#arthur is gay and stupid
little-blurry-stars5 · 6 months
friendly reminder dazai had a genuinely hard time telling chuuya about his humanity. friendly reminder akutagawa kept his promise to not kill even though killing was his first instinct even after death. friendly reminder poe was the only detective that ever made ranpo feel something. friendly reminder fyodor was the only one who ever truly understood nikolai. friendly reminder tecchou placed jouno over the only thing hes ever believed in. friendly reminder rimbaud changed verlaines entire veiw on humanity and gave him faith in the human race. friendly reminder albatross didnt care if he got hurt or killed if it meant he saved doc. friendly reminder fukuzawa was the only one who understood fukuchi and his motives and couldnt kill him even if it meant saving the world. friendly reminder kunikida calls dazai every morning to make sure hes okay. friendly reminder ango genuinely felt so guilty about odas death he betrayed the government. friendly reminder-
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arthur wearing gold accents not just as an artistic choice but because John is the one who ultimately picks any color they wear post The Horrors™️ and he matches it to their eyes (if they're still sharing a body) or uses it as a way to show the world that arthur is his and to keep them intertwined in a way post separation
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star-rie · 6 months
merthur au where king arthur is tired that the women are crazy over him and the royal court is nagging him to marry so he turns to merlin instead:
Arthur: i need you to be my husband
Merlin (dropping plates on the floor): WHAT?
Arthur (who thinks this is brilliant idea): it’s simple logic merlin if you marry me, the court will back off and the women will be scandalized!
Merlin: arthur im a guy
Arthur: merlin what part of women will be scandalized did you not understand, plus merlin, have you actually heard of ‘homosexual royalties’ before?
Merlin: i don’t think so…?
merlin ended up being arthur’s husband for an indefinite amount of time
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gdn019283 · 2 months
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The awkward smile/unsure expression Merlin does after repressed Arthur punches him on the shoulder, because he doesn’t know how to communicate feelings (just kiss and make up).
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averywizardgay · 8 months
You know what, Arthur shouldn't be mad at Merlin for not telling him about his magic BECAUSE PEOPLE COME OUT THEN THEY READY, and in the show he was forced to come out at the end
You can't be mad at the person who didn't come out sooner, they had their reasons
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multifandom-aroace · 7 months
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Arthur looked at merlin like this
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coinjarred · 4 months
me thinks I will make genderbent versions of Tyrian and watts because methinks that’s cool
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imagine-to-be-a-pike · 11 months
guys we were robbed.
imagine Merlin where Arthur knows he has his protector. That would be so beautiful
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acrossthecherriverse · 7 months
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quick lil sketch of a 1911!rdr!cherri i desire her carnally
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reneesbooks · 5 months
a little jarthur for sunday morning
*claws out of my own grave* the students haven't killed me yet. here's the first coherent thing i've written in literal weeks
A rap at Arthur’s window makes him look up from his notes. He see’s Jack’s beaming smile through the crack of the shutters and throws them open, leaning on his elbows on the sill. “You know you’re not supposed to be here.”
“That’s what makes it fun.” Jack’s smile grows impossibly brighter. “It’s the coronation today.”
“I know.”
“Everyone’s invited.”
Arthur raises an eyebrow. “Even street rats and orphans like us?”
“As long as you don’t announce yourself as such.” Jack offers him a hand. “Come with me?”
Arthur glances over his shoulder at his bedroom door. The nuns won’t expect him until dinner; he has plenty of time to get back before they’ll notice he’s gone. He turns back to Jack and takes his hand, smiling back at him. “You’re going to get me in so much trouble.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
They blend into the crowds streaming towards the castle gates and Arthur cranes his neck to see as much of the gardens as possible as they are herded down the main path by the royal guard. The great hall is even bigger than he’d imagined, the chandeliers sparkling with light that dances across the walls. He and Jack climb the stairs up to the balcony around the perimeter of the room and jostle their way to the front, leaning against the railing. From this point, they can see the nobility snacking on pastries and the priest pacing back and forth on the dais, ordering around altar girls and snapping at servants. Next to the ornately carved wooden throne stands a scowling soldier in a deep purple cloak, his piercing green eyes scanning the crowds continuously.
