#ariana guerra
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bbnosrph · 19 days ago
PUBLIC COMMISSION: By clicking the source link, you will find 200 gifs of Ariana Guerra as ‘Serena Chavez’ in CSI:Vegas. All gifs were made by me. You may use them at your own discretion but please do not include them in other gif packs or claim them as your own.
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heatherfield · 10 months ago
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Sabrina! Sabrina can help you.
Sarah Grace Hart in CSI: Vegas, 3.05 "It Was Automation"
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mattlauria · 9 months ago
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Joel Johnstone shared some CSI: Vegas set pics on instagram, this one is from season 2 episode 13.
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chrisnaustin · 2 months ago
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If only I were she!
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blogdorogerinho · 5 months ago
Críticas  —  Guerra sem Regras (2024), O Agente da U.N.C.L.E (2015), Argylle — O Superespião (2024), Despertar de um Pesadelo (1996)
A outra face de James Bond Para se tornar o pai de James Bond o escritor Ian Fleming ao lado do primo Christopher Lee, conhecido como o Homem com a Pistola de Ouro, coordenaram um esquadrão de elite fundado pelo primeiro ministro britânico Winston Churchill, os quais fomentaram a criação dos Seals americanos como a entrada do país na Segunda Guerra a partir de 1941. O tremendo sucesso daquela…
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kaos-literario · 10 months ago
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Cartas a mi antiguo amor.
Todavía recuerdo esa vez que discutimos, era agosto, el frio seguía viviendo en nuestros corazones y la ausencia de nuestra presencia comenzaba a picarnos los ojos. Yo un poco más madura, a penas diecisiete pero sabia a donde quería llegar contigo y tu... tu unos cuentos más. Estaba segura que eras el amor de mi vida, pero esa pelea fue nuestro final y es que agosto fue cruel con nosotras... el te había pedido matrimonio y yo te pedí que me dejaras marchar. Luego te enteraste, supiste que andaba jugando de enamorada con alguien más... que había encontrado un chico que parecía ser diferente a los demás y aunque no me diste tiempo de explicar que solo éramos amigos, no te importo sobre pasar todos los limites de la cordura. Te encantaba la historia por las guerras, estabas queriendo formar la tercera y yo no me había postulado para semejante acto de suicidio. En ese tiempo, existían dos cosas que no podía hacer, la primera era faltar a clases los martes y la segunda, provocar tu enojo, eso era el verdadero caos. Por eso quizás ahora cada que me enojo necesito respirar, porque dejaste un poco de ti en mi... y esa vez que discutimos, agosto estaba tan frio. Me empujaste y no solo hablo del físico, hablo en lo emocional, me tomaste del cabello y me obligaste a ver al cielo llorar... tan ariana, tan pisciana, tan dramática y desnivelada. Todavía recuerdo esa discusión, porque tenias una cicatriz detrás de la oreja y yo una en la espalda, mis manos tiraron a defenderse, pero nunca había peleado... incluso en esa situación no estaba peleando. Me defendí, a gritos, patadas, palabras mal aprendidas y lagrimas que cortaban cualquier intento de pedir parar... entonces me empujaste. Lo hiciste con tanto enojo, como si mi cercanía te ardiera la respiración y cuando ya estaba contra la puerta, empujaste un poco más. Todavía la recuerdo, porque cada tanto me late la sensación, cada tanto me sangra el corazón y te recuerdo arrepentida, pidiéndome a gritos perdón.
