#aroace humor
I've found my one true love
Whenever I see them, they brighten up my day and I become happy. I wanna be close to them and they're all I think about. I want them inside of me. I love them so much They're pieces of Garlic Bread. I'm talking about pieces of Garlic Bread.
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lgbtqtext · 2 months
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asociallyakwardpotato · 2 months
Person: so what's your body count?
Me: *tries to count on my fingers* goddamit I don't have enough fingers... um I think 213?
Me: oh you meant sex... welp guess my body count's going up to 214 *gently murders person*
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aroace-cat-lady · 10 months
Aroaces aren't playing for your team. Or the other one. Actually, you could say we don't even like sports.
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nightndaydreaming · 2 months
Call me a polyamorous aroace cause I’m fucking around with me, myself, and I
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steepwysdom · 3 months
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How it went for me
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starofthelake · 2 years
Alloromantics: My gosh, how do you carry yourself so confidently? What's your secret?
Me, an aroace, leans forward and whispers: My arrogance. I've aced it ;)
*proceeds to walk away with no explanation*
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Student: Just pretend you are interested, are you more attracted by personality or looks?
Me: *beat of aroace confusion* Personality?
Student: Ms. M, really? That's weird
Me: I did tell you that you were asking the wrong person
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kinger-king-of-ers · 2 years
Luffy likes his women like his vegetables
Given to someone else 🤣
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undercoveraroace · 2 years
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Lin spittin
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theoneandonlyailat · 1 year
a work comedy about two bartenders always complaining about customers/friends/sex life and the whole time it feels like they’re about to fall in love but they just never do, call that aromantic bitters
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rottingwithers · 1 month
No, you misunderstood. When I said I can’t feel romantic or sexual attraction I wasn’t complaining, I was bragging.
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theaceofarrows · 3 months
It's always: "Do you like boys? or girls?"
And never: "Do you like piña coladas? or getting caught in the rain?"
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acexualien · 7 months
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stabbydragon · 9 months
I should start saying "no allo" when commenting that someone looks good like how guys say "no homo"
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