“That’s Keelan O’Leyne,” Jack whispers to him, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Have you heard the songs?”
Arthur shrugs. “The nuns have mentioned him once or twice. They don’t seem to be a fan.”
“They wouldn’t be.” Jack strings his fingers through his hair, his eyes taking on an admiring quality that makes Arthur’s chest ache. “He’s dangerous and violent.” He sighs a little dreamily. “He’d probably cut my tongue out within ten minutes of meeting me.”
“It’s weird that you sound like you want him to.”
“Can you blame me?” Jack gestures at him, Arthur rakes his gaze over the knight again, admitting to himself that he is quite handsome. He would be more so without the deep scowl on his face. “Anyway, he’s famous for how he escaped the massacre of his village by slaughtering the twelve thieves that burned it down. He’s been the princess’s sworn shield since. I heard a rumor that he threatened to cut out the tongue of anyone who used her name in his presence.”
Arthur shivers. “No wonder the nuns don’t like him.”
The crowd hushes and the priest begins to chant. The doors at the end of the great hall swing open and Arthur cranes his neck as the princess steps into the room, floating down the aisle in a gown of blue silk. There is a black mourning stripe down the back. Jack whistles loudly and Arthur sees Keelan O’Leyne’s head whip in their direction, green eyes narrow with cold, calculated anger. Arthur hopes he isn’t able to tell which of them whistled and elbows Jack in the side. “You’re going to get your wish about meeting Keelan O’Leyne if you keep that up. It’s inappropriate.”
“I don’t care about the princess’s beauty, though it is great,” Jack says, his eyes still locked on where she’s advancing slowly down the aisle while the priest chants. “O’Leyne can have her. I’m looking at those jewels on her head and around her pretty neck.”
Arthur looks again, focusing on the crown and necklaces that she’s wearing. The necklace is three strands of jewels twisted together—rubies, pearls, and sapphires shaped into perfect spheres resting on her collarbone. The golden crown has been worked into the shape of flowers, the metal nearly blending into the princess’s braided hair. As she reaches the dais and turns to face the crowd, he gets a better view of it. The jeweled flowers glint in the light, more rubies and sapphires and pearls than Arthur has ever seen in his life set into the intricately wrought metal. He remembers from his reading that the crown jewels were made by the first queen of Raedora and placed on her head by her magical students. There were old stories, buried in the backs of his books, that they once served as powerful magical conduits for the moons.
“Long live Queen Maura of Raedora, blessed by rivers and moons!”
The room erupts in cheers and Arthur gets caught up in it, the shouting crowd around him and the carefree grin on Jack’s face. He could stay in this moment forever, the two of them anonymous in the crowd, not a gutter rat and an orphan but just two kids attending the coronation like everyone else.
Jack turns to him with that wide grin and says over the cheers, “I’m going to steal the crown jewels.”
Arthur laughs, perfect and unburdened. “Sure you are, Jack.”
“Oh, I am.” His eyes are full of plans and mirth and more plans. “And you’re going to help me.”
thieves of morbhard taglist (ask to be added <3): @k–havok @theharpywrites @allianaavelinjackson @oh-no-another-idea
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the whiplash going from:
"you want to shave this thing?" and other silly, sweet bonding moments, reciting poetry to each other, calling eachother "friend", etc.
to: "You're a murderer because you're unfit to be a father" and literally trying to kill each other even though they share the same body
in TWO episodes is actually insane
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
uh i currently have 100 diamonds on the mobile game app choices… suck it haters <3
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gdn019283 · 2 months
What if Arthur can shapeshift?
Once upon a time, a very powerful magical being had found a way to transform their cells however they wanted to, using magic (very much like alchemy. Impossible, but they were able to find a method to make it work).