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cantsayidont · 2 months ago
Teevee shows:
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BLACK DOVES (2024): Keira Knightley attempts unsuccessfully to renew her action star credentials with this violent, very uneven Netflix miniseries from Joe Barton (creator of THE LAZARUS PROJECT). Knightley stars as 40-ish deep-cover spy Helen Webb, whose two little children and dull husband Wallace (Andrew Buchan), an up-and-coming Tory MP, have no idea of her real past, her real occupation (spying on Wallace for a shadowy espionage organization), or the fact that she's been having an affair with a man called Jason (Andrew Koji of WARRIOR, wasted), who's just been murdered. Ben Whishaw (looking like he's been scraped out of a lint trap) costars as Helen's friend Sam, a sardonic gay hitman who is supposed to be watching her back while coping with problems of his own. Set at Christmastime, BLACK DOVES has a weird streak of holiday sentimentality that sits uneasily with Barton's dry black humor (which is sometimes fun) and mean-spirited ghoulishness (which is not). Worse, Barton leaves Knightley flailing in a badly underwritten part that's completely overshadowed by both Sam and the supporting cast — there's never any reason to care about either of Helen's lives, and the script seems reluctant to take her motivations (protect her children, avenge her dead boyfriend) at all seriously. Unlike THE LAZARUS PROJECT, the more interesting character threads also feel divorced from the murky plot, which is convoluted and far-fetched, but short on imagination and never very interesting. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Several, with snotty assassins Williams (Ella Lily Hyland) and Eleanor (Gabrielle Creevy) the show's principal bright spots. VERDICT: Not so much "Ho Ho Ho" as "Oh ho hum," and I was dismayed by how disinterested it is in its ostensible lead. If you want "married mom is secretly a badass spy," try WHO IS ERIN CARTER, which is less gay, but more fun.
HELSTROM (2020): Muddled, dreary Hulu horror-drama based on D-list Marvel Comics characters Satana and Damian Hellstrom, Son of Satan, here known strictly as Daimon (Tom Austen) and Ana Helstrom (Sydney Lemmon). In the show, the adult siblings' now-institutionalized mother Victoria (Elizabeth Marvel) is possessed and their father is/was a demonic serial killer, so Daimon and Ana both have powers; Daimon, a college professor in Portland, has a sideline as a demon hunter and exorcist, while mean lesbian Ana is a trader in rare artifacts with a hobby of supernaturally assassinating rich assholes. A late holdover from the era before Marvel Studios TV projects became completely Mouseified, HELSTROM doesn't have the clammy deracinated theme-park blandness of the Disney+ shows, but it's still a wearisome slog. Daimon is boring, and I loathed his self-righteous noviate sidekick Gabriella (Ariana Guerra), but Ana's dead-eyed bitchiness, killer outfits, and silly haircut are kind of fun, at least in the early episodes. It might have worked better with an X-FILES/KOLCHAK-style monster-of-the-week format, but it fails to generate the atmosphere needed for a PG-13/TV-MA horror story, and the indecipherable plot bogs down in reactionary "redemptive power of family" horseshit. CONTAINS LESBIANS? The sole reason for watching, but while the show tells us that Ana is an inveterate womanizer, we never once see her kiss a girl! VERDICT: Ana Helstrom is great, but everything else is tedious and unappetizing. CWs apply for quasi-incest themes, medical torture, parental abuse, and an icky supernatural forced-pregnancy plot.
THE LINCOLN LAWYER (2022– ): Agreeable but very ordinary legal drama, based on the Michael Connelly novels, about L.A. defense attorney Mickey Haller (Manuel Garcia-Rulfo), trying to get back in the game after a stint in rehab and unexpectedly inheriting the clients of a colleague who's just been murdered. Becki Newton and Neve Campbell costar as Mickey's ex-wives, with Jazz Raycole as his client-turned driver Izzy, who chauffeurs Mickey around in a Lincoln SUV and acts as his sounding board, and occasional guest appearances by Elliott Gould. Created by David E. Kelley and Ted Humphrey, this is an utterly conventional lawyer show, with the usual contrivances and limitations (like recurring bouts of smug whorephobia), and even at his lowest moments, Mickey is much too affluent to really sell the "feisty underdog" shtick. Nonetheless, it's a well-polished formula, buoyed by Garcia-Rulfo's likeable lead performance, and it works better than the disappointing 2011 movie with Matthew McConaughey, although I wish that the show would allow more time for Mickey's smaller cases, which are more satisfying than the big case plots. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Izzy is gay, but it only comes up once or twice a season. VERDICT: Nothing special, but it goes down easily.
