#arthur and john
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outlawash · 8 months ago
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this is canon john and arthur brother dynamic
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fshfish · 9 months ago
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outlawruben · 8 months ago
Modern AU headcannons
The Vandermatthews family edition
When John was a teenager he made slime and got it in Dutch’s expensive Persian rug he keeps in the office. (Dutch was LIVID.)
Hosea reads late into the night, which caused Dutch to buy one of those clip on reading lights so he can finally sleep peacefully.
Dutch and Hosea do embarrassing dances in the kitchen/living spaces when the kids are around. Arthur and John cringe hard at this.
John was introduced to Limp Bizkit and his life was forever changed.
John *In the doorway*: “IM NOT IN YOUR ROOM.”
Arthur: “dinner is ready.”
John: “OKAY.”
Arthur, louder: “OKAY!”
Arthur tans at the beach, John burns
Arthur has straight A’s, John has straight C’s
John will take a (monthly) shower and get the WHOLE floor wet
John’s favorite Christmas was when he got a bass guitar, and Arthur’s favorite was when he got his blue truck.
Arthur sits on Dutch/Hosea’s bed and just spills the tea to Hosea late into the evening (Dutch wants to get ready for bed soon)
Arthur is a PC player, and John is a console player
John has to go to the mall with Arthur when he wants to go alone because “John doesn’t socialize enough”
They both got to choose their bedroom colors, however, John wasn’t allowed to do THE DARKEST black in the store, so his room is a dark grey with a black accent wall. (Arthur’s room is blue)
Branching off of that, Arthur and John could decorate their rooms HOWEVER they wanted, there was no intervention from the dads
Hosea does the “Dad hand” during road trips when the boys have a snack he wants.
Hosea is the designated driver because Dutch has terrible road rage
They live on a pond, in fact Dutch and Hosea argued over it before buying the house, so much so that Hosea threatened a divorce because the ONLY thing he wants is a pond. Dutch folded, and Hosea fishes everyday.
Arthur loved Percy Jackson and John loved Warrior Cats.
Arthur is a cereal eater, and John is a pop-tart eater
The contrast between Arthur’s masterpieces vs John’s doodles are crazy. (They’re both proudly displayed on the front of the fridge no matter what) (yes this is based on their canonical journal entries, sue me)
John and Arthur took those embarrassing Macy’s photoshoots in the early 2000’s that are out on display for everyone to see in the future.
John has an INCREDIBLY embarrassing graduation photo from when he was in his emo phase in high school, and his dads refuse to remove it. (It’s placed next to Arthur’s gleaming grad photo)
Dutch has slippers he wears around the house, and Hosea just wears his socks.
John still doesn’t know how to swim in this AU, Hosea has tried to teach him, but John refuses to get in the water.
They have taxidermy in their house from when Hosea went hunting more often when he was younger.
Somehow Hosea and Dutch’s aesthetics work so well together.
Dutch is very much old money, and maximalist, and Hosea is definitely Vintage and Woodsy (It works together if you saw their house)
You would be convinced that John’s nails were naturally black and chipped from how much he painted them.
Hosea has a “Shop” in the garage like every dad has to have. (It’s full of fishing supplies, paint cans, and other tools ofc)
John’s room is very dark, messy, and covered in posters from every movie/Tv show/video game he’s ever seen/played. Also, making the bed? What’s that?
Arthur’s room is open and airy, with his own mountain murals painted on the walls, a full art desk, and he also doesn’t know what making the bed means.
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omgwhatchloe · 8 months ago
rdr2 except no side characters died, dutch didnt go crazy cornwall and the pinkertons werent looking for them and micah completely mellowed out to nothing more than a mouthy shit BUT arthur still got tb…
imagine if it was properly acknowledged, but they try to continue as normal in the hopes he recovers with the amount of extra rest hes started to have. and the extra rest starts to become longer and more constant as he worsens. the hope fades into worry, into either acceptance or grief.
eventually…they start to look for somewhere warmer to camp, nicer and quieter. john gives arthur his tent, and hosea gets him a better bed. dutch makes the tent look more cosy and arthur-like. for three days, the women or dutch, john and hosea are constantly with him. other members come to speak to him during the day, saying their goodbyes in a way. on the third night, hosea tells miss grimshaw to fetch john and dutch.
they sit with him, dutch holding his head and hosea stroking his hair. john sits with them, not knowing what to do with himself. for an hour, dutch and hosea tell some stories about when arthur was young, all his best ones. the ones that made him happy. arthur barely responds, but he looks right at them and makes no effort to move away or stop listening. then, hosea whispers that he can go to sleep now. theyll see him again soon.
and he does.
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lesboficfanatic · 3 months ago
John & Arthur; having a deep gut wrenching convo about how some fucked up experiences that either ends in a deeply homeorotic and codependent get together/reunion OR incredibly toxic divorce arc
the taxi driver who is not fucking paid enough and only hearing half the conversation from the front seat;
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lemoni301 · 2 months ago
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michaelmylove · 1 year ago
the instant i get introduced to a ship, i either go 'ehhh, i can kinda see it' or 'I SHIP THIS SO FUCKING HARD NOW OH MY GOD'
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arthurs-left-atrium · 8 months ago
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martinbug · 8 months ago
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john sees
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rapidlydecayingcorpse · 14 days ago
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what the Hell are they doing here
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q-isthebestletter · 2 months ago
Oh my goodness, I love them
Arthur falls and John starts laughing, and Arthur laughs just cuase John is
John does his annoyed little "Arthur" when Arthur is being stubborn or going against him, yet still guides him
The way they bicker, and scoff at eachothers' jokes, and apologize to one another, and encourage and help calm eachother
Aaaugh, these two are gonna destroy meee
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juicelessjoe · 8 months ago
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cowboy simulator got me feeling something………….☹️
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malevolentcast · 2 years ago
You Call it Madness, but We Call it Love
Today, amongst other things, marks the anniversary of Malevolent. Three years ago I started this wacky ride, one that has been an absolute joy to reveal to you all.
However, it is the community that made this show grow to what it is.
This year, a number of absolutely amazing, kind, talented and inspiring community members got together to create an anniversary Zine. A gift of sorts.
If you love Malevolent, check this out (spoilers up until 27)
I am so humbled by this gift. Thank you. Thank you to everyone who contributed, to everyone who inspired others to contribute and to everyone who kept this secret from me.
Thank you so incredibly much to this amazing community, I don’t deserve you. Thank you to @asininestars for organizing and sending me this.
Thank you everyone! Please enjoy!
Happy Birthday Malevolent
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fox-with-ferns · 3 months ago
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A murder mystery
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omgwhatchloe · 11 months ago
do yall ever think younger arthur threw younger john into a lake maybe near their camp as a joke, and he was definitely laughing about it, only to realise a few seconds later, john couldn’t swim AT ALL. imagine the immediate transition from laughing to pure panic as john disappears under water with a gasp and scream. and he’s thrown him so far, and johns inhaled so much water, by the time he gets him back onto shore, hes fully unconscious and not breathing.
so at this point, he needs help and starts yelling like a madman for dutch, who comes running so quick he can barely hide the fear on his face, pushing arthur out of the way. and imagine arthurs horror at hearing the sounds of johns ribs cracking as dutch desperately does cpr, trying to get him to breathe again.
i feel like this image kind of captures it
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kristyphilips · 6 months ago
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I had to put them togheter
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