (même Yoann ne peut pas avoir tous les talents), Yoann, pourtant toujours bon joueur, perdant magnanime et gagnant élégant, a été pris d’un élan de rage et de désespoir en arrivant seulement deuxième à Mario Kart, qui contrairement au mini golf est une de ses spécialités. Des témoins parlent de cris à glacer le sang. Il est possible que sa décennie d’expérience en tant que joueur de League of Legends soit en cause dans ces réactions vocales et passionnées lors de la pratique du jeu vidéo.
Plus tard dans la soirée cependant Yoann s’était beaucoup radouci, et a exprimé sa reconnaissance à ses collègues pour leur positionnement pro-Yoann et non anti-Yoann. Nous saluons bien évidemment cette opinion frappée au coin et nous réjouissons que Yoann soit apprécié à sa juste valeur.
Il semblerait également que Yoann ait, sans surprise, fait preuve d’une grande générosité et de beaucoup de bonté en attribuant un précieux kudos (terme technique et singulier sur le document d’évaluation annuel) à l’humble reporter derrière yoannblogging lors de son entretien annuel avec le CTO, ce qui nous va droit au cœur.
Par ailleurs, il apparaît que Yoann ait été victime de quolibets lors de la semaine de séminaire car il fait trop d’heures supplémentaires pour lesquelles on n’est pas payés et vas-y c’est bon les clients ils peuvent attendre 12h pour un mail surtout si ils sont pas sympas ou commettent des crimes orthographiques contre Yoann. Ici à la rédaction de yoannblogging nous pensons qu’il faut parfois dénoncer ce type de mauvaise habitude en place publique, et que qui aime bien châtie bien. Cela vaut aussi pour les membres de l’équipe de Yoann qui vivent à Bourgoin-Jallieu ou encore les gens qui ont une thèse et font de la recherche.
Enfin, il semble que Yoann ait mis un frein à ses ambitions d’absorber tout le monde dans son équipe et ait accepté de laisser quelques collègues aux autres, ce qui est bien aimable Yoann est si noble et bon.
Un admirable passage de relais journalistique a eu lieu aux alentours de minuit lorsque notre envoyé spécial est rentré chez lui, une démarche pleine de sagesse puisque les festivités / consommation d’alcool et de chips / jeux vidéos / discussions à visée révolutionnaire ont duré ensuite bien tard dans la nuit. Yoann a fait une démonstration diabète aiguilles science médecine pour l’édification générale, n’était pas le moins concentré de tous quand une tentative de jeu de société a été lancée, et était très volontaire ainsi que proactif pour porter une démarche de jamais se coucher aller jusqu’au bout de la nuit, mais la soirée a pris fin aux alentours de 4h. Aucun regret même si les heures de sommeil manquantes se font ressentir.
Yoann est maintenant en train de tenter de s’assoupir dans le Ouigo inconfortable alors qu’il devrait être dans un vrai train pas low cost en première classe puisqu’il est cadre, mais hélas la SNCF n’a sans doute pas réalisé qui elle avait à bord sinon il aurait sans aucun doute bénéficié d’un surclassement.
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janamensch · 1 year
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Spidersonas for my beloved OCs June and Keenan!