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noneun · 8 days ago
Il Fascismo e la superstizione esoterica
Il rapporto tra Nazismo e mondo dell'esoterismo è un tema ben conosciuto e che ha sempre suscitato molto interesse. Anche se non si può dire che l’ideologia nazista fosse un sistema esoterico a sé stante, alcuni dei suoi protagonisti – soprattutto nelle alte sfere delle SS – mostrarono un vivo interesse per il misticismo e la simbologia antica.
Forse il personaggio più emblematico in questo connubio tra potere nazista e misticismo è Heinrich Himmler, uno dei principali artefici del regime. Himmler nutriva una profonda passione per le leggende germaniche e per l’occulto. Fondò l’organizzazione Ahnenerbe (letteralmente Eredità Ancestrale), che aveva lo scopo di studiare e “dimostrare” l’esistenza di antichi legami tra il popolo tedesco e una mitica origine ariana. Una delle sue missioni fu la ricerca di antichi artefatti, come quello dell’Arca dell’Alleanza che ispirò, decenni dopo, il famoso film "I predatori dell'arca perduta" della saga di Indiana Jones.
Un altro aspetto interessante e molto conosciuto è l’uso della simbologia mistica. Il regime nazista adottò e rielaborò simboli antichi, come la svastica, che in realtà è un simbolo molto usato in diverse culture per rappresentare, ad esempio, la buona fortuna o il Sole. I nazisti la scelsero per dare l’idea di un potere ancestrale e misterioso, rendendola parte integrante della loro propaganda.
In pochi sanno, invece, la storia del legame fra il Fascismo e l'esoterismo. Benito Mussolini, a differenza di Hitler e Himmler, non mostrò un interesse esplicito per l’esoterismo, ma esistono racconti secondo cui si avvicinò alla pratica esoterica usata per ottenere informazioni sul futuro da fonti sovrannaturali, chiamata comunemente "divinazione". Dapprima si affidò alla divinazione "intuitiva", ovvero sulla rivelazione da parte di un'entità soprannaturale grazie all'intermediazione di un indovino. Si narra che Mussolini consultò almeno una volta la più famosa sensitiva dell'epoca: la bresciana Semiramide. E sembra che durante una seduta gli avesse predetto una morte violenta, tramite il colpo d'una pallottola.
Questa previsione avrebbe molto spaventato il Duce il quale, nonostante la sicumera che ostentava durante le sue apparizioni pubbliche, pare fosse sempre più divorato dai dubbi sul proprio futuro. E la previsione di Semiramide gliene infuse di nuovi.
Le inquietudini andarono peggiorando una volta entrato in guerra al fianco della Germania Nazista, i cui gerarchi, oltre a trascinarlo in un conflitto più grande di quanto il Regno d'Italia potesse gestire, lo influenzarono con ulteriori idee esoteriche.
Fino a portarlo ad avvicinarsi alla variante "induttiva" della divinazione, ovvero quella che si basa sull'interpretazione di segni da parte di un conoscitore dell'arte divinatoria che, non a caso, nell'antichità era chiamata addirittura "scienza".
In particolare si narra che alla fine del 1943, appena dopo la nascita della Repubblica di Salò, lo Stato fantoccio voluto da Adolf Hitler per amministrare i territori italiani occupati, lo stesso Mussolini che la governava fu assalito da ancor più forti dubbi e angosce riguardo il proprio futuro e quello della Nazione.
Si rivolse quindi a una cartomante esperta in Taromanzia, la divinazione tramite carte speciali: i famosissimi Tarocchi.
Benito scelse una cartomante meno rinomata di Semiramide, ma comunque conosciuta per l'incredibile accuratezza delle sue previsioni. Il suo nome, purtroppo, non si evince dalle carte e dai documenti dell'epoca. Fortunosamente però rimane, in alcune pagine poco conosciute scritte di proprio pugno dal Duce, un'accurata descrizione di quel pomeriggio esoterico.