Fast forward, the Pendragon line is born, and some far away in their blood, these cells still work.
And then, Arthur and Merlin meet when they’re kids.
Two peaceful reigns, allies and magical, Balinor’s and Uther’s, both together to sign a treaty, when Merlin and Arthur are forced to stay together, annoyed with each other, while the adults do adult things.
They bicker, they fight, they scream at one another, and end up playing together, when one afternoon, Arthur, wooden sword in hand, puffy, red cheeks, hands closed in fists and hair a mess, runs around the castle to catch Merlin, thin, scrawny boy, all bones, ears too large and hair as black as night, yelling at the blonde to stop chasing him.
But then Arthur reaches him, and he lets out a puff of breath.
More accurately, a puff of smoke.
Merlin stands still, a ball of blue light flying over his hand, breathing harshly, ready to smash the ball across Arthur’s face.
They stare at each other, with round and knowing eyes, until Merlin yells, runs across the gardens, and tackles Arthur to the ground anyway.
They’re forced to stay together one way or another, and unconsciously, Merlin helps Arthur control his powers, as much as Arthur can help Merlin control his.
They’re too stupid to understand that a bond stronger than everything else in Albion is creating between them, but they don’t notice many things.
Cue all the shenanigans:
first time Arthur sneezes it happens in front of Merlin. They’re in Camelot, searching for secret chambers in the castle. Since the warlock seems very much like the only one who can call to Arthur’s powers, the prince pops a tail. Long, scaly, red and gold.
Merlin, magic flaring inside him, and giggling, tries to chop it off for fun;
during their teenage years, while Merlin is studying the dragon tongue, he dares Arthur to steal biscuits from the cook, but makes the mistake to be too loud, since he suddenly grows claws, that rip apart his shoes. Needless to say, it doesn’t work, and now they’re being chased by a very angry cook;
Arthur hits Merlin with a mace during training, when the warlock comes to visit him. Arthur puts too much force when sitting on Merlin, and he farts.
Very manly, of course.
While Merlin is too busy laughing so loud the sound reaches all Five Kingdoms, Arthur gets angry, and two wide, long, red wings rip open his armour. Arthur ends up flying over Merlin’s window for an entire week as revenge, hitting it with the end of his sword;
to be fair, Merlin whispers filthy words and makes awful noises resound in Arthur’s ears while he is trying to sleep, all across their two kingdoms;
at Arthur’s coronation as a regent, Merlin visits him, and makes fun of him while he tries to approach a girl. Arthur burns his hair, and Merlin burns his in return.
And then they are adults, two men who somehow, despite their differences, had stuck together throughout all these years.
And one night, Arthur disappears, suddenly, and without notice.
There is a rumour he had escaped Camelot by running.
And Merlin feels the pulse of magic in his veins.
He has no idea if it will work, but the warlock, desperate and scared, calls Arthur to a clearing, and as he regains his breath after screaming for his best friend, Merlin sees a giant, red and gold dragon ascending on the grass, wide paws and claws gripping the ground, nostril flaring hot smoke, scales shining under the moonlight, tails hitting the end of the trees in the woods, and his lean, long body expanding with each laboured breath he takes.
Arthur had only went away for a walk, and while he screams at Merlin for being such a girl’s petticoat, they both stop mid sentence, and stare long at each other.
Or rather, Arthur’s golden eyes widen, and he looks down at a tiny Merlin, who had a similar expression on.
That’s how they both find out that Merlin is Arthur’s Dragonlord.