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thedarklyblue · 2 years
#.txt#wish i could be confident in my opinions!!#currently stressed because i'm using one name at school and another at home and havent had that conversation with my parents#(which makes it tough bc like. if they come see a show i worked on. there's that one in the program and i didn't tell them.)#((out to them as nonbinary but they went :/ are you sure so i have not been pushing the issue))#and i get a nyt subscription as a student and my evening update just sent me an article about parents whose kids are socially transitioning#and the schools aren't telling them#and i GET it you feel betrayed. you feel not trusted as a parent.#and i fully understand being unsure and hesitant. but something about this is rubbing#me the wrong way. it's still so important to give kids room to experiment and explore!#if you're going to look at your kid figuring out their identity and go 'oh well you're clearly not sure so i don't believe you' then they'll#work on it by themselves.#and then when they come to you and say this is who i am you'll go 'oh it's so sudden!! how could you not tell me i think this is a fad'#and this is such a weird balancing game and i really hate how the article covered it and now i'm fucking ANXIOUS#i just want to live!! also when you're like oh how can you be sure. how the FUCK are we supposed to figure it out without trying things?????#not everything is a fucking life-changing decision sometimes you just have to do shit#wish i hadn't read that article but uh nothing i can do about it now#i hate realizing that everything i have figured out here (how to explain myself to people#how to talk to profs about who i am)#doesn't do shit for me in the other contexts i live in#also living the 'do i come out to grandparents or do i for sure inherit money for top surgery' which feels gross but idkkkkk#anyway. Bad Brain Evening. thanks
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helenwhiteart-blog · 2 years
Autistic burnout and the dichotomy of "living to work" when your reality tells you it's the other way around
Autistic burnout and the dichotomy of “living to work” when your reality tells you it’s the other way around
If I’m truly honest with myself, and I have never been more so, I have burned out from every job I have ever had, no matter how long or short the time that I worked in it. My first job was only for 8 months post degree and the burn-out was subtle that time, but nonetheless the reason I would have taken anything to get away from it, so I did. Six months later I had another burnout, more serious…
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rahabs · 2 years
I should have listened to my instincts and avoided law school lmao everyone says law school is the worst part of law but uh, no, actually everything gets worse after you get the JD because the entire culture of law is shitty and toxic and I’m so Miserable.
#I try to think you know.  God put me on this path for a reason.#Everything lined up too perfectly otherwise... it was such a series of events after I spent years saying Never.#But I really cannot see that reason right now.  And I am so miserable.#And everyone tells me about the good things in their lives/jobs and I just have to Smile.#Pretend I don't feel that awful jealous bitterness.#Especially re: my sister who has.  The things I wish I could have.#A family (but I can't have that because not only am I broken but when I tried to ignore that I got assaulted)#(And now I'm broken AND traumatized)#Just got offered a partnership in a company by a family friend without having to work for it.  She did I mean.#And my youngest sister LOVES her job.#Meanwhile I got in trouble this week at work from the viper paralegal for leaving work early after being told I could if I had nothing to do#Everything at work is 'say one thing mean another' and I only find that out once I'm in trouble.#I'm stressed ALL the time.#It's Saturday night I should be relaxing but all I do is stress over work and bar prep.#I make next to no money right now and don't even really know how I'm going to afford my dog.#How are people in law happy?  Does it get better after articling?#I don't think I'm cut out for this.#I love the theory of law I love the research I love the history but god do I hate the culture.#Everyone priding themselves on staying up until 3 AM working on stuff like?  No?#I don't want to have no work-life balance?#If all I had was work I'd actually probably kms.#I just wanted to study history?  To teach it.#But there were no opportunities.#And then I discovered I love aboriginal law BECAUSE it's almost all history but.#Articling means you're stuck doing everything and there's this AWFUL family law file I'm working on and I'm tired of just.#Getting things Wrong lmao and never knowing where I stand#Never knowing the rules because again 'say one thing mean another'#I can't trust anyone because part of the reason we got in trouble was someone narked on us even though we were told it was fine.#There are worse places to work but it seems a lot of this is endemic in law.#A bunch of mean girls from high school on a power trip.  It's like what I always imagined American high school must be like.
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stylewisewebsite · 4 days
Health Tips to Staying Fit and Energized During Night Shift
When the rest of the world is nestled snugly in their beds, a dedicated group of night owls is busy working, often facing unique challenges that come with nocturnal labor. Sure, the quiet of the night can feel peaceful, but night shift work can lead to a host of problems that can make you feel less than your best. From health issues like metabolic syndromes and heart problems to the daily…
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housekeepinginfo · 2 months
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dbleongrayblog · 4 months
Turn Off Work
How do you balance work and home life Leave work at work, and leave home at home That’s one way to definitely do it You have to be able to turn off that work attitude. You wouldn’t want to bring sand to the beach I know it can be hard sometimes, but it helps Planning some vacation days in advance helps tremendously, trust me It’s similar to how everyone is so ready for the weekend. If we…
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healthyboom · 1 year
Balance Work Life and Nurturing: A Guide to Optimal Productivity
Balancing work and life is crucial for overall well-being. Achieving a harmonious blend of professional commitments and personal pursuits leads to enhanced productivity and satisfaction. Finding equilibrium empowers individuals to excel in their careers while nurturing relationships and self-care. Prioritizing time management, setting boundaries, and embracing effective strategies can pave the way for a fulfilling and balanced life. Striving for this equilibrium promotes a healthier lifestyle, reduced stress, and a greater sense of fulfillment, ensuring that both work and personal life coexist in harmony.