Mussolini racconta che, appena entrato nello studio della cartomante, avvolto dalla penombra, percepì distintamente un forte odore di incenso. La cartomante, una donna anziana dal volto severo e una veste scura, chiese al Duce di sedersi, rilassarsi e di concentrarsi sulla domanda che avrebbe voluto rivolgere ai Tarocchi. Chiaramente pensò subito alle incertezze del conflitto bellico in corso e alla sua conclusione, che sperava ancora potesse essere gloriosa. Lei intanto prese a toccare le carte con le mani per sintonizzarsi sull'energia esoterica in esse contenuta. Poi chiese a Mussolini se preferisse la classica lettura Astrologica, usando 12 carte, ognuna associata a un segno zodiacale; oppure usando un particolare metodo di lettura chiamato a "Croce Celtica", che permette di analizzare in profondità il problema tramite la lettura di 10 carte in una disposizione analoga alla figura che le dà il nome; oppure il metodo a "Carta Singola", per una risposta immediata e meno prona a interpretazioni fallaci.
Nonostante Mussolini fosse attratto, per ovvi motivi, dal metodo a Croce Celtica, non lo scelse per quella lettura del futuro. E non scelse nemmeno la versione astrologica: non era appassionato di astrologia come suo genero, Galeazzo Ciano. Optò quindi per la Carta Singola, ispirato in questa scelta dal proprio temperamento risoluto e dal suo caratteristico decisionismo fulmineo.
La cartomante annuì e chiese a Mussolini di mescolare i Tarocchi lentamente, molto lentamente, per fare in modo che l'energia personale del Duce si trasferisse nel mazzo. Poi gli chiese di poggiare il mazzo al centro del tavolo, mostrandone il dorso, e di spezzarlo con la mano sinistra: la mano che simboleggia l'intuito. A questo punto la cartomante prese in mano il mazzo risultante e iniziò a prelevarne lentamente una carta alla volta, poggiandola di nuovo al centro del tavolo a formare un pila. E chiese al Duce di dirle quando fermarsi. L'ordine di alt sarebbe dovuto essere assolutamente perentorio.
Passate poche carte, l'ordine di fermarsi arrivò. La cartomante teneva la carta prescelta sollevata a pochi centimetri dalla pila, pronta a essere rovesciata e mostrata agli occhi attenti di Mussolini, desideroso di conoscere il futuro. Lo guardò negli occhi e chiese: "Siete pronto?".
Benito rispose in maniera affermativa, sforzandosi di dissimulare la tensione che gli stringeva la gola.
La tensione fu contagiosa. La mano della cartomante che teneva la carta tremava, e i brevi istanti che precedettero il movimento rotatorio sembravano non passare mai.
Poi, quasi d'improvviso, girò la carta:
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andreabaideas · 5 months ago
I wanna recast Camila's sister in my fic. Do you know if any actresses who could be related to her? I would use the original actress, but I think recasting would be easier.
Yes! I have actresses , and also models, I dont discriminate cause... you may never know if they can act...Camila Suki and Riley all started as models, and look at them, they're super good, they act they sing and they model.
Having said that...
Lets start:
Camila Mendes (1994) . Brasil.
Katya Martín (1994). Spain / EEUU
Mariel Molino (1992) has eyes heterochromia. México.
Ariana Guerra (1994) México
Alexa Demie (1990) EEUU with latín roots.
Rocío Crusset (1994) Spain
Dalianah Arekion (1996) Spain and Mauritius Island.
Milagros Piñeiro - she is argentinian and a victoria secret model (1996).
Tini (1997) - Argentina. I know you already used her, but she's like super talented? She can play many roles like Nina Dobrev on Vampire Diaries)
Thats It!
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bakusquad-headcanons · 2 years ago
The Bakusquads Music Taste
I was thinking about this on the bus awhile back before school vacation, and just now im deciding to share my thoughts!
I believe Bakugou would listen to hard rap. He works out a lot, so he probably listens to music that fits the vibe and gets him pumped y’know? HOWEVER, i also believe he listens to rock. the grittiest, edgiest, stuff. MCR, Get Scared, others with similar sounds. He doesn’t listen to pop, but some songs he likes (you’d have to catch him dead before he ever admitted it tho lol). I think he’d prefer masculine voices over feminine ones, but i think he could vibe to a female singer.