(this is all inspired by a post that I read so long ago. Merlin is a Dragonlord, and he is in fact the only one who can make Arthur, a Pendragon, see sense, and therefore tame him)
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hoodiedmenace · 8 months
Reasons Why Charles Smith and Arthur Morgan are Gay (an almost essay)
Reason 1: from a game play standpoint, you only get a few optional missions. Those missions are helping Mary when she asks (who is Arthur's like, old girlfriend/ex/situationship/it's complicated) and CHARLES when he asks Arthur to help with the local Native American tribe
Reason 2: Charles is super introverted, and doesn't talk to other gang members much at all. However, when Charles goes bison hunting, despite it being a sacred thing that he holds really close, he invites Arthur along
Reason 3: John, Arthur's sort of brother, gets SHOT and MAULED BY WOLVES and Arthur makes fun of him and doesn't treat it seriously. But when Charles burns his hand, Arthur is super doting on him
Reason 4: Arthur doesn't hug people very often, and when he does its always because another person initiates it. He doesn't go in for the hug himself. EXCEPT. With CHARLES. And they hug not once but twice. Once when Arthur finds out that Charles isn't dead, and again when Charles leaves the gang
Reason 4.5: when they hug the last time, you can see them hold hands for about two seconds once the hug has finished, as if they don't want to let go yet. (Which they probably don't because Charles knows that this is probably the last time that he'll see Arthur)
Reason 5: when Mary (again, Arthur's weird ex girlfriend/it's complicated) asks Arthur to run away from the gang and live with her, he says he can't because the gang is his family and he has to stay loyal to Dutch (who is Arthur's father figure/leader of the gang) but when Charles says he's staying to help the Native Americans, Arthur is immediately like "Okay I'll stay too" ............ yeah okay buddy those are totally straight tendencies
Reason 6: Charles is one of the few people that actually shows compassion, care, and offers Arthur a sort of solution when he tells Charles that he's dying. He also says "Oh Arthur" and it's the most devastating thing ever
Reason 7: Charles doesn't make fun of Arthur like. Ever. everyone else calls him stupid and not worth much else than basically a work horse. There are two times when Charles does say it but the first time is when Arthur makes a joke and he goes "you simple minded fool" but like. In a silly way. And the other time Arthur is being Problematic and Charles goes "I know you're not as tough and dense as all that"
Reason 8: Charles goes back for Arthur, finds his body, and buries him. And his grave isn't just the regular tombstone that anyone else's is. It's hand carved wood, on a mountain overlooking the morning sun because "That's what he would have wanted". And there's also flowers purposefully grown there as well
Reason 9: Arthur isn't often given a choice in who he gets to take on missions but when he does, it's always Charles.
Reason 10: Arthur is weirdly submissive towards Charles? Not in a sexual way, but he won't take orders from anyone else besides Dutch and Hosea, and then also Charles.
Reason 11: At the beginning Arthur doesn't just ride anyone's horse, he rides CHARLES'S horse. And also when he dies, Taima takes him to his final resting place
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allzelemonz · 11 months
Dare: The Van der Linde Boys X Male Reader
(Arthur Morgan, Charles Smith, Bill Williamson, Micah Bell, Sean MacGuire, Javier Esquella)
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Fictober Prompt: Day 17, Multi Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘fella’ and ‘man’, heavy masculine implication Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: (have you ever been in a men’s locker room and things got a little weird), smut, background relationships, masturbation, hand jobs, kissing, oral sex, blow jobs, dirty talk, facial, cum swallowing, Micah being an asshole, flirting, casual sex, everyone is gay but especially Bill Summary: Drunk Sean wanting to get off prompts a dare to jerk off and last longer than anyone else at the fire. Gay chaos of a sort ensues.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Arthur nearly shrieks, his head turning away from a much drunker Sean.
“Oh, come on now, Englishman.” Sean giggles. “We’re all men here, ain’t no trouble at all, is it?”
His hand palms at the bulge in his pants. A bulge that has only now been noticed and has the rest of camp’s attention. Bill fixes his eyes for a few seconds before he looks away, shifting his legs nervously. You try to look almost anywhere else.
Sean grins. “Ya know what, fellas, I bet you I can get myself off ‘fore any a’ you.”
Micah scoffs. “We all heard yer whore goin’ off ‘bout how ya can’t last, cowpoke.”