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anxiousangerball · 1 year
I sometimes wonder if the folks over at SHRM understand how their articles sound:
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cxffecoupx · 4 months
realizing that they're in love with you
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seventeen × gn reader fluff, svt being soft for s/o, comfort warnings: mentions of food, alcohol word count: 1.4k author's notes: my first ever requested article. to the anon who sent me this, i love you so much and thank you so so much for sending it in, i hope you like it, and i'm so sorry it took so much time, my brain was smoked for a bit😭 but i absolutely loved writing it. i had to read similar stuff by other svt writers (mainly @emocheol how seventeen realized you were ‘the one’ and @suhnshinehaos the soft italicized 'oh' moment) to get into it. please do check them out too, i love it!!
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➼ choi seungcheol
seungcheol had come home late in the evening, tired and exhausted. work was rough, the boys were chaotic, and all he wanted now was some peace and quiet. the moment he sees you at home, however, all his stress just melts away. you're just there, smiling at him, asking about his day, but he already feels so much better. and when you stay up all night, sitting with him and helping him work through his troubles, that's when it hits him. he wants you by his side as his support, forever.
➼ yoon jeonghan
you both were out for dinner with your friends. two hours and 3 glasses of beer in, the chatter had cooled down into private conversations. you were talking to one of your colleagues when you notice jeonghan zoning out in the middle of the gathering. realising he's run out of his social battery, you say your goodbyes and stand up, and drag a drowsy han back to your car. it's not until the next morning that jeonghan understands everything and smiles to himself. a person who deciphers him state of mind? maybe you were his best match after all.
➼ hong jisoo
jisoo had gone to his hometown for some two weeks to spend with his mom. he was so excited for it he didnt even notice how much you hated him leaving you. he had been quite busy during his vacation, meeting friends, spending time with mom, but something kept troubling his mind. something he had no answer for. even the voice calls and facetimes didnt help. then he returns and sees your face among all other blurred people and smiles. he never wants to stay away from you, he realises.
➼ moon junhui
between work and practice, jun hadnt really noticed his birthday approaching. coming home after work one day, a familiar scent welcomes him. he goes to the kitchen to find a pot of simmering hotpot broth and its ingredients sliced and kept aside. with the emotions flooding in with every whiff, he doesnt notice you hugging him from the back while singing a 'happy birthday' softly, and turning him around to kiss a gentle kiss on his forehead. he has no words to say; he only embraces you tight and cries on your shoulder as the members, who had arrived a little after him on your request, watch. he doesnt say anything, his eyes conveying that he's grateful for everything you've done
➼ kwon soonyoung
if you ask his friends, kwon soonyoung was a very weird person. he says he's an introvert (well, his MBTI said that), but he's as extroverted as they get. he pretends to be a tiger most of the times and his behaviour is VERY unpredictable. everyone thought he'd be difficult to tolerate or balance out. but then you came along. now they've got two very weird people to deal with. they had talked to soonyoung how he'd met his match, but he never thought more of it, until he sees you with his friends and sees something of himself in the way you are with them. he'd finally found someone who'd match his weird.
➼ jeon wonwoo
wonwoo's camera roll was full. which only meant one thing: time to save all the pics to his laptop. he inserts the sd card into the computer and opens the file. his face instantly lights up. you had always been shy in front of camera lens. meeting wonwoo was one of the best moments of your life, but it still took time for you to adjust to his captures. that didn't stop him from considering you his muse, the one he's love to click again and again and again. seeing you smiling in the pictures he took warmed his heart. you could be camera shy, but he only ever loved capturing you.
➼ lee jihoon
jihoon is a workaholic through and through. he wouldnt think twice about missing food and sleep if its to get his work done. you'd often complained about him working saturdays too. imagine the surprise his team had when he called in to announce a day off. like, what caused the mighty lee jihoon to take a day off on a saturday?? the answer was at his home, lying between his arms, a sleepy you that had cuddled your way into his arms in the early morning hours. he'd fallen in love watching you be so comfortable with him. you'd convinced him to stay home once in a while.