He doesn’t listen to anything sad, he doesn’t want his mood to drop. Like Bakugou, he listens to music that pumps him up. Unlike him tho, it isn’t hard rap. It’s songs like Hall of Fame, Believer, For the Glory, Fight Song, etc. He has a preference for masculine voices because MANLY. He doesn’t mind female singers tho.
Kaminari definitely listens pop. Songs about love and sex specifically. Bros trying to have his rizzlor dreams, yknow? Although, i do also believe he listens to alternative rock and other genres that i can’t think of the names rn lol. I’m thinking songs like Dear Maria Count Me In (All Time Low), Mr. Brightside (The Killers), Afraid (The Neighbourhood), Mr. Bigshot (Anarbor), etc. He likes both feminine and masculine voices
She 100% listens to pop and the such. Cardi B, Ariana Grande, Megan Thee Stallion, The Weeknd, Lil Nas X, Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Doja Cat, etc. Songs about being a girboss, things that hype up self-confidence, or just things that are really fun to dance to. Speaking of songs to dance to, she definitely listens to genres like hip-hop, dance, or really anything upbeat and danceable. prefers feminine voices over masculine, but is fine with either. 
Honestly, i think his playlists would be all over the place. You’d go from listening to Doja Cat, to Destiny’s Child, to Mother Mother, to Juan Luis Guerra, to KISS, and etc. I think his music would get so weird that eventually songs from Jack Stauber would show up. Bro is not restrained by any means, he will listen to anything he can hum to. He listens to any kind of voice, doesn’t matter to him.
honestly it would be pretty interesting to see yalls headcanons about this, so feel free to comment or something!
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ilpianistasultetto · 2 years ago
Io sono Giorgia, donna, mamma e cristiana. Tre sostantivi che oggi gridano vendetta di fronte alla tragedia dei migranti avvenuta sulle coste calabresi. Ma che razza di donna puo' essere una che non ha un briciolo di solidarieta' verso le donne che scappano da guerre e miseria? E che razza di mamma? Ma quale mamma lascerebbe morire annegati i propri figlioletti senza muovere un dito? Cristiana, poi, grida vendetta. Questa e' gente che si riempie la bocca con la cristianita' ma poi non la praticano mai. Non la pratica nella sua "non famiglia", non la pratica verso gli ultimi e verso tutti quelli che hanno bisogno. Questa e' gente che sa praticare solo il fascismo, dove conta solo la razza pura, che sia ariana o italica. Benevola con i potenti e per niente con gli ultimi e i diversi. Questo e' un governo che ha varato decreti pro guerra elargendo decine e decine di miliardi di euro, armi a volonta' e decreti contro le navi umanitarie, costi quel che costi, per risparmiare qualche milione di euro in accoglienza e oggi ha raccolto i suoi frutti: 150 morti, tra cui due gemellini e un neonato. Se Dio fa entrare certi governanti in Paradiso, allora Dio non esiste.
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almadesarrollo · 1 year ago
WISH "this Wish" SONG SPAIN VERSION WHAT IS THIS? WONDERFUL ¡Ole! ese acento( testimony of someone with roots in Andalusia and its surroundings).
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MUSIC IS SOMETHING CRUCIAL, and if you are going to do it from a period or at least from a country with a certain accent and tradition, it must have that, both in voice, sound, and instruments that accompany it.
With WISH I agree yes and no, so let's go in parts before addressing the topic of my main title, which is the wish song in Spanish version and its singer. On the one hand I agree with his music and his songs, it is SPECTACULAR WITH THE CASTANETS IN THE BACKGROUND, IT IS AMAZING and honestly it is very faithful to the time, culture and country it deals with. 3 songs have been released."this wish" (which is the main song)
welcome to de rosas (which amazes me, I've been singing it all the time hahaha)
and the song from the magnificent king, This Is The Thanks I Get?! (which I also love)
Now, although it is true that the villain's theme does not have that touch, like the other themes, it is good because the most important thing is the MAIN song, THE ONE THAT DEFINES, THE ONE THAT MARKS THE MAIN STORY and above all, the most important thing is the that OUR PROTAGONIST SINGS, is well done, but, or at least you can identify it, because it is approaching, but, but,here is the but, once again we return to Disney, it is Disney.