Sean hisses, stilling his hand. “Fine, then I bet I can ‘least outlast a greasy arse of man like you.”
“What?” Javier grimaces. “You want us all to sit here with our dicks out?”
“Embarrassed, Mister Escuella?” Sean laughs, giving him wavy eyebrows.
“We’re not all gonna jerk off in front of each other.” You mutter. “That’s insane.”
Sean sits up, putting a falsely offended hand over his chest. “That ain’t fair, big man.” A grin grows over his face. “What if I dared all a’ ya?”
“A dare?” Charles mutters.
Sean proudly puts his hand over his bulge. “I dare each a ya ta last longer than the legend Sean MacGuire. An’ whoever lasts longest, I’ll give ya my share a’ the job.”
The men around the fire shuffle, some hiding their own erections, others simply uncomfortable. It’s just a handful of the young men here, sent out for a train job. Arthur stares into the fire, as does Charles, Bill glances all around as he tries not to look at anyone at all, Micah and Javier seem more insulted than anyone. A dare is an odd thing, often able to make a man do things he never would, stupid things at that. And one like this, as odd as it is, is almost a challenge to each one of your own masculinity. Everything about dicks is.
You assume that’s why it’s Micah that starts unfastening his pants first. “Fine.” He mutters.
And Javier follows, wordless. Then Bill, fumbling quickly. Sean flicks his eyes between the rest of you as he fishes himself out. You admit, confident in your manhood or not, a dare is a dare so you pull your dick out as well. Arthur grumbles something to himself, doing the same. Charles is the last, seemingly embarrassed and likely thankful that his complexion hides most of the heat in his cheeks unlike most of you.
“Alright.” Sean says proudly. “Everybody gives a good effort, whatever ya like, long as ya don’t stop. Huh?”
Nods follow, each man showing their nerves in little bits and averting their eyes as much as they can. Plenty of you have been naked in front of each other or just caught glimpses during a piss break, but it’s much odder with this context to see each other’s dicks in hand.
“Count a’ three then.” Sean grins. “One! Two…! Three!”
You lick your hand and wrap your fingers around yourself, focusing down on that sight as opposed to anyone else. You flick your wrist loosely, moving slow and trying to ignore how the shivers spread over you. If you were alone it wouldn’t be much stimulation, but knowing you’re surrounded by six other men makes it just a little more exciting.
When you chance a glance up you find shamelessly wandering eyes and slow strokes all around. Arthur’s face is flushed red as his eyes stare around, the most shame anyone has. Sean lets noise spill from him easily, his hand the first to move faster. He doesn’t last long past that, Micah laughing at him as he releases.
“Shit…” Sean sighs, staring down at the mess of his pants.
Some of the other men still, looking at the loser of the little competition.
“Well don’t stop on my account.” Sean says with a smile. “Winner gets my share a’ the job, remember?”
The slow strokes continue.
Sean looks around for a moment before you see a grin spread over his face as he tucks himself away. “‘a course, that don’t mean I can’t play favorites.”
“The hell’s that mean?” Bill mutters.
Sean stands, slowly making his way over to Micah. “Ain’t like ya need the money, do ya?”
Micah eyes the Irishman warrily, but makes no move to stop him from dropping to his knees. Sean shocks everyone around the fire when he takes Micah in his mouth. Micah hisses, moving his hand out of Sean’s way and into his tangled red hair. Bill gasps next to you, his eyes fixed on the sight. You look away, the thought of Sean’s share of money paying for a nicer saddle or something keeping you restrained. Micah caves, gripping Sean’s hair and fucking into his mouth until he releases.
Sean coughs and splutters, swallowing most of the cum before he can pull himself away. “Least…” Sean spits. “Least  you ain’t winnin’, ya lousy arse. When’s the last time ya wash that little thing a’ yours anyway?”
Micah scowls at him, tucking himself away. “You wanna play rough, MacGuire, fine.”
It’s like a cloud of hated lust washes the sense from everyone, both Micah and Sean moving to a target they don’t want winning.
