#arospec representation
drh3nryj3kyll · 3 months
Shoutout to aromantic, transgender, intersex, and polyamorous people. Gotta be the some of the most underrepresented queer identities I've ever seen.
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bizarreaizen · 1 year
someone: hey can you give me some relationship advice?
me who's aroace: communicate.
someone: I tried but it didn't-
me: break up. /hj
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shmaroace · 11 months
good queer representation does not require romance
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agrebel18 · 1 year
saw someone on here the other day say that we don’t need aromantic and asexual representation in media because that’s a “sanitized” identity like BITCH WHAT????? IF YOU CAN ONLY SEE ASPEC PEOPLE AS CHILDREN THAT IS A YOU PROBLEM.
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if I see one more “straight people on the aromantic and/or asexual spectrum don’t count�� I will personally light shit on fire
If you’re heterosexual and aromantic, you’re valid. If you’re asexual and heteroromantic, fuck yeah, you’re valid too. You belong here, in LGBTQIA+ spaces, and I love and accept you here. You belong at the pride parade, you belong in the LGBTQIA+ clubs at your school or university, and you belong in the LGBTQIA+ community.
We love you. You belong. anyone who says otherwise can go fuck themselves.
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your-local-crypt1d · 30 days
Oh so when a priest takes an oath of celibacy he's "a man of faith", but when I say I'm Ace and sex-repulsed I'll "change my mind" and "haven't found the right person yet" 🙄
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miss-midnightt · 3 months
This year, I went to two local pride events. It was great, but in both events I noticed something: there was almost no aromantic representation. There were plenty of flags for sale, as well as colored merch and stickers, encompassing a wide range of identities. Not ONE of them was aromantic. The flag banners they'd put up, with a bunch of different LGBTQ+ flags? No aromantic. However, there was an asexual flag as well as other items for sale, which was part of the reason I was surprised by the lack of aromantic flags and other merchandise.
I'm not saying the asexual representation is bad; it's great! It's the lack of representation for aromanticism that is problematic. I'm aroace. I was pissed as HELL because I felt that half of me was underrepresented. I can't imagine how excluded allosexual arospec folk would have felt to know that they had all but been completely erased. The A in LGBTQIA doesn't just stand for asexual; it's for aromantic and agender (which I also noted had no representation) too.
The only mention of aromanticism at all in both pride events was a brief, easy to overlook touch on it at a few stalls. Pride is meant to be inclusive to all. To ALL. Not ALLOROMANTICS ONLY. ALL.
I'm aromantic. I'm not just ace. It took me years to figure out that I was also aromantic, but it doesn't actually make a difference. If I can only find my asexuality shown at pride events then things need to change.
I am aromantic. I'd like for that part of me to be represented. I DEMAND that part of me to be represented.
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koifishanonymous · 1 year
and if i said they were in a secret-third-thing fucked up mutually destructive qpr what then
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whatisgoingoninmyhead · 9 months
there's something to be said about how public unawareness about aspec identities contributes to the infighting within the aspec communities.
for example, I've seen a lot of "don't say ace people don't have sex because that's harmful to the sex favourable aces" and the opposite: "don't say ace people can have sex because what about the sex repulsed/averse?"
and they're both valid points, but because of it, aspec posts have to cater to the entire spectrum or risk starting arguments over this. Ideally, people could look at an aspec post and accept that it's for a different part of the aro/ace spectrum to where they are, but that's where the public unawareness comes in
because outside of the aspec communities, there's so little understanding of what the terms mean, that people within the community have to make every post generic so that the unaware won't see one post and make an assumption for the entire community based on it.
I see where every side is coming from, but infighting doesn't really solve any of the issues. The only thing that can start to solve it is more expansive aspec media representation, and spreading the "aro/ace identities are a spectrum" posts as much as possible to reach outside of the community, rather than trying to make specific posts fit that generic message.
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noballoonsinspace · 7 months
felt like I was forgetting something about tomorrow but then I remembered oh yeah kind of a big day how could I forget
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Happy Dracula eve!!!