I say, so much effort that hundreds of GIRLS put into MOANA! quite a few according to DISNEY, DUDE, from people who were from Hawaii and its surroundings, and they came up with the perfect candidate, Auliʻi Cravalho.
FOR this, THE ACCENT IS SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE RESPECTED AND EVEN HIGHLIGHTED, And if not (well, if there are no resources) something that is close and you can recognize, because you are representing a COUNTRY or island with certain language, customs and culture. YOU CAN NOTICE IT IN THIS GIRL, WHICH IS WONDERFUL, WORK AND RESEARCH, ENCANTO THE SAME, WORK AND RESEARCH, COCO, MEXICAN CULTURE, MORE OF THE SAME. COULD YOU NOT DO THIS WITH WISH? Well no.
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The woman who dubs ASHA and sings is ARIANA DEBOSE,
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this woman sings SPECTACULAR, I think she IS even the winner of several awards, she is FROM NORTH CAROLINA, and has African American and Italian roots, but also from Puerto Rico due to her father . Now, I don't know where her mother is from, because she doesn't say it, but she is white.
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Look, I'll show you where she is from so you can see that there is no indiscrimination, she DOES NOT HAVE THE ACCENT THAT THESE PEOPLE AND THEIR SURROUNDINGS SHOULD HAVE, she does not have the MARKED ACCENT.
I'm not saying that it's not good, it certainly is, but it is not suitable for singing this type of songs with that accent and culture, since they have a characteristic accent. Yeah? Well, there will be people who will say that I am bad, racist, etc..., when it is not done well, it is not done well and it does not matter where you are, IT DOESN'T HAVE THE ACCENT, THEREFORE IT IS NOT WELL REPRESENTED, BUT I DON'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT NOTHING AT ALL, Couldn't they choose someone with an Andalusian or Córdoba accent? By the way, THE MOSQUE OF CORDOBA IS WHAT THEY HAVE BASED ON TO BE PART OF THE ARCHITECTURE OF ROSAS, SO WITH MORE REASON, WOULD YOU LIKE? to someone who does speak and pronounce Spanish well but DOES NOT HAVE A REALLY MARKED ACCENT? Well, they will still say that I am cruel, racist and blah blah blah.
"She has been the winner of OT, a very good singing competition in Spain, something similar to GOT TALENT"
Listen to how this woman sings, THE STRONG ACCENT SHE HAS, IT'S A SHAME THAT SHE DOESN'T DUBBLE, BECAUSE IF THE ONE WHO DUBBED ASHA IN SPAIN WAS HER, IT WOULD BE PERFECT, but that's not the case, since in Spain, the theme of dubbing does not work like in the UNITED STATES.
Now, I don't know if she is going to sing all the songs that Asha sings, and I was thinking about the song at the beginning, Welcome to Rosas. You have seen how Asha dances, the turns she does, that way of dancing she has, That is so typical of those regions but with this voice it would simply be the perfect mix, imagine for a moment the Welcome to Rosa song with this voice and you will feel like dancing and playing castanets, that IS quite representative of SPAIN, ANDALUSIA , AND ALL ITS NEAREST REGIONS, but I don't know if it will be like that in the end (we'll see as more trailers for the movie come out in Spain)
"Here you can hear when he speaks what accent he has, you don't need to understand anything if you don't know Spanish, just listen"
WAS IT SO DIFFICULT? I TOLD YOU, IN SPAIN, ANDALUSIA AND GRAN CANARIAS WE HAVE INCREDIBLE VOICES, but not Disney, I chose that woman because she is from the roots that she is, convenience, they have not had respect, what do you want me to tell you (it is not enough to just speak fluent Spanish, It is more than that because the Spanish of Colombia is not the same as that spoken in Córdoba or Mexico, all of this is defined by the accent)
I mean, this is for me the most faithful thing to what Disney is TRYING TO REPRESENT with this movie after the customs, the songs and OF COURSE SCULPTURE AND ARCHITECTURE.