As Arthur glares at Micah, Sean smirks. “New rule, boys. Ya get picked by somebody that’s out, ya gotta let ‘em try fer at least a minute.”
“That’s stupid.” Arthur mutters, eyeing Micah as the blond smirks down at him.
“Only fair, Morgan.” Micah says. “I ain’t gonna be the only fool that got out on a technicality.”
Arthur grumbles, but doesn’t stop Micah from gripping him and stroking furiously. Your heart skips when Sean’s eyes meet yours and he takes a few steps forward.
“No hard feelings, big man, Bill said he’d buy me a drink.” Sean snickers as he drops to his knees in front of you.
You shudder when he touches you, your hot skin buzzing at his cool fingers. But before you can blink, his mouth has engulfed your entire length. Sean is far too good at this. He bobs his head and you will yourself not to give in for the minute he has.
Across the fire, Arthur shoves Micah away. “Ya had yer chance, sick bastard.”
Micah grunts, wiping his hand on his pants before turning to Bill and starting his process again. Bill moans at the touch, struggling not to buck up into Micah’s hand. You’ve lost track of Sean’s minute, but he wasn’t far behind Micah so you shove at his shoulder.
“Better luck next time.” You say, your voice shaking a bit as you replace your hand.
Sean grins up at you, whispering. “Hope ya win.”
Likely because he’s losing his promised drink with the way Bill is shutting under Micah’s touch. Just as Sean reaches Javier to tease, Bill releases with a gasp. Micah grins to himself but you catch it, you also notice how he doesn’t stop as Bill shakes but instead strokes him through it.
“Get Morgan.” He mutters.
Bill nods, sweat covering his face. Micah straightens himself and glances between you and Charles, opting for you after a few seconds.
“Sorry, cowpoke.” He mutters. “Just rather touch you than him.”
“Fuck off, Micah.” You say through gritted teeth.
Micah smiles at you as he sits down next to you, leaning close as his arm wraps around your waist and his hand closes on your dick. “That ain’t any way ta talk. I’m ‘bout ta get ya off, ain’t I?”
For as much of an ass as Micah is, he’s good at this. Your mind wanders, picturing all the times you’ve seen Micah by the fire cleaning his guns. His fingers wrapped around the barrel as he drags the cloth over the metal.
“Shit!” You gasp.
Micah’s hand feels better than Sean’s mouth did, fast and furious strokes making you have to stop yourself from squirming. A low groan from Javier takes him out as he fills Sean’s throat, the Irishman not pulling off like he did with Micah and choosing to swallow it all this time. Only a moment later, Arthur mutters a curse as he releases onto Bill’s face and dirties the man’s beard. He mumbles an apology as Bill grumbles about it, both of them blushing deeply.
“Alright, alright.” Sean says. “Let’s give our finalists a chance.”
Micah leans a little closer as he takes his hand back. “Win this, cowpoke.”
You shutter as his breath hits your neck.
Sean grins. “Hands away now, boys! Take a breather.”
Charles pulls his hand back, resting it on his thigh as he eyes the group. You swallow thickly, still feeling all the heat from Sean and Micah’s attempts. Charles hasn’t even been touched once, he has the advantage.
“How should we do this, boys?” Sean asks, turning to the group of losers. “Let ‘em keep at it, help ‘em out?”
“This is stupid.” Arthur grumbles.
Bill is too occupied with trying to get the cum out of his beard to answer.
Javier is still catching his breath from his orgasm.
Micah shrugs.
“Fine.” Sean grins. “I’ll be the judge ‘ere. Javier an’ Bill.” He points to you. “Ya work on ‘em an’ Arthur an’ Micah get Charles.”
No one moves for a moment. You look over and share a sympathetic look with Charles.
Sean groans. “Come on, boys! Have a little fun… I’ll buy a round a’ drinks.”
It’s enough to get Bill at your side, Javier follows as Micah and Arthur go to Chalres.