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thalfbloodloser · 5 months
i wish we had alloaro representation in media. a charming character who fucks - both literally AND aesthetically. one that makes other characters go "wow! they're so cool and good in bed, but ultimately un-datable, because as soon as they sense any romantic intention on you, they flee" (kinda like lucifer morningstar from "lucifer". he's aroallo in my heart)
a character who's funny and has a horrifyingly 80's sense of fashion (they have a curly combed-out mullet and mismatched earrings. you'll find them at pride wearing a corn costume because it "matches the aroallo flag" and they're "being subtle") or one who's the embodiment of a 60's greaser (their motorcycle helmet is themed after the aro flag and the back of their leather jacket says "LOVELESS / LOVE LOSES") or one who's a girly fanfiction writer that has more ships than a star wars movie (their fics are muntifandom-ly famous and most their stuff is covered in yaoi/yuri patches and stickers. everyone thinks they're a hopeless romantic because of it, but that's exactly why they're so big on the fiction ≠ reality discourse) or...
anyone else, really. just ultimately a HUMAN who's casually aromantic. one who doesn't make it a parade but isn't subtle about it, either. will they hold other character's hands? maybe. kiss their cheek? perhaps. hang out with them, on picnics and walks along the river? can't see why not! but platonically. or maybe have them be genuinely romance-repulsed & not so eager to participate in anything socially perceived as romantic. that would also be amazing.
let them express themselves sexually! let them fuck. give them a..."fuckbuddy", if you must. or a best friend who's sexually involved with them - classic romcom material, i know - but without it being "complicated"; because there's no romance involved to complicate it.
give them funny scenes. another character tries to kiss their lips or ask them on a date? they laugh nervously, the scene cuts and we get a hilarious shot of them escaping through the bathroom window. or audibly saying "ew" and then regretting it. another character is struggling to write a romcom/romance book without it being corny? we get a scene where our character casually describes the most romantical (and, to them, unappealing) plot ever - because, much like aces acing the smut department, they're far from misunderstanding what is or isn't heartstopping for alloromantics - only to have the other character stare at them like "?????????? HELLO????". give us a scene of them being confused as to why their hookup is yelling at them for acting "so casual" and responding with a quotable shitty line ("just because we had sex last night i can't call you "bro"? / "what? expected me to marry you or something? get off my bed, it's 9AM" / "would you rather have me mad? sad? what's happening here. give me a hint")
but give them complicated scenes too. scenes portraying the loneliness that comes with being aromantic but not asexual, the lack of community. them talking about how hard it is to maintain sexual relationships just sexual. the painful "breakups" because one of their friends declared their undying love for them but they cannot possibly match that energy, even if they wanted to. have them weep because somehow that keeps happening. the unfairness in being accused of heartlessness and selfishness by other queers. the shame on being told they're fetishistic and the reason why queer men/women/people are seen as sex-crazed or impure.
...anyways, i'm rambling- do y'all have any aroallo ocs? or ideas for alloaro characters? maybe aroallo headcanons? i'd love to know what you think! :)
(don't tag as #ace / #asexual / #asexuality)
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maryhall · 11 months
When I complain about there not being enough acespec and arospec representation in media, I'm often told to just do it myself. That, as a writer, I should write the representation I lack.
And I do.
But I make those characters. I don't want to have to make them. The burden of representation should not fall exclusively on me.
I want to turn on a random show and be pleasantly surprised by the inclusion of an aroace person. They don't need to be the protagonist. They don't need to be anyone important at all.
I want to be seen.
I want to be heard.
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bizarreaizen · 1 year
aromantic and asexual cis men seriously need more recognition, they've been told that being a virgin above the age of 18 is weird and that all cis men are p0rn brained and they've seen that romance and sex is very important to a man and you need to have it or you're confirmed "lame" "boring" and a "virgin loser" /gen
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lilyrosegold · 4 months
To those who counter any general discomfort people have with aro and/or ace characters being shipped romantically or sexually with “but aro and aces can still date/have sex/be in relationships”- that’s is true but, do you actually care about the complexities and nuance of navigating romance and/or sex as someone who falls on the aroace spectrum or are you just looking for an easy way to not get hate for blatantly ignoring a character’s identity in favor of your shipping?
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melody-tcg · 7 months
I've noticed a trend in ace related posts where everything needs to be an educational post about every possible experience but I think what we need to realize is people are posting from their individual experiences and thus won't likely fall under every category
I think we have a very hard time finding representation so we try to make any representation a catch all but that isn't always the answer and feels like punishing people for their experiences not checking every micro label box.
This isn't the most coherent post but I just wanted to possibly start this discussion
Like replying to a sex repulsed alloromantic ace's post about their own experience with "well actually some aces do have sex" or "some aces are aro too" doesn't accomplish anything but put down a person for their experience not being all encompassing. Rather than that maybe focus on creating posts or pushing for representation in media of the different experiences.
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lemon-pawz · 6 months
I hate seeing in movies and TV shows "asexual representation" because every time it's "I don't fall in love with people... I'm asexual" girl.. that's aromantic..👁️👄👁️ do your research. No hate to aromantic rep and aro people just something I've noticed that has really bothered me in media.
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