The lack of respect towards the people of this country, islands and its surroundings.
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I'm almost sure that then people will come and say:
"boo, you don't love Ariana or ASHA", "you're a racist", "it doesn't matter if it's Disney", "it's fantasy" "why do you care so much?" "black people deserve prominence" "YOU DON'T LIKE BLACK PEOPLE" etc. etc etc
Well, look, it matters for two reasons, 1 I am part of THAT REGION AND 2 because they themselves (Disney) have said location, era and they have not respected that, they have made a mix and have added what suited them, I have roots in Andalusia , and I have been living there for a short time, this is not bad. IT IS FATAL and (and I am being very soft, because there are people who have been born and raised in these regions all their lives and don't you see, everything is terrible, I at least see the certain inspiration in the music to save something haha) I think that The people of these regions are taking it very calmly, because I have seen shit of this type or even worse, and the people of those regions see us, imagine if it were the other way around in, for example, Africa or New Orleans, ahh !! Be careful, right? to defend that to the death, then how about they make a history of the people who criticize us and change them and their race or ethnicity? What about that? Not annoying, but criticizing us, right? We are bad, we are racist... I believe that if you are from a certain place, no matter how much fantasy you have wanted to be represented well, there is no study or research here.
That's fine!!, with the lack of respect towards our person, which is that I have taught this to people from Morocco and others and the first thing they thought is: is she Afro-Latin? They haven't even said that she is African-American, so you can see the mess there is, after telling them the truth they have freaked out, because not even by feature, in nose, mouth... and dubbing let's not even talk about it and what can you tell me about Dhalia , pufff my mother.
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Dhalia, Asha's friend, has an air of Chinese or at least Asian culture. ASIA SINCE WHEN?! Because I understand that there is a mix, but not ALL CULTURES ARE THERE, HISTORICALLY THE ASIAN SHOULD NOT BE, of course! "As it is a tribute to Disney movies, well of course we have to put the Asian one in because let's remember that there are movies from that culture, Raya, Mulan, Big Hero 6 etc...and along the way we add diversity, and with that we justify it", AJJA It's enough for Disney, well then, don't take culture, aesthetics inspired by such, don't locate the history, don't say that Asha from Al-Andalus (name given by the Muslims to the Iberian Peninsula, Muslims!!) Make it all up, you know, either ONE or THE OTHER, we can both because then historical inconsistencies like this occur, which is that today I remember being in Cádiz and not seeing a single Asian, and this is today! !, Disney does not care about Spain, nor its culture, nor its history, it is a reality.
Now it will turn out that an American or someone from the United States or from other places who IS NOT FROM THE IBERIAN PENINSULA, will know more than a Spaniard or Moroccan or someone from Jaén or Córdoba, who were born and raised there! and they have ancestors from those places!! oh really? HOW PEOPLE GO.
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Thanks for reading, a hug and see you.
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mattlauria · 9 months ago
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Lex Medlin posted this picture from the set of episode 3x09 (?) on his instagram
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chrisnaustin · 3 months ago
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If only I were she!
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thaywrites · 7 months ago
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welcome, dear mutuals & followers. i am thay, twenty-five year old from brazil and i go by she/her pronous. i'm a gifmaker and i also accept commissions so if you're ever in the search of more gifs for your favorite fcs, check out my links below. this is a sideblog  — all follows will come from @ptvlemaea !! currently tracking #thaywrites  — mutuals & non-mutuals are open to tag me.
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ariana guerra in csi: las vegas ( public commission )
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terrance zdunich ( grave-robber ) in repo! the genetic opera
jensen ackles in my bloody valentine
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gonzalo-obes · 9 months ago
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Día Internacional de la Diversidad Biológica, Día Internacional del Síndrome 22q11, Día Mundial del Pac-Man, Día Mundial del Gótico, Semana Internacional de la Educación Artística, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Quiteria, Santa Rosana, San Aitor, Santa Humiliana, Santa Rita de Casia y Santa Doménica.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2020
Se estrella justo antes de aterrizar el Vuelo 8303 de Pakistan International Airlines, un Airbus A320. Mueren 98 personas (1 en tierra), y sobreviven 2 pasajeros.