“Alright, count a’ three.” Sean grins, rubbing his hands together like the schemy little shit he is. “One, two…three!”
Bill goes straight for your dick, wrapping his big hand around it and stroking almost as well as Micah. You screw your eyes shut, trying to focus on lasting. It becomes infinitely harder when Javier’s hand dips below Bill’s and finds your balls still tucked in your pants. He leans in close, whispering a mix of English and Spanish in your ear and you know well enough that every word is dirty even though you try to tune it out. You can hear Micah snickering in the distance and take it as a good sign, he’d be the type to laugh at Charles getting off and losing. Bill’s other hand wanders up your chest and squeezes at your pecs briefly before he winds it under your shirt and feels at your skin. Javier’s other hand finds your jaw and his fingers trail as he turns your head. Your eyes peek open in time to see him smirk, then he kisses you as his hand squeezes at your balls firmly.
With their hands all over you, you can’t hold it anymore. It’s like a burst. The waves hit you hard and you spasm as you cum over your pants. Bill strokes you through it, his other hand gentle as it settles on your waist. Javier muffles whatever odd little noises you would have made, trailing off in smaller kisses before he stops. You open your eyes to look at him and he kisses your cheek with a wink. The three of you look over at the competition. Micah is stroking furiously, as he did with the others he tried to sabotage while Arthur kisses Charles’s neck and a hand plays with his nipples under his open shirt. Charles won, he hasn’t cum yet.
“Damn it.” Bill grumbles, glancing at you. “Was hopin’ you’d win.”
“Your fault.” You reply, breath still not quite back in your lungs.
Bill blushes. “Sorry, got, uh, caught up…”
“‘s alright…” You slur, head spinning still.
Sean doesn’t say a word to stop anything, holding a finger to his lips to silence any of you from alerting them. It’s only fair. Charles holds strong, though he seems to enjoy it when Arthur kisses him properly as his hand grips the other’s hair and holds him in place. Micah, never one to like losing and still unaware of his sealed fate, takes Charles in his mouth. Javier has to clap a hand over his lips to keep a laugh from alerting them. All of you sit in shock, never expecting Micah to suck off a man he berates on a daily basis even for the sake of winning some silly competition.
Charles’s hips buck and Micah moans when his hair is gripped and his mouth is used. His hands do nothing to stop it, only wandering over Charles’s thighs as he’s used. It only takes a minute after that, Charles’s hips stutter and he holds Micah flush to him as he releases. Arthur continues to kiss him and Micah is held in place despite his squirming until Sean clears his throat.
“Ya won, boys.” He grins. “Unless ya wanna keep goin’.”
Micah shoves himself away, falling back on his ass as he spits and coughs. Charles watches him, smiling for a moment before pulling Arthur closer and continuing.
“Alright then…” Sean turns to you and your saboteurs. “Anybody else all cheeky now?”
Bill grumbles something, standing and going over to Micah. He grips the smaller man by his collar, yanking him to his feet and shoving him towards the little collection of tents.
Sean has his eyebrows raised when he turns back, but he grins. “I ain’t gonna lie, I seen them hidin’ in the trees a couple times.”
“So you made us all get each other off?” Javier smirks, his arm draping around your shoulders. “Lousy move, cabrón.”
“I didn’t make ya do a thing ya didn’t wanna.” Sean crosses his arms. “It ain’t my fault you boys all wanted ta fuck each other.”
You sigh, remembering to tuck yourself away and glancing over to the winning fools. They’re nowhere to be seen. “They sneak off?”
“Suppose they did.” Sean chuckles. “Filthy sods.”
Javier waits a beat before turning to you. “Seems like everyone else is having a good time tonight. You wanna?”
Before you can answer, Sean whines. “Ya gonna leave me out? I’m the one that got ya started!”
“You’re taking then.” Javier mutters.
Sean grins. “Happily.”
You shake your head, sighing. “Fine, I guess.”
“Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy me, cariño.” Javier whispers, pressing a kiss to your jaw.
You hang your head, smiling softly. “Shut up, Escuella.”
He tugs at your arm as he stands, pulling you with him.
The fire light dies down over the course of the night. Faint, muffled moans and whimpers can be heard if you really listen, but it’s mostly that distinct sound of skin hitting skin that echoes well into the night. Some of you can’t walk in the morning, very much complicating the robbery and no one knows how you all are going to explain the failure to Dutch.
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omgwhatchloe · 5 months
-they all have one hideout they stay at after too many of their apartments kept getting raided. its…its chaotic sometimes.
-bill snores so fucking loud and sleeps on the sofas. he DOES have a bed, he just ‘rests’ his eyes during whatever he’s watching, spreads out and snores like hell. its the most infuriating thing, and arthur does not hold back when beating him with a pillow.
-however if it was lenny or one of the girls who’d fallen asleep on the sofa, lets just say hes sneaking back into the house after late night adventures, and he finds them, arthur would absolutely cover them with a blanket or even carry them to bed depending on how tired he was.
-the men of the gang have differing opinions on drugs, strippers, etc. some will absolutely spend their money on that, others will never even consider it. you gotta remember, this is a gang and theyre criminals.
-movie nights are very random as theyre all constantly in and out, doing this and that, but it is nice when a group of them can settle down and watch something. but you know theyre getting interrupted constantly, because lenny thinks that doesnt make sense and johns hungry and sean thinks theyre hot and tilly cant decide if she wants some of the blanket or not and micah’s just walked in and decided the whole ordeal is very gay etc etc
-STREET RACING. sean, lenny, arthur, john, javier, karen, sadie, even abigail all love it, and it miiiight just be one of hosea’s guilty pleasures.
-leopold strauss does not like dutch’s music. imagine, theyre coming back from a job and he rides with dutch and hosea, who plays ‘old classics’ because dutch thinks thats what theyre into. cut to strauss staring longingly out of the window, watching arthurs car with the roof down and pitbull up. he is a very unhappy old man in that moment. he does NOT WANT to listen to big iron, HE WANTS TIMBER!!
-booktok is lenny’s biggest opp. he likes the classics and to wander around bookshops (sean trailing behind him and picking up random books on weeds and fitness to offer him because he doesnt actually know what theyre about) looking for his own books to read and get his own opinion on.
-sean can read, but does struggle with dyslexia and still dislikes books for this reason. he doesnt mind being read too, but feels overwhelmed and gets upset with himself when actually attempting to read.
-mary-beth loves to watch tv in her room only to fall asleep with it on, causing susan to poke her head around the door and yell at her to turn it off at like 3am. but trust me, the girls seen everything. every dating show, reality show, drama, documentary, she has seen it! she also has teddys/stuffed animals!!
-john never grew out of enjoying sleepovers, but thankfully neither did javier. they’d always get drunk and high together, do dumb shit, snuggle only to deny they did in the morning, and get yelled at to shut up. of course, john’d eventually get to have a sleepover every night with abigail, but he feels like its just not the same…
-charles WILL go to sleep in your car and you cant stop him. arthur finds it cute tho.
-the cupboards do not have snacks because everyone is too possessive over what they want and just keep it in their rooms.
-a lot of the time only a few people are having stew, since the rest are off getting fast food or just not eating.
-sean misses ireland so much, homesickness is a big problem for him (to the point he may actually be sick from upsetting himself so much) and he wishes him and his da never had to leave donegal. though obviously he struggles with booking flights and decides to just not do it instead of asking for help. for a perfect birthday present, lenny booked a trip for them!!
-seans da is not dead!! though he lives quite far from where the gang are staying (different state, not back in ireland) and sean misses him more than he likes to admit. the little irishboy loves to sit in his da’s house with a cup of tea, stealing all the biscuits and yapping on. he used to like to bring lenny too, when they were closer (in distance, not relationship)and his da decided he liked lenny more than sean, joking ofc.
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