➼ lee seokmin
company celebrations usually always ended with fireworks. and usually, you watched it with everyone else in the hall. but this time, seokmin arranged for the keys of the roof for you two to have a better and private view of the sparklers. you sneak in with him, giggling and tripping over your own feet in the dark as you reach the roof to see the spectacular show. you walk ahead, mind blown by how much more beautiful it looked from up here. but seokmin had his eyes locked on something else. you. he'd rather admire you than watch the fireworks.
➼ kim mingyu
food was mingyu's love language. he absolutely LOVED cooking food and feeding it to his loved ones. but since after he met you, he realised he especially loved cooking for you. he loved cooking your comfort food for you. he cooked your mom's recipes when he felt that you missed home a little too much. he loved to listen to your comments when he experimented with the ingredients. it's during one such preparation when it dawned on him. he'd love to make food for you for a very long time.
➼ xu minghao
you'd always been mesmerised hearing hao speak chinese. he doesnt use it very much; pretty much only when he's calling his family or sometimes when speaking with junhui, who's also from china. to say chinese was becoming second to him wouldnt be false because he's using so much korean in his daily life. one day, while walking around the house, he hits his toe on the couch and lets out a sharp curse in his mother tongue. you gasp and say "oh my! hao just cursed," and hao quickly turns his head towards you. it's not what you said, it was how you said it that surprised him. you had responded to him in chinese?? you explain to him how you started taking small classes in learning chinese so that he could converse comfortably with you too. you even asked him to help you. hao swore once again, but in his head. someone was ready to go to such lengths for him? he's truly fallen in love with you.
➼ boo seungkwan
seungkwan had begged for you to stay overnight. it was difficult of course, because you both were tired from work. but when he pulls the ultimate puppy eyes, you couldn't really refuse. you went through an elaborate routine of doing skincare and bathing as a way of relaxing, and watching sappy sitcoms until you both fell asleep to the white noise of the tv. seungkwan woke up first, but his breath hitched seeing you asleep next to him. apart from the little snores and a string of drool from the corner of you mouth, you looked so adorable, snuggled in next to him; so tiny, and so so cute. he stayed there, watching you, silently wishing he could see you like this every morning.
➼ chwe hansol
everyone says hansol has a weird sense of humour. it's not that he doesn't make good jokes, it's just that no one reacts in the way he wishes. so when he goes, "why did the bicycle take a nap? because it was two-tiered" and you end up crying of laughter among the dead silence of his friends, he feels a blush creep up his cheeks. someone who laughs at his corny jokes? that has to be the soulmate he never believed in.
➼ lee chan
chan cannot deny that he loves smiling. laughing. chuckling. he loves to be filled with happiness at all times. whether it's through his own jokes, or his friends' crazy antics, he wishes to be happy most of the time. that's how he realises one day that being with you makes him smile automatically. there is absolutely no specific reason. seeing you, talking to you, listening to you talk about anything and everything. no matter what you do, you always manage to bring a smile to his face. he doesnt really understand it though, how it happens. but one thing's for sure. he wishes to remain happy with you always.
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tinystepsforward · 7 months
media coverage
here's the best writeups we have so far.
matt's meltdown:
tumblr's AI deals:
that second article requires an account, but the full article is on tumblr here.
importantly, the initial data dump for OpenAI included a bunch of content that — on top of all public content between 2014 and 2023 — automattic didn't mean to share, like private posts, posts on suspended or deleted blogs, unanswered or private asks, and posts that are marked NSFW.
automattic got the IDs for these posts after providing them, and requested they be removed. we don't know for sure that they have been.
notably, the article names andrew spittle, the current head of AI. he was my boss's boss's boss's boss (you get the point) before that, and openly says that he doesn't believe in work-life balance, just in doing what the job requires him to do, if that tells you anything.
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she-is-ovarit · 1 year
Advantages to being female ("AFAB").
Biological differences in being female are often discussed negatively in order to indicate our disadvantages and where and how we are exploited within patriarchal societies.
On Ovarit, there was a thread in which users shared some biological differences to being female that illuminated our strengths. While of course biological differences in males vs. females is directly rooted in reproductive evolutionary strategy (whether someone develops down a reproductive pathway geared towards an overall reproductive system that supports gestating life and creating larger ova vs. not) I thought I would share some examples of advantages not directly connected to childbirth and childbearing. This is not an exhaustive list.
We are more flexible than male people.
We have better stamina and endurance in some extreme long-distance sports in comparison to male people (such as in ultra-marathons).
Some animals (especially other mammals such as wolves, horses, cats, etc.) are instinctively threatened by males, even if they have never been harmed by them. This is not the case with women.
We have better immune systems and survive viruses better than male people.
We survive famines and epidemics overall better than male people.
We survive variations in temperature overall better than male people.
We have better sense of smell than men.
Our chromosomes provide us with extra protection against certain genetic diseases like hemophilia, and we have more genetic diversity.
We have better balance due to our center of gravity being lower, in our pelvis's, while males have their center of gravity in their torsos. This makes us naturally better at sports like rock-climbing, gymnastics, certain martial arts, etc.
"The male fetus is at greater risk of death or damage from almost all the obstetric catastrophes that can happen before birth.2 Perinatal brain damage,3 cerebral palsy,4 congenital deformities of the genitalia and limbs, premature birth, and stillbirth are commoner in boys,5 and by the time a boy is born he is on average developmentally some weeks behind his sister: “A newborn girl is the physiological equivalent of a 4 to 6 week old boy.”
Women and girls have better color perception than males.
Multiple orgasms.
We're biologically better suited to being astronauts and living in space (note: and this was discovered 15 years ago yet this work was never published)
Some articles (debatable on credibility) suggest that we are better able to withstand complete sensory deprivation for several hours in comparison to men, who were able to withstand complete sensory deprivation for minutes.
For unknown reasons, we do not experience the same percentage of macular degeneration that men do in space.
We have a different adrenaline response. Our hormone systems work differently and so we do not lose as much decision making ability and fine motor control as men do in a crisis, making us better snipers and pilots thanks to our reaction time.
We have better life expectancy overall.
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elbiotipo · 2 months
Ocassionally you see articles that are like "scientists are trying to hide how bad things are" and I'm the opposite of that. I've done my work on ecological restoration (actually grabbed a shovel and planted trees) and I'm amazed at how fast nature can restore itself. Ecologists used to think restoring tropical rainforests, to give an example of a complex ecosystem, would take centuries to go back if it was even possible -this is why you see all the dystopian fiction of rainforests going extinct- when in fact, it has been proven that without human pressure, ecological succession takes place and rainforests grow back nearly to its original physionomy in a few years, even if diversity does take a time to bounce back. Reintroducing animals might sound harder and it is, but we must remember that animals have faster cycles than humans. Just letting breeding pairs in protected areas is often enough for populations to grow back, as in the reintroduction of jaguars to Iberá in Corrientes Argentina, and many other cases. What is even more interesting and encouraging is how cheap, both in the monetary and the general effort sense, these works are. If a bunch of underpaid biologists, rural people and park rangers can do it, imagine if they had the full support and backing from states and international institutions.
We are at a stage where, besides climate change, we are facing tremendous biodiversity loss and this mostly comes to our methods of land use and food production. But these can be changed. We must assume the fact that nature is not a pristine untouched thing, but humans, in every continent they have lived in, have long managed its resources. The Amazon Rainforest is full of useful plants that hint at silviculture which is still done by its native peoples, the deserts and tundra that seem uninhabited have been home to pastoral and hunter-gatherer peoples. Humans have shaped all habitats on Earth, even the most 'untouched' ones. Just as they have managed their environments and natural resources, other civilizations have managed or mismanaged them. Now that industrial civilization has spread across the globe, we need to find a way to balance our need for food and other products with the need to preserve and take care of Earth. This can be done, we can ensure both a good quality of life and a protected biosphere. We can stop the dichotomy of humans separate from nature, assume our historical role as managers and stewards of natural resources, and do it with our modern understanding of ecology and science.
This does mean that it will take a lot of popular mobilization and change to uproot current interests and create states that uphold these principles. But I'm a marxist. I don't 'believe' in class struggle, I think it's a fact based on observations about society, and I also think that this current form of capitalism will eventually be replaced by socialism, and I believe the future socialist societies will not do the same mistakes as the past. We not only can create new societies that can take care of nature and the general welfare of people, but I also think that as history proceeds, it will be inevitable.
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