Se produce un atentado al terminar un concierto de Ariana Grande en Mánchester (Reino Unido), reivindicado por el Estado Islámico (ISIS), que causa 22 muertos y 59 heridos.
Se celebra la boda real del Príncipe de Asturias Felipe de Borbón y Grecia, hoy Rey de España, con Doña Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, en Madrid (España).
Tras 150 años de separación de hecho se unen los dos Yemen (del Norte y del Sur) formando la República de Yemen. Poco después, la inestabilidad económica situará al nuevo país al borde del colapso y en 1994 una guerra civil disolverá temporalmente la unión. Las elecciones libres volverán al país en 1997. (Hace 34 años)
Llega a Moscú Richard M. Nixon para realizar la primera visita de un presidente de EE.UU. a la Unión Soviética. (Hace 52 años)
En sus ensayos para la misión del Apolo XI que alunizará en julio, la NASA lanzó el pasado 18 de mayo la misión del Apolo X con el fin de continuar con las pruebas preliminares. Por eso, en este día, Thomas Stafford y Eugene Cernan, que orbitan nuestro satélite entran en el Módulo Lunar y lo separan del Módulo de Mando, en el que se queda John W. Young, para colocarlo en órbita lunar elíptica de baja altura, cuyo punto de aproximación máxima se situa a tan sólo 8,9 kilómetros de la superficie de nuestro satélite, siendo los primeros seres humanos que se acercan tanto a él. Se toman multitud de fotos de las posibles zonas de alunizaje. Todos los sistemas del Módulo Lunar se prueban durante la separación: comunicaciones, propulsión, control de balanceo, cabeceo, radar, etc. El Módulo Lunar y Módulo de Mando se volverán a reencontrar 8 horas después de la separación, ya el 23 de mayo. Todo funcionará a la perfección y se darán treinta y una órbitas lunares. La misión concluirá con el amerizaje en el Oceáno Pacífico de la cápsula el día 26 de mayo, tras 192 horas, 3 minutos y 23 segundos de vuelo. (Hace 55 años)
En la cercanías de Valdivia, Chile, tiene lugar el terremoto más poderoso jamás registrado con una magnitud de 9,5 en la escala de Richter, dejando un balance de más de 2.000 personas muertas, 3.000 heridos y unos 2 millones de personas sin hogar. El poderoso tsunami resultante causará enormes daños y cerca de 200 muertes a miles de kilómetros de distancia, en Hawai, Japón y la costa oeste de EE.UU. (Hace 64 años)
En Berlín (Alemania), los ministros de relaciones exteriores de Italia y Alemania firman el Pacto de Acero, una alianza política y militar entre ambos países de ideología fascista. (Hace 85 años)
El rey Cristian IV de Dinamarca, para poder continuar manteniendo el control en su país, se ve obligado a firmar la paz de Lubeck con el emperador del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico Fernando II, poniendo fin al apoyo otorgado a los protestantes alemanes y a la participación danesa en la Guerra de los Treinta Años. (Hace 395 años)
En Hertfordshire, Inglaterra, tiene lugar la primera batalla de San Albano, cuando Ricardo, duque de York, junto a su aliado, Ricardo Neville, conde de Warwick, derrotan a las tropas de la casa de Lancaster, dirigidas por Edmundo Beaufort, duque de Somerset, que muere durante la batalla. Al finalizar el combate, Ricardo de York captura al rey Enrique VI, haciéndose nombrar Lord Protector del Reino de Inglaterra. Con esta batalla se da inicio a las Guerras de las "Dos Rosas", guerra intestina entre las dos ramas de la dinastía Plantagenet (Lancaster y York) por la sucesión al trono de Inglaterra, tras ser expulsados los ingleses de Francia. Esta guerra civil fraticida se prolongará hasta 1485 y su nombre viene de los respectivos emblemas heráldicos: la rosa blanca de la casa de York y la rosa roja de la casa de Lancaster. (Hace 569 